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February 8 , 1983
Minutes of public hearing # 1 7 : 30PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning an
increase in income limitation for the 50 percent tax exemption of real property
owned by persons 65 years of age or older , from $ 8 , 000 . 00 to $10 , 500 . 00 .
Closed public hearing 7 : 35PM
Daniel Spadolini - Moto- Cross Track , 257 Johnson Rd .
• February 8 , 1983
Minutes of public hearing # 2 7 : 45PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the
application of Daniel Spadolini , 632 W Buffalo St . , Ithaca , NY to build a building
for use of retail sales of bicycles & parts and consession for a bicycle moto-cross
track , (No motorized equipment will be permitted , ) at 257 Johnson Rd across from the
Dryden Fish & Game Club .
Supv Cotterill read a letter from Grover & Shirley Woods and from Mr Andrew Zergenyi
both opposing the moto- cross track .
Carol Osborn , 400 Irish Settlement Rd was in favor of the moto- cross and would like to
see one in the area .
Mr Spadolini - there would be port- a -johns during the racing so there would be no
sewage problem .
Mr Arnold Grace representing George Junior Republic wanted to know what type of controls
will be exercised to take care of this parcel to stop the use of motorized bikes and
using snowmobiles when the use of bike racing is not taking place .
Mr Spadolini - there will be fencing around the track with a locked gate , and there
will be no motorized bikes whatsoever . The property is zoned RC residential , commercial .
The special permit is for the building only because the track would be a recreational
use and would be an allowed use .
Douglas Yaw , 353 Johnson Rd , was worried about accidents at the intersection of Yellow
Barn Rd and Rt 13 because that has been the site of about 5 in the last 2 years since
he has lived there . He would not like to have his children ride there bikes across the
highway to get to the moto- cross track . Also , there is an awful lot of traffic there
on Sat with people going to the dump and can ' t see the increase traffic going down
Johnson Rd .
Mr Spadolini - there would be no vehicles in the road , there would be off the road
parking available . He has done a lot of research on bicycle moto- cross and has found
that it is a very well managed type of sport .
C Drost , was worried what would happen to the neighborhood if precautions were not taken
with the restrictions that are put on the permit . There was some discussion and Mr
Spadolini said that it would all be fenced in and well supervised
Mrs Osborn - every track that they have gone to has been well maintained and fenced in
so that motorcycles cannot get on the tracks to ruin them .
IIIMr Yaw - was wondering about the capability of keeping it locked up during the
winter months ?
Mr Spadolini - it will be fenced in and he will check on it periodcaily because he has
IIIto go by it every day . During the summer months it will be iaell lite and landscaped with
picnic areas .
Closed public hearing # 2 8 : 10PM
FEBRUARY 8 , 1983
Minutes of the Town Board meeting held on Feb 8th
Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 8 : 10PM
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Jordan , Clm Metzger
Clm Webb , Clm Evans , Atty Perkins and Z . O . Stewart
Co Rep Watros reported that they had appointed a county clerk . Also reported that they
are going to move somecoffices to the H building near the old hospital .
Tim Baldwin from Hunt Engineers reported that there was a design meeting held on Jan 26th .
The facility plan approval is slated for March 1st , at that point there should be an
application for advance money released and you should be seeing some of this money by
the middle of March . Since the realignment along the back property line has been
changed it has raised some questions and comments from DEC . Mr Baldwin felt that
there should be a workshop session scheduled with the board members . There was some
discussion and the board decided to meet on Feb 16th at 7 : 00PM
Atty Perkins reported that the board needs to adopt a resolution regarding the Ithaca
Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Project for a Joint Project ratifing and confirming
the publication and the notice that has been published in the Ithaca Journal for a public
heating to be held by the City of Ithaca . The Board of Public Works on the condemation
on certain property owned by Cleveland and Pierce Inc ; located at . Johnson ' s Boatyard on
Cayuga Inlet and Pier Road . The hearing must be held not necessarily within the Town of
Dryden , Town or City of Ithaca but at a point which is easily accessable for the
individuals for the land that is thought to be condemned . The town would be joining in
a joint resolution with the Town and City of Ithaca .
'1'OUN OF 1 'Vti ,' CA AND ' 1 ' 1Ii ; TOWN UI ' URYI ) i N
Cl.m Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
Ithaca Area Wastewater 'Treatment Plant Project= For Joint
• Project of Three Municipalities : The City oc -ttV atca , tVW
']'own of Ithaca , and the Town of Dryden .
Resolution Authorizing Proceedings Pursuant to Eminent
1) cmain Law .
t' iiEREAS : •
1 . The law firm of .13uyoucos . , Barney , . Grossman & Roth
as Project Counsel ) has been authorized to proceed in Connec-
tion with negotiations for the acquisition and / or condemnation
o f lands . for the above iiitcrmunicipal sewer project for the
City of Ithaca and the Towtts4 of Ithaca and Dryden , and
2 . Project Counsel has advised the municipalities that
n egotiations are being actively pursued by the representatives
of the municipalities with Pierce and Cleveland , Inc . , owners
o f the lands in the City of Ithaca" on which is located Johnson ' s
Boatyard on Cayuga Inlet and Pier Road , for the acquisition by
agreement of a permanent easement for an underground outfall
pipe leading northerly from the proposed new sewer plant first
across Cascadilla Creek and , then across Johnson ' s Boatyard
and ultimately to Cayuga Lake , and for a temporary easement
required to perform work , in connection with said easement , all
as more particularly shown on a survey snap entitled " Outfall
Easement - Johnson ' s Marina " made by the Office of the City
Engineer , file number E3274 -- 8 , approved 1982 , revised January
18 , 1S83 and also shown on engineering plans on file in the
City . . i} zajrle-ers. Office , and . _._ .
/ jr
I ! !
3 . Project Counsel advises Ube municipalities that they
must also take whatever step:; are required by the Eminent
Domain Law of the State of New York for the purpose of acquiring
all interests and land required for the above public project ,
9 . The Board of Public Works will hold n public hearing
in accordance with and for Lhe purposes ; Qt: forth in the
provisions of Article 2 of Ulu Eminent Domain haw ( EDL ) on
February :.' 3 , 1983 , at 4 : 00 p . m . in the Crmmon Council Chambers ,
108 East Green Street , Ithaca , New York :.tnCt that notice of such
public hearing shall be pubii. siaed by the City Clerk of Ithaca ,
which public hearing shall be conducted by the Board of Public
Works in behalf of the City of Ithaca and - the Towns of Ithaca
- and Dryden , the pa .rtipating municipalities in the intermunicipal
sewer project and shall. make all determinations and findings
required by Article 2 of t •: i.al , and forthwith publish a brief
synopsis as required by such article , and
5 . The Board of Public Works at a regular meeting thereof
held on June 27 , 1983 adopted a . resolution incorporating
• Ill
substantially the above matLer. s , - •
1 . The Towns of Ithaca and Dryden , respectively , confirm
the above actions taken by the Board of public Works regardiny
the acquisition pf easements as way be required for the purpose
of the above project , and more specifically , the holding of a
public hearing as required by the Eminent . D.omain .. Law , and
2 . Project Counsel is authorized to proceed and take
. . , whatever action is required . in connection with the above public
hearing and proceedings subsequent thereto including authorization
to proceed 4wit. h further condemnation proceedings for the
acquisition of the easement herein above described and for the
acquisition of any other interests - in land , which may be required
• for the above project. , if and . . when such proceedings may be
required and upon . consultation with the participating municipalities
or their duly designated agent or agency with whom Project Counsel
may consult .
. 3 . By adopting this resolution and. holding the . hearing ,
the ' . municipalities do not waive their right to assert . that they
are exempt from holding the . hearing pursuant to the provisions
of. Section 206 , Eminent Domain Law by virtue of any previous
hearing or hea. rings. . held or. conducted .
. .
4 . This resolution is in addition to and not in any
limitation of any previous authority granted by the municipality
cc1opting this resolution ..authorizing the municipalities to take
all steps , proceedings , .Lllcludiny actions and lawsuits , which
may be required under the provisions of the Eminent Domain Law ,
in order to acquire all necessary easements for the above
project . •
S . The municipality adopting this resolution hereby all
adopts and confirms the publication of the notice of hc. • r i ng
as stated above .
2nd Clm Jordan Roll call. vote - Supervisor Cotterill YES
Councilman Jordan YES
Councilman Metzger YES
• Councilman Evans YES
Councilman Webb YES
Atty Perkins regarding Cortland Rd Sewer Dist - any contractor that the Town Board had
hired or who we had a contract with had at least the same kind of insurance as the Town
of Dryden . Also , to make sure that there was a provision in the contract , that in the
event that the contractor becomes insolvent , bankrupt , or fails to complete the project ,
or fails to follow any engineers direction will be given 10 days notice and . if not
completed then , the contract is terminated and the town is authorized to fulfill the
contract by any appropriate contractor which will allow us to finishTup the project .
Also, reported on the procedure for payment of school taxes in installments . The school
district passes a resolution asking the county to adopt a local law authorizing the
payment of school taxes in installments . Each of the counties in the school district must
adopt the local law before it can be done . Once the counties have done that , - then the
school is authorized to collect the taxes in installments and up to 6 are allowed .
The school tax collector can also be the Receiver of Taxes for the town .
There was some discussion about the divided cost for the surveying on Snyder Hill
Court and the board decided that the best way would be to divide the surveyors
cost 3 ways as- it was- in the beginning , between Mr . Lutton , Mr Hunt and the town .
Clm Evans - Mr Hunt had mentioned to him ' that the town board had missed two minor points
in the resolution and wanted to make sure that it was correct . 1 - the deeding back that
part of the circle . that should belong to Mr Hunt and also a small portion that belongs
to Mr Kraft .
Since there has to be additional surveying work done on Snyder Hill Court , the town will
pick up the additional expense to get this• straightened out , but charge Mr Lutton and
Mr Hunt the amount for the original survey that 'was done .
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
• RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden negotiate with Mr John Hunt for the 30 foot strip of
land on the northwest corner of Snyder Hill Court to the stake at the center of the road ,
where the Lutton property ends, and that the town bill Mr John Hunt the same amount that
they have billed Mr Charles Lutton for the original survey ,. The town will trade land with.
Mr John Hunt upon his payment for the survey and the town will convey to him the semi -
circle part on the - east part of his property and west part right Of way upon his
conveya.nde to us the 30 foot . paved strip ; ,
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,, that. at no cost the town will . transfer. the small amount of
land to Mr Kraft .
2nd Clm Jordan Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Evans reported that they had looked over the Cornelius operation and decided that
it was restricted removal of topsoil for planned roads and waterways . It is an attempt
to! develop his land , therefore , it is not a restriction of the zoning ordinance .
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 147 .26 from 1111 .20
equipment to 1111 . 40 contractual Justice Sweetland .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
1 .
/ i3
SPCA report
Ambulance report
Justice Reports Judge Sweetland - $ 5 , 615 . 00 Judge Newhart - $1 , 628 . 00
General Fund A . $ 1542 . 66 $ 48780 . 40
General Fund B 4006 . 65 1121 . 61
Fire Protection District 145298 . 18 5436 . 11
Federal Revenue Sharing : 15513 . 95 66 . 00
1 Highway 159660 . 80 44638 . 34
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Jordan 'offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the highway bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Town Board grant a special permit to operate a retail sales
operation for a food concession and for the retail sale of bicycles , bicycle
parts and repair of them at 257 Johnson Rd , Freeville , NY . The special permit
is granted with the following conditions : 1 - there will be no sale or repair
of motorized equipment of any nature ; 2- the retail sale will be limited to
bicycles and bicycle parts only and the repiar of them ; 3 - the hours of
operation for the retail sales and repair shall be limited from 8 : 00A1% to 6 : 00PM
daily . . (Including food concession ) ; 4- the retail sale at a food concession is
subject to obtaining all of the necessary permits from other regulatory agencies
and departments , including but not limited to Health Department permits for
food service and septic , if required ; 5- this permit is limited to Mr Daniel
Spadolini and is not transferable by sale or lease . Also , it is the board ' s
understanding that Mr Spadolini will install a fence around the track .
2nd Clm Evans Carried
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board of the Town of Dryden increase the income
limitation from $ 8 , 000 . 00 to $10 , 500 . 00 for 50 percent tax exemption for
real property owned by persons 65 years of age or older .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
Adjourned : 9 : 00PM
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk .