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Decembers 3 , 1974
Minutes os a public hearsing held at the Varna Fine Hattron the 3td day
o s Decembex , . 1974 , commencing at 7 : 30 p . m . Present : Deputy Spun. Webb ,
Clm Gkidley , . Cottetitt and Joubeut ; Atty . Amdut + 25 citizens .
Absent : Spvt McCond
Meeting called to order by Deputy Spvk Webb .
Putpose o6 the hearing was the increase of $ 1 , 920 , 000 Lot the eonstkuction
—. os a wa.ten supply system to serve the Town o6 Dryden VannaWaten. District
jointly with the Towns oL Ithaca and Lansing and the Village ob Cayuga
Heights . Deputy Spvk Webb turned the Moon oven to Harold Can and
. Gaky Lee to brief the ditizens os bacts and Bindings .
Mt . Case reported that since last Match 18 when they approved entering into
the Inter - Municipal Supply project , they have had many meetings and
o kayed Loziek Engineers to let out the plans . They had to get permission
brom the NVS Envinonmental . Consenvation and State Audit and Control .
He said it 'was unique in that this is the 6ikst time that Sours muni -
cipalities have bonmed a joint waxen project and Audit and Control had
n o model to Sollow . They advertised Son bids in September , the lowest
bid . being in the neighborhood os 8 million dottams . The bidden and
Commission agme: ed on a Bigure os $ 4000 , 00 .0 : ' Then they had to go back
t o Audit and Control and approval Son the inctease, was granted within
o ne week . Mx . Can reported that Ithaca and Cayuga Heights have approved
t he increase and Lansing is meeting tonight and approval is expected .
He stressed approval as he said he would kathek be a partner than a
Customer .
Gaky Lee gave out 6inancial sheets giving actual and projected Sigukes
Lon the Special Assessment Tax . They ate :
1974 • 1 Samily house-, $ 10 , 000 assessment with• 200 ' Sn:ontage : Tax = $ 69 . 88
1915 - Same Sokmula , $ 10 , 000 assessment , etc . . Tax = 69 . 37
1971 - Same Sotmula with Inters - Municipal Project LIZ = 93 . 85
1977 - Same bokmula with " " " less Tkansmission
change and hydrant change , Tax = 82 . 09
Mt . Lee said when held out ' List heating the heading Lrom waxen was based
on 1972 consumption and it was 1 . 9 million gads . pen day . The 1913 a
2 . 9 milgione gals . pen day and that is .otL4 ' t cons ekvative in his opinion . 1
This consumption is actual usage , does not have Morse Chain , Pyramid ,
Coveted Bridge Apts , , ete . that ate being planned . He said that it has
been a need to dkn the h dtant change o $ 1 200 !
9 , p y g 6 pet years and there will
be a keduation os 1500 Got the transmission change .
Robert Retyea spoke relative to operations and maintenance costs .
Hatold Case - said the income 6kom the waxen will mote than o46set the
maintenance . costs . He said it might be mote Leasible to have the City
t ake cane os the operations and . maintenance . Discussion about the
Commission owning theiic own equipment and taborets to take cake os the
operations . and maintenance vs City ob Ithaca coming " in when needed to maize ja
nepain: and billing the individual municipality involved. : Retyea said
t he cost - would appea. - to be on . the 6avotable side Sot the city to take
cane os operations and maintencance . Discussion was had re buying the
meters 6kom the City . . A minimum Sigune ob $ 5 . 00 pen hydrant was discussed . ;
Mt : Lee said back in Match they considered several courses , such as :
( 1 ) Become a partner
( 2 ) 1Become only a consumer and buy L . om the Bolton Point project .
( 3f Build a line 6tom here to the City - , was eonsideked . not feasible .
( 4 ) Going back to the Connell system - was considered not feasible .
( 5 ) Drilling a well - not beasible .
It wa4 concluded that we become a partners back in Match accokding to Lee .
Comments Stom Hetb Snow with kespeet to escalators clauses and costs going
oven the bid . It was noted that the contracts will be Lixed prices and
can not go { avers . Mt . Can said the low bidders is holding the bid anti /
December 31st .
Discussion was had melative to the purity ob the waxen . Mt . Case reported
that the waxen in Cayuga ' Lake at 75 beet is 90 % puke . The plant will be
designed with the Suture in mind . It will be able to pump 24 million 4als .
a day at its peak . With the waxen being so neat puke , it will require
less putisication and can produce mote waxen 6astet . .
Ina Reed ' said theme is no choice but to go ahead with . the project .
Chuck . Johns said the Commission should keep an open feeling towards
Ithaca as they might one day become a customek . He . tressed ' relations
between the municipalities and the city be kept open .
415 •
Eugene Euvand said he wants telihble waters .
Chuck Johns motioned that we accept the ptojeet- in the Sotm presented , there
were 19 yes votes by show o 6 hands , 0 no votes and 6 abstained .
Ctm Gridley oSSened the Sollowing tesotution and asked its adoption . - N,
W HEREAS , the Town Boand . os the Town 0S Dnyden , Tompkins Coa & y , New
You , by pkoceed.Lngs hereta6ote had and taken pursuant to Section
202 - b o6 the Town law has determined it to lie in the public interest
to provide a certain increase and improvement o6 the Sacilities o6
W aters Disttict No . 1 in said Town consisting os a compnehens .Lve waxen
improvement including a water tteatment plant , transmission main and
pump station San an intetmunicipal •watet supply Sacitity Sot the Towns
o f Dnyden , Ithaca and Lans'.Lng and the Village os Cayuga Heights , alt
in Tompkins County , New Yank , ' Son the joint ' use and apenation by the
said bout municipalities o4 said 4acititie4 pursuant to an agneement
as municipal . ' eoapenation to be entered into by and between the said
Towns and the said Village pursuant to Anttcte 5 - G os the General
Municipal Law , at an estimated cost as $ 4 , 150 , 000 , which improvement
.Ls mane Ong described in a map , plan and report prepared in connection
t hetwith and is now on Site in: the oSS .Lee o6 the Town Clenh : and
W HEREAS , it has been determined that in 'onden to contract San the
construction os said SacititU.es it will be necessary to increase the
e stimated cost thero6 Sum $ 4 , 150 , 000 to $ 6 , 010 , 000 ; and
WHEREAS , said Town Board aS the Town os Dnyden duly adapted an onden
o n Novembers 12 , 1974 , calling a public heating to e'ansidet said
pnapoStd increase and improvement os Sacitities at the newly estimated
maximum cost , which public heating was to be hetdiat the ' canna . Fine
Halt in said Town as the 3rd day as December 1974 ,. at 7 : 30 o ' clock PM ,
Eastern Standard Time : and :
WHEREAS , notice os said public heating was duly published and posted
in the manner provided by law and ptoo4 thereon has been submitted to
said Town Board ; and
W HEREAS , said public heating was duly held- at the time and place
a6atesa.Ld , at which all ' petsan4 interested were duty heard ; and..
W HEREAS , • said Town Board has duty eonsideted alt os the evidence
given at such public heating ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT
RESOLVED , by the Town . Boatd os the town os Dnyden , Tompkins County ,
New Yotk as Sollows :
Section 1 . Based upon the evidence given at the a6onesa.Ld public
heating , it has . been ( Sound and determined to be in the public interest
t o provide Son the a6oresaid, increase and improvement os the 6acitities
O 6 Water District No . . 1 o6 the Town aS Dnyden , Tompkins County ,
New Yank , as described in the preambles heneos , . at an estimated cost
(IS $ 6 , 070 , 000 , and the appnopriatel . modi6ication oS the a6otesaid
agneement as municipal coapetation under which said improvement
will be authorized is hereby approved and the pantieipation by said
Town as Dnyden , Tompkins County , New Yank , in said agreement is hereby
authorsized . The amount os said cost allocated to the Town od Dnyden ,
pursuant to said agreement shall be borne by the aSonesaid Water
District No . 1 by the assessment , levy and collection Snom the several
lots and parcels therein in just proportion to the amount os benesit
which the waxen improvement shall consea upon said lots and parcels .
Section 2 . This nestoution is adppted subject to the execution o6 the
a6anesaid agneement os municipal eoopenatian among the a6atesaid Towns _
and Village . ,-
S ection ' 3 . This tesotu.tion whale take e46ect immediately .
' 2nd Ctm Joubett Roll call vote - all voting YES
$'1. , 920 , 000 JOINT SERIAL BONDS OF THE
Ctm Gridley osseted the . Sottowing resolution and asked its adoption .
W HEREAS , the Town Boa4d .:: o6 the Town o Dryden , Tompkins County ,
New Yotk , has heneto6o4e had and -taken pnoceed.ing4 put4uant to
Section 202 - b o the Town Law ptov .id.ing Sot the £ nenea4e and £ mpnovemen.t
O 6 the 6acititLeb 126 water D.i4tn.ict No . 1 in said Town , to consist og a
comptehen4 .ive wa.ten .improvement , including water tteatment plant ,
ttan4m.i44Lan main and pump station Sak an £ ntetmun.Lc.Lpal water supply
6aa-Lt1 .ty Son . the Towns o6 Dryden , Ithaca and Lansing and the Village oS
Cayuga Heights , all in Tampk .inS - County , New Yotk , and got the joint use and
o pe&at on by the said Souk municipat tLe4 punauant to an agreement OS
municipal coopenat.ion to be entered into by and between the said Towns
and the said Village , pun4uant to Att4cte 5 - G oS the General Municipal
Laic; And
WHEREAS , the Town Boakd o6 the Town o Ithaca , Tompkins County , New Yokk
ha4 hetetotone had and taken pkoeeeding4 pu&4uant to the provisions o
Ant cte 12 - C 4 the Town Law , e4tabtL4h.ing , the Town Wide Watek Supply .
BeneSited Anea in said Town , to consist o6 a comprehensive watt& .impkove -
ment , including wat_ ek treatment plant , tnan4m .i44 .ion main and. pump station
Got an . .intermun.icipal water supply Sactl.i.ty flat the Towns oS Dryden ,
Ithaca and Lan.d.ing and the Village o6 Cayuga Heights , all in .Tompkins
County , New York , and . Son the joint use and opekat.ian by the said Souk
mun.i, c.ipaltt.i.en pursuant to an .agreement oS mun.ictpat eoope& at.ian to be
. entered into by and between the said Town4 and the said Village , pun. uant
. to Art.icte 5 - G o6 the General Municipal Law ; and
W HEREAS , . the . Town Board o6 the Town oS Lansing , Tompkins County , New Yank ,
has heteto6one had and taken ptoceed .ing4 put4uant to the pnov .i4 .ian4 a6
Section 202 - b a6 the Town Law pko. v .idLng Son the .increase and .improvement
a6 the SacititLe4 OS Water D ,istk.ict .No . 1 and the McKinney Wa.ten D .i4tn.ict
in said Town , to consist o6 a compnehen4 .ive watt & .improvement , including 1
water tkeatmertt plant , tkanbm,ission main and pump. station go & an
£ ntetmun.ie.ipa,L .water supply Sac.i. :L-,ty Sok the Town4 06 Dryden , Ithaca ,
and Lansing and the Village of .Cayuga Heigh -t4. , all in Tompkins County ,
New yank and 6.01. the .joint use and opekat.ion by the said . Souk mun.icipatLt.ie4
pursuant to an agreement oS mun.ic.ipat coopekatLon to he entered into by
and between the said Town4 and the said Village , pursuant to Akt.icte 5 - G
o 4 the General Municipal Law ; and .
W HEREAS , the Boakd oS Trustees . oS the Village o6., Cayuga He .ights . , Tompkins
County , New, Yonk. , . has heneto6.one had and taken pnoeeedi, ngs puk4uan4 to ` i
. the pkov .i4Lon.4 o6. AktLcle 11 o6 the Village Law authokiging the
' e4tabtishement oS a water 4upply ' system in and got said VUtag. e , to consist
O 6 a comprehensive water .improvement , £ nctud.ing ' water treatment plant ,
t nan4.mL44Lon main and pump 4tet.Lo.h Sok. .an £ ntenmunicipal water supply
6ae .iZLty 6b.X the Towns `of . Dryden , ' Ithaca and Lansing and the Village o
Cayuga Heights , , all in Tompkins County , New Yank , and 6o4 the joint use
and op.enat.ion by . the said Out mun.ie,. paJLtLe4 put4 .uant to an agreement OS
mun.ic.ipat coo.pekatLon to he entered into by and . between the said Towns
and the said Village , pun4uant to Article 5 - G o6 the General Municipat
Law ; and .
W HEREAS. , Sollow.ing the completion oS the aSake4a.id pko. eeed .ing4 , Sat
punp04 e4. o4 implementing,, the 4.ame , said Towns o4 Dt yd en , Ithaca and
Lansing and Village aS Cayuga Heights have entered into a .municipat
cooperation contract pursuant to Ant.ic.te 5 - G oS the General Mun.ic.ipai
Law entitled " Agreement o6. Municipat 'Coopetatton Sot Con4tnuctton ,
Financing and Operation o6 an Intekmun.ic.ipat Watek Supply and Tnan4mts4Lon
System " , made as . o6 the 214t day o6 March , 1974 , by and between said
Town4 and said Village on behalf a6 the agote. a.id waters d.i4tn.Lcts , watt &
supply bene6 .ited area and Village as the case may be ; and
WHEREAS , in order to pkov .ide Sat the Sinane.ing 06 the costs o6 the ■
a6one4atd water supply .improvement , the a6oke4a.id Out municipalities
adpoted a hand resolution entitled : . . .
o n the following .dates . :
Town OS Dryden . Apn.it 9 , 4914
Town oS Ithaca June 10 , . 1914
Town o S Lansing Apn.il 9 , 1974
Village of Cayuga Heights Apk.il 29 , 1974 ; and
W HEREAS , it now. appears that in otdek to ` contract Got the consttuctLon
O 4 the a6otesaLd water . supply ,improvement it wilt be necessary to .incut
$ 1 , 920 , a00 04 expenditures in addition to. the $ 4 , 150 , 000 heneto6one
estimated as the maximum cast thexeo4 ; and .
W HEREAS , on the basis 06 suppl.ementaty pnoceedLngs had and -taken by the
. a4ote'sa.Ld flout . munLcLpat.it.i. es , it £4 now desLted to pxovLde 4ot the
4 .inancLng a4 such additional costs ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT .
RESOLVED , by the Town Boatd o4 the Town o6 Dryden , Tompkins County , New
Votk , £ 4 the within re &olut.io,n .in £ dent.Lcci 6otm £4 adopted , approved and
made e64ect.ive by the . Town o4 Ithaca , the Town o4 Lansing , and the
Vittag e o 6 Cayuga He.Lghts . as 6oZLow4 : .
Section 1 . The spec-L6 -Lc object on purpose o4 the Town o6 Dryden , the
Town o4 Ithaca , the Town o4 . Lansing and the Village o4 Cayuga Heights ,
alt in Tompkins County , New Vo .rfz , Lot which the bonds heneLn .authon.ized
ate to be .issued is the joint construction o4 a . compnehensLve waters
.improvement consisting o6 an intake ptant at Lake . • . Cayuga_ in the Town
(306 Lansing , a water treatment plant ' and a taw water pump station , Once
mains ,.
ptant and .pump station toad and a txansmL4s .ion main to the
Ventage 04 Cayuga Heights Got an •Lntetmun.icLpa.0 water supply 4aCLL.ity
Got the joint use and operation by the a6ote4aLd flout municipalities ,
LnctudLng original 4urnLsh.ing4 , equipment , machAnety and . •apparatu4• and
the acquisition •04 nece44aty land and tights in Land thexe4ox , as
heteto4ote authon.Lzed by a joint bond resolution adopted a4 set 4otth in
t he pteambtea hilteo6 .
Section 2, . The maximum 'estimated cost o6 the a4oresa.id specL6 .ic object
at punpo4e is hen. eby . -ate /mined to be $ 6 , 070 , 000 ( an £ nctea4Ce o4 $ 1 , 920 , 000 ) ,
and the ptan Got the 6Lnane.ing theto & £ 4 as 4ottow4 : .
a ) . By the ,issuance o4 . joint. obt.igatton4 o4 the Town a4 Dryden ,
the Town o6 Ithaca , the Town o6 Lansing and the VLLLage o6
Cayuga Heights in the ptLcLpat amount o6 not exceeding $4 , 150 , 000 ,
as authotLzed by the joint bond teto.Lut.ion heteto4one adopted
by said municipalities desc'.ibed in the preambles heteo4 ; and
M ) . By the .issuance o4, $ 1 , 920 , 000 additional joint obligations which
• shall be evidenced by joint 4etLaL bonds o4 said. Towns and said
Village heteby authotLzed to be issued n accordance with and .
subject to the ptovL4Lon4 04. the Local Finance Law , and in anti -
, c.ipat.ion o6 the .issuance o6 said joint bonds . . o6 said Towns and
said Village , by the .issuance o4 joint bond anticipation notes o6
said Towns and V ,ittag e 4.o & the temporary 6Lnanc ing o6 said s peCL6 .ic
object ot punpo ,s e .
Section 3 . Fot the putpos. es ; a. 6 . Sect.io,n .r;t5S i. 0 o6 the Lo;Cat Finance Law
t eJat-Lng to the allocation 04 .joint .indebtedness ., the amount. ob joint .
.indebtedness to be appont.ion,ed and allocated to each o4 - said .Towns. ;and
Vittage , , shall be in the same . ptopoxt.ion a4 the consumption o4 wavet
in each o .4 said mun.icLpatLt.i. es shall beat to the totat . . con.4ampt.ion o6
wager 4ot the enttxe joint . water . supply 4ae.iJLty , which . .L4 e4tLmcaed .
t o be , and 6ok the putpose4 4014 detetm.incng glass .indebtedness 616 each
O 6 said mun.i. cLpaLLt.i, es in their te4pect4ve debt statements pursuant to
Section 15 . 10 o4. the Local. Finance Law and thexe4oxe the amount to be
aflo Bated got: the puxpos e . 0 6 ,a4 cetta.inLng . each o 4 the xes pect.ive
mun.LCLpatit.ies ' debt conttaet:ing powet4 , 4hatt . be a4 6ottow4 , said
allocat.io.n being deemed to 4upet4ede the ea4ZLet allocation set 6otth
• in the . ptov .isLons o6 the joint bond 4e-oblation descti. bed in the• pre
ambles hexes 6 .
D.tyden. . , . $ . 141 , 916 . 60 • .
Ithaca . 3 , 342 , 445 . 50 •
Lansing • 1 , 639 , 689 . 10
Cayuga He..ght.s . , . 9 ,45 , 948 . 80 • •
Nothing .in this section shall be deemed to be in con4LLct with or to
4upeA4ede the ptov .is .ion4 o6 Section 6 o6 this te4olut.ion telat.ing to
the annual apportionment o6 the amount o .4 principal and interest on the
bonds herein authot:ized to be .issued a4 among said Towns and 4dLd
V .i ttage , not the mannet 04 collect-. on and payment o4 •annual debt 4 etvLce
provided to be appott.ioned annually by said Section 6 . The • SupetvLsots
O 6 said Towns , and the Ttea4u4ex o6 said Village ate heteby authotLzed
and directed to act jointly to make application to • the State Comptnotten
4ot the allocation and apportionment o6 said joint .indebtedness in
accondance • with the pxov .i4 .ion4 o5 this section and to pex4orm all acts
and 6utnL4h all in4otmation Requited in connection with such application .
Section 4 . It is h• et. y determined that the period 04 probable use6ulne44
o 6 the a (orsaid speci6ic object OA putpos . e is 4orty yeat4 yeat4 pursuant
to subdivision 1 of paxagnaph ( a ) of Section 11 . 00 o5 the Local Finance
Law . It is heneby iunther determined that the maximum maturity o4 the
joint bonds hexeby authorized to be issued will be in excess o4 4 -Lye
years , and such bonds will mature in annual installments in coniaxmity
with law .
Section 5 . Subject to the pxovisions ' o4 the Local Finance Law and this
section , the power to authorize the issuance ofi and to sell joint bond
anticipation notes in anticipation o , the issuance and sale o4 the joint
' serial bonds herein authorized , including renewals thenefob , is heneby
delegated to the Supervisor o4 the Town 104 Ithaca , the chie4 4iscal
o44icer o4 said Town . Such joint bond anticipation notes shall be ob
such terms , gonm and contents and shall be sold by said Supervisor in
such manner as may be prescribed by a bond anticipation note centiSicate , I
as authorized by Section 30 . 00 of the Local Finance Law , provided ,
however , that any bond anticipation notes 40 issued shall be the joint
indebtedness o4 said Towns and said Village and shalt be executed in the ,
names '06 the Town o4 Dxyden , the Town o4 Ithaca , the Town o6 Lansing and
t he Village ob Cayuga Heights , and shall be signed by the Supervisor a4
t he Town o , Dnyden on , behal4 o .5 said Town and shall have a44ixed thexeta
t he seal o'L( the Town o4 Dnyden , . attested b y the Town Clerfz o4 said Town ;
shall be signed by the Supervisor o4 the Town o4 Ithaca on behalb 04
said Town and shall have a44ixed theneta the seal o4 the Town o4 Ithaca ,
attested by the Town Clerk of said Town ; shall be signed by the Supervisan
04 the Town (3b Lansing on behal6 o4 said Town and shall have at6ixed
t hereto the seal o4 the Town o4 Lansing , attested by the Town Cletk o4
said Town ; and shall be signed by the Tneasuxex of the Village o5 Cayuga
Heights on behalb o4 said Village and shall have a44ixed thereto the
sear 'o , the Village o4 Cayuga Heights ., attested by the Village Clerk of
said Village . The chie4 4iscat o44icex o4 said Town o ,< Ithaca to whom
is hereby delegated the powers to authoxiz• e the issuance og and to sell
such joint bond anticipation notes- , shall 4ile an executed copy otc each
such bond anticipation note certigieate with the finance board o4 each
014 the a6oresaid participating municipalities prior to the issuance o4
t he bond anticipation note on notes authorized by such cen.tibicate .
Section 6 . The 4aith and credit of said Town o ,< Dnyden , Tompkins County ,
New Vokk , said Town o4 Ithaca , Tompkins County , New Voxk , said Town ob
Lansing , Tompkins ' County , New Vork , and said Village o , Cayuga Heights ,
Tompkins County , New Vonk , are hexeby jointly pledged 4ox the payment
ob the principal o {f and interest on said joint bonds as the same become
due and payable . The principal ob said joint bonds and the interest
t hereon shall be apportioned annually among said Towns and said Village
in accordance with the agreement oti municipal cooperation hereinabave
referred to in the recitals o , this resolution , on the ratio which the
consumption o4 water 4nom the system in each ob said municipalities bears ,
t o the 4ull consumption £ nom the entire intetmunicipal water supply 4aeil-i.t ,
such ratio to he - annually determined in accordance with the a4oresaid
agreement o , municipal cooperation ; the share os said principal and 1
interest to be bonne by the atioresaid Towns , shall be annually assessed ;
Levied and collected within said Towns as 4oZtows :
a ) Fxom the several Lots and parcels o4 Land in Water District No . 1
(1b the Town o , Dryden , in proportion as nearly as maybe to the
benegit which each Lot ar parcel o4 Land therein will derive
t hene4tom .
b ) From the several lots and parcels o < Land in the Town of Ithaca
Water Supply Benefited Anea , in proportion as nearly as may be
t o the bene4it which each lot or parcel a4 land therein will
derive there4tom .
cl From the several Lots and parcels of Land in Water District No . 1
06 the Town o6 Lansing , in proportion as nearly as may be to the
Itbenebit which each lot ax parcel o4 Land therein will derive
It thexegrom .
d ) From the several Lots and parcels oti Land in the McKinney Water
District in the Town of Lansing , at the same time and in the
same manner as other Town charges .
The Village o4 Cayuga -. Heights shall annually levy and .collect a tax
s• a nieient to pay the shake O . said principal and interest to be borne
by said Village , as the same may become due and payable . 14 not paid
4rom the a4o4esaid saunees , all the taxable real property in said Town
o .5 Dxyden , and all the taxable property in said Town o6 Ithaca , and all
t he taxable teat property in said Town ob Lansing , and all the taxable
teal property in said Village ob Cayuga Heights , shall be jointly subject
t o the levy os an ad valorem tax , without limitation as to tate ox amount
su44icient to pay the principal oti and interest on said bonds as the
same become due and payable .
Section 7 . The vatid.ity og such joint setiat bonds nay be ' contested
o ntyti6
1 ) Such joint bonds are authorized 4o4 an object on purpose 4ot
which said Towns and said VULage ate not authot.Lzed to expend
money , of
2 ) The ptov .i4 .ions o , taw which should be compt ied . with at the date
o f pubticat.ion o6 this nesotut.ion ate not substant .iatty comp.l.Led
with , and an action , AaLt on ptoceed.ing contesting such vatid.ity
is commenced within twenty days aitet the daze ob pub . tcatton , on
3 ) Such joint bonds ate authot.ized in v .iotatton of the ptov .is .ions
o f the Constitution . •
Section 8 . Upon the adoption o4 this nesotut.ion by each o4 the
a6onesa.id Towns and the asonesa.id V.iUtage , and the pubUcation
t heteo ,5 with the notice pnov .ided in Section 9 heteo , , the 'Ctetks
• ok each such Town and such V .LZZage Johan bite with the Ctetk o , each o4
- the other Towns and o < the V ,ittage a certtfiied copy o•6 this teso .lut.ion
and a pn.intet ' s a4fi .iday .it o , pubticatton theneog with the notice
nequ;ined by Section 9 heteob . .
Section 9 . This nesotution -t4 adopted by the V .ittage o < Cayuga
Heights subject to penm .issLve rebenendum and upon its taking Meet
in and with tespect to said V .ittage , shaft tketeupon be efi ective
u pon -Lt4 adoption by the Town Boards o , the afionesa.id Towns and , upon
t his nesotutLon 6inatty- becoming eiiectLve , it shaft be pubttshed in
butt in the Rural News , the o44iciat newspaper ob the Town ob Dxyden ,
and in the Ithaca Journal , the •o 6 fi -. c al news paper ofi the Town o ?,5 Ithaca ,
o f the Town o4 Lansing and o1 the Vittage os Cayuga Heights , together
with ( .i ) a notice o 6 the Town Ctetk o4 the Town o4 Dt yden in substant.iatty
t he t( onm provided in 'Section 81 . 00 o4 the Local Finance Law; ( .i.i ) a
n ot-Lae o4 the Town Clenfz o6 the Town ofi Ithaca substant .iatty in said
4onm , ( iii ) a notice o4 the Town Ctetk o 4 the Town o i Lansing
s ubstant.iatt y in said fiotm , and ( .iv ) a notice o4 the VULag e Ctetk
o f the V1LZ .lage o ,4 Cayuga Heights substantLatty in said 4otm .
2nd Ctm Gnu. dtey Roll cart Vote - art voting YES
Adjourned 8 : 55 PM Menton Webb Deputy : SupeAC1446 -4
Rosemary Stel.iefz Town CZenlz
Decembers 10 , 1974
Minutes o ,f a pubt c heating held by the Town Bound oS the Town oS
Dryden at Town Hall commencing at 7 : 40 P . M . , December 10 , 1914 . Present
Supt McCord , Councilmen Webb , Gi.idley , Cottei.ill and Joubett .
Hearing was called to order by SupenvLsot McCord Sox the purpose ob
the eons .idenatton o6 an .increase in rates by Cenaeehe TV Corponatton
Stem $ 5 . 00 to $ 6 . 00 per month and Sum $ . 50 to $ 1 . 00 per month each
additional £ nstaltat.ion .
Walter Wiggins , teptesent.tng Ceracche , spoke netattve to the need Sox
the .ihcieas a and the cost o li maten:ials , £ ntenest , equipment , txucks ,
Ir labor , gas , etc . keeps going up . He said the present cost oli install -
ation is $ 5 , 000 pen mile ; they need 58 subsenLbets pen mite with the
pnopos ed .increase on 21.1 s ubs cn-. bets per mite without the £ ncneas e in
oxden to coven the cost o6 £ nstallat.ion . and maLntainence .
Bt.ian Dewatt and Matgatet C . Durland ,was _, present to £ nquite about
cable senv .ice in the Ellis Hollow axea . He said they are willing to
pay mote Son installation in order to get such senv .i, ce . Questions axone
with tegatd to the cable being laid in the H.ickoty Highlands - Sunnyslope
axea . It was tepoited that the cable .is theme but not activated . People
have called and received no sat.isgactony answexs . Supt McCord said he
called " Dutch " and he did not get any answer as to why it .is theme and
not activated . He said this .is just not good economics . Wiggins agreed
with him and said he would check into this matters .
C1m Cottex.ill cxtticized the cable companies in that there is something
wrong LS a company does not give s env .ice and only pxom.is es ob s etv .ice .
Mx . Wiggins xeptted that cable companies axe pn.ivately owned cotpoxat.ions
and they axe not subsidized by the government , they do not have con -
demnation tights and they actually have to pay the state and local
mun.ic.ipat ties a petcentag e to o petate a 64anch .is e . The.in 6tanch .is e -t4
not a monopoly ; others companies can go in the same atea they ate in
and they - have no control to stop them . Atty Amdun xepoxted that both
corporations ate £ tanch.ised Sox the ent.ixe town exclusive oS the
villages Sot which they hold a s epanate 6nanch .is e . Theta is no boundary
C1m Joubext disputed Cetacche 6Lguxes Got .installation costs .
Discussion was had tetatLve to the cons .idetat.ion oS an amendment tb the
eontxact to enable the companies to change a .hZghen nate to come to
areas o6 spans. e population . It would have to be approved by the Town
avid then by the State . Atty Amdun requested Mt . W.iggina ptepaxe an
amendment Got the next meeting in Januaxy .
Supt McCord said he wants assurance that the people ( Sunnyslope ) will
teee.Lve cable sexv .ice and wants an answers why no senv .ice and LS 40 ,
when : Mn. . Wiggins pnom.ised to get the answers to Supt MaCoxd .
Public Heating was closed iox purpose oS heating gtom the public .
At this time the Board chose to maize a decision .
C1m Godley o66exed the following resolution and asked .its adoption .
WHEREAS , a public heating was held December 10 , 1974 Son a tate .increase
and heard all people des .ix.ing to be heard , now , thene6ore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Bound giant the monthly nate £ nctease 4xom $ 5 . 00
to $ 6 . 00 and additional hookup monthly tate £ xom $ . 50 to $ 1 . 00 to
Cetacche Tetev .ision ConpotatLon .
2nd Clm Cottetitt Roll Cali Vote - all Voting YES
Adjourned 8 : tO P . M . Charles G . McCord - SupenvLson
Rosemary Stet ck - Town C1eth
Decembers 10 , 1974
Minutes oS a Pubt.ic Heating held by the Town Boatd oS the Town oS Dryden
at Town Hall commencing at 8 : 10 PM , D _ cembet10 , 1974 . Present : Supt
McCord , Councilmen Webb , GJLdley , Cotten.itt and Joubent , Atty Amdut
and Z . U . Stewakt .
Heating was called to ondet by Supt McCord Sot the putpose oS hearing
on the apptLcat.ion oS Keith Lanphean to construct .three • muttipte
tesLdekces and two duplex houses on his property at the corner oS Rt 13
and Johnson Road .
Supt McCord .turned the Stook oven to Mn . Lanpheat to explain his pno -
posaZ . Mt . Lanphean reported that Rowell Associates would - expta.in the
plans .
William Rowell teponted that Section 1 oS th _ • plans is the previously
approved and completed section . Section 11 is the proposed section which
wilt contain the 3 muttipte tesidettice units and two duplex units . There
wilt be a total oS 22• units with 2 bedrooms in , each . The property w.itt
continue under one ownensh .ip according to Mt . Rowett . The toad is going
to be built with town nequitemenIs in mind , but it wilt be a private
toad unless it i4 des .ineous to turn it oven to the town . There wilt be
two pa/thing places Sot each unit . The majority oS the area is RD zone ,
balance is RC zoned . Then _ wilt be 125 Seet Sot each oS the duplex units ,
and 280 Seat Son each . oS the muttipte units . Plans Son water w.itt be
submitted to the Health Department upon approval oS the pkoject Stom
the Town Boand . The sewage system w.iUZ be 1 system west and 1 system
north . Consttuction wilt be done in 5, phases . Discussion was had to
Landscaping plans . The toad wilt be 50 6e-et wide . Mts . Caldwell te -
potted that the Planning Board recommended that they build the toad
to .town specifications because iS it was decided at a tatet date to
develop a subdivision , then the toad would be -there Sat town acceptance .
The Planning Boand had • spoke in -teams oS 60 Soot toad according to
Mks . Caldwell . A4 Son elaborate screening , due to visibility problems
it could create , it was decided that screening did not deem S _ asibte .
Mt . Rowell spoke k tative to the Letter submitted as nequ.. ted by the
Ptann.ing Boand . • '
Supt McCord questioned the kent.ing to students and mote cats than
parking spaces . He Sett that parking should be in the back . Mt . Rowell
said that placing the parking at the back is mote expensive and the' . `
ent'Lances ate in the front and Seet that peopteuwoutd park along the
toad LS not convenient to the entrance . He at4o stated that the trend
i4 Sot this type oS parking and buildings have been designed as such .
Discussion by Jon Haight in that the septic system is designed at the
back oS the building as the te .nain £4 betters at the back .
Being no other questions on comments , the heating was closed Sot purpose
oS heating Stom the public . No one appeared to question the applicant . ,
Supra McCord Sett the Boand should discuss this with the Planning Boand
and promised to 'Leach a decision before Chkistmaa. . Mts . Caldwell said
the Planning Board wilt be meeting on .Thursday the 12th oS Decembet .
Adjourned 8 : 40 PM Charles G *. . McCord - Supetvisot
Rosemary Stetiek - TownCtetk
Decemben 10 , 1974
Minutes o6 the Regutan Monthly Boand Meeting oS the Town Boand ob the
Town o6 Dryden at Town Hale commencing at 8 : 40 P . M . , Decemben 10 , 1974 .
Present : Supra McCord , Councilmen Webb , G&.idley , Cotten.ilt and Joubert ,
Atty Amdun and ZO Stavant .
Members and guests pantic.ipated in the Pledge od Allegiance to the Flag .
Rote call was by the Town Chick .
Motion was made by Sup vtwtsor McCord , Seconded by Ctm Joubent that
the Soetowing connections be made : Page 408 , pate bon Town outside
villages s / b $ 1 . 514 mathe& than $ 7 . 51 ; Watem # 1 amount pen thousand
assessment S / B $ 2 . 929 & athen than $ 2 . 93 and . 0486 pen Stott Soot
nathen than . 05i ; and that the Minutes od Novembers 12 , 1974 be app & owed
as connected .
Jon Haight inquired about the status o6 Ringwood Count . Supra McCord
nepted that the toad will be dedicated to the Town tonight .
Harrold Can spoke retative to 2 poplars trees at 474 Forrest Home Dn.ive
that ate on the R - O - W and need to be taken down . He called the Boa& d ' s
attention to this .
Ctm Gn.idley inquired about the bee .inenease 6tom $ 35 . 00 to $ 75 . 00 bon
the Community Associations bon the use ob the .it fac.ie.ities bon elections .
Supra McCord said it will be discussed later as theme is a & es otut.ion to
cons .iden with negand to this .increase . Ctm GtLdeey also questioned the
setv .ices oS a sectetaty at $ 138 . 00 submitted by Peters Levat.ich . Ceetk
Stettck explained that M& . Levat.ich pays his seenetany to wn.i.te up the
decisions od the Zoning Boand OS Appeals . She repotted that theme has
been approximately 6 decisions submitted this years . There .is also a
neconding secnetany who submits a di /teat vouchers to the Town Boand
Wen each ' meetn . This wilt be checked into according to McCord .
m Cotten-Use spoke nelat.ive to the equatizat.ion nate being lowers than
anyothen towns in the county . He belt we should request an adjustment
and £ nqu.ined how to go about £t . Sup & McCord said out recourse has
e xp.ined bon this yeah and until we have a complete neeoaeuat.ion we ate
at the metey ob the assessment department . elm Cotten.ite and Webb
o p.in .ioned that theme is not that much dL , 6e & enee between Lansing and
Dnyden , yet d& yden £s 12 points Cowen than Lansing ( Dnyden 57 , Lansing
69 ) . County Rep Wattos repotted that the 1975 neevatuat.ion b .igunes will
be based on 1975 constnuct.ion costs . He du&thet & eponted that he has
gone around with the state people and its very haled to dispute their
6 .Lnd.ings . Ctm Cotten-let opinioned that we have neglected out duties
by not ehateanging this netting , and not to let another yeah go by
without checking into .it . Sup )/ McCord said that the d.i66enence between
Lansing and Dnyden is that Lansing sates ate etoser to the assessment
than Dnyden sates .
Ctm Joube&t .inqu.ired o6 Supra McCord to see the copy o6 the contmaet
with Mie . Levat.ich and the Town . Salon McCord repotted that theme £4 no
w&.itten contact .
Cem Joubent £ nqu.ined about the tight at Snyder Hitt Road neat the
Baptist Chuneh . Supn McCord said Dick Case has just authorized it .
Supervisor McCord neponted that the bulb in McLean Lighting D.istnlat
can not ' be tanned 066 . The tight wilt be removed Son a bee . Ctm Joubent
7 said he did not cane how they disconnect setv .iee . He requested a copy
o S the.in letters 64om Supt McCord stating this . He said the Boand wilt
re6use to pay bon removal IDS the light when we ate just requesting dis -
continuance o6 senv .ice .
County Rep Watnos was present to repo &t . BUDGET : Was passed by the Boand .
Tax tate Sot Town and Village o6 Fnee : $ 5 . 796 pen thousand up $ 1 . 00 6nom
1974 , Village oS Dnyden tax hate $ 12 . 349 pen thousand up $ 1 . 48 6nom 1974
hate . Supn McCord questioned how the .interest on sates tax is ctedited .
14 it £ h accordance to the amount o6 each town ' s true shave of is it
e qually divided between the towns ? Mt . Watros did not know but said he
w ould my to bind out don Supn McCord . HOSPITAL : Approved a new hospital
423 -
at the present site Son $ 20 , 648 , 000 . They ate anticipating that it can
be self - sustaining by 1978 . Expect the bulks o6 the cost to be paid by
revenue shaking Sunds . County Rep Wattos repotted that two clauses in
t he xesolution axe ( 1 ) that the Hospital be built under the assumption
t hat it wits be self - sustaining and not utilize tax money , and ( 2 ) that
t he . County Boand also supports the connidon as selected by DOT . AGED
EXEMPTION : Consideration os old aged exemption income allowance be ng
na.4sed to $ 6 , 000 and making it consistent Son all municipalities and
schools . HUMAN SERVICES : Recently established said Service and they hope
they can develop some Fund o6 policy where sexvices do not overlap on
duplicate and possibly eliminate i.6 one does . TWO - HAT SYSTEM : Law has
been nevensed and is now compatible Son the Town Supervisor to also be -
t he County Representative . This is a Local option allowable by a
resolution . Supn MaCond op.in .ioned that it should stay as it is . He Seels
t hat Town government should be separate 6nom County government as it
assures mote coopetation . Ctm Joubent agreed with Salon McCord and said
n ot to encourage it . Salon McCord said he would Like to see .it ' stand in
all towns . that the Supenvison should not be allowed to serve as Cty
Rep .. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS : Ctm Webb spoke relative to the medical
e xaminers ordering the deceased to the hospital lion an autopsy and in
many cases holding the body in storage oven the weekend . This results in
a change o6 ambulance service to the hospital and then to the funeral home
bon the decedent ' s family . He felt that i6 this is a nequ.inement o6 the
county medical examiner then the county should pick up the cost foie .
ambulance s envices .
ATTORNEY : Nothing to nepont .
TOWN CLERK : Nothing to report
ZONING OFFICER : Issued 13 building permits Son this pen-Lod . ZBA had a
hearing Son the Etna Community Assoc . , no decision yet . Violations
were discussed . Discussion was had neganding the S, heanen case . Atty
Amdun said it has not been settled . She said that S'h.eanen was going
to buildia building to house the cans and he never has .
PLANNING BOARD : Banbana Caldwell neponted that . thein Boa/Ed will be
meeting Thursday December 12 . Salon McCord said they would like to meet
with them ne Lanphean decision .
TOWN COURT: Judge Millen was present and presented a suggestion to the
Boand thatAthey cons .iden appointing an acting Town Justice to be used
bon emergencies at.4 . vacationing Justices and be available to help and
advise . He neponted that he has tallied with Gang Lee , Judges Newham
and Sweetland and they all think this would be a good idea . Atty Amdun
has checked and hinds no - legal testnictions . The acting judge would be
appointed and fill in strictly when the othen Judges ate unavailable .
The cost would be a minimal annual basis . Supt McCord suggested meeting
with the Judges neganding the need and the equitable bee .
Judge Millen $ 405 . 00
Judge Newhant $1410 . 00
Letter ikon Jon Haight requesting payment . ne Ringwood Count .
Letter 6nom Highway Supt . Case that Ringwood Counts meets his approval
and can be accepted as a town toad .
Contespondenee , inom Don Franklin ne numb. en o6 mobile homes in Varna
district : r .
1. 24 motile homes , 6 bldgs = 1' tiving units , 5 'additional
mobile homes On a total o6 136 units .
Announcement : Tompkins County Municipal O66icens Assoc . meeting at the
Valley House , Weenesday evening , 7 PM , 12 / 18 / 74 . .
Letter 6nom Ithaca Journal stating the increase nate ' eon legal notices
and advertising .
Letter xe SOS ( Stamp Out Starvation ) scheduled ion Deeemben 11th .
Clm .. Cottenill o66ened the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd elm Joubent Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb o , 6ex:ed the 4ollow.Lng & esolut.ion and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that_ only the- General Fund Bills audited to be paid as such .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Discussion was had tegatd.ing rental bees pa.Ld to community associations
in the town . A request has been made to .increase said bees to the _ amount
04 $ 100 . 00 . Clm Jouben;t said we have given them revenue shaking money
ion & ec& eatton purposes and did not f eel they should be .increased
t his yea& 6o & rental se & v .Lcts . He said it was a valid tequest Got 1975 .
Clm Joubett o , Sexed the Sollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Sollow.ing Potting Places nece.ive $ 75 : 00 each 6or
the yea& 1975 Got the use o4 theit 6ac.il.it.ies : West Dryden , Varna , Etna ,
Bethel Grove and Ellis Hollow .
2nd Clm G &.idtey . Roll call vote - all voting YES
Town Clerk Stel.ick was .instxucted to nott y the Community Associations
t hat the increase in rental 4ee will commence with 1975 .
Clm Cottetitt repotted that he has checked with the school and LS the & e
is a problem they wilt go oven it with school oS4icials negaxding
elections being held thexe . They will keep in touch .
Clm Gridley o66eted the £ ollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has approved the creation o6 ten voting
d.ist icts in the Town o6 Dryden , now , there ,5ote , be it
RESOLVED , that Dist&.icts 4 , 5 , 8 and 9 ( Varna , Etna , Bethel Grave and
Ellis Hollow ) 'compn .is e D .isttict No . 13 ; and D .istx .icts t , 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 add 10
compt.ise District No . 14 Sot county representation .
2nd Clm Webb Can&.ied
Clm Cottetitt ob1e & ed the Sollow.ing tesolutton and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Boa & d accept Ringwood Cou &t as a town toad .
2nd Clm . Gt,idley Ca&t.ied
The Sollow.ing bids were submitted Got a new 10 - wheel ouch :
CCO , Syracuse $ 37 , 985 . 00
Brockway oS Binghamton $ 37 , 640 . 00
Bxockway Elm .ita $ 36 , 985 . 00
Clm Cottetitt o61eted the ioltowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town Board accept the bid atom Brockway Motor Tucks ,
Elm.itai, Sot a new 10 - wheel ttuck in the amount o6 $ 36 , 985 . 00 ; ,idettve & y
30 , days Wet bid awatd .
2nd Clm Gti dtey Roll call vote - alt voting YES
Clm Gt.idtey oSSeted the £ ollow.ing tesolut.i, on and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supenv .isor be and hereby .is ' authox:ized to t&ansbe &
$ 500 . 00 S & om Elections - equipment to contractual .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - alt voting YES
Clm Joubett ob , e & ed the £ ollowting resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supetv .isot be and hereby is authot .ized to ttans1e4
$ 50 . 00 Stool Contingency Account to Putchas .ing - Contractual expense iot
t he purpose o6 advent.is .ing Got bads .
2nd Clm Cottetitt Roll call vote - alt voting YES
Clm G4.idley o , 6eted the SoIlowing nesolut.Lon and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supetv .isot be and hereby .Ls authot.ized to tnansben
$ 33 , 940 . 66 Stom Highway Fund Item # l a to Item # 1 Wen .intexest is
received Decembet 16 . '
2nd Clm Cottetitt. Roll call vote - all voting YES
I i
Clm G&.Ldley ag6ened the 6ottow.Lng & esolutton and a4Fzed its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Superv .ison be And hereby £ s authon.ized to tnansAe &
$ 50 . 00 6 & om Contingent Acct . , town outside , to Zoning Contractual Exp .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Atta —Amdun said that we adopted a pubt c acce4d o66 .icen accond.ing to
t he rules and regulations o6 November 12th .iviAonmat.i•on . Now the State
has made new regulations as oA Novemben 29th and we have to appoint
t he 6 .izcal ogg .Lcen and & educe the change bon cop -, es 6nom 50 to 254 .
Clm Cotte &.ill o g gened the Aollow.ing nee otut .ion and asked .its adoption .
RESOLVED , that th.L4 Town Boand comply with the regutattons og Novemben
29th to appoint Charles G . McCord ae Fiscal OAAicen and the change 6or
photocopies : will be 25S pen page .
2nd Clm Joubett Garbed
Ctm G &.idley
Clm G &.idley o66ened the 6oll•ow.ing & esolution and asked ,its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the conttaet between the Town oA Dryden , Ithaca and
Lansing , and the Village .06 Cayuga He.ighte , and Lozie& EngLnee &e , Inc .
dated as o6 the '2nd day oA Deeembet , 1974 , as A .inally nevLsed .is rat tied
and approved , and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED , that the cum o6 $ 10012000 be paid to Loz .ien
Eng .i. neens , . Inc . , on account oA zenv .ices nendened by said Eng .ineene .
2nd Clm Cotte &.ill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotten.ill o66ened the 6ollow.i, ng nesolut.ion and asked .its
adoption .
W HEREAS , sealed bide bon the canettuctLon og water supply and d.istt.ibut.ioi
Aac.ititce4 bon the Southern Cayuga Lafze Intenmun.ic.ipat Waters Supply and
D .ist &.ibut.ion Ptojeet have been neceLved and opened at the time and place
spec.i, 6 -Led in the notice to b .Ldde&s Aon subm :ies .ion o6 proposals , duly
published ; and LozLen EngLnee&s , Inc . ( the Project Eng .inee&s ) have examined
t he bid proposals and the contract . documents , and have .investigated the
contnactotz eubm.itttng the Lowest bids , and has cons .Ldened any alternate
t ypes oA construction o6ge & ed in said p& opo•sals , and 6unthen have sub -
mitted the.i.n tepont and 6 .ind .ings £ nctuding the tabulation oA the bide and
t he names o6 the lowest tespons .ible b .iddena bon the eonstnuct.ion (IA said
6ac.i.l.itties in accordance with plane , specfiicat.ions and contract docu -
ments as prepared and Ailed by the Pno j ect Eng .. neens ; and the Eno ject
EngLneens have 6unthe& recommended that in accordance with the pro -
✓ isions contained in said contract documents centa.in omissions and changes
may be made in the construction plans dating the course o6 constnuetton
without changing mate&.ially the or .igLnat design and plan and without
lessening the openat.ionat capacity o6 the project ' s Aaeilities ox - the
standards o6 • compttance with applicable governmental & equ .i& ements ; and
t he Southern Cayuga Lake Intenmun.ie .ipal Commission has requested that
t his Boand de4Lgnate a pennon an pe &sone to execute any such change
o rders upon the necommendatton o6 the Pkoject Engineets and the Commission ,
in order that each change order need not be submitted ban approval at a
duly called meeting o6 the gavenn.ing Boand 196 each municipality ; and
W HEREAS , the Southern Cayuga Lake Intenmun.ie.. pal Water Comm.iee .ion has
✓ eviewed the bids and contract ptopoeale and documents and the nepont ,
n ecommendat.ions and £ Lnd .ings OA the P& o j ect Eng .ineens and has also
determined that the pennons an companies he& e.inaften named ate the towezt
tespanzible b .iddets and has recommended, that the bid proposals o6 said
companies be accepted subject to compliance with all applicable Legal
pnov .is ,ions , pnoeedunes and nequ.inemente ,
Section 1 . That this Boand 6 .inds and detetm.ines that the 6ollow.ing
ate the lowest neepons .ibte bidders and proposals 6o & the construction
o A the afo & esa.id water supply and d .istn.ibut.ion 6ac.itit.ies in accordance
with the a6oneea.id plans , spec.i6 .icat.ions and cant & act documents :
( A ) Contract G , H 8 P : Stewart 6 Bennett , Inc . , 714 W . Clinton St . ,
Ithaca , N . V . in the amount o6 $ 4 , 410 , 355 . 00 ,
dte mined as. 6 allows :
' ( .i ) . Contract G $ 3 , 918 , 655 . 00
( ii ) Contract H 193 , 000 . 00
( .L-U ) Contract P . 69 , 700 . 00
$ 4 , 1 . 81 , 355 : 00
Less : Deduction bon the
combined &wand 41 , 000 . 00
111 Net Total $ 4 , 140 , 355 . 00
( B ) Contract E : T . H . Green Electn.% c Co . , 235 Metro Panr ,
Rochester , N . Y . in the amount
o b $ 852 , 600 . 00
( C ) Contract T : Mascianett.i Construction Co . , Inc . , 1.:1 Second
Street , Binghamton , New Voxla , in the amount
O 6 $ 1 , 546 , 920 . 00
( D ) Contract I : Chemung Contracting Corp . , 105 Chemung
Place , Elmira , New Yank , to the amount
O 6 $ 434 , 950 . 00
( E ) Contract S : Chicago Bridge 8 Iron Co . , .1 Watt St . ,
New Vonfz , New Vonfz 10005 , bon Alternate
Item S - l A - l , in the amount
o b $ 272 , 500 . 00
T o t a l $ 7 , 247 , 325 . 00
Section 2 . That the above proposals be accepted and that the _
contracts be awarded to the above - named companies , as a6oresa.i.d ; that
the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the a6onesaLd contract
documents as prepared by thePnoject Engineers and the attorney bon
the Commission acting in behat6 o6 the Towns ab Dryden , Ithaca and
Lansing , and the Village o6 Cayuga Heights and approved by the Attorney
bon each ob said munLcipatities provided that the acceptance ob said
proposals by this Board shalt not be e66eetive until the contract
documents have been duty executed and acknowledged by the authorized
o 46icen ob each ob the Towns o6 Dryden , Ithaca , Lansing and the Village
o 6 Cayuga Heights and by the duly authorized o66icen ob each 04 the
above - named bidders and the contractor has supplied alt -items on
documents required by said contract documents , including duty executed
seeunity bat perbormance and material payments ( pen6ormanee bonds ,
material payment bonds ) and the .insurance policies .
Section 3 . That the Supervisor on his Deputy an any other person
duty authorized by this Board is authorized , to the extent permitted
by Law , to execute , on behatb ob this Board : ( i ) any change orders
w hich may 6rom time to time be recommended on appxoved by the Project
Engineers and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunieipal water Commission
acting in behatb ob the Out participating municipalities and ( ii ) any
and alt ° then documents which may be required brom time to time to
e 66ectuate this resolution and the construction o6 the a < oresaid Project ;
subject to such nestnictions and regulations as this Board may £ nom time
t o time adopt provided that due notice theneo6 shalt be given to the
Project Engineers , the Commission , and to contxactons perborm.ing woriz in
t his prajtct .
2nd Clm Gnidtey Roll call vote - all voting YES
. Ctm Cotterill o65ered the 6ollow<ing .resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Baand reappoint George Han6ond to the Planning
Board box a term o6 7 years expiring 12 / 31 / 81 .
2nd Clm Joubent Carried
Salon McCord o66ened the botlowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board reappoint Peter Levatich to the Zoning Baand
o6 Appears bon a teem o6 5 years expiring 12 / 31 / 79 .
2nd C . m Gridley Carried
Discussion was had with negand to the proposed amendments being con -
s .idened such as changes bon a buLtdLng permit . and LncneasLng the bee
bon a special penm.it , and changes in deb ,. n.itLons , additions and
connections . Supra McCord said thr& e will be no change bor addition ,
extension and aux.ilary banm ba Ud .ing bo & an openat.ing ba& m . It was
decided to add " unneg .i.stered and / on " in alt sections # 4 with negand
to vehLctes .
CLm Cotter.iLZ . ob6e & ed the 6ot -towing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Boand schedule a Public Hean.Lng on the p& op ; 9ed at
amendments to the Zoning Ordinance on the 14th da o Janua& U ,
7 : 30 P . M . Carried
2nd Ctm Joubent
Letter £ nom Maratha Eergen with a recommendation bnom the . Dryden
Democratic Committee bo & the appointment to the County Boand . They
obbened the name ob M .ichaet S . ( Steve ) Doherty ob 960 Dryden Road and
requested that the Town Boand cons .ide & him as a candidate bo & the
position o6 county & epres entat.ive . Sup & McCord .instructed Cle & fz Stel.icfz
to wn.ite to . Mts . Eengen stating that ;. there would be a meeting on the
19th o .6 December at 8 P . M . and the Boand would Like to meet with Mr .
Doherty at that time .
Discuss -Lon was had neganding the phone setup in the town halt . Cle.& h.
Stel.icfz explained that she is in need ob . two phones to coven two Lines
su46Lc4LentLy and the justice department has requested 3 .intercom and
three signal buttons on each ob the phone in the count obb .ice . There
is a need bon at Least one .intercom and one signal bram the clenfz ' s
obb ,ice - to the justice obb .ice . The Boand granted penmLssLon ion the
cterfz to have two phones in, hen obb .ice . The .intercom system will be
investigated by CLm Gk.idley and he will repo &t his bindings at the
next baa& d meeting . , •
Ambulance Co•ntnact : • Atty Amdun said that Mn . PenfLns wants the contract
to 'Lead" $ 4 , 500 would be a minimum ..
Adjou& red 11 : 05 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supra
Rosemary Stet ich - Town Clenfz
December 19 , 1974
Special Meeting was called to order by Supr McCord at 7 : 30 P . M . on
Tuesday , December 19 , 1974 , . at Town Hall . Present : Supr McCord ,
Councilmen Webb , Gridley , Cotterill and Joubert .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , ( A ) It appears that it is necessary that the lands here -
inafter described be acquired for the purpose of constructing improve -
ments thereon , or otherwise using the same , in connection with the
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Supply and Distribution
Project , the title thereto to be held jointly by the Towns of Dryden ,
Ithaca , Lansing and the Village of Cayuga Heights , and
( B ) The lands and interests therein to be acquired are
located in the Town of Lansing , and are the lands owned formerly by
Fred Bush , now deceased , and are more particularly shown on the
" Acquisition Map No . 11 " for the Water Tank Site and access easement
o ver the lands of the said Bush Estate on Triphammer Road , and are
more particularly described in the letter dated November 18 , 1974 from
Walter J . Schwan , as Treasurer of the Southern Cayuga Lake Inter -
municipal Water Commission to Robert S . Bush , Executor of the Estate
o f Fred Bush ,
1 . The offer to acquire said lands as contained in the
aforesaid letter dated November 18 , 1974 is confirmed , and the Super -
✓ isor or his Deputy is authorized to execute any and all documents
✓ equired to accept title to the premises and easements therein des -
cribed , and
2 . If said offer is not accepted , the Town of Dryden , either
separately or . jointly with the Towns of Ithaca and Lansing and
Village of Cayuga Heights , shall commence and prosecute all actions or
proceedings under the Condemnation Law , or other applicable laws of
New York , to obtain title to said lands and easements and the Super -
✓ isor or his Deputy is authorized to sign or verify any and all plead -
ings or process or other documents in said proceeding , and
interests The negotiations to acquire said lands and nterests there -
in shall be conducted by the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water
Commission and its counsel , and the said Commission and its counsel
are hereby authorized to prepare all pleadings , make investigations ,
o btain witnesses , and otherwise prepare for and conduct the trial of
any action on proceeding in condemnation of such lands . The Chairman
o r Treasurer of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Com -
mission is authorized to verify any pleading or process in any such
proceeding as the agent of this Board ;
4 . In addition , the Treasurer or the Chairman of the said
Commission or other persons authorized by the Commission , and the
counsel for the Commission , are authorized to conduct all other negoti -
ations to acquire any other lands or easements as the Commission and
the Project Engineers shall deem necessary , based upon the plans and
specifications and to have the value thereof appraised by competent
appraisers , subject to final approval by the four participating
municipalities , but this provision is not intended to delegate any
rights or powers which cannot be delegated by this Board , nor do any
provisions herein grant to the Commission any status as a party to any
condemnation action or proceeding .
5 . In addition , the Supervisor or his Deputy , are authorized
e ither separately , in behalf of this municipality , or jointly with the
o ther actions or proceedings under the Condemnation Law or other New
York law to acquire all other lands , easements or other interests
therein which may be required for the purposes of this Project and
as recommended by the Commission and the Project Engineers .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
429 .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the cost of the Water Supply Project has been increased and
such increase has been duly approved by the Boards of the four
municipalities of the said Project in accordance with applicable
legal procedures and , as a result , it is necessary to revise the
Agreement of Municipal Cooperation heretofore executed by the said
municipalities , and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipai Water
Commission has caused the necessary revisions of the said Agreement
to be made and has recommended the execution of all such revisions ;
the said revisions are set forth in the document entitled "Modifi -
cation of Agreement of Municipal Cooperation for Construction , Finan -
cing and Operation of an Intermunicipal Water Supply and Transmission
System , " now filed with this Board and which will . be dated as of
December 16 , 1974 ,
NOW , THEREFORE , IT IS RESOLVED : That all such revisions and the said
Agreement . as revised , are hereby ratified and the Supervisor or his
Deputy is . hereby authorized to execute any such revisions or the
e ntire Agreement as so revised .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Tom McCarthy of McCarthy Builders was present . The Board had a bill of
$ 5 , 639 . 00 that has been certified by Levatich , Miller & Hoffman as
authorization to pay McCarthy Builders . Discussion was had re total
amount of contract ( $ 43 , 063 ) and how much had been paid to date ( 38 , 757 ) .
Clm Cotterill spoke relative to the insulation in the ceiling . McCarthy
said he put in 6 " as required by the specs . Clm Cotterill said the specs
that he has looked at states 8 " of insulation . Clm Cotterill reported that
he checked and the beams are 52 inches andin many palaces the insulation
comes up only 1 / 2 way to the beams . Mr . McCarthy said his specs said
6 inches and he felt that is what was put it . He said he will check it
and put in more insulation to meet what the specs . call ' for . As for the
opening to the attic , it was originally insulated and its gone according
to McCarthy . It was noted that a box of insulation that is movable could
be located over the attic door . Clm Joubert maintained that this is the
✓ esponsibility of the Architect to find out these problems and get it
corrected ; Clm Joubert felt that the Architect should go back and check
e verything over again . Clm Joubert maintained that we have been taken
literally and royally by the Architect .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Architect has certified payment to McCarthy Bldrs in the
amount of $ 5 , 639 . 00 ,
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that this Board authorize payment of
$ 5 , 639 . 00 when the insulation be brought up to specifications and the
o pening in the attic insulated same as the rest and it . be paid when
funds .Aare available .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Bills being held , now be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supr McCord introduced Steve Doherty to members of the Board . Supr McCord
✓ eported that Mr . Doherty has . been recommended by the Democratic Committee
for the position of County Representative to replace Gary A . Lee .
Mr . Doherty gave a brief resume . He said he has been a resident of
Tompkins County for 42 years and a resident of the Town for 21/2 years .
He is a teacher . He does the Art Review Program for WHCU . He has been
o n the Democrat Committee since August . He said the Board should be
served by someone who has the time and is willing to commit himself to
the time and he was willing to commit himself to this degree . He expressed
concern with the delay of decision making by the ,County Representatives .
Martha Ferger spoke in behalf of Mr . Doherty .
Supervisor McCord read a letter from Gary A . Lee . Mr . Lee submitted
his resignation from the Tompkins County Board of Representatives to
become a member of the N . Y . State Assembly . Said resignation is
effective December 30 , 1974 at midnight .
Supervisor McCord read a letter from Phyllis B . Howell , Clerk of the
Board of Representatives stating that a vacancy Pxists on the Tompkins Co .
County Board of Representatives from Tompkins County District No . 13
due to the resignation of Gary A . Lee .
Supervisor McCord said that the Board should proceed to consider an
appointment to the position of County Representative .
He read a letter from the Dryden Republican Committee placing two
names for consideration to the position of County Rep . They are : James
Kidney and Peter DeWysocki .
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that thesTown Board of the Town of Dryden hereby appoint
James Kidney of 1800 Ellis Hollow Road to the position of County
Reoresentative of District # 13 in the Town of Dryden to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Gary A . Lee . Said appointment effective
December 31 , 1974 to December 31 , 1975 .
2nd Clm Gridley Roll call vote :
Clm Cotterill voting YES
Clm Gridley voting YES
Clm Joubert - cast a vote for
the Democrat candidate as he
was not given the opportunity
to interview the other candi -
dates .
Clm Webb voting YES
Supr McCord voting YES
Letter from Frank Liguori , Tompkins County Planner , stated that they
are emphasising the selective community pattern as it emphasises growth
around the viable existing communities with a discouragement of con -
tinued sprawl . In his opinion , the Lanphear proposal tends to continue
the sprawl pattern .
Letter from the Planning Board with their recommendations for the pro -
posal submitted by Lanphear .
The Board did not take any action as they felt the Planning Board recom -
mendations should be incorporated into Lanphear ' s plans and when this •
is done he may resubmit his plans to the Board .
Next meeting will be on the 7th of January , 1975 .
Adjourned 8 : 45 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supr .
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk