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August 6 , 1974
Special Meeting
Called to order at 7 : 30 p . m . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen
Gridley , Cotterill , Webb and Joubert , also Atty. . Amdur .
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that it be authorized that the Town of ' Dryden advertise for
i 11bids for office furniture . Such bids to be opened at 7 : 30 p . m . on the
; 27th day of August .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Supr McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that a Public Hearing for revision of the official town map
be held August 27th at 7 : 45 pm at Town Hall .
2nd Clm . Cotterill Carried
Adjourned Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
"I 1?
August 13 , 1974
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden , commencing at 7 : 30 p . m . at Town Hall . Present : Council -
men Webb , Gridley and Cotterill . Clm Joubert arrived at 7 : 40 p . m . Absent :
Supr McCord . Clm Webb presided as Deputy Supervisor .
Meeting was called to order by Deputy Supr Webb .
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll call was by the Town Clerk .
Motion was made by Clm Gridley , seconded by Clm Cotterill that the
Minutes of July 2 and July 9 be approved as submitted . Carried .
Deputy Supr Webb noted that a new resolution was in order as Res . # 124
was incorrectly worded as the money can not be transferred . i
Cim Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to allocate $ 5 , 000 . 00 of
the Federal Revenue Sharing money to each of the five ( 5 ) centers of
the Town of Dryden for purposes of developing and expanding their
recreational facilities for a total of $ 25 , 000 ; and allocate $ 30 , 000
for maintenance of town roads .
2nd Cim Webb Roll Call Vote :
Cim Cotterill voting YES
Clm Gridley " YES
Clm Webb " YES
Motion was made by Clm Gridley , seconded by Clm Cotterill that the
Minutes of July 30 be approved as submitted . Carried .
County Rep Watros was absent .
Deputy Supr Webb postphoned discussion on Short Road until Highway Supt .
Case arrived .
BobDingler spoke relative to their proposed building for Etna Fire
Co . and Day Care Center . He reported that Mr . Lucentee does not have a
lease with Keech and they pay a few dollars to help pay the taxes . He
questioned the legality of the establishment of the airport . Atty Amdur
said the town has allowed it to exist and would have to assume that the
town has given passive approval by allowing it to continue and this
could be the finding if we should go to court . She stated that the county
planner did give us some rules and would not recommend a building of
this type be built there . She also spoke relative to 1965 procedure . She
said that argument could be made by the airport that they have been in
existance for a number of years , it is listed on maps and it has been
approved by federal and state agencies . Letter from the DOT stated that
they feel that in the interest of public safety , it should not be located
in the approach zone . Mr . Dingier claimed that the _ airport is not going to
be there much longer and they do not have another piece of land to build
on . They are considering building just a fire station . Clm Cotterill
said that we have to assume it is an established airstrip . He further
stated that if Mr . Lucentee gives the Board something in writing that the
airport will be closed in 6 months or a year , then that might be a different
case . Cim Gridley and Webb agreed with this statement . Attorney Amdur
determined that if the Town knowingly issued a permit with all the facts
they have been established , then the town is liable . Clm Cotterill said
that we all have been informed by the state , county and DOT that it is not II/
proper to issue a permit . The Board would not consider approving a permit
to Etna Community Assoc . for a community building .
Harold Case spoke relative to two dead poplar trees on Forest Home Dr . ( Rte .
392 ) . Felt they should be taken down as they are hazardous . Information
will be turned over to Highway Supt . Case .
Councilman Joubert - Nothing
Clm Cotterill inquired about Cortland Video extending cable to South
Knoll Road . Clerk Stelick reported that she had talked with Mr . Mauranti
o f Cortland Video and he stated that they were - having trouble with
getting an easement to lay the cable ._ Clerk Stelick read a . .letter '
from them stating that they were ready to start construction on South •
Knoll Road just as soon as' an easement is signed . Ltr - dated 8 / 9 / 74 .
Clm Cotteriil said he would assist Cortland Video in clearing ' up the
rightro.f- way problems . • I . . :
Clm Cotterill . inquired of the Zoning Officer if he has notified any of
the sign owners •. or property owners ' of the new amendment to the sign
ordinance. . . Z . O . Stewart said he has done ' so . Atty Amdur said this would
involve just those signs at intersections .
C1"m Gridley reported that he was too hasty in approving the minutes . r He
- said that Res . # 127 must be corrected to read that the Town Board accept
the bid and the Highway Supt . be authorized to make the necessary transaction .
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Clerk be instructed to correct • the minutes of July 9 ,
Res . # 127 to read : Resolved that the Town Board accept the bid from Richard
Watts for a used 1964 Brockway Tandem- Drive Truck infthe - amount of
$ 2 , 475 -. 00 and the Highway Supt . be authorized to make the necessary
transaction . . •
2nd Clm Cotteriil - • Roll call vote - all voting YES
Attorney Amdur spoke -ralativ e-
e thIntermunicipal water District and reported that1all
papers have been recorded and completed and meets requirements . Reported that it was
necessary to. have. a resolution to advertise for sealed bids for construction of said ,
w ater .district . , . . - .
Councilman . Cotterill offered the -following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Town Boards of the Town Of Dryden , Ithaca and _Lansing and the Village.
Board of . the Village of Cayuga Heights , have on various dates , executed
Commisssion established pursuant to said agreement - Was designated ,-as the " Inter-Municipal
Water Supply and Transt$asioim Commission " , and the said. Commission has slice assumed the
n ame of " Southern Cayuga Lake • IntermunicipaT Water Commission " , and
WHEREAS , various legal steps have been taken by each municipality in connection with the
• proceedings to construct" thet intermunicipal ta.ter - project which is : the subject of , auch-
agreement , and the dommissionis about to authorize. the publication of a, notice or
notices that bids will be accepted for the eonstruction. of -the . project , .
NOW , THEREFORE , IT IS RESOLVED as follows : _ _ . .
Section 1 . t i ' _ : - -
A. _The name of the intermunicipal commission i- s amended to be the " Southern Cayuga
Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission " , hereinafter also referred to as Commission .
B . The date of- the_ - iatermuticipal ' water egr,eemept; -hereinefter i so referred to as
Agreement , shall., for purposes of identification , be February 25,, 1974 .
C . All actions have been taken which are required to make said , Agreethent an agree -
ment binding. upon_ the Town. of Dryden , the Town of Ithaca , the. . Town of Lansingr and the
Village of Cayuga - Heights , and said Agreement is no in .effect .as a valid , . binding obli
gation ,of;, the_ Town , of. Dryden ; .. .
. Section 2 . The _, Cenmission ii authorized to advertise for the receipt of . sealed bids
for the construction of the intermunicipal project in accordance with the provisions of
said Agree lent. and the plans , engineering drawings , specifications contract documents ,.
and- resolutions heretofore adopted by this -municipality end . the three other nunici - .
palities and all .other proceedings, relating to the foregoing which have been heretofore
had . Such bids shall be received and opened at. the Torn of Ithaca Offices , .10E East
Green Street , Ithaca , New York at such time or at such other ..place , as the Commission
shall determine; to assure., the most expeditious commencement ' df .the Construction of the_
project . the COIDP�isslon3 is authorized to open , any and all bids and to .wake a. report
I thereon . immediately- to each municipality ,,. copies .of, all bid proposals shall be made .
available immediately to this ' municipality . The Corm*issiou is authorized to take such
; other action as the Commission shall deem necessary and desirable. . Any such action by the
Commission , however , with respect to the acceptance or `rejection of bids is subject to
the final approval of this municipality . The form of the notice or advertisement for bids
shall be in the forma approved by the Commission and its legal counsel . 7 - - - -- - -
Section 13 . - . •
A . The Cortiamissiom -is authorized to negotiate for the acquisition of such lands_, in
fee simple , or easements or other interests in land , as may be necessary for the purposes
of the project on such tern and conditions , including price , as the-Commission deems ,
advisable . Title to such lands , or easements . ,or interests ' therein , •maybe ..acquired ..jointly
in the name . of all four municipalities which are parties to the aforesaid Agreement or in
the name of anyone or more of said municipalities in behalf of . any. one . or more of said ,
municipalities .
394 :
B . The Commission is authorized to commence any actions or proceedings , - including
condemnation proceedings , necessary to acquire the title to any such lands , whether
in the nature , of a fee simple title or a lessor interest , including easements_ and .
rights of way , in _ any such lands . Any such action , shall be commenced either: in the
name of all or any one of the municipalities which are parties to said Agreement - or in
the name of the several members of the Commission , acting jointly in behalf. of this
municipality and said other municipalit. s , and , without limiting the foregoing , the
Supervisor ' of this municipality, namely , the Town of Dryden is authorized to amend :
any such proceeding or action , and to verify any and all pleadings in any such pro -
ceedings and actions .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clerk Stelick reported that Deputy Clerk .Dorla Barker has resigned . Clerk Stelick
recommended that the Board appoint Susanne Lloyd as Deputy Clerk .
Gin Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board accept the resignationof Dorla Parker as Deputy Town Clerk
effective immediately , and be it ' .
FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board appoint Susanne Lloyd as Deputy Town Clerk at 2 . 50
per- hour . .
2nd Clm Joubert Roll call vote - all voting YES_..-'
Clerk .Stelick reported that -she has talked with the Board of Elections e ,dropping
off the election supplies at the Polling Places . rather than the old policy of taking
the supplies to each chairman. She reported that she has to make repeated - trips in
cases when : .the chairman has not been home and with the increase in districts this could
involve a lot more -time- and--mileages The:- Board-- --of -Elections- reported- ;that. many of. _the
Towns leave the . supplies- at the polliig.` place . Clerk Stelick . ask the Board if they had
any objection towards establishing this- policy . No objection was voiced. .Clerk Stelick
reported . that 'pay for chairman o"f the 'election districts ( extra corpe.nsationn of $5 .00 )
'was not indlud-ed in the resolution that appointed said election inspectors . There was
:a question as eto how much- to pay and to whom it is payable-. According to -the Board of
Election ( Sec .` ,49 of Election Law ). each . chairman of each district. is allowed an extra,
compensation of $ 5 . 00 for registration only . . _ _
Clm Joubert offerer the following resolution and asked its adoption; for 1 . 7
RESOLVED , that . this Board authorizerthe ' payment of $5 . 00, extra compensation 4o, the
chairman of each ,and every election district in the Town of Dryden . This is dote in
accordance to Sec . 49 of the Election Law . .
2nd Clm Cotterill . Roll call. vote - all voting YES
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution .and asked its ' adoptibi .
WHEREAS , the mamd of Louise Wilbur was 'submitted to the Town Board for the . appointment
as election inspector , and .
WHEREAS , the Board- of Election could not find such. 'person listed as a registered voter
in the Town of Dryden , said appointment was declared cancelled , non , therefore, be it
RESOLVED , that this Beard appoint Louise Walker._ as Election Inspector in District 9 .
2nd Clay Cotterill Carried . - -
Clerk . Stelick read a letter from Frederick M . Ahl inquiring as to the status -.of T . V .
cable ,service in his area of 380 Turkey . Hill Road . He reported they have made several
attempts to have Cerrache lay cable to their hone , but Cerr.ache maintains that the
coat .is .to high. for just -s few houses . Cerrache .would lay the cable if the property °
owner . wants to pay the cost . He referred to, the petition signed by 'people- on Turkey
Hill :Road requesting cable service that has been filed in . .the Town Clerk ' s Office . He
asked for suggestions or recommendations that might resolver:<this problem . . Atty. ' Amdur
is to_ check into the latest . law .regarding new regulations . Clm Cotterill Spoke relative
to the rinimuM distance for- a hookup and felt Attorney Andur should answer Mr. . Ahles
letter when she has some answers . .
Z . O . Stewart reported that he has issued 21 permits . Three variance granted_ and has
scheduled two hearings for . the . 27th . Discussion was had .re hobby . car , collection-by-
Mr . Shearer . Complaints have been made to the , zoning . officer re old ears on the °
property . It 'vas decided to file a complaint of .viol_ation and bring him before the .
Judge . C1rCotterill felt that someone . should be present at the hearing representing
the town . Zoning Offider Stewart will be present and represent the torn . Clm Webb
spoke relative to the old R . B . SiMmons house being moved. . Z . O . Stewart reported that
they have an application but have not returned it to him yet . This will be watched . .
Mrs . Lance inquired about Keith Lanphear . The Beard reported that is resolution had
been adopted 7/2/74 for a 1 basement apartment and 1 professional office . The cinder-
blocks remaining are allowed if theycare not- being sold . Trucks are all licensed . He' '
now complies with all requirements according to the Board . t .
Mr . Trumbo was present to report that the preliminary review of the map should be done
by now . . He reported that the Board must adopt two resolutions to comply with the Flood
Program . Mrs . Caldwell said the Planninp, Board recommended immediate action by the
Board in this regard .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . .
WHEREAS , certain areas ofTown of Dryden are subject to periodic flooding ( and/or
mudslides ) from streams causing serious damages to properties within these areas ;- and
WHEREAS , relief is available in the form of Federally subsidized flood insurance as
authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 ; and
WHEREAS , it is the intent of this Town Board to require the recognition and evaluation
of flood and/or mudslide hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the
flood plain ( and/or mudslide ) areas having special flood ( and/or mudslide ) hazards ;
WHEREAS , this body, has the legal authority to adopt land use and control measurers to
reduce future flood losses pursuant to Article 16 , Sections 261 , 262, and 263 of New
York State Town Law .
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that this Board hereby : 1
1 . Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it will enact as necessary ,
and maintain in force for those areas having flood or mudslide hazards , adequate land
use and control measures with effective enforcement .provisions consistent with the
Criteria set forth in Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations ;
and . .
2 . Vests Town Supervisor with the responsibility , authority , and means to :
( a ). Delineate or assist the Administrator , at his request , in delineating the .
limits of the areas having special flood ( and/or mudslide ). hazards on available
local maps of sufficient scale to identify the location of building . sites .
( b ) Provide such information as the Administrator may request concerning
present uses and occupancy of the flood plain ( end/or mudslide area ) .
( c ) Cooperate with Federal , State , and local agencies and private firms which
undertake to study , survey , map , and . identify flood plain or mudslide areas , and
cooperate with neighboring communities with respect to management of adjoining flood
plain and/or mudslide areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards .
( d ) Submit on the anniversary date of the community ' s initial eligibility an
annual report to the Administrator on the progress made during the past year within
the community in the development and implementation of flood plain ( and/or mudslide
area ) management measures .
3 . Appoints Town Supervisor to maintain for public inspection and to furnish upon
request a record of elevations ( in relation to mean sea level ) of the lowest floor
( including basement ) of all .new or substantially improved structures located in the
special flood hazard areas . If the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides ,
the elevation of the floor immediately above must also be recorded .
4 . Agrees to take such other . '.official action as may be reasonably necessary to
carry out the objectives of the program .
2nd Cirri Webls Carried .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Town of Dryden has adopted and is enforcing the Zoning Ordinance of
the Town of Dryden , and
WHEREAS , Article XVIII , Section 1801 of the aforesaid prohibits any person , firm or
corporation from erecting , constructing , enlarging , altering , repairing , improving ,
moving or demolishing any building or structure without first obtaining a separate
building permit for each building or structure frog the Zoning Enforcement Officer , and
' \ WHEREAS , the Zoning Enforcement Officer must examine all plans and specifications for
the proposed construction when application is made to him for a building permit .
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden as follows :
1 . That the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall review all building permit appli -
cations for new construction or substantial improvements to determine whether , prod
posed building sites will be reasonably safe from flooding . If a proposed building
site is in a location that has a flood hazard , any proposed new construction or
substantial improvement ( including prefabricated and mobile homes ) must ( i ) be designed
( or modified ) and anchored to prevent flotation , collapse , or lateral movement of the
structure , ( ii ) . use construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant
to flood damage , and ( iii ) use construction methods and practices that will minimize
flood damage ; and
2 . That th.-e Subdivision>Control Officer shall review subdivision proposals and -
other proposed. new developments- to 'assure that ( i ) all such proposal's ' are consistent
w ith the need: to minimize flood .damage ,': ( ii ) all public ' utilities and facilities, -
such as sewer , gas , electrica.lrand water systems are located ; elevated , - and Con-
structed to minimize or eliminate flood damage , and ( iii ) adequate drainage is --
provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards ; and
3 . That the Tompkins County Department of Health shall require new or replace -
ment- water supply systems and/or- sanitary 'sewage systems to be designed to minimize
or ° eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and dischargeg from the
systems into flood waters , and require on - site waste disposal systems to be located
so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during flooding . _
2nd C1ffi Webb _ _ .. _ . _ Carried .
Discussion was had re . town map . : The Planning Board recommended that
WoodlaneTerrace name be.- changed asrit is too confusing with Woodland
Road which is . in the general area . There is only one resident on _ Wood - `
land Terrace that it would affect .
• Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board empower Barbara Caldwell , Planning Board Chair -
man , to take whatever action necessary to change the name of Woodland
Terrace and get the information to Mark Trumbo by . the 27th of August .
2nd Cim Joubert Carried .
Attorney Amdur reported . that there- has . been several discussions and . '
meetings with 'regard to the status of Short ;Road . A building permit was _
e rroneously issued by the Zoning Officer. . It has been decided by the
Town Board that Short Road would not be brought up to standard and
recognized as . a town road . Highway . Superintendent , Case said that to his
knowledge that for the . past 15 years or more Short Road has not been
maintained , - has not , received any state aid . and is not on the official
town map . Mr . Russell . maintai•ned that a culvert was put . in sometime in
1963 . He also maintained that 6 people use this road . Attorney. Amdur. ...• . y'
said they have a right - of -way . in common . Mr . Gerbasi said there has been
a house there since 1951 : He said attempts have. been made . for the Town
to maintain the road . He has - bought property ` on this road and had plans , _
for a - subdivision and now that . is not possible4f it is nbt a town . road .
Attorney , Amdur suggested that they could have , . a Road . Improvement such . -
as Ringwood •- . Court Is instituting . Cim Gridley said that in 1956 or , 1957
when. • he . was Supr . he refused any . work on the road . . Contreversial dis -
cussion was . had among the town board members as . to what is or is not a
town road . C1in Joubert felt that . the Town Board should not go on record.
as saying that in the , Town - of -Dryden we abandon . every road that we have
n ot maintained and is not considered a town road . He also opinioned that
the Board is inconsistent as to • what • is abandoned or what is not aband -
o ned . He felt that the Town has not been maintaining road - as they . do not
want to . Mr . Russell maintained that the school bus used the road in
the 30 ' s . Attorney Amdur said they :have a choice -of either .reimburse' . Mr . .
Russell for his expense or he could apply for a variance to the Board
of Zoning Appeals . It appeared that Mr . Russell favored the variance
route . Atty Amdur said we have to use a procedure and the Board ' s policy
is that a road is a road on the _town - map and the roads that have -
not been ,considered town roads : are in fact hot town roads . - . '
L tr fro •; Board of Representatives re appointment of Sam Woodside to Bi -
Centel Committee . .
L etter • from Richard Murdock rerequettr for revenue sharing funds for
D rug, - Council of Tompkins County . Board felt this request should be made r
to - the County • Board .
Letter from Rita Schmidt of Lansing re County Sewer District # 1 .
Total for the month of June $ 3 , 225 . 00
Total for the month of- July • $ 2 , 870 . 00 .
Highway Fund : Receipts : _ $ 26 ; 55.8 . 44f ; , Disbursements : $ 25 , 651 . 78 •
General Fund : ;Receipts : $ 57 , 168 : 35 ; Disbursements " $ 37 , 535 . 28 -
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board approve the Highway Bills as audited .
2nd Cim Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board approve the General Fund Bills as audited ;
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption'
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Mr . Brotherton to
increase the Dana Mobile Park by six trailers with restrictions per
Planning Board that there be a recreational area and a buffer strip
bordering adjoining properties .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried
Clm Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board adjourn temporarily in the event that a urgent
meeting be called re Bolton Point .
2nd Cim Cotterill Carried .
10 : 20 P . M . Merton Webb - Deputy Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
. .
. - . r
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August 27 , 1974
Present : Supr . McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill and Joubert .
Absent : Clm . Webb
Meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 P . M . by Supr . McCord for the
purpose of opening bid for office equipment . . Bids submitted , ad
follows :
0 Woodruff Equipment & Supply
# 1 - 3 2 , 247 . 67
# 2 - 3 3 , 013 . 15
TOTAL 5 , 260 . 82
Benche , Inc . of Syracuse
# 1 2 , 134 . 00
# 2 3 , 256 . 57
TOTAL 5 , 390 . 57 -
Ithaca Office Equipment , Ithaca
h EPortion of Sec . 2 $ 1 , 314 . 00
Bid /was tincomptete. and was rejected by the board . Mr . Patchen of
Levatich , Miller & Hoffman studied the bids and reported that Woodruff
had substituted some items and they were not acceptable . Benche added
the price , for 1 table and the order was for 2 . This increased the amount
by $ 75 . 61 . Also addition error of 4$ . Therefore , the total bid from
Benche amounted to . $ 5 , 466 . 22 . It was recommended by Mr . Levatich that
the board accept total bid from Benche as their bid appeared to be in
order with the exception of an increase for another table and increase
of error of . 04 .
Clm Gridley offered the. following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , That this board accept the bid of Sec . 1 & 2 for office
equipment from Benche , Inc . in the amount of $ 5 , 466 . 22 .
2nd by Clm Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Mr . Levatich reported on building progress to the Town- Hall . He reported that the
contractor has to complete the addition before he can do the alterations . He expects
about 1 week more of work out back . Discussion was had regarding clean up and access
for people during Primary .
Adjourned 7 : 57 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
August 27 , 1974
Called to order at 7 : 58 P . M . by Supervisor McCord . Present : Supr McCord , Clm Gridley ,
Clm Cotterill and Clm Joubert . - Absent : Clm Webb .
Purpose of the public hearing was the presentation of updating the town map . Mark
Trumbo reported that he had not heard from Barbara Caldwell re road name change for
Woodland Terrace . The lone resident on said road suggested the name of Pendennis
Terrace . The subdividers of this area were -not available at this time for - comment .
Clm Cotterill off ered` 'the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED, that this Board accept the Town map as presented with the name of Woodland
Terrace changed to Pendennis Terrace in the Hickory Highlands subdivision .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Atty Ametur said a certified copy must be sent to the County Clerk . Clerk Stelick
said she would sent a map and certification to the County Clerk , State DOT and Cty
DOT . The Board instructed Mr . Trumbo to have several copies of the map printed and
1000 copies of the new election map for distribution to the townspeople .
Cl! Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Regular Monthly. Board Meeting is scheduled for the same day as Primary
Election , therefore , be it •
RESOLVED , that this Board schedule the Regular Town Board Meeting for the 17th day
of September . o
2nd Clay Joubert t _ Carried
Adjourned 5 : 10 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
August 27 ,. 1974 -
Public Hearing called to order at 8 : 10 P . M . by Supr McCord . Present : Supr McCord , V
Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , and. Joubert . . Absent ( Clm Webb ; Also present : Atty
Andur - and Z . O . . Stewart . 0 .
Purpose of the hearing was the request by Eugene Euvard for a Special Permit to
• extend ' his mobile home park located at 44.0 Forest Home Drive . .
Mr . Euvard said he is requesting 4 additional spaces . There is town water -and sewer
facilities there . '
Discussion was had relative to flood plain area . Said property borders the creek .
Mark Trumbo reported that the . intent is so that the floodway zone is not obstructed .
Consensus of the Board is that it -should not be any problem .
C1L Cotterill inquired about the recreation area . Mr . Euvard said he has not provided
for one but that he has some extra land that he could use for this purpose . Supr
McCord said that it is provided to have a recreation area in additional or new construction
of trailer parks as set forth in the mobile hone park ordinance .
Cln Joubert offered the following resolution and asked it-s adoption.
RESOLVED , that this Board refer the applicant , Eugene Euvard , to the Planning Board
in accordance to Sec . 4 . 03 of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried °
Adjourned 8 : 30 .P . M . Charles U . McCord -= Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk .
• j -
• August 27 , 1974
Called to order at 8 : 30 P . M . by Supr McCord . Present : Supr McCord , Clm Gridley ,
Clm Cotterill and Clm Joubert , Atty Amdur and Z . O : Stewart . Absent : Clm Webb . „ ,
Purpose of the public hearing was the application by Mr . . John D . Allen for a Special
Permit to rent a dwelling located at 205 North Road to more than three unrelated
persons .
Supr McCord read a supporting statement from Mr . Allen to the effect that it is - -a
four bedroom house , private drive with plenty of parking and their intention tolmake
it a neat appearing house .
• Mrs . Allen said they intend to rent to four people . She read off the size of the bed -
rooms and the Board seemed satisfied with the size .
The floor was open to questions and/or comments .
Clm Cotterill spoke relative to Health Dept . requirements . Brad Perkins spoke in
favor and said there is a vast increase for multi -dwellings for income convenience .
He said this type of housing is one of the answers to the housing needs of students .
Dick Westfall object as students have weekend parties and park on North Road and
can be very hazardeous . According to Mr . Allen they have a long drive and vacant lot
and space in front of the garage for plenty of parking .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Board grant the Special Permit to John D . Allen to rent his house
at 205 North Rd . to more than 3 unrelated persons . Said Permit shall be limited to
4 permanent residents .
2nd Clm Gridley Carried
Adjourned 8 : 45 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
August 27 , 1974 .
Called to order at 8 : 45 P . M . by Supr McCord . Present : Supr McCord ; Clm Gridley ,
Clm Cotterill and Clm Joubert , Atty Amdur and Z . O . Stewart . Absent : Clm Webb .
Purpose of the hearing was . the application of Ruth Abbott of 124 Sheldon Road for a
Special Permit to construct a third living unit in her home making it a multiple
residence . '
Mrs . Abbott reported that the sewer permit is geared to allow for additional units
in the future and is more than adequate .
Atty Amdur spoke relative to the multiple ,residenee law . Mrs . Abbott was not made aware ,
of this and said she would conform to whatever she had to .
Clm Joubert offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit for addition to building at 124
Sheldon Rd . for a living unit subject to meeting the requirements of the Multiple
Residence Code and the approval of the Board of Health .
2nd Gin Gridley • . Carried
Adjourned 8150 P . M . Charles G . McCord _ Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
Reconvened the Special Meeting of August 27 , 1974 at 8 : 50 P. M . .
It was noted. that the developers of Hickory Highlands had - been contacted and they were
disappointed with the name of Pendennis Terrace . They were desirous of a name more in
keeping with the other names in that development . The name of Beechuood Terrace wee
mentioned and the Board favored that name . o
Clm Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . '
RESOLVED , that this Board rescind Resolution #147 .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Clm Cotterill offered the ° following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Dryden held a public hearing on August 27 ,
1974 , with regard to additions of new roads of said Town to the Town Map last a
adopted in 1968 , and ,
WHEREAS , no one appeared in objection thereto , ben it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the Town Map as prepared with the name of
Woodland Terrace changed to Beechnut Terrace in the Hickory Highlands Subdivision .
2nd Clm Joubert Carried
Adjourned 8 : 55 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
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