HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-10 265 September 10 , 1969 The regular monthly Board Meeting was called to order at 7 : 10 P . M . Present were SupenvLson Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden , Gk.% deey g Cottetitt , Attorney Amdun and Assesso4 wells . Minutes - Councilman Cotten.ill stated that Resolution 091 page 264 had Councilman Gridley both of eiing the Resolution and seconding .it . Should be connected to stead -seconded by Councilman Cotten.ill . Being no 6unthet connections on additions the Minutes ob the August 13th Board Mee tvtg were • approved as sent out . Mt . Ctispeel and his son Richard were , ' pnesent to ask the Town Board iS and what they could do Oh them on their pnopenty on SLaterv .Llle Road . They £ anther reported that when they had presented theist plans to the Planning Board () aping s ' ant.ing eonsttuetton they had been told deSinitely that they had nothing to be concetned about as they were in an RV Zone . They put - chased the land and started constnuctton . Then a petition had been 0 submitted to the Planning Board to change Slatervt& te Road to an RB Zone and now the Cn .i. spell ' s opexat-. on .ins non - eonqonm.ing and they want to know What will happen in a few years showed they decide they want to expand t heir present Sac.itity . Attorney Amdun stated they would have to come to t he Zoning Board o5 Appeals and ask 4jot a Variance . Supervisor Lee -Ln - {jonmed the Cxispell ' s that the rezoning had been done by the Planning Board Wet receiving a petition Sjtom residents on the SLatetvilee Road . He 6anther stated that this had been discussed at length by the Town Board Members dating their working sessions and they decided they must Respect t he wishes o4 the 80 % who had signed the petition , so it stayed in the RB Zone . Councilman Co .t .ten- ZL neponted he had attended the Planning Board Meeting when the • Cnispelt ' s had presented theist plans and been told evety - t hing was aenight and he Sett the Town Board should try and do something Son these people . He suggested that the Board amend the OAdinance so anyone who presently has a business can expand that business without a Variance i6 they won the land pxion to the adoption o {j Zoning . Attorney Amdun did not Seel this was ,5easibee , and asked the Board how they 4eet about changing that portion ox 22 . 5 acres o , land to an RC Zone . She 5eet t here would be some problems in placing an RC Zone :.in the middle oS an RB Zone . Attorney Amdun 6ett this might be spot zoning but a {j .tet looking it up said 22 / 5 acres was not a small piece o {j land and she iiett the Board could change it to an RC Zone . A4ten much discussion o4 the pros and cons o {j the best way to handle this situation it was decided to amend the map t o An RC Zone {ion the CnispeLL ' s . It was Aurthet reported by Attorney Amdun that this would have to go to a Public Hearing . Mx . Howard Blodgett was present and presented to the Board his Letter o {j application Sot a Junk yard License . Assessor welts had been out to his property and suggested that he plant evergreens along six feet og his pnopenty . to screen {jtom public view the Ij .Lnst now oS cans in his tot , and MA . Blodgett was witting to do this . Application and Map on Site in Town Ctenk ' s O {j6ice . a RESOLUTION # 92 JUNK YARD LICENSE Councilman Todd o6Sened the fiollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board approve a Junk yard License ,jot Mr . Howard Blodgett oSj 829 Irish Setttement Road , RD # 2 Fneev .itle , New Vonk . 2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - alt : voting VES . Supenvison Lee asked Mt . Blodgett iS at a latex date the Town decided to have Town Sacitities pick up old junk and unused cans could they deposit them at his place . MA . Blodgett was receptive to this , and 6urthen stated thdt in the Town o 6 Vittgil the Clank sent a letters giving the people , so many days to remove old cats and sent his name in the letter Got pick up £ 6 , they so wished . RESOLUTION # 93 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Todd oSSered the ,5outow,ing nesoeution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bites be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Cottet-ill Roll call vote - ate voting VES RESOLUTION # 94 HIGHWAY BILLS . Councilman Ogden o4 . ered the , ollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bites be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Gridley Rote call vote - all voting VES • 266 Sanitation fi Re4u.3e - Councilman Todd neponted that he had been oven to ChartLe Cottin4 and pnez entey he LA not expen-i.. enc .% ng any pant cutan p4obtem4 . He junthen stated that he i4 waiting {pan County Re ; uze . Planning - Councilman Ogden neponted that Chairman Peter Cunt.i44 would be conducting hih labt meeting on September 18th . He asked the Board to 3tant conziden.ing a neptaeement and 6unthen stated that the Town Baatd could appoint a nepeacement on the Planning Board could eeeet one . The Town Board sett the Planning Board 4 houf d do the z eteet.i ng o6 theLit own Cha Aman and as Fled Councilman Ogden to ats fz the Planning Board to 4 Lnd a Cha.itman in the.i. t own onganizatton . Councilman Ogden 6unthet repotted t hat he had teeeived a tetten jnom Mn . CuntL44 az had att. Board Members injotm .ing the Board o4 h-&s ne4 .ignatt. an plus two othen4 . Supenv .izon Lee neponted that he hays not neee.ived a 4otmat ne4ignatton £ nom anyone e xcept Mt . Cunt.ia .s . RESOLUTION # 95 REPLACEMENT - CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD . Councilman Cottetiet o44 ened the 4ottow-. ng re4otut.ion and a6h.. ed £ t4 adopt.ice RESOLVED that Councilman Ogden a . Fa the Planning Baand to replace Mn . CuntL44 az Cha.inman with .someone 6tom the.i. t own Ongant. zat.ion , at theL,c September 18 , 1969 Meeting . 2nd Councilman Gtid .tey Carried Building 6 Gnound4 - Councilman Gridley neponted he had talked with Highway Supenintendent Case about a bu.Led .ing and Mn . Case wa.5 here th ,io e venting to talk with the Board . Superintendent Gaze stated that much o6 h .i4 equipment ways not coveted and he needed a building and that a pontLon a , that building wautd have to be heated . Nothing ways decided . Supenv -% bon Lee neponted he had rece ived a letter £ nom Jean Vandenb .. et of t he West Dryden Community A44oc.iat.in a4fzing what the Town planned to budget thz year 4ot that building . Supenv .Lo1 Lee 4unthen repotted that he had talked with her and told het the Town o {y Dryden owned the West Dryden Church and we would continue to do az we had in the past . When t hey had 4ometh.Lng they wanted to do to the Church sot £ mpnovernent , they would come to the Town Baand with it and the Board would decide whether on not they could maize the .investment and the .improvement . • Councilman Gk.ideey neponted that he and Highway Supentintendent Ca4e had o pened bids 6of one Faun - Wheel Di -ive Muck and one Material Spreader at Noon today September 10 , 1969 . One b .LC1 each . Four - Wheel Dative FWD Truck by Chatle4 J . Btacfzweee , Inc . - $ 31 , 693 . 00 .inetude4 mounting ob 4now ptow bnam another vehetite . Intended det.iveny date Decembet 1 , 1969 - to be putcha4ed 4nom 1970 budget . RESOLUTION # 96 FOUR - WHEEL DRIVE FWD TRUCK Councilman GJ.i, dley o { bened the 4ollowing ne4otut.i. an and a4fzed .its adoption . RESOLVED that Highway Supen.intendent Ca4e be authon .ized to contract with Chanteys J . Blackweet , Xnc . ban one new Four - Wheel Dn-Lve FWD Truck at a pn.i. ce of $ 31 , 693 . 00 . 2nd Caunc.itman Ogden Rate call vote - all voting YES Councilman Gk .ideey neponted they neee ., ved one bid fion the Matential Spneadet { nom A . L . Barnum g Son {got $ 3 , 929 . 00 . Th -La w,itl be paid out a4 the current budget . RESOLUTION # 97 MATERIAL SPREADER Councilman Gn.idtey oq 5ened the 5oltow.ing ne4otut.ion and a4fzed .its adoption . RESOLVED - that Highway Superintendent Can be authorized to contract with A . L . Barnum g Son dot one Maten.. ae Spneaden at a price o4 $ 3 , