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October 10 , 1972
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
. Dryden held October 10 , 1972 , at Town Hall , commencing at 7 : 35 P . M .
Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb ;
and Zoning Officer Stewart . Absent : Attorney Amdur .
The Meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCord and opened with the
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag .
- Roll Call was by the Town Clerk .
At this time Supervisor McCord ask .. the Board if there were any additions
or corrections to the Minutes of September 12th Public Hearing and Regular
Board Meeting . Being none , the following motion was offered .
410Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Tarr that '
the Minutes of September 12th Public Hearing and Monthly Board Meeting be
approved as presented .
YOUTH COURT : Gerard DeCelles was present and introduced the Chief Justice
of Youth Court , Kathy Slocum . Miss Slocum gave the following report : there
are eleven active members , they have begun contacting the Town Justices and
Village Police and they all promised continued support . They have a By - Laws
Committee planned . They have transferred $ 100 to the savings account . A
" Coffee Day " is scheduled such as they held last year . They are planning
a mock trial for the benefit of new members coming into Youth Court . They
have a meeting scheduled to meet with the District Attorney , William
Sullivan . Supervisor McCord wished them " good luck " with the program .
COUNTY BRIEFING : Gary A . Lee was present to report on Bounty happenings .
WATER HEARINGS : Reported that he testified as a witness in favor of the
program re Bolton Point water supply application . A report on the
Inlet proposal by the City and the Bolton Point proposal of the Towns
will be forthcoming from the State sometime in the next couple of months .
DATA PROCESSING : Continuing to make progress . Budget & Administration office
is completely on the computer , hospital about 90 % , tax bills will be
printed on the computer this year . The one exception where progress has
been halted is in the Department of Social Services and that is because the
State has not given its final approval . ' He cited an example of the value
of the computer : if you want to do a market analysis of the Town of Dryden
and they will be able to have that programmed so that you can get an idea
what the average sale is in a given area of the town , etc . TC3 : Normal
progress -reported . Cost $ 50 , 000 more than anticipated due to the water
problem . There is a delayed delivery of steel . If it is not here in time
to enclose ' the building , it will delay the project . ASSESSMENT : The County
as a whole grew about $ 10 million . The Town of Dryden continues to move
ahead as one of the top three growing areas in the county . Total assessment
for the town is in the neighborhood of $ 42 million . There was about 2 . .5
million growth for Dryden this year . FLOOD INSURANCE : Reported that its
the municipalities responsibility to obtain flood insurance and it is
available . A letter from Jack Miller to the Supervisors of the Towns .
states it in more detail . Supervisor McCord said he has not yet received
a letter from Mr . Miller in this regard . ASSESSMENTADJUSTMENTS : Flood
damage adjustment reports re flood damage must be filed with the Assessment
Department . AIRPORT : Continues to make progress on the master plan . Have
started construction on the airport tower . In the process of initiating
AILS System ( landing system which will allow the jets to come in inclement
weather . Problem with security due to the recent threatened highjack . Expect
a fence will have to be built . COUNTY BUDGET : They are reviewing the budget
item by item , 2 / 3 through . The only question at this point is salaries .
They have been negotiating since July with the union representatives . A
sizable increase in wages and- fringe benefits is expected . HOSPITAL : King
and King , Architects , continues to meet with the hospital advisory people .
Mr . Lee said he was going to request that the minutes of these meetings be
sent to Supervisor McCord . The regional meetings that were held throughout
the county were taken into consideration and the critical question is once
the recommendation is made if its a new facility , do we build that new
facility on the land that we now own or do we come over on this side of
the lake and buy new property for hundreds of thousands of dollars .
BOARDMAN HOUSE : No solution re the Boardman House . He reported the projected
cost of restoration is 150 thousand . They have made a parking lot behind
and proving to be quite useful . He reported that they will be restoring the
Old Court House . He asked for opinions of the board with regard to the
Boardman House . No actual opinions were expressed . SOCIAL SERVICES : The
cost is 1 million . 6 hundred thousand over this year ' s budget . They have
stepped up investigations of fraud . The Commissioner problem has not been
resolved yet . REVENUE SHARING : No explicit information in terms as to
what this means . He reported that too many people are thinking its frosting
o n the cake . He said it is to be used to reduce taxes and felt it is an
o bligation to reduce taxes by this means . He urged holding off adoption
o f the budget until amount is definite from Albany and said not to budget
revenue sharing money until we know how much ! REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS : Office
of Local Government pamphlet came out recommending the suggestion that
we do away with villages , towns and county governments and establish what
are called Regional Governments . He said if an opinion is to be expressed
it should be thought about and expressed to Sal Prezioso , Commissioner .
RECREATION : The county has had a formal request from the City of Ithaca
that_ the county set up a county recreation committee and take over the
operation of Cass Park . SPCA : Supervisor McCord questioned the services
that the SPCA provides . Mr . Lee replied that we have a contract that
spells out their duties . Supervisor McCord reported that there. appears . •
o be a misunderstanding between the people and the SPCA as to who is to
do what with regard to animals . Clerk Stelick reported that people have
been referred to her with their problems at the advise of the SPCA and
in some instances the SPCA has referred them to the Sheriff with regard
to their animal problems . She further reported that in accordance to the
terms of their contract , they do not impound unlicensed dogs unless there
is a " lease law " in the area in question . In order to impound a dog it
must be reported to the Town Justice and he signs an " Order to Seize Un -
licensed Dog " and given to the SPCA and then they will pick up the dog .
There was discussion regarding the SPCA ' s reluctence to apprehend suspicious
animals ( particularly cats and dead animals ) . Mr . Lee reported that the
SPCA does not like to do it . Supervisor McCord requested that the agency
✓ esponsibilities be well spelled out in the contract . Representative Lie
said the coverage is short , no question about that . He also said that the
solution might be to take it completely away from the SPCA and hire a
full - time dog warden .
Mrs . King was present to inquire about information regarding the extension
of the Etna Lighting District . She reported that it was started over two
months ago . Supervisor McCord apologized and said that he had been remiss
in not moving as fast as he should have in getting the district outlined
exactly ; but that it has been done and the contract has been drawn and
the public hearing will be set . Supervisor McCord said they would notify
e ach person in the district when the hearing is set . Mrs . King issued a
complaint that motorist are not obeying the reduced speed on Upper Creek
Road . She was concerned as to what to do . It was suggested that she call
the Sheriff about enforcing the speed limit .
Mr . Harold Case questioned the amount of people living in the Kimball
house . He reported that there is about 10 to 12 students in the house .
There was discussion on this being a boarding house . According to the
Zoning Officer , Mr . Kimball has not stated to him that it is a boarding
house . Supervisor McCord instructed the Zoning Officer to pursue this
situation and personally visit and go over it with Mr . Kimball . Council -
man Tarr questioned if it is a boarding house whether it would have to
go under the state building code . It was thought that it would . Councilman
Cotterill reported that he has observed approximately 20 to 30 cars parked
there .
Councilman Cotterill reported that he has put the Town Board Meeting
schedule on the Kiwanis Calendar for 1973 at a cost of $ 3 . 00 . He reported
that the Village of Dryden has requested that the state repair the Dryden
Lake Dam as the village is very aware of the dangers in our area if the
dam did go out during a flood . Councilman Cotterill opinioned that the
board should consider requesting that the state do something to the area
to make it a recreation area . He reported that he would do further research
o n this matter and report back to the board .
Ron Denniston was present and requested that the town adopt a resolution
to strengthen the village ' s position re repair of the Dryden Lake Dam .
Supervisor McCord requested that Mr . Denniston send a copy of their
✓ esolution for reference .
TOWN CLERK : Nothing to report this month .
ZONING OFFICER : Issued 22 permits since last meeting .
CORRESPONDENCE : Supervisor McCord received a Memo from T . G . Payne regard -
ing loss of taxable real property and request for evaluation June 1972
flood . The forms and information were available from the Assessment Office .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that %- the Highway Bills be paid as audited . . _
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Fund Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Tarr Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES .
• JUSTICE REPORT : Total of $ 3 , 500 in fines collected for the month .
Highway Fund :
Receipts ( transfer ) $ 14 , 900 . ; - Disb . $ 24 , 564 . 31 ; +Redeem $ 10 , 036 . 46
equals balance $ 18 , 990 . 80
General Fund :
Receipts $ 18 , 885 . 50 ; - Disb . $ 18 , 651 . 22 ; + redeem inv . $ 35 , 525 . 00 ; less
re - invest $ 35 , 000 . equals balance $ 31 , 969 . 60
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the following members be appointed to the Town of. Dryden
Council for the Prevention of Drug Abuse for the term of one year expiring
September 30 , 1973 : .
Gerard McGovern DeCelles
Roger Smith
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the following members be reappointed to
said Council for the term hereinabove stated :
Walter Baurle , M . D .
Leonard Snow , Attorney
II Janet Graham
Rev . Kenneth Read
D iinat d representative from Try Republic
s gna ed representative fr fy Stu ent Assoc .
2nd Councilman Gridl f
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that a Public Hearing regarding the Preliminary Budget be held
November 2 , 1972 , 7 : 30 P . M . at Town Hall .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that a Public Hearing regarding the proposed extension of the
Etna Lighting District be held November 14 , 1972 , 7 : 30 P . M . at Houtz Hall
in Etna .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried
The flood insurance responsibility was discussed . Supervisor McCord said
he would contact Jack Miller and persue information .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for an
addition to the Town Highway Garage ; 2 units of steel building 100x40x16 ;
said bids to be opened at 12 : 00 Noon November 2nd .
2nd Councilman Tarr Carried
Meeting Adjourned 9 : 00 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk