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. b _ ._ 357 . ,. : °. April 2 , 1974 • •• ` : ,ri. s. . .:; ; . • ; • Special Meeting . : I .- • . Meeting wasi . called : to • ' order • atc; 71: 35 : by.,. 3upr':- Mc.Cord { Present :. -... Suprt ! McCord , , Counciimen . Webb ':, 4.. Joubert :: ands-Gridley:I; Absents:" Councilman :=Cotterill . . Professor Larry ? Ramilton rof >-the :' . CornellArater- 2Resourcesceand Marine : Science'_;-Center, .: shoWed rslides -.-aof thecaacaU naturaa}tre source al: explaining :a -: • to• the . . Board:: . that°� Fat1: .. Creek: was.: '�beinflrecommended.. asr: - a �.±recreational river .. Their. p tr..pose. ° is;:.to ;;protectri :the , :s .t ream, -.for . :;the =:bene.fit ': of public en'oyMent ,: Dcanoeing ; :SWimmtng : .and :�.:other � recreat on . Her.: leftt, a: booklet 0 - - wit-h : the • . Town :.Clerk . .; for ` sviewingc .tr :: t°he° • pub lie . At : 8 c 4.5- pm , the ;;- Board - decided•.itObtalie.:actlow :on.; tthe-::Yapp1ication.iby "{ Cornell • • for . ;a :. Special :. Permit . • .. : . •i, RESOLUTION'. - 1 67=: • ;:' G'R'ANT y•SPECIAL• PERMIT . .. . Clm " Joubert <:offered-. thee: following ,:resolution and , askedfAts ;:°:adoption . s: RESOLVED:y ; .that, :. this TownSoard .i Hof°:ithe -:. To a of_LDryden egrant:. the : Special •• . ,c Permit . . re nested ; b Cornelli .�Universlty toi yselli.: tii tfromft ; the Boyle - farm: to • : Dalrymple . Gravel:: & ;Conttracting :..Cof.. ,.fore:ahe•. Triphammer overpass , subject ;. to; a : Performance •. Bond't•bein'g ..°Puled°: by 'Dalryrple .. Gravel & • ::. ±IContr- acting . Co . • : . . ; r. :. 2ndi. 0 nV' Gridley , . : . :' •_: • Carried • • . . ° . ::ETNA ZONING . : - • - • . . •• . t: Cons iderable ' discuestont wasObad1 :by :: thei Boar& regardtngr the<i,Etna resi - : - :-dents • ' request . , of. :the areatin •question: , Cam Joubert.:Ywas =. in:a•favor" of giving .. : them." What : they•' want :. i . elm.: Webb felt ,. the ..Board .:shaul& :not ;4o1sagainst the •,: Planning; Board, re'commendation`.. : Supt:I.McCord : : op n onedhthatttheir ( the • - _ , residents ) reccmendationcris as:`;•go©,d as g>s.trg•rztning• . math&: way it is . ` .: presented . •• 'Consens:u's-,.aof . the :_ -Board` was toy::send its-:.back :to,:. the : Planning . . * Board with the ; recommendation; .ot.; the additionalt;60.0., ;.fee•'»: onuEtna Rd . • .. y and Wood . Road= and • :•to�. reeonsider ;:the.. < Route;,: 13 strip . ' • . • RESOLUTION ' 468'. ` RB*: 1 DISTRICT - . . . • • t • .. Clm Joubert :. offered ahe: following; resolution P and '. asked._. ita.; adoption . RESOLVED , _ .that this- Board:}send AAtha.' mav back,. bo>.. be:f:-redrawng, ;by : the :Planning • Beard , . and be it . - ', • . . • FURTHER RESOLVED; :It hat thisi Boar.d':lsahedult'.,another :. pub.lic :.; hearing on t the•..- 23rd4.:day :. of . April Jat 78..: 00 ....,pm.1,:at ... the:v_ Town Hall . - . . . • 2nd :• Clm Gridley : • : . : '. , . . . ..f , . . . , , . ; 4 . .. : : Carried RESOLUTION # 69 , : ADVERTISE `. FOR BIDS - TOWN SHALL Clm Joubert ''-offered . the following• resolution and asked - its : adoption ; RESOLVED , that . this :' Board authoritie .. the Town Clerk to advertise twice for bids : for-. addition-;. and, " alterations tot . Town --. Hall :, ;' . such :.: bids to be opened : at • 7 : 30 pm : April . . 23 , 19.74 . 2nd Clm Gridley Carried _ • • • ` RESOLUTION # 70 .:; STATE AID - YOUTH • • Clm Gridley offered .: the _ . following resolutions; and-:. : asked7:its. :adoption . RESOLVED , . that . the .. Supervisor i be :: authorized to file .-the . recreation " appli - cation : for . State Aid with the ' New York . State Divis ion :,for ' Youth ;-; for the year 1974 . . • • . . - . ° 2nd ? elm -. JoubertCarried RESOLUTION 471 ' I - X71 i TRANSFER FUNDS - • Q� �� � ' ' Clm Joubert offered : the following : . resolution :. and- asked itsadoption . RESOLVED ; that , the :.Supervisor be - authorized° to : transfer -_ 1., 000 . oo from surplus '.' to '. Capital Fund . . • - • r2nd': Clm Gridley . . . . Roil call ': vote •;•• •.. all voting YES • RESOLUTION ' . n ; TRANSFER • FUNDS • • • . - • Clm - Gridley . offered the . : following : r. esolution • and. ' asked : its .. adoption . - RESOLVED -, ' that the .. Supervisor- ' . be authorized ; • to • transfer $ 180 . 88 from - Surplus to Advance : to .,Other : Funds. I. ( A9990 . 4 ) . - 2nd?. Clm. Joubert ,� -• • . . ; . ; '. 5 ° #7.: ° . �cfl :•. . , 't '"Roll : call :: vote• all voting YES• ` t ` RESOLUTION: # 34SAPPOINT{ UNIT . .ENUMERATOR .- . • - • : .• . Clm Webb offered `- the following;. resolution . and asked _ its ; adoption. RESOLVED, . that " this " Board - • appoint ;'Harold ; Case ias , unsalaried •: Unit .. Enumerator for the " Varna ; Water -' and . Sewer• •,- Districts . . 2nd Clm Joubert . . - Carried Adjourned 9 : 10 pm ' Charles ': G . :McCord . °: Supervisor Rosemary Stelick • - • Town Clerk 358 April 9 , 1974 • . PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing was calhed . to order at17 : 30 by . Deputy ; Supr Webb at the . I Town Hall . Pre.sent : .2Deputy - Supr . . Webb , . Councilmen: Gridley , sCotterill and Joubert. , - Atty Amdure: and , ZA . Stewart ; Absent : Supervisor McCord . Purpose of • the ' Hearing , was ` the \.. . application for ' a Special Permit by Michael •Saroka , to ` extend hist. body. . shop . at Y376 ?iLowen. Creek Road . The size of the proposed structure is 36x16 . feet for addition to shop and 11x6 feet for office . and . bathroom . Mr . : . Saroka . reported that :_ the - - addition . was needed - so ` that. . they , would ' . have more =. room . toLtake ; . the : vehibles ;: indoor ;and work on them . . Deputy Supr ' Webb . read - two - letterflitht. regard . ito , . the . request : . One letter from Mrs . Ellen Bonn . of . Etna . . stated . that whether=: or - not : the == Board granted • Mr . Saroka ' s . request , • the • Board should : requireAr . . Saroka - to . remove the . - cars , functional : andotherwise . vwhich ,. now ' abound . in the ' front - yard of the • - . " premises'. '. The other qetter . wasfrom . . Howard : : J . Klinko _ : of .: 390 : Lower Creek Road. Mr : ' Klinkoctstatedthat ,: he : did . . not . objectto - the . :addition, . but does object - to . the junk- : cars : . stor- ed; on . his property ,.Awhich ; devalue1 his . property as well as : Mr. KlinkoYs , Z O :. - Stewart'• •reported that ' • he .,received = a phone call from D ..B . A Harrington°-,. of . 268 •::.LowerCreeki : Rh obJectingcto the junk . cars and unsightly : conditton :, of ; . the premises : He didztot object to 'the addition ; Harry Russell ° of 338 Lower. l, Creek •. Road °_ was :_ present ' and -said that we need : a: business such . : as . a . bodflhop _. iw the area; andcccthat they Board should give Mr . Sar. oka . consideration '- and . in: time : he : will ' gets :his : business ': meet •. He said he ` did not feel . that . Mr-. -. . . Saroka .was going: tto ‘ lower ' the value of his own property ° - intentionally . • • Mr . • Saroka reportedthat ::- he4 hasd every •.,: intention': , ofc. cleaningup_ .the ~ place . He reported . that • because . ot :the ' ..: snow •storm °-this-:-.past• weekend ; ' they . were unable - to . do :much-. tHe- tassured ° the . Board: of `his : .. intention . to clean up .as • soon - as - possible , . weather : permitting . The Board did • not : take `• action-. . Deputy ' - Supr . Webb. _ said : they hope to take ction at a meeting: on : the 23rd : or _ as :,:Jsoon : as: : they.. . can .. C.1m..:.Gridley wanted - etime to view the premises . 4 • Adjourned 7 : 50 - p . m . - • ' P . PiertoflebbepUtytSupervisor • Rosemary ; Steliek . . .. Town Clerk • i • April 9 , 1974 . _ ; - , P Board ' Meeting - • • • . Minutes of the - . Town Board - of the - Town of Drydene - regular - monthly • meeting on April 9 , 1974 , _ commencing .at . 7 : 50 :: pm . Meeting '. was called . to order by - • Deputy • Supr Webb . . Present .. Deputy Supr Webb ;, :.: Councilmen :, Gridley ., . Cotterill and Joubert . Absent : Supervisor-"McCord .. Members and . . guests : . participated in : the Plegge : of .: Allegiance . to ": the Flag . Roll call was by the TownClerk . Motion ' was . made by Clm . Gridiey , seconded` by Clm Joubert , that t-he • Minutes • ' of March • . 5 . Pubi±'c Hearing , - March . l2 Public Hearing . : and ;• Regular Board :Meeting and: March 21 Public . Hearing and Special Meetings . be approved as - ° submitted . . • 1 . COUNTY BRIEFING • County ; Rep Watros . was - present `. to ;report :° on ;.. county bhappenings• °Special . Benefit Districts : . . Mr . Watros reported thatiat ,:the request of the Supr : he has checked into the _. possibility . of ' changing' the taxable status dates for . special districts . - He - reported that • the :3May lst: . date for. taxable property : is established . by . state• and ;. couhtL ; chatter ' the May 1st : taxable status . date for . special . districts ' is '. established solely . by ,. the county charer . . He reported that . the 'lassesssment ... office . could ;. change; = the date to . September - lst for special - : assessment ( for . special : :. districta • Jin the town . There would :•. be . a. cost ; to4. ythe : town : fot.. thinpecial• ,. assessment ',. an& it - might cost more than it , is = worth . •. He ' asked : ithe Board4tomake . a . d'ecision - - as to whether he should . pursue ; thisto •. the . county :. board - as . itwould' require an amendment to the charter . . This was discussed by . theboarhand it was mentioned . . that )ossib vwe could get la . modest • hookup . . eharge . to defray, costs . No action was . taken by the - 'Board at this time . r 1l 'i 1 Iii •' I I I tlI ; . . . I 359 Pyramid '.Mall . Project : ° ' Mr . Watros reported that„ the ,• County did : not =.play any roll in determining whether : . this project . shou°ld < be, bui lt . . Their . consensus was that it is under theAurisdiction • :, of : theiTownAmf _' Lansing : for determin- ation . Hospital : , Moving: : along slowly .. _: Meetings are .:: being? : held .- TC3 : 90 % complete . He reported • there is awater pressure problem in that it does not provide a sufficientaflow .. to ::: get a classiB rating : . Other . means are being considered :ito change this . Office . for. :-the . Aging : Such an office is being considered . The -cost to the . county would : be : . 5 , 000 : •,to . : get : 45 , 000 in federal aid . Watros ( opinioned-cthat . it _ would :.: be : :' overlapping • inIservices that already exist .in the county . He ' said .: he : didrnot ,: think ,:: that ,.he was in r . - .. favor of this • : proposal . : He : . asked • . for •: comments from, the ' Board . . Recycling : Watros reported° that at : a meeting with _ the . : rurai ; super. isors : and rural representatives discussion ; was . had•- on ' recycling .bottles ,. cans . . and papers . It was _ discussed that °: possibly, towns • : should . charge ::::a: deposit'. on- soft drink and beer . containers . In . the . opinion 7of . - the .eBoardathey .: thought this an excellent } idea and ' felt .z itb should : be :done . atithe county .level .. Barbara. Caldwell said : Cayuga'LCounty =-.has adopted a- , recycling _ projecti'' and it is 1 working well : `. Floor. Aopen : . to : questions : =< =; Clm : Cotterillt questioned Mr . Watros re radio service for ambulances : . :Mr: .- Watroflaidryhe did . not believe any action has been taken ' on . this .. . Deputy : Supr : ' Webb ' endorsedboth Watros and ' Lee on their position re Pyramid .teas it :' was : not . a . county-. : problem . .• CITIZENS " PRIV•ILEGEF: OF ... THE ' FLOOR _ e ' . • =Nothing : a - - . • COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGflF : THE FLOOR . •: : . _-t s : .. . • ‘. . Clm Joubert spoke relative . to : the iarget' dead .ielm `.: on the • edge . . of ' the road on German Cross :- Road He . said.. , it . . is _: still ' there tand;:: residents ; ; are quite ' concerned . - : . . . • Clm ' Cotter: ill spoke :- relative .' to Freapplicatiow fore ' nariance : . This - question has been ask him from ; people ' im his :: area <. ' where ' . aflpplication for a variance . was denied , . then' : the .: appjicant . . submitted : another: . application and the ' variance : was granted . • Attorney ; Amdur % reported: that . an : applicant ' can apply as many times as �. new: .' facts : arise . .:} She said :: the _::neighbors . . could go to court . if they. . feel aieved . or. . the .= Board �' acted `. arbitrary ; the same illapplies ' for : : the .: applicant . Clm : Gridley reported > that , it . has " come , ' to ' his & attention that, , a' special census of. the people can•.•. not • be usedhforthe : computation : of :: state aid ; therefore ; he . said : it _. is : no : longer needed . • ' ELECTION : ' DISTRICT - ` : • . Discussion was had as : " tota the statu$ . of a 'new' electiordistr. ict : . Clerk : Stelick was '' instructedc to - findsoutawhat,.ais _: happening. . . . • . . ATTORNEY • ' . • .. . - Attorney a Amdur. tspoke : relati•ve . to ; the ., Dalryttple permit <: granteflubject to the : appropriate .bond : - Itiwas noted : that , • Dalrymple •. has . a : two million dollar bond with the state. Attorney 4AmdurK feWthere .` will� be <: adequate protection to coder the ' restoration _ of the •area ' and : didi : not % see any real need for . . the ‘ ; town:. to require : . an ': additional " bond . sAlso : with Cornell monitoring the work , , it . will : be - urto : be reurned. to its ' original state . - : : . l •RESOLUTION° > d74 _ _ WAIVE _? PERFORMANCE BOND : '. . Clm ' Cotterill . offered . the . : following....resolution : and:: asked its . adoption : • RESOLVED , that 7this ° Town ..) Board :. of - the Townes of DrydenL•.herebymoves that the Special Permite granted .. to Cornell University the : amended to . dispense ' with the ' request ; of . •frPerformance _ Bondter.om : Dalrymple :: Gravel'- &•: Contracting Co : , . Inc . to the : Town . of ' Dryden ; ;-in view ‘ ` of . thefactAhat : there is an existing Performance: Bond . given : to : the : State ':. of New°1Yorkti;fwhtch .will pros * vide adequate protection.: to they: Town :withtrespect : to . restorati; on of the Ipremises , :and in view .. of the ;_ fact . that Cornell : University- . will also aupervisfliestoration '=and•; said . copy ;: of - addendaiwill _ be -; attached : ' • . _ . • 2nd '' Clm Joubert . ‘ ;. ; ,. • , Roll .: call % vote all . voting ' Yes Hank Dalrymple presented : av: lettercfromthis ' "bonding.: attorney ;to ''"the Town Board . regarding restoration . . He •: . said . Cornell ;>wants ;. assurance that the Board approved - this ° project ; • Attorney - Amdur reported - that - two - bonds resolution • were ' . necessary _ in order to enable the . Towns of '° Dryden , Ithaca ;. =:Lansing ° ancflillage _. of Cayuga Heights to go to ;• sale2:of .bonds . : '- She , did _: northink :` it would . : be .: necessary to publish- the bondr_4resolutions _ in ` the Ithaca Journal• . as .: it ' would ` be the same asrpublished : by .: the - other Townsi4and _ Village . . . ' 1 , 360 - ' • RESOLUTIONW. : °75 • AUTHORIZING .. THE : ;.JOINTCONSTRUCTION OF A • • • • ' • _ ' WATER SUPPLY' SYSTEMATOSERVE:: JOINTLY . VARIOUS . • .: . . - AREA'S `; IN ... THE : TOWNS OF ` DRYDEN , ITHACA AND . i . , LANSING . AND :• THE VILLAGE = OF . CAYUGA . HEIGHTS ; • • . x. IWTHE ''. COUNTY ...OF :TOMPKINS , : : NEW: YORK , AT A • TOTAL ESTIMATED 'COST.: OF :: NOT EXCEEDING . • • : . : . - .: .: $ '4 , 150 :, 000 , , INCLUDING> INCIDENTAL _,. EXPENSES IN • . • CONNECTION THEREWITHLcAND .. . AUTHORIZING THE . ° ' ISSUANCE ` OF ::NOTT: EXCEEDING ( .$ 4 :, 150 , 000 JOINT • • : .. SERIAL BONDS.. OF • } SAID TOWN OF DRYDEN , . SAID ; 4 TOWN ' OF ITHACA , SAID TOWN:± OF LANSING` AND _ : SAID..' VILLAGE , . OF CAYUGAtHEIGHTS•, ALL IN TOMPKINS COUNTY ; :;NEW YORK . : . . Clm Gridley offered the "' following. resolutionu. and : asked . its • adoption . . WHEREAS , the Town. Board of the' Town .`: of . Dryden:, .•Tompkins •.: County , : : New York , has heretofore had and ; . taken Lproceedingstpursuant .. . t•o : Section 202 = b _ of the Town Law ' providing ' . for :: the :. increasrand . : improvement: bf '. the ",.facilities of Water . District :. No .. lAn.- saidLTown , •.to consist of : a' Comprehensive water improvement , . ° including; water.; treatment : .. plant , : transmission .main; and pump station for an intermunicipal •, water .: supply .' facilityt for the . Towns of Dryden , - Ithaca • and•: Lansinrand : the . Village of . Cayuga" Heighti ;11n - Tompkins County , New York , and : for . . the l oint ..use :..and . :.operation . . by . the - said • four municipalities . pursuant : to an . agreement of° : municipal . : cooperation to be entered into by ' and between the said :: Towns '. : and - the . ;said ,Village , . pursuant to Article 5 = G of the General , Municipal . Law ; and - WHEREAS , the Town Board . ot: the Town . : of -. Ithaca ; . Tompkins County ., _ .New York , has heretofore- had and : taken _ proceedings pursuant , tot,..the . . provisions of Article • 12 = C ottheiTown '. Law4 : establishing : . .the : Town :- •Wide ,.:: Water ` Supply • Benefited . Area • inisaid Town, : to '. consisttof . a •. comprehensivewater . improve - ment , : including water- . treatment :. plant ;;. ':transmission `, main: and. : putp station for an intermunicipal ' water . supply :: facility for: . the. ' Townse; of: Dryden, Ithaca and Lansing ' and -' the =Village . ' ofCayuga :. Heights ; ': in . Tompkins '':' County ., New • York .; : . and - for :the ., joint : use ._ and ' operation: by .: the , said' : four :°municipalities pursuant - to : An . agreement ..; of .: municipal .. cooperation :to:- be ° entered : into by . and between the sal& Towns . ' andthe . said ;: .Village ,, pursuant .Jto': . Article . , 5 - 0 of the general Municipal . Law ; and WHEREAS , the - Town : Board :. of : ? the . Town . of : Lansing .; • TompkinSVrCounty ; : New . York , . . has heretofore hack land = taken . proceedings :: pursuant :: to ` the :• provisions of Section 202 -b of the . Town Law . providin& for : the °• increase °. and4mprove - ment . of . the facilities ': of :.. Water District ,: No .. 1 _ . and `it.he , McKinney : Water District in said Town, to ' consist , . of . a comprehensiveAWater .,. .improvement , . including ` water tr. eatment :-plant °;. transmission. main• andf:: pump station ' for • an intermunicipal water supplycfacility: forT • the .Towns :. of ; Dryden; Ithaca and . Lansing and the . Village of Cayuga tHeights •, . . in • Tompkins ° County; . New. York , and for the joint use and : operation . by the- said four , municipalities pursuant to an : agreemente . of :municipal cooperationctfle entered into by and between the said .. Towns '. and : : the : said 'yVillage ; . pursuant . . to ': Article 5 -0 of the ,: Generai Municipal . Law ; . and • • WHEREAS ; the ' : Board . of Trustees : of ` the ;.:Village :. of Cayuga _ Heights `, -. Tompkins County , . New . York , 4hasyheretofore hat._and -,. takenrproceedings '.:pursuant to the provisions ' of Article 11 ot . the . Village • :Laws authoriking .- the • . establish- ment : of a water supply - system in and :: for, : said : . Village , u. to • consist of a comprehensive water improvement , •. including ....water '.: treatment ..ip ant ,, . 4trans -• mission ' main - and apump ' stationfor :. an . inter.municipal ;: water '-. supply `: facility for the Towns of . Dryden ; Ithaca , and . Lansing • : and: . the ° :Village of : Cayuga Heights , tin : Tompkins ° ;County , INew ' York ., . and ' for : the - : ioint ' use ^ and : . operation by - thel said • four municipa ities pursuant to : , annfagreement ; : of . .municipal . • cooperation . tfle Centered . into . . by and b$ ween: the . Said :: Towns : . and ; the said Village , pursuant= toc Article . 5 -G . - of the Aeneral • -.Municipal :. Law ; and. WHEREAS , following the :: completionrof -. the7aforesaid : proceedings , :: fora ;purposes . of implementing the ' same ; . said °. Towns : oftDryden ; :': Ithaea • ., an&° Lansing. and • Village of . Cayuga ,; Heights have • : entered _ into ) a . municipal . cooperation contract pursuant tocArticle5 =G . of . the '` Generate Municipal : Law '_ entitled . " Agreement of Municipal .. Cooperation. for • ConstructionFinancing and Operation oftan : Intermunicipal ; Water : Supply. •. and . ;TransmissionSystem , " made as of the : 21st ;-day ' . of7Marchi 1974 , . . .by -, . and . betweentsaidTowns ' _ and said Village on behalf of the aforesaid :,water - ; districts , Ywater ` supply . benefited area and Village as : the case •may be ; and . WHEREAS , it . is ' now desitred . 'to : provide for. °Jthee: financingioflhe . costs- of the aforesaid water. supply- improvement:; tNOW.tTHEREFORE ., ° BE IT . - • RESOLVED ., by ' the " Town . , Board ' of : the Town `: of Dryden, ', Tompkins :. County , Newt York ; if the •' twithin:° resolution : inAdenticial -. form ;': is Tadopted:, : • approved and made effective by ' . the . Townt. ef . IthacaTownrvot Lansing, andiVillage of Cayuga Heights , as follows : l , ; i I I . . , . - I� I : . , . . :. I - .. . . , . , • 361 Section to : The joint -. constructiow . of. -a _ coMprehensive iter . °: improveo went:9. consisting . of :an>` intake" plant ; at ":.;HoltonPoint • on Lake Cayuga in the Town .• of Lansing ., .a:`;.aater : : treatment .plant :: and . : a4_.rawpater^ pump . station , force mains , . plant-': . and : pump station. road andffi:. transmisaion ' • main to the Village ' : of- Cayuga . Heights : for ; - an? intermunictpai• :water supply facility " for "the - joints use : and operation byc the TOpnt . ot Dryden , on beer- • half of -Water District `:No :o - 1 • in • . said I To i! " by :: 'the}: Towno : of .:= Ithaca on bee half of ' the - .Torn ; WidevWater :Supply, Benefited : AreaAn ;: nid•,.:Totn , by the Town of Lansing on • ,behalftof :Water `' -District. -_. Noo ,: I antthe M cKinney • Water . . District•, in - .said . Town , : and ' '. by . :the: Vilastge ._ •of .: ' Cayuga : .Heights. .-for said Village , • •t•o " cons_ist ••. ofr . an = : intermunicipal '. pater-, " supply- .: facillity . . for the joint use and operation tby : • thec said 'four . :municipalities :, : including original • furnishings •, . equipment S . machinery . and":apparatus :-: and t'he acquisic tion : of necessary lands and . rights,-" in ': iand _: therefor •, :: i-sThereby . . authorized at at total est•imated ;. coat: •:• includingk : incidenta'l :. expenses '. : fLnottexceeding . $ 13 , 1,50 , 0000 : • Said "` 5oint construction . shall _:be ;: carrjed :_ out : in •" accordance with etheA)roceedings •hereinbefore :: rz°ecitedk andctn :: accordance "with a r ' certain mapfl . plan . and" 7report <• :prepared :-by :Lozier . Engineers , ." . Inc0 :, r.. competent engineers - • duly Llicensed -by . the : State of '� New• : York , which •/'map:, • : pl•Sn and- ' _ ,- -'° report. . have been fiied:An•. the _offic.eof: the:. Town`. .Clerk :`of• the • Town of Dryden ' in June , t 1972 , in, .theoffice of :,the Town-' Clerk : oY'::"the Town of Ithaca4n: ,Juney 1972, : 1,n • the ' office , of : the '; TownLClerk :.fof the - Town of Lansing In June, : 1972 ., ,- and ' , fn . the . office . . ot . theVillage ':: Clerk • of the Village : of Cayuga Heights :'- in::,June , . . 1972, .. and : Whichaap !, :trplans , . and • . • reports. were thereafter `:modified :'by . the . relocation ofithe ,: water" treatment plant to a new - • location • substantiallyAn .>the -•::,vicinity °: of :.: the .: originai site ., which new: . iocation -- ia ": nor? :• shown . on ° the - map prepared:_ •by:: •Lozier Engineers , inc .; , '; which• , has - been _, previoualy filedvin the : offf: ces7 of each ' of the aforesaid . Town • Clerks • . and Village-,-. Clerk : .: - • • . : • • ' • •_ Section . ,20 • The , plant for ; the financing ,:vr :they: aforesai:dr ; specific • object or purpose • . consists :" of . th'e• t issuance ; (pursuantuto -.. the provisions of Section •• 1 of •' Article VIII -. of : th,e ; Constitution ': oU: :ther- State ' "of . New ' -. York , as amended. , . and . of Tit1e . i1A• , onthe - . Locai Finance Law: :of. . the State of New York) oî : Joint ". -.obligations =. of ) the ° Topnzof :- Dryden:, ';; TompkinstiCounty , New York , the• • Topn : o '•t ' Ithaca ., LTomfpkina County:. •, New1Yorky the °. Town of : . Lansing •, - Tompkins . County ; NewYork9 and the! Villaget -oftCay.uga Heights , Tompkins County' , New:°: York , - constitut•ing : Joint indebtedneas byc said Towna and said ifillagel - : which shalli•; be,-. evidence& by Aoint :!ser9; al , bonds of . said Towns ' and . s = id :• Village 'fin:' theL • pflncipal . •amount- -< of - not : exceeding $ 4 , 150 , 000 which' are•- herebyt' authorized• ,: to ;: be> , isauedin' "": .accordance " with .: ' and - subject • to the provisions : of-t - the• - LocalAilinance ° ;Law , • and , - in - • anticipation •: oft the • issuance•- ." oP said=t: j oint ribonds ,: of said : ; Towns and “ , . . said : Village, • by • • the issuance • oft J<oinLbond ' ant1•cipationotes of said Towns • • and - Village °- •forc the ' temporart:. ff nancing ot:isaid : specific ' object .-„ or purpose ° • • • . .-, • • . • - s _ ; : Sec•tiorr . 3 •a For •thee purposes -' ot- • Section° • i5a10`; ot •• .the .: Loca"1 :`. Finance• Law relating to : the allocation:._ ofAoint ; : indebtedness _, L• the • amount _ of joint • indebtedness •' "to •: be - apportioned_: and - , allocated"" toi`, each`: o&' saiflorsns ": and Village , shallcbe : in : the :• same ; proportion ss ::, : the'.. consumption ot- csater in each of said - municipalities ' shal•1 : beartto • the ? totateonsumpt•ion . .. of pater for . the ' entire joint relater: supply -, . facility , _: thichis •: estimated to be , and for the purposenf . .determining : grcoas - :indebtednesa . ;of each - of said municipalities , ': iwsheir ° respective . debt . statements • pursuanttot Section : 15 010 : of the . Local Finance : Law:: and:: therefore: the • :' amount -f•to . be : allocated ' -- • for the purpose ot• ascertaining -ceach '_". o. .. the respective :: municipalities ° debtr . contrac'ting• posers , •_:- shallbe,las . rfollows '. . • . . 7 • • • _ . ' - - Dryden • - • : - : • ""•$ r" 027. 000 97 -. . •. . 0 ' : Ithaca - • : -: . - . , : , • 2 ', 285 .9197 0 50 . - . r. Lansing -, : . : jr 191.21 ?;'039 0 50 - Cayuga • . Heights : , , . 66 , 736000• ' Nothing in , this - •- section: shall ; be : deemed '' to bet:- in ; conflicflith • or to supersede the ' provisions ,, of : Section :: 6 : . of : thinesolution : °elating to the J annual _ apportionment• of the :tamount : ot - princip :. it and•°:. interest ; on tthe bonds herein author.^izeditfl"e ' issued : as . among•' : said ' . Towns : and -: said Village D _ nor the manner of collectionndApaymentc: of- ; the - amounts : of annual - debt • service provided " ". to. •be - apportioned :: annually : by : said :, Section . 6 .4 , The . • • Supervisors : of - said ;,. Towns : and . the :•: Treasurer 'of =; aaid , :• Villagnre - • hereby authorized - and directed _ tor: ac 't ; - ointly - for: make : application ' to :< the . State • Comptrollers for , the -- allocation ,: and: apportionment ..: of,; s -� id.: oint• indebted° ness . in accordance •:• with --. the provisions of._ this ' section : and : , to : perform " all acts and .• furnish . ail ,.- information. required : tn•: • connectfonith such appli = vt eat1ono - . . - , • • • . . . • Sect ion : lb' : Itis . hereby°idetermined : that :, the periodj: ot: probable usefulness of the " aforesaid - specific object -'! or purpose ,. Ys :. forty years pursuant to subdivisionl, l ': of . paragraph ( a') '.. of'. Section7 : 11 ;000 :, or.: the Local j ; . r . c.. is rdi. , ._ .• . I . I 362 Finance Id Law '. .ht ° is: ::hereby further . determined:; ; that.:=the ; maximum _ maturity of the ' j.oinflonds.. hereby: Authorized.to . ,.. be :tssuedc; will= ber. in:., excess of five years' - Ant such .; bonds -=will ' -mature ' ' in anniial. . lnstallments in . con- formity- with :law .. . . • - • • ,, , • . • . Section : 5 . . :Subject tow: thetprovis1ons ` :of .: the :: Local , Finance Law and - this section ; ithe . power. to . authorize; ;.the :ficssuanet of;. - and' to :se11 joint " bond- anticipation notes , in' :anticipation, . o't.. the issuance' and: sale • of the j oint serial : . bonds " .herein rauthorized `. including slienewala . thereof is hereby delegated ..to ' the Supervisor •of' . the , •Town- .:of Ithaca ;- the - • chief . fiscal., officer of ` said . Town:; . Such . joint . bond :antici,pation ' notes• shall be of such° terins ;c . formc and. . contents:land ' :shall- be solfly: -said:' . Supervisor in such manner . as may: _ be. .prescribed iby a ' . b'ond : anticipation : note • certifi - cate ', •as• .author. ized ; by T Section " 30 AOL of the Loca-1cFinance-: : Law , 'provided , however , . that any . bond cant icipation - notes , :so . • issued shall:_:be .:.the . . joint indebtedness ° of saidt Towns and-.' -said- ArilIake and : . shall . . be - executed in the • names of the ThTown of - Dryden','r the .Town. of: Ithaca , the: •Town .. of '. Lansing ' and the Village of :: Cayuga: Heights ., - and : shall ! be :. s'igned . by " . the ',. Sup'ervisor of the Town ., of . Dryden . on `. behalf: " of said Town ' and ` shalll; have ,akffixe&; thereto the seal . of . thflown . ..of : Dryden ., ; attested' . by - the jTown ? Cl"e'rk . oft said Town ; shall be signed: by :', the ; : Supervis'or : of `. the: Town- of ,Ithaca :. on- ` behalf of tale Town and shall , have` affixed "":there•to -: "the seal of: the ' TownL. Of : Ithaca , . . `attested by the Town - Clerk . of said . Town. ; shall : be= : signed : by.;: the- Buperviaor ` of the Town of Lansing • # on •behalftof said:: Town•. :and . shall -have affixed thereto the seal of the Town:. of ` , Lansing , : attested ..by . the Town :. Clerk' of. . said ., Town ; and shall " be signed by the : Treasurer 'of the Village . Of ,:: Caquga' Heights . on behalf • of said Village '-. and • shall: have affixed= thereto' . the : seal : ofr the Ariliage of Cayuga Heights.; attested " byL the ' Village^ Clerk': of said;. Village . The: chief fiscat officer: of the. " Towne= or . Ithaca7. to, whom_ ' ts .. hereby 'tt'delegated the" power • to authorize - the :- issuance .: of : .and tfle11 , such..: joint :. bond 'antici- pation- notes shall file an executed: coOy : of - each :_:such . bond - anticipation note ' certificate - . •with - •the finance, board of each of": the• : aforesaid pat°ti - cipat,ing .municipalities` prior ' Ito the " issuance op the anticipation note mor notes authorized- by such . certificate : ' " ■ ■ • • Sect ion : •6 . : The faith . . and : credit- of said. . ToWiV: of Dryden ., ' Tompkins County , New York .; said tarot ' of Ithaca , • . Tompkins : County.; • New . York ; said Town of Lansing , ' Tompkins ' •County :, • ` New ": York; ; and : said Village of Cayuga • Heights , . Tompkins County , New '. York , are : hereby' jointly ` pledged • for the payment of the principal Or and . interest - on• .: said . joint '. bondt ' as _ the r • 1 same become: • due art . payable ' . The:: principal of :said\. j;oint bonds and the interest thereon shall :: be . apportioned .annual=ly • . among : sa'i& Towns and said Village in . accordance ;: with the . agreement ot'munieipal ". cooperation herein- above . referred to in' ahe ' recitals" of " this '. . resolution; •:. ow . the:' ratio which the consumptiorrof water4 from :. the" system ins : ea'ch '. ; of' , •said::. municipalities bears '' to ' then full consumption ' : from `- the entire ' . inter- municipai• water supply - • facility ; . such : < rat icy; to be : Annually . determined: : in . accordancet - with the • aforesaid ' .agreement • ofAmunicipal :`. cooperation; '.; the :: . abate of" said , principal . and int ere St to ' - be borne ;' by . • the aforesaid : Towns, • : shall-- rbe ' annually : assessed ; • levied and . col lected :withinh said : Towns `. as " ffoilows : . - ' ' " a ) : From . the several : lots ` and ' parcels • ofy land in Water I ° District: . g-; of= the - Town . of " Dryden:; ' in proportion . . • ' - - • asi' nearly - - as may be to the ;.benefit which • : each lot :. or . . parcel " of land . therein,. will derive • : therefrom . •. : • , : • • b ") • ° From - the ' several lots and parcels :' of-: land • in the .. • Town of : Ithaca 7Water .- Supply Benefited '. Area :, ; , in - pro . ' . : °; portion `laS - nearly • as may be:cto .= the benefit • which . . - • • each lot or parcel :of . land therein ' will' " derive :• therefrom . . . c ) From=-. the . several •.. lots and parcels1 : of i 'land . in Water District No.. 1 of the Town : of ' ';Lansing.; • : in4roportion • as nearly. - as may be .. to .: the e . benefit which. each lot _ or parcel ' of ! land therein will ' der- ive • . therefrom . . d ) : From. the ' .several : lots . .and parcels =. of;: land ' in. the- : • . - ' McKinney . : Water. . Distri•ct .. in: . the " ° Town ' of ' Lansing , at the • , . • same time and in the same .manner : as : other 'Town • charges . The 'Village • of Cayuga Heights shall Annually . . levy :` anflollec•t a tax sufficient: to pay ` the "' share 4ofi said ' principal c . and ' interest - to ._ "be . borne by said Village ; ' as the same ' . may - become due •. and ,' payable . • -. • If not paid from . : the . aforesaid . sources , all . - the taxable .. real . : property in said Town . of Dryden, • and all : the `. taxable real . property :.. inYsaid- Town of Ithaca , and ail `: the ' taxable. real :property in said` ' Town Linsing4 . and all the : taxable : real property ` ° in said' Village 4T. Cayuga. Heights, shall be • - jointly subject to the levy of • an ad " valorem ' tax', • without -limitation as to rate or amount . sufficient to . par . the cprincipal :. of ..: and : interest on said bonds :. as Ythecsame may become due • and; payable ': ll t+ IF . 363 Section' 7 : • :Thevalidity : . ot such: j:oint : seriaL -bonds' may:- . be con- tested only . if: , - . . •.: . . . . . , . . 1 ) Such ' jointT bonds ` .° are . authorized: . for. . an _. obj: ectd or purpose ' - for .which . said . Towns and said ' Villagflre : not :::: authorized - : . to expend . :money , or - • 2 ) The provisions of . law .;which , should- :be= .: complied : with . at : • . • the.- date of..:, publication :: bf. . . thitcr. esolution : : are :.not subs' . : • stantially-: complied .. withand '.:an. action ; -. • suite or ' pro- 6ceeding' contesting . such validity. . . is ': commenced ,within twenty . days . aftet . the ° date . otpublication , . or " -- ' . . , . 3 ) , Such j oint. ::bonds are - .:. authorrized ::: in "• violatiOn of the - . - provisions ; •otit'he ; , Constitution . ' . . . . . - Section 8 . ,Upon: the . adoption ; of.ahis > resolut on . byteacir. of the • Aforesaid Towns ; ands the . , aforesaid Village and ..they_ publiaation:thereof . with ° the notice. provided •: in Section' . 9 \ hereof, :; the Clerks of . each such Town - and such Village . _ shal -lfile :with the Clerk:Lof., each�. of ': the other Towns and=- of the * Village :: a ; certified ; copy ' -oft, . this t, resolution ' and' a . printer ' s affidavit of . . pubiication ,. thereofwitbcche ) notice .required by Section : 94 hereof . Y " • - ' . I • . : . . . : Section . 9... : :tThis . resblutionw: is adopted : by= thetVillagetof . Cayuga • 1 .. _ ) Heights subject ' .to :) permiss.ive referendum :� and�. upbh-oh effect in ` . and with respect ° to .: said :. Village ,, . shall .Aher. eupon _ :be ` > effective upon - its adoption :by ' the ;.. Town. Boards of : the : aforesaidt ° Towns-: . andupori this resolution finally.`: becoming ‘ effective : it : ahahl be ' . published . ' in . full . in the Rural° News '- , the �- ; official ., newspaper `: of :.-tht, Townf : Dryden , . and in • : • the Ithaca: Journal , .' the .official : newspaper:_ of ;Ahflown . .of; '. Ithaca , Of the • Town of Lansing . ` and • of the:. Village :; of CayugatHeights •`, ' together ~ with ( l)- • a : notice = of • the - !Town ;• C:leek :• of :. they:'Town of. '.Drydei in •suubstantially the form provided . in ` Section . 81 .. 00 } of'°;:.the Local ' Finance' ° Law , ; . .( ii ) . .. a `notice of : the: _ Towns Clerk - of the ' TOwnaof :. Ylthaca :. substantiahly ' in said form , ( iii ) a not:ice . of 'o.the : . TowflClerk. ' of. . the ,_ Town: of. , Lansing , substantially ' - in said form , • ' and ; (iv ) • a : notice :.- of the : Village Clerflf. theVillage of Cayuga Heights' substantially in. said : form . . . ` • 2nd Cim Cotterill . . • , . - .. : - : _ ' Roll ; cahl : vote : : • : C . C1ffi _ ,Webb 'N ctoting . . Aye . • - . • - • . - . ` Cim' rrCotterli:., '.: voting Aye . . . Clm“iridley : voting . Aye . • _ _ . . . . 4 - • , Clm' Joubert ' . voting Aye I ' RESOLUTION{• 06 . : : " AUTHORIZING `: THE .5JOINT . CONSTRUCTION =' OF A • t • 61 • . . : . 1 'J WATER > DISTRIBUTIONL- SYSTEM. t ' TO: `SERVE' ' JOINTLY • - . .• . Y , .t • ' : • .. ' . . VARIOUS AREAS °, INT . THE :- TOWNS;`OF :DRYDEN", ITHACA • -' . . . " 1 : ; . : ' AND' - LANSINGLAND : THrVILLAGE .:OF,:. CAYUGA ° HEIGHTS , - - : . - . � . , � -.. : IN;: THE . COUNTY OF::LTOMPKINS ' NEW: : YORK , AT 2 A• . • - . • . . : . . . ^: j .- - . TOTAL t: ESTIMATED:. COST ?: OF•`:; NOT • EXCEEDING ': $ 14930 1000 , _ : • .. : . . I -. : INCLUDING _ INCIDENTAL::' : EXP, ENSE3 & iN`1- CONNECTION . • . . ;. L: .,: . . . THEREWITHA1ND AUTHORIZING ' THE :ISSUANCE OF ' • • • - - , - : . " ` NOT " EXCEEDING ;: $ 1 , 930; 000 ;' JOINT '; SERIAL BONDS • ' `; ': - ` ; OFiSAID :`TOWN •. OF' DRYDEN: ': SAID;._ TOWNcOF : ITHACA ; • . - ' . r t : . ' : SAID TOWN : ' OF . LANSING :SAND " SAID'.. VILLAGE - OF - - - • ; - °< =: '. ` CAYUGA . : HEIGHTS , :ALLiiIN . TOMPKINS3: COUNTY -. NEW YORK . Vim Gridley offered :the - following : resolution - and Asked •:: its ;. adoption . . WHEREAS , the Town . . Board . of :. the ' Town :ofDryden;, Tompkins . County , ; New York , IIIhas - heretofore :: had and ._ taken-; ,. proceedings,pursuant :. to :;. Section ': 202-b of the Town Law providing •; for ;the ,. increase :sand :. lmprovementofzithefacilities - : of - Water District : -No ., 1 : inT said .. Town.;: . to " consist .:: ocomprehensive water improvement , ' including.• transmission ;:.mains , storaget)reservoir .-and booster station for . • ancintermunicipa-1 materAistributiowifacilityfor. Mhe Towns of Dryden , ;- Ithaca and tLansing, : and . the •;:Village _ of- ; Cayuga : ;Heights., in Tompkins County , .; New _ York ., .. and ' •: for. : the _ 3oint .;useLandt. operationa by the said four municipalities ' . pursuant to - any.; agr-eement:: of . . municipal . ,. cooperation - to • be entered into - brand between • : the ;, said : : Towns. ::and : the _: sajd . Village , pursuant to Article . 5- Ghof . the - GeneraLMunicipal : : Law ; . and - . • . , . : WHEREAS , the Town - Board . of. t: the '_ Town ., ot Ithaca :; ;. Tompkins : County ; • New ' York , has heretofore .had : and ° taken . : proceedings .: pursuant . _to :. the •-. provisions of • Article 12 - C - of • the . Town . Law , ' establishing : -, the : Town: Wide . Water Distri - button • - Benefited Area in .:. said .. Town, - to : • eonsistt. ; of. °;a comprehensive water improvement , including transmission mains , storage r. eservoir :yand booster station - for an intermunicipal '-water : distribution . faci.lity . . for . the - Towns of ' Dryden ; Ithaca • and • Lansing andthe :Village : of Cayuga Heights ',-. rinTompkins County , - New York , and -. for the joint use • and .. operaton :by : . the , said four municipalities pursuant to . an : agreementcof : municipal , ; cooperation . to be • entered into - by anfletween ; - the : said , .Towns - and and - -the . -. said .:Village , _ pursuant - to Article , 5- G . oithe, : Gener.• alLMunicipal : Law .; Nand . . : t4. . WHEREAS , , the Town Board ; , of the : Town :.. of :,.Lansing4 .. Tompkins . : County , New York , has heretofore •-had andh. taken ::proceedings pursuant .:.to =the ;: provisions of 364 Section -2024'b " . ot..the ! Town'.. Laws: provi ding.:f:-.or . it.he.' 1netease.t ..and. Iimprove - tent of the facilities • of % the % McKinney . . Water (District ' in ; said Town , to consist "of a . comprehensive : watery^improvement , including', transmission mains , storage - reservoir and booster station . for ^an . intermuhicipal water distribution .: facility : for ; . the Towns , of Dryden , Ithaca 'rand •Lansing and the VI ]. lage : of ` Cay.uga :Heights ,, .: in : Tompkins :'. County , -°.. New ' York , and for the joint use : and:: operation. by :the ' said . four-: .iaunicipalities .°: pursuant to an agreement " of : municipal : cooperation . to be entered: into My ` and be - tween the said . Towns ancU. the said . : Village ; pursuant to: Article 5- 0 of the General . . MunicipaitLaw ; - and. • - • . WHEREAS , the Board ' of tTr. ustees ' of. ':.. the .. Village ; ofi. Cayuga . Heights.,. lTompkins County , . New York , . has :.. heretofore . had >and Aaken, proceedings ` pursuant to the ,provisions ' of Article .. 11 _ ofthe . Village Law authorizing. theestablish- 1 ment • , of a - mater- distribution: syster in' • and _ for': said :'.- Village ; to consist 1 of a comprehensive water improvement. , , including ' transinissiontMains ', storage reservoir- and: , booster- :: station . for: . : an intermunicipala water distri - bution . faci.l:ity fora . the : Towns . oft -Drydenthaca . . and = Lansing and the : Village . 00-f Cayuga ° Heights :'; . in : -Tompkins County ; : New , Yor. k; ' and' . for : _. the joint use and operation . : by ° the .: said . four . municipalities . pursuant to an agreement : of municipal ' cooperation :: tobei .entered _ainto _ by ad& , between the said , Towns and ' the ' said . Village, ..pursuant : to Article: 5== G: Hof, ' thee; General Municipal Law ; ' and • • . . : . WHEREAS , _ following- the completion :: of ;.thflforesaitpr- oceedings , for purposes of implementing .. the . same .., ' : said :: Towns :. of Dryden, .: .Ithaca - and - Lansing and Village of _ Cayuga 'Heights: have .: entered pinto ',: at municipal • cooperation contract - pursuant : o - Article . 5- Gi..of: the > General't ,Municipal • Law ' entitled •- "Agreement _ of: Municipal .'Cooperation: .for. Construction , , • - Financing °.and ' Operation' of an Infermunicipal WatermSupply° and , Transmission System ; " made " as ' of ° the " 2lst ` day '. .oftMarch - 19741 . :: )r and : between said ' . Towns . land- said ' VillageE on '. behalf . of ' the: ' aforesaid : , water.' • districts , . water distribution ' benefited . area . and :: Village 2as ' the: case :;:may -be ; Nand . - WHEREAS ; itt is . now 'desired .; to - profide: . for. they financing;' of .:.the costs . of the aforesaid : water '. distributi'on. : improvementOW; : THEREFORE , .. BE IT RESOLVED , by the Town.' Board ` . of :' the . 11Town: of .:. Dryden, Tompkins ' . County ,, New - • York , if the within ` resolution . . in . .. identical form is Hadopted :, , , approved and made effective by . the - TOwfl. of Ithaca , Town of : Lansing andhVillage of Cayuga . Heights asfollows : - Section 1 : ' The joint . constructioni `: of `: a: . comprehensive : water - improve - ment , . consistinuof : approximately: 85 , 000 . linear : feet .. - of - transmission mains , of varying . diameters , : a . two ; million• : gallon . storageLreservoir, and boosterstation ' for an intermunicipal water . distributiomfacility : for the ' joint use - and ' operation by , the . Town . iof .: Dryden ; On behalf;: of. Water. ` District No . . 1 ' in said - Town , . by : the ' Townr . of_ Ithaca . ombehalf :.;. of : the • Town .;: Wtde Water Distribution Benefited Area . in . . said - Townby , the - ' Townh, : of , Lansing , on behalf of the . ' McKinney :Water . ' District . in: : said:: Town, land `by .: the ,Village '± of, Cayuga Heights for said Village , . to ._ consist . clan intermunicipal water distri - bution . facility - for. ? the " joint . use-. and ` operatioa .bt . the .:,said four , munici - palities , including toriginal .. furnishingg ., equipment , : machinery . and apparatus and the acquisttion : of neceasaryw lands and° . rights in . land therefor , is hereby authorized : at aAotal ,.. estimated :.:; cost including inci - dentall expenses . . of. :not . exceeding $ 1 ., 9304. 000 . . . Saidujoint construction shall be oarried out in accordance withthe : proceedings 'her: einbefore recited and • in ' accordance : with . . a ` certain , map; '. plans: and.:`reportw prepared - by Lozier Engineers , Inc . , ` competent engineers ,•dulylicensed : Wthe State of New York ; which . map , ' plan and report , have been- . filed , an; the . office of the Town Clerk ' of - the ' Town -ot Dryden in° June ; y1972 , in . ' the ' effice . . of the Town Clerk of the ' Town ` of ° Ithacav in ' June ; 1972 , in the' office , of. . the Town Clerk - of the Town ' of Lansing in ' June ; 1972, and':. inv. the office of . . the Village Clerk of- the ° iVillage ° of - Cayuga. Heights : in June , . 1972', and which map , plans and - reports . wer. e ' . thereafteflodified ;by theAeletion . of a portion ' ofthe . water .- transmission lines . : in theTown `mfIttaca : . as _ shown on the addendum to the . said report , " dated ` and. filed . on or. .: about Mar..ch . 1 , 1973 , with each . ofr . the ' . . aforesaid : municipalities , • anduwhich .`water : distri - bution system will : also ' include - the _ McKinney `.: Water. . :Distr- ict . in , the Town • ' of Lansing ' as - a ' participant . . Section 2 The plan for . the ' financing of `- the .: aforesaid specific • object or purpose consists ' of the issuance ; : ( pursuant .. to ' the :. provisions of , Section 1 ' of • Article VIII Of ' the Const- itut>ion : of _ the ? . State . . of . . New York , as amended ; and ' of Title . 1A ° ' of ` the Local . . Finance .Law .. of . the • State of New York ) of joint ' obligations . of the Town=. . of Dryden , .Tompkins : County , New York , the Towner-Ithaca: , Tompkins •County,. New . York ,, ;. the ' Town of Lansing , Tompkins ' County; New '• York,..And . the . Village = of. Cayuga = : Heights , Tompkins County, NerYork ^ constituting4olnt indebtedness by :: said Towns and said Village ', which : shall '. be - evidenced; by : joint - serial . bonds of said Towns and ;- said - Village a in .:the , principal : amount ' of ; not exceeding $ 1 , 930 , 000 ' which ' are . : hereby authorized ; : tfle - issued: inr accordance with I I ' : Ii I• . 365 and subject : to the : ,provisions . of ..ther , LocaliFinanceLang and9 in • • anticipat oh - Ot i ''he eSu'andC" saio :`J' oiht : bondsof' . stiid • `Toi js WW1 said Village , "by; the . lsauan'cet , of , joint b'ofdAihticipationtotes . ot . said Towns And Village , for .: the ' teiaporaiy :. : f' nancing . of .: 3EYd ' : specific object I .or purpose o r ' . I Section. 3 ;0 ; For . the "` purposent: Sectiof ' 'r15 ' 1O' ' of ' the : Local •' Finance ' Law relating : to the . a1'location of .:4oint • ; indebtedness 9; : the • amount of. Ii oint : indebtedness to `: be . : appottioned : and naiilocatedato eadh . of . said Towns' and Village n shall ;.be , in : ' the. . same': proportions as0the rconsutaption of water ineach ': otth& - Toone • . 4f% Drydenf, FlthacaK, . thee: VilIagel of; Cayuga . - Heights and 'the ` McKinney . . Water- ` . District. . .. in:. . the` To.n ` :. of: . Lansifig ' shall ' . ' 1bearto the> total ' contumptiont .ofgtrater :: for ' the . ;entiit j-oifnt water ' distribution ' f icility n ' .rwhich. : is es•timtted . to ' : be:9 cand;. for :: purposes Of - determining : grosscindebtedness • of• . each . . of . . said . municipalities in their respective .debt rstatementsi.: pur'suant, : tor. section "15 .o'1flf the Local Finance taco° and . : therefore the - . ataounttfle allocated;'r for '. . thepurpose of ascertaining each . of :: the• respective .:municipalities° ° .:•debt -contracting powers, shall : be as . follows : . . • • . . . . . Dryden • : . -' 619644 , 20 ' r . , r .Ithaca: 1945198142p50' ' Lansing. : : - 59616030 . Cayuga. Heights ;' / - A109.-8970- 00 , " : Nothing in : this rsection shall be .? deeMed'' to be6gnt . cohfb1dflith - op to supersede ' the' provisions , > of -Station ' 6 of kthisCresolution relating to the annual apportionment Hof JtheYsmount ; Olcprineipal . shCinterest ': on '. 'the bonds herein - authorizeflo : be 'risscaedI. as . along *a d: . Totsna . anflait :. Village. 9 nor the manner ' of . collectionf rand.. paythent: :..of ". -the ` amouhts ;. of.< anhuaiAebt , aereice provided to be apportioned ; 'annually ': by- ` saidt : Section : 6 o. .. :Ths: SUperVisors of said Towns . and the . Trews`user : -o.. aid : .Vtil`sigec °"arfle °eby :: authorised and . directed ' 'to °Act . : Jo9ntly. . t6 Mkt `a - applie&tion-,. to :.they. : State .; Compero11er for the allocation and : apport' onment .:of. said4•o nt ::, indebtedness ' . iln accord- ance with? the - previsions ot . thls " :section : .and;:: to= perfornilAacts and - furnish 'all ' information : required =: i connectiontwith ; such . applicsition a H . Siction 4 ; % It : is :hereby .:determined thet , ,,the ' . perf: od . of' :probable ' use fulness . of ' the ' aforesaid specific ; object Or purpose . f s forty `years ,: pursuant :to subdivision : l , of '! paragr aph . + (ra') .. - of:: Sect'ion' : 1lAtl , of : the Local Finance ' lLati0 It is ,: hereby ' further .. determ9ned . thalLthe . etaxiLmuta ®aturity ' of the joint bondflereby `authorized : to ;:: be ` . issued :`'caill . be..: -in : excess• of five . . years , ands such . ,bonds . , will'' mature in _annualL1nsteilments : in ., conformity • with . lawn Section ` 5 0 :` Sub j ect` - to . the - proVisions' . of . : the ' Local , Fglnance r Law . and this section., . . theYpower.- - ta. authorisflheA . issuance .;of': ', and :: to: " sell joint L bond anticipation ' notet ':yin` anticipation . 5t th@ ' : isauanceJand ;_ `sale of the joint •serial bonds herein authorized , including ' . reneeale ; thereof ., is hereby delegated tors-the Supervisor .....of . - the ; Town ._ of . Ithac the chief fiscal officer of said : TOwn 4 '. Such: : : ointbon&. .anticipatioh t.hotes - shall be of such terms , form and " contents and , shall ; :boas, rsoid .by. :iai Siapeiyisor in such manner as .: :1mar:°bes . prescribed: by a :: bohd :a®ticipatioflote , . certifi = cats 9 : as - authorized' ".: by• Section ,:' 300 00 .: of . the . Loca1' Finance ' Last.; - provided 9 . however9 that any . bond anticipation . notes = Aso Assuedr: shall . be `= the ,joint indebtedness of : said-;Totwiins . and=; saf�9 ' , Vilbag0 . : and� . . shall : be ; executed in the -• . names of the - Toeanot' Dryden9 � the . rTo�rn . of'" I:thack ,9 the ' rTown1. 4o( aansing and Tthe . 'Viiiage : of Cayuga ' . Heihtsta . nd ... stiallt4e =isigned ::by ; the . Superv'isor of the Town of Dryden on . : behalf . of ' :said . : Town<; and. .. sha-: l: .have affixed -there - ` to the sealot the Ton of Dryden° 9 r attest' ed byth eTos& Cie rk of . said Town ; shall e s9gnedbythe "- SupetVisof tieToW .f Ithaca ' on , behalf of said Town: -and shall'= Ahave . affixed ` thereto!: th'e - seal . of -: the �Toan ;. of? ' ' Ithaca .,•� .. attested ;by the � �Towtvi Clerk of : said To*h ;- • .shall .be . signed bye the : Supervisor of the : Toler of " Lansing , on .. behalt- of. said : :Tocsn :: and.. rsha b .ma P:e , :affixeo thereto' the seailr. of the Town - of L"ansingY9 :.'attested=°.bYt .the. . ToWn '. Clerk of said _ Town ;";':and . `shall :be : signed '. by-';thee •Treasurer fYthe `Village tof Cayuga ' Heights = oh - behalf Jof'< said , Villa ige'° -ninth Shall: :haves a:ffixedr)-thiateto : the seal c of the Viii = ge - of Cayuga Heights 9 attested3 byethe . VillagelClerk ` of -said Village ; The : chief' :.fiscal .:' officer . :of/jthe. Towtn :;;o ( -IthacatorvhotaY s hereby delegated . the powerr to .. authorizethe issUance ; _ of ? andtw : sell :' such joint bond ' anticipation notes shall file - an executed y copy oft each ' .auch . bond ' anticipation... ' snotscertifi< cabefr rith : the : Jt nance -.,hb rd - . of each ' of - the ' ' aforesaid - municipalities : prior :."to ; the :issathce '.:-ot` the: 'bondr - anticipation note or notes authorized by - Such certificate . Sectio & 6 The faith .and . credit °.: of said Town ' : of Dryden ., : Tompkins County a: New York ; ! said . 'Town ' :of I Ithaca 9 Tompkins :.County . , New York ; said Town of Lansing 9 : 'Tompkins . ' County 9 New York ; and .. said . . Villige of Cayuga 366 Heights , .,Tompkins County , New .. York-,- .are hereby-, , A-pint-1y - pledged for the • payment ot the : princ-lpal- ' oft:and interest . on, said . -J: oint: -bonds as the same become : •due: . and payable . - The principal- • ofi , said- • joint bonds- and : the interest thereon shall be apportioned. . annual •ly . among , said : Towns and • • said • Village in accordance . with : ,the iagreement •. .. or - municipal . cooperation here - inabove r referred : to in : the recitals • of:this rresolution-, - ; on •the -r_at.io t . which the consumption, of water' 'from °: the °. : system :in . : each ° of • said mmunici - ' • palities rbears% =to ' the • rfull. ,cconsumption: : from . thetrentire ;: intermunicipal: .. • water distribution 'facility, . - such , ratio•° for : bei -annually ' .determined in accordance with : . the • aforesaict °-agreement • Qf municipalc : cooperation ; • the . . '- I share of said principal- and . : interest * tofsbeAborne ? br the-•) aforesaid -' Towns , shall ' be . annually • assessed ; -., levied- . and ,collected' within . said Towns as . follows . . . _ . _ , - a ) follows : the : ..several • ) lots , 'and:' ' parcels -- of :: land , in !Water . District • : • • No . • 1 of thet Town of -Dryden, - in proport-ion : : as; • nearly as may . _ ' - • be tot) the : :benefit • which,' eachf :lot - . or parcel cot .. land-! . therein , - will derive therefrom . - b ) From . the several . lots : and • parcels of land - 4n ; the Town of Ithaca ,Water . Distribution. . Benefited . . Area•, • : ini :proportion as nearly as may be to the ' benefit . which - .each, Plot 1- or parcel of land therein will derive therefrom.. . . • c ) From the several : lots . . and=' parcels of land in . the ...McKinney :• .. Water District . in - the . Town ADP : , Lansing ; at She. . same : time , and • • . in -theYasame manner : as - other - ` Town? : charges .- • - -- • - • , • - • The Village of - Cayuga • Heights 3shall, -annuallrlevy . and • collect a tax - . sufficient . to pay - the share: . of .- sa-idn - principal ;: and ••interest •to. . be . borne by said Village , • as the - . same .. may- , become - . due : sand : payable . • • • • • . I-f not paid- from the aforesaid -sources :, • ? all t sthe - taxable . real ' - pr. operty. 1 • said , Town -. of Dr; yde.ni and . all , thek taxable :. rea1 . property - in said Town of Ithaca, and all the . taxable : real • gproperty '' in . said ' Town of Lansing ., and all the ' taxable , real ? property- •in : saidHVillage -, of .Cayuga - . Heights , - shall - be jointly subject ,: to• tthe levy . . of-yant :• advalorem tax ; - . , . without limitation . as: hto : rate :or, ° amount ; sufficient : to - pay ' :. the . ,:principal of and interest ' ion' sal & bondsi - as \ ' the same may- _ become', due ,: and •. payable . . Section 7. . . The validity ' of . •csuch :. joint : iseriai . : bonds • may. : be . contested only if : .. . - - . 1 ) . -Such jointI' bondry : are author. ized:Ior. .an ; , object •° ot ' -purpose' - . for: which - !said .•Towns - and . : saidr - VillageY. . are foot - author. ized ,. • to expend . money , or 2 ) The -provisions 1of . • law .' which . should- •be i. complied , withrvat - the ;date.- •of • publication .of , -this - .resolution.. are ' not substantially : • • , complied with , - . and-. . an : action-2 : suit . or ° . proceeding ' contesting . . y • such validity • is ecommenced, within t enty -, days : after the date • •- . . of publication , or - . c - . ': . . • : r ' • • 3:) Such :joint - bonds - are : authorized• in violation : of .. the - • provisions• • -. of the • Constitution . - ; - . - ° �• • • - Section - 8 . Upon - . the: . adoption of.. :this resolution by each- of the . aforesaid Towns ° and the aforesaidhVillage ., . and the : :publication thereof with the notice , provided : in . Section: 4-91 hereof , . the . Clerks of each such Town and such -Village shall. . file .with.' the' , Clerk of ! each. . of the other ' Towns . . and of the Village a . certified ;copy . of :: this . rresolution ' and a • ::_ . printer ': s , affidavit . of -publication thereof •with : the . -notice required by Section 9 hereof . - . - - _ ot • ' . . Section 9;. This -resolution : is lidopted . . brthe Village of Cayuga Heights subject to permissive , .referendum . and . -upon : its . .taking . effect in and with respect to - . said Village , - . shall - °ther. eupon •. be . effective ; upon its adoption by the: Town • Boards of • the :aforesaid Towns •: and , •• -upon this . - resolution • finally . becoming, .. effective •, .°it . • shall .t. be •t published : in , full in • the • Rural News , - the official . newspaper . of the : Townf '. Dryden;• . and . in , the Ithac • • Journal , - the official ? newspaper , of ;-the : : Town of Ithaca , •• . of . the Town :: of Lansing and of the Village :of - Cayuga . Heights•; . .: together.- with ( i ) a- notice -of ' the • Town Clerk , of then Town- A of : Dryden :in : substantially • the form provided in ; Section 81 .. 00 '• .o,f : the - Local•. Finance _. Law , ( 11 ) a • notice, of - the Town . Clerk , of the ' Town of . - Ithaca substantially : in . said• form , . ( 1111 • a notice . of - ;the .. Town - Clerk . of - the - Town . of Lansing , substanti - ally in .. 'said .:form , • and ( iv ) a notice or-, the Village - .Clerk of _the Village of Cayuga:- Heights; substantially in said form . 7 . ' 2nd Cim Cotterill e • , . . :• ' . Roll cail. .. vote : • • • . . ? elm Webb • voting Aye Clm Cotterill : : voting Aye _ . .. • , • - .. Cim, • Gridley . : , : :voting Aye : Clm Joubert .. . voting Aye II Ili, i;' 4 ' I .i I I E , : th , , , ! . H . .. 2! . 367 Attorney , Amdur reported that • the mapand .. specifications . of Ringwood Court has been approved- :by Highway. : Supertntendent Case , =: The maximum cost now exceeds the . original . estimated cost ., by $ 6 , 000 . .. The > original cost was $ 17 , 000 , the new cost ;; is $ 23 , 000 . Another . publiflearing will have to be scheduled . . It was decidedito schedule. : it : on.. . Thursday , May 2nd at 7 : 30 pm 'at , Town Hall ,. subject to the . approval of� :�SUpr McCord. . .•% . Attorney Amdur .. spoke7 relative : to the .Flood - insurance Program . She said this would involve . , the .: Board. idesignatinp the : : flood; ;area . .: lt : was noted that a ` Soil -Conservation . Firm fromeBinghainton-: ha8 . done .. thus. work and is available <at . `the= ' office rthe County Planner4: 7• Attorney .Amdur said she Will . -check ' 1th : Mr. " Liguori . -:: She also =noted that .' : the ; zoning': ordinance will have to be amended °. to - include . the flood . designated areas . : ph Attorney , Amdur read: a - letter .. from `tiek -Lance . re storage . . of ; and sale of concrete blocks .. . and:. trucks - at4 ,rthe Lanphear. property_ on , . Route ' 13 and Johnson : Road . . She also : . read ' • a ilettery : fromr. =Mr : anphearattorney , Dick . Thaler , in wfi ch it ; ; is' . stated . that ' -Mr . Lanphear'. will remove the ' blocks ( except . what - he iintends `. to: ' ;keep . for persoriaL muse) .: no . ' later than • May , ' 1 ; 4974 , and : thetrucks will be : removed . no later + . than-: 7 /1 /74 . Z . O . Stewart reported that * Mr . ;Lanphear denied sellinrthe ' cinderblocks . Discussion was had : re =- sale . of cinderblocks note an -allowed : use . : Z . O . - Stewart reported that }the . State ' hnspectorLw-i-1i not -. allow , -two _ basementE . apartments . There- bari be ` one. apartment ; and: the : - other., can `-be . used : as : : ar. professional office . --=the-ta_'ard: -'de'cided: -to take . no action on his_ permit . until he ' complies - with the - rules : and regulations ot.: the • Azoning ordinance . . . ' ' • RESOLUTION-• ' 77 - LANPHEAR- :SPECIAL PERMIT • ' ' - . - :: • Clm Joubert - = offered : the following ' resolution 'and .:' asked . its ;` adoption : RESOLVED; .that . this - . ToWn .Board . of =. " the Town ` of . . Dryden .-. will -take no action on Mr . Lanphear! w . request .' for i . Special• Permiti. unt-i.1 he bass completenis Fcompliance `:to correct :•:any zoning'. violation .- - 2nd . Cim '' Gridley . . ._ Carried SIGN -ORDINANCE . IIIDiscussion was ..;, had . . re . setting a : date wand ; gettingan .. ordinance : together and . :. have . a# public : hearing. .: C1m . Webb . ` said : that : what , he had.. Attorney :Amdur draft ; up ; ' Super :' McCord?;ftd d not aike .. . This . was to :` be : further . discussed at the ' meeting on :. the 23rd . VIOLATION elm Webb inquired . at . to : the violation : of : the trailer : om . Taggin Wagon property _. in . Etna . Z . O .. . Stewart . reported that Mr :- . Relyea . . toid him it is in mud . clear :: to . its . : axels . and :: . will move it - as : soon . : as : . it . dries up . - Mr . Stewart ' has :: not : checked . this out,; as to whether. : it . : is stuck in the • mud-. -elm Joubert : spoke : of the conditions on this . . permit and said ' it was not valid it . he is in :. , violation .. Clm ; Cotterill . feit; that .. it should be removed by the 23rd :_ as this . : trailer . was store& on the - dryest part of the whole . farrn . and:. . expr- essed . doubt : as : to . : whether : it was ; all that difficultto - remove . . - ' - ZONING . OFFICER A. Reported . thafle =.. has . . issued .: 17 -permits for ; this per. iod.. . The : ZBA held four : hearings . and:`°granted all ' four : : - He . : reported that : he: would like to .. • schedule . a hearing :: for :: the . 23rd . : He2. was : : to check :. with'. Supr McCord . REVENUE ' SHARING ' Received. a : check to : thei . amount ofT . $ 11 , 791 .. 00 . on° 4 / 8/ 74 . . . . RESOLUTION7 :# 78 .. APPROVEHIGHWAY BILLS Clm• . Joubert ' offered : theHfollowing resolution and,` asked = pits adoption . . RESOLVED , that = = theAHighway . : Bills be ipaidf , as . audited . . --- ' 2nd . Clm . - Cotterill . : Roli : . call , vote . : aih : voting YES • . - . RESOLUTION : = N79: APPROVE GENERAL BILLS . C1m 4ridle.y offer. edRthe following: resolution . and - asked , its `. ' adoption . ( RESOLVED , . that , . the ... GeneraV,• Fund : Bills be paid :: as't : audited . ' 2nd . Clm Webb . Roll° call : vote : ., all _ .voting YES JUSTICE REPORT None • 368 TOWN - CLERK REPORT • _ _ t - : • - - • - . Collected_. taxes : for=. the • period. in . the - amount. of . $a18 .144 ., 6,6 , total to date $ 1478 ) 895 . Z$ 7 . . Penalty . for the . :month .of - , March $ 258 . 36 . . .•FINANCIAL. REPORT . • - . . Highway Fund. : Receipts 41. 5 , 952 . 61 Disbursements $ 16, 784 . 94 . General Fund : Receipts $ 8 , 957 . 05 - Disbursements $ 8 , 353 •. 25 RESOLUTION - # 80 •. TRANSFERt FUNDS• . :JUSTICE . . - . - Cim Gridley offered : the ' following resolution - and asked • . its - adoption . RESOLVED „ . . that the . Supervisor : . be 'And .< hereby • is authorized to . transfer . j - $ 1 , 000 . . 00 from° :• Justice .•Contractual Account _ - # 110•. 4 to . Court . Clerk Acct . R1110 . 1 . - • 2nd Clm Joubert Roll call . vote . - all ., voting YES RESOLUTION •. # 81 .- AUTHORIZE TRUCK ' PURCHASE . • . . Clm Gridley offered the following: resolution and asked :. its adoption . . RESOLVED , . •.that this . Board - ; authorize the . Superintendentof : Highways to purchase a . light truck : on • State Contract Price , , not : to exceed 43 ., 700 . 2nd C,lm Joubert _ : . Rollll . - cavote - . : all voting YES OLD • BUSINESS Board . considered the abandonment: .oP . Lost . Road . as - recommended • . byl Hwy Supt Case . Attorney -. Amdur : reported . that . there will still� • be .. . a right - of-way . in common . • - . . . . . . . , .. _ - - 4 _ • RESOLUTION # 82 ABANDON : LOST ROAD ' ' . ' . . Clm Gridley offered the .: followingiresolution : . and askedts ~ adoption . RESOLVED , : that this . Board ., accept . : the recommendation of HWyfSupt . Case to abandon • Lost Road . in. the • Town : of Dryden and •; sign •. the : necessary . document attesting to .. same . (Copy: attached . . to Minutes ) : . • • • . . 2nd , Cim Cotterill : . . • •. RolLi call :-vote all .;.voting YES . NEW BUSINESS None . ' . Adjourned . 9 : 40 pm . : . : - • • . - Deputy . Supr MertonWebb _ • I - . : Ros-emarycliteiiek.; - . Town Clerk 0 . , • . _ • I. • • _ . •• • . ..: I - ■ . ,_ . . . . .41 f•• • . • • . • , . % • • t • 4 . . , , . 't _ . . . 4 • • . T : .. : • 369 SPECIAL MEETING April ' 23 - " 1974 - Meeting was called to order- by Supervisor McCord at 7 : 30 pm at the Town Hall. . iPresent : Councilmen Gridley ; , `Cotterill , Webb and Joubert . and Supr McCord . Also rPeter Levatich . - . Purpose of the meeting was the opening of the submitted bids for : addition and alteration to the : Town Hall-. .. The following bids were opened f and read` by" •- Supr McCord : ' General Construction Base Price " Alternate Giordano Construction $ 65 , 600 . 00 less ' $ 1 , 000 . 00 kt McPherson Builders ‘ • A 59 , 888 . 00 . • " 1 , 000 . 00 PetraccaConstruction 65 , 135 . 00 " . 700 . 00 Houghton Associates 60 , 436 . 00 " 942 . 00 Burton-Markpff Construction 75 , 394 . 00 " . ' 02 ; 000 . 00 • Thomas J . McCarthy 43 , 220 . 00 " 850 . 00 Plumbing & < Ventilating; : . Wilson & Sons Heating & Plumbing 10 , 462 . 00 Donohue - Halverson 14 , 152 . 00 Electrical . 4, Superior Electric 10 , 757 . 00 Bell Electric . 4 , • 9 , 191 . 45 Hom- Cort Electric 9 , 71.4 . 00 - . Bear Electric 8600 . 00 Pearson . Electric 12 , 562 . 00 Houghton Associates 4 a I 13 , 436 . 00 ' ' Supervisor McCord thanked those present for :: their = proposals and will notify companies involved of their decision . , . . Adjourned . 7 : 45 pni : Charles ' G . McCord Supervisor : 4 Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk ' . , . • *. • - . r : PUBLIC HEARING April " 23 , / 1974. , . , " in . C • Public Hearing was called to . . order' by Supervisor , Mecor- d at 8 : 00 pm at the Town Hall . Present : Supervisor- McCord Cauncilmen. Gridley ., . Cotterill , Webb and Joubert . Approximately 16 people present ` .. t - .f . . • . '. [ . , .. . . : I • Y . . . _ Purpose of the Hearing was the : . consideration : = otathe :enactment of an amendment ; too the - Zoning 'Ordinance entitled':. " RB- 1 , District . " Supr McCord said' it . , essentially : follows ; the proposal ,;.that :. was made by the Town . Boaed as . considered ..by .:the Planning Board . ' The floor was ; opened/ ' to ./ the public . r Mr . Bes'emer • 'inquired :' as to . . whether.Y this .,news: zone < would affect his permit on Etna Lane . Supr McCord . replied .that itzwou d not affect any permit _ issued to date , but . will . affect . . any future ' t proposais 's JMr . Beseme'r was tnot in favor of this zone . ( . Mr . Lucente spoke relative to his $ 14 , 000 . 00 " inve`stment ='in a _ trailer park for which he has a permit . It was noted by Supervisor= McCord that Mr . Lucente ' s special - permit is . : no ; . longer. valid as he did ' not ask .for • IIIan extension of the permit before the expiration . • : Mrs . .Neilson .. reported that there were : 207 signers which represents 89 % of the people for the request' . . to a : more =.' stricter.:; zone . She said they all have a vestedf interests in . . their : own properties also . Ellen Bonn said/ that growth : just for the sake - of growth ; is not ' good and ' they / want to. keep :_° it the way it is . Mr . Lucente was . note in favor : : of . : this zone . Mrs . • Martha F' erger : spoke erelative .: to . the Route : ; .13 . , strip :. being :. considered and stated that she was in - favor of this being : conaidered . residential . Public Hearing closed at 8 : 30 pm : Charles ' G . McCord . - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk 1 . I I i 1 I I 1` I 370 . PUBLIC ` HEARING . - Aprii . 2j, ' 1974 - Hearing was= . 7called :to : orders . by .: Supervisor . McCord : at 8': 30 ' ipm:•: at . the Town Hall . Present•: -_: Supervisor ` McCo"rd: : Councilmen Gridley ; . Cotterill , Webb and Joubert , Attorney Amdur and Zoning Officer - Stewart . • Purpose of the Hearing vas - the application :. by James . . Brotherton for a special permit to . extend -:-his . mobile : ihome park'. located at . : 36 . . Mott • Road . There will . be . an : additional ' ' 6 : trailer ' spaces at : said ... location . . . - . Mr . Brothertorifora representative- was . no t .present -:therefore , Supr McCord cancelled = the °- hearing: and4 announced : that he . will- - have, ' to . schedule another hearing . . No action could ° be taken . Adjourned 8 : 40 pm - . - : - Charies . 41. ' McCord :: Supervisor ' Rosematy ,) Stelick _ - Town Clerk . .t . ` .. PUBLIC HEARING . . . April ` 23 , 1974 . Public Hearing was - called ; to order . by Supervisor McCord . at 8r4G pm at the Town Hai1 : . : Present :. Supervisor McCord , Councilmen.. , Gr. idiey , : Cotterill , Webb and Joubert ., . Atty : Amdur.. . and , Z . Q .. . Stewart . . ' Purpose of the Hearing ' was : : the .. ,applicationaf : Lawrence . .E ._ -Fitts for a special permit to install . and operate a bar in • . the clubhouse at the Dryden Lake Golf Course :gat {: 43tLake Road . . . _ . . . Several members of the . club: were in attendance . Duane Winters of Lake . Road • • represented: : Mr . Fitts . He . read a . letter fromFitts . : The bar " . ' will - sell liquor as - wello arbeer . It will ' bflpen . from ApriL to October . All the members in . attendance ; were in favor- . ot the . liquor sales . III Martha Ferger - felt . that . we do : not . need this . ' on a " back . road " as there IIP are many bike .riders . and- _:;pedestrians . . . Mr . Davall front Lake Road presented a : petition' signed: - br 50 . people 4 ob� �ecting .,� to �� the' sale _ of. liquor : and wine .: on :- th�e :: premises • �` lo,cated at 30 • . I . t . .