HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-06 November 6 , 1975
Minutes of the Public Hearings of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden
held at Town Hall on Thursday the 6th day of November , 1975 , commencing
at 7 : 30 P . M .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman Clinton Cotterill
Councilman John Joubert
Councilman Lewis Gridley arrived at 7 : 45 P . M .
Several representatives of the various fire companies
• Mrs . Jack Graham
Mr . & Mrs . Bruce Lloyd
e Gregory Humphrey
Mr . & Mrs . John Bast
Supr McCord read the proposed amounts allocated for fire contracts as
listed in the proposed budget ;
Neptune Hose Co . $ 20 , 000 . 00
Varna Fire Dept . 14 , 500 . 00
W . B . Strong Co . 10 , 800 . 00 -
Etna Fire Dept . 7 , 000 . 00
McLean Fire Dept . 3 , 800 . 00
Brooktondale 2 , 000 . 00
$58 , 100 . 00 -
Workman ' s Comp . s 4 . °' 6 , 567 . 00
Total Budget Approp . $ 64 , 667 . 00
According to Supr McCord the following is the amount requested by the
fire companies :
Neptune Hose Co . $25 , 500 . 00
Varna Fire Dept . 17 , 000 . 00
W . B . Strong . 10 , 800 . 00
Etna Fire Dept . 16 , 255 . 00
McLean Fire Dept . 4 , 508 . 00
Brooktondale 2 , 000 . 00
$76 , 063 . 00
With the proposed amount in the budget , the fire tax 'rate will be $ 1 . 45
per thousand - up 120 from last year according to Supr McCord . He further
stated that if they went along with the requested figures the fire tax
rate would be $ 1 . 91 .
Floor was open for questions and / or comments .
Varna Fire Company representative spoke relative to their increased
costs and the fact that they have no slush fund for purchasing firematic
equipment and supplies . He said the extra money they raise from their
• one day annual event went to purchasing bunkers in the - fire station .
He further stated that they are not putting any self - earned money in
their budget . He ask that the Board reconsider the $17 , 000 . 00 figure as
it is much needed in their budget to offer top flight fire protection
to the area they cover .
William Fellows representing Neptune Hose Company spoke relative to
being in the same situation as Varna . He noted that they are building
a new fire station . He said they are proposing to raise approximately
$8 , 000 and if they do not receive the $25 , 500 . 00 request , then they will
not be able to provide services as well as in the past .
Clm Cotterill commended the Freeville Company ( W . B . Strong ) for being
overly conservative in their estimate and felt they deserved an increase
if anyone . Cotterill also questioned if this was the time to raise
taxes .
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Dick Blackman , representative of W . B . Strong Fire Company of Freeville ,
apologetically stated though it may make him unpopular with the, other
fire companies , he felt that all the companies should take a long hard
look at their expenditures and they would find that they are over
spending for fire protection . He said Freeville has taken this scrutiny
and realized that they have been able to eliminate some things that
were not absolutely essential to providing good fire protection .
Representatives from McLean said their request was based on a percentage
formula from the two townships . .
Ed Hill spoke relative to the - over - all tax rate being that there is a
580 proposed decrease , then the fire companies could pick up this slack
and still keep the general tax rate the same as last year .
Janet Graham inquired about the $2 , 726 . 00 unexpended balance in 1975 and
what it , is used for . Supr McCord said it goes toward insurance .
S upervisor McCord quoted the following summary totals of the budget :
Total appropriations $751 , 031 . 00 , less estimated revenues of $215 , 900 . 00
less unexpended balance of $103 , 882 . 00 equals $431 , 249 . 00 total amount
to be raised by taxes . Tax rate in the village will be $ 3 . 171 tax rate
outside the village will be $ 6 . 93 according to Supr McCord .
Floor was open to questions and /or comments .
S usanne Lloyd , newly elected town clerk , wanted to know how much of
the $5 , 200 . 00 is to be her salary and how much is to be used toward
deputies . She requested a breakdown . Supr McCord said that was up to
h er . Clerk Stelick informed the Board that they are putting Mrs . Lloyd
in the catagory as an employer and she would be liable for withholding
taxes as required by law . The Board insisted that this is not the case .
Mrs . Graham informed the Board that a teacher ' s aide at the Dryden
School is paid $ 3 . 00 per hour ; and the town clerk office will not be
able to offer the services as it has in the past without sufficient
h elp . Clm Joubert did not agree with McCord ' s reasoning and stated that
he could not go along with it . Supr McCord said the $5 , 200 . 00 reflects
an increase over the present town clerk salary and the reduction is
f or reduced help . Clm Cotterill said the extra $2 , 000 . 00 for tax
collector makes the job more attractive . Mrs . Graham wanted to know
what prompted the reasoning for cutting down on deputies . Supr McCord
said his idea is to have the clerk doing most all of the work herself .
Clm Joubert maintained that it looks like any salary for deputies has
been completely cut . Supr McCord said there is no intent to tie the
clerk ' s hands , he just feels that we can cut down on the use of deputies .
Clerk Stelick disputed his findings ; she commented that the Board should . !
walk in her - shoes for a days McCord said it is possible to transfer
money from contractual for personal services .
Discussion was had relative to the highway superintendent ' s salary .
S upr McCord said he determined a salary range of $8 , 500 to $ 14 , 500 after
reviewing the history of the previous highway superintendent salary .
He said the H . S . was making $9 , 500 . 00 in his 8th year of service ; and
when he started in 1961 , he started with a sAlary of $4 , 700 . 00 . Clm
Joubert said the proposed salary is an absolute ridiculous offer for
the responsibility . Joubert stressed a reasonable minimum of $ 12 , 000 . 00 .
He said the responsibility has grown and expenses has grown and he is
g oing to receive a substandard salary for this position . Clm . Cotterill
said a good manager can save the town lots of money and a new man will
put forth that extra effort to accomodate and feels its to low . He also
maintained that if a man does the productivity and is a good manager ,
then a salary of $15 , 000 to $ 18 , 000 would not be unreasonable . Gregory
Humphrey , newly elected highway superintendent , said that $9 , 500 . 00
is quite a raise to him and - he did not have any feelings one way or
another . John and Mary Basi expressed discontent with the low salary .
Supr McCord defended his salary scale as being reasonable .
: 5
L7 :
P aget- 30A contains $36 , 000 . 00 for unspecified road improvements which
will be at the option of the new highway superintendent according to
McCord .
Water District #1 . increased
According to Supr McCord the following will be the /cost for water charge :
720 assessed valuation
150 front footage
8 . 49 per unit
Sewer District #2
Supr McCord noted that it reflects a decrease of $ 1 . 00 per unit .
• Supr McCord noted that the rate per front foot reflects a decrease . The
rate in 1975 was 970 and is now proposed to be 800 per front foot . This
decrease is as a result from some people prepaying their share .
The Board did not take action . They have until November 20th to adopt
the budget according to Supr McCord .
Adjourned 9 : 15 P . M .
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Town Clerk
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- .
November 11 , 1975 -
Town Board Meeting
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden held at the Town Hall on the 11th day of November , 1975 ,
commencing at 7 : 35 P . M .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman Clinton Cotterill
Councilman John J . Joubert
Councilman Lewis Gridley arrived at 8 : 30 P . M .
Reporters from the Rural News and Ithaca Journal
• County Representative Robert I . Watros
Approximately 10 citizens
Attorney Amdur III
Zoning Officer Stewart
Absent : None
S upr McCord led members and guests in the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag .
Motion was made by Clm Cotterill , seconded by Clm Joubert that the
S eptember 30th Public Hearings and Special Meeting be •approved as
presented . Carried .
County Representative Watros spoke relative to allowing the hospital
to be operated as a non -profit facility . This is under consideration .
Reported that a 5th Agriculture District has been formed in Danby .
Dr . Safadi has submitted his budget and it provides for funds for
ambulance services for the removal of the remains . Discussion re
how the ambulances will work out arrangements . Watros opinioned that
he is doubtful if arrangements will be acceptable to all the ambulance
services . Watros spoke relative to the budget and noted that all
request are higher , but there will be cuts . He could not give any tax
figure yet . He did note that last quarter receipts were down as compared
with the same quarter last year . Supr McCord spoke relative to the
interest the county receives on sales tax money and how it is allocated
to the towns - - - equally or according to each towns fair share ? Watros
replied when McCord ask that question before , he made inquiry but never
got an answer . He will ask once again .
Harold Case inquired about the fire contracts . Supr McCord said the
Board has decided to fund an additional $ 1 , 000 . 00 each to Neptune
and Varna Fire Companies . .
Harry Eversdyke requested the Board ' s help to get television cable
service to his home . He claimed he has made several attempts and was
f inally told to get up a petition . Attorney Amdur encouraged the
petition method . As soon as its complete , turn it in to Attorney
Amdur and ; she will proceed accordingly was the instruction to Eversdyke
f rom Supr McCord .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its
adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board support the request of town residents for
TV cable service on Dryden - Harford Road ; and upon submission of a
petition for said service this Town Board hereby directs Attorney
Amdur to take action necessary to secure service and get a definite
d ate when such service will commence .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
n .
Clm Webb commented that he is pleased that the lights are out in the
McLean Lighting District . Attorney Amdur said the contract expires
at the end of the year .
Cim Cotterill inquired about the directory progress , Clerk Stelick
reported that all roads have been typed and now typing the alphabetical
list . The Board instructed Z . O . Stewart to get 2 or 3 printing estimates .
Clm Joubert - nothing to report
Clm Gridley - absent at this point . -
Attorney Amdur spoke relative to a meeting re subdivision regulations
that she plans to attend on the 20th of this month . Atty Amdur spoke
relative to the electrical system and that it is still under warrQnty .
• Bear Electric did come and find a defective element and it has been
f ixed . Bear Electric did say - that some of our problem may have been
caused by the Board ' s decision to change the design . Clm Cotterill
d isputed this and claimed that they only changed after 6 months of
the architects plans being unworkable . He said it - obviously isn ' t
working properly yet : as the temperature in the room was over 80 degrees
t onight and had to throw the breakers .
Atty Amdur had a petition requesting a special election regarding the
Board ' s decision to making the highway superintendent position appointed .
S he said it appears to be properly executed and to have over 300
signatures and approximately 160 is required . Supr McCord instructed
Atty Amdur to check electors and if signatures are validated . Discussion
was had when to schedule the election . Law requires it must be held
within . 40 days after submitted . The question of hours to hold the
polls open was raised and Atty Amdur will check it out . It will be
by paper ballot .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution &, • asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , a petition was presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Dryden on the 11th day of November 1975 , subscribed and acknowledged
by more than one hundred electors of the said Town qualified to
vote upon a proposition , comprising in number at least five per
centum of the total votes cast for Governor in said town at the last
general election held for the election of State officers , which said
petition requested the submission of the following proposition at a
special town election :
Proposition that the office of Town Highway Superintendent
shall be an appointive office effective January 1 , 1978 , pursuant
to Town Law Section 20 Subdivision 6 .
Shall the office of Town Highway Superintendent be an appointive
office effective January 1 , 1978 , pursuant to Town Law , Section 20 ,
Sbudivision 6 ?
RESOLVED , that such proposition be submitted at a special town election
to be held on the 15th day of December , 1975 , between the hours of
12 o''clock noon :: and .: 8 o' clock in the afternoon at the following voting
• places .:
Dist . # 1 West Dryden Community Bldg . , West Dryden , N . Y .
Dist . #2 New Village Hall , Freeville , New York
Dist . #3 Dryden High School , Freeville Road , Dryden , N . Y .
Dist . #4 Varna Community Bldg . , Varna , New York
Dist . #5 Houtz Hall , Etna , New York
Dist . #6 Dryden Village Hall , Dryden , New York
Dist . #7 Town • Hall , 65 E . Main St . , Dryden , N . Y .
Dist . #8 Bethel Grove Community - Bldg . , Slaterville • Rd .
Dist . #9 Ellis Hollow Community Bldg . , Genung Road
Dist # 10 Town Hall , 65 E . Main St . , Dryden , N . Y .
2nd Cim Joubert - Carried .
11 6
Clerk Stelick announced the quarterly meeting of the Tompkins County
Municipal Officials ' Assoc . to '• be held Wednesday , December 17 , 1975 ,
at the Vroman Room of the Ramada Inn at 7 P . M . The tentative agenda
consist of : report on sales tax distribution by Walt Schwan , report
on SPCA , report on small claims courts , report on removal of town/
village justices from town/village boards , discussion of mobile . home
services such as water , sewer and power , election of officers for
1976 and committee reports .
Clerk Stelick noted that the Minutes of the October board meeting
were not submitted for approval . Supr McCord said to put it in the
December business .
. John Basl spoke relative to publicity for the special election re
h ighway superintendent proposition and if it was going to be hid in •
a legal notice in the back of the paper . Supr McCord said the town ' s
only requirement . is a legal notice , otherwise it would not be legal ,
but opinioned that it is a newsworthy item and feels that it won ' t
lack for publicity . .
Z . O . Stewart reported that he issued 21 permits for the period . Z . O .
S tewart ask the Board what to do about two trailers stored on the
premises with the burned out trailer . He said the man wants to sells
the two trailers . Attorney Amdur opinioned that we can only control
occupied mobile homes ; the burned one is considered junk . Atty Amdur
d etermined that the two trailers are inoperable vehicles . Clm Cotterill
and Clm Joubert urged serving the man . with a violation notice . Z . O .
S tewart said he has agreed to remove the burned out trailer within a
week . Clm Joubert maintained he is operating a trailer sales . Clm
Cotterill said if we are going to have regulations , lets enforce it .
Clm Cotterill expressed anxiety to get the new subdivision ordinance
to a public hearing , and get input from the people .
Clm Webb reported that Sib Stewart , Barbara Caldwell and himself
attended a Planning meeting in Groton .
Mention of a Planning Board vacancy .
Letter of resignation from David Ensign as Town Constable and Bingo
Inspector . Supr McCord will ask the Judges if they have any recommend -
ations and what the town owes for his services .
Letter from Barbara Hatfield calling attention about the corner where
Gulf Hill Road comes on to Route 13 . She requested a street light from
the Town as it is an unmarked corner and difficult to find at night .
She further requested that there be a solid line down past the corner ;
widening of the corner ; a road sign ; and some markers . Clm Webb said
it is a very dangerous corner . It is a county road .
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . •
RESOLVED , that this Board request a street light of Richard C . Case ,
Highway Superintendent , to be located at Gulf Hill Road , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , th tiis Board request that it be investigated to
paint a solid line"$ aast� the corner of said road , widen the . corner, add
a road sign and some markers . .
2nd Clm Webb Carried . _
Copy of the above resolution to go to Richard C . Case , Howard Stevenson ,
State Dept . of Trans . , Gary A . Lee , Robert I . Watros , James Kidney and
Mrs . Hatfield .
Letter re . Bolton Point water system .
Letter from Human Services Collation has identified 100 agencies in
the county as a whole . Efforts being made re public transportation out -
side the City of Ithaca . They are funded as follows : 50% County ,
25% BOCES and schools , 121/2% United Way , 121%o City of Ithaca . They
requested that 61% of the City ' s share be shared by the towns in the
county . Dryden cost would be $496 . 00 . The Board took no action . Supr
McCord noted that Town of Caroline decided it is a county problem .
Letter from NYSDept . of Env . Cons . public hearing to be held on
November 28th regarding rules and regulations of the state review act .
Notice of a public hearing held November 6th by the Tompkins County
Office of the Aging .
- Supr McCord announced the following recommended additions :
$350 . 00 under equipment in the Justice Account .
• $ 1 , 000 . 00 increase in Highway Superintendent salary to $ 10 , 500 . 00 .
$3 , 000 . 00 contractual expense in highway superintendent account to
cover his incidental expenses and office wages .
$ 1 , 000 . 00 increase to Neptune Hose Co . to $21 , 000 . 00
$ 1 , 000 . 00 increase to Varna Fire Co . to $ 15 , 500 . 00
Fire rate will be $ 1 . 50 according to Supr McCord . The tax rate will be
the same as he will increase revenues to adjust for increases .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board add $ 350 . 00 to the equipment fund in the
Justice Account of the Budget .
- 2nd Clm Gridley Carried
Roll call vote - all YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board increase the town - elect highway superintendent
salary by $1 , 000 . 00 to an annual salary of $ 10 , 500 . 00 .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - 4 voting YES
Clm Gridley voted NO
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board add $ 3 , 000 . 00 to the contractual fund of
the Highway Superintendent account .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - alivoting YES
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board increase funds by $ 1 , 000 . 00 to Neptune Hose
Company for an annual contract amount of $21 , 000 . 00 for 1976 .
2nd Clm Webb r Roll call vote - 4 voting YES
Elm Gridley voting NO
• Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED, that this Board increase funds by $1 , 000 . 00 to Varna Fire
Company for an annual contract amount of $ 15 , 500 . 00 for 1976 .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - 4 voting YES
Clm Gridley voting NO
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in
the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all
persons desiring to be -heard thereon , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary
budget as amended , as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal
year beginning on the 1st day of January 1976 , and that such budget as
so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of
the Town Board , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare
and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by
this Town Board together with the estimate if any , adopted pursuant
to Section 202a of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the
Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of
Representatives of this county .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - 4 voting YES
Clm Gridley _ voting NO
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board approve the fire contracts as presented and
authorize the Supervisor to execute the fire contracts in accordance •
to the amounts in the budget .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Roll call vote - all . YES
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board adopt the Special District Budgets as
presented .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in
the notice of public hearing in the preparation of the Assessment
Rolls of parcels of land included in the Water District # 1 , Sewer
District # 1 and Sewer District #2 to base the cost chargeable to said
districts in connection with the construction of the water and sewer
systems which benefits and improves said districts , , and heard all
persons desiring to be heard thereon , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Board does hereby adopt said assessment rolls for
this town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January
1976 .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Discussion was had with regard to _ a resolution regarding the parti -
cipation of Town of Dryden fire companies in the County Fire Mutual
Aid Plan . It was decided to hold off action until studied by Atty .
Amdur .
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Town of Dryden has been notified by the City of Ithaca
that there _ ore delinquent charges of $40 . 30 on property at Sap -
sucker Woods Road outstanding in the name of George Bailey
Parcel #43 - 1 - 13 , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize the County Assessment Office to
include this charge on the 1976 County & Town Tax statement . •
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Clm Joubet4 offered- the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer
$400 . 00 from Justice , Contractual Expense to Justice , Personal
Services for Court Clerks .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer
$700 . 00 from Contingency Account to Justice Account , Personal Services
for Court Clerks .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
6 9
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize paying expenses and mileage
f or Judge Sweetland to attend a two - day training school for Justices
in Syracuse , November 21 and 22 , 1975 .
2nd Clm Joubert . Carried
S upr McCord reported that one bid had been received for a used Brockway
truck from Richard Watts .
i -
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the bid from Richard Watts for a
Abused 1968 Brockway Tandem Drive Truck in the amount of $ 5 , 750 . 00 ,
and the Highway Superintendent - be authorized to make the necessary
transaction . .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , - that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer
$ 340 . 70 from - Contingency Account to Tax Collector , Contractual Expense
f or postage for tax bills .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board amend Resolution #161 to include $ 168 . 00
in Fire Protection Contractual expense .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Clms Joubert and Cotterill spoke relative to the availability of the
h ighway superintendent and said it seems inappropriate to pay him $50 . 00
for his vehicle . Supr McCord held out the voucher of Richard Case for car
expense for the month of October .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
Judge Sweetland $2 , 759 . 00
Judge Newhart $880 . 00
0 General Fund A ; Revenues $5 , 555 . 56 ; Expenses $8 , 041 . 65
General Fund B : Revenues $511 . 36 ; Expenses $977 . 03
Fire Protection : Revenues $ 6 . 03 ; Expenses $ - 0 -
Federal Rev . Sh . : Revenues $ 13 , 605 . 00 ; Expenses $ 2 , 615 . 10
Highway Fund : Revenues $ 2 , 209 . 47 ; Expenses $50 , 188 . 55
Clm Joubert commented that Judge Sweetland should be commended for his
extra efforts working all alone in October .
Supr McCord reported that the Varna Lighting Contract is in order
according to Atty Amdur and is available for the Board to sign .
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor of the Town of
Dryden to enter into a light contract for the Hamlet of Varna with
the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation for a period of one
year , and shall continue year to year .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried .
Resume of Timothy C , Buhl was passed to members ofathe ; JBoard9for:T their
consideration . Consensus of the Board was that Mr . Buhl ' s qualifications
is certainly helpful for the planning board .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Timothy C . Buhl to the Planning Board
to fill out the unexpired term of Robert Everett .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Susanne Lloyd as Tax Collector .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Adjourned 9 : 00 P . M .
4120-4sMeter.„,0 ,01421/4‘)
Town Clerk
'? . 1 . to