HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-12 / 6/ TOWN BOARD MEETING JULY 12 , 1983 Minutes of the Town Board meeting held July 12th 'Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 30PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Webb , Clm Metzger and Atty Perkins Absent : Clm Evans , Clm Jordan and Z . O . Stewart I _ Supv Cotterill appointed Clm Webb to audit the general fund bills and Clm Metzger to audit the highway bills . Approval of the minutes : Motion was made by Clm Metzger and 2nd by Clm Webb that the minutes of the special meeting held on June 20th be approved as submitted . COUNTY BRIEFING Co Rep Tillapaugh reported that the Planning and Public Works Committee has reviewed the text of the German Cross Rd bridge and it has gone out for bid . Also reported that the County Board did approve the request for the increase in the amount in funding for the Dryden joint sewer study . Also was concerned about the new channel on the west side of the Freese Rd bridge that it might wash away if something isn ' t done . COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Webb was concerned about people dumping refuse from septic tanks on the Malloryville Rd and was wondering if Z . O . Stewart had found out anything ? There was some discussion and will" have to be checked out with the Health Dept . TOWN CLERK Reported that Local Law # 1 - 1983 has been filed with the State of New York on June 17th. 1983 . ZONING OFFICER Z . O . Stewart was absent so Town Clerk Lloyd read his report . 16 permits were : issued for the month of June . 4, one- family dwellings ; 4 additions ; 4 mobile homes ; 1 private garage ; 1 storage building ; 2 swimming pools . Total of 15 for the first 6 months . ZBOA had 3 hearings for the month of June and all 3 variances were granted . 1- Kirby Werninck wanted to build a house at 500 W Dryden Rd on a 150 acre lot with only 94 ft of road frontage . 2- Yellow Barn Devel . Corp . building lot of 4 . 35 acres with only 121 ft road frontage 3- Dr Jacobson ; use variance . requesting permit to add on to his veterinary hospital and kennel at 136 North St . ZBOA took action on David Neish hearing held on March 1 , 1983 . Mr Neish was requesting a permit to have a mobile home on a 10 acre lot with only 60 ft of road frontage . The permit was granted on the grounds that Mr Neish did act in good faith as a purchaser of the property but felt that some action should be taken against Mr Hardesty . The next ZBOA meeting will be held on Tues . Aut 9th instead of the regular meeting on Aug 2nd . 22 people have been contacted regarding unregistered or junk vehicles . 14 by % written violation notices and eight by personal contact . 2 or 3 of these may have to be turned over to the court . HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Hwy Supt Humphrey reported that he has met with the county engineer with regard to the German Cross Rd . bridge . • RESOLUTION # 115 AUTHORIZE TOWN JUSTICE TO ATTEND ADVANCE TRAINING SCHOOL AT ST . LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Town Justice Edwin Sweetland to attend Advance training school at St . Lawrence University from July 26th to the 29th , and to pay expenses . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES / GZ CORRESPONDENCE; Ambulance report Received letter from Cablevision and they are ready to talk about franchises . Received letter from a resident complaining about the SPCA . They are not answering doglcomplaints . There was some discussion and Supv Cotterill said that he will look into the matter . Request for airesolution from someone in Columbia County . They are proposing to submit a request to the state ; a law that would regulate speed limits on town roads tolthe town jurisdiction , to the county on county roads and to the state on state roads . There was some discussion and the board decided to table the decision at this time . JUSTICE REPORTS : Judge Sweetland - $ 5001 . 00 Judge Newhart - $ 2680 . 00 FINANCIAL REPORTS . REVENUES EXPENSES General Fund A $ 5599 . 06 $ 14183 . 23 General Fund 1B 456 . 18 1026 . 08 Fire Protection District 373 . 36 - 0 - Federal Revenue Sharing 225 . 14 1633 . 38 Highway 94402 . 53 95738 . 88 RESOLUTION # 116 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Webb , Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 117 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES NEW BUSINESS; Hwy Supt Humphrey reported that Cortland Asphalt is going to do a new type of system on resurfacing the road and will be no charge to the town . They are going to doiBaker Hill Rd . , Yellow Barn Rd . , Spring Run Rd , Johnson Rd and Mt Pleasant1Rd . . . Adjourned : 8 : 00 PM / . - # 1 Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk 1 •