� Lake, Road . > �, . � � , a ° � �� � . . : r . � �. ., .ft ; . )i . . � - . . : • Questions ' arose _' as . to - thee legality . ` ,of : the . Town ' s r5`urisdiction regarding the saie of liquont . ai. ciub . house ..: . Attorney Amdur repiied .: that we have the righ:t ` < to consider this as . it . wasAr - 1imite'd :ebeer license and now . requesting a :: liquor : license. . . Supr : . McCordsaid that:the; town• attorney • has recommended that we holifli : hearingt : on this issue . .' . Mr . Fitts arrived . and - preSented a ?petition : • signed by. • 20Mpeople favoring the granting :•. of '. permission " : to the said . : Golf Course • to - install and operate : a bar in : the . present - : elubuhouse :. t He ' stated.: that. their main reason - is competition -,with : . other .golf ' . cour_ses . anflpinioned that a liquor license ': is• necessary : . Opinioned thatyAn attractive . golf course • " is an asset to the community . They .. do :. not : : plan troperate 'a bar . to 1 a . m . There will _ be no • sign. or advertising . of : anykind.; that would indicate liquor is fore sale . Mr. • Davall spoke . . 'of bikes . on the ° road' .. and . farm machinery . .°He : . •could not ill see endangering the road . . - . • ` . A ' club = rmember;: spoke in defense ' ofil. the :application ; and •. •saidt there Is . II . T more bike . and pe.destrian : traffics . on lMain Street in -front of the Hotel , Inn and :. Viking•. Lanes . . . . .. . . . . • Hearing ,declared closed : at 9 -: 00 PM- . . ' . :Charles °,cCord , Supervisor Rosemary . . Stelict er" Town Clerk t k • • • + I .1 • • 4 1 . � � '- • '; R-B- 1 DISTRICT ARTICLE IV Section 400 : ( add R- B- 1 and substitute for R- C ) R- B- 1 : Zones : Low Density Agricultural- Residential R- C : Zones : Moderate Density Agricultural - Residential ARTICLE VII-A : DISTRICT REGULATIONS , R- B- 1 ZONES Section 750 : Allowed Uses : The intent and purpose of the R- B- 1 Zone is to preserve the quality and appearance of low density rest - dential areas compatible with farm use . The following regulations are designed to establish uses compatible with existing development where public sewer and water facilities are unlikely to develop in the near future . Section 751 : Allowed Uses : 1 . Farming , farm buildings , gardening , nurseries , greenhouses and the raising of livestock and poultry . ' 2 . One - family , two- family and multi - family dwellings . 3 . Educational , community , religious and similar semi -public structures . 4 . Farm buildings and accessory farm ` buildings . 5 . Roadside stands for the sale and display of farm products pro - vided that any such stand shall be at least 50 feet from the center of the road . 6 . Clubs , parks , playgrounds , golf courses and recreation areas not for profit . 7 . Private garages . 8 . Home occupation of a professional or service nature when such activity . is located entirely upon a residential lot and operated by the person living in said area . . 9 . Mobile homes on individual lots . Gam`' Section 752 : Uses allowed by special permit : 1 . Retail business establishments and gasoline stations which clearly are of/ a neighborhood or local service nature . Section 753 : Density and area requirements : . 1 . One family dwellings , a two- family dwelling provided that the second dwelling unit shall not exceed 50 % of the floor area excluding the basement of the primary dwelling unit , except where the second dwelling unit is constructed entirely within the basement area it may exceed 50 % . Lot area shall be at least 30 , 000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage . 2 . Multi - family dwellings : Lot area shall be at . least _ 30 , 000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage for the . initial dwelling unit and at least 10 , 000 square feet of additional lot area and at least 25 feet additional frontage for each additional dwelling unit . Maximum frontage required shall be 250 feet where neither public water and/or sewer facilities are available . In the event that the total area shall exceed two acres , the owner shall make application to. the I �II I ` it Town Board for a special permit in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE XIII of this ordinance . 3 . All other allowed uses : Lot area shall be at least 30 , 000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage . 4 . In areas R- B- 1 zones where public sewer and water are installed , the minimum lot size for the initial dwelling unit can be 20 , 000 square feet , with at least 100 feet of street frontage . For multi - family dwellings the lot size must be increased by 2 , 000 square feet for each additional dwelling unit and at least 10 feet additional frontage for each additional dwelling unit . Maximum frontage required shall be 200 feet . However , in no case shall density exceed 10 units per 30 , 000 square feet . ° 5 . No more than 15 % of the gross area of any lot may be covered by buildings or no more than 30 % with public sewer and water facilities' installed . Section ? 54 : Yards and Landscapink : 10 Front yards : All buildings shall be at least 70 feet from the road center line . On corner lots the designated side Mard front on the road may be reduced by 25 % . 2 . Side and rear yards : All buildings shall be at least 15 feet from each side property line and 25 feet from the rear property line . 3 . All other yard space may be used for off street parking . All parking space shall be at least 15 feet from any line . 4 . All yards shall be kept free of abandoned or inoperable vehicles , trash , rubbish and junk . Section 755 : Requirements : 1 . Signs ( See Art . XV ) 2 . Off Street Parking ( See Art . XIV ) . . ' V Eff 5/ 11 / 74 II yI III ° � i n l I H F � _ L•• IIC. _ ' x f 111 17.1 1Ii 211.11 31 Y. I i= • 6 .. 371 SPECIAL MEETING April : 23 , 1974 Special Meet-itig'"re.convened . = rfor- `the° `p irpase T ott°akin'g=Xactio& on the . • issued tonight . . . 9 : 00 - pm . . . • - • • . RESOLUTION #83 APPROVE _.RB-( : DISTRICT Clm Cotterill offered the . following . resolution and : asked , its adoption . RESOLVED , that " this: Town , Board : approve : the RB- 1 . District , with . : thei changes as presented atf• a 'public hearing 4 /24 /74 . . • . 2nd Clm JoUbert . • : ,-. . + - - Carried :RESOLUTION ' # 84 ` , GRANTrPERM-IT - ;DRYDEN `• LAKE - : GOLF COURSE Clm JOUbert • offered . the . following :resolution • " and _ asked . • its _. adoption . RESOLVED , that •. this Board grant . the Special ': Permit. to , Lawrence E . • Fitts to install . - and ' operate . .. a bar: ":. at the : Dryden Lake Golf : Course club house at 430 Lake Road . 2nd Clm Gridley . • Carried ~: . R N ESOLUTIO # 85 • :. 1TRANSFER FUNDS b " ( t "Ali • Clm Gridley : offered the following • resolution . and ` asked : its . adoption . RESOLVED , that . the . Supervisor be ` and . hereby :_ is `authorized . to transfer $ 1 , 894 . 14 from Special : TimerDeposit :.. Acct . #79.8 to . :Generai • Fund A : 2nd Clm Joubert ' • Roli . ; call vote - all • voting YES RESOLUTION '' # 86 - ° REFUND=`: WATER: : & =; SEWER OVERCHARGE Clm - Cotterill offered the foilowing : resolution ; ` andcasked ; its adoption . RESOLVED , , .thatthe Supervisor - be . and . her" eby : is : authorized .. to . refund an : ` overcharge to Taggin : Wagon . Park . _ from Water District - # i $ 539 . 64 ; from Sewer District ; : # 2 ` $ l , 354 . 50: and " from " General Fund : ." A . $ 37 ... 88 , ( penalty money ) . 2nd elm Gridley • T • . Roll call . :vote . al-1 - - voting YES. RESOLUTION # 87 .. .JUSTICE SCHOOL Clm ' Gridley ` offered the ' follow ingtresaluti ©wanflsked ,its adoption . RESOLVED , ' that . Town ' Justices Newhart . and .Miller , be .:authorized : to ' attend • Justice School in Bath - and ' :mileage and ^ expensespaid for by the Town . • 2nd Clm Cotterill - . : • • "t : . :- : Roll <. call . vote 7allu voting YES • I - . . RESOLUTION' a APPOINT ". BINGO , : INSPECTOR - - Clm Cotterill offered the - following : resolution ; :andasked its . . adoption . " RESOLVED , that . this •. Town : Board . appoint SByron': • E'.. . VanZile -; as ° Bingo • ' Inspector . . i • 2nd Clm Gridley Carried 7RESOLUTION489 ; `1 : GRANT PERMIT : - SAROKA . . Clm " Cotterill offered .. the following . resolution ;: ands asked . , its •.:. adoption . RESOLVED , " that : this Tokn : Board : grant _ the : Special < Permit :to . : Michael Saroka for an addition ." to •. his .: business at . 376 . Lower : Creek Rd . 2nd Clm Gridley ' . • Carried BIDS. . Discuss. ion : : was '- had . : relative : to• the bids. Mr . Levatich ? advised " earmarking • 10 % contingency : reserve . .• . . " - • RESOLUTION, . # 90ACCEPT BI-DS - Supr' 1McCord , offered :. the " following resolution -sand . asked -°> ts ::adoption . RESOLVED , that » thisTown : Board :° accept :, the . threeAsowest ":bids for . addition and alteration ' to . ithe Town : Hall , as follows General .• Construction : Thomas J . ..:McCarthy , Bldrs . $ 43 , 220 . 00 Plumbing AimVentilating : Wilsonz • & : SonsHP : & ° H $ 10 , 462 . 00 Electrical :. Bear Electric $ 8 , 600 . 00 for a total amount of $ 62 ., 282 . 00.. ` Said work : to be ' idone . .in ; accordance . to the specificationflubmitted . . • . 2nd - Cla Joubert Roll call vote - - Carried . , C1m - Cotterill voted NO . . RESOLUTION #91 LETTER ' OF-. INTENT & SIGN ` CONTRACTS Clm Gridley offered . the foliowi'ng : resolution . and : askedNits adoption ; RESOLVED , that : Supervisor . McCord . be authorized ' . to . sign . a , Letter of intent r%O.Lthe t_coYTt ; T .Ors - . and the contracts . - 2nd . Cim ; Joubert Carried Adjourned 9 : 55 • ;:Charles . G : McCord. Supervisor . • • ' 'Rosemary ' Stelick :. - `Town Clerk • .. I p.