HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-12 September 12 , . 1972
The Public Hearing was called to order by Supervisor McCord at the Bethel
Grove Community Assoc . at 7 : 15 P . M . Present were Supervisor McCord ,
Councilmen Cotterill , Gridley and Webb ; Zoning Officer Stewart and Atty .
Amdur . Absent : Councilman Tarr .
Supervisor McCord reported the purpose of this hearing was the request
for a Special Permit by Franklin Snow , as required by the zoning ordinance ,
to attach an addition Of a steel building to his present business , " auto
sales and repairs " , at 175 Harford Road .
Mr . Snow said the size of the building is 30x48 . It will setback 110 feet
from the road .
0 Application was revieweiy members of the board and everything appeared to
be in order . No one appeared to question the applicant .
Supervisor McCord declared the hearing closed .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to Franklin Snow °to . add a •
steel building to his present business located at 175 Harford Road .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
Adjourned : 7 : 25 P . M .
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Dryden held September 12 , 1972 , at Bethel Grove Community Association ,
commencing at 7 : 30 P . M . Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Cotterill ,
Gridley , Webb and Tarr ; Zoning Officer Stewart and Attorney Amdur .
Called to order by Supervisor McCord .
Roll Call by the Town Clerk .
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill ,
that the following minutes be approved as presented : July 25 ;_ Public
Hearing and Special Meeting , August 8 Regular Board Meeting and August 22
Public Hearing .
COUNTY BRIEFING : No report from Mrs . Schickel this month .
Attorney Amdur reported that Mr . J . W . Brown had submitted a new road for
dedication known as Sunny Knoll Road , in the Ellis Hollow area . Highway
Superintendent Case has approved the road . . and also by the Planning Board .
Mr . Brown is to pay for the filing of the map and recording of the deed .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board accept Sunny Knoll Road for dedication as a •
town road in accordance to the approval of the Planning . Board and Highway
Superintendent Case .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
Buildings & Ground report by Councilman Gridley regarding the removal of
pine trees at the front corners of the Town. Han building due to the
encroachment of roots into the building . It was determined . by Highway ,
Superintendent Case and Councilman Gridley. . that. the -trees- would have . to be
cut down . Councilman Gridl.ey _ suggested that the town present a tree a year
' each Christmas to the Village of Dryden . . Supervisor- McCord - expressed that -
:the loss be replaced with some appropriate shrubbery . As for the other
problem that was discussed previously , Councilman Gridley said he would
take care of it when he had some free time .
ATTORNEY : Nothing to report this month
TOWN CLERK : Town Clerk Stelick reported that due to the resignation of
Ruth Hanford as Deputy Town Clerk , she appointed Mrs . Warmbrodt who then
had to resign and now has appointed Mrs . Carpenter to this capacity .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask : its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board upon the recommendation of the Town Clerk , appoint
E lizabeth Jean Warmbrodt as Deputy Clerk and upon her resignation , be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that Donna Carpenter be appointed as Deputy Town Clerk
at the rate of $ 2 . 00 per hourAfor said deputies .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting
Clerk Stelick announced that the Report of Examination of the books of
the Town of Dryden for the period 1 / 69 - 12 / 71 was on file in her office
for inspection . •
Clerk Stelick reported that a request from Charles Downey , Election
Custodian , that the Board take action to request that the Community
Association in Etna brace up the floor in Houtz Hall . Mr . Downey opinioned
to the Town Clerk that the floor is sagging and feared that it might
collapse . - A large turnout is expected for the November election and Mr .
D owney : was concerned for the safety of the people . Supervisor McCord
instructed the Town Clerk to write to Etna Community Association , and
request that they tend to the sagging floor or give documentation that the
floor is safe . Mrs . Stelick opinioned that their registration is high and
warrents another machine , but one of the election inspectors said she
did -'. not think the floor in the room they are in would be able to hold two
machines . District # 1 ( Varna ) has entered a request for a third voting
machine . Mrs . Stelick reported that the present registration is 1001 and
they are currently working with two voting machines . She further reported
that District # 2 ( Etna ) has 896 registered and working with one machine .
This request was discussed by the Board and it was decided that when Dist .
# 1 reaches a registration of 1400 , then a third machine will be considered .
The Board felt that District # 2 has first priority . The Town Clerk was
instructed to write to Mrs . Seewald , Chairman of Dist . # 1 , and inform her
of the Board ' s decision .
Clerk Stelick reported that she had been checking into a sign for listing
h ours of the Town Clerk , Justices , Zoning Officer and special events . She
reported that a price of $ 495 . was quoted for a sign 36 " x48 " that would be
enclosed in a plexiglass case and the letters and numbers could be inter-
changed . The Board opinioned that this was too much to pay for a sign and
to shop around for something less expensive .
ZONING OFFICER : Mr . Stewart reported that he had issued 31 permits ; 11 for
homes , 6 for mobile homes , 2 - 4 unit apartments , etc . Reported that he had
four violations , and three have been taken care of . Zoning Officer Stewart
reported that he totaled up the amounts listed on the applications for
building permits for the period January - September 1 , 1972 and the
figure was $ 1 . 8 million .
YOUTH COURT : Gerard DeCelles was present to report that they had ; their
first meeting in September and they are in the process of getting started
again . He reported that the legislation re Youth Courts died in the Senate .
It passed the House by one " no " vote . He expects more concentration on this
at a local level . He noted that Jeff Ross had worked very hard finding
jobs for students and contacting judges . He commended him highlyland
suggested that since there would be $ 100 in the Youth Court Fund ; it would •
be nice to pay $ 100 to Jeff Ross in view of his time spent with Youth Court .
The Board discussed the recommendation . Councilman Cotterill expressed
concern that this could turn into an escalating expense . Mr . DeCelles
assured him this was not the case . Being that there was $ 100 unexpended ,
it was thought this would be a nice way to thank Mr . Ross for his time
spent .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the balance of $100 . 00 allocated to Youth Court Fund be
paid to Jeff Ross in view of the time spent with Youth Court .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
DRUG COUNCIL : Supervisor McCord received a note from Ronald Alexander ,
Chairman of the Town of Dryden Council for the Prevention of Drug Abuse ,
stating the resignation of Mr . Alexander , Michael Amdur and Edgar Amdur .
It :) was requested that the Board consider recommendations t:ot.. be appointed
at a later date .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
, Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the General Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
JUSTICE REPORT : Total $ 3 , 400 .
Highway Fund
Receipts $ 466 . 20 $ - Dish . $ 30 , 154 . 57 ; +Redeem Inv. . 70 , 743 . 75 ; - Re - inv .
$ 70 , 000 . 00 = 13a1 . $ 18 , 618 . 65 .
General Fund
Receipts x23 , 530 . 50 ; - Disb . $ 7710 . 64 ; = Bal . $ 31 , 210 . 32 .
SUPERVISOR : Supervisor McCord suggested that a " Gallery of Supervisors "
pictures would be nice to hang in the Town Hall . Discussion was had on
acquiring pictures of past supervisors and the cost .
WATER HEARING : Attorney Amdur reported that the Public Hearing was being
held and still in session regarding Intermunicipal Application for Water .
All of the Town Supervisors and Mayor of Cayuga Heights had testified and
been examined as had Mr . Dunlap of Lozier Engineers . She reported that the
City of Ithaca through Common Council has endorsed the project . The Board
of Public Works is in opposition .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize paying expenses and mileage for
Justice Hoagland to the State Magistrates Meeting at the Catskills
September 24 - 27 .
2nd -( Councilman Tarr Roll Call Vote - all VotingYES
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board appoint Walter Westfall as dog enumerator for
1972 .
2nd Councilman Gridley , Carried
SPCA : Discussion regarding SPCA ' s refusal to pick up unlicensed dogs
in the town . Clerk Stelick reported that in accordance with the " Agreement "
with the County and City of Ithaca , the SPCA will not impound unlicensed
dogs unless there is a " lease law " in the community . The SPCA requires a
form signed by the Town Justice in order to seize the dog as they are
not a law enforcement officer . Supervisor McCord said he would talk to
the County Representatives regarding this issue .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
IIIRESOLVED , that this Board authorize Richard C . Case , Highway Superintendent ,
to connect two roads namely South Knoll Drive and Crystal Drive , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED , that the land be donated by Clinton Cotterill and the
' survey costs and recording costs of the deed and map be paid by the Town
of Dryden .
2nd Councilman Webb Roll Call Vote - 4 Voting YES
1 Abstained Cotterill
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board authorize paying registration expense and mileage
for Barbara Caldwell to attend a Planning Conference sponsored by N . Y .
Federation of Planning during the period October 15 - 17 .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Motion was made by Councilman Gridley , seconded by Councilman Cotterill
that this meeting be adjourned .
Adjourned 8 : 30 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
September 28 , 1972
The Public Hearing was called to order at 7 : 30 P . M . by Supervisor McCord .
Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb ;
also Zoning Officer Stewart .
Supervisor McCord read the notice of public hearing as it appeared in
the official newspapers . The purpose of the hearing was the application
of William Harrigan of 91/2 Kimberly Drive , Dryden , N . Y . for a special
permit to build a garden center and nursery at approximately 2217
Dryden Road ( Route 13 ) .
At this time Supervisor McCord opened the hearing to opinions and
questions of the public . Councilman Cotterill requested that Mr . Harri - . -
gan explain the plans . Mr . Harrigan said that the size of the lot will
be approximately 350x375 ( 3 acres , more or less ) . He reported that the
original plan called for 4 acres but they ran into complications regarding
an existing structure on Mr . Crowe ' s property and , therefore , had to
decrease the dimensions of Mr . Harrigan property . The plan calls for
a 12x68 mobile home , 25 ' x50 ' garden shop , 20 ' x40 ' shade house , 20 ' x20 '
pole barn and 12 ' x12 ' storage shed . According to Mr . Harrington the
state highway department has approved the entrance and exit ( two roads )
or a 50 foot drive which would be one road . He has not had health dept .
approval yet .
It was noted that the amount of space covered by buildings was within the
allotted amount setforth in the zoning ordinance .
Mr . Crowe and Robert Carpenter was present . There were no objections to
Mr . Harrigan plans .
Mr . Harrigan reported that he understood the requirements regarding
signs . He further reported that the balance of the land will be planted
with nursery stock .
Supervisor McCord closed the Public Hearing .
The Board chose to make a decision at this time .
Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Board grant the Special Permit to William Harrigan
to build a garden center and nursery at 2217 Dryden Road with the following
conditions : ( 1 ) approval from the Tompkins County Health Dept . , and ( 2 )
approval of the State Highway Dept . for the driveway entrance , and ( 3 )
that it meets zoning requirements .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried .
Adjourned 8 : 00 P . M . . . . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk
October 3 .; 1972 •
The Special Meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 P . M . by Supervisor McCord .
Present : Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr & Webb .
Discussion was had on the increase for justices salaries . The justices
claim that their case load has increased as such to justify the raise .
The board ask the Clerk to total the revenues of Justice Court for 1971
and 1972 and present it to the Board when next they meet to discuss the
budget .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and ask its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the Preliminary Budget for 1973 be adopted by this Town
Board with the change in Account # A1110 . 1 be reduced to $ 6 , 800 . and A1110 . 2
be decreased to $ 200 . Said Preliminary Budget being on file in the Clerk ' s
Office for viewing by the public .
2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll Call Vote - all Voting YES
Adjourned 9 : 00 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor
Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk