HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-05 I ' ; I f. I I ICI 1 ,! i is I . —1 1 4 24 2 NOVEMBER 5 , 1969 PUBLIC HEARING Supenvison Lee catted the Pubtc Heating to onden at 7 P . M . Present wene Supe_nvisor Lee , Councilman Todd , Gk .% dtey 5 Cotten -, tt , Attorney Amdun and Assessors Watts . Absent Coune.itman Ogden . Supenv .itson Lee neponted to the Town Boand that Mrs . Ho ! t .isten had ex - pnessed eoncenn oven whether an not she woutd be appointed Tax Cottecton and asked the Boand how they sett about putting Ctenk $ 3 , 000 . and Cotteetan $ 1 , 400 . on the same tine .itme as two separate -. terns to be paid 1 / 1 / 2 pen month . Councitman G4Ldtey stated that the Town C .Cenk had atways been appointed Tax CotCeeton and he cowed see no nea4son Aon changing the tine item . Leave them the way they ane . Couneitman Cotten .% Lt stated the Boand was obtigated to pay that satanu to that person and he saw no advantage in one tine .item . Counc.itman Todd stated he didn ' t cane he } ett the Town CLenk and the Tax Cotteetok shoutd be the same person , it has always been that way in the Town o % Dnyden . Supetv .ioon Lee neponted that there was an ennot in the unexpended batance Aon Dnyden waters D .i. stntict # 1 . $ 3 , 101 . 25 stilt held Son Chestentc n P ,Lpetine Company . ThiA Witt take the unexpended balance down to $ 1000 . 00 Leaving a total to be na ,ised by taxes oA $ 9 , 900 . 00 . Supe.nv .ison Lee neponted that wank st.% tt needed to be done on Sewers D .i. stn ,iet # 2 , as the rates wene not kiguned as get . He asked the Boatd : iA they had an d ,i. seuss -ion on the Budget he ( one. it was passed . , being none it was passed as 6ottaws . RESOLUTION # 111 ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET Councilman Todd o6 erred the Sottow-ing tesatut .ion and asked ,its adoption . WHEREAS , this Town Boand has met at the time and ptace -spec .i ;( ,ied in the notice oS pubt .ic heating on the pret.i. minany budget and heand ate persons da .ott.i. ng to be heand thenean now , there { one , be it RESOLVED that this Town Boand does henebu adopt such pnet . many budget as on .ig nattrl eomp ,ited , as the annual budget o6 this Town ion the j -iscat years beginning on the 1st day o .A January 1970 , and that such budget a4 so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes aj the pro - ceed ,ings oA tits Town Boand , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Ctenk of this Town shatC pnepane and centi Ay in dupt.icate cop -Les oA said annual budget as adopted by this Town Boand together with the estimated .iA any , adopted pursuant to section 202 - a , subd . 2 , o4 the Town Law and detLven one copy the. tao /, to the SupenvJson this Town to be presented by him to the Boand of; Supenv Acts o A this County . 2nd Counc .i. tman Cotten -. tt Rott catt vote - alt voting YES Heating ceased at 7 : 20 P . M . BOARD MEETING Supenv ,i. son Lee neponted that Councilman Ogden had a ne .tapse and was back at Robert Packet Hosp -Ltat in Sayre , Pa . 410 Supenvtison . Lee asked the Boand .i4 thane Wene any cottectians an additions to the October Boand Meeting Minutes . Being none the minutes wene approved a4 sent out . Mrs . George VanE.ipp was present and presented to the Town Boand a map a {� a proposed Tnau. ten Pank Development on h .is property in the West Dnyden Anea . He neponted that he had not been to the PLann .ing Boand with . h .is plans as yet . He {, unthen neponted that the map he had with him was his map , he has neta-. ned an Eng .cneen but has not neee . ved an Engineer ' s map yet . He owns to pancets of Land , one parcel £ 4 45 acres and the others paneet £ s 75 acres . He wit / have hiA own waters and sewers and each tot in the hank w.LU be 50 ' x 100 ' . He has nece.ived tenati. ve cteanance PLom the Heatth Department . He ptans to pace 200 units on the 45 acne tract , they wit/ set back Atom the toad Aunthen than requited by • taw and alt tots wilt be tandseap .ed . He plans 5 - 1 / 2 mob .ite homes to the acne . The naads enten.ing the Pank wilt be 50 ' wide and the roads 213 • within the path wilt be 30 ' wide . Thene w,i_ / t be a utility coAAt. dor 404 T . V . Cable , etc . and at one and og the Faith wilt be a 50x50 building to houae a taundnymat , o44 -. ceps , stone etc . He funtheA stated that thiA tips in an RC Zone which a llows ..tfubs with a Spec .iat Petm ,it . He gib having a watt dA .itbed now , supply 194 water do amp / e he witt go ahead with the pnojeet . The pnopenty . L now taxed at appnoximately $ 169 . 00 pert yeah and by 1975 when 4Ln .iAhed and uZty occupied �shoutd bAing in taxes in the ne .Lghbothood o4 $ 17 , 000 - $ 19 , 000 pen yeah. . He asked the Boatel .i4 he could have a temponany penm .it now to go ahead with worth this winter o n the 4 ,apt.ic system . Counc .i. tman Cottek .. tb asked Mn. . VanE ,ipp what has the Health Department done about theiA appnovat ? Mt . VanEipp stated they had pLinned a Lagoon type opetatLon with gnay .ity 4tow . Councilman Todd reported that the Boand was expecting to receive the Mobile Path Ownets Pnopo4ed OAd ,inanee 4AOw the Ptann .ing Boand in the • neat 4utuna , and suggested a copy o4 the Ond .inance be sent to Mt . VanELpp . A64ea4ot Welts asked what type o work Mt . VanE .ipp ptanned to do this (J,inteA and wa4 £ nfonmed he ptanned to dig his pond 4or his sewage dtsposat . Mt . Wett4 Ln. 4otmed him that he did not need a penm .it 4oA t his type o4 work , he was mately moving dint , that a building was not £ nvotved and he eoutd go ahead . Supenv .i3on Lee Aeponted that Mn . Leo Gangt , Attorney } oA Mt . ChaA .ees Co / t.in4 was pn 'e4ent and would to / k with the Boand about the Dump . Supenv ,i4on Lee 4uAtheA nepoAted that to his hnowtedge only two tettets had been Aeceived 4Aom MA . Cotlin4 and the rattan o4 October 28 , 1969 wa6s the only one asking 4oA itt and a man to pottce the dump . He 6uttheA ' stated that he had met with ;MA . LJquok.i about the County Land Fitt Operation and the County expects to be in the dump bu .s .Lne44 by June 1970 . He f urthvA AepoAted that he was going to bn ,i. ng a Aes Drano n t o the County Boand o ,' Supenv .i4oA4 on Monday NovemheA loth a4h .ing that the County ! unn .ish any excess , .ibt they have. in that area to MA . Cot .l.in ' s Dump . • Mk . Gang / 4 .iAst thanked the Town Boand ,got all the coopenat .ion they have given Mt . Co tt-. n4 over the -east eoupte yeans , that the Town 04 Dryden wa4 the only MuncLpatity to eoopenate with MA . Cott .in4 and he was very grate6ut 4ot this . He fut .thet Repotted that MA . Cottin4 was having ate aoAtA o4 ptobtem4 with people shorting WI the locks on the gate , setting 4 -,Ae4 at the dump and espee -iatty with the County Board o f Health and DA . Broad who on Oetoben 30 , 1969 issued a statement in t he Ithaca Jounnab to the e44act that £ 4 there were any mate 4iAes at t he dump MA . Coltin4 would be anne .sted . 'pit . Gangt 4uAthet Mated that 4ive truck toads o4 4it.L . had been turned away () tom the dump ta.5t week by some person who was not even emptoyed my MA . Cott.in4 , and they Aso desperately need the 4 .itt , and even though they did not Aece -ive the 4iwt they were bitted 4oA it . Councilman Todd totd MA . Gangt that the Town Boand tea./ by appAecLated what MA . Co / tins had done 6oA ups . The hetv .ice pnov .. ded and the adequate dump . He 4untheA AepoAted that when the Town operated its own dump w e had many pnobtem .s and that £ .inatty lathed with Mt . CottinA and contracted joA h .i4 4etvice a4 it wa4 teas expensive than openatLng oak dump . • Supenitson Lee asked MA . Gang / to attend the Board o {j Supety -. 4on4 meeting o n Monday and see .i4 Aometh .Lng could be worked out with 4 .itt (prom the County , and the Town Boand would go on 4Aom there . WATERSHED Ma yon Wattos and DA . CA .i4pett wane pAes ant to ass k the Town Boand to . back them in the Fast Hitt ('Jatec Shed PAo ject and the Egypt Cteefz ' Water Shed Project . DA . CAi4petb Aeponted that an appt cation {' oA Water Shed could be sent to the Fede' a / Government by the Local Governments . ThLs would be under what the Fedetat GoveAnmen.t cabled a 566 Project , w hich .inctude4 Flood Control , ReeteatLon and (Oaten. Supply 4ot V Lnk -i. ng . He feets the V ,iltage4 o6 Dryden realty needs this and unless something is done the Village La in 60A ttoubte in the 4utuAe . Supetv .isok Lee coked what the time table would be 4oA this . DA . CAispett sett it would tatke about three years . Supenv ,i4ox Lee repotted that ' he had received a tetten 4Aom Thaten £ Thaten a4k .ing the Town what .it.s timetable wa4 {con L .ivetmo . e Road ass On as £ mpnovement4 ate concerned 274 in tegatd to the Tompk,in4 - Cortland Community College . Supety -L4ot Lee w1. tt meet with Mt . Mann and 6 . nd out at that theetLng when the .impkove - mentb must be compteted . AA Egypt Creek goes through the Tompki_ ns - Cort & and Community Co & tege .o to it would be nice £ 4 the work could be done alt at the .same time , but we would have to wait and see what the Committee {nor the College wanted to do . Mayon Watkoz 4ugge4ted that the Town Board tty to develop .interest in thin project at the County tevet with the Cayuga Lake Basin Committe . Mrb . Jean Vanderb ,itt , Pne4 .ident o 4 the Greaten West Dryden. Community A44oe .Latton was present to ta. & k with the Board about water entet -. ng the { nont o4 the Church and nu.ining the ceiling and waltz in the entrance . She stated that it was coming in through e.ithet the steeple on the broken board4 on the windows on the uppers levee . Supe.nv .i4on Lee asked Councilman Gk .idley to took the 6 .ituat-. on over and see what needs to be . done . Mks. Vandenb .i. lt 4unther reported that the Association had ta.icl pipe and puteha. ed a water pump Aso they would coon have water in the . bu.i & d.ing . They would tike to have £ n4 .Lde plumbing fae.it.I.t.iez so they could put in & avatoriez . Supenv ,i4or Lee asked Councilman Gridley to atso see about a 4o ,i & test az well ass cost e4t,imate4 . RESOLUTION 0112 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Todd o44 eked the joetowing ne4otutLon and asked ,its adoption . RESOLVED that the General B.it& 4 be paid az audited . 2nd Councilman Cottet -i. et Rot & call vote - art voting YES RESOLUTION # 1 1 3 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Gridley o64eted the got & owing ne . o .eut .ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bittz be paid ass audited . 2nd Councilman Cotter ,i & & Ro & t ca & t vote - all voting VES • PLANNING COMMITTEE - Supexv -i. aor Lee repotted that the Planning Board was eonttnuu. ng to mock on the Mob .ite Path Ownen4 Ordinance . Superv .i ,son Lee asked the Board ti4 they had brought names o4 people to . zen. ve on the Zoning Board of Appeaez . There wilt be {y .ive .people. .serving on the Boatel and the term o4 o44Lae. £ 4 are - 4ive _ ; years , one - out years , one - three years , one - two yean4 and one - one year . It ways decided by the Boa.nd that Mr . Paten Levatich who wit & be Chairman on th .iz Comr ittee wilt 'service 4or i ,ive yeat4 . Also serving wilt he Mn . Bernard Vandetwert , Mt . Edward Carpenter and Mr . Donald Ro4e . A 4 .i4 .th person hays not been sound and it waz zugge4ted that perhaps, they might 4ind a hou4ewi. 6e wo would be witting to zenve a one yeah term . RESOLUTION # 114 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPOINTMENTS Councilman Cotten .itt o6 ,6eted the • ottow-. ng nesotut .Lon and asked .its adoption . RESOLVED that the sot& owi. ng men be appointed to the Zoning Board o4 Appeal4 Got the .tenor of o4e .i. ce indicated . Mt . Peter Levat.ieh - 4ive yeanz Mr . Bernard Vandetwen. t - ,dour years Mt . Edward Carpenter three yeatz Mrs . Donald Rose - two yeanz .. ; 2nd Councilman Todd Catntied It was pointed " out at this time that when a teem o ti o 4 -Lce. expitez the appointment o4 a 44ucce44on £4 yor a rive year period . COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Counc.itman Gridley reported he had received a letter and a petition ,crom Mt . Harrington regarding the 4j. gn. 4 on. Etna Lane and Route 13 . Supervisor Lee reported he had a &zo received a tettet 4rom Mn. . Harn .ington and had wt .i .tten in reply that he had taken this matter up . ome time ago when he teee.ived a Letter 4rom MA . Ktinko and had 4ound that the zigns ate on pn -Lvate property and a & t were out'side the County and State 'tight - o4 - way . However , he .is going to tack with the ownen. .s o {c the z .Lgn .s and see I" they can be taiAed up in the atit make bo motorist can see under them when they approach this £ nter4ect.ion . The petition ,/ nom Mt . Hart .ingtol wilt be placed on 4 .i & e in the Creek ' s Mice . . Coune .itman CottetLet asked the Board what they intended to do about the C ' -. apell Ptope.nty on State /wile Road . He stated he was not in flavor oi/ nezon-i. ng tit , however , he £4 very 4 .irmty in savor o4 attowing .them to expand their prez ens buzinesz . 2 75 Attorney Amdun tceporcted that they could expand their pxes ent bus iness by Special. Pexm -. t . RESOLUTION # 115 EXPANSION OF EXISTING BUSINESS Councilman Cottetitt o44ered the 4ollow,ing teaotut .ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town. Boattcf authon .ize Attorney Amdun to dttaw up an amendment to the Zoning Ond.Lnance 4ot the expan% .ion o4 an existing business whi. eh -LA non - con4orming on Land which L4 presentty owned by Bu4 .iness by Special Permit . 2nd Counc2. tman Todd CattkLed Supetev .ihon Lee reported he had received a letter 4tcom Mtt . 8 ,Mr4 . Baehnett concettn . ng the deeding o4 Redwood Lane to the Town a4 Dttyden . They would tike to have the Town deed back a potttion o4 the Tutcn - astound , but Highway Supex -% n.tendent Case said this eoutd not be done a4 their wads a dxa .. vsag . e problem on the toad . A .ttotcney Amdcttt reported that ,Mnorx Cottp . wout. d like to deed to the Town a potct.ion o4 three toads in the it devetopment . Portions o4 Sherwood . Dtt ,ive , Knott.ingham Drive and Ashenbuny Lane . RESOLUTION # 116 DEED PORTIONS OF ROAD TO TOWN Couneitman Gtt .idtey o44etted the 4ottowLng resotutLon and asked ,it4 adoption . RESOLVED that tht. 4 Boattd approve as Town Roads pottAon4 o4 Sherwood • Dtt .ive , Knottingham Dtt.ive and Ashenbuny Lane subject to appttovat o4 titte - by .A :ttottney Amdut and 4 -inat -in4pecUon by Highway Superintendent Ca4e . . 2nd Councilman Todd Catcn .ied Supetvisot Lee tceponted that a .summons had been served on the Town o4 Dttyden by Robert D . Spence , Inc . against Chess -tentyn P .i. pet.ine Co . , Inc . This Lien was by order made to the Supreme Count o4 Onondaga County , dated Aptit 15 , 1969 . Lien is 4ot unpaid matek its by Chestertyn P .ipetine Company in the amount o4 $ 3 , 101 . 25 . Attorney Amdur 4utthen nepaxted that the Town o4 Dryden is 4t ,itt hording the ttetaLner 4ott this Company and the t.Len will be paid Atom that . Attorney Amdur reported that the 4 ,inat otdet had been & ace -Lved 4ttorn the Surrogate ' s Count , County o4 Tompkins and signed by Judge Johnson Oar the xeteas e and payment to the Schoots the accumuta.ted ,intexe4t in tru ,st undett the Witt o4 Ebenezer McAtcth. etn . The money .is to be dt. sbuxsed on a xat% o based on the ,student tteg -isttation with the trvo ' Schoot D .istxicts , Dryden Cen -trat Sehoot and the George Jun -. on Repubt.ic , and .is as 4ottows : Dttyden eentnal Schoot 2258 Students $ 1 , 983 . 95 George Junu. otc Repubtie 140 Students 132 . 26 RESOLUTION # 1 1 7 DISBURSE MCARTHUR FUND Councilman Todd . o44exed the 4otlow.ing ' nesotutton and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Supetcv -.sot Lee to disburse the £ nte4e4t 4nom the McArthur Fund to the Dryden Central School and the George Junior RepubtLe . 2nd Councilman Gt ,idley Rolt Batt vote - atl voting YES Attorney Amdun tepoxted that we would have to pay the $ 3 , 361 . 66 to Carey Insurance Company . SupenviAot Lee reported it would have to be paid out o4 the 1970 budget and money had been budgeted 4or this item . 411 RESOLUTION # 118 PAY CAREY INSURANCE COMPENSATION Councilman Gtt .idtey . o44exed the 4ottowing resotut -ion and asked .its adoption RESOLVED that this Boatel authorize Supervisor McCord to pay to the Caney Insurance Company $ 3 , 361 . 66 4ot Compensation in 1970 when the 4und4 ate- avaitabte . 2nd Councilman Todd Role_ edit vote - art voting YES SEWER DISTRICT # 2 Attorney A}mdur reported that this Di4tn,ict was completed except 4ox the £ nstattatLon o4 it Generator which had not a.rtt ,ived yet . She 4urthen Ae - ponted that we should have outs money 4xom the Bond Sate on November 15 , , 1969 and we could then pay the Contnactot in 4utt . A check in the amount o4 $ 6525 . 00 had been tcece.ived 4on State Aid and a tettex had been tcece.ived 4rom FWPCA that we would xece.ive a totat o4 $ 44 , 480 . 00 in A .id .' Attorney Amdun reported this would total $ 88 , 960 . 00 in Aid hat4 to be patid . by Fedexat Aid and hat4 to be paid by State Aid . 276 . Assessor Wet tepon.ted that out equa. eization Hate had been tailed one point to 85 . He Otthet repotted that the trans4erat o4 records to the. County was going pretty wett . Supervisor Lee asked who would he doing t he Special District Rolls in the 4uture and Assessor Wells Aeported t hat would be done by the County and a copy o { each Disttiet would be given to the Town . FINANCIAL REPORT Balance 11 - 1 - 69 Genetae Fund $ 9 , 835 . 39 Highway Fund 73 , 030 . 1 5 Social Security Fund 694 . 53 Health Insurance Fund 548 . 03 Water District # 1 4 , 126 . 05 Sewer Dis ttA et # 1 11 , 486 . 05 .Sewer District # 2 11 , 328 . 90 Supervisor Lee repotted a new Lighting Contract {got Etna had been re - ceived from Mt . Duane winters o4 New Yotk Etecttict 8 Gas Corp . He had executed it and returned it to MA . Winters . The tate Got that Special. 411 Lighting District has not changed . Supervisor Lee read a lettet •atom Mt . Rankin 04 31 L( ppen. Cteeh Road , Etna New York stating that for the third time in the past yeat a cat Aounding t he corner at the Upper Creek Road - Etna Road intersection had Gone out o f control and ended up inhis ) tont yard . He asked that : the +.! Town or County install a protective steel {pence at the cornet his property . Supervisor Lee an6weted his tett:et and sent a copy o , Mt . Ranhins letter to the Sheti446 Department 60 they can assist the State Police in . ' maintaining gteatet speed control , a copy o (1 his letter to Highway Supetintendent Case and County Highway .Supetintendent Howard Stevenson to hopeutly erect the protective < enee . JUSTICE REPORT Justice Hoagland 53 Cases $ 575 . 00 Justice Newhatt 83 Cases $ 1247 . 00 Supervisor Lee repotted that he had received a bill •yrom the Association O 4 Towns 4ot the 1970 Annual Town Membership Dues in the amount o4 $ 126 . 00 . RESOLUTION # 119 ASSOCIATION TOWNS - DUES Councilman G .tidley o ,f; Feted the 4oeeowing resolution and asked its adoption RESOLVED that the Town Board au-thorize Supervisor Lee to pact the $ 126 . 00 Annual Membership Dues to the Association of Towns . 2nd Councilman Todd Rote can vote - att voting VES Supetvisot Lee repotted that the Town o4 Dryden had picked up $ 18 , 412 . 45 in Mortgage Tax . From this amount $ 1 , 277 . 09 will be paid to the Village o I Dryden and $ 362 . 73 to the Vieeage o4 Freev ,i. 11e teay .i. ng a total o ! $ 16 , 772 . 63 Sot the Town o4 Dryden . COUNTY BRIEFING Supervisan Lee reported that the County Re { use operation would tun around $ 400 - , 000 yearly . The budget preparation was in rirocess at the County . Budgets 4ok the County Library and the Community College were both up eon6iderabty . PAac.ticat Nursing had been dtopped by BOCES and he was hope4ue it would be picked up by the Community College . Meeting adjoukned 10 : 20 P . M . Next tegutar Meeting date - Decembek 10 , 1969 7 : P . M . NOVEMBER 15 , 1969 The Special Board Meeting wa6 called to order by Supervisor Lee at 9 : 30 A . M . Present wete Supervisor Lee , Councilmen Todd , Gridley 6 Cottetiee and Attorney Amdut . Supervisor Lee repotted that at the Supetvisot ' s Board Meeting on Monday November 10 , 1969 the County had passed the resolution 4ok 4ile at the Cottin ' s Dump . He £ urthet reported that Siet had been hauled in by Highway Supetintendent Case . He 4urthet repotted that he had talked with MA . Leo Gnngl , Attorney 4ot Mt . Colt .ins and had agreed that the Town o4 Dryden. r.voutd pay their proportional share 4ora 4ull time guard 4ok the dump a sum of $ 100 . 00 . He 4urther repotted that iy Mt . Cottins closes his dump December 1st the Town will Beatty be in ttoubte and we 6hhoutd 277 have some emergency plans . He made some suggestions , one - the Town have - Town Mucks pick. up Ae4use in vatious locations within the Town and open o ut dump to haul to , of open our dump i4 we have to AO peopte within the Town can haul their own tqu4se to it . Councilman Todd made the suggestion that we try to keep MA . Collins in the Cottection Business . Even if he closes his dump , the Town ask him to continue his collection service 4ot the Town and use out dump {ior disposal . This would be the Town o4 Dryden only , he would not be able to cottect inkithek Townships and haut t o out dump . Supervisor Lee Reported that last June MA . Collins o44eted his dump to t he County 4ot { tee and he would pay the taxes . The County turned the o 44er down at that time , and he would like to take the proposal back to P the County now and see what could be done . RESOLUTION # 120 PAV $ 100 . 00 SHARE FOR DUMP GUARD 0 Councilman Todd o44eted the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town o4 Dryden pay Mt . Coltins $ 100 . 00 as their proportional share towatd a guard bor the dump . 2nd Councilman GAidtey Roll call vote - all voting VES Sctpetvisor Lee repotted to the Town Board that the Town had been served with a $ 100 , 000 taw suit 4tom Sherman D . Hanna who was passing the loader last summek as it turned into the Highway Depattmen .t Dt ,iveway and was injuted . Copies o {y the suit were to be turned over to Attorney Amdur and Bill Baitey , Town Insurance Agent . Supervisor Lee repotted he had teeeived a tettet fltom Mts . Hottistei . Town Cteth. Elect , tesigning the post o4 Town Cteth . Attorney Amdut stated that the post is now h. etd by the present Ctetlz Mrs . Luss and t hetefiore , Mts . Ilotlister cannot resign a post she does not have as yet , however , she can gait to quatijjy within 4i4teen days Wet January 1st by not showing up 4ot wotlz and baiting to sign an Oath o4 O44ice . Ctet (z Lu . s was asked i4 she would eon. idet continuing temporarily until a Town Cterfz could be appointed . She agreed that she would stay 4ot two w eeks , but that she would rather not ,i. i possible . It Was 4inatly I�i suggested that a Deputy Ctenfz be { oun. d and appointed so she could then "take ovet in January . Supervisor Lee reported that he would set up a Speciat Meeting with the new Town Board Members , Supervisor McCord and Councilman Tarn to discuss this matter as it was the new Boards t esponsibitity to appoint a new Ctetfz . Superviso / Lee reported he had received a copy o4 a le .tten. 6tom T . G . Mitten to Compagni Construction Company regarding the wotfz that stilt needs to be done at the Hetb Snow property in .Sewer District # 2 . Mt . Compagni and MA . Miller wit ! meet and decide what needs to be done to restore the ptoperty to its original condition . Attorney Amdut repotted to the Board she needed a resolution authorizing the issuance o4 an $ 80 , 000 Revenue Anticipation Note in anticipation o ,4 t he receipt o , monies due ! nom the State 04 New Votk '. and the United States o4 Ametiea in the hi. orm o j( Capital GAants to pay a part o4 the cost o6 Construction o { Certain Improvements in Dryden Sewet D -i.sttcc .t_ # 2 . . RESOLUTION # 121 $ 80 , 000 REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE Councilman Todd o44eted the jottowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board autho . tcze Supervisor Lee to execute the Resolution 4ot issuance o4 an $ 80 , 000 Revenue Anticipation Note {got Dryden Sewer District # 2 . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting VES Meeting ad _joutned 11 : A . M . GAAy A . Lee = Supetvisor Mattene Luss - Town Cterh 278 Special Board Meeting November 28 , 1969 The Special Board Meeting was called to order by Supervise " Lee at 9 A . M . PAesent wexe Supexvisok Lee , Councilmen Todd , GR .i. dtey 5 Cottetitt , Justices Hoagland 5 Newham , Attorney Amdux , Highway Supen .in.tendent Case , Assessor Welts , Supervisor Elect Charles McCord 6 Councilman Elect Henry Tarn . Supe. v -i. sox Lee xepoxted that due to a space ptobtem in the Town Halt the Bookkeeper would move into the back Aoom with the Zoning EnAoxeeme. nt OAA ,Leei and some oA the Justices (piles would atso be moved into the back room . Supervisor Lee tepoxted that the Tax B.itts Ao ' 1970 would not have the name oA the Rece.ivex o6 Taxes printed on them due to the .tack o4 time .i. nvotved in neptacLng a Rece.ivex oA Taxes and the pn .int ,ing o .6 the bills . The bites wilt be sent out as Aottows : Pay to the , Rece .Lvei oA Taxes 65 East Main Street DAyden , New Von. h. Supenv .. sok Lee Reported that the appointment oA a Town Clenk had not as yet been 'nesotved and something would have to be done •" be. oxe the end oA the year . Clerk Luss suggested that the Board meet and .intenv .iew the apptLcants they have Aox the position , make a Recommendation to het , and she would appoint that person Deputy Cten & Aok the rema .indet (24 1969 . She Autthen asked the Board to do this immediately so who even they chose could be appointed and start to work by the 15th oA December so that petson - would have at least two weeks to tna .in . It was decided that the new Town Board Members and the old Town Boaxd Members would meet on Monday Evening December 1st at 7 : 30 P . M . to £ ntenv .Lew Mrs . Gertrude Anmstronq , Mks . Joyce Gekbas -L and Mks . Rosemary Stel.ick . They would then not . A y Ctenk Lu. , , oA thei. Aecommendat .ion Aor an appointment . Supety -. son Lee tem ,inded the Board they still tacked one person on the Zoning Boaxd oA Appeals . Mx . Robe /t Keech was named as the A ,iAth person Wt. this Board . Supexv .isok Lee Ls to wi .ite a letter to each oA the peopte named to the Zoning Board oA Appeals tett.ing them oA the appointment and asking them to contact (aim .iA they ate not ,interested . IA alt are .interested they wilt be appointed at the Decembe4 10th Meeting . Supexv .isok Lee stated that he thought an Adv .isoxy Committee on Zoning would be a good .idea Aon the Town and asked the newly elected o ( Aieexs and members oA the Board to give it some thought Aot the coming yeaA . Superv .isoM Lee tepoxted that the Planning Boaxd now has to vacancies . They have Resignations Atom Mt . Paten Cutt .Lss , Cha.itman (16 the Board and DA . Ben SheAAy and Aeptacements should be Round AoA these people by the A ,itst oA the yea/ . Supetv .i.sok Lee xepoxted that the Town oA Dxyden may be back in the Dump Business by Decembers 1 , 1969 . Councilman Todd and Highway Supetintendent Case had been spokesman Ao ' the Town and gone and seen Mk . Collins and . asked (um to continue his collection setv ,ice in the Town o { DAyden and the Town would pnay .ide the dump site , howevet , he .is not to use it Aot dumping Aok any others Towns . Superv ,ison Lee Aunthez xepoxted that the motion had been made at the County Supenv ,isoxs Meeting to take oven the Collins Dump and been Rejected as the County cannot operate a px .ivate dump , and the County isnot established to . Aotm a ReAuse D .istn .i. ct . It was suggest - ed that the Town take oven Collins Dump and use it Aon the Town oA DAyden only . This was questioned and Attorney Amdui xepoxted that the Town could tease MA . Colt.ins dump and Run it Ao . the Town oA DAyden . Councilman Todd to talk with Mt . Collins and propose this . This oAAen was rejected by MA . Collins as he would like to dump at his site when he had txucks in that area , Councilman. Todd then told MA . Collins the Town was not .interested in pnovLd ,ing dumping Lou any Towns except Dxyden . Supenv .isoR - Lee repotted that the Town whutd have to operate the dump on Johnson Road 4o4 at teast s .ix to eight months begone the County was in the Reuse Business . He Aunthet tepoxted that the budget Aot 1970 had only $ 4 , 000 . 00 4ot Sanitation and Refuse . The Town would have to have Aull time hetp on the job to see that no one dumped at the site but DAyden tesLdents and atso see that Mt . Collins only dumped Town oA DAyden AeAuse . • RESOLUTION # 122 TOWN DUMP Councilman Gt -, dley o6Aeted the AottouLLn. g tesolutLon and asked its adoption RESOLVED that the Town oA Dxyden open . the Town. Dump on Johnson Road Deeembe' 1 1969 Atom 10 A . M . to 4 P . M . Monday - Saturday . 2nd Counc .. tman Cotteritt Carried Meeting adjourned 11 : 30 A . M . Gary A . Lee = Supenvison rMartene Hiss - Town Clerk