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November 2 , 1972
The Public Hearing was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Gridley ;
at 7 : 30 P . M . Present were Deputy Supervisor Gridley , Councilmen Tarr ,
Webb and Cotterill . Also present was Ruth Hanford , Secretary - Bookkeeper .
Absent : Supervisor McCord .
The Deputy Supervisor read the notice setting forth the purpose of the
hearing , the preparation of the Assessment Rolls of parcels of , land
included in the Water ( # 1 ) and Sewer ( # 2 ) of Varna and Sewer ( # 1 ) of
Sapsucker Woods area to base the cost chargeable to said districts in
connection with the construction of the water and sewer systems which
benefits and improves said districts ; subject to Section 239 of Town
Law .
Ivan Clark was present and wanted to know if he was being assessed as
wholly in the district ( Sewer # 2 ) . He claimed that most of his land •
is out of the district . This was discussed at length with Mrs . Hanford .
Mrs . Hanford said . she would check this out with the Assessment
Department :
There was discussion regarding the amount of units !. charged to Cy Ortin ' s
new building . Mrs . Hanford said the maximum units chargeable is 10 in
accordance to the water ordinance . It was reported that there are 20
laundry machines in the laundromat . Discussion was had on Mr . Ortin ' s
water hookup . It was rumored : that the hookup is illegial and that the
pipes are too small . The Board authorized the Town Clerk to write to
the City of Ithaca reporting a rumor that Mr . Ortin ' s water hookup was
not properly inspected and request a verification that all additions
to the lines have been properly inspected .
There was reported that the Paribello property had become two units .
This was discussed and Deputy Supervisor said that the Zoning Officer
should check out this building and see how many family units are there .
Public Hearing closed 8 : 40 P . M .
Ivan Clark discussed the building location of Cy Ortin ' s with the
Board . He said the overhang is 8 feet from the boundary line and the
wall about 12 feet from the boundary line . The Board felt this should
be referred to the Zoning Officer and that he discuss this matter with
Attorney Amdur and decide on action if any .
Deputy Supervisor Gridley reported that one bid had been received for
the addition to the highway building and it was opened at noon . The
bid amount was in the amount � of $ 19 , 250 for a two - bay addition . He
reported that this was acceptable to the Highway Superintendent and
requested that the board accept the bid .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , McPherson Builders ofmXgb3ca , New York , submitted the only bid
for construction of a .two - bay /a ion to the Town highway garage for the
R �tm of $ 19 , 250 . 00 , not including moving . & reinstallation of overhead door , be
ESOLVED , that the bid or McPherson Builders be accepted and the
Superintendent be empowered to complete the transaction , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be empowered to make the necessary •
financial arrangements .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll Call Vote - All
Voting YES
Adjourned 9 : 00 P . M . Lewis Gridley - Deputy Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
November 9 , 1972
The Public Hearing for the Budget was called to order by Supervisor
McCord at 7 : 35 P . M . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Webb ,
Gridley and Cotterill . Also present were Richard Case , Sibley Stewart ,
Mr . and Mrs . LaVerne King and Harold Case . Absent : Councilman Tarr .
At this time the hearing was opened to the floor .
Mrs . King inquired as to why the increase for Etna Lighting was put in
the budget before the hearing which is scheduled for the 14th of November .
Supervisor McCord assured her the budget would not be adopted until after
the public hearing on the Etna Lighting District extension is held . He
quoted the rate of 1 . 39 per thousand of assessed valuation . This was
:an ° increase of 8ch over last year ' s figure , due mainly to the decrease in
• assessed valuation of the district . This was discussed and upon checking
his worksheets , Supervisor McCord quoted a different assessment than the
figure that was given out by the Assessment Office . It was decided that
the figure on the . worksheet _ _ was the correct figure and the rate
would have to be refigured .
Supervisor McCord reported that the total operating budget would be up
about $ 60 , 000 . This increase is due mainly to new equipment , salaries ,
increased social security , medical insurance and retirement costs .
Supervisor McCord reviewed the officials salaries for the benefit of
Harold Case . There was criticism by Harold Case of the $ 600 . 00 increase
for the highway superintendent . The Board defended this increase in that
they felt the job warrents an increase in that his responsibilities are
increasing with the addition of new roads , more equipment and manpower .
Supervisor McCord said there will be a small increase for the highway
workers to be determined by the highway superintendent .
Supervisor McCord reported that the justice salaries will be split and that
is the policy .
The proposed tax rate , as follows :
Town Outside $ 7 . 55 $ - . 03 ( last year )
Town In 3 . 70 - . 03 ( last year )
Fire Protection . 86 + . 01 "
McLean Lighting 1 . 29 no change
Varna Lighting 1 . 19 no change
Being no other questions , the Public Hearing for the Budget was closed .
Adjourned : 8 : 35 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
November 14 , 1972
Minutes of the Public Hearing of the proposed extension cif the Etna Lighting
Dist . held November 14 , 1972 , at the Houtz Hall in Etna , commencing at
7 : 30 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Webb , Tarr &
Cotterill ; Attorney Amdur and Zoning Officer Stewart .
The Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord . The Notice of
Public Hearing as duly advertised in the official newspapers was read
by the Supervisor . Purpose of said hearing was the addition of nine
properties to benefit in the district with the addition of two lights .
At this time the Supervisor opened the hearing to questions , comments
and / or recommendations by the public . Being none , the hearing was
declared closed at 7 : 40 P . M .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , held at the Etna
Houtz Hall in the Town of Dryden , County of Tompkins , New York , on the
14th day of November 1972 , at 7 : 30 p . m .
PRESENT : Charles G . McCord , Supervisor •
Clinton Cotterill , Councilman
Henry Tarr , Councilman
Lewis H . Gridley , Councilman
Merton Webb , Councilman
In the Matter of the Establishment of Extension of Etna Lighting District
in the Town of Dryden , County of Tompkins , State of New York , pursuant
to Article 12 - A of the Town Law .
WHEREAS, a map , plan and report relating to the establishment of the
proposed extension of Etna Lighting District , prepared by the Town
Supervisor , in manner and in such detail as has been determined by the
Town Board of Dryden , has been duly filed with the Town Clerk of Dryden ,
in accordance with the requirements of Article 12 - A of the Town Law , and
WHEREAS , an order was duly adopted by the Town Board of Dryden on the
10th day of October , 1972 , reciting the filing of said map , plan and
report , the improvements proposed , the boundaries of the proposed
extension of the district , the estimated expense thereof , the proposed
method of financing , the fact that the map , plan and report describing
the same , are on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office for public inspection ,
and stating all other matters required by law to be stated , and specify -
ing November 14 , 1972 at 7 : 30 o ' clock p . m . on that day , as the time , and
the Etna Houtz Hall in said Town as the place where the said Town Board
would meet to consider said map , plan and report , and to hear all persons
interested in the subject thereof concerning the same , and to take such
action thereon as is required or authorized by law , and
WHEREAS , such order was duly published and posted as required by law , and
WHEREAS , a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on
this 14th day of November , 1972 , beginning at 7 : 30 p . m . of the day , at
the Etna Houtz Hall in said Town , and full discussion of the matter
h aving been had , and all persons desiring to be heard , having been
d uly heard ,
NOW , upon the evidence given upon such hearing , and upon the motion of
Councilman Gridley , Seconded by Councilman Cotterill , it is
a . That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by
law , and is otherwise sufficient .
b . That all property and property owners within the proposed district , 410
are benefited thereby .
c . That all the property and and property owners benefited are included
within the limits of the proposed district .
d . That it is in the public interest to establish said extension of the
Etna Lighting District , providing 2 7000 lumen mercury vapor lamps for said
FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the establishment of the extension/dist .
of the Etna Lighting District ; as set • forth - in said map , plan• tand report
be approved ; that the improvement ' therein - mentioned - be installed and the
necessary contract be executed with New York State Electric and Gas
Corportation ; and such extension district shall be bounded and described
as follows :
The boundaries of lots designated by Tax Map numbers :
40 - 1 - 36 ; 40 - 1 - 37 ; 4azMOr ; 40 - 1 - 39 ; 40 - 1 - 49 . 1 ; 40 - 1 - 50 . 1 ;
40 - 1 - 50 . 2 ; 40 - 1 - 50 . 3 ; 40 - 1 - 51 . .
The boundaries described are intended to include all property within
said boundaries as shown in the map on file in the Town Clerk ' s
Office .
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the method of financing the cost of said
improvement shall be by assessment to the benefited properties ,
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the resolution is subject to a permissive
referendum as provided in Section 209e of the Town Law .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote :
Supervisor McCord - YES
Councilman Cotterill - YES
Councilman Tarr - YES
Councilman Gridley - YES
Councilman Webb - YES
The Regular Monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor
McCord at 7 : 45 P . M . at the Houtz Hall in Etna , N . Y . , on the 14th day
of November , 1972 .
Roll Call by the Town Clerk : Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen
Cotterill , Tarr , Gridley and Webb .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 28th .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Webb ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 28th be approved
as submitted
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of a Special Meeting held October 3rd . , being none the
following motion was made .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill ,
that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 3rd be approved as
submitted .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections
to the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of October 10th . , being
none the following motionuas made .
Motion was made by Councilman Cotterill , seconded by Councilman Gridley ,
that the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of October 10th be
approved as submitted .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of the ' Public Hearing of November 2nd . One correction by
Supervisor McCord in that the bid for the highway building was 19 , 250 .
not 18 , 250 as in the minutes . He requested that this be corrected .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Special Meeting of November
2nd be - approved with the correction on page 238 , Resolution # 117 , that
the bid figure read $ 19 , 250 . 00 .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections
to the minutes of the Public Hearing of November 9th . , being none the
following motion was made .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 9th be approved
as submitted .
• Mrs . Schickel , County Representative , was absent , therefore , no county
report was made . Supervisor McCord said he was especially eager to
talk to a county representative regarding the hospital . He asked the
citizens what their concern was , regarding the planning process for the
new hospital . Some were of the opinion that it is in the wrong place to
adequately serve the people , but that the cost in relocating a new
hospital might make it unfeasible in terms of dollars and cents . Super -
visor McCord urged the people present to make their feelings known to
the county representatives .
Mrs . Messenger reported that their drainage problem has not been taken
care of properly by the highway department . She reported that the highway
crew dug a big hole , the water surface in the hole this day was
two inches . Opinioned that they need a whole new culvert . Mr . King
said the hole is big enough for a child to fall in . Supervisor McCord
said this matter would be discussed with the Highway Superintendent .
The boundaries described are intended to include all property within
said boundaries as shown in the map on file in the Town Clerk ' s
Office .
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the method of financing the cost of said
improvement shall be by assessment to the benefited properties ,
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the resolution is subject to a permissive
referendum as provided in Section 209e of the Town Law .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote :
Supervisor McCord - YES
Councilman Cotterill - YES
Councilman Tarr - YES
Councilman Gridley - YES
Councilman Webb - YES
The Regular Monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor
McCord at 7 : 45 P . M . at the Houtz Hall in Etna , N . Y . , on the 14th day
of November , 1972 .
Roll Call by the Town Clerk : Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen
Cotterill , Tarr , Gridley and Webb .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 28th .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Webb ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 28th be approved
as submitted
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of a Special Meeting held October 3rd . , being none the
following motion was made .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill ,
that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 3rd be approved as
submitted .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections
to the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of October 10th . , being
none the following motionuas made .
Motion was made by Councilman Cotterill , seconded by Councilman Gridley ,
that the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of October 10th be
approved as submitted .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections to
the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 2nd . One correction by
Supervisor McCord in that the bid for the highway building was 19 , 250 .
not 18 , 250 as in the minutes . He requested that this be corrected .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Special Meeting of November
2nd be approved with the correction on page 238 , Resolution # 117 , that
the bid figure read $ 19 , 250 . 00 .
Supervisor McCord asked if there were any additions or corrections
to the minutes of the Public Hearing of November 9th . , being none the
following motion was made .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr ,
that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 9th be approved
as submitted .
• Mrs . Schickel , County Representative , was absent , therefore , no county
report was made . Supervisor McCord said he was especially eager to
talk to a county representative regarding the hospital . He asked the
citizens what their concern was regarding the planning process for the
new hospital . Some were of the opinion that it is in the wrong place to
adequately serve the people , but that the cost in relocating a new
hospital might make it unfeasible in terms of dollars and cents .. Super -
visor McCord urged the people present to make their feelings known to
the county representatives .
Mrs . Messenger reported that their drainage problem has not been taken
care of properly by the highway department . She reported that the highway
crew dug a big hole , the water surface in the hole this day was
two inches . Opinioned that they need a whole new culvert . Mr . King
said the hole is big enough for a child to fall in . Supervisor McCord
said this matter would be discussed with the Highway Superintendent .
E llen Bonn reported that a rumor is circulating that there is to be a
new trailer park in the Etna area at the VandeWeert farm . She wanted
to know if this was true . Zoning Officer Stewart reported that he had
checked into this rumor and was told that they were converting the
barn into a garage . Also reported that they are digging test holes .
They did not volunteer any information to the Zoning Officer . Mrs .
Bonn requested that if a public hearing is to be held , could it be
h eld in Etna ? Supervisor McCord said her request would be considered . .
J oe Leonard from Sunset West Circle reported that their request for
the resurfacing of the road has been granted ; but that no guardrails ,
as requested in their petition , have been installed . He said there is
about a 12 foot drop into the creek at one point in the road and they
feel the guardrails are necessary to ward off serious injury to persons .
He requested that the Board recommend this request to the highway dept .
Nothing to report this month .
Reported that she had two road dedications ( 1 ) balance of Kimberly
Drive ( Stanley Bradley subdivision ) , and ( 2 ) Top Forty Road ( off Yellow
Barn Road ) . Both approved by the Highway Superintendent .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , the balance of Kimberly Drive has been approved by Highway
Superintendent Case and all papers are in order , be it
RESOLVED that this Board accept the balance of Kimberly Drive as a
town road .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , Top Forty Road is in an approved subdivision and has been approved
by Highway Superintendent Case and all papers are in order , be it
RESOLVED , that this Board accept Top Forty Road as a town road .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Attorney Amdur reported that an amendment to the Mobile Home Park
Ordinance changing Section , 3D for the placement of five or more mobile
homes for nontransient use ; changing the ordinance from two to five .
It was decided to schedule the public hearing for the 28th of November
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that a Public Hearing be scheduled for the 28th day of November
at 7 : 30 p . m . at the Town Hall for the purpose of amending the Mobile Home
Park Ordinance .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Town Clerk requested that the Board empower the Town Clerk to dispose
of some old records , mainly dog license and supporting papers .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that Rosemary Stelick ,
Town Clerk , be , and hereby is authorized to dispose of record item
numbers 7 , 124 , 126 , 127 , 128 , 129 , 130 , 138 , 139 , 140 , 141 , 142 , 143 , 0
144 , 145 , 146 , 147 , 148 , 149 , 152 , 168 , 173 , 175 , 177 , 178 , 306 , 312 ,
316 , 317 , 324 , 326 , 341 , 342 , 343 on Local Records Disposition Request
L ist Number 272 - TC - 14 issued pursuant to Part 185 , Title 8 of the
O fficial Compilation of Codes , Rules and Regulations of the State _ f.
N ew York , Regulations of the Commissioner of Education , and be it further"'
RESOLVED , that the Clerk of this Board be , and hereby is , directed to
furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to be forwarded to the
Commissioner of Education .
2nd Councilman Webb Carried
The Town Clerk reported that she had checked into pricing a sign . . She
reported that for about $ 100 dollars the Town could purchase a bulletin
board with locking glass case , size 22x32 " with changeable letters . The
sign would list the hours of the Town Clerk , Zoning Officer and Justices
in addition to meeting dates and time . The Board said if there was money
in the budget ., the Clerk had to authority to order the sign .
` 6
2.4 3.
ZONING OFFICER : Reported that he issued 19 permits for the . past month .
Has a public hearing scheduled for the 28th of November for a billboard
application .
YOUTH COURT : Gerard DeCelles explained a new procedure regarding
traffic violation for youths between 16 - 18 yrs . of age . If the justices
see fit to refer speeding violators to Youth Court , they would take a
guilty plea in whatever he was charged with or whatever it might be
reduced to and it would be referred to Youth Court just for sentencing
rather than a fine . One case they have now is a fellow on probation
and was caught speeding and in order to keep his license and to get
h im to Youth Court and some sort of punishment , he is pleading guilty
to a 2 point violation and will be sentenced by Youth Court and then
h e will be discharged from the adult court . Kathy Slocum reported that
they . visited with all the judges in their jurisdiction and there was no
• negative reaction and all very helpful and pleased with Youth Court .
They made at least $ 20 . 00 on Coffee Day . They had two arraignment this
d ay . Larry Snow is writing a mock trial .
CORRESPONDENCE : Supervisor McCord read a letter to the Justice Dept .
from the New York State Magristrates regarding abolishing local
Courts . The Board offered their support to keep the local courts .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution & asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board offer their support to keep the local courts
and that the Supervisor write letters on behalf of the courts to the
Association of Towns , Assemblywoman Cook and ' Senator Smith .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
Supervisor McCord urged Youth Court to support the local courts through
their administrative board .
WATER STUDY : Results of the hearing have come from the Environmental
Conservation Dept . approving the application for water supply for the
Towns of Ithaca , Dryden and Lansing and the Village of Cayuga Heights
at Bolton Point . As far as the town is concerned there is one problem
and that being that the Town of Dryden is limited to use only in their
present districts .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , ; that the General Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
H ighway Fund : Receipts $ 340 . ; -Disb . 21 , 737 . 59 ; + Redeem 80 , 862 . 50 ;
- Investment $ 20 , 000 . 00
G eneral Fund : Receipts 276 . 75 ; - Disb . 6724 . 44 ; - Inv . 10 , 000 . + Redeem
5018 . 75 = Balance $ 20 , 540 . 66
Total of $ 3 , 600 in fines collected .
AREA BEAUTIFICATION COUNCIL : Has requested that this Board appoint a
representative from the town to serve on said Council . They meet the
third Tuesday monthly , 12 noon - 1 : 30 in Ithaca . Supervisor McCord
requested that the Board consider recommendations for the next meeting .
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption
RESOLVED , that the amount $ 6 , 397 . 00 from Contingency Account # A1990 . 4
be transferred to the Retirement Account # A9010 . 8 .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that $ 150 . 00 be transfered from Justice Account # 1110 . 2 to
J ustice Account # 1110 . 4 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that $ . 50 be transfered from Dryden Fire District Interest
Income Account # SF- 1 - 2401 to Fire District Contractual Expense SF- 1 - 3410 . 4 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . )
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the
n otice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons
d esiring to be heard thereon , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget
as the annual budget forthis Town for the fiscal year beginning on the
1st day of January 1973 , and that such budget as so adopted be entered in
detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED ; that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and
certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town
Board together with the estimated if any , adopted pursuant to Section 202 - a
of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this
Town to be presented by him to the Board of Representatives of this County .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that all Town Officials may go to the Association of Towns
Meeting in New York City , February 5th , 6th and 7th , 1973 , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the expenses of all elected and appointed officials
o f the Town of Dryden be paid from the General Fund .
2nd Councilman Tarr . Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its F
adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint the following people who were used as
E lection Inspectors during Registration and General Election :
Democrat Republican
Walter Westfall Mary Lumbard
Nancy Seebass
Alice Cooper
Vienna Ketola
Richard Dobson
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the
notice of public hearing in the preparation of the Assessment Rolls of
parcels of land included in the Water # 1 and Sewer # 1 and # 2 to base the
cost chargeable to said districts in connection with the construction of the
w ater and sewer systems which benefits and improves said districts and heard
all persons desiring to be heard thereon , now , therefore , be it
RESOLVED , that this Board does hereby adopt said assessment rolls for this 0
town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January , 1973 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Meeting Adjourned 9 : 00 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
November 28 , 1972
Public Hearing
P ublic Hearing for an amendment to the Mobile Home Park Ordinance was called
to order at 7 : 30 P . M . by Supervisor McCord . Present were Supervisor McCord ,
Councilmen Webb , Tarr, Gridley and Cotterill , Attorney Amdur and Zoning
O fficer Stewart .
Supervisor McCord read the notice of hearing that was duly advertised in
the official newspapers . The intent of the Board is to amend the definition ,
as follows : Section 3D . Mobile Home Park means a parcel of land under
single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of
five or more mobile homes for nontransient use .
L engthly discussion followed by Mr : Relyea objectioeo the change in the
•definition of said ordinance . His main objection was that we would be creating
a problem . He felt the change was premature and unnecessary .
The Supervisor and Attorney defended the action with the explaination that
under the present ordinance , the Board is getting many applications for
two trailer park and they do not want to encourage two trailer parks .
It was disclosed that the recommendation for this change did not come from
the Planning Board . Mr ,. Everett reported that the . Planning Board did discuss
increasing units , but did not make a formal recommendation to the Town Board .
Mr . Relyea recommended that the Town Board ask the Planning Board for a
special recommendation in this regard . -�
Public Hearing closed 8 : 05 P . M .
Called to order at 8 : 05 P . M . Supervisor McCord reported the purpose of this
hearing was the application by Robert M . Baker for Baker- Miller Lumber ,
Inc . 102 W . Cortland Street , Groton , N . Y . for a Special Permit to erect
two billboards : one on the property of Harold VanPelt on the north side
of Route 13 and one on the Robert Wing property located on the southeast
corner of Route 38 and Peruville Road .
Mr . Baker reported that the signs are very artistic and not detrimental .
He opinioned that they are at a disadvantage with their competitors ,
Grossmans and Craver- Coulter , who have signs in the town . Size : 6 ' x12 ' .
Martha Ferger urged a phasing out program of signs and said the less signs
the better . She said the Board should be concerned with keeping the town
beautiful . Councilman Cotterill opinioned that most signs presently in the
town advertise businesses in other towns and if we are going to have signs
he would like to see it of businesses in the town , if not , he would like
to see signs phased out . Mr . Baker said if a phasing out program comes
about , they would certainly take their signs down .
Two letters to the Town Board , one from Mrs . Ellen Bonn and the other from
Mrs . Selma Nielson ; both urged : denial of the permit on the grounds of
visual pollution , detraction from- the image of the area , eyesore to the
landscape and that the business is not in Dryden .
•Being no other questions or comments , hearing was declared closed at 8 : 25 P . M .
Called to order at 8 : 25 P . M . Supervisor McCord reported that the purpose of
this hearing was the application by Lynn Wright of 234 Southworth Road ,
Dryden , for a Special Permit as required by Sec . 802 of the Town Zoning
Ordinance for a Mobile. Home Park to be located on his property of South -
worth Road .
Mr . Wright presented his plans to the Board for consideration . He reported
that the main part of the park is 16 acres on the north side of Southworth
Rd , and about 30 acres on the south side . Approximately 100 trailer spaces .
on a total of 308 acres . Lot sizes will vary : 50x100 to 60x120 . Septic
tank for every two trailers . Artesian well will provide sufficient water .
The floor was opened to the public for questions , comments or suggestions .
Being none , the hearing was declared closed.
Lee Alexander asked to speak , therefore , the Supervisor reopened the
hearing . He questioned the increased traffic and the fact that the road
has not had any maintanence on it in years . Mrs . Ferger spoke of the
flood danger in this area . Majority of the people present did not think
this was a concern .
Public Hearing was declared closed for the second time at 8 : 40 P . M .
The following resolutions are from the notes of Councilman Gridley . •
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , the proposed amendment3be adopted changing the definition of a
Mobile Home Park in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Baker - Miller , Inc .
to place two billboards , 6x12 , on the Harold . VanPelt property .( Rte 13 ) and
Robert Wing property ( Rte 38 ) .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote :
Councilman Webb - YES
Councilman Cotterill - YES
Councilman Gridley - YES
Councilman Tarr - NO
Supervisor McCord - NO
Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
' RESOLVED , that this Board refer the application of Mr . Lynn Wright to
the Town Planning Board in accordance to Section 4 . 03 of the Mobile Home
Park Ordinance .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
Adjourned Charles G . McCord — Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk