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May 13 , 1975
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden held at the Town Hall on the 13th day of May , 1975 ,
commencing at 7 : 45 P . M .
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord .
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll Call was by the Town Clerk .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman John J . Joubert o
Councilman Clinton Cotterill arrived 8 P . M .
Councilman Lewis Gridley arrived 8 P . M .
Also Present :
Attorney Helen Amdur
Zoning Officer Sibley Stewart
Barbara Caldwell
Michael Proulx
Harold Case
Highway Supt . Richard C . Case ; -
News Media from Ithaca Journal and Rural News
Motion was made by Clm Joubert , seconded by Clm Webb , that the Minutes
of April 8th Board Meeting and April 22nd Special Meeting be approved
as submitted .
Supervisor McCord reported that a meeting of the County Board of
Representatives was taking - place at the same time as the Board Meeting ,
therefore , Mr . Kidney would not be present to make a county report .
Thomas G . Payne`, Assessor , was present at the request of the Town Board
to explain equalization rate and assessments . He passed out a synopsis of
the procedure of equalization and assessment and explained it to the
Board . He reported that in the equalization rate sheet the County average
is 15 % . The City and Town of Ithaca have changed the least . He said he
has written a letter to each supervisor of the Towns with recommendations
to present to the Equalization Board . County wide assessment : Reported
that all are assessed except Lansing and Groton and they expect to have
them assessed by December . He stated that they have picked up a lot of
changes in the Town and expects a large review . Notices of assessment
changes will be mailed to the property owners starting June 1 . He said
they expect to finalize the updating of the tax rolls county - wide by
1977 . Clm Webb expressed alarm at the fast pace in which we are going
lower and lower in equalization rate . Webb said a few years ago we were
5 - 6 points of the County , now we are 21 points and wanted to know how
much further is this going to pull apart . Payne explained that its only
a means to convert it to full value and its merely an average and working
to equalize it between towns .
Harold Case spoke relative to the junk cars on Turkey Hill Road and
wanted to know what ' s happening . Atty Amdur reported that Judge Sweetland
held court with Mr . Shearer and his attorney , Stan Tsapis . Agreed to a
state of facts and submit of memorandum of law , then Judge will make a
decision . This will be a good test for enforcement according to Atty
Amdur .
Clm Cotterill reported trouble with the heater in the zoning officer ' s
room . According to Z . O . Stewart it was fixed by Bear Electric and the
element was faulty and under guarantee . Clm Cotterill reported that he
had' two estimates for insulation in the overhangs; as follows :
George H . Clark , 6 " deep of celuose fibers installed $ 270 . 00
Robert Bowker , 6 " deep blown fiberglass $ 285 . 00
a o .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board accept George Clark ' s estimate of $ 270 . 00
to provide 6 inches of insulation according to his estimate .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Gridley offered the following amendment and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board increase the amount of insulation from 6 inches
to 8 inches not to exceed $ 360 . 00 and to be done within 90 days .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried
Clm Cotterill spoke relative to an appointment of the chairman for the
Board of Zoning Appeals . Acting Chairman Keech has been ill for the
last two meetings and said board is reluctent to act without a chairman .
Clm Cotterill felt we should officially appoint the chairman and he can
Sappoint an acting chairman . Councilman Cotterill also reported that two
members of the Planning Board have resigned : George Hanford and Morris
Peck . Barbara Caldwell reported that Alton Reed has agreed to stay on
6 months to a year . Mrs . Caldwell had no specific recommendations . She
did submit the following names : Austin Lowry , Helen Morse and Robert
O ' Brien . She reported that O ' Brien was interested in the vacancy on the
Board of Zoning Appeals . Clm Cotterill said Joe Wargo has moved back to
the Town and is interested in serving on the Planning Board ; also Mike
Proulx has expressed an interest in the Planning Board .
The Board took action re appointment to BZA and Planning Board .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Robert O ' Brien to the Zoning Board
o f Appeals to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Peter
Levatich to a term of 5 years , expiring 12 / 31 / 79 .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Robert Keech as Chairman ofrthe
Board of Zoning Appeals for the balance of 1975 .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
It was noted that Keech should appoint a vice - chairman to cover in his
absence .
Clm Joubert offered the 'following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Joseph Wargo to the Planning Board
to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of George Hanford to a
term of 7 years , expiring 12 / 31 / 81 .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried .
Discussion was had with regard to consideration ` of Mike Proulx for the
Planning Board . Proulx said he did not see any conflict as a builder .
Clm Webb said he was glad to see someone young interest and his interest
and thoughts will be an asset . Clm Cotterill maintained that it is a
✓ ery knowledgable experience working on the Planning Board and the best
w ay of learning the pro and con by becoming involved .
C1m Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Michael Proulx to the Planning Board
Ito fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Morris Peck to a term
o f 5 years , expiring 12 / 31 / 79 .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Clm Webb inquired of Attorney Amdur what is happening with the McLean
Light District . Attorney Amdur saidshe has not done anything and she
spoke to Mrs . Hanford re letter advising the Gas & Electric that we are
in the process of dissolving the district . She further reported that the
petition was not adequate and should have been done in certain form and
n otarized . It can be dissolved on the town motion if its allowable
according to Atty Amdur . Supr McCord felt there was no need to advise
the NYSE & G that we are in the process of dissolving said district , just
dissolve it and then notify them .
Clm Joubert reported that the downspouts have come apart and wondered
if they had been fixed . Clerk Stelick reported that they had been fixed
this very day .
Atty Amdur reported on the Etna Community Assoc . court hearing . She
said the Judge found that the Airport Hazard Area was not specific
enough in the Zoning Ordinance and found in favor of the Community
Association . Attorney Amdur said she wrote a letter advising the Zoning
Officer to issue a building permit for said association . Z . O . Stewart
reported that the permit has been issued .
Atty Amdur spoke relative to jury pay . The Board chose to act as. follows .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that in accordance with the Uniform Justice Court Act Sec .
1306 and Sec . 2014 , the fees and mileage of jurors in the Town of Dryden 0
Justice Court , civil and criminal trials shall be as follows : $ 10 . 00 per
day and 10 cents per mile for each juror . No fee shall be paid to a
juror who has been excused from service as a juror .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried .
Clerk Stelick reported that notices of public hearing re amendment to
Zoning Ordinance ( flood plain areas ) of the Town of Ithaca and Local
Law # 1 ( land subdivision regulations , etc . ) of the Village of Lansing .
Clerk Stelick reported that she posted both notices on the bulletin
board .
Clerk Stelick reported that for the period she collect $ 16 , 794 . 77 in
taxes . Paid the Supervisor $ 262 . 65 for April penalties .
She reported that the Board of Elections was interested in conducting
a special registration at the high school for one morning . We would
have to provide two election inspectors and they would do the rest .
The Board thought this a good idea and instructed the Clerk to get in
touch with said Election Board and have them make the arrangements for
the school .
Z . O . Stewart reported that he issued 14 building permits for the period .
He collected $ 240 . 00 for said permits and special permits and variances .
He spoke relative to 12 violations : 4 have been turned over to court , 6
are being taken care of and 2 are still pending some action . He reported
that ICS Press will do the map for $ 135 for quantity of 1500 , printed on
one side . Board seemed satisfied with this price . Discussion was had
with regard to classification of a double - wide trailer on a foundation
and if allowed in the RB zone . Attorney Amdur maintained that a trailer
is a trailer even if it is on a foundation and would not be allowed in
the RB zone except by variance .
Barbara Caldwell spoke relative to the application for a trailer park
extension by Eugene Euvard • of . 444 Forest Home Drive . She said reports
from the Soil Conservation Service is that the fill appears to be
slipping . According to Mrs . Caldwell , it is in the flood plain area
and urged denial . Planning Board minutes of April 18th recommended that
this application be denied for the above reasons . Attorney Amdur felt
this should be in writing from Mrs . Caldwell . It was decided to have
the minutes certified and send to Mr . Euvard .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden has referred back to
the Town Board of said town the application of Eugene Euvard of 444
Forest Home Drive with the recommendation that the same be rejected
because upon the review of the Planning Board of the application , said Planning
Board resolved that said application be denied on soil characteristics ,
indicating cracks in the fill and slippage is in violation of the require -
ments of the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of
Agriculture , and that said property is located in the Flood Plain Area ,
THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden here -
by determines that no Special Permit may be granted to Eugene Euvard for
expansion to his trailer park at 444 Forest Home Drive .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried .
3 5
H . S . Case reported progress on the parking lot at the Town Hall . He
asked the Board when they wanted a road tour . It was decided to set
said tour for the 20th of May at 6 : 30 commencing at the town hall .
Clm Webb expressed thanks to H . S . Case for the gravel at the eight - square
school house .
Letter from CATV indicating the increase in rates for Ceracche has been
approved .
Letter from Associated Metal Specialties re alterations to Town Hall
and the fact that McCarthy Bldrs has an unpaid bill with them . Helen
Amdur noted that after checking she found it is something like $ 60 . 00
outstanding . Consensus of the Board was that this is not their problem .
Bolton Point project fairly on schedule according to McCord .
Minutes from County Planning Board Meeting is on file .
Letter from Gary A . Lee re Dortovan Road Plan .
Verification from county re mortgage tax . Will receive $ 11 , 970 . 81 ; about
$ 2 , 000 less than last year according to Supr McCord .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited. .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
General Fund A : Revenues $ 17 , 281 . 85 ; Expenses $ 8 , 205 . 26
General Fund B : Revenues $ 12 , 747 . 41 ; Expenses $ 1 , 052 . 16
Fire Protection : Revenues $ 5 . 63 ; Expenses $ - 0 -
Federal Revenue : Revenues $ 12 , 323 . 00 ; Expenses $ 2 , 075 . 00
Capital Fund : Revenues $ - 0 - ; Expenses $ 863 . 00
Highway Fund : Revenues $ 7 , 468 . 29 ; Expenses 24 , 599 . 76
JUSTICE REPORTS : Judge Sweetland $ 1 , 080 ; Judge Newhart $ 995 . 00
Copies of a report on the Town Youth Program were passed out to members
of the Board . '
Request from some of the Community Centers for additional funds for up -
grading their recreational facilities . Board appeared to be in favor of
this request .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board allocate $ 5 , 000 from the Federal Revenue
Sharing Money to each of the five ( 5 ) community centers of the Town of
Dryden , when funds are available ; and with the understanding that this
be the last year for such a program .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES
June Board Meeting scheduled for West Dryden . August , Sept . & October
scheduled for Varna , Bethel Grove and Etna .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk be authorized to
attend Town Clerk School , June 4th at Cornell . Registration fees and
other necessary expenses incurred to be paid for by the Town .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Adjourned 10 : 25
f :/ Town Clerk