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April 8 , 1975
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden held at the Town Hall on the 8th day of April , 1975 ,
commencing at 7 : 35 P . M .
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord .
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll Call was by the Town Clerk .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman Lewis Gridley
Councilman John J . Joubert
Councilman Clinton Cotterill arrived 8 : 15 P . M .
Also present :
County Representative Watros
Attorney Helen Amdur
Zoning Officer Sibley Stewart
Harold Case
News media from Ithaca Journal and Rural News
Motion was made by Clm Gridley , seconded by Clm Joubert , that the
Minutes of March 11th Board Meeting be approved as submitted .
County Representative Watros was present to report . He reported that
that Dr . Safadi is willing to meet with the Town Board to discuss
the various practices and procedures of his office . Paul Perkins
will be coming to the meeting according to Watros . AIRPORT : Reported
that a study re county master plan for the airport will involve a
20 year plan for major redevelopment at a cost of 3 . 8 million , of
. which 2 . 5 million will be funded by the state and 1 . 3 million will be
funded by the county . Preliminary plans call for extending the runway
approximately 1400 feet and renovating or relocating the terminal .
Questions and Comments : Clm Webb spoke relative to encouraging the
county to purchase a recorder for use by the fire companies in the
county . Watros reported that a request for such recorder was to late
for the budget last year and the actual need was questioned . At this
point the Board decided to schedule the meeting with Dr . Safadi ,
County Medical Examiner , on the 22nd day of April at 7 : 30 P . M . Supr
McCord suggested that Watros notify Dr . Safadi , James Kidney and Paul
Perkins .
At this time Supervisor McCord appointed Clm Webb to audit the High -
way Bills in the absence of Clinton Cotterill .
Clm Grildey reported that he attended two meetings of the County Sewer
District # 1 and turned some minutes of said meetings over to the Town 0
Clerk for filing .
Clm Joubert spoke relative to pay for jurors who serve on town trials .
Attorney Amdur said she would check into this since we are required
to select from the county jury list and maybe the county . sho. uld_ pay .. _
Clm Webb presented a petition to remove the remaining street light on
the George Strang property on Gulf Hill Road in the McLean Lighting
District . Clm Webb reported that this was the only thing they could
all agree on . Said petition was turned over to the Town Clerk . Attorney
Amdur said she will have to check into the legality of it . as this would
dissolve the district .
Clm Cotterill arrived at 8 : 15 PM .
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Clm Webb reported on the Route 13 meeting . He said the Tompkins
County group is about ready to propose a 4 lane R - O - W with a 2 lane
✓ oad at 2 / 3 cost at grade level . This proposal will have to be
presented to the Cortland County group for their backing . Clm Webb
✓ eported that he attended the Fall Creek meeting at Gas & Electric
✓ egarding recreational river . It was brought out that this project
did not go through the Board of Representatives or at the approval
o f the Town of Dryden , Village of Freeville and Town of Groton . This
bit of information was a shock to Professor Hamilton according to
Clm Webb . Consensus was to keep the jurisdiction local and not
under state control .
Clm Cotterill - nothing to report .
Tom Bollard was present and spoke relative to the formation and
0 projects of the Spirit ' 76 Committee . The f * rst project was the
building of a community bandstand in Montgomery Park in the Village
o f Dryden . They have formed three ad hoc committees , as follows :
( 1 ) The development of the one room eight - sided school for community
and school use , ( 2 ) Researching and developing possible uses for a
✓ eproduction of the book , " The Centennial History of Dryden " , and
( 3 ) To research and develop plans for a renewal of the Dryden Fair .
Samuel Cooper spoke with regard to the budget and funds needed . He
stated that the Village of Dryden has promised them $ 1 , 000 and they
w ould like the Town to support them with $ 2 , 000 . Sue Cardwell spoke
✓ elative to the Fair which will be held May 17th at the Montgomery
Park and around the village . Fred Billard spoke relative to the
✓ estoration and and use of the Eight - Square Schoolhouse . He - said . they
would like to be able to use it for students between May 15 - June 15 .
They also spoke relative to the updating and reprinting of the Bi -
Centennial History of Dryden and making enough copies to distribute
it around the community . They must submit the request for state
funds by April 15th but they need the endorsement of $ 3 , 000 from the
two municipalities .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board of the Town of Dryden appropriate
$ 2 , 000 to Dryden Spirit ' 76 Committee for use in the projects as
o utlined by members of the Committee .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
• The object is to turn back the fund if not used according to Clm
Joubert . The Board agreed with this 4statement .
Attorney Amdur requested an executive session with said Board after
the meeting . BILLBOARD VIOLATION : Atty Amdur spoke relative to
correspondence with regard to said billboard on corner of Route 13
and Livermore Road . She reported that White International Advertising
is claiming compensation on relocating the sign . The distance allowed
by the State DOT is controlled within 660 feet of the edge of the j
✓ ight - of - way on state highways . Clm Joubert maintained the sign is
in violation and we should take action . It was decided to have the 1
Zoning Officer make arrangements to have the sign removed and have
the cost put on the landowners assessment . Clm Cotterill felt that
Mr . Stafford be notified that this action is being considered .
Clm Cotterill offered the foll"owing ' r' esolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that Zoning Officer Stewart be authorized to send _ a written
notification to White Advertising International and F . H . Staffnr_d that
_ . .t3 oy4e eii4 v€ Ie billboard in accordance to 1502 Subdivision 13 of the
Town Zoning Ordinance on the F . R . Stafford property ( Rte 13 & Liver -
more Rd . ) ; failure to take proper action within 15 days will result 1
in the Town hiring someone to remove the billboard and the costs .
w ill be assessed to the property owner .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
WOODLOT - Signal Tower Road . Attorney Amdur reported that there were
n o deed restrictions to sell 20 ± acres on Signal Tower Road to the
NYS Conservation Department . She reported they will pay the cost of
the the abstract and the closing will be in approximately 6 months .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden shall sell to the New York State
Department . of Conservation the 20 . 03 acres of land situate in Lot
57 , Town of Dryden , County of Tompkins , New York , conveyed to the
Town of Dryden by warranty deed of Grace L . Goodrich , etc . , dated
January 27 , 1936 , and recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk ' s Office
in Liber 242 at Page 300 on November 14 , 1936 , for the consideration
o f $ 11 , 000 . 00 , it being understood that :t°he State of New York will
pay for all expenses of the sale , and it being further understood that
the consideration is fair and reasonable , said land being no longer
n eeded for town purposes . Said sale subject to permissive referendum .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
TOWN CLERK : Clerk Stelick reported that taxes collected for the period
amounted to $ 18 , 324 . 72 of which $ 271 . 41 constituted penalties for the
month of March . •
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board of the Town of Dryden hereby establish
the Town of Dryden Offices at 65 E . Main St . , Dryden , New York ,
Telephone # 844 - 8621 , as the Central Registry of Operators of Under -
ground Facilities in said Town . This is done in accordance to Article
36 of the General Business Law with the provisions of Industrial Code
Part ( Rule # . ) 53 . Said Notice to Excavators to be published in the
o fficial newspaper two times .
2nd Clm Webb Carried
2 Votes abstained
ZONING OFFICER : Zoning Officer Stewart reported that he has collected
$ 80 . 00 for building permits and $ 25 . 00 for one appeal hearing . He
✓ eported that the estimate from ICS Press for 1000 copies ( typeset )
o f the Zoning Ordinance in the . amount ' ofl750 ; - 1000 copies typewritten
$650 ; does not include the zone map . Supr McCord favored the price of
$ 750 and said to have the map reproduced elsewhere . Barbara Caldwell
spoke in favor of checking Challange prices . Zoning Violation : Clm
Cotterill spoke relative to the junk on Beam Hill owned by Herbert
Brecht . He requested that the Zoning Officer check this out . Clm
Cotterill noted that the house is for sale and all the junk neighboring
it is hurting the sale of the house formerly owned by Les Howser .
PLANNING BOARD : Barbara Caldwell reported that the Planning Board has
completed 20 pages of the Subdivision Ordinance and ready to turn it
o ver to Attorney Amdur . Mrs . Caldwell spoke relative to the April 26th
meeting at the Ramada Inn , all day session , open to the public . This is
in regard to alternate settlement patterns of Tompkins County . Discussion
w as had with regard to vacancy on the Planning Board . Clm Webb said he
did not have any recommendation . Supr McCord suggested that Mrs . Caldwell
talk ' to George Hanford and see if • he can recommend someone .
Letter from Ithaca City School that they are going to hold their annual
e lection May 6th at the Bethel Grove Comm . Center and Varna Comm . Center .
Supr McCord maintained that they should use the district at Ellis
Hollow and instructed the Clerk to contact the School and suggest they
u se the Ellis Hollow District . " r .
Letters from Justice Sweetland requeS ing that the Board transfer •
-money that was forwarded from the Sheriff ' s Office to the General
Fund . Said money was restitution collected that should have gone to
the parties to whom the bad checks were issued .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to make a transfer of
justice revenue of $ 244 . 14 and $ 48 . 04 totaling $ 292 . 18 which represents
✓ estitution collected in error .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Letter of resignation of Peter Levatich as Chairman a" nd member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals . Supr McCord said he conveyed thanks and appreci -
ation to Mr . Levatich on behalf of the Board .
/ L 11
, Letter from Association of Towns urging the town to support the appeal
o f Towns in Niagara County regarding the County Charter . Attorney Amdur
o pinioned that our resolution would hot have any bearing on Supreme
Court decisions . No action was taken .
Judge Newhart $ 1710 .
Judge Sweetland $ 835
General Fund A : Revenues $ 1637 . 02 ; Expenses $ 5591 . 00
General Fund B : Revenues $ 258 . 62 ; Expenses $ 742 . 86
Fire Protection : II $ 237 . 07 ; It $ 239 . 07
Feceral Revenue : II - 0 - II - 0 -
Capital Fund : " - 0 - " $ 3029 . 60
Highway Fund : II _ $ 2425 . 08 57 , 666 . 82
Scum Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and " asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to use a 6 hour workday and
a 10 day total for General Fund - Bi - weekly employees and a 6 hour work -
day and a 20 day total for General Fund - Monthly employees in com -
puting days worked for retirement purposes .
2nd Clm Webb Carried .
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to advertise
for bids for a new aggregate spreader not to exceed $ 3 , 800 . 00 . '
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Fire and Ambulance Dispatch Center are
✓ eceiving all calls for emergency Fire and Ambulance from the nine towns ,
six villages and the City of Ithaca, and
WHEREAS , they have the ability to activate the three commercial
Ambulances , four fire Department Ambulances , and the Fire Departments
o f Brooktondale , Cayuga Heights , Danby , West Danby , Dryden , Enfield ,
Etna , Freeville , Groton , Lansingville , Ludlowville , Lansing # 5 , N .
Lansing , S . Lansing , McLean , Trumansburg , Slaterville Springs , Speeds -
✓ ille , Newfield , Ithaca , Varna , and
WHEREAS , this Dispatch Center has direct link by telephone and radio
with Tompkins County Hospital , Cortland Memorial Hospital , Tompkins
County Sheriff , New York State Police , Ithaca City Police , Cornell Safety
Division , Tompkins County Highway Department and each of the Counties
o f the State of New York Fire Control Centers ; and
WHEREAS , this Dispatch Center needs a 10 channel recording system to keep
a permanent record for the Federal Communications Commission , and
WHEREAS , the Insurance Service Office of New York recommends in there
grading Municipal Fire Service of every city , town and village that all
calls will be automatically recorded , and
WHEREAS , this rating effects the Fire Insurance cost to every home owner
Iland business in Tompkins County , and
WHEREAS , there are many times the Dispatcher needs to verify information
they have received or clarify this information ; now
• THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , the Town Board of Dryden of Dryden , New York
13053 recommends that the Board of Representatives of Tompkins County
provide the funds for purchase of the recorder under New York State
contract P - 56571 . expiring June 30 , 1975 , for a total cost of $ 11 , 180 . 12 , and ,
0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , it is suggested the funds come from Tompkins
County Revenue Sharing Funds as provided under guidelines for use in
Public Safety , and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,/that the Town Board of • Dryden , Dryden , New York on
motion by John Jouber. /and , seconded by Clinton Cotterill that the Town
Board of Dryden on April 8 , 1975 , passed this Resolution .
2nd Clm Cotterill Carried .
Supervisor McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , Lawrence I . Grinnell - - naturalist , explorer , conservationist - -
has spent many hours and days in the Town of Dryden pursuing his favorite
activities : canoeing , hiking and bird - watching , and
WHEREAS , his book , Canoeable Waterways of New York State , has assisted
many canoeists in their excursions in Tompkins County , as well as the rest
of the state , and
WHEREAS , his early recognition of the beauty and recreational value of
Fall Creek has brought wide attention to the creek and has led innumerable
people to share in this appreciation , and
WHEREAS , his many years of varied activities in the out - of - doors and
interest in all phases of natural history has enabled him , through willing
guidance and quiet example , to interest many others in such activities
and hobbies ,
BE IT RESOLVED that April 12 , 1975 , shall be declared Lawrence I . Grinnell
Day in the Town of Dryden , New York .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Discussion was had relative to the Election District at the High School .
