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MARCH 8 , 1976
Town of Groton Supervisor Mr . Dow read the public hearing notice to the
public . Meeting started at 8 : 00 PM
Supv . Dow stated that the proposed district is bounded on the north by
Rt 222 , on the West by Salt Rd . , on the south by Dryden Town Line and on
theryeast by the Cortland County Line , including a section in the Town of
Dryden that concerns the Dryden Town Board .
The basic purpose of the meeting is 3 questions .
1 - Do the people of the McLean area want a fire district ?
2 - What area is involved ?
3 - Does the creation of this proposed fire district benefit the
citizens ' concerned ?
Atty Amdur clarified the following points . 1 - The Groton portion of the
fire district , whith is going to be the proposal for a joint district .
2 - The Dryden area is the northeast corner which is bounded on the west
by Ed Hill Rd . , on the north by the Town of Groton , on the east by the
Cortland County Line and the south by a jagged line following the Beck
farm , Porter farm , and Hemingway farm . The meeting tonigtt is a joint
Public Hearing whith any interested parties have a right to speak . Its
in order to enable the Town Board of Dryden and Groton to make a decision
at the whether or not the establishment of this district is in the public
interest , and whether all benefited parties and property owners are
included in the district . The Town Boards are entitled to alter the
boundaries of the proposed district to include or exclude property owners
at their interest may appear . The meeting that Dryden Town Board has on
March - 9th and Groton Town Board has on March 15th are related by another
area of the law which involved the excising of a portion from the boundary
o f the fire protection dist . in each of the Towns . The meeting is subject
to a permissive referendum ,, .
John Miller clarified the boundary lines of the proposed fire dist .
Questions :
Ron Beck said his property ' runs all the way back to the Ed Hill Rd . and
if nothing on the Hile School Rd . is included , then the Phil Minges
property which is completely surrounded by my property and that of Charles
George , which is probably considered facing the Red Mill Rd , would be out
o f the dist . as he understands the description . His buildings are all on
the west side of Red Mill Rd . so he assumes that all of the property which
✓ uns to Ed Hill Rd . is included . After much discussion it was decided that
after the boundary lines were set any property in that dist . would become
part of that dist .
Martin Beck wanted to make sure Hile School Rd . was not Covered . Atty
Amdur said a small portion was covered . He also wanted to know how far
south on the Freeville - McLean Rd . was covered in this dist . Supv . McCord
told him just south of Leisure Lane .
Everett Allington wanted to know the reason why they wanted to form a
fire district .
George Totman answered by stating the difference between a fire protection
dist . and a fire dist . At the present time the McLean Fire Dept ! is in a
fire protection dist . which means they contract with the 2 respective Town
Boards and normally get what the ask for within reasonable limits . There
isn ' t to much of a problem there , but costs go up and more and more . tax y .
dollars are Ding expended in the dist . , so the members of the McLean ' ' y
Fire Dept . , after many years of discussions , felt that more and more
o f the taxpayers money was being spent without any authority from the
people that were paying . We go to the Town Board of Dryden and Groton
and present a budget and it is agreed on that so many dollars are sent
back to the McLean Fire Dept . , which then spends the money . The people
in the dist . that are paying the taxes don ' t have a say on how the money
is spent although they do have a by electing the Town Board members .
We feel that it would be more beneficial to the people in the area if they
had a larger say as to what we are doing , because we are protecting them
and they are giving us money to do it . We in the McLean area •do not have
a member on either Town Board so that the people in the proposed dist don ' t
✓ eally have any kind of representation . A fire dist . is that zone that the
2 Town Boards agree to the boundary lines of and agree to having this
proposed dist . become a separate municipality . The Town Boards will in turn
appoint fire commissioners for the 1st year . They will be residents
9t . .
of the proposed dist . The fire commissioners will then serve until the
second Tues . of the following Dec . At that point the 1st election will
be here in . the McLean Fire Station which will be the central point of
the dist . The people that are paying the taxes will elect 5 people to
serve on the board of fire commissioners . The 1st 5 people with the most
votes get 5 yr , 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr and 1 year , after that each year there will
be 1 commissioner elected by the people through a regular voting process
here at McLean . Those commissioners will set up the budget and will handle
all the financial affairs . This will put the spending money to the people
that live in this fire dist . We will have direct control when this happens
if the boards agree . The buildings and property here will become part of
that district and we feel that with the changing of times and vast changes
- of people in the area we will have better control and have more to say . The
IITown of Dryden budgeted $ 3800 . 00 and the Town of Groton budget $ 7500 . 00 to
the McLean Fire Dept . The present debt is $ 40 , 000 . 00 .
George Hajney presented figures , where he used the 1975 Assessment figures .
ill $ 3 , 313830 in the Town of Groton and $ 1 , 326 , 480 in the Town of Dryden . They
u sed work sheets provided by the State of N . Y . which have to be used to
compute the fire dist . spending limitations . It uses assessed valuation ,
e qualization rates and full value . The figures are as accurate as could be
possible arrived at at this time , but expect them to vary slightly . Using
the money we receive from both Town Boards and assessed valuation and
e aualization rates we came up with a tentative assessment of $ 1 . 13 per
$ 1000 plus additional indebtedness which would bring it to around $ 1 . 69
per $ 1000 . We used a budget figure of $ 11 , 000 plus they would have to
add insurance . John Miller assured everyone that they would be getting
the same quality of fire protection . Supv . McCord stated that if the dist .
should have to purchase new equipment at some point it is up to the dist .
to decide througth the fire - commissioners . They do have more control
o ver that but they are placing a fairly large expense on a relatively small
tax base . When you define a fire dist . you are reducing the tax base that
you have to finance on . So if a major expense occurs you are facing a
potentially sharp increase in your fire tax rate to pay for it . You don ' t
have the insurance of a town wide base which you now have . Atty McDermott
stated that if the 2 Town Boards determine that the 3 questions Supv .
Dow outlined initally are answered to the affirmative . - this evening and
they do vote to form the McLean Fire Dist . , another control is that also
it has to be approved by the State Dept . of Audit & Control and is on a
basis of considering the base that is available , what funds are necessary
for the operation of the dept . and the State ultimately has veto power
over the dist . if they do not feel that it is feasible or proper to
form the dist . even though the 2 Boards may agree eventually that this is
in order .
Supv Dow stated that one question had been lead and answered by another one
The third one , is it in the best interest of all concerned . He belived
input was put in all evening long and if a consensus vote was taken no * it
would be a definite yes . It is the duty of the 2 Boards from this point on
to work for a conclusion on the last point . Once the judgement is in it will
be up to the Bureau of Audit & Control .
About 10 people from Dryden were there
Mr . Dow asked for a show of hands of the people from the proposed dist .
88 people were present .
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Town � Cl erk C
Adjourned 9 : 00 PM
92 -
MARCH 9 , 1976
Deputy Supv . Cotterill read the Public Hearing Notice to the public .
Hearing started at 7 : 30 PM .
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve and dissolve the McLean Lighting
Dist . in the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County .
2nd Clm Tarr Carried
Denutv Supv . Cotterill read the Public Hearing Notict to the public . ky- 410
Hearing started at 7 : 35 PM
Members present : Clm Graham , Tarr , Cotterill , Webb and Atty Amdur .
Absent : Supv . McCord .
George Hajney stated that the figures he used for Mon . nights . public
hearing were right but he didn ' t go far enough with them . For the fire
dist . located in Dryden and using the assessed valuation $ 1 , 326480 .
Using the worksheet the tax rate on the assessed valuation of $ 11 , 000
budget would be $ 2 . 83 . Clm Cotterill read the figures our sec - bookkeeper
came up with . Based on the $ 3800 figure which is the contract for last
year full value rate is $ 1 . 34 and assessed value rate is $ 2 . 86 . These
figures do not include insurance . John Miller said after checking with
the fire districts of Lansing , Danby , Brooktondale and Slaterville , the
Towns in those districts pay the compensation rates for the insurance .
The fire dept . does not pay their own .
There ; was much discussion on Leisure Lane as to which fire dist . it
should be in , Freeville or McLean because of the distance involved .
John Miller said when they started with the proposal the homes there
all had McLean phone numbers . Larry Parker from Freeville said he
measured the distance from McLean to Leisure Lane 2 . 7 miles and
from Freeville it was 1 . 6 miles .
Meeting was adjourned at 8 : 15 PM
MARCH 9 , 1976
Deputy Supv . Cotterill called the Board Meeting to order at 8 : 20 PM
Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll call was by the Town Clerk ; Present ; Councilman Graham , Cotterill ,
Tarr and Webb , Atty Amdur , Zoning Officer Stewart .
Also present was the Rural News , Ithaca . Journal and Cortland Standard .
Motion was made by Clm Tarr , seconded by Clm Graham that the minutes
o f the Feb . 10th . Board Meeting be approved as presented .
County Rep . Watros said that the county had met with the SPCA and
investigated the Ag & Markets Law that governs the quarantine on dogs .
It was found out that they had to pass a local law in order to empower
the SPCA to pick up the dogs that were in violation . The law was passed
the 8th of March so now the SPCA has the power of a warden and can go
o ut in the town and pick up dogs that are loose . Clm Webb wanted to know
if when he said pick up dogs does that mean dogs that are without a license .
County Rep . Watros said that it was in terms of the quarantine which is
in effect during the winter months where dogs cant be running at large
because of the deer . Het wasn ' t sure but believed the local law they
passed would be to act as a warden in any situation . He would report more
n ext month on the SPCA situation . He also would like to be kept up to date
o n any specific cases from now on so he could follow up on them .
The latest developments on the hospital involves Cornell University . They
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been presented
t o the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York ,
on March 9th , 1976 , Local Law # 1 of the year 1976 , providing as
follows :
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden ,
Tompkins County , New York , that the compensation for the
office of the Highway Superintendent of the Town of
Dryden be increased from the Sum of Nine Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars 09 , 500 ., 00 ) per annum to the Sum of Ten
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars 010 , 500 . 00 ) per annum for
the year 1976 . This Local Law shall be subject to a
permissive referendum in accordance with the Municipal
Home Rule Law § 24 12h. ,
THEREFORE , pursuant to statute , the Town Board of the Town
of Dryden will hold a public hearing on the Local Law in the Town
H all at 65 East Main Street , Dryden , New York , on Marchjv , 1976
at 7; 30 P . M . ? at which time all persons interested will be
h eard .
Dated : Dryden , New York -
March / 6 , 1976
Town Clerk \J
have conducted a study and are anticipating a $ 5 million grant from
Gannett News to replace the Sage Infirmary . They are studying the type
of services they might render with a new facility . At this point there
is quite a bit of concern that has been expressed by the county board as
to what effects might have on utilization of the new hospital . Presently
a discussion is going on with professionals that develop the utilization
✓ ates for the hospital to find out what impact that Cornell Univ . might
have on the hospital in placing the infirmary . The construction of the
hospital in still on schedule . Cim Graham wanted to know when they would
be moving to the old court house . County Rep . Watros thought it would
be by the end of May .
a " Clm Webb wanted to know if anything was going to be done on the Octopus .
From the latest indication it looked like a start date of 1980 .
County Rep . Watros stated that he did not feel that John Miller should
involve himself with the specific petition and proposed fire dist . because
it is an inter dept . issue and he should be looking at it from a county
0 noint of view rather than a dept . point of view , and hopes that the
Town Roard recognizes what his position should be in this matter because
o f the conflict of interest .
Mrs . Ferger talked about the Dryden Bicentennial Tree Committee and the
w ork they were doing . There has been a move in many parts of the county
to have a tree planted as part of the Bicentennial observance . She asked
the Town Board for permission to locate a map here at the Town Hall
showing where the new trees will be planted in the area . Mrs . Ferger
mentioned about planting a tree between the Town Hall and Town Highway
Dept . There was mention of displaying the map in one of the empty store -
fronts on Main St . where more people would see it . Mrs . Ferger said she
would try that possibility first and then later on locate the map at the
Town Hall . Clm Cotterill and Clm Webb are going to look into planting a
tree between the 2 buildings .
Clm Graham - nothing to report
Clm Tarr - nothing to report
Clm Webb reported that he and Clm Cotterill met with Highway Supt . Humphrey
and went over the Highway building to see what wa-sTne.eded to be done . They
made some long range plans and minor things that had to be done .
Cim Cotterill reported that the State Fire Underwriters Inspector left
a list of things that didn ' t suit him as far as giving us the best fire
✓ ates . We feel there are some things that should be done to improve the
w iring . There is a moisture problem in the insulation in the new part
o f the building , also we would like to put down a concrete floor in the
n ew part .
Atty Amdur reported on the Land Subdivision Hearing , that Mr . Missirian
o f the county planning said he wanted to make some suggestions . He was
going to write a letter and as of today no one has heard from him . We '
have been waiting 2 weeks . In addition he has had all the material for
several months and advised of a couple of changes . Atty Amdur felt that
w e should go ahead and publish the Subdivision Regulations , also suggested
• that Zoning Officer Stewart could check with the Rural News on a price
for the inserts of the Land Subdivision Regulations which we could use
for distribution since copies are needed .
Atty Amdur said she had been asked to set up a local law to raise the
Highway Superintendent salary for the year 1976 from $ 9500 which was in
_ the budget to $ 10500 . The only way to do that is by adopting a local law
o n which we have to have a complete copy of the local law on everyones
desk for at least 7 days not including Sun . before it is posted , also a •
Public Heating of at least 5 days notice . This is subject to a permissive
✓ eferendum .
The Town Board decided on having the Public Hearing on Tues . March 30th
at 7 : 30 PM
The contract we have for the ambulance service , Atty Amdur had spoken
to Gary Lee who in turn spd' ke to Tarki Lombardi and they suggested that
we go through Municipal Home Rule and make a special request just for
Dryden because of the particular circumstances . There is a special
form that has to be used that I have sent for . As far as Sammons Comm -
unications I have had no response yet .
Tax collection for the month of Feb . Tax $ 26408 . 92 Penalty $ 255 . 31
Fire Tax George Junior Republic $ 2608 . 17 Penalty $ 26 . 08
There would be a Tomp . Co . Municipal Official ' s Assoc . meeting
March 17th ., 7 : 00 PM at the Ramada Inn . The program was an Up dated
report on sales tax distribution , County road policy , State Enviro -
mental Quality Review Act , Socail Services - Commissioner Robert
Wagner , & updated report on SPCA contract ;
1 building permit for a swimming pool .
The Zoning Board of Appeals met and acted on 2 cases , granted 2 cases ,
2 variances , turned 1 down , also Mr . James Ni request was refused from
the month previous and asked that his carport be removed .
We granted a permit to Charles Whitmore last Jan . for an auto salvage yard
on Etna Rd . , all he has done during that time is collect more cars so I
have sent him a notice that hi § time has run out and gave him 21 days
to clean it up .
Highway Supt . Humphrey said that he hadn ' t time to check on any prices for
the hitghway building . The 2 new pick up trucks were delivered Mon . and
hope to be on the road shortly .
Letter from Sammons Communication for $ 106 . 00 which is the 1 % tax for
the Town of Dryden . Also a noteabout a request for extension of cable
service . They will analyze our request and inform the Town Board on
what basis cable service can be added or if it is simply not feasible .
They will let us know shortly .
Letter from Ed Goyette , Chief of Etna Fire Dept . that they are going to
assist in the White Water Derby sponsored by the Etna Community Assoc .
o n April 10th .
Letter from the NYS Youth Bureau
Letter from Lehigh Valley RR that the Town Board was previously notified
that they were going to discontinue service on 1 or more lines effective
2 - 27 - 76 . Now it has been changed to 4 - 1 - 76 .
Report from Perkins Funeral Home . They responed 278 times for the citizens
of Dryden and vicinity . 30 % increase from the year before . Transferred
to hospital within the town which is called for in the contract . 193
people . 1st 6 months 81 people last 6 months 112 people
Letter from the Supv . givirg the Fate equalization rates for the 1975
assessment roll based on 1973 market value survey according to the 1975
✓ ates reflect market value of Jan 1973 price level compared to the Jan .
1972 price . level used in deforming the 1974 rates . Dryden equalization
✓ ate for this year is 46 . 55 Last year it was 49 . 8
Clm Tarr offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , THAT the : Supervfsor be_ authorized to file the recreation
application for State Aid with the NYS Division for Youth for 1976 - 1977 .
2nd Clm Webb Carried
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to transfer $ 1 , 400 . 00 from
Contingent Account to pay for the printing of the directory .
2nd Clm Graham Carried
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Graham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Judge Sweetland $ 1585 . 00
Judge Newhart $ 1612 . 00
General Fund A $ 9624 . 58 $ 9416 . 51
General Fund B 503 . 66 874 . 18
Fire Protection Dist . 65. 040 . 16 60100 . 00
Federal Revenue Sharing a 0 - 358 . 00
Highway Fund 5405 . 72 24866 . 70
Adjourned 9 : 30 PM
Town Clerk
9 V
MARCH 30 , 1976
Minutes of Public Hearings held by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden
at the Town Hall March 30 , 1976 , commencing at 7 : 30 PM . Present :
Supv . McCord , Clm Graham , Tarr , Webb , Cotterill , Atty Amdur and Zoning
Officer Stewart .
Supv . McCord read the Public Notice and asked if there were any questions
o r comments from the public regarding the proposed Local Law # 1 .
No questions or comments from the floor .
$ 9 , 500 to $ 10 , 500
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board authorize an increase in the salary of
Highway Superintendent from $ 9 , 500 to $ 10 , 500
WHEREAS , it will not become effective until 45 days after adoption to
allow a petition and permissive reverendum .
2nd C1nlm�yWe _bb /� Roll call vote - All voting YES
Meeting adjourned : 7 : 35 PM •
Supv . McCord offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that pursuant to Tax Law § 1626 - a , the Town of Dryden , Tompkins
County , New York hereby elects to take its proportionate share of the
Sales Tax revenue collected by Tompkins County for those areas within
the Town of Dryden , outside of the Villages Of Dryden and Freeville
such share to be allocated quarterly in cash by Tompkins County to the
Town of Dryden .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried
Supv . McCord offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York hereby
✓ equests that the City of Ithaca , NY pay over to it as promptly as possible
the Town of Dryden proportionate share of those monies generated by the
sales tax which were mistakenly received by the City of Ithaca .
2nd Clm Tarr Carried
Supv . McCord offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
WHEREAS , it is required by the several municipalities comprising the
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Project to condemn an
easement for an underground water transmission line as shown on
e asement map # 93 , made by Lozier Engineers dated September 6 , 1974 ,
together with such temporary easements as may be required , including
those shown on said easement map , and
. WHEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission has
offered the sum of $ 385 . 00 to the owner of said premises for the purpose
o f acquisition of said easement , but
WHEREAS , it appears that it will be necessary to commence an action to
condemn such easement pursuant to the condemnation law of the State of
New York of such other statutes as may be applicable ,
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RESOLVED , that pursuant to Tax Law § 1262 - a , the Town of
Dryden , Tompkins County , New York hereby elects to take its
proportionate . ' share of the Sales Tax revenue collected by
Tompkins County for those areas within the Town of Dryden ,
outside of the Villages of Dryden . and Freeville , such share
to be allocated quarterly in cash by Tompkins County to the
Town of Dryden .
This is to certify that I , Susanne Lloyd , Town Clerk of
the Town of Dryden in the County of Tompkins have compared the
foregoing copy of the resolution with the original now on file
in this office , and that the same is a correct and true
transcript of such original resolution duly adopted by said
Board at a Public Hearing held on the 30th day of March 1976 .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of said Town this 31st day of March , 1976 .
K_ dr !
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden
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RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York
hereby requests that the City of Ithaca , New York , pay over to
it as promptly as possible the Town of Dryden ' s proportionate
share of those monies generated by the sales tax which were
mistakenly received by the City of Ithaca .
This is to certify that I , Susanne Lloyd , Town Clerk of
the Town of Dryden in the County of Tompkins have compared the
foregoing copy of the resolution with the original now on file
in the office , and that the same is a correct and true
transcript of such original resolution duly adopted by said
Board at a Public Hearing held on the 30th day of March 1976 .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of said Town this 31st day of March , 1976 .
4aA -.e c_-_- __Zegre_
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden
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NOW: THERLFQE , it is resolr'ed. that : . . . = .
1 . That the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission
continue efforts to acquire the easement described above for such amount
as the said commission shall recommend , and
2 . Proceedings be commenced to acquire by condemnation the easement
described above , and
3 . The Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Dryden or
the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca which has been
the agent and coordinating agency for acquiring easements and other
interests in land in behalf of all of the municipalities comprising the
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission be and they hereby
are authorized to execute any and all petitions , complaints or other
procedural documents which may be required in order to commence , prosecute
and complete any such condemnation proceedings .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried
Supv . McCord read the Public Hearing notice and asked if there were any
questions . Meeting started at 7 : 45 PM
Carl Tripp . , one of the neighbors objected to the garage because of working
into the late hours of the night , also would reduce the value of their
property .
Clifford and Carline Maxwell were also against the garage because of the
noise .
Harvey Wilkin suggested that the Town Board look around at the new houses
that are being built in that area .
After much discussion the Town Board felt they would look at the area and
determine to see if this is compatible with the neighborhood before they
make their decision .
Adjourned 8 : 15 PM
Clm Graham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Wanetta Downey and Walter Havington
as substitute Republican Inspectors .
2nd Clm Webb Carried
Meeting adjourned 8 : 30 PM
Town Clerk
WHEREAS , it is required by the several municipalities compri : -
ing the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Project to con -
demn an easement for an underground water transmission line as
shown on easement map # 93 , made by Loier Engineers dated Septembe
6 , 1974 , together with such temporary easements as may be required .
including those shown on said easement map , and
WHEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water
Commission has offered the sum of $ 385 , 00 to the owner of said
premises for the purpose of acquisition of said easement , but
WHEREAS , it appears that it will be necessary to commence an
action to condemn such easement pursuant to the condemnation law
of the State of New York or such other statutes as may be appli -
cable ,
NOW THEREFORE , it is resolved that :
1 . That the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water
Commission continue efforts to acquire the easement described
above for such amount as the said commission shall recommend , and
2 . Proceedings be commenced to acquire by condemnation the
easement described above ? and
3 . The Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor of the Town of
Dryden or the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor of the Town of
Ithaca which has been the agent and coordinating agency for ac -
quiring easements and other interests in land in behalf of all of
the municipalities comprising the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunici
pal Water Commission be and they hereby are authorized to execute
any and all petitions , complaints or other procedural documents
which may be required in order to commence , prosecute and complete
any such condemnation proceedings .
This is to certify that I , Susanne Lloyd , Town Clerk of
the Town of Dryden in the County of Tompkins have compared the
foregoing copy of the resolution with the original now on file
in the office , and that the same is a correct and true
transcript of such original resolution duly adopted by said
Board at a Public Hearing held on the 30th day of March 1976 .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of said Town this 31st day of March 1976 .
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden
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