HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-08 281 PUBLIC HEARING May 8 , 1973 Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 30 P . M . at the West Dryden Community Center , Freeville , N . Y . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb , Zoning Officer Stewart and approximately 50 citizens . Absent : Attorney Amdur . Supervisor McCord read the notice of hearing regarding the application made by Raymond and Irene Dennis of 133 Bone Plain Road to operate a salvage and junk yard on said property . Said notice was published in the official newspapers . Mr . Benjamin Bucko , representing Mr . and Mrs . Dennis , outlined the plan for the salvage and junk yard at 133 Bone Plain Rd . He submitted a signed statement by the applicant and a copy of their deed . The property is • located about 1 / 4 miles west of the intersection of Caswell Road and Bone Plain Road . Size of the lot is approximately 554 feet wide x 1821 feet d eep . The property is mostly wooded , a lot of brush and trees and with a big depression in the center of the property approximately 300 - 350 feet from the south edge of Bone Plain Rd . Prior to the depression there is a ✓ ertical incline of 20 - 25 feet . He stressed that it is completely wooded . D escription of the property on the application shows that they propose a ✓ oad on the east side of the property for about 300 feet which will lead to the salvage yard and it will not be visible to any of the property owners adjacent to Mr . Dennis . They propose a fence be constructed from the east boundary line of the property almost in a southwesterly direction for 60 to 70 feet that would screen the operation . As far as the use is concerned and its effect on the neighborhood and adjacent uses in that area - Mr . Bucko said everyone is familiar with Bone Plain Road and he did not foresee any housing developments on this road . On the east Mr . Hoover operates a business and did not feel this would personally effect him . He sympathized w ith the Shoemakers concern as Mr . Dennis ' s place is a " mess " . He has told Mr . Dennis to start cleaning up the place and he has promised to do so . He said it is not a well traveled road and did not feel any real hazard . He said it will not be a detriment to future development if the operation is concealed and the yard is cleaned up and if he has the fence up , no one w ill ever know of the operation . Mr . Bucko submitted pictures to the Board . He presented a petition in support of the decision . He pleaded for a favorable decision . Supervisor McCord noted receipt of two petitions . One signed by 41 residents o f the area who opposed the issuance of a special permit . The other petition signed by 21 residents who supported the issuance of a special permit . Supervisor McCord opened the floor to the public . Mrs . Shoemaker , a resident o f Bone Plain Road for 26 years , opinioned that the junk yard would depreci - ate the value of the property around there . She said Mr . Dennis is not a man of his word . She said the road is definitely well traveled . She issued complaints about his livestock and ducks running loose and not fenced in . She presented pictures to the Board . She opinioned the place as a real health hazard . She said they race the cars around in the field . and smash them up . She opinioned that this was not a proper way to run a junk yard . Mr . Warren Collver , 14 Bone Plain Rd . , complained of the racing of motors and horn blowing . Mr . Mike Proulx said he owns property on Bone Plain Rd . and plans some day to build homes on this property and felt the junk yard w ould depreciate the value of his land . Gary Hurlbutt of 88 Bone Plain Rd . e xpressed the same idea regarding his land . There was reported incidents • of members of the family traveling on said road with unlicensed cars . Con - sensus of the people present was that Bone Plain was not a lightly traveled ✓ oad . Ross Gerbasi , 561 Bone Plain , spoke of increased building activity on said road and felt that a junk yard would be detrimental to the area . Others who did not speak in favor were Sharon and William Millick and Nancy Hoover . Bob Russell , Jeanne Vanderbilt , Alton Stetson and Geraldine Free - love spoke in favor and opinioned that if it can be controlled , they are for it ; also as a place in which people could take old cars when they no longer run and beyond repair . Phil Woodard recommended that the hours be ✓ estricted . Mrs . Shoemaker recommended no Sunday hours . Closed the Public Hearing BOARD MEETING Supervisor McCord called the Board Meeting to order at 8 : 20 P . M . at the West Dryden Community Center . Roll Call was by the Town Clerk . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen . Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb . 282 Supervisor McCord asked the Board if there were any corrections or revisions of the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Monthly Board Meeting of April 10th . Being none the following motion was made . Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill , that the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Monthly Board Meeting of April 10 , 1973 , be approved as submitted . YOUTH COURT : Gerard DeCelles was present and reported that 8 members passed the bar course . There will be a swearing in ceremony Thursday at the Town Hall with Judge Miller of Freeville officiating . Members of the Board were invited to attend . He said he enjoyed working with Youth Court the past two years , but he was moving out of the state and, therefore h ad to resign as Youth Court Director and member of the Drug Council . He introduced Mr . Eisen to the Board as his successor in Youth Court . E,tsti. i1 ( s ar - & a (0 / ) COUNTY BRIEFING : Mrs . Schickel could not attend as she had another • committment . She made a request that the Board as a whole or individually convey their thoughts regarding the location or services of a new hospital . Discussion was had that such a resolution had been made sometime ago . Would restate this statement . H IGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT : Nothing to report at this time from Highway Superintendent Case . CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : D iscussion was had on overweight vehicles using the Bone Plain Road which is posted 4 ton limit . Claimed that trucks ignor the posted signs and felt they should be punished . They requested that the Board take . emergency measures . Supervisor McCord urged the people to report the violators to the sheriff department . Discussion was had regarding the garbage strewn along Caswell Road . This is caused because people arrive at the dump and it is closed so they dump it on the road . It was suggested that the Board contact the county and request a truck be left outside the site for after hour u se . Richard Crosby of Etna was present and requested that the Board take n ecessary action required to hold a public hearing for the establishment o f the Etna Volunteer Fire Department . He requested speedy action as they have the Etna Community Association ready to join them in their building plans . COUNCILMEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR : Nothing TOWN CLERK : Clerk Stelick reported taxes collected for the month of April amounted to $ 7 , 083 . 76 . Penalties for the month amounted to $ 134 . 33 . She requested permission for herself and two deputies to attend the Town Clerk School at Cornell in June . RESOLUTION # 86 ATTEND TOWN CLERK SCHOOL Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board authorize the Town Clerk and two Deputies to attend the Town Clerk School at Cornell University June 18 , 19 , and 20 and that registration and mileage be paid for by the town . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES ZONING OFFICER : Zoning Officer Stewart reported that he issued 24 building permits during the past month . Board of Zoning Appeals had 4 hearings and granted only 1 , denied the other three . Public Hearing scheduled for the Town Board May 15th at 7 : 30 for Cayuga Crushed Stone . He has a request from Mr . Laurance of Groton who has purchased the Shulman trailer park on 411 Hanshaw Rd . to enlarge the park . It is expected that this will be held on the 22nd . CORRESPONDENCE III 1 Letter from J . A . Carrigg of the NYS Electric & Gas Corp . requested that the Board support their exemption from town real property taxation due to the recently installed Air Pollution Control Facilities at the Milliken Station located in the Town of Lansing . The Town of Dryden has some of the Lansing School District in our town . This will mean an increase j in taxes in Lansing . Consensus of the Board was to find out more ' infor - mation before taking action . Letter from State Board of Equalization and Assessment that they will be selecting 50 properties at random to do a full review for the purpose of establishing an equalization rate . 4... s `NCO Letter to Attorney Amdur from Edward P . Abbott . Mr . Abbott represents the land owners on Ringwood Court re building a road and deeding it to the town . The quoted cost is $ 14 , 600 . and they are considering financing the project by means of being assessed on each property , section 200 of .Tbwn Law . Supervisor McCord deferred action untill consultation with Attbrney: " Amdur . Letter from Richard F . Howard , Project Coordinator reported that the RC & D Board adopted the Fall Creek -Varna proposal as a project measure . It will 'be officially known as measure number 806 " Fall Creek Stabili - zation at- Varna " . Financial assistance has not been established yet . ; r ,. -: ; , ' r RESOLUTION # 87 HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Councilman ' Grid"ley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED ; that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman" Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all voting YES 411 .• . RESOLUTION # 88 GENERAL FUND BILLS Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . ' RESOLVED ,-, _that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Counbi"lmanNWebb Roll call vote - all voting YES D iscussion was ° had on the bill to the Tompkins County Highway regarding time involved in putting up signs . I J USTICE 'REPORT ') j ' . : Justice Hoagland $ 2495 . . Justice Newhart $ 1959 , FINANCIAL- rREPORT H ighway rFund : “ 1- Receipts $ 899 . 88 , - Disb . $ 9785 . 22 ; + Inv . $ 64533 . 57 ; ! ' - Inv . $ 50000 . 00 = Bal . $ 70 , 378 . 86 . G eneral • =Fund : * ' Receipts $ 15742 . 59 ; - Disb . $ 6200 . 8 $ ; + Inv . $ 46824 . 84 ; - . ) " 4- r ' .: - Inv . $ 57899 . 81 = Bal . $ 16407 . 87 Supervisor McCord acknowledged receipt of a petition type of letter from Mrs . Layaii and. bthers requesting that improvements be made on the corner of Upper.L ;Creek' Road and Hanshaw Road . This will be turned over to the Highway Superintendent . ' RESOLUTION # 89 TRANSFER FUNDS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED ; that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer the sum of $ 230 . 00) from Contingency Acct . ( 1990 . 4 ) to 8010 . 2 Zoning Officer ' s Equipment ` :F, undf.n 2nd Councilman / Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES °RESOLUTION # 90 DONOVAN PLAN ' Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED ;. , that: the Town of Dryden participate in the Donovan Plan road improvements,. fbr the year 1974 . 2nd Counc lmanrTCotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES J . Town Clerk was instructed to check with Varna about holding the June Board ° Meeting ' there . Adjourned9 : 00 - P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk 4 r I T 284 PUBLIC HEARING May 15 , 1973 Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7. : 35 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Tarr and Webb , Council - man Cotterill arrived 9 : 15 P . M . Supervisor McCord reported the purpose of this public hearing was to act -tupon changes in the Zoning Ordinance . The following proposed changes are : Density and Area Requirements , ARTICLE VII . Section 702 . Added to the existing paragraph : In the event that the total lot area shall exceed two acres , the owner shall make application to the Town Board for a special permit in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII of this ordinance . ARTICLE VIII . Sec . 803 . Density and Area Requirements . 2 . Multi - family dwellings : Lot area shall be at least 30 , 000 sq . ft . with at least 0 125 ft . of street frontage for the initial dwelling unit and at least 3 ; 000 sq . ft . of additional lot area per bedroom per unit for each additional dwelling unit . In the event that the total lot area shall exceed two acres , the owner shall make application to the Town Board for a special permit in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII of this ordinance . ARTICLE IX . Sec . 904 . Density and Area Requirements . 2 . Multi - family dwellings : same as Sec . 803 , Par . 2 . 4 . ( a ) All residential lots shall be at least 12 , 000 sq . ft . in area with at least 80 feet of street frontage for the initial dwelling unit plus at least 2 , 000 square feet of additional lot area and at least 5 ft . additional frontage for each additional dwelling unit . In the event that the total lot area shall exceed two acres , the owner shall make application to the Town Board for a special permit in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII of this ordinance . MAP CHANGE : RB Zone west of the Lehigh Valley Railroad , south of the Village of Dryden , to include all of Keith Lane , Dug Road , Chaffee Road , Tehan Road , Signal Tower Rd . , Ferguson Rd and portions of Dryden _ Harford Rd . , Beam Hill Rd . , Irish Settlement Rd . , Yellow Barn Rd . , and Card Road . There were approximately 22 people in attendance . Supervisor McCord opened the hearing to statements concerning the various changes beginning with articles as they appear in order . Mr . Hardesty inquired as to who ' s idea was the special permit requirement . Supervisor McCord said it originated with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the recommendation was referred to the Planning Board and then to the Town Board . He reported they met several times with two representatives from the Zoning Board of Appeals and all of the planning board and all of the members of the town board . Mr . Hardesty noted that a multiple dwelling project that would involve more than two acres of land would be at the discretion of the town board by special permit . Attorney Amdur reported that the proposed amendments changes are referred to the county planner for comments or ✓ ecommendations . Bedroom formula vs unit formula was discussed . Some were o f the opinion that this would permit a drastic increase in density . Mr . Keech felt that one bedroom units will decrease the density . Jeanne Vanderbuilt questioned grouping RC ( low density ) and RD ( high density ) together in a bedroom formula and leaving RB ( low density ) on a unit basis . She said it was unreasonable to group a high density and low density on the same formula . She felt that this formula will put too much pressure on the RC zone . Supervisor McCord replied that the purpose is not to create more density , but for more flexibility . He also opinioned that this formula will allow better use of the back lands . Discussion was had on the Map Change . Morris Peck , member of the Planning . Board , read a statement questioning the conversion of the RD zone into RB zone . He felt the area does not have RB characteristics . He cited the Ellis Hollow area as being unique and he did not feel that the area being ' considered for the zone change had this characteristic . He said the e xpansion of the RB zone would put more pressure on the RC zone . Question ;. arose as to who requested the change and the particulars . Supervisor McCord , ✓ eplied that the change came about as a result of a petition to the I Town Board on the part of residents of this area . Copies of the map change was distributed . Supervisor McCord said the petition was presented by Clinton Cotterill . Said petition and map was referred to the Planning Board and they considered it and decided to enlarge on the request and that is what the Town Board accepted as a proposed map change . The public ✓ equested that they be allowed to see the petition . This was done . Mr . Keech pointed out that the northern 1 / 3 of Yellow Barn Road RB zone iI I i` I I I i � I � i111 i � v � ❑it7 �K � j I EI . 'i 1 • I 1 I 7 1 L{ �J 1st I -1111 i 285 encroaches into what was RD zone which was recommended by the professional planners back 1250 feet from the center of Route 13 . He thinks its ridic - ulous to continue the RB zone that close to Route 13 . He recommended that the Board . cbnsider zoning this section in accordance with the recommend - ations of• : the professional planners . Mrs . Caldwell , Chairman of the Planning Board , reported that they decided to enlarge . upon , the request to avoid spot zoning and they felt that that area was developing RB characteristics . Mr . Aiken noted that it was taking in several operating farms and questioned - why zone state land . He felt they were stretching out to far . Paul Cooke and Robert and ' Jean Carpenter expressed concern as to the effect this change will have on- their farms . The Board felt it should have no effect as farming is allowed in RB zone . Jeanne Vanderbuilt said they would be pushing every undesirable thing into RC zone and reducing the size of the RC zone . Public •Hearing •- adjourned . PUBLIC HEARING May 15 , 1973 Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 9 : 55 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb . Supervisor McCord read the notice of public hearing setting forth appli - cation for a Special Permit made by Cayuga Crushed Stone , Inc . of 56 Pinckney Road tgibuild a storage and maintenance building for their business at said location . Mr . Herman : Besemer reported that the building will be located 166 feet from the railroad and approximately 300 feet from the road . It is on a 28 acre parcel . The purpose is to alleviate traffic on Pinckney Road . Presently - •they have to transport to their shop on Hall Road and return . The size of the proposed building is 96 feet by 72 feet . N o one appeared to question the applicant . Public Hearing Adjourned SPECIAL MEETING O pened at 10 : 0.0, P . M . by Supervisor McCord . All members of the Board present . It was decided to make a motion re Cayuga Crushed Stone . RESOLUTION # 91 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT r CAYUGA CRUSHED STONE , INC . Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Cayuga Crushed Stone , Inc . to build a storage and maintenance building at 56 Pinckney Road . 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried N o action was taken on the proposed amendments . RESOLUTION # 92 TRANSFER FUNDS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer the sum of $ 4 , 000 . 00 from Garage Account 5132 . 4 and $ 15 , 250 : 00 from Surplus to Capital Fund - Highway Building additionf ( H5997 . 0 ) . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES Meeting adjourned . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk 286 PUBLIC HEARING May 22 , 1973 Supervisor ' McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 30 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Tarr and Webb . Councilman Cotterill arrived at 7 : 50 P . M . Also present : Attorney Amdur and Zoning Officer Stewart . Approximately 12 citizens present . Superviso "r McCord stated the purpose of the hearing *as the application of Dennis Lawrence for a Special Permit to extend the mobile home park located at 2185 Hanshaw Road ( formerly owned by Stephen Shulman ) . Mr . Lawrence „reported that his original plan of 80 to 100 units has been altered in that : the Health Department would only approve 34 units . He does not have final health department approval yet . The existing park consists of 47 units on 7 . 5 acres . He expect to utilize 10 acres or so . Mr . James Kriner spoke relative to water draining into the stream that flows through his property . He claimed that the fuel oil leak emptied into this stream and has killed the fish and vegetation . He opinioned that it will be years before the stream recovers from the damage of caused by the fuel oil . He and Mrs . Kannus opinioned that the increased water from the additional trailers will make the land wet and swampy . He claims his land is currently saturated from the run - off of the sand filter . He said he opposed ' this extension . Mr . Cochran , Mr . Kriner and Mrs . June expressed concern about the possible loss of water should Mr . Lawrence drill into their vein . r Many complaints ' were entered about children trespassing , the increased traffic and the road not built for it , increased noise and the fact that Mr . Shulman had not honored his commitments such as fencing or tall trees and a playground, or skirting on the trailers . There was concern about adding more school children to the system when it is already over crowded . Mrs . Kannus and Mrs . June requested that the Board reserve decision until the first area is finished . Mr . Lawrence reported that the sand filter drainage will undoubtedly go into the stream that runs through Mr . Kriner ' s property . He did not feel it would be that much of a problem . As for the water supply , Mr . Lawrence reported that he has two wells , one is a artisian well and he has so much water that they can ' t use it fast enough . The wells work only at night for four hours and that fills the tank for the next day ' s supply . The water and sewer rules and regulations are up to the health department . He said he proposes to put in the play area as originally planned . He promised to honor the commitment . and better the place and improve it . He said he did not plan construction until next spring . A petition signed by 43 people opposed the proposed increase of units in said park . Reasons cited were : detract from the value of the surrounding properties ; affect the present water supply and increase pollution because of drainage problems due to poor soil conditions ; create additional traffic and noise ; and cause crowded conditions in schools , where adequate space is already ' a problem . Supervisor McCord said the proposal must be reviewed by the County Planner before the Board can act on it . Public Hearing declared closed . •, PUBLIC HEARING May 22 , 1973 Called to - order at 8 : 45 P . M . by Supervisor McCord . All members of the Board present . Purpose of the Hearing was the application of James W . Holman and Tom Burke to operate a Farmers and Flea Market at 334 George Road . Mr . Burke reported that the long , low chicken house will be converted into the market . They have ample room for parking , approximately 3 acres . on one side and 20 acres of parking in the back . Mrs . Estelle , Jacq line DeGroff and Mrs . DeGroff were present . Miss DeGroff THIN,3 ( Revised ' 60 ) RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN BOARD AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 220 , - k " II/ ARTICLE 8-A HIGHWAY LAW - RESOLVED , that the plan prepared at the request of this Board for the improvement of town highways and covering all, projeets .: contemplated by it , pursuant to Article 8 -k Highway Law , as filed in the office , of the Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden County of Tompkins , on the 8th day of May , 1973 , be and the same is hereby adopted ; and be it further : . . • RESOLVED that copies of such plan be filed in the appropriate • . State and County offices in accordance with the . provisions of Section • 220 , Article 8 -A Highway Law . t ,= STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS . . COUNTY OF Tompkins ) I do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed resolution and plan with the original thereof filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden , New York , on the 8th • day of May , 19 73, and that the tame is a true and correct copy of said original resolution and plan and of the whole thereof. . • IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed • the official seal of the Town of Dryden , N . Y . , on this ' 4 23rd day of • August 1 19 73 . . 7 i / i f ) own Clerk ` Town of Dryden , i by b • •• ' t . -; 3 . � ) • ' y -__ _ __._._.._ - - _ .- . - _ .__ . __ _..____ _ . . ... . _ expressed concern regarding the narrow bridge on George Road . She said she objected as the bridge was dangerous and that it would increase traffic on George Road . Mrs . . Estelle expressed the same concerns . Mrs . DeGroff was expressly concerned over the safety of the bridge . Supervisor McCord reported that the railroad company has never acknowledged any of the town correspondence with regard to the bridge status . He noted that the school seems to get some action and urged the people to get in touch with the school officials and see if they can get some action . Mr . Holman reported that they intend to operate only one day a week - Saturdays . Mrs . Virginia Ahrens called Attorney Amdur and voiced her objection . Public Hearing closed • SPECIAL MEETING May 22 , 1973 Meeting called to order by Supervisor McCord at 9 : 00 P . M . All members of the Board present . Discussion was had on a feasibility repor• t - of ' interim water supply . RESOLUTION # 93 DECLARATION OF INTENT Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS , it is hereby declared to be the intention of the municipalities ( namely City of Ithaca , Town of Ithaca , Village of Cayuga Heights , Town of Lansing , Town of Dryden ) and Cornell University to cooperate fully and to implement the general plan of the feasibility report to insure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs of the participating municipalities during the interim 2 - 3 year period prior to the development of proposed long - range water supply systems , and WHEREAS , it is ' recognized that additional details will have to be worked o ut to insure that the cooperative arrangement works , and it is the intention to work out these arrangements to the mutual benefit of all , now , therefore , be it RESOLVED , that Supervisor McCord be empowered to carry out the agreement for the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried D iscussion was had re bond resolution hearing for the improvement of an existing water district . Attorney Amdur reported that she is getting an opinion from the State Comptroller regarding public referendum . D iscussion of Raymond Dennis junk yard application . Councilman Webb felt it would be detrimental to Bone Plain Road to allow a junk yard there . People there need encouragement to improve and this would not be an e ncouragement . Discussion of enforcing the junk yard to comply with the specifications appeared to be a difficult task . Supervisor McCord noted that with the county sanitary landfill so close it seemed unreasonable and incompatible . It would create extra traffic . RESOLUTION # 94 DENY THE PERMIT - DENNIS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board deny the application for a special permit by Raymond and Irene Dennis to operate a Junk Yard at 133 Bone Plain Road on 0 the basis that said road is now well - travelled and the additional traffic e ngendered would constitute a hazard ; the area is presently becoming in - creasingly residential in nature , with more residential construction being planned ; and a junk yard operation is not compatible with such ✓ esidential use . _ ' 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried RESOLUTION # 95 GRANT THE PERMIT - HOLMAN •& BURKE Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , that this Board grant the special permit to Mr . Holman and Mr . Burke to operate a Farmer ' s and Flea Market at 334 George Road , subject to the following regulations : that all display must be inside the building ; that the sale be held just one day a week ; and there be no parking on George Road and available parking be provided . 2nd Councilman Tarr Carried Opposed - Councilman Webb Adjourned 10 : 25 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick.. - Town Clerk