Clerk Stelick reported that it is not a very satisfactory place in that
the Inspectors have to work in the hall and when school closes , the heat
is turned low causing discomfort to the inspectors . She mentioned that •
the Odd Fellows Hall or a room in TC3 be considered . Clm Cotterill said
he will check into this matter .
Supr McCord said that Daniel Sheehan had to cancel his appearance before
the Board with regard to appointment of the above position . Supr McCord
felt we should have some indication of his intention in writing . It was
decided to have Attorney Amdur get together with Sheehan and discuss the
position and what is involved and if he wants the job , fine , if not then
get a written resignation so the Board will be free to make another
appointment .
Supr McCord said this bill was held pending the return of Clm Cotterill
to approve said claim for payment . Clm Cotterill spoke briefly with
regard to the work they did . Dale Cotterill and Eric Stevens removed the
books and shelves in the storage room enabling Howard Keech to get into
the attic to change the plumbing . They worked a total of 7 hours for
$ 35 . 00 . Clm Cotterill felt we should consider getting insullation in the
2 foot overhang . He will check into prices . Clm Cotterill will report on
prices at the next board meeting .
Clm Cotterill felt that the Board should appoint the Highway Committee
to work with Dick Case to expidite parking area at the Eight = Square
School House . Supr McCord said he will talke with Dick Case about this .
Supervisor McCord announced that the Minutes of the Inter - Municipal
Water Commission are on file for viewing .
Supr McCord instructed Clerk Stelick to contact Tom Payne for an
appearance at the May Board Meeting .
Adjourned 10 : 15 P . M . 5
A/4 ' Town Clerk •
29 f
April 22 , 1975
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden
held at the Town Hall on the 22nd day of April , 1975 , commencing at
7 : 35 P . M .
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord .
Present : Supervisor Charles G . McCord
Councilman Merton Webb
Councilman John Joubert
Councilman Lewis Gridley arrived 7 : 48 P . M .
Councilman Clinton Cotterill arrived 8 : 30 PM
Also Present :
. County Representative Watros
Attorney Helen Amdur
Dr . David Safadi
Dr . Manuel Posso
News Media
JURY PAY : Atto`rney Amdur reported that we can pay jurors and the board
can make a resolution to this effect . According to Attorney Amdur , the
County rate is $ 10 per day per juror and 10t a mile . Atty Amdur will
check further if it is necessary to do this by resolution .
Attorney Amdur reported that it is necessary to grant an easement to
Sammons Communications to bury cable on South Knoll Drive . Attorney
Amdur approved the Easement Document .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize Supervisor McCord to sign the
Easement allowing Sammons Communication to bury 70 feet of cable on
South Knoll Drive in the town right - of - way .
2nd Clm Webb Carried .
Attorney Amdur reported that the Judge requires in writing to clafify
that the zoning amendment adopted January 28th , 1975 , would not have
any retroactive effect on any previous proceedings with regard to the
application of the Etna Community Association . She said it is necessary
for the Supervisor to sigh a stipulation in thds matter .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to sign a Stipulation that
the amendment to Section 1604 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance ,
enacted on January 28 , 1975 , effective date February 15 , 1975 , was
intended to correctly state and to clarify the existing legislative
intent , and was not intended to have retroactive effect on any previous
proceedings , including those which are the subject of the application of
Etna Community Association , Inc .
2nd Clm Webb Carried .
The following bids for an aggregate spreader were submitted :
I Cayuga Leasing $ 3 , 890 . 00
Walter M . Roberts Enterprises $ 3 , 769 . 00
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
- RESOLVED , that the Town Board accept the low bid from Walter M . Roberts
Enterprises , Inc . for a new Handy Aggregate Spreader in the amount of
$ 3 , 769 . 00 .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES !
Dr . Safadi and his assistant , Dr . Posso , were present to discuss the
policies and procedures of the office of County Medical Examiner . Dr .
Safadi explained that the County Medical , Examiner is legally responsible
for any questions that might arise concerning any deaths that occur within
the county including deaths attended by a doctor . Investigations must be
performed whenever a death is unattended as all unattended deaths are
suspicious . Accidents , murders and suicides are the most frequent
e xamples of unattended deaths according to Dr . Safadi . He claimed that
the investigation must take place where there is proper lighting and
adequate facilities . Dr . Safadi emphasized that as long as he has to
sign the certificate of death and it is his responsibility , then judgment
can only be done by examination . A death that occurs on Sunday is not
attended to until Monday as it would be impossible to get the doctor
u ntil Monday and the lab facilities and staff is not working on Sunday ,
according to Dr . Posso . They maintained that all accident victims must
be examined . Their role is to see that there is no foul play according
to Dr . Safadi . He stated that every case is a homicide until the medical
e xaminer proves otherwise . He maintained they are doing their job correctly
and they must assume total responsibility for what they sign . He . surveyed
95 % of the ambulance services and they claim they only make one charge .
Safadi said they are giving full - time coverage , full - time availability ,
✓ esponsibility and accountability for part - time salary . As medical examiner
he earns 56 an hour . Clm Webb said he and Safadi have two different •
points of view in that the family does not expect this long of delay .
Clm Webb said that the doctor always assumes that foul play has occurred ,
w hile the family presumes that there isn ' t any foul play because its their
family . Bradley Perkins representing Perkins Ambulance Service spoke in
favor of the county bearing the cost when the medical examiner orders the
body to the morgue . Perkins claimed it is a justifiable cost and who is
to bear the cost - - the family of the deceased or the county ? Perkins favored
the county bearing the cost . Clm Joubert said he appreciated hearing
how the office works .
Supervisor McCord said the purpose of the hearing is to consider the
application of F . Donald McKee to build an office and have a mobile
home sales lot at his Mobile Home Park at 750 Fall Creek Road .
Mr . McKee said he has sold out in Cortland and wants to move his whole
o peration to his property at Fall Creek . There will be an addition on
the barn for a sales office and sales lot .
Letter from Tompkins County Dept . of Planning stating that this proposal
w ill have no significant deleterious impact on inter - community , county
o r state interests provided there is adequate setback from the road
✓ ight - of - way in accordance with the town ordinance and the town was
free to act without prejudice .
No one appear for or against said proposal . Therefore , the Supervisor
closed the hearing , and the Town Board chose to take action .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant the Special Permit to F . Donald
McKee to build a sales office in the barn and have a mobile home sales
lot at 750 Fall Creek Road .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried .
Z . O . Stewart reported on prices for printing of the zoning ordinance .
He said the price from Challenge and Rural News was in the range of $ 1 , 100 .
ICS Press was still low at $ 750 . according to Stewart . Supr McCord said
to have the ordinance printed by ICS Press .
Daniel Sheehan was scheduled to appear before the Board and failed to do
so . Discussion was had with regard to cancelling his appointment to the
above position . Clerk Stelick reported that he has not signed the Oath of
Office and has not performed any functions as town constable and bingo
inspector .
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , Daniel Sheehan has chosen not to function as Town Constable
and Bingo Inspector ,
BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board hereby cancels the appointment
dated March 11 , 1975 , of Daniel Sheehan effective immediately .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
3 - 1t
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint David Ensign as Town Constable
and Bingo Inspector for the balance of the term .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried .
Clm Cotterill spoke relative to requesting a report from the Justices
with regard to pending cases , cases completed , etc . He reported that he
has been receiving complaints from the State Troopers that things have
not been moving fast enough . Supervisor McCord said to get questions
IIto Clerk Stelick and she will set up a meeting with the Justices and
Town Board .
County Representative Watros concluded that the funeral directors will be
approaching the county to pick up the fees for transportation to the hospital ..
Attorney Amdur said the information from Safadi deals with procedures in
New York City . Watros said he could not dispute the legal validity of
Safadi ' s position .
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden hereby endorse and
recommend to the Health Committee of the Tompkins County Board of
Representatives that when the County Medical Examiner requires trans -
portation of a body to the County Morgue for examination , that such
charge will be borne by the county thereby relieving the family of a
charge over which they have no control .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried .
Clm Gridley asked that the Town Clerk send a sympathy card to the family
of the late Dewey T . Whitford former Justice of the . Town of Dryden .
Adjourned : 9 : 30 P . M .
,nrovyt./ 2f�PIs4J;
O Town Clerk