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November 13 , 1973
Minutes of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden commencing at 7 : 40 P . M .
at the Town Hall . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Webb ,
and Tarr . . Councilman Cotterill arrived 7 : 50 P . M . Also present : Attorney
Amdur , Highway Superintendent Case . and Zoning Officer Stewart .
Supervisor McCord called the meeting to order and led the members and •
guests in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . . ,
There being no additions , corrections or alterations of the Minutes of
O ctober 9 and October 23 , the following motion was made .
Motion was made by Councilman= Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr , that .
the Minutes of October 9 ( Regular Board Meeting ) and the Minutes of
O ctober 23 ( Public Hearing ) be approved as submitted . Carried
COUNTY BRIEFING : Mrs . Schickel was unable to appear at the Board Meeting ,
but she reported the following to the Town Clerk : Hospital Construction
Committee was formed by a 10 - 6 vote . To be appointed 5 or 7 member board .
Some representatives felt it was premature . Meeting November 19 at 10 A . M .
regarding the hospital . Public Hearing re county budget will be held on
the 19th at 7 : 30 P . M . Going to advertise for bids for remodeling the
County Building " C " . Estimated cost $ 170 , 000 . Tompkins Cortland Community
College construction is about 70 % complete . Considering moving children . .
division . of social services to the fourth floor of Montgomery Ward building .
E stimated cost will be $ 4 . 00 per square foot . Comprehensive planning for
the county to be undertaken . Funds are in the budget and plan to use
present planning people . Funds will be matched by the federal and state
for the first year .
Paul Whitted came before the Board once again to request that the Board
make a decision regarding the status of Whitted Road . He concluded that
h e has established that it was a road . He claimed that it does not meet
the tests of abandonment as there is no record of abandonment in the town
minutes . He further maintained that it has not been abandoned by disuse as
(AitiLlthis road has been used over the years . Mr . Farrell , resident of that
area since 1956 , supported Mr . Whittedsclaim . Attorney Amdur reported that
the road has not been maintained by the townrfor a period of years , it is
n ot designated on the official town map , the town does not receive any
state aid and it is not used for vehicular traffic . She read a resolution
adopted by the Town Board February 18 , 1964 . entitled " Inventory of Town
H ighways " . The map with regard to the said resolutionrlistsWhitted Road
portion off Snyder Hill Road as 0 . 37 of a mile . This being , the only
portion of Whitted Road maintained as a town road . Mr . Whitted claimed
that the road is used . Most vehicles that use it are farm tractors . Mr .
Farrell maintained that it would be an asset to the town to open this
✓ oad . Councilman Cotterill inquired of Mr . Whitted what assurance did
h e get that it was . a town road . Mr . Whitted said he did not check the
o fficial town map . ` Mr . Joubert of Snyder Hill Road opinioned that the
Board should look at the road and determine use and legally abandon that
portion and open that portion that is a town road . Attorney Amdur reported
that she and Highway Superintendent did look at the road and found it
tobvergrown with . trees and a barn built in the right - of-way . Mr . Whitted
d emanded that the board take action and resolve the matter once and for all .
Supervisor McCord reported that he objectively examined all the evidence
and he determined that portion of Whitted Road is not a town road . Super -
visor McCord offered the following resolution .
Supervisor McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the portion of Whitted Road from Route 79 north to the
✓ ailroad embankment is not a town road since 1964 to the present .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote :
Councilman Cotterill - NO
Councilman Gridley - YES
Councilman Tarr - NO
Councilman Webb - YES
Supervisor McCord - YES
Councilman Cotterill remarked that this will have to be the policy of the
✓ emaining roads in question in the future . He also commented that he and
h is wife spent an hour looking for that road and never did find it .
Peter Levatich was present and spoke relative to zoning enforcement . . He
said there is a missing link in . the enforcement . A zoning violation is
treated as a misdemeanor . The violator is entitled to a jury trial and
the town has to have a prosecutor . Discussion was had on District Attorney
Sullivan ' s decision to refuse to prosecute actions in the Town of Dryden .
It was noted that Mr . Sullivan is full time , one full - time assistant and
two part - time , assistants and that the City of . Ithaca has their own - prose -
cutor . It was decided to write a letter to Mr . Sullivan with copies to
the county representatives and other towns . Attorney Amdur was so instruct
e d to do this . She said she would also check into - alternatives for prosecution .
D iscussion was had on handling some cases on a civil basis . The Board
instructed Attorney Amdur to go on a civil basis on the trailer violation .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adopti
RESOLVED , that we , take action wherever we have a right to in order to '
prosecute zoning violations . .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried
H arold Case spoke relative to fire protection for homes that are not
built on approved roads and the difficulty in getting to ' thefire if the
✓ oad is not cleared of snow , etc . Councilman Cotterill said that it will
be the responsibility of the property owner or owners of the road to keep
the road clear much as in the manner of a private drive . Harold Case in -
quired as to whether they can get a snowplow in extreme emergency . High -
w ay Superintendent Richard Case said yes , just call . He offered to give
Mr . Case other numbers he, could call . He said the town barn should be
called first as it is manned 24 hours .
Councilman Cotterill inquired as to what has become of the " sign ordinance "
by the sign committee . There appeared to be some confusion as to who was
serving on the committee with Clm . Webb . Clerk Stelick was instructed to
check and see who was appointed on said committee and let them know . The
committee , is expected to make a report at the next board meeting .
Attorney Amdur spoke relative to Ringwood Court petition . Map from Don
McKee has been received and Highway Supt . ' Case is checking it . The esti -
mate is over the maximum amount of the petition and may have to go to
another hearing . Attorney Amdur reported that Varna sewer extension
residents have gone to T . G . Miller and discussing costs and might be ready
by next week . Attorney Amdur reported that three road5in the. Yellow Barn
S ubdivision were ready for approval . .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoptio
RESOLVED , that this Board accept the following as town roadsas approved
by Highway Supt . Case and Attorney Amdur : Extension of Spring Run Road ,
Extension of Foot Hill Road and Thresher Place .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried
Clerk Stelick reported that the following people were used in emergency
as substitute election inspectors and requested that the board appoint
them : Evelyn Cook , Republican ; Joyce Gerbasi , Republican ; Pearl Melberg ,
Rosalie Finnerty and Esther O ' Neil , Democratic . .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint the following as substitute election
inspectors at the rate of $ 2 . 00 per hour :
Republican Democratic
Evelyn Cook Pearl Melberg
Joyce Gerbasi Rosalie Finnerty
Esther O ' Neil
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
1 111, 5 I1
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Clerk Stelick reported that Mrs . Boothroyd and Mrs . Fellows , Commissioners
of Elections , suggested that the Board be informed of the election machine
foul - up could cost us a lot of money if it was contested . Mr . Morey has
been the Democratic election custodian for many years and he should have
known to pull the necessary pin according to Mrs . Boothroyd . She also
n oted that he is not qualified due to the fact that he has never attended
a voting machine school . Mrs . Boothroyd recommended that the Board consider
appointing someone else next year . Clerk Stelick reported that Mr . Morey
✓ efused to attend the school this year claiming that he knew all there was
to know in order • to set up the elections . Clerk Stelick reported that when
h e worked under:: Charlie Downey he always had Charlie ' s skill and mind to
h elp him out . Mr . Morey is on his own now and it is hard for him to recall
much due to a war injury to his head . Clerk Stelick opinioned that she
is of the opinion of the Election Commissioners in that Mr . Morey is not
competent for the job . • .
Zoning Enforcement Officer Stewart . reported that he had issued 21 ' building
permits for the past period . The ZBA heard four cases and granted all
variances . Supervisor McCord inquired of the Zoning Officer the status of
Krantz trailers . Mr . Stewart reported that Mr . Krantz claimed to be paying
taxes for two trailers . After checking with the Assessment Department it
was found that he has been taxed on just one trailer . The Board of Health
h as not granted approval and he was advised to wait for a letter from the
Health Department before pursuing it . Supervisor McCord instructed Mr .
Stewart to pursue it as a violation .
Highway Superintendent had no report .
Mailogram from Governor Rockefeller requesting that the town highways
be posted at 50 mph re gas crisis .
County• Sewer Agency meeting November 14th at 3 : 30 P . M . in the Board of
Representatives chambers . . One item will be the overview of the feasibility
study for a sewerage system for the Village of Freeville . Memo from Frank
iguori . - •
etter from Jack L . Miller , Village of Freeville Justice , placed his
name before the Town Board as a. possible candidate for Town Justice should
a vacancy occur . . -
Town ' s share for the Football Program in 1972 was $ 580 : 00 from . Cullen
Assoc . It was not necessary to submit for bids at this amount .
Ltr . from To . Co . Mental Health re Alcoholism Task Force .
Councilman Cotterili reported that he took the liberty to have the town
board meetings placed on the Kiwanis calendar at a cost of $ 4 . 00 .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and - asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Cotterili Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
IIIESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
Roll Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Justice Hoagland $ 1 , 507 . 50
Justice Newhart $ 1 , 565 . 00
ighway Fund : + Receipts $ 20 , 900 . 00 ; - Dish . 21 , 584 . 84 ; + Redeem 134 , 512 . 95 ;
+ - Investment 135 , 600 . 00 = Bal . $ 6 , 325 . 39
G eneral Fund : + Receipts $ 1 , 423 . 99 ; - Disb . $ 26 , 116 . 61 ; Redeem $ 126 , 784 . 24 ;
- Investment 106 , 400 . 00 = Bal . $ 3 , 861 . 78
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that all Town Officials may go to the Association of Towns
meeting in New York City , February 4th , 5th and 6th , 1974 , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the expenses of all elected and appointed officials
o f the Town of Dryden be paid from the General Fund .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to create seven
( 7 ) positions of motor equipment operator for Civil Service purposes .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , . that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to advertise . for
bids for a new - ten wheel truck with snow plow equipment .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried
One bid was received for a 3 -wheel roller from State Equipment Corp .
in the amount of $ 5 , 741 . 80 .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution4nd asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Superintendent be empowered to negotiate the
purchase of a used Galion three wheel roller for the bid price of $ 5 , 741 . 80
from State Equipment Corporation .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call - vote - all voting YES
D iscussion was had regarding the cost of legal notice for a public hearing .
