HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-11 117 i PUBLIC HEARING October 11 , 1983 Proposed Use Hearing Federal Revenue Sharing Minutes of the public hearing at 7 : 30PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the proposed use hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing money . The amount to be discussed is . $ 68 , 000 . 00 QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS Clm Metzger and Clm Evans would like to see45 , 000 . 00 from the Federal Revenue Sharing money be allocated to the Gababout Bus service . , . LI rilk Closed public hearing 7 : 40PM U TOWN BOARD MEETING October 11 , 1983 Minutes of the Town Board meeting held on Oct . 11th . ' Supv( Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 40PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Metzger , Clm Evans , Clm Webb , Atty Perkins and Z . O . Stewart Absent : Clm Jordan Approval of the minutes : Motion was made by Clm Metzger and Clm Evans that the minutes of the board meeting held on Sept 13th be approved as submitted . Supt/ Cotterill appointed Clm Evans to audit the highway bills . COUNTY BREIFING - Absent r CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR ; z Mn Don- Rose , 1 Kimberly Dr . - he had spoken with Supv Cotterill and Clm Webb ' H and had mentioned their concern over the zoning ordinance not being strict enough.. Things have occurred there that have pointed this out very strongly , , and they feel , that it needs to be corrected . He realizes that somethings that if they did change were more , restrictive , and somethings could remain the same . Hopefully , some of the problems will move away . They want to make sure that they ate not duplicated with a new resident in the area . He has spoken with Barbara Caldwell and she has put us on the agenda for their meeting on Oct - 20th . Because of the concerns that we have had , his neighbor Mrs McCormick has done a lot of • ground work and investigating . She has a petition to get some of the zoning changed . '- Mrs McCormick has also made a proposal and has it written up . People in the area have signed the petition regarding this change . He felt that the changes seem to be acceptable , and they do not want to force this on anyone else and they want this understood . They are talking about the Lake Road and Kimberly Drive area which are the people effected , not the whole RB zone to be changed . They are talking of smaller , more restrictive areas . He spoke with Barbara on this matter and she is willing to get involved and spend some time on this . Mrs Sue McCormick , 3 Kimberly Drive - gave all . of the board members a copy of the proposed zoning change and a copy of the petition for them to study and make a decision . There was some discussion . DoncRose - according to Barbara , she felt that it would be apropos that this be presented to the Town Board first . .1 Supv Cotterill and the board members felt that it should be turned over to the Planning Board for them to study and make a decision . 14 Don Rose - Barbara felt that the Planning Board and ZBOA should get together and make several recommendations in the zoning , not just this particular area . Supv Cotterill felt that if there were going to be any changes made they should all be done at one time . TOWN CLERK Working on town directory and the dog enumeration is finally completed . ZONING OFFICER 24 building permits for the month of September . 5 one- family dwellings ; 3 mobile homes (2 new and 1 is a replacement ) ; 7 additions to homes ; 5 garages ; 2 'storage buildings ; • 17 / RESOLUTION # 130 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ( Cortland Rd Sewer District ) Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authroize the Supv to advance $ 500 . 00 from General Fund to Capital Projects Fund ( Cortland Road Sewer District ) 2nd Clm Jordan Roll call vote - all voting YEs There was discussion about an illegal hook-up of water in Varna . Clm Metzger recommended that the Town of Dryden start from the first day that the meter was installed for the new owner of the property , even though someone had tapped in illegally before . • RESOLTUION # 131 CHARGE NEW OWNER FROM DATE OF INSTALLATION OF WATER METER - Bolton Point Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board proceed to charge the new owner from the date that he had the meter installed . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 132 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 133 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Jordan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES NEW BUSINESS • Schedule work session for budget on Sept 27th Schedule proposed use hearing for FRS funds on October 11th Adjourned : 9 : 00 PM dia....daerunc, Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk • • 0 • • • / 75 1 barn ; and 1 addition to the veterinary hospital . ZBOA held 2 hearings - 1- 1150 Dryden Rd . for a garage that would be to close to the road and this was granted . 2- 2222 Dryden Rd . for an addition for Mr Ellis . This was also granted . Reported that he had turned a couple of violations concerning junk cars over to the court and he hasn ' t received any report on them yet . HIGHWAY . Hwy Supt Humphrey reported that he had met with Bill Mobbs and went over the state inspection on the Lewis Street bridge and they have it rated # 3 on a list from 1 to 10 and 10 is best . . Mr Mobbs recommended that it be replaced or do major repair work on the bridge in 1 or 2 years . They went over some figures and to replace the bridge would cost between $ 50 , 000 to $ 80 , 000 and to do the major repair work would cost between $ 40 , 000 to $ 50 , 000 . So major repair work would almost be out because in the long run it would be better to replace the bridge . CORRESPONDENCE Ambulance report Letter from Roger Lampila resigning from the IDA research committee . Letter from Cooperative Extension requesting a lower speed limit on Lower Creek Rd from Rt 13 to Wood Rd to 35 MPH . RESOLUTION # 134 REQUEST FOR LOWER SPEED LIMIT ON LOWER CREEK ROAD TO 35MPH from ROUTE 13 to WOOD RD . Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the petition from the residents on Lower Creek Rd and request the Dept of Transportation to investigate and recommend that the speed limit from Route # 13 to Wood Rd be lowered to 35 MPH . 2nd Clm Metzger Carried RESOLUTION # 135 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM A1990 . 4 ( Contingency ) , B1990 . 4 ( Contingency ) to A1110 . 84 , A1111 . 84 , A1410 . 84 , A1430 . 84 , A5010 . 84 and B8010 . 4 Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 52 . 20 from A1990 . 4 ( contingency ) and $ 6 . 00 from B1990 . 4 ( contingency ) to the following accounts for disability increase : A1110 . 84 - $ 11 . 40 , A1111 . 84 - $ 11 . 40 , A1410 . 84 - $ 11 . 40 , A1430 . 84 - $ 11 . 40 , A5010 . 84 - $ 6 . 60 and B8010 . 84 - $ 6 . 00 2nd Clip Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 136 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM EQUIPMENT A1111 . 20 TO CONTRACTUAL A1111 . 40 Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 79 . 25 from Sweetland equipment A1111 . 20 to Sweetland contractual A1111 . 40 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 137 APPROVE THE PROJECT. APPLICATION AND BUDGET OF THE DRYDEN RECREATION PROGRAM FOR 1984 Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the project application and budget of the Town of Dryden Recreation program for 1984 . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 138 ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the Preliminary budget be adopted iby this Town Board and placed in the Clerk ' s office for viewing by the public . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES Justice reports - Judge Sweetland - $ 4720 . 00 Judge Newhart - $ 1257 . 00 FINANCIAL REPORTS REVENUES EXPENSES General Fund A $ 26966 . 53 $ 16185 . 48 General Fund B $ 20748 . 85 1315 . 78 Fire Protection District 405 . 58 - 0 - Federal Revenue Sharing 151 . 15 5693 . 68 Capital : '_Project Fund (.CRS ) - 0 - 2 . 47 Highway 23334 . 59 105640 . 33 91/ RESOLUTION # 139 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 140 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , thalt the highway fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES NEW BUSINESS Schedule budglet hearings and public hearings - Oct . 25th 7 : 15PM Schedule date for November Board meeting - Nov 7th at 7 : 30PM Adjourned : 8 : 25PM / , ,, Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk I// 1 1: 175; PUBLIC HEARING # 1 . October 25 , 1983 Special Permit - Charles Johns - 933 Dryden Rd Car Rental Service Minutes of public hearing # 1 commencing at 7 : 30PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application of Charles Johns of 933 Dryden Rd for a special permit to have a car rental service at that address . QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS Chuck Johns - they are already running a service station at this address and the only thing that he would be doing with the rental service would be parking a. few cars . Hopefully , they will be on the road most of the time . If they are not he will have to sell them . They plan to keep a very clean operation like they have been doing previously . He has spoken with his neighbors and nobody ' saw any problem at all . Closed public hearing # 1 7 : 20PM PUBLIC HEARING # 2 October 25 , 1983 Special Permit - James Iacovelli - Multiple residence at 482 Sheldon Rd . Freeville Minutes of public hearing # 2 7 : 20PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application of James Iacovelli :. of 148 Kendall Ave Ithaca for a special permit to have a multiple residence at 482 Sheldon Rd . , Freeville . QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS There was a question as to the correct date of the hearing that was published in the newspaper as to whether it was published for Oct 19th or Oct 25th . If it was published for Oct 19th another public hearing will have to be held . Mr Iacovelli - they are just trying to fix up the property to make a decent place . When they bought the property it was pretty fallen down . It will have 12 units in the one building . Supv Cotterill - has the Health Dept been contacted yet ? Mr Iacovelli - they are working on that right now . They have our approved drawings and there have been some test borings done and they will design a system for the property . Supv Cotterill - the board cannot issue any permits without first Health Dept approval of some ' designed septic system . Mr Fabron left a detailed map with the board members . Mrs Louisa Oltz Jr - they live right next door and they are worried about the septic system as to where they were going to put it , because they just got their permit from the Health Dept . They have almost 3 acres of land and it has taken them 3 years to get their permit because they said that they didn ' t have enough land . Closed public hearing # 2 7 : 30PM PUBLIC HEARING # 3 • October 25 , 1983 Special Permit - Darrell Rademacher - Office Space for light manufacturing and assembly at the Corner of Rt 13 & Yellow Barn Rd . Minutes of public hearing # 3 7 : 30PM r 111/ Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application of Darrell Rademacher , President of XCP Inc for a special permit to construct a building to be used for office space , light manufacturing and assembly at the corner of Rt 13 and Yellow Barn Rd . QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS Mr Paul Costantini . , 33 Yellow Barn Rd - wanted to state his • concerns . At 18 , 000 sq ft building will house 100 to 200 people in an office /manufacturing environment and wondered where the additional parking lot would be placed ? Mr Rademacher - they are looking to build a manufacturing facility of light assembly and manufacture small electrical components on the property located on the corner of Rt 13 and Yellow Barn Rd . The building would be 18 , 000 sq ft . He employees 35 people 1 196 now and hopefully they will add 15 within the course of a year . Jack Harding , 55 Yellow Barn Rd . - wanted to know where the driveway was going to be_ located - from the parking lot ? Mr Rademacher - it will come off Yellow Barn Rd . Mr Costantini - Tompkins County does need jobs and we do need business , but what attracts people to live in Tomp Co is the beauty and visual harmony- - apparent to all . The prob1:e.Ln is to have an orderly development and to provide jobs consistant with preserving the environment and not impacting on ones neighbors . One solution is . to put factories where :: they belong . With the service that they need water , sewer , traffic , fire protection are in place . There are industrial parks in Tomp . Co . , and that is where they belong: When you put a factory adjacent to one of the prime residential areas in Tomp Co you send a message . The message is anything goes in Dryden lets get the quick buck . But , this building will be there for our life time . If it is built in cannot be undone . I am one of 2 principle . owners of an electronics company that employees 50 people and they recently built a 15 , 000 sq ft plant . We felt country land would be cheaper , but all things considered morally and economic we put our plant in an industrial park . - — -- Board of Zoning 33 Yellow Barn Road Town of Dryden � l?reeville , New York 13068 Dryden , New York 13053 October 2. 1 , 1983 • Gentlemen : I have recently been informed of a plan by XCP to build an office and factory of 18 , 000 square feet at the corner of Yellow Barn Road and Route 13 . I would like to state some of my concerns . 1 . An 18 , 000 square foot building will usually house 100 - 200 people in an office /manufacturing environment . Where will the additional parking lot be placed when it becomes necessary ? 2 .. A ligh manufacturing building generates much truck traffic including 55 foot semis . Although the goods shipped and received may be small the coiinmon carrier trucking companies use large trucks . How will this effect the safety of the many small children of our development ? 3 . How will water be provided for such a large building ? 4 . How will sewage disposal be accomplished ? The ground at this site is low lying and has standing water a good part of the year . The adjacent development has had many failed septic systems due to poor drainage . Will we be subject to the problems associated with disposing waste for 100 people or more ? . • -5 . What about fire protection ? Without hydrants fire insurance on such a building will be very high . The only economically feasable plan is a sprinkler system with a water cower . Does the plan - include a water tower , or will you be asked in the future to approve one so as not to ' cause economic hardship to the owner ? Most of my neighbors and myself , bought their property with the understanding it was zoned agricultur. a. l / residential . When I bought my property I consulted maps on file at the County Clerk ' s office . The property in question was subdivided into individual building lots suitable for housing onliy . I .f this special permit. is granted to XCP , I believe that there wily be a breach of faith between the Town of Dryden and the residents ' of our development . • Respectfully , . n - Paul Costantini P . S . I do' understand some of the problems local businessmen have . I am one of the principle owners of a light manufacturing company , which recently built. a 15 , 000 square foot factory . We put our. building where it belongs , in an industrial park . I think it: is time for all business people to respect their neighbors and the. environment and do the same as we did even though they cost may .be increased .. There is plenty of industrial zoned land available in Tompki is Cou:zty . "117 Henry Host- Steen , 448 Ferguson Rd . - he was wondering , since this is the second hearing that he has been concerned about before this board if you would explain just what the nature of a special permit is ? What is required for an exception to something that is zoned ? The last hearing that he was concerned about was the building of an apartment house in an area that was zoned residential , and the special permit procedure seemed to be more of a routine approval that any kind o f a special permit hearing . You request a special permit you get a special permit . He is somewhat concerned when he sees a sign on the property that says future home o f a light manufacturing facility before a special permit has been issued . He is concerned that someone would make an investment in land , perhaps to build such a manufacturing facility when no special permit has been issued . It appears that the board is going through some kind of a sham proceeding and is not listening to the citizens in regard to these requests for special permits and to ahead and just rubber stamp when ever a request is made . This seems to go against the nature of the ordinance , which requires a special permit , meaning is something different . If the board could explain what a special permit is ? * Atty Perkins - the proposed use of this zone is a use which is specifically allowed by a. special permit . The reason for the special permit process is to determine what potential problems might exist and for the board to consider all o f the problems , ;;.all of the-testimony , all of the environmental impact studies and attach whatever conditions the board feels necessary it deems to grant the special permit . This applicant will have to comply with the State Environmental Review Act . They have filed a short environment _ .assessment form . Atty Perkins asked Mr Rademacher to file the standard form which the board has before them tonight . This form will help to make the determination based upon the testimony , the evidence and concerns expressed here tonight . The . SEQR environment assessment ✓ eport shown here and the whole knowledge of the area of the proposed use as to whether or not this is a significant action or not and if so whether or not an • environmental impact statement will have to be submitted by the applicant . The board has the duty to conduct the hearing take the testimony and then make a decision based upon all of the factors we hear tonight . There certainly is no rubber stamp . The board certainly has no control about what anybody puts up on a sign and would ask him to check the zoning ordinance and see when it was adopted . This was an allowed use by a special permit since the first days of zoning . This was before any of the houses were built in the Yellow Barn ' Rd area . - Mr Costantini _ - the way he reads the ordinance , a certification from the Health Dept should be presented at the time of application and wanted to know if that was available ? . Z . O . Stewart - the permit will not be issued until they do have the permit . Mr Costantini - he would like to see the Health Dept approval , because that is part of what should be considered / If they are going to have a tank or holding tank or are we going to be subjected to obnoxious fumes . We would like to know . Mr Rademacher - I have 28 acres that border all along the back of the houses on Yellow Barn Rd up to Ferguson Rd . Mr Costantini - what are the plans for the septic system ? Mr Rademacher - an approved system approved by the Health Dept . They have no toxic wastes or chemicals , this is electronics strictly for components . The number of gallons that they would use would be . 700 to the maximum of . 1000 gallons . He has checked with , the Health Dept and he meets with their criteria . They have dug the test holes and perk tests . Atty Perkins - the board is only considering the application with respect to the 550 ft by 400 ft parcel , so any reference to the 28 acres is not put before the board tonight . Mr Rademacher - the parcel he has bought is in a RD zone where there is no • agriculture , or residential , this is only land that is zoned commercial on Rt 13 . Supv Cotterill - has there been any indication where they would design the septic system ? Mr Rademacher - it has to go between the building and the state highway . Rt 13 . Mr Costantini - how about trucks ? How will they get in and out of the property ? Mr Rademacher - The commercial driveway off Rt 13 . Mr Costantini - you will have an entrance off Rt 13 ? Mr Rademacher - on Rt 13 it has to go through the state and this will take time . 2 entrances that they are looking at are for our own parking lot off Yellow Barn Rd . and the parking lot would be southerly with adequate parking for the employees . Their quitting time is 3 : 30PM so there will not be the traffic congestion . Mr Costantini - I think your plans are for more than 50 people working there . / 7 / •-Mr Rademacher - right now we are utilizing 3 buildings and it is to hard to work . We have an 84010 sq ft; building , another building of 2500 sq ft and another building with 10 , 000 plus 2500 sq ft in the main building . Our major problems are parking and trying to run a manufacturing facility in 3 different locations . The building is designed toward the front of the parcel , we are not talking about the back 23 acres where it is zoned agriculture . It is strictly the commercial portion of the property . Mr Costantini • will his permit wait until he gets state approval for entrance onto Rt 13 for thettruck entrance . ? Atty Perkins - it appears that NYSDOT is an involved agency , they will be notified of this application within the rules and regulations of the SEQR review . It also appears that Tomp Co Health Dept is an involved agency and they will also be notified . This is an unlisted action on the SEQR Act and as such , this board has to make a determination as to whether or not there is a Significant environmental impact or not . The procedure that follows will be based upon that determination with our criteria set ' forth with our rules and • regulations that this board reviews . Mr Costantini - - do you have plans for fire protection or will you have a water ': towet ? Mr Rademacher - we will have our own sprinkler system within the building backed up with our own water system . Mr Costantini- - which means a water tower ? Mr Rademacher - why would I need a water tower ? Mr Costantini - where are you going to get the pressure with a sprinkler system? Mr Rademacher - within 250 feet there is a huge pond : " Mr Costantini - do you own that pond ? Mr Rademacher - no , I would have no reason to connect to the pond . If a fire engine came with their water , I feel there would be no reason for the owner to deny you the rater in the ' pond . There was some discussion . Mr Costantini - the board should take into consideration about a water tower being built: . . • Atty Perkins - would also like to know if he was planning on having a water tower ? Mr Costantini - . i.t : .is . a: :que'stion from myself and my neighbors because they might / . t - want to comment on the fact if you have a . water tower and also for the board , which. I believe they have. concern about what Dryden will look like . Mr Rademacher - we haven ' t any provisions for a water tower . Atty Perkins - it is going to be a single story building and no . other out buildings ? • Mr Rademacher -. that is correct . Mr Ed Irish is his contractor and can answer some of these questions . Supv Cotterill - where will this water be coming from and ' the number of , gallons required for this type of building ? - Mr Rademacher - the Health Dept has asked him how many gallons he will need . The system came up to a few gallons percminute which is . very samll . We will have our own well . If he is so granted the permit , he will drill a well there and test the water to have an ample supply there . • Mr Irish - he would assume that they would not have a sprinkler system . Mr Costantini - . then my question to the board is if you approve this building based on all of the other things and he comes back and askes for a water tower are you going to be likely to approve that because at some future point it is not economical without it ? That is hard to think about now , but please think about it for the future . If you have a light manufacturing building at 15 , 000 sq ft you can ' t afford the fire insurance on that type of building . There are people that might claim later economic hardship , which means a water tower in this location . He would like to remind the board that 18 , 000 sq . ft light manufacturing office is not for 50 people , but for 100 to 150 people and that is the kind of traffic that we will be faced with . Mr Irish - Mr Rademacher has indicated to him 50 people and we have designed the building for that number , for bathrooms , working spaces and office space . There was some discussion . Mr Rademacher - if expansion was required it would be in an easterly direction . • i i 7 7 Robert 0 . Dingman Consulting Engineer ROBERT O . DINGMA >' 4 Thresher Place _ (607 ) . � � -�TO '¢ Freerille . NY 13068 � 4tr G E S / Tfreal•AfPace e/ Leo.. f . t % c 4( an A4 , A' 4 0, e I arae/ ` lre/ y /hK' P ' / / id( .-1 yy. o �' .dames . • �..e &. �. tee, . • __4ecte 3/4_4,0;2c#42 4 — 4 ' 1a ,t e g+ , - 1 e pi I 1_jr_cexx..4 .7 toectaac:n 0 e. AVO;? Yar,004 lec .__,c ve e 7--Itail G-t; /497Le-4-1 ez-4 a 4 . S ■c e-e P 1,zacee-er-theal -- 4,a;,4 _a r Zat;st---. Iv? lerVe ar-e4 J1-V1z, ern:. ie - a .-3. -- 7ar-c-ca-,‘ 7)-e-t4n4-4;,---" -lel ..sec / itsfl— u r� E4 mac/ ,.9`-1/401 0,2niat, t / ✓, b -;4 7.51, - es,/,2A'"-°1/- <1.‘a-?‘f 7744A‘d ;44--,41rt-I erf Gr2/ (ii,f-at:441 , `_"i ° --ee/t121, %' Le. 4 < a 72 . , . , S i -?- ÷:, Si .4Ct SI:-/ :-A;n, , 624704.0, v't�'..r / r .tiIGGd .s — '- ( Q'.t ct` sus cset ��/'1' fee -tZ 1 Se%t 7 . i(/- ,e7>terit-.9-74/e-r-{ ,ad cetirecreAr-c- -46-7.n e:&. Aa.e.t n ' riteice.-e-c-;7-e,e44--64-ce, --(..4e-n4c-ced .-e.--0 ,-4. y ,tv •,ate . aC i *4v- _ . . , 06 „.,e-cel 4-eci ile,elece ) .-41-ert4,Sre „Aral.--Canscil-z;dr ,,e,s60, . % , ' . rAt � r do - r r G SiLe - '; E/"i/ . C e "- <,tj� Ri , ii&fr-c-`4 <g<eLlArtisCee-1---41-4 --t A /2e-ter 7-7-5, g:7-7 - - - L - / 7 ? I I✓?"�d °,T'C' A .y LG' ..c!it.�aaC-f' 47 ..-'R.C4 i/ - �f „X'- ✓"^e aatc...cy- (I ' � G� / .._1(.....„tect j;-°, i ere. /er 07...4 /j-,....39e.a.)--(...e,g,, - ree„.:7, ..e•41‘-- -/I V /} � -,, / 4z4 -'01t1 iif„- ,1�l 4.2, , 44 :ems w / - ! -- ' -41-C. -ter �¢ l --code .. fel e -r� )rY zi l -� - � •cam ,; OP 6 4 , ., :ter - ' 4 ` erat 77/`' i v � 1.01)1.0417( ,1'27terZ,.0; .2ton i f r • j' ,4401;e4././714 yeak) AO,/ ag(maiccA,c4 /00v leitst Ad... . ./ , . /4 ete..aitar.14° -4 /au - 7424•19te / Cgloa t:: % -C - Ruth Telford , Foothill Rd , - wanted to know how long he has owned the property and why is this such an attraction to have this site for light manufacturing as opposed to going to an industrial park ? Mr Rademacher - he has lived here for 9 years and has operated his business in Dryden for that length of time and has owned the land close to 4 yreas ( the parcel that is zoned commerical ) and he has bought the additional land to make sure he had substantial land so that he could bring an entrance on Rt 13 for safety reasons . He wanted to put up a clean good looking building with attractive looking trees . He bought the land so that he would have a quality and clean spot . This was a good parcel of commercially zoned property and Mr Sadd sold it to him on the premise that he could have his building there , and has been waiting for the proper time for building . He did consider the Industrial Park but would be an extreme hardship on his employees , since most of them live in Dryden . John Harding - you might think right now you will have 50 employees , but what about in 3 years time , you have a building that will hold 100 to 150 people . Also , when you are in manufacturing you get more orders . You first go into overtime , and then 2nd and 3rd shifts , working on Sat and possibly on Sun . These are things that should be considered if the permit is granted . We could do worse as far as use for that property . He felt that the businesses . should be kept in one area and our residential in another area . . It would be nice not to have these buildings end illi up vacant like we have right in the Village of Dryden ., It is a shame , there are a lot of empty ' buildings all over , but you can ' t buy them , you can build a new building for less money . , Atty Perkins - wanted to point out on his plan , that the parking area is a paved parking area and not a gravel area that you have on your application . You are aware that the board requires a paved parking area and not gravel ? Mr Rademacher - yes , do you consider oil and stone a paved parking lot ? Atty Perkins - as it is defined in the ordinance as a thick hard dense base . There was also concern over the drainage problems . . , yit a an t st, 9qP ;.- ., . • , 4°4 T� ^ �:�I ti r�.� [ vv 1 hY�. � Y x�4Yl d tttt * bt 'tam? ..�.o y a:.i• G4' i.ak. '. e l Henry Host- Steen - wanted to know if a petition of all the home owners in the .. Yellow Barn Rd area be taken as evidence and evaluated by the board and be considered in your decision . Atty Perkinsi - it is something that the board would certainly consider . The Town Board in reaching its decision and its deliberations is guided by a number of factors , some of them are our local ordinance which has to do with special permits and criterias that are set forth in there . If any of you want to submit anything in writting , Iyou might want to take a look at Article 13 and look at the guidelines that are setiforth in the ordinance . Also , look at the criteria that the board takes into consideration under the SEQR rules and regulations . Our ordinance also requires 1 parking space for every 2 employees , so that parking could be planned for at least1100 people . George Schlecht - to issue a special permit you have to find that this use will not discourage nor hinder the appropriate development use of the adjacent property in the neighborhood , and he doesn ' t see how the board can possibly make that claim . There was some discussion . 1 Mr Irish . - Mr Rademacher wanted the building and parking lot over designed for the 50 people and he designed it that way . Mr Costantini - an 18 , 000 sq ft building will house 100 to 200 people and we should be looking at the future , will there be 150 people in that building and will we be faced with that amount of traffic . Closed public hearing 8 : 30PM PUBLIC HEARING # 4 SEWER DIST7 S1 .& # 2 . WATER - DIST # 1 1 October 25 , 1983 Minutes of public hearing #4 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning Sewer Dist # 1 & Dist # 2 and Water Dist # 1 situated in the Town of Dryden . PUBLIC HEARING # 5 1 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING October 25 , 1983 Minutes of public hearing # 5 1 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the purposeIof allocating a total of $ 68 , 100 . 00 from FRS monies . Clm Evans and Clm Metzger were concerned about giving: money to the Gadabout Bus and they will try and get more information together before the Nov 7th board meeting . Calm Evans felt that there are a number of reasons why the Gadabout shouldn ' t be considered to receive some money from Dryden . One of the dilemmas that we face is that when our residents turn 65 they move out of Dryden , and he felt that the Gadabout is a program that would help to retain our elderly . It is the cost of the area and also the problem of transportation . They have been paying taxes and felt that it is an important consideration . There was somde discussion . Supv Cotterill - if it is taken out of our highway where do we get the money ? Do we raise taxes or do we cut highway services . Clm Evans would like the board to consider $ 2500 for Gadabout . PUBLIC HEARING # 6 FIRE CONTRACTS October 25 , 1983 i Minutes ofd public hearing # 6 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was publishd in the newspaper concerning the fire contracts as follows : 1- Varna Fire Department $ 41 , 500 . 00 2- Neptune ! Hose Co # 1 Inc $ 55 , 000 . 00 3- W B Strong Fire Co of Freeville $ 33 , 000 . 00 4- Etna Volunteer Fire Co . Inc $ 27 , 000 . 00 5- Brookto ;ndal Fire District $ 5 , 600 . 00 for a total ' of $ 162 , 100 . 00 QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS Supv Cotterill - there was some excess funds in the compensation so that was applied toward the fire contracts . This was aWo tan increase of 10 percent for every fire company . Si a was Ernest Schaufler - wanted to know how the money / allocated that are raised by the fire tax rate . For . example , the area that they cover for this amount is about $ 12 , 000 short of the money that is collected on assess value in the area of the Varna fire district , and he assumes that it is probably used to help out other areas , does . = it not ? Supv Cotterill - we do not look at the areas . We take the total Dryden fire protection district which is about $ 160 million of assess value . When we write a contract , : we are contracting you to answer any calls you get in that fire protection district . We do not look at boundaries . The dispatcher has an agreement IIIwith the companies that within a certain area he will dispatch a certain company first , but that doesn ' t mean a thing to the Town of Dryden . We are contracting you to answer emergency calls you receive for that amount of money . We are trying to protect the Town of Dryden citizens . PUBLIC HEARING # 7 AMBULANCE CONTRACT October 25 , 1983 Minutes of public hearing # 7 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the ambulance contract with Neptune Hose Co # 1 Inc for $ 33 , 000 . 00 PUBLIC HEARING # 8 PRELIMINARY BUDGET October 25 , 1983 Minutes of public hearing # 8 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the preliminary budget with the proposed salaries for the following town officers : Supervisor $ 4 , 000 . 00 Councilman ( 4 ) 1 , 700 . 00 each Town Clerk 7 , 250 . 00 Highway Superintendent 20 , 000 . 00 Justice Newhart 5 , 300 . 00 Justice Sweetland 5 , 300 . 00 RESOLUTION # 141 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT TO CHARLES JOHNS Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Charles Johns , 933 Dryden Rd for a car rental service with the stipulation that it is for his use only and cannot be transferred by sale or lease . ' 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES Iacovellie - The Town Board tabled the decision until they can clarify the date that was published in the newspaper to see if another public hearing had to be held . If so , another hearing will have to be rescheduled for Nov 7th . XCP application - the board deferred action until Nov 7th board meeting . Adjourned : 9 : 45 PM /I >26<tek, E1 yet Susanne Lloyd ITown Clerk