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June 10 , 1975
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden held at the West Dryden Community Center on the 10th
day of June , . 1975 , commencing at 7 : 35 P . M .
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord .
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll Call was by the Town Clerk .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman Clinton Cotterill
Councilman John J . Joubert
Also Present :
Attorney Helen Amdur
Zoning Officer Sibley Stewart .
Planning Board Chairman Barbara Caldwell
Highway Superintendent Richard Case
County Representative James Kidney
Approximately 6 citizens
Rural News reporter .
Absent : Councilman Lewis Gridley
Motion was made by Clm Cotterill , seconded by Clm Webb , that the
Minutes of May 13th Board Meeting be approved as presented . Carried .
County Rep Kidney was present to report . He spoke relative to the
✓ enovation of the old Court House . He said he was not against the
✓ enovation , but against the cost of $ 600 , 000 . He was also against the
n eed for a court room on the 2nd floor of said building . He maintained
that the present court room in the main court house is not used that
much to warrant another court room . He felt that they could move in
the various departments scattered in the City of Ithaca for which the
county pays $ 40 , 000 annual rent to said city . He spoke relative to the
Hospital in . that the County Administrator will be handling the fiscal
o perations of the hospital . He said they had Ernst &. Ernst in and that
w as the reason to transfer to the county . Spoke relative to abandonment
o f county roads in the Village of Lansing in that action is expected
at the next meeting of the county board . Clm Cotterill spoke relative
to hand written information on the assessment notices . Clm Cotterill
felt this is a waste if these are being computer printed and then the
information is corrected by hand . He wondered if there was much of
this and if it was county - wide . County Rep Kidney said he would check
this out . Clm Joubert spoke relative to the short notice of assessment
change . He maintained that they ( assessment dept . ) did not give the
people much time to prepare for the assessment review . Many received
their notices on Thursday and Friday and the review was the following
Monday according to Joubert . Clm Webb said anyone with a grievance can
still go to the assessment department up to the 17th . Clm Webb inquired
if the ambulance cost , re County Medical Examiner ' s decision to have the
body transported to the hospital , has come before their Board . County
Rep . Kidney said nothing yet , it would have to go to the Health Committee a '
first then to the full board . Kidney promised to get the request to the
proper committee .
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David Olds and Matthew Felo residents of Kimberly Drive were present to
e xpress their fears of multiple housing going up in their area . They
stated that they were under the impression that they were fully protected
by zoning from this type of housing . They find there are no deed restrictions
in their deed against multiple housing . They ( Mr . Olds ) presented a
petition to the Town Board signed by the majority of residents on Lake
Road and all the residents on Kimberly Drive . Said petition request the
Board to preserve the quality of their single family dwellings and against
multiple dwellings .
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Mr . Olds said they would like to toughen up the zoning and inquired as
to how to go about it . Barbara Caldwell reported that the health dept .
approvals are much stricter thereby halting many projects . Supr McCord
told Mr . Olds to draft a recommendation of the change and submit it to
the town board and they in turn will turn it over to the planning board
then it would have to go to a public hearing by the town board .
Clm Joubert - nothing to report .
Clm Webb reported that progress has been made with Cortland County regarding
Route 13 .. and they are about ready to turn their recommendation over to the
two supervisors . He said that Cortland County would like to start building
the big share in Cortland first .
Clm Cotterill inquired about the date of the final tax roll . McCord said
it will be in another month . Clm Cotterill also wanted to know when to
expect the directory to be ready for printing . The Zoning Officer and Town
Clerk expressed hope that it would be ready in a couple of months . Clm
Cotterill reported that he attended the Planning & Zoning Seminar at
Cornell . Some of the points Cotterill mentioned was that they stressed
stricter enforcement and stricter rules against variances being granted
in zoning . He also mentioned that the District Attorney can deputize
the Town Attorney as deputy D . A . to enforce all zoning violations . Attorney
Amdur was not in favor of this method .
Robert Russell spoke relative to the junk and old car left on the Jackson
property as a result of a fire on said property . According to reports , Mr .
Jackson has moved out of state and everything remains as it was after the
fire and is a constant reminder to the people of the tragedy that happened
there last winter . Mr . Russell asked if something couldn ' t be done to at
least remove the car . This information was turned over to the Zoning
Officer to take care of this situation . According to the Zoning Officer ,
they have a year before it becomes a violation .
Attorney Amdur reported that Clerk Stelick call to her attention that the
mobile home park permit is still $ 10 . 00 and this should be considered for '
an increase . Attorney Amdur was in receipt of the contract for the purchase
_ of town property ( Signal Tower Road ) by the Con-servation Dept . of the
State of New York and it must be signed by the Supervisor . Discussion was
had relyative to the County Sewer Agency going to an inter - municipal agency .
If this takes place , the County should be reimbursed for their expenses
according to Attorney Amdur .
Clerk Stelick reported that she collected $ 905 . 93 tax penalties for the
period . Tax collection period ended and outstanding taxes turned over to
the county . Clerk Stelick reported that the school registration conducted
by the Board of Elections resulted in registering 54 students . It was
very successful according to Clerk Stelick .
Z . O . Stewart reported that he has issued 26 permits for the period , 2
new violations and 5 violations still pending . Z . O . Stewart reported that
the billboard is still up at the Livermore Crossroad and Route 13 and the
five day notice has expired .
. lm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
ESOLVED , that the Zoning Officer be authorized to contact someone to
remove the Billboard on the Fay Stafford property at Livermore Road and
Route 13 intersection . Expenses of removal to be processed as the Zoning
Ordinance designates .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
H . S . Case had nothing to report .
Chairman Caldwell spoke relative to the subdivison ordinance and next
to schedule it with the board . Mrs . Caldwell spoke relative to the flood
plain amendment that has not been included in the zoning ordinance .. She
said the county planning board approved in principle select communities
and the town planning board made same approval . Clm Cotterill said that
anything that borders a county highway must be referred to the county
planning commissioner and a majority of all members of the town planning
board plus one can override the county recommendation provided a written
reason is sent to the county agency .
Attorney Amdur will check into - the flood plain amendment being in -
corporated into the zoning ordinance .
Notice of quarterly meeting of the Tompkins County Municipal Officials
Association to be held at the NYSEG building at 7 PM on the 13th of
June .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize paying expenses and mileage for
Judge Sweetland to a one day Special Evidence Seminar in Utica on •
Friday , June 20th .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to process a payroll every
two weeks for the Dryden Summer Recreation Commission . Vouchers will be
audited at the following Town Board Meeting at the end of the program .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried .
Supr McCord appointed Clm Joubert to sign the Highway Bills in the
absence of Clm Gridley .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid ' as audited .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint John Morey , Democrat , and Joseph
Petersen , Republican , as Custodians of the Voting Machines at a fee
of $ 300 . 00 each annually .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the following be appointed as Election Inspectors for
the term 7 / 1 / 75 to 6 / 30 / 76 at the rate of $ 2 . 00 per hour :
Republican Democrat
Dist . # 1 Dorothy Hume Ellen Whetzel
Adrienne Ashford Irene Babbaro
Dist . # 2 Eleanor Collins Lillian Church
Shirley Armitage Verna Myers
Dist . # 3 Jean Cotterill Beatrice Westfall
Jeanette Sinnigen Marietta Wiggins
Dist . # 4 Beverly Schaufler Alice Cooper
Mrs . Rupert Hall Joan Gibbons
Dist . # 5 Mary Lumbard Marilyn Czerenda
Mary Nash Ann Scaglione
Dist . # 6 Helen Schutt Edythe Humphrey
Esther Pulling Sibyl Gould
Dist . # 7 Evelyn Cook Anne Tuttle
Elizabeth Havington Linda Woodin
Republican Democrat
Dist . # 8 Rena Kirk Joyce Stout
Florence Seaman Alene Frost
Dist . # 9 Virginia Bizzell Elfriede Batterman
Louise Kingsbury Bonnie Navarro
Dist . # 10 Elfrieda Woodard Harry Eversdyke
Daisy James Anne Robson
Alternates : Anne Everett Philip Skeps
Jane Cage Philip Snyder
Vivian Jorgenson
Melba Harden
Roll call vote - all voting yes
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board designate the following Polling Places
in the Town of Dryden :
Dist . # 1 West Dryden Community Center
Dist . # 2 Freeville Village Hall
Dist . # 3 Dryden High School
Dist . # 4 Varna Community Center
Dist . # 5 Houtz Hall , Etna •
Dist . # 6 Dryden Village Hall
Dist . # 7 & 10 Dryden Town Hall
Dist :` # 8 Bethel Grove Community Center
Dist . # 9 Ellis Hollow Community Center
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the following Polling Places receive
$ 75 . 00 each for the year 1975 for the use of their facilities :
West Dryden , Varna , Etna , Bethel Grove and Ellis Hollow . ( approved
by Res . # 196 dated 12 / 10 / 74 )
2nd Cim Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
_ Discussion was had relative to polling place at high school . It was
suggested that a sign be put up indicating where the polling place is .
Justice Newhart $ 1 , 365 . 00
Justice Sweetland $ 2 , 061 . 00
General Fund A : Revenues $ 16 , 124 . 83 ; Expenses $ 5 , 600 . 13
General Fund B : Revenues $ 361 . 95 ; Expenses $ 843 . 08
Fire Protection Dist : Revenues $ 5 . 64 ; Expenses $ - 0 -
Federal Rev . Sharing : Revenues $ - 0 - ; Expenses $ 218 . 95
Capital Fund : Revenues $ 436 . 50 ; Expenses $ 1 , 000 . 00
Highway Fund : Revenues $ 7 . 408 . 34 ; Expenses $ 22 , 250 . 83
Cim Webb opinioned that the Board should commit some money from the
Federal Revenue Funds to improvement of roads when funds become available .
Clm Cotterill asked H . S . Case how many miles he expects to oil this
season ; Mr . Case did not know . H . S . Case said the practice .. is to go over
I the roads ( rework ) every three years ; but they are not always able to
get to all the roads every three years .
Complaint was heard with regard to the condition of Bone Plain Road . Con -
sensus was that the county is responsible for this situation being that
the garbage trucks use this road . Supr McCord told Highway Supt . Case
to get together with County Rep . Kidney and bring the concerns to the
attention of the county .
Harold Case expressed concern about the need for the supervisor to sign
any papers concerning the inter - municipal water district during Mr .
McCord ' s expected absence of several weeks . Supr McCord said the Deputy
Supervisor has the authority to sign in his absence .
August Board Meeting to be held at the Varna Community Center .
Supr McCord reported that there is approximately 25 thousand in said
fund .
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board commit up to $ 20 , 000 . 00 for road improvement
to highway department from federal revenue money .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Adjourned : 9 : 25 P . M .
v4,-.04.7/ ?1_6 .71,1) •
%- Town Clerk