It is costing more than the $ 10 . 00 fee the town charges . Mr . Levatich
spoke of covering manpower expenses . The Board is to think about it and
discuss it next month and consider charging for building permits . It
was requested that the board members get their statement • re charging for
permits and special permits to the Town Clerk and it will be relayed to
the Supervisor .
It was noted that the PUD hearing will be forthcoming .
Meeting scheduled Monday ( Nov . 19 ) at noon with board members and Mr .
L evatich to go over building plans for town hall .
Meeting Announcement . .
N ovember 19 at 8 P . M . . in the Town Hall - Public Hearing re Fire Contracts .
D iscussion was had relative to the fire contracts . Supervisor McCord
said he would like . to see a yearly cash operating budget and perhaps
invest their money with the town ' s as we could get a higher rate of
interest : Councilman Cotterill opposed this procedure and he stated he
is just interested in buying fire protection and not interested in telling
a fire company that we can handle their money . He further questioned if
it was legal . Supervisor McCord said we should know where the money is going
and will have better control . Jack Brookhouse reported that they had been
d iscussing using a point system . He noted that the Village of Freeville
pays 2 . 45 for fire protection and the town pays 864 . Harold Case said that
the fire companies are taking on more protection all the time and updating
equipment . .
Adjourned 10 : 30 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
• Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
I ' 1 ' I I I ,
il i ill I ' I :
. 11 / 19 /73
Public Hearing was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Gridley at
8 P . M . Present : Deputy Supervisor Gridley , Councilmen Tarr , and Webb .
Councilman Cotterill arrived 8 : 03 P . M . Also present approximately 25
firemen .. Absent : Supervisor McCord .
Notice of public hearing was read by the Town Clerk .
Questions with regard to item 3 in the notice . It states in part that
the " district " shall be responsible for loss or damage to its fire
apparatus . Councilman Webb and Cotterill stressed clearing upthis matter
and instructed the Town Clerk to check with the Attorney and let each
district know what # 3 means . . .
Councilman Cotterill was quite strong in his opinion that the public be
notified that the increase in taxes is the result of increased costs for
fire protection .
IConsiderable discussion was had on the needs and costs of a fire company .
Paul Gates stated that most of the firemen are property taxpayers and
they are not going to push up the expenditures unnecessarily as their
concern is for the safety and security of the townspeople .
Martha . Ferger spoke on behalf of the firemen stating that people owe
a debt of gratitude to the volunteer fire companies and did not feel
that they should have to have fund raising projects .
The following is the amounts requested by the fire companies and advertised
in the notice of public hearing :
Varna Volunteer Fire Co . $ 13 , 000 . 00
N eptune Hose Co . • 18 , 000 . 00
W . B . Strong of Freeville 10 , 000 . 00
Etna Volunteer Fire Co . 3 , 000 . 00
McLean Fire Co . 2 , 480 . 00
Brooktondale Fire District 2 , 000 . 00
Contracts would be for one year . The tax rate would be 1 . 33 per thousand .
The 1973 rate was 86 * per thousand . .
Public Hearing closed 8 : 32 P . M .
D eputy Supervisor Gridley called the Special Meeting to order for the
purpose of town business at 8 : 35 P . M .
D iscussion was had on the fire contracts .
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize the Town Attorney - to prepare the
contracts as presented at the Public Hearing of November 19 , 1973 , and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that prior to the signing of these contracts , the
problem of item # 3 be cleared .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the fire contracts represents the maximum cost to the Town
of Dryden for fire protection incorporating any cost of insurance to the
town .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the
notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons
desiring to be heard thereon , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget ,
with the fire contracts as voted on as included at a public hearing
11 / 19 / 73 , as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning
on the 1st day of January 1974 , and that such budget as so adopted be
entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board ,
and be it .
FURTHER . RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and
•certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this
Town Board together with the estimated if any , adopted pursuant to
Section 202a of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor
of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Representatives of
this county .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its
adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the
notice of public hearing in the preparation of. the Assessment Rolls of
parcels of land included in the Water # 1 and Sewer # 1 and # 2 to base the
cost chargeable to said districts in connection with the construction of
the water and sewer systems which benefits and improves said districts
and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon , now therefore, be it
RESOLVED , that this Board does hereby adopt said assessment rolls for
this town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day Of January 1974 .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that • this Board accept Hanford Drive as a town road as
accepted by the town attorney and town highway superintendent .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
Special Meeting adjourned 9 : 00 P . M .
Lewis Gridley - Deputy Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk