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January 2 , 1973
The Organizational Meeting of the Dryden Town Board was called to order at
7 :30 P . M . at the Town Hall . Present were Deputy Supervisor Gridley , Council -
men Cotterill and Webb . Councilman Tarr arrived at 7 : 45 P . M . Present : Atty .
Amdur .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board continue to use Roberts Set of Rules .
2nd Councilman Webb . Carried
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the salaries of the Town Officials be set for the year 1973 ,
as scheduled in the budget :
Supervisor $ 2 , 400 . 00
• Councilmen ( 4 ) 3 , 200 . 00
Highway Superintendent 12 , 600 . 00
Town Clerk 3 , 700 . 00
Town Justice ( 2 ) 6 , 800 . 00
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that all elective and appointive officials of the Town of Dryden
be paid bi -weekly with the exception of the Supervisor , Councilmen and
Town Attorney , who will be paid monthly .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that telephone credit cards be renewed for the year 1973 for
Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb ; Justices
Hoagland and Newhart ; Clerk Stelick ; Zoning Officer Stewart ; Attorney Amdur ;
Planning Board Chairman Caldwell ; Zoning Board of Appeals Levatich and
Highway Superintendent Case .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that mileage be paid to Town Officials , including Election
Inspectors at the rate of $ . 10 per mile when using their own car for
official town business
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , this this Town Board designate the First National Bank of Dryden
as the official bank for the Town of Dryden .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board designate both the Rural News and Ithaca Journal
for official advertising for 1973 .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
Councilman Gridley - NO
41, Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that Supervisor McCord be authorized to pay in advance of the
audited claims the utility bills ; all claims to be presented at the next
regular board meeting .
_ 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Sibley Stewart as Zoning Enforcement
Officer for the year 1973 at a salary of $ 8 , 200 . 00 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Sibley Stewart as Subdivision Control
Officer and Multiple Residence Inspector for the year 1973 .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Helen Amdur as Town Attorney at a salary of
$ 4 , 000 . 00 for the year 1973 .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Rosemary Stelick as Receiver of Taxes •
and Assessments at a salary of $ 1 , 700 . 00 for the year 1973 . •
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Ruth Hanford as Secretary - Bookkeeper
for the year 1973 at a salary of $ 4 , 000 . 00 .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Supervisor McCord as Service Officer
for the year 1973 .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Supprvisor McCord as Fire Inspector
for the year 1973 .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
COuncilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that Supervisor McCord has the power and duties of administration
and supervision of the Town of Dryden on Special Improvement District
functions to be performed on behalf of the Town Board .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be empowered to purchase Certificates of
Deposit as accounts allow .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all • voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that Supervisor McCord be authorized to pay the Fire Contracts
amounting to $ 26 , 910 . 50 for the year 1973 when funds are available .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered • the folking resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be authorized to pay the Library Contract •
in - the amount of $ 650 . 00 for the year 1973 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Miss Mabel Bartholomew as Town Historian
for the year 1973 at a salary of $ 100 . 00 to be paid annually .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Byron VanZile as Civil Officer for the
year 1973 at a salary of $ 200 . 00 ; and Raymond Sickmon as Civil Officer for
the year 1973 at a salary of $ 100 . 00 to be paid annually .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board , upon the recommendation by Clerk Stelick , appoint
Mrs . Jean Ryan , Mrs . Barbara Ensign and Mrs . Janet Graham as Deputy Town
Clerks for the year 1973 , at a rate not to exceed $ 2 . 50 per hour .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board , upon the recommendation by Clerk Stelick appoint
Mrs . Jean Ryan ' and Mrs . Barbara Ensign as Deputy Tax Collectors for the
year 1973 , at a rate not to exceed $ 2 . 50 per hour .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize a Petty Cash Fund for the Town Clerk
• not to exceed $ 200 . 00 and further authorize a Petty Cash fund for the
Town Justices not to exceed $ 50 . 00 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the highway employees be paid in a range not to exceed
$ 4 . 15 per hour as recommended by Highway Superintendent Case .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board accept the recommendation of Highway Superintendent
Case , and appoint Bryce Partridge as Deputy Superintendent of Highways for 1973
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden accept State pricing for gasoline to be
purchased for use in the town equipment .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden accept State pricing for gires to be
purchased for use on the town equipment .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Town of Dyrden accept State pricing for pipe and culvert
purchased for town highway purposes .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden accept County bids for the purchase of
road oils and stone during 1973 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
• RESOLVED , that the Town of Dryden accept State pricing for the purchase of
salt for the Highway Department . for 1973 .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that Highway Superintendent Case be authorized to purchase small
tools and supplies not to exceed $ 1 , 000 . 00 .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board , upon the recommendation of Supervisor McCord ,
appoint the following :
D eputy Supervisor - Lewis Gridley
G eneral Fund Bills Committee - Tarr and Webb
H ighway Fund Bills Committee - Gridley and Cotterill
Buildings & Ground Committee - Gridley
Representative to Planning Board - Cotterill
Representative to Town Drug Council - Tarr
Assessment Review Committee - McCord and Webb
Public Relations :
✓ illage of Dryden - Cotterill
✓ illage of Freeville - Gridley
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
MONTHLY MEETINGS - second Tuesday of each month at Town Hall except for III
three meetings to be held in Etna , Varna and West Dryden - months to be
d ecided at a later date .
TOWN CLERK HOURS : Month of January 9 - 5 P . M . weekdays ; other months 9 - 3 P . M .
weekdays except July and August will be 9 - 1 P . M ., Saturdays 9 - 12 Noon .
ZONING OFFICER HOURS : No action was taken .
D iscussion was had on the possibility of getting blanket bond coverage
for all town employees at a cheaper rate . Councilman Cotterill felt this
should be looked into . Clerk Stelick was instructed to contact Bill
Bailey and report at the regular board meeting on the 9th .
Clerk Stelick , at the request of Walter Schwan , announced that a meeting
was scheduled for the consideration of buying additional land at Bolton
Point . Said meeting was scheduled for 12 : 30 in Judge Simpson ' s Chambers
at the Court House on the 3rd day of January . Attorney Amdur said she
would try to go .
Copies of the Supervisor accounts and Town Clerk accounts were passed out
to the board members for review . It was decided to review thestatement
at home and further discussion would be had at the meeting of the 9th .
Robert Relyea and Attorney Walter Wiggins appeared before the Board .
D iscussion was had on additional trailer sites at Taggin Wagon Park .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer the
sum of $ 36 , 299 . 00 from Item # la to Item # 1 in the Highway Fund .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer the
sum of $ 3 , 730 . 21 . from Item # 1 Personal Services to Item # 1 Contractual
Expenses in the Highway Fund .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized totransfer the •
sum of $ 783 . 19 from Surplus Funds to the Garage Account A5132 . 4 .
2nd Councilman Webb . Roll call vote - all voting YES
Adjourned 8 : 45 P . M . Lewis Gridley - Deputy Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
TO : Town of Dryden
RE : Performance Bonds Provided by C . W . Sadd
On November 13 , 1969 , C . W . Sadd placed with the Town of Dryden two U . S .
Treasury bonds , #11213C and 11214D , each in the amount of $10 , 000 in connection
with a performance bond relating to installation of roadway and streets in a sub -
division designated and shown on a survey map , entitled , " Land and Properties of
C . W . Sadd in the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , N . Y . " dated September 15 ,
1962 , filed with the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York .
On October 20 , 1970 , Yellow Barn Development Corporation purchased all pro -
perties and lands of C . W . Sadd including the above subdivision . ' The estate of
C . W . Sadd consented to leaving the bonds on deposit in the name of Yellow Barn
Development Corporation for the remainder of the three year period of the perfor -
mance bond .
Section 5 of the performance bond agreement specified that : the term of this
bond shall be for a period of three ( 3 ) years from the date of execution herein ,
and may extended by the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden with the consent of •
the parties hereto .
With the change of ownership and purchase of additional bonds , the plans laid
out by C . W . Sadd have not been developed as scheduled . Other roads have been
built while roads covered by the bonds have not been started . •
We understand that it has been the past practice of the Town of Dryden not to
require performance bonds of other developers . The Yellow Barn Development Corpor -
ation was not required to post bond for its recent new road construction . All roads
in the Yellow Barn Development subdivision are subject to approval of Mr . Richard
Casey Town Highway Supervisor , which would appear to be adequate insurance that
roads are correctly installed .
1\\ We therefore , request that the Town of Dryden return the performance bonds
#11213C and 112110 to the estate of C . W . Sadd at this time .
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January 9 , 1973
The Public Hearing was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Gridley at
7 : #30- ? . .A . Present were Deputy Supervisor Gridley , Council-Taxi . n1-11 ,
Webb and Tarr : Attorney Amdur and Zoning Officer Stewart . Absent
Supervisor McCord .
Deputy Supervisor Gridley read the notice of hearing stating the purpose
of Raid -_bearing was the appeal for a special permit made by Highway
Materials of South Lansing to operate a ready -mix concrete batch plant ,
aggregate storage , truck dispatching , repair and storage facility , to
be located at approximately 44 Etna Lane .
John Ettinger , . . associate of Highway Materials , reported that the property
consists of 16 acres . They are the owners of University Sand & Gravel
"Ilocated in the city of Ithaca and they intend to move these facilities
to the location on Etna Lane . They are cramped for space at their present
location . They have an option to purchase the land from General Crushed
Stone contingent on whether Highway Materials is > granted a special
permit by the Town Board .
Mrs . Selma Nielsen of 1639 Dryden Road presented a petition signed by
20 people from the Etna area . They objected for such reasons as : " The
proposed facility does not appear to fall within the list of Sect . 802
" Uses allowed by Special Permit in R - C zones ': and Sec . 902 " Uses allowed
by Special Permit in R - D zones " ; the adjacent properties are residential ;
would lower property values in the neighborhood ; increased traffic of
trucks ; cited hazardous intersection Rt . 13 and 366 ; noise , vibration and
dust ; and safety of people using Etna Lane to reach Rt . 13 would be
adversely affected . They requested that the application be denied . Mrs .
Nielsen also reported that a letter would be coming from the Spoffords ,
who are out of town , setting forth their objection .
A letter from / Douglas Lancaster to the Town Board was read by the Town
Clerk . Mr . Lancaster objected much on the same grounds as the petition .
Mrs . Dobson from Etna Lane endorsed all the objections .
The Board questioned the type of structures they intended to build . Mr .
Ettinger reported that it would be a 2 - 3 bay building with office . He
also claimed that their operation is dust free .
Considerable discussion was had on the traffic hazards .
Declared closed 8 : 50 P . M .
Deputy Supervisor called the Board Meeting to order at 8 : 55 P . M .
Meeting was opened with the Plege Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll Call by the Town Clerk : Present : Gridley , Cotterill , Webb and Tarr ;
Absent : McCord .
Bill Bailey , Insurance Agent , was present to quote prices of bonds for
town employees . He noted that under a new law that went into effect this
year , the bonds can now be combined into one single bond for the employees
with the same, coverage . BlankerPosition Bond : $ 5 , 000 on each position ,
S $ 20 , 000 on Supervisor , $ 482 , 585 on Tax Collector for a total of $ 298 . 00 .
Blanket Bond : $ 10•000 total coverage each person , $ 20 , 000 on the Supervisor
and the warrant amount on the Tax Collector for a total of $ 308 . 00 . He
recommended the Blanket Bond coverage and continuing along with " faithful
performance of duty " . The Board said they would discuss this later and
inform Mr . Bailey of their decision .
Robert Relyea was present and submitted a signed and notarized affidavit .
Attorney Amdur read the affidavit aloud to those present . Said affidavit
stated in part that substantial improvements had been planned and under-
taken for a projected expansion of Taggin Wagon Mobile Home Park prior
to the adoption of the Town of Dryden Mobile Home Park Ordinance . ( Original
Affidavit is attached in the Minute Book ) .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , Taggin Wagon . Park has proposed certain extension in accordance
w ith the submitted plan , and
WHEREAS , it appears that substantial improvements were made to the mobile
h ome park prior to the passage of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance of the
Town of Dryden effective June 26 , 1971 , and
WHEREAS , Taggin Wagon Park has given written assurance and certification
to the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that the park will be extended
and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations of said Mobile
Home Park Ordinance , now therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that it is determined that no special permit is required under
e ither the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance of Mobile Home Park Ordinance
for the extensions of use in the Taggin Waggon Park as proposed .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Hudson Sadd appeared before the board and presented a memo to the Town •
Board and asked that the Clerk read it aloud . The letter requested the
return of the performance bonds to the estate of C . W . Sadd . Said bonds
h ave expired and the plans laid out by C . W . Sadd have not developed as
scheduled . Discussion was had . Attorney Amdur said the sub - division had
already been approved and the bonds were required as it was not to be
d eveloped immediately , but sometime in the future . Mr . Sadd said they
would like the bonds returned to the estate , if this is not possible to
extend the bonds would be their alternative . Attorney Amdur opinioned
that it may be extended and make modifications by the consent of the
parties and the Planning Board at a Public Hearing . Mr . Sadd said he re -
quested a public hearing with the Planning Board and it was not scheduled .
The Zoning Officer reported that Attorney Amdur advised that the Planning
Board check _ into this before a hearing was scheduled and that is why it
was postphoned .
Harold Case from Varna claimed that sewage is running on top of the ground
at Taggin Wagon Park . He said he is not half hooked up to the public sewer .
The Board replied that it is a Board of Health problem . It was decided to
have Zoning Officer Stewart to contact the Health Dept. and inform them
that a complaint has been issued and to check it out . The matter of the
junk cars on town property was brought up again . The Zoning Officer report -
e d that he had been working on it and has been unable to find the owner .
As for the junk cars on the property owned by Roy Park , they were to be
✓ emoved two days ago . Mr . Case reported that they are still there . Mr .
Case reported that a " kiln " has been built between the store and Brixey ' s
gas station in Varna . Attorney Amdur reported that it is a performing use ,
fireplace is allowed and selling pottery is a retail business which is an
allowed use . It might be classified as a private nui § ance and the Town
w ould have no control . Mr . Case opinioned that the town should have a
fire code . Attorney Amdur said it could be reported to the fire coordinator
and checked out . Mr . Case said he would do this .
At this time Deputy Supervisor Gridley asked if there were any corrections
to the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of December 12th . Mr . Gridley
✓ equested that the words " being built " on page 248 , fourth sentence, be
deleted .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the words " being built " on page 248 be stricken from the record
and that the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of December 12 , 1972 ,
be approved as corrected . •
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
U nable to appear Mrs . Schickel sent a memo of county events : James Graves
w as elected Chairman of the Board of Representatives for 1973 . TC3 : Open -
ing for September 1974 is still anticipated . The steel superstructure is
about 80 % complete , the roof decks are being placed , and the first series
of concrete roof pads have been poured . Historic Buildings : Board approved
an amendment to the Charter so that histroic buildings may be leased with
o r without bids for up to thirty years . Airport : New security regulations
h ave been initiated at the airport and a deputy Sheriff will probably be on
duty after February 6th . These are Federal regulation . Hospital : King & King
w ill make a presentation of their findings and proposals to the County Board
and the public . Time and place to be designated - possibly January 29th .
The Board was invited . Board of Elections : Viola Boothroyd was reappointed
259 .
to the Board of Elections for two years . CIVIL SERVICE : Hugh Hurbutt was
reappointed Commissioner of Personnel for six year .
Councilmen Cotterill reported that the Dryden Fire Company is holding a
pancake breakfast , Sunday , January 21st and the Village has given them
permission to run their snowmobiles on some of the village streets . They
would like the town to grant them permission to ride on Ferguson Road
from the Village line to the Irish Settlement Road between the hours 8 A . M .
to 2 P . M . They will post the road with snowmobile signs .
— Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that permission is hereby granted to open Ferguson Road to
snowmobile traffic with special dispensation for that period of time
8 A . M . to 2 P . M . with the agreement that they post and remove signs .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried .
Clerk Stelick reported that Mrs . King from Etna has contacted the NYS
Electric & Gas about the new lights in Etna that have not been installed
yet . The Electric Company reported to Mrs . King that no one has authorized
the placement of the lights , but they would do it if they had a statement
from the town clerk , copy of the meeting and advertisement . Mrs . King
requested that the Town Clerk asked the board for this authorization . Clerk
Stelick reported that she felt this should be delayed until Supervisor
McCord returned as she felt this should be under his authorization and a
contract executed .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that at the request of the Town Clerk in the matter of the
installation of street lights in Etna be and hereby is tabled until such
time when Supervisor McCord returns .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
Attorney Amdur reported that Knoll Wood Dr . in the Keech subdivision has
been approved by Highway Superintendent Case . It has a turn around .
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED ; that this ' Board accept the dedication of Knoll Wood Drive as
a Town Road .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Attorney Amdur reported that Mr . Werninck had called her regarding the
public hearing last July ; the size of the proposed building should have
been 60x100 rather than 60x40 that he received a permit for . This was
discussed and decided that another hearing would have to be held .
Representatives of the proposed Etna Fire Department were present and
requested that the take some action as to whether they wanted the people
of the Etna area to form a fire company . Discussion was had on the type
of district they wanted to form . It was explained that a " fire district "
has to assess the people who will be covered in their district and they
will be taxed ; this would be their means of financial support . A " fire
protection district " is formed within the town and the town as a whole is
• a fire protection district ; the town would sign a contract to pay a specified
amount to their company each year . Attorney Amdur said all they need to do
is to incorporate their company .
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , a group of gentlemen from the Etna area have on numerous
occasions appeared before this Town Board seeking a Statement of Intent
from the Town Board with regard to the establishment of a fire department
in Etna , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board will be prepared to negotiate a contract
in the future , provided that the following conditions are complied with :
1 ) Proposed company shall be formed in a legal manner .
2 ) Proposed company shall house and maintain their equipment .
3 ) Proposed company shall , in their formative stages , seek financing
from sources other than the Town of Dryden .
4 ) The proposed company shall not expect to contract with the Town of
Dryden until such time the company is operable and have proven their
ability at firefighting and only then , when the equipment has been
approved by the underwriters .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
Zoning _Officer Stewart gave his annual report , as follows : 198 permits
issued : 8 apartment houses , 68 houses , 27 mobile homes , 25 additions to
h omes , 20 garages and carports and 50 other . Value of the permits
$ 2 , 346 , 109 . 00 . Town Board held 11 hearings and issued 11 ; Zoning Board
of Appeals had 7 appeals , granted 5 and denied 2 . 19 violation notices
w ere issued : 7 for no building permit , the rest for rubbish , junk , etc .
2 were turned over to the court , 1 .was. cleared up , the other still
pending . The rest are cleared up or being taken care of .
Mr . Stewart reported that the Kimball house in Varna is going to be con -
✓ erted into 2 Epartments . It was noted that a " certificate of intent "
w ould relieve the town from responsibility in the event of fire .
Mr . Stewart read a letter to the Board from S & S Tree Service re Saroka
burned house on Etna Road . They stated that they intend to restore the
h ouse , but not until the .. ' summer of 1973 . Discussion was had that the
h ouse is in violation .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , S & S Tree Service has informed the Town Board that they have
purchased the Saroka house on Etna Road and they intend to restore said
house during the summer of 1973 , and
WHEREAS , it has been determined that the fire damaged house is in violation ,
now therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Board grant an extension to the 1st of June , 1973 , so
that S & S Tree Service can make substantial replacement of the damage .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
J ustice Hoagland - $ 1 , 074 . 00
J ustice Newhart - $ 1 , 225 . 00
Letter from Governor Rockefeller regarding the Federal Revenue Sharing
program with a . request of a detailed breakdown of the uses to which the
Town intends to apply the allocations for calendar 1972 .
Report from the Tompkins County Dept . of Budget & Administrationcof
payments made to the Supervisor during the year 1972 : Snow removal
and mowing $ 23 , 592 . 48 ; Mortgage tax $ 30 , 966 . 37 and Surplus dog monies
$ 2 , 517 . 68 .
Second revenue sharing check in the amount of $ 20 , 786 . 00 has been received .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Tarr . Roll : call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Webb offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Highway Fund : Receipts - 0 - - Disb . $ 21 , 556 . 64 ; +Redeem Inv . $ 45 , 315 . 10 =
Balance $ 62 , 202 . 88
General Fund : Receipts $ 1 , 176 . 05 ; -Disb . $ 15 , 362 . 10 ; - Inv . $ 60 , 000 . 00 ;
+ Redeem Inv . $ 25 , 135 . 05 = Balance $ 5 , 750 . 44
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has reviewed the several accounts of the
Supervisor ' s records in compliance of the annual audit for 1972 , now ,
therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the records of the financial status of
the Town of Dryden for the year 1972 .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this town be bonded under a " Blanket Bond " with faithful
performance for the sum of $ 308 . 00 , retoactive to January 1st ; and the Town
Clerk is hereby authorized to inform Mr . Bailey of the decision .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES
Discussion was had on the application of Highway Materials . It was noted
that the application did not have any specific information on it to
determine what their intentions are . This was discussed at length . Con -
sensus of the Board was that he resubmit a more specific application .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board deny the request by Highway materials for a
Special Permit on the basis that the specifications of the structures are
not stated and also that the uses are stated in general terms , to wit :
called other uses in ready -mix operation . This denial is without prejudice
- to reapplication stating more specifically the nature of the definite
structures and the uses to which the facility will be limited .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
NOTICE : Meeting scheduled with the Planning Board & Board of Zoning
• Appeals for February 6th at 7 : 30 P . M .
Adjourned 10 : 45 P . M . Lewis Gridley - Deputy Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
262 .
January 23 , 1973
Public Hearing was called to order by Supervisor McCord at 7 : 50 P . M
Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill and Webb ,
Attorney Amdur and Zoning Officer Stewart . Absent : Councilman Tarr .
Also present approximately 25 citizens .
At this time Supervisor McCord read the notice of hearing that was
published in the newspapers , to wit : application for a special permit
by Highway Materials , Inc . , to operate a ready -mix concrete batch
plant , aggregate storage , truck dispatching , repair and storage
facility located at approximately 44 Etna Lane , southeast of the rail -
✓ oad tracks . Supervisor McCord reviewed the minutes of the previous
public hearing and read the resolution adopted by the Board January 9th
denying the application on the basis that the said application was not
specific on the uses and lacked specifications of the structures . He
✓ ead a letter from Mr . Ettinger of Highway Materials re their re - •
application for a special permit stating that the facility will be
built in accordance with all regulations specified by local , state and
federal governments in relation to safety , air , water and noise pol -
lution . He also stated that the facility will not create dust , ,noise
or vibration problems . Further stated that their 8 trucks would not
cause any major increase in traffic .
Mr . Lancaster presented a petition signed by 73 residents of the area .
They requested the denial of the permit on the following grounds : the
proposed facility does not appear to fall within the list of Section
802 of the Zoning Ordinance " Uses allowed by special permit in RC
zones " and Section 902 " Uses allowed by special permit in RD zones " ;
the adjacent properties are residential ; would lower property values
in the whole area ; increased traffic ; increase in noise , vibration ,
dust and odors ; and the safety of all Etna residents would be adversely
affected . Two letters from Mr . and Mrs . Walter Spofford stated they
strongly opposed the granting of a permit and urged denial and stated
their objection on similar grounds as set forth in the petition0pre -
✓ iously presented to the Board . A letter from the Etna Community
Association was read and they strongly recommended that the special
permit request be denied for similar reasons .
At this time the people questioned Mr . Ettinger extensively regarding
truck traffic , noise , dust , safety of the children in that area , etc .
Mr . Ettinger replied that his operation is entirely different from a
blacktopping operation . There would be no dust . The building will be
o ne story . As for the traffic, Mr . Ettinger said the average truck
trips per day would be about 20 to 24 ( 20 - 24 in and 20 - 24 out ) ; on a
peak day truck traffic might be a total of 60 trips ( 30 in and 30 out ) .
As for the question of the people that this application is not allowed
in the RC and RD zones , the Board and Attorney Amdur opinioned that it
is an allowed use by special permit .
Mrs . Dobson , Etna ; Mrs . Evans , Turkey Hill ; Mr . and Mrs . Thomas Bonn ,
Mrs . Nielsen , Mr . and Mrs . Lancaster , Etna ; Frances Ressler , Turkey
Hill ; Mr . and Mrs . Don Scaglione , Richard Turecek , Etna ; and others
orally objected on the grounds of the previous statements set forth
in the petition . Jack Hurlbutt and Joe Couch endorsed the approval of
the permit .
Discussion was had on changing the zone in their area . Mr . Keech and •
Mr . Levatich told the residents that they must present a petition to
the Board for a zone change . Councilman Webb defended the zoning
ordinance stating that it is a very liberal ordinance because this is
as stiff as the people would allow .
Public Hearing declared closed .
Lionel Werninck & Sons
Public Hearing called to order at 9 : 20 P . M . Supervisor McCord read the
notice of hearing for a special permit to build an addition to Lionel
Werninck & Sons present business at 173 Main St . , Freeville , New York .
Mr . Werninck said the size of the building would be 60x100 ' . Originally
the Board approved a building 40 ' x60 ' , but they find this will not be
big enough . No one appeared to question the applicant . Being no other
questions , the hearing was declared closed .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its
adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Lionel Werninck
& Sons to erect a 60x100 foot building at 173 Main St . , Freeville .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
At this time the Board discussed the application of Highway Materials .
• Councilman Cotterill opinioned that it would be a credit to the town
and not a serious detriment to homes . He did not feel the objections
were good enough to deny the permit . Supervisor McCord opinioned that
it is not the type of business compatible to the village of Etna .
Discussion was had and it was decided to offer a resolution .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Highway Materials
to operate a ready -mix concrete batch plant , aggregate storage , truck
dispatching , repair and storage facility on Etna Lane .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote :
Councilman Gridley - YES
Councilman Cotterill - YES
Councilman Webb - NO
Supervisor McCord - NO
Motion Failed .
Meeting Adjourned 10 : 25 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk