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November 12 , 1974
Public Hearing
Public Hearing was called to order at 7 : 40 PM by Supervisor McCord at
the Town Hall . Present : Supr McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Webb , Cotterill
and Joubert .
Purpose of the public hearing was the 1975 budget . Supr McCord explained
that the object in establishing this budget was to keep in the aame
budget as last year . He said the estimates of income is kept conservative ;
and we actually receive more and as a result is used as unexpended
balance . He noted one change was an increase of $ 250 . 00 salary for the
Town Clerk and increase of $ 100 . 00 for Receiver of Taxes . The rate
for village taxpayers is $ 3 . 67 per thousaad . '. assessed value and rate for
town outside villages is $ 7 . 51W/per thousand assessed value . Robert
Relyeaspoke relative to the decrease in equalization rate as '; being
the Lowest in the county . Sppr McCord said they did request further infor =
mation from the state regarding their findings a couple of years ago .
They do a random sampling of 50 homes y':_:; taken to determine their
findings . Mr . Relyea=- said the 11 % drop in equalization rate will be
reflected in the county tax rate . He suggested a volunteer group check
and review into assessments . Mr . Relyea volunteered to head up such
. a group .
Rates are as follows : .
Sapsucker Sewer Dist . total of $ 924 . 00 to be raised for e
units = $ 42 . 00 per unit .
Sewer # 2 ( Varna ) total of $ 22 , 120 to be raised from 294 units =
$ 75 . 25 unit
Water # 1 total of $ 13 , 564 to be raised : 2 . 9Wth assessment = 30 %
. 09/front footage = 1Q %
30 . 47 / unit = 60 % •
Supervisor McCord spoke relative to this budget and said there is a
$ 17 , 000 Bond Anticipation Note . outstanding .. The first payment must be
made in 1975 . The improvement cost is set at 97h per front foot .
Attorney Amdur reported to those present . that in the . event a property
goes up for taxes the county will reimburse the improvement fund .
Supervisor McCord read the contract amounts , as follows :
Varna Fire Department $ 13 , 750 . 00
N eptune Hose Company # 1 Inc . $ 19 , 000 . 00
E tna Volunteer Fire Company Inc . $ 5 , 000 . 00
McLean Fire Department Inc . $ 3 , 480 . 00
Brooktondale Fire District $ 2 , 000 . 00
W . B . Strong Fire Company $ 10 , 000 . 00
The fire rate will be $ 1 . 33 per thousand , this is the same rate as
last yen
Clm Cott will offered the following resolution and ask its ado Ition
WHEREAS , this Town . Board has met at th e time and plac e s Fwifi (Ed in
the notice o5 public heating on the pnetim.Lnany budget and heard all
penaonr der .Ln.Lng to be heard thereon , now , .thene4one , be it
RESOLVED , that th.ir Town Board doea hereby adopt rueh pnetLm.Lnany
budget with the changer as conb .Ldened Lox .incneaae in aatany 4on Town
Ctekk and Tax Colleeton , and - the _water and r ewer ., d.i.etn.ietr , 6 .cne
contnacta; Ringwood . Coun-t - Impnovement : . and : . apecLal ° Lighting d.Ldtn.ictr ar
piceaented , as the annual budget 4o4: thia Town ( on the 6izcal yeah
beginning on the / At day . o4 January ° 1975 , and that rueh budget ar ao
adopted be entered in detait in the m.Lnuter : o4 the pnoceedLnga o4
the Town Bound ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Clenh. o4 .thir Town rhall pnepane and
cent lly in dup.icate cop.iea ofi aa.Ld annual budget as adopted by th.L4
Town Bound together with the eat.imate .iti any , adopted punauant to
Section 20. 2a o4 the Town Law and dettvek one copy theneog to the
Supenv .L4on $94 th.ir Town to be pnerented by him to the Bound o4
Repneaentat.Lvea o6 th,L4 county .
2nd Clm G/.Ldley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Adjourned 8 : L5 PM Chanjer G . McCord - Supn
Roaemaky Stel.iah - Town Clerk
Nov- ember 12 , 1974
Minutes o6 the Regutan. Monthly Board Meeting o6 the Town ob Dryden
Town Board commencing at 8 : 1: 5 PM at Town Halt , Novemberl2 , 1974 .
Meeting was called to o -tden by Supe & visor McCord .
Members and guests participated in the Pledge . o 6 Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll call was by the Town Clerk . Present : Sup & McCord , Councilmen
Gridley , Cotten.ill , Webb and Joube &t .
Motion was made by Ctm Gridley , seconded by Cim Joubext that the
Minutes ob Oetoben 8th ( Public Hearing and Boand Meeting ) be approved
a4 submitted .
Cty Rep Lee wad present to repo &t . Bud et : Up app & oximately two million .
Maim 4. ne& ease in Social Se& vices . x�peer to maintain stable & ate .
Hospital : There will be a decision on the 25th o6 - November as to do
nothing , renovate ban 14 minion ' ax build new bon 22 million . Discussion
was • had on the 3rd party paye -ts . Human Services : Going to consolidate
t he 66 human service agencies under one umbrella . O46ice bor Aging Will
be discussed at a Pubtic . Hearing on the 25th . Questcons and Comments o6
t he Public and Board : Discussion was had by Ctm Jouben.t ne location o6
t he hospital . The center o4 the population .is in the NE section o6 the ,
county . Accessibility is a 6actor . Mm . Lee said it would be cheapet i6
we utilize the existing pnope-tty as the wate4 and sewe-t is there and it
was obtained bon $ 1 . 00 . elm Webb inquired ambulance senv .ice . Cty Rep
Lee said the body can not be moved until the medical examine & has deela-ted
t he pe &son dead and no flout play . Ctm Webb said the body is being moved
t o the hospital birst and Ott that it could _ be moved to the 6une-tat home
to cut cast to relatives . Also questioned the -teasoning bon. the deceased
being held in the ' cooler oven. the weekend . Cty Rep Lee said he would
talk :. to the medical . examine & and . get the inbonmation to Mr . Webb .
Eleanor Chutch spoke relative to the flee being paid the community
centers bon the stoning ob election machines and use bon. elections .
They ate euxaently being paid $ 35 . 00 and she requested that the Board
considers a raise . - Salon McCord read a lette & 4 -tom Bethel G & ove
requesting $ 100 . 00 pen yeah . He said the Town Board will consider it . s. ,
CERACCHE TV : Walter Wiggins presented an application to set down a
public heaning , Lox hate increase . The proposed rate will be $ 6 . 00
box the 6irst £ nstaltation , an increase o6 $ 1 . 00 ; and $ 1 . 00 box each
additional installation , an inenease 0b $ . 50 . They repotted that
there is a need Lox this as their pro6it margin is deexeasing as a
& exult o6 new negulatians set dawn by the State . They meponted that
t hey hope to have service to . Hiekony Highlands and Sunny Slope by
Chntistmas . Attorney Amdur noted that the Town can now apply ban. 3 %
a6 the probit and wanted to know .i6 this was being considered . Atty
Wiggins said it is not being eonsiden. ed .
Jon HaighE 06 Rowell Associates was present to report . He said the
road - ( Ringwood Court ) £s not in accordance with the 4peci6ieatians ,
sate cleanup •- is not - camplete ,6 -toad is not to grade . The pole has
been removed . The cant -taeton is back wanking on the -toad .
elm Webb spoke . xe. ative to - toll calls on the telephone bill . He belt
t heme s houtd • be ' a check . The : bill . s hlau .ed be cineu. lated to the vaniaus
departments and have ,it faud ,ted . He belt we 401. outd % ha0e a system H a 6 '
logging the toll calls .
elm Gridley spoke & elative to the gravel movement on Irish Settlement
Road . According to Atty Amdur , Mr . Hardesty is using it bor his own
use and that the Zoning O66 .ice & checks into this occasionally .
Cim Catty&ill spoke relative to recommendations and suggestions by
t he Planning Board n. e zoning changes .
elm Joubent = nothing .
Atty Amdur nepo -tted that Sammons Communication ( Co &tland' . Video ) kg_
South Khali Drive will be under constitution within a week . She also
suggested that the Board consider asking bon 3 % in theim contract .
She repotted that the McLean Light petition can be accepted to remove
t he tight . Dis-cussion was had on the cost Soo kemov.ing the light . Clm
Joubekt said it is just maintenance and he didn ' t cane Ls they moue
t he - light , the people were just .interested in stopping sekvice . He is
o6 the opinion that they ate not nequest.ing that the tight and pole
be physically move , only a tekm.inat.ion os tight senv -Lce on that pole .
He said the Boand should ne6use to pay Got the removal when they in
tact ate not tequest.i. ng such . The Town Clerk was £ nstnucted to write
Gas g Electric and not.i £ y them to tekminate s env.ice to tight in the
McLean D:isttict that is situated at the Railroad tracks on Gut £
Hitt Road .
Attorney Amduk reported that under the Freedom o £ In £ okmatLon Law a
public ' access o66 .icer must be appointed . Will have to set up rules ,
hours and changes . It was decided to charge 50 't bar an uncentL Led
copy o6 a kecond and $ 1 . 00 for a cekt.i6 ied copy . Discussion was had
as to who who should be appointed . Atty Amdun op.inioned that it
should be the Town Clerk . Mks . Han6okd opin.ioned that it should be
t he Superv ,ison . The Town Boand fagkeed with the Attorney that it should
be the Town Clerk . .
Ctm Joubent : c £ 6eted the £ oUow.ing nesolut.ian and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Boand appoint the Town Clerk as Recot & Access
O £ 6 .Lcen and that necokds be available dusting negutan business hours
and the change shall be : 5n pen copy ; $ 1 . 00 Sdt cekt.iiied copy ;
e no change ban beanch .
2nd Ctm Gkidley Cann.ied
Atty Amdun Lnstnueted the Clerk to 6 .ill out the Quest.ionncutke and
ma:ii ' :i.t• to the Committee on Public Access to Records . fl
Clm . G/.idley • os6ene • t e , o ' ' ow.cng neso ' ut.con an • as e . .cts a . opt.con .
IIIWHEREAS , the Town Boand of the Town o6 Dryden , Tompkins County , New
York , by pnoceed.ings heketo £ one duly had and taken pursuant to Sec .
202 - 6 06 the Town Law , has detenm.ined it to be in the ' pubttc .interest
t o pkovide a centaLn .increase and £mpkovement o6 £ac.il.it.ies o £ Waters .
D.isttict No . 1 o6 said Town consisting o £ a comprehensive water
.improvement including water treatment plant , tkansm.iss .ion main and
pump station Son an intenmunicipal water supply Sacitity Lon the Towns
o li Dryden , . Ithaca and Lansing and the Village o6 Cayaga Heights , all
in Tompkins County , New Yonh , Son the joint use and opetatton by the
said Souk mun.ici, patities as said 6acitities pursuant to an agreement
O 6 municipal cooperation to be entered into by and between the said
Towns and the said Village , pursuant to Akt cte 5 - G o6 the General
.Municipal Law , at an estimated cost o6 $ 4 , 150 , 000 , which .impkovement is
mote bully desek.ibed in a map , plan and kepont pnepaned in connection
t hekew.Lth and Ls now on 'Site in the o66 .ice o6 the Town Clerk ; and
W HEREAS , it now appeats that in ordek to contract bon the construction
O 6 said t ctc-Ltity it will be necessary to .i. nckease the estimated expense
t hekeos 6nom $ 4 , 150 , 000 to $ 6 , 070 , 000 ; and
W HEREAS , the proposed method o6 £ .financing such total cast pursuant to
the a £ onesa.i. d agreement o £ municipal coopekat.ion , consists o £ the
incunk.ing ob joint indebtedness by the said Village o6 Cayuga Heights
and the said Towns o6 Dryden , Ithaca and Lansing to be evidenced by
joint s et i. at bonds to be issued jointly to mature in annual install -
ments aver a pen.Lod not exceeding • £ onty ( 40 ) years , and the shake o6
said costs to be allocated to the Town o6 Dryden pursuant to said
agreement o6 municipal coopekation shall be detekm.cned on the basis o6
benefiiLts neee.ived on con1ekked on to be neee.ived on concerned £ nom the
- aSonesa.id • .improvement in said Town , which amount £4 now estimated to
be $ 141 , 916 . 60 ; and .
W HEREAS , the cost o6 said proposed water .improvement allocated to the
Town os Dryden as a6okesaid shall be annually assessed , levied and
collected £ nom the s evenal tots on parcels o 6 land in said D ,istnict
in Just pnapont on to the amount a £ bene6 t which the watek impkove -
ment shall con6ek upon said lots on parcels ; and
W HEREAS , it is now des .Lxed to call a public heating £ ok the purpose o £
e onsideking said proposed .increase and .improvement 46 £ acittties at
t he .ineneased cost alionesaid ; NOW , THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY
I ,
ORDERED , that the Town Board ob the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County ,
New Votk ; shall meet and hold a public hean.ing at . the Vanna . Pane
Halt in said Town , on the 34d day ob Dece ►bben , 1974 , at 7 : 30 o ' clock .
P . M . , Eastern ' Standard Time , bon the punpos e o t conducting a public
heating to considers the atonesa.id map , plan and report and the newly
estimated cost and to heat all persons .interested in the subject
marten thereat concenn.ing the dame and to take such action thereon as is
nequ.ined and authon.ized by law ; . AND IT IS FURTHER
ORDERED, that the Town Clerk shall give notice o b said heating by
publishing a copy ab this Orden in the Rural News , the ofSLc.ial news -
paper , and by posting one copy theteo $ on the o b t .i cial s .ignboand o6 .
t he Town , both publication and posting to be abtected not less than
t en ( 10 ) not mote than twenty ( 20 ) days Anion to . the date set tan
such public heating ; AND IT IS FURTHER
ORDERED , that this ondenushall take etfeet immediately .
2nd Clm Webb • Roll call vote - all voting YES
It was decided that the Clerk should send a post card to each nes .ident
in the Water DLstn .i. ct and a copy o t the onden to Harold Case bon
posting at the b .ine station .
Clm Gn.idley ottened the bollow.i, ng nesolutton , and asked its adoptioil .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize the Supenv .ison to • execute the
Eng .Lneens Agreement sot the Intenmun.icipat Waters . Project when it
becomes available .
2nd Ctm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Discussion was had wkth Highway Supt Can to building a 'Load bor the
.waxen commission . that will eventually be . a road in the Town a t . Lansing
( pro yos ed village pont .io n ) . Highway Supt Can said it is not legal to
use town highway money bon a waxen d .i.stnict .
Supra McCord osbened the 0 .e-towing nesolut.ion and asked .its ' adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Supen.Lntendent cooperate with the othet
municipalities in the eonstnuction ob the toad bon the Soathern•
Cayuga I ntenmun.ie.. pal • Water Comm.iss_ .ion .
2nd Clm Gt idle y Cakt ied
. Clerk StetLek repotted • that ' .it was necessany ' to use some people as . a
substitute election .inspecton4 and asked that they be appointed as
such .
Clm Joubent o . tened the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint the ,following as substitute election
inspectors bon the yea& 1974 , as hollows :
JeanetteS.innigen - Republican
• Nanette Keech - Republican •
Jane Cage - Republican
Vicki Dabes - Democrat
Pat Scattergood - D• emocnat '
2nd Clm Cottenill Carried
Clerk Stet-Lek announced that pnooh oh a nabieZvaccination was now
necessary in .onden to obtain a dog license , the& ehone , a Clinic is
t o be held at the Village Fine Station on the 20th of November: , 7 - 9 PM .
Clerk Stelick repotted that John L . Millen , County Fine Cootdinator ,
requested that the Town Board , Highway Supt . , Town Clerk and local
fine department ohtieens look oven a list of /toads oh the Town and
make necessary changes and additions . . So ban the Town Clerk and
Highway Supt have-gone oven the list . Sup & McCord instructed the
Clerk to send out copies to the tine companies• and the members ob the
Board hot the.in recommendations . '
Issued 19 permits bon the period . Zoning Obtieen Stewart spoke imitative
t o the application tot a variance by the Etna Community Assoc . Atty
Amdun said they can not appeal the town board decision to the ZBA and
ib they do it must be done within 30 days . Clm Joubent said they, should
enter a written request stating the.in reason why we should waive the
time element . Mn . Stewart reported that Judge Millet has said he
will get to wank on the Sheanen case . Violation at the corner oh
Besemen Hill and Snyder Hitt Rds . has been noted and theme has been
no nepl y to the notice s exit b y the Z . O . Thinks they ate new owners .
Repotted that the signs at Etna Lane and Route 13 is being ton' n
down . The State is sending outtettets to alt sign owners that are within
600 beet ob the state highway .
Ctm Cotter.ill ohheted the hollowing nesolut . on and aslzed its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Joubent Roll call vote - all voting YES
Ctm Gridley o fi6ened the hollowing nesolutton and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills and Election Bills be paid as
audited .
II 2nd Ctm Webb Rote call vote - all voting YES
Judge Newhant $ 1760
Judge Mitten $ 85
Discussion was had on the small amount collected by Judge Millet . It
was noted that since his teem would be up Decembers 31 , he did not
want to leave any cases pending and was trying to wind tup his existing
case load .
Highway Fund : Revenues $ 47 , 553 . 84 ; Expenses ' $ 54 , 699 . 07
General Fund : Revenues $ 3 , 673 . 03 ; Expenses $ 55 , 469 . 02
Fine Pnatect.ion : Revenues $ 22 . 99 ; Expenses $ - 0 -
Fedenal Revenue : Revenues $ 12 , 323 . 00 ; Expenses $ 10 , 172 . 60
Capital Fund.:. ,.geceisats $ 6340 . 00 ; Expenses $ 6345 . 00
Ctm Joubett o , ,4ened the hollowing nesolut.ion and ached its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board oh the Town ob Dryden request that the
Department oA Tnanspontat.ion establish a lower maximum speed on
Snyden Hilt Road in the vicinity oS Genung Road intersection and
Snyden Hill Baptist Church .
2nd Clm Cottenitt Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubett ob6erect the 1'ollowing nesotutian and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board oh the Town oh Dryden request that
the Department oA Transportation establish a lower maximum speed on
Getman Cross Road 6nom Route 79 to Coddington Road .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Cottekitt ohsened the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board oh the Town oh Dryden request that the
Department Ticanspontation establish a lowers maximum speed on State
Route 79 Atom the Town oh Ithaca tine east to Besemen .
2nd Supn McCokd Roll call vote : 2 Favor
Failed Opposed
Ctm Joubent ' s reasoning lion voting against a request hot reduced speed
on Route 79 was that there is in his opinion no need Aor a town speed
`'" as it is a good toad and does not Seel the 45 MPH is ' being enhorced
as much as it should be .
Clm Gridley ° Aliened the hollowing tesolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to maize an
advance oh $ 2 , 000 . 00 hnom • Genenal Fund surplus to Sewers District 02
to covet bond payment .
2nd Clm Cottenilt Roll call vote - alt voting YES
Ctm Gi.idtey o66ened the hollowing ne4olution and asked its adoption . .
RESOLVED , that the Supenviso4 be and heneby is authorized to trans -
On $ 129 . 80 hum Contingency Account to Town • Ceenk Equipment hand
to supplement cost ob calculate /L . .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Gridley oShened the ( allowing resolution and asked its adoption .
. • RESOLVED , that the Supetvison be and heneby is authohized to t4ans -
6en $ 75 . 49 6rom Pe44onnel , Contractual Expense to Personnel , Equip -
meet Fund .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubent ofhened the holt-owing nesoeution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supe4viso4 be and heneby is authorized to tnansie .
$ 75 . 00 164om Contingency Account to youth Count .
2nd Clm Cottenile Rate call vote - all voting YES
elm G4idley o b hened the . hollowing ses alution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to advertise
hot bids hot a new ten wheel truck .
2nd Ctm Joubert Carried •
elm Gridley o6heked the holbwing nesotutian and asked its, adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize the Supenvison to execute the
6i /Le contnacts . in accordance : to the amounts in the budget .
2nd Clm Cotten-ill Cansied
Discussion was had ne con4Ldenatton _ . ab :- the pn: aposed zoning . amtn-dments
t o be huithen discussed at an executive meeting:- on_ . the 19th at 7 : 3V0
It was decided . .to schedule , a public hearing on the 10th oh December . .
ion the proposed /Late .iacnease hot Cetacche TV Corp .
elm Gridley obseted the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption .
W HEREAS , this Town Board has met at the tithe and place 4pee.i6 .ied in
t he notice ob public heaving in the preparation ofi the Assessment
Rolls ob parcels Land included in the Water District # l , Sewen
District # 1 and Sewen Dist # 2 to base the cost changeable to said
districts in connection with the construction oi4 the water and
sewer systems which benents and imp /Loves said districts , and
heard all persons desi.ing to be heard thereon , now ,thene6one , be
RESOLVED , that this Board does . heneby adoptsaid assessment 40114
6o4 this town got the 6iseal year beginning on the ' 6 .in4t day oh
January X975 .
2nd Clm Joubent Cannied
Sups McCord oicbened the bo1Lowing nesUtution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the adoption oh the assessment notes be subject to
include the connected. notice pending a written conbonmat.Lon finom
t he Assessment Department .
2nd Clm Gridley Can/Lied
Highway Supt . Can said he is not pnepaxed to accept Ringwood
Count .
Ctm Cottenite op.in.ioned that even ' though the driveway does meet
t he architects specifications , it £4 not suMfiicient . He said he
is not ready to accept the architects okay and would like to /Lead
t he specs . Ctenk Stetick gave Clm Cottenile specifications and plans
t o look at and study . elm Joubent said we should have a contract as
t o how the akchitect is paid ; i , hau/ly nate on percentage /Late .
Dick Case said he will go ahead with his pant when the contractor £ 4
tiin.i4hed. . . Supn McCord said he will check into the legal agreement
with Levatich .
Motion by Supt McCord , seconded by Clm Joubett that we adjourn .
Adjourned 11 : 00 PM Charter G . McCord - Supt.
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk