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79 November 5 , 1970 . PUBLIC HEARING - FIRE CONTRACT Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 10 P . M . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb . Supervisor McCord informed those present that this hearing was being held as Brooktondale ' s request for $ 1 , 612 .; 50 was not received in time for the first public hearing on the fire contracts . He reported that the Brooktondale Fire Company was requesting a two year contract in the amount It of $ 1 , 612 . 50 annually . Two representatives from the Brooktondale Fire District were present to answer any questions . They reported that they were requesting $ 1 , 500 . for fire protection and $ 112 . 50 for compensation insurance making the total " • amount requested from the Town $ 1 , 612 . 50 per year . Supervisor McCord closed the Public Hearing at 7 : 25 P . M . • PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 8 : 00 P . M . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb , also present Superintendent Case , Joan Wallenbeck and a reporter from the Rural News . l Supervisor McCord reported that the preliminary budget has been on file for three weeks with the Town Clerk and no one appeared to look at it . He reported that the tax rate is , as follows : 1970 .1971 Town ( outside ) $ 7 . 21 per thousand $ 7 . $ 3 per tht: + 62 * Village 3 . 57 " 3 . 96 " " + 39tf Supervisor McCord asked they Board if they had any discussion on the Budget before it was passed , and since no citizens of the town appeared to questicc the budget , it was passed as follows . RESOLUTION # 1468 ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET . Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS , this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon now , therefore , be it RESOLVED that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally compiled , as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal yearbeginning on the 1st day of January 1971 , and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board together with the estimated if any , adopted pursuant to Section 202 - a , • subd . 2 , of the Town - Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Representatives of. this County . . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES Hearing closed at 8 : 20 P . M . SPECIAL MEETING Supervisor McCord reported that. . it was necessary to authorize the issuance , : : ' of a $ 60 , 000 Revenue Anticipation Note ' in anticipation of the receipt of monies due from the State of New York and the United States of America in the form of Capital Grants to 80 . pay . a part of the cost of certain improvements in Dryden Sewer District No. , 2 i the Town of Dryden . RESOLUTION # 147. ! $ 60 , 000 REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE Councilman . Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Supervisor. McCord to execute the Resolution for issuance of a $ 60 , 000 Revenue Anticipation Note for Dryden Sewer District No . 2 . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES Meeting Adjourned 8 : 30 P . M . Charles G . McCord — Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk • 4: • 81 November 10 , 1970 PUBLIC HEARING = FOOTE Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 10 P . M . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , Cotterill , Tarr and Webb , Zoning Officer Stewart and Attorney Amdur . Supervisor McCord read the public notice as advertised in the Ithaca Journal regarding the application of Carl Foote , Sr . of 365 Dryden- Harford Road for a Special Permit as required by Sec . . • 802 No . 1 of the Town Zoning Ordinance to build and operate . a restaurant and bar . Mr .. Foote reported that the restaurant will be located at 300 Dryden - Harford Road . He reported that it will be a type of restaurant catering to the older class of people , the better clientele . The size of the building will De 40x60 and constructed of concrete . The lot size is 314 x 248 x 115 deep . Supervisor McCord reported that this was an RC Zone and is a permissable )peration with a Special Permit . At this time he asked if there were any iuestions or comments . James . Bobnick from 340 Harford Road expressed concern that a business of this nature might degenerate into a full fledged bar . He also expressed : oncern with the blind corner in the road and the increase in traffic naking this even more hazardous than it already is . He did express confidence In Mr . Foote ' s integrity in running the business but was concerned in the ' vent of selling it to someone else and what might happen in the future . 1r . Foote assured him that he too was concerned about the corner for his : hildrens sake as well and that he intends to keep the bar on a small scale . Jouncilman . Gridley noted that Joe Robinson was present and will live iirectly across the road from the business and asked that he express his ) pinion . Mr . Robinson said he was not overjoyed about having the business :.: ; here but he did not feel that zoning was strong enough to keep it out . Supervisor McCord said it was not a question of zoning keeping it out . He ? xplained that the zoning ordinancanarovides for the public hearing which Ls in process now to get comments / concerns of the people living in the area Ind !bringing it before the board so that the board can make some kind of lecision one way or the other . He further explained that without the zoning ) rdinance , this hearing would not be held and , therefore , no one would have in opportunity to publicly display their concern about it . Mrs . Robinson ? xpressed unhappiness with the fact that they will have to keep their 'ront room draperies closed to assure privacy due to the fact that the ' estaurant will be directly across from their home . 4r . Foote said their main objectiis to start small and get into the food ) usiness . He expects to have a capacity of 35 for his dining room . He said : hat the price , atmosphere and control will keep the hippie - type people > Vt of his restaurant . 'ublic Hearing closed at 7 : 30 P . M . . BOARD MEETING . ; upervisor McCord called the regular Board Meeting ' to order at 7 : 32 P . M . t the Town Hall . Present were Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , otterill , Tarr and Webb , Zoning Officer Stewart and Attorney Amdur . supervisor McCord opened the Meeting with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag . X011 Call was by the Town Clerk . upervisor McCord asked the Town Board if .athere were any corrections or .dditions to the October 13th Board ' Meeting Minutes , being none the minutes ere approved as sent out . ! OUNTY BRIEFING . Iris . Marion Schickel was present to report on the items of interest to ' esidents of the Town of Dryden . Resources , Conservation & Development ( R C & D ) ; 'he County Board has voted to make an application to this planning group . By ecoming a member , Tompkins County would be elgible for financial help in ifferent project that might be undertaken . The headquarters of this planning Troup is in Norwich , New York . Community College : Master plan has been ccepted by the Tompkins County Board and by the Cortland County Board . The 82 budget as tentatively approved , that it will not exce - d 8 . 6 million for the total cost of phase 1 . Phase 1 includes 160 , 000 s . . ft . one building college at this point , development of the site , class rooms and adminis - trations; various utilities and furnishings . The loca ion of the building w ill be set far back on the site and there will be a oad that will come o ff route 13 by the farmhouse and a bridge over Egypt Creek . Parking lot for 1000 cars in the beginning . The building will accepoodda1B1400 students Drug, education : The County Board passed a resolution that will put drug education , prevention and treatment under the jurisdi . tion of the Mental Health Department . County Library : Has made a request for nine members instead of seven . Their reason for the increased memb = rship is to get more people from the County interested to cover a larger base . Dog Warden : They are going to investigate the proposal from the SPCA that there be a County Dog Warden . College Budget : In the 1971 budget part of the 8 . 6 million already we have some money set aside each year into the capital budget of the college . 1971 College Capital Budget has agreed to put some more money into the budget . Some of the money will be in the budget but not the total amount . She further reported that th - 1971 budget has already allotted for the capital budget , 1 . 5 million dollars . She reported that 50 % will be paid from the State , 2 / 3 from Tompkin % County and 1 / 3 from Cortland County . Supervisor McCord reported to Mrs . S . hickel that he received a complaint from Joe Priori of Peruville Road about the speed of the garbage trucks and refuse falling off the trucks . e checked this out and found the trail of refuse leading to the landfill - ite . He has called Frank Liguori and he wanted the County to be aware of his situation and bring it to the County Board . He said he will write to the sheriff ' s department about controlling the speed . CITIZENS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR . Stephen Shulman was present and passed out a copy of a letter from the Tompkins County Health Department giving him final approval . He pointed o ut that his trailer park is the only one of the last t ree before the Board that has both state and local health department a • proval and is the o nly one that has not been approved by the Town Board . Supervisor McCord read a letter from Dr . Broad that stated Mr . Shu man ' s plans for the disposal of sewage from the trailer park was approv = d by one of their engineers . At this point , discussion centered around eapplying for a new hearing or reconsideration of the Board . For the Board to reconsider , there must be a unanimous vote to rehear and still must go to a public hearing . Mr . Shulman said that he would be willing to make a new applicatio . for his mobile home park based on previously submitted 1 - tters and data which the Board requested and received up until this time as required by said Board . It was decided to set the hearing for Novem • er 24 at 7 P . M . Clayton Cranmer was present and wanted to know how he stood with his permit . Supervisor McCord read a letter from Richard Wilsen conc : rning the " screening " of Mr . Cranmer ' s trailer park project . He di & not feel the screening was effective enough in size and density . He s ggested that Mr . Cranmer comply with the regulations set out in his " Special Permit .'.' . Attorney Amdur read the Zoning Officer ' s report on page 6 of the Minutes it of the October 13 Regular Board Meeting re Cranmer failu e to erect a buffer strip . Zoning Officer Stewart reported that Mr . ranmer has planted a screen of hemlocks about 9 feet apart and about 4 feet tall . Mr . Cranmer said he would plant them thicker if the Board requested it . Mr . Cranmer said the one side is already naturally screened by trees and bushes . The buffer strip is already there as far as he is concerned . Attorney Amdur read a letter from Clayton Cranmer to the Supervisor and embers of the ,Board that he was held up from planting the buffer strip • ecause of the delay of the utility fixtures for several weeks and extra work keeping the ditches open due to the rain and the 90 day deadline . lipped by him unnoticed . He pointed out that his intentions are to do hat is right and he has planted trees from four to seven feet high :, 9 Beet apart , instead of seedlings as was his previous intention . Coun . ilman Cotterill said this had gotten ridiculous at this point , whether Mr Cranmer planted the trees 90 days or 94 days , he did not feel the need fo arguing about it . He said that he would like to make the motion that the Board drop the whole thing right now . Members of the Board were in agreement to drop it and forget the whole thing and Mr . Cranmer ' s permit would not be revoked . I 83 STANDING COMMITTEES BUILDINGS & GROUNDS : Councilman Gridley tacked a plan upon the wall for a highway building , size 100x60xand constructed of steel . RESOLUTION # 140 HIGHWAY BUILDING BIDS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for a steel building 100 x 60 for the highway department . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried SANITATION & REFUSE : Nothing to report this month . PUBLIC RELATIONS : Nothing to report this month . "' COUNCILMEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Councilman Cotterill reported that he has heard nothing from the Jaycees regarding the town directory . Councilman Webb wanted4to know if the junk cars on Red Mill Rd . were being cleaned up . Zoning Officer Stewart said he had talked to Mr . George about the situation and he promised to clean up the junk-. ATTORNEY Attorney Amdur read a report from Morris Peck , member of the Planning Board . regarding action by the Health Department to stop pollution in Fall Creek . The possibility of formation of a Fall Creek Sewer District is in the talking stage . It would include the Village of Freeville , Etna and McLean . There is question on whether they have to build their own plant which in- volves considerable expense , or go to the Village of Dryden . There is also question as to whether or not there can be accommodation that far out . Attorney Amdur commented that the Village is a separate company and would have to do something in cooperation in assuming the Town wants it . She said that it would look like it will have to be a new plant rather than use of any existing plants . . Attorney Amdur also reported that Michael Pichel is suing the Town . The basis of the suit is a judgment declaring the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinanc void . Attorney Amdur said that we have already had a proceeding on that and a decision from Judge Sloan . The Judge made it very clear that Mr . Pichel had no grievance . , .' /Attorney Amdur said that this is not an actual summons and will be taken care of in a civil manner . Another problem relating to Mr . Pichel , the Town has a proceeding in Justice Court on the permit which was the reason the proceeding went before Judge Sloan in the first place . She reported there have been problems in the course of the proceedings in Justice Court , the Sheriff ' s Department tried to make the service a couple of times and failed . There seems to be some reluctance on the part of the Sheriff to serve . She reported that she had discussions with Judge Newhart and the District Attorney and it was her understanding that the District Attorney would agree to prosecute . Later she received a letter from District Attorney McHugh stating in part that due to the nature of the office being part - time and that his present burden is so substantial that it would be impractical and unwise for him to take on this additional task . He also stated that while the District Attorney has the right to act in such cases , he does not have the obligation particularly when his office has more pressing matters . He suggested that the town or village may - obtain its own attorney to enforce the zoning ordinance . He stated that the villag attorney can be designated as Assistant District Attorney in order to prosecute zoning offenses , but the attorney would be prohibited from acting as attorney for defense in any court . Attorney Amdur said this was a possibility for the village attorney to prosecute for the village , but under Town Law , the town attorney can not do this under any circumstances . Sec . 135 of Town Law states if the proceedings are in the nature of a criminal action , it is the duty of the District Attorney to conduct the prosectUtion . Attorney Amdur suggested that she and Supervisor McCord get together with District Attorney McHugh and see that can be done . Attorney Amdur reported that they will have the Code of Ethics ready by December . , ' ' 1 I 84 ZONING OFFICER Zoning Officer Stewart reported that he has issued eight permits sinc - the last regular board meeting . He wanted to know if a mobile home w : s allowed on the same lot with a house or did it mean that it had to be on a separate lot . He noted that the Zoning Ordinance . reads " Mobile home. on individual lots " . Supervisor McCord and Attorney Amdur both said t would have to be on a individual lot . Attorney Amdur said that it wa4• a simple procedure to have a conveyance of the second lot . He reporte ' - - that Mr . Roy Draper had called requesting that the Town act as fence feelers in a dispute with the Village. of Dryden . Attorney Amdur reported that the Village owns some property in the Town of Dryden which was acquired for extra water supply and is not in use yet . Mr . Draper own - adjoining parcel of land on which he grows corn and Mr . Carrier ' s cattle came across the Village property and got into Mr . Draper ' s cor - field and ate the corn . Mr . Draper has demanded the Village fix the f - nce . Attorney Amdur has obtained an opinion from the Attorney General ' s • office that the village as a sub - division of the state does not come under the definition of a owner under the adjoining fence owners secti . n . She has sent copies of the deed to the Attorney General and she sent copies of the opinion of the Attorney General to Mr . Draper and his at orney . As far as maintaining the fence is concerned , that is between two adjoining individual owners and the village is exempt , and that conforms as long as it is public lands for public use . Attorney Amdur said that the Town Board has to act as fence feelers in any fence dispute in the town , si ce li there is no longer an assessor . She said as far as she was concerned , the village is exempt by the opinion of the Attorney General . The consensu . of the Board was to accept the Attorney General ' s opinion . Supervisor McCord asked Mr . Stewart to relay that the judgment handed down by the Attorney General is valid and the Board can do nothing about it . FINANCIAL REPORT General Fund : Beginning Balance 1OT1 - 70 $ 10 , 047 . 94 Add : Receipts 8 , 280 . 72 $ 18 , 328 . 66 Less : Disbursements 5 , 340 . 07 ' I Ending Balance 10 - 31 - 70 $ 12 , 988 . 59 Highway Fund : Beginning Balance 10 - 1 - 70 $ 139 , 360 . 35 Add : Receipts 8 , 614 . 39 $ 147 , 974 . 74 Less : DIsbursements 40 , 297 . 08 Ending Balance 10 - 31 - 70 . $ 107 , 677 . 66 RESOLUTION # 149 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 150 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoration . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES • JUSTICE REPORT - October Justice Newhart $ 885 . 00 Justice Hoagland 785 . 00 COMMUNICATIONS • ' Supervisor McCord read a letter from Mr . Peter Davies of 755 Snyder Hill Road requesting that the Town undertake some planting of trees or shrubs on the triangle between Sodom Road and Snyder Hill Road. . He claimed tha the trees that once stood there were bulldozed away about a year ago and leaves a blot on the landscape . The purpose for his request is to restor - the beauty and prevent further soil erosion . He also added his support t . `•, , ,,? , • • , . , ;. .r ;� . •:r ;. •!' 1 . „• <1 !r - . .• I ' • • • 1 ... L - • • ■o . : y • . . I ,t . .: • o • ,. F' . . ' .� . ._ .. ;,.`: • . `;•ate i • 4 •t: :: ; t ;.,' • • STATE OF f�iEYb YORK * TME . Or L al . ' DEPR . NT .A v v r224b r ALBANY , N. 7233 LOUIS S . LEFKO �Y':. Telephone : GK 4 - • A�,pR,csv 4a�+ca.� 3' • • August 13 , 1970 . r 1 - , - . Ho ;. . lie lent Amdur o • Village Attorney , 20 West Main Street ` Dryden , New York 13053 Dear Mrs . Amdur g , 197J , � ' eceipt of your letterf° landloutside the , ; parcel ° I acknowledge y ur r e owns a town ,that your village lying within a stating our village and t within your nce corporate letter ° r your my opinion as in la eh must you request the erection of a division village must contribute to of Sections 301 trough 30 , pursuant to the provisions of a war - of the Town Law . by subsequent a copy a• iugust 6e , office to py village • 1970 you forwarded to this office _= August e the premises in question ° ,ty deed conveying s following statement : The deed contains the herewith the right to . " There is also conveyed her • water supply Pipes on remain - * lay and maintain artier of the first part premises of the p ed herein in order ing P developed that the of lands and wells to be - that the new springs with the existing I . may be properly water lines . " ears that the premises , , - Upon the face of the deed it- app '. were acquired by the villag e for a public purpose , namely , for water supply . ' ; I c 41 1 I e ' ■ . • Y` E •� ft rj . " - - 'J •v ,i 4. . . Hon . He.l:en Amdur - 2 - Aligust 13 , 1970 }' Three of my predecessors have concluded that the sovereign I . . . . immunity . of the state has not been waived so as to subject the :4,7% . 4-1 - . 4 . , state to the ' obligations of a private property owner under ir Town Law Article 18 , pertaining to line fences . See : [ 1930 Report of Attorney General 275 t 1935 Report of Attorney General 307 1940 Report of Attorney General 366 There having been no such waiver of immunity by the state , iu and under the doctrine that sovereign immunity of the state ,. extends to the subdivisions of the state in the absence of ; . statute to, the contrary , and I finding no such statute waiving ,. ,' r such immunity of the subdivisions of the state , it is my opinion that the village is not subject to the obligations r- . imposed upon private property owners under Town Law Article 18 relating to line fences . . The Attorney General is authorized to render formal and 44. . unofficial opinions to officers and departments of the State III ° . government only . Necessarily , therefore , the foregoing is not to be considered a formal opinion of the Attorney General but is an informal and unofficial expression of view given of 4 with the desire to be helpful to you . : N4 ' y _ . u t-... . t Very truly yours , . LOUIS J . LEFKOWITZ p . vs Attorney General IS By i ./► � a / ,� ` Assistant Attorney General ;11 14 tk• i{y J . g .. z (at, . j h11h b.r.r b - t r ix' .. ♦ pA � Y . y • • ttbr'• VA gilr 1, ! `i. 4 ♦. . . r .. - ' kS 1 i;g�f 7'1 . v r ! .% � , . ' . .1tSn^ rh !i ryiri ' :: . • ' . L1 . a f • sthr.L. KEECH CONSTRUCTION INC . ✓) \ I ETNA , NEW YORK 13062 , TELEPHONE 347 - 4395 , AREA CODE 607 I November 24 , 1970 Town of Dryden Dryden , New York As per building specifications , w. e propose to furnish and erect 1 each - 1: 00 ° wide x 60 ° long x 14 ° eave Varco =Pruden steel building . Exceptions to specifications as follows : 1 ) Building shall be 14 ° at the eave in lieu of 16 ° . 2 ) 2 each - storm type steel roll - up doors shall be 20 ° wide x 12 ° high in lieu of 20 ° wide x 14 ° high , Proposal assumes site accessible , ,. and level and graded by others . Proposal does not include sales tax , permits , engineers stamp , or other fees , Price $ 28 , 000 . 00 Res `.. ctfully submitted , Frank H . Fernalld Fernalld. Structural Systems • PDOD [ u Contemporary steel buildings L1,: designed for excellence IliTOWN OF DRYDEN • RESOLUTION . - f# 152 AMEND AGED EXEMPTION RESOLVED that the aged exemption income limitation for people over 65 be increased from $ 3 , 000 to $ 5 , 000 . • , . STATE OF NEW YORK ) , • . xm COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) ss . :- , TOWN OF DRYDEN . ) . • This , is to CERTIFY that Is Rosemary Stelick , Clerk of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins . County , Dryden , ' New York , have compared the forgoing copy of the resolution with the original on file in i - thds office and that it is a true and exact copy of said, resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden at a regular meeting held on the: 10th day of November , 1970 . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF , i have hereunto get my hand . and `` affixed the seal of said Town , this 16th day of November , 1970 . . 4 r „ ; 1. f� 44 . 'own Clerk of he Town of Dryden , i� Tompkins County , New York. . . L. . ; i V . ' 7 4i i � I i i I 85 the Town ' s proposal for the routing . of Route 13 . Councilman Cotterill said the recalled there were complaints about cars coming over the hill and the vision there . Supervisor McCord suggested Councilman Cotterill speak to Superintendent Case to check into this and see if planting is feasible . Supervisor McCord read a letter from Tompkins County Highway Superintendent Howard Stevenson dated October 20 in which he stated he has not heard any - thing from the Department of Transportation since the letter to the Town of March 18 , 1970 , acknowledging a request for a reduced speed limit on Upper Creek Road and Lower Creek . Road . . Attorney Amdur said Mrs . Cook indicated that she would be willing to call III down some people from Albany and ask them to meet with the local people on some of these road situations . Supervisor McCord said he would call Mrs . • Cook about that . IIISupervisor McCord reported that a memo received from Mr . Grimm from the State Division of Youth indicated that the Town will receive $ 1 , 000 . 00 state aid instead of $ 1 , 173 . 00 received in the past . Supervisor McCord reported that . he had correspondence from the Planning Board re request for name change of Minea-h Road to Keech Road . The letter in part said that records indicate that the Mineah family was instrumental in the early growth and development of the Town of Dryden and that the road was Bo named Mineah Road for a man who had given long years of service to the town and to the development of its road system ; therefore , the Planning Board recommended that Mr . Keech ' s request be denied . They did recommend that a new sign be erected to mark the road . Supervisor McCord reported there were several letters received all in favor of keeping the road named as Mineah Road . Supervisor McCord said he would write a letter to Mr . Keech informing him of the outcome . RESOLUTION # 1515 MINEAH ROAD Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board accept the recommendation of the Planning Board . • III to retain . the name of Mineah Road , and be it 'S FURTHER RESOLVED that Superintendent. Case check the sign situation on this road and see that it is adequately marked . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried - RESOLUTION # 1523 AMEND AGED EXEMPTION . Supervisor McCord offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the aged exemption income limitation for people over 65 be increased from $ 3 , 000 to $ 5 , 000 . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting YES Supervisor McCord read a letter from Supervisor Schwan of Town of Ithaca re Varna Water District informin the Tobin th � the Varna Water District ' s share for 1971 is $ 1 , 262 . 00 . He /b }�BFE2d ehRE ne checked back through the work of this district and there was no mention of any kind with agreements between Town of Dryden Water Dist . # 1 and Town of Ithaca for yearly charges for transmission of water through their pipes to said water district Supervisor McCord said he hasn ' t had a chance to study Supervisor Schwan ' s breakdown as he just received the letter . OLD BUSINESS . • RESOLUTION # 153$ SPECIAL PERMIT - ORTIN IIICouncilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board grant the Special Permit to Cy Ortin to build on to the existing gas station at the Corner of Mt . Pleasant Road and Dryden Road in Varna . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Carried FIRE CONTRACTS Discussion centered on a standard length of time for the contracts . It we decided that all contracts would be for a three year term . Councilman Cotterill was opposed to escalating one company and not the others . His main concern was with the comenies within the Town of Dryden . I 86 FIRE CONTRACTS - cont . RESOLUTION # 154 BROOKTONDALE FIRE DISTRICT Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its . doption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a contrac ' with the Brooktondale Fire District for threeT (' 3 ) 2y, ears at the rate of , 1 , 612 . 50 annually , for fire protection in the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all votint ; YES RESOLUTION # 155 LANSING FIRE DISTRICT Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adopti RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a 3 year contract w ith the Lansing Fire District for the annual sum of $ 683 . 00 for fi e protection in the Town of Dryden 2nd Councilman Tarr ,Roll call . vote - all . 'votint YES • RESOLUTION # 1568 MC LEAN FIRE DEPARTMENT , INC . Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a 3 year co tract w ith the McLean Fire Department , Inc . for the sum of $ 1 , 500 for 1971 $ 1 , 650 for 1972 and $ 1 , 815 for 1973 for fire protection in the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - 4 voting Y ; S Councilman Cotterill - NO RESOLUTION # 157 ) NEPTUNE HOSE COMPANY NO . 1 , INC . Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a 3 year con ract w ith the Neptune Hose Company No . 1 , Inc . for the sum of $ 10 , 000 for 1971 , $ 10 , 000 for 1972 , and $ 11 , 000 for 1973 for fire protection in the Tow of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Cotterill Roll call vote - all voting DES RESOLUTION # 1581 W . B . STRONG FIRE COMPANY OF FREEVILLE , INC . Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a 3 year contact w ith the W . B . Strong Fire Co . of Freeville , Inc . for the annual sum of $ 3 , 800 for fire protection in the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - 4 voting YES Councilman Cotterill - NO RESOLUTION # 1591 VARNA VOLUNTEER FIRE CO . , INC . Councilman Tarr offered the following resolution and asked its adoptio . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into a 3 year cont act w ith the Varna Volunteer Fire Co . , Inc . for the sum of $ 6 , 000 for 1971 , $ 7 , 000 for 1972 and $ 8 , 000 for 1973 , for fire protection in the Town of Dryden , 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - 4 voting YES Councilman Cotterill - NO RESOLUTION # 160 % EXECUTE FIRE CONTRACTS Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adopt on . RESOLVED that the Town Attorney prepare the Fire Contracts and the same is approved and that the Supervisor and the Clerk be , and they hereby are , authorized , empowered and directed to execute the same in the name and it • behalf of the Town of Dryden . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all YES NEW BUSINESS Supervisor McCord reported that we should be considering a snowmobile ordinance . He appointed Councilmen Cotterill and Tarr to check into wha ' other towns are adopting and report to the Board next month . Supervisor McCord noted that the . State has a blanket law that allows the towns to adopt their own ordinance . - 8 Supervisor McCord asked for a motion that $ 800 be transferred from Item 7 ( Safety - Signs ) to 2B Town Justice other expenses . Councilman Gridley inquired if this would be enough money and advised waiting until December to make the transfer . It was decided to table this until December . RESOLUTION # 161 TRANSFER OF FUNDS - I Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transfer $ 732 . 24 from General Fund to Health Insurance Account . gi 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all YES RESOLUTION # 162 TRAFFIC COURT CONFERENCE Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . • RESOLVED that this Board authorize paying expenses for Justices Hoagland and Newhart to the Traffic Court Conference in Binghamton . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all YES The general consensus of the BOard was to reserve decision on Carl Foote application until November 24th . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk r . 88 November 24 , 1970 . PUBLIC HEARING - STEPHEN SHULMAN Supervisor McCord called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 10 P . M . Present w ere Supervisor McCord , Councilmen Gridley , . Cotterill , Tarr and Webb , Zoning Officer Stewart and Attorney Amdur . Supervisor McCord introduced members of the Board to the people present . Supervisor McCord read the legal notice that appeared in the newspapers publishing the Public Hearing . Supervisor McCord reported that Mr . Shulman was denied a permit at a previous meeting on the question of sewage disposal by those members of the Board that voted against granting Mr . Shulman a Special Permit to construct a trailer park on Hanshaw Road . Supervisor McCord read a letter from Dr . Robert Broad , Commissioner of III Health of Tompkins County , as follows : " Dear Mr . McCord : The Tompkins County Board of Health has proceeded to the point in revision of the Tompkins County Sanitary Code in establishing its rules and regulations concerning discharge of sewage effulent old the surface of the ground . It is to be understood , of course , that when this code is completed it will be subject to a public hearing and approval by the Tompkins County Board o f Representatives . Plans for disposal of sewage from the trailer park proposed by Mr . Shulman were approved by one of the engineers from the ✓ egional office of the State of New York , New York . State . Environmental Conservation . And since our new code is not yet applicable , the Health Department has no present method of being further restricted . The matter h as been thoroughly reviewed in person with Mr . Shulman and he has an understanding that further expansion of the trailer park , should he desire , will mean the compliance of the Sanitary Code of the County Health D epartment in effect at that time . He states that he has no plans for e xpansion and understands our proposed requirements . , Signed - Robert H . Broad " . At this time he asked members of the Town Board if they would like any ✓ eview of information . Being none , he opened the floor and requested that anyone making a comment or asking a question to please state their III name . Donald Griffin of Hanshaw Road felt that there was not enough d rainage for sewage from the trailers . He reported that he had Ernie Cole out to look at his land because he was thinking of putting in camp - sites and Cole said the only thing he would put in there would be drain tiles and it was really wet . Supervisor McCord reported that the State Engineers have assisted Mr . Shulman in preparing a adequate sewage system for what Mr . Shulman was proposing . Mrs . Chandler from Hanshaw Road wanted to know why should they have another trailer park there when there is just another one down the road . Also she was concerned about the water supply in a dry year . She felt that the water supply would not be sufficient for 40 trailers and also give them adequate water supply . Mr . Shulman reported that the Tompkins County Health Department has proposed that he drill two different wells at two different levels , therefore , tapping two separate systems and he also must have a water storage system that will contain enough water to last for several days . Mrs . Chandler d id not like the idea of the park as it would mean more students living o n their street and that the value of the land will go down and the taxes w ill increase . Supervisor McCord reported the assessed valuation of mobile home parks is considerably in excess of a private individuals home . He also reported that the studies that have been done to his knowledge show that there is no undue burden on the school system and, therefore , be • a direct increase in taxes . Hesaid if there is a demand for this type of living , we have got to consider it . Mr . C . B . Shulman reported that we are living in an educational community and the students must have a place 2 to live and in many cases they can not afford anything more than a trailer . Also there are a lot of married people who are not students and they too . find that tar trailer is the answer to their housing problem . They ran a survey about a month ago and could not find any available trailer spaces . He also reported that as far as the Town of Dryden is concerned , especially in that particular area , there are a number of trailers scattered all over that area and they want to go in and develop $ a trailer park with the approved plan that has been submitted to the Board and it will make the area much nicer than it is now . It is his hope that in years to come that there will be a County Water and Sewer District in that area . , I 1 L i 1 1 �.. . , b' f r `. IN , . 'a �.a "4' i'si OF DRY Una $'\9 `I I ' 'I F ; , • •i.I e DRYDE , NEW YORK. - 1 '' ;$fl ', 111 r, b11 I \ 1 L II 1 0 %it 11 ' 1 Y 1.. Irn 1 . � .•U 1! . I j; { 1 1 I r r.,}('r 4 la• ' I 'Y ', . f IL 111, r t ' , 1, . .i :,, * j ; i . .- 0;;... r ri • • •Ce ... I.- t ;.: . . . • • i • ; . s • . • 1 :I 4 ? . ; . °' +r,7r Iti �• ' " s1 �;- IN T,HE : :HEART. ; OF FINGER ' LAKES REGION �. • I . . { i` : 1 a . i 11 ' " :0:1 "'1 Ir 1 r V . 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I :.Y._,...._.T_ .._._ ___.._... _._.._._�_.__�_._..._......_.__. —__.•• ' ._. l . I ' I SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL BUILDING FOR TOWN OF DRYDEN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1 . Building size to be 100 ' x60 ' x14 ' , all steel , truss beam , clear span with one extendable end wall . 2 . Building to have side walls in color . Roof to be 26 gauge steel , galvanized at 1 . 25 oz . per square foot , standard trim including base trim , no eavestrough . 3 . Two ( 2 ) 3 ' x7 ' steel service doors , two ( 2 ) 20 ' xa ' roll up , curtain type galvanized steel doors . 4 . Six ( 6 ) • 3 ' x11 ' insulated no drip skylights in roof . 5 . Concrete footings to be 8 " x16 " , perimeter of building , top of footings to be 36 " below grade . Footings to be . placed on two sides and one end , 2500 pound concrete . 6 . 8 " poured concrete wall , 3000 pound concrete , 36 " high . 7 . Roof , end walls , side walls to be insulated with 2 " . 75 pound density with vinyl vapor barrier with a flame spread of 25 or less . 8 . Building to have 40 pound roof lead , 20 pound wind load . 9 . Excavation and backfill to be included . Any gravel or fill materials hauled to or from site to be furnished and hauled by Town of Dryden . 10 . All excavation and backfill and erection of building to be completed by contractor . 11 . Site preparation by Town of Dryden . HIL o 7-011PEEN 301 �` - � 1 711 --. 1nt o �� o O 00 . 0 0 -- C.Q • °cop F'` ^k nro c• )A!"v pC°. "a 70CIZYQ LodG-ibOro A970 v • _ Caro Gttopon Zhu L``'.rd _ xraph ECor Bh©proAng Plow Xthacao MU 214050 Doan Gar o 8 u21c_.:on c � as ao to c© onarm our ogrcc nt ©oncognang your jpr ®p© ood trailer park Aa Z yCJon To Xn addition to laze prooent plono paid rcqugromongos aD You aa2121 oatbor eMoganato oz &3ko provaoaoaa fen � o ellorAnotaon og bra aK. clotoro 2 ) Ma actor aaano ana bo Anotallod of 21oeot 10 foot oc.�or 2lan000 e groom 3D roa2lor ©onnooQAona gory uotor on( =Or chola bo Lido as out1ancJ an Mc OnuArzo .�_ont ell Copan Guido g© g L'oSabo H©wo Qoroo U060P0M000 or ota21 too 4 ) Ocaogo curb© 210 noon the cola r ARA bo roAocotod garthog away aQ 2l000t gcoto gD any guturo oLsjoaoA©n X42121 Lo oo jog coo zecuirc=onto and t on no o @urgent pr©© oco oczukcnto 1 OPo boon gurnaol od out okpaciAnca to youo E a..:1 one )looting awllbciotaon gorl;aa on t A ©I you pay appAy g© r your County poralto you . 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V 2 Q` , ��SfS�°r�, ? xgisli : L :'2;P. � r; /� vl�'�.5<���isc. ., ip C, U{: 0g2 �- ) L ' C) rill r t -1 I ¢ I ' j r '' I oM oa C ogo it 51 l3 Uo9Ra9G 00 NOM UO 0aaa69Z z4 0 c3og2o4e 80M3 ®9 oddou ogl9 40 Sac:j©JodoE ooAUNo vJ (aao290 Dggw X o .9 4o c 3 o SocgA4 0e9 00 409a 40 VRCCOO o60 0C)0 as oz1NJ00a 02fiaslIkpilouth 4o9ac7 oei9 4o noAnCJ0aA X304 ogdsaado .4 gau 02090 0a. tmr© jfaa od aa© X 4E 0aa9agg:39oa©a rl9ovo oYaroo aaa GO90V0 002 a • ocy ' Ag - 9 o0ao1Q ooaao90 .ko00 ca019Trs4 ♦ A 1146 4. 1/4 1 L f S • 5� Q • 1 r • aag �3a9Ago0 o y' oouto oC05 i1Raoa go9wo2no(51dea0 40 02A0 09a63. • • 0aoA90A. g%43 Q o 0 co4eL 09aoaa0a Qgo© D r30990.g oTh o • • • . ire • "it)! , “ , +� .t 9 • • \ .. I • v 89 Mrs . Chandler wanted to know why the Health Department would not allow a housing project at this same location a few years ago because of inadequate sewage and water supply , when now they will allow a trailer park there . Supervisor . McCord replied that the Board has evidence from both the state and county that the sewage system does meet the state and local requirements . Councilman Cotterill replied that he did not think the county will state whether they feel there is adequate water . Council - man Cotterill reported that this had been discussed with many people and it was concluded that there is not enough data to be able to concretely say there is water enough or there isn ' t ; there is not that much research to determine the effects of a well 1 / 2 or 1 / 4 mile away . Stephen Shulman reported that his well was 42 feet and it was tested by pumping it for If hours and it did not run dry , this was in 1968 . Mr . Robert Keech requested that Mr . Shulman explain the sewage system to clarify why this same land was not useable for development a few years ago but it can now be usera mobile home park development . Mn ;: Shulman reported that within the • last few years there have been different Methods of handling sewage and sewage systems . There are now chlorine type tank filters that effluent has to run through and different ways of using sand filters and different size of septic tanks . This eliminates a lot of the problems they had be - fore because they didn ' t have the technology or the knowledge to handle it properly . Mr . Shulman claimed that is why the engineers in Syracuse came down . He also paid a licensed engineer to do a study of that area to . design the best possible system . Mr . Shulman tacked the drawing of the proposed park on the wall . He pointed out the area of the septic system that will have two large sand filters and a chlorine contact chamber . He reported that the wells and water storage tank has been designed so it won ' t cause any problems to any body . There will be landscaping across the front to isolate the trailer park from the people across the street and landscaping up both sides . Mr . Keech said that he could see by the map that they are not relying on drainage , but on a filter system . The question of pets was brought up by Mrs . Chandler . Mr . Shulman replied that pets will be kept to a minimum if at all , and only at the back of the park will they be allowed . Hearing adjourned 7 : 40 P . M . SPECIAL MEETING In the absence of Supervisor McCord , who had to leave for a meeting with the residents in Varna , Deputy Supervisor Gridley assisted . HIGHWAY BUILDING One bid from Fernalld Structural Systems for the construction of a Varco - Pruden steel building , 100x60x14 , for $ 28 , 000 . 00 . RESOLUTION # 1635 ACCEPT BID Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board accept the bid by Fernalid Structural Systems in the amount of $ 28 , 000 to build a Varco - Pruden steel building 100x60x14 for the highway department . 2nd Councilman Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES • RESOLUTION # 164 R ` SPECIAL PERMIT - SHULMAN Councilman Cotterill offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board grant the Special Permit to Stephen Shulman to I ( ' construct a mobile home park on Hanshaw Road subject to the following conditions : . ( 1 ) A buffer strip of trees or shrubbery at least 5 feet high be erected on the front and on the adjoining lines to provide adequate density , and ( 2 ) The laundromat be restricted to a maximum of 8 machines and be limited to use by residents of the park and open only during the hours that the superintendent is on duty . 2nd Councilman Tarr Roll call vote - all voting YES FOOTE APPLICATION Consensus of the Board was to reserve decision as some members of the board had more questions and were not ready to grant the special permit without some answers . Meeting Adjourned 8 : 10 P . M . Charles G . McCord - Supervisor Rosemary Stelick - Town Clerk