HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-10 • 279 December 10 , 1969 The tegulaA Town Boatel Meeting was called to ordeA at 7 : 15 P . M . by SupeAviso /. Lee . Pt. esent wete Supervisor Lee , Counc .Urnan Todd , Grr. ,Ldtey 6 Cottesitl , Attorney Amdus and Assessor (Welts . Absent Couneitrnan Ogden . The meeting was opened with the Ptedg e Altegianee to the Ftag . Supervisor Lee asked the Town Board i4 there were any cor. sections at additions to the Minutes 04 the November 5th Board Meeting and the November 15th and November 28th Speeiat Meetings . Being none the Minutes were approved as sent out . . STANDING COMMITTEES 411 SANiTATZON 6 REFUSE - Councilman Todd tepotted that the Town now has d •\fan aiid a dozer at the dump site on Johnson Road and the site looks pretty much the same . SupenviaoA Lee repotted that the County had set a pubtie heating 6ok t he County Re6u4e District Jot Decembez 28 , 1969 . He { utithet stated t hat the sites actors the County were bad . He 4utthes repotted that he had talked with other Supe.& visors and they were not aware pte - viousty the problems they would have weed with opening o6 the .it own dumps and taking care o6 the ne4use cotteeted by MA . Colt.Lnts . PLANNING BOARD - Supetv .isar Lee Aeposted he had tatked with Mn. . Ken IZtapaugh who was witting to take an appointment on the Planning Boakd . Supervisor Lee 6usthez tem .inded the Board that the Planning Boakd still had two vaeanies to be hilted , Chairman Peter CuAtisa and Ben She66 y . Supetv .iaot Lee t epotted that ?4A4 . Nannette Keeeh would accept anothet appointment . RESOLUTION # 123 REAPPOINT NANNETTE KEECH Councilman Gridley oA4ened the 6ottowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board appoint MA4 . Nannette Keeeh t o the Planning Boatd 4o4 a tenni of 4ous years 1970 - 1974 . 2nd Councilman Todd Cattied MA . Frank Ftast was present to ask the Town Board what Ctcispelt was planning to do on the Staterv ,i_ .ele Road . Supervisor Lee repotted that the Crispett ' s attended a Ptannincj Board meeting on November 1968 , at which time they presented a p.& oposed - plan 66t the proposed development o6 their 22 acne site on Statetvitte Rd . as a Commercial Facility which would provide gasotine , oil and de ,i. ael a etvice 4oA cats and ttuchs also repair service tires and ass essoAies . and snow machine vehicles . At thin tine , the area was proposed to be zoned RD and the indications 6nom the Ptanninq Board were that this w ou .ed be an . att. owed use and a houtd present no problems in the ( utate and a cartyning on o4 a business at this location . The Board however , was unable to give any guarantee since the Zoning Ordinance was at an e ntetem stage and was not as yet subjected to 6inal public heating 4or either the Planning Board on the Town Board ' s adoption . Supervisor Lee Iurthet repotted that Zoning En6orcement O46icer , Robert .I . Welts 411 had taken pictures of the Cni . petl Facility on December 9 , 1969 . * Fat 6unthet in4ormation please see Jit. e on Ct .i, spell ' s which contains copy oS the Planning Boakd Meeting , pictures etc . Ms . Frost then .& epotted that this was not acceptable by the majority o4 that community and at least 90 % 06 the people on the Statesville. Rd . • do not want that area zoned commercial . Mt . DiG .Lacomo 4norn the (West - Dryden Community Association was pees ent and asked the Town Board c4 they would teimbutse him $ 300 . 00 46k the new pump and pipe he bought and instatted in the (West Dryden Church . He further Aeported that the Community Association woutdJ tike to pat in toilet fiacititiea . Councilman G .& idler reported that he had not as yet been to see the Health Department Jon sail tests etc . sot a dry w elt and whatever etse might be needed . Mk . D .i. Giacomo then asked the Town Board i4 the Community Association could fui( the building 4rom . the Town o6 Dryden . Supervisor Lee at this time stated he had been approached by Gattaghe.& 04 Ithaca 6or ('the building as they had a client Q t : 28 I who was .intvteAted in putc. chas -Lng an old Church , and the only Church the Town owns £4 the WeAt Dryden Church . Attorney Amdun then stated that the Gtceatex Wet6t Dteyden Community A44ocLat .ion >shoutd maize a pxopo4a .P_ to the Boated 4on the Chuneh . She 4utethen t4 .tated that the Town COULD .stiputa -te in the Proposal that the Town o4 Dryden coutd use th .iA bu .itd ,ing dating pte ,imatey , teeg ,iAttcatcon and election days . SupexviAon Lee .i. n4onmed Mt . D .iGLaeomo that the ptcopetety was and would be tax 4tee , however , .i4 a Water on Seven. D ,i4tn -iet ate both were 4oxmed in that area they would have to pay 4on the Speciat D .istk .ict . Councilman Cotter .ilt aAfzed the Boand £ 4 the Town owned the bu .itd.ing outfight . Sttpenv .Loon Lee reported YES . Attorney Amdun ways aAfzed .i4 the Town could 4elt a bu ,itding and she neponted that it could when the bu -itdLng was no longer. used 4on Town 4unct { onts . 1 . Right to A ell pro pent y no to ng er u4 ed 4 on Town Buus Lne ' 5 . We 4Il would hotd a Private Sate , by xezolut .ion ,sub q ect to a pen - , rn ,LAAive ne4etendurn . 2 . The Town can put in the Deed the bu .itd ,ing can be uused 4or a. potting place and ishoutd the A4t, oc -. at.ion deAi4e to diAeont ,inue it would nevent bade to the Town . Attorney Amour 4ccrther reported that the Town cannot pay to being the Deed and Abtstxaet upto date . ThJ. 4 w.itl have to be done by the Community A44oc .catcon . Sup .etv .Lsotc Lee at th .ito time ausfzed Mr . D .iGLacomo to go to the West Dryden Community AA4oc .Lat .ion 4on a re4olution and bn ,ing the 4ormat pxopoAat back to the Town Boand and we would go inom there. . Coune .itman Cotte.nilt a ,shed the Board .i4 the ReAotutton4 to Amend the Zoning Ond ,irilance had been drawn up yet . Supetviaon. Lee nepox-ted that as yet resotutionA had not been dtcawn up . "dr . Welts ,i4 fotking with Mx . . T . G . M ,i - le.x and Mt . Fxank Liguori dxaw,ing up readable maps 4on zoning and ups -ing both the zoning map 's and pxopent y tax maps . He 4unther is .tated that we would wait antit we have a couple o4 xeque4tts 4or dnaw,ing up ke4otution4 , we do not want to do th ,i6 reace meat - we wilt accumulate .sevexal then go to wot !a on them . Attorney Amdutc reported that the procedure would he to have an Agenda dxawn up (0 /it these and Pubttc Heating set to proceed regular Boand Meet.Lng .5 . et all .items together and then biting be4oxe the hoard and do them all at once . Superv ,i .sor Lee reported to the Boaxd that he 4ett an Advizoxu Boand would 4 titt be a good idea and that the Ptann-Lng Boated can atso act a .s an Adv , ony Board . Counc .itman. Todd ,sta-ted that he pelt alt Auch probtemA that come be4oxe the Boand pole Zoning Ahoutd be given to the Ptannivr: g Boated 4or thex.n opinion . Coupe -itman Cotten .ill at4lzed ,i4 the Ptann .ing Board had ate yet turned aver to the Town Boated the Tti. a -ilex Park Owners Zoning Ordinance . Supexvtsor Lee reported they had not but they wexe adopting the New Yonh State Trailer Pank Owner, Oxd .in. ance and i4 anyone ways ;inteti. etoted in what point it was at they 3hou .ed contact MA4 . Virginia Hardesty , Acting Secketary 4on the P .eavtn. ng Boated . 410 Attorney Am ute nepoxted the had the map Lou Sunny Slope Road . in the i Sub - dvA. t6 -i. o . belonging to J . w,inthnop Mown . Thec. �s had Ptann -ir'. q Boand appnovat on Novembers 20 , 1969 . She stated that Highway Supek .Lntendent wanted ,sevexal. £ rnprovement4 on the turn - atcound . RESOLUTION # 124 SUNNY SLOPE ROAD Councilman Todd o41exed the 4oltow-ing xe4otut .i. on and asked itA adoption . RESOLVED that th .L4 Town Boand approve Sunny Slope Road 4ubJreet to .4inat apptcoval o4 Title by Attorney Amdun and 4 .inat appnovat o4 .improvements by Highway fupentintendent Case . • 2nd Councilman G ' .idleu Carried . A4Aes4on (Uetl4 .suggested that the Town o4 Dryden set up a booklet ,ton developek. 4 . tto ut4e bo they would know what they had to do . The boohtet contains such thAng4 ad page 1412 inAtnuctLon ,s , page 2 - xeeoxd o4 Sub - dLv .i. ALon ReV iew , page 4 - Statement o4 In4onmatLon euh.. ,inq viame o4 sub - 2 ' division location , addneAA o3 t.icenAed Aunveyon of FncLneet etc . , page 5 - Lettet oU TnanAmittat , page 6 - Legal Notice o4 Heating , page 7 - Cett.i - 4 .icate o4 Stteet and Dna .inage Conmtnuct.ion , page 8 Review o4 Stneet and Dna -inage PnopoAalA by Town Highway Supenintendent , page 9 - Centi4 .i. eate O 4 Rev -Lew o4 Pet .jonmanee Bond by Town Attonney , page 10 - Cent.L6ieate o 6 Review o {y Ded,Lea .t ,LonA by Town Attonney , page 12 - Apptovat o . Sub - d � v LA ion . AAAeAAO ' (Uettz Atated that i4 they had aft this in then handA w hen they nequeAt to have a Aub = d.iv .ttion they would know hwat alt £ z needed be { one they Atant and th .LA in tuna would etiminate Aueh tlung4 aA the 4autty turn - anound fuAt mentioned . RESOLUTION # 125 INSTRUCTION BOOKLET Coune .Ltman Todd o4 .4ened the 4ottow.ing neAotutLon and aAked ,LtA adoption . RESOLVED that th -. A Boand di /teat M . Wefts to ptepane 25 cop-. e4 o4 the • Aub - d ,LvtA ,Lon booklet and .send a copy, to the Planning Boakd felting them the Town Boand 4stnongty tecommendA the uAe o4 .thca booklet . 2nd Councitman Gk . dtey Cann ,Led Supetv .LAok Lee aAked AAAe4Aot (veils how the tnanA Set o4 tecond4 and mapA to the County waA going . A ,s4eAo . Wett4 said att ,iA in otdet . Supenv .. Aot Lee teponted that the County waA now in the pnoeeAA o4 making u p the Town and County Tax Rotts and the County Wa4 atneady a4Lng the 50 - 30 - 20 natto that the City o4 Ithaca waA necommend .i, ng . Supenv ,iAon Lee Head eop -LeA o4 the tetten to Mt . Ben Shec { y and M . Peters CuntiAA wn .. tten by him on behat { of the Town Boand expne4A .. ng o urs appnec .LatLon o4 the .in Aenv .ice4 . Supenv .i-Aok Lee head copI. e4 104 tettetA to Mk . Robent Keeeh , Mt . Peters Levattch , Mt . Bennand Van Ve (Ueent , Mrs . Edwand Catpentet and Mn. . Donald Rohe eon4inm ,ing the .Lt appointment on the Zoning Boand o4 Appeals . Supetv ,i_ Aot Lee head cop .Le6 o4 tetten ,to Mrs . Donald Unquhatt and Mrs . (U,ittLam Deming negand ,Ln. g the money Aent to them ! nom the McAnthun Fund . Supetvi4ok Lee Head a tetten 4nom Couneitman Ogden tatting the Boand that it was de5 ,in.ite he would not be abte to attend this Boand Meeting due to h,iA heatth , and he was teav ,Lng ! ot Fto ,tLda on doeto . A otdetA . Supenvtso & Lee head a tetten 4nom Mrs . I-lenb Snow neganding the way h.LA dn .Lveway and town was test a4ten Sewers # 2 went thnough his ptopenty and aAk .Lng the Boand that it be tetutned to tits ot,i'g .inat condition . Supenv ..Uok Lee 4utthen tepot- ted that Mt . Mitten had gone to took at the pnopenty and recommended that it be tepa .Lned , and he had tacked with Mrs . Fred Compagni who a4Auned SupenvtAot Lee they would neAtone the dtLveway to .Lt3 on .ig ,inal condition . SupetviAok Lee neat{ a tetten 4tom Rocco D . Ricci , P . F . Chiefly Con - Att. uction GnantA Pnognam authotiz .Lng the payment o4 $ 26 , 200 . 00 on Sewers District 02 . Supety Aot Lee Head a tetten . jnom the New Yank State Division don youth telttng uz o ,j the 5 % cut in aid making out payment this yeah $ 950 . 00 instead o4 the uAuat $ 7 , 000 . 00 4 SupetvL4o ' Lee head a tetten nom Mrs . Peters J . Davies , Snyder Hitt Rd . thanking the Board ,ion the -in help in getting a Atop Aign erected at the junction o4 Snyder Hitt Rd . and Sodom Rd . , aA it makes a great d , . 4ienenee in the hate o4 speed on theirs toad now and they fleet much Aa4en now . SupenviAok Lee Head a tetten 4nom Yon . T . G . Mitten a44 .i- tming . thn_ t alt conhtnuction. Wotk eoltemptated to be done unden the Contnaet with Compagni Co2Atnuctiol Co . has been Completed with the exception o4 the Powers Equipment which has not aA yet been detiveted and recommending payment o4 the tetainet due them . He 4un.then stated that Compagni CozAttuction Co . iA obligated unden the contract to maintain and nepait the ground Aut4ace4 they neAtoted during conAttuction as welt as the ripe installed {ion a wannantil period oiy one years and Mrs . Compagni LA aware and witting to do such work as nece4Aany . I 4 282 SupetvL44ot Lee neponted that CompagnL ConAtkuct.Lon Co . would be putting in an 8 " . a4ett. at 4ok appnox .Lmately 500 ' on the Kapp ptoperty 4o4 a total o4 $ 1500 . 00 Supetev . 4otc Lee tend a lettek 4tcom the Aus4oc -ficu. ono o4 Townes thanking CO 4ok out . eheck 4ok the 1970 due4 . SupenviA ok . Lee in4onmed the Town Board that a new catcutatok wa. 4 needed 4ot Town Halt and he had two e. At.LmateA . One 4kom Lutton4 4ok $ 448 . 00 and one 4nop Ithaca Mice E dcpment 4ot $ 348 . 50 . The d .i. 44enenee in price i4 due targety to the amount attowed 4ot the two maaiuLne .s to be -- . ttaded in . RESOLUTION # 126 PURCHASE CALCULATOR Councilman Todd o14eked the 4ollow-Lng tzesotutJ. on and a4Faed Fi td adopt,i_ oll, RESOLVED that the Town C2ekh be author-. zed to putchaAe one Remington Raved Cateutaton 4tcom Ithaca 044 .i. ce Equipment at a pn .iee 194 $ 348 . 50 . 2nd Councitman Gn ,Ld .2ey Rott cadet. & ote - ctfe voting VES SupekvLsor Lee . epokted he had kece.i. ved a petition { tt. om Mks . Lumband 4Lgned by some eighty pet .00nA a . fzLng that the speed . -Lm -Lt on ( Ippen Cneefz and Lowet Creek. Rd ' s . in Etna be towered . Supetvi1oon Lee tie - potted he wcul_ d wk.ite a wetter to the New Yotz State Tka44 ,i. e Department with copiet to MAA . Lumband , Howard Steven4on , County Highway Supet - £ ntendant ; Bob Howard , Shek .L4 4 ; and Lt . Cakkotl o4 the New Yotk. State Pot ice . Supekv -% Aok Lee a44fzed the Town Board 414 they had thought any woke about adopting the New Void?. State Buu. tding Code . Nothing de4 -Lnt. te wam planned at thi4 time . Supenv .L4on Lee reported he had kece .Lved a letter • nom Mks . Nancy T ,itta - paugh , Seeketany o4 the Va ,tna Community A44oc .LatLon keque ,st .i. nq that Compagn.L Coiz4ttuctIon Co . cot the Town o4 Dryden keptaee the three gta. be akbonvttae butshe4s removed and put back when £ n4tatlinq the .sewer t.Lviea ass they ate now dead . SupetviAor Lee neponted that the buushe4 were in in the Highway Right - 04 - ( Jay , and Mkt) . Amdutc. 4tated that ne .ithek Compagn-L net the Town were ' esponAtbte . They coutd have removed them comptete - y binee they doeke in the tight - o4 - way . FINANCIAL REPORT Batance 12 - 1 - 69 General Fund $ 18 , 295 . 34 Highway Fund 50 , 771 . 69 Soc -Lai Secuk ,ity Fund 1 , 133 . 28 Health Inuukance Fund 164 . 25 Sewek DiAtk -. et # 1 1 1 , 464 . 03 Seeder D .i. Akk-Lct # 2 32 , 675 . 98 W at et v ,t .bt ,i ct # 1 4 , 104 . 47 Cleth Lcus .s repotted that tadt yea /L. the Deeembet payment wa- not made . unt .it. Febua9Cy making th ,Lkteen payment4 th -L4 yeat in . tead o4 twelve and theke4ote , an add ,LtLonat $ 219 . 53 would have to be tnan4etked prom the contingency 4und to the Health In4utan. ce Fund to batance out 1969 . RESOLUTION # 127 TRANSFER HEALTH INSURANCE Councilman Todd o44eted the 4oltow.ing teAotut .Lon and asked £ t,s adoptLo410 RESOLVED th4. t $ 219 . 53 be tnans4etted 4kom the Genetcat Fund to the Health In. u .ta. nce Fund . 2nd Couneit an Cotteki tt Roll cadet vote - all voting YES t v ' k IL e tern ,Lnded the Town Board they would not have to set a Supe c ti �so e y date and ace ..,% t the book. 4 th ,i. A year a4 they . would be done by +.4t . Cat - , pentet who " 6 a C . P . A . RESOLUTION # 128 APPOINT ROBERT KEECH Councilman Cotte.k .Lticlo J4eked the 4ottow.Lng teAotutLon and asked ,i. tA adoption . RESOLVED that thiA Town Boatel appoint Mk . Robert Keech to .serve on the f Zoning Board o4 Appeat4 4ot a term o4 one year . . 1 2nd Councilnan Todd Cakr ,i. ed . ., c . . 1 . . __ 283. RESOLUTION # 129 HIGHWAV BILLS • Coupe -Ltman GAid .eey o64ered the lyotow,ing Ae . otutLon and a4k. ed Ltz adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway B -U tb be paid az audA ted• . 2nd Councilman Todd Rote catt vote - a .t voting YES RESOLUTION # 130 GENERAL BILLS Councitman Cottekitt o Wred the io .tow,ing Aesotuntcon and alsked .its adoption . RESOLVED that the General B ,L . . o be paid az audited . 2nd Counc .L .E' man Todd Rot cat vote - at voting YES COUNTY BRIEFING • Superv .izoA Lee reported that i4 the Boated .s o w.io hers he wou .ed . be witting to come back to the Board MeetLngz each month and £ et them know what to going on at the County Levet . • Supervi,sok Lee AepOAted that the Cottage z ,Lte ha .s been puAchazed .6or $ 70 , 000 . 00 . Supervisot Lee neponted that the County .iU in the pAoce44 o ! 4o ' m ,ing a County Re4uge a .i4tr-. ct . Superv ,Lbo / Lee AepoAted that Mk4 . Grace Baker ways reb -i. gn.ing az Repubt can Uect .Lon Comm -L44 .€ one/ Mect.ive 12 / 31 / 69 and wotad be replaced by MAA . Barbara Fett owb . Supery -L4or Lee to .Ld the Town Board that it had been a privLtege and an honors woAk .Lng with them . Meeting adjourned at 9P . M . Gary A . Lee - Supe_ Avizor • .MaAZene W . Lases - Town Cterh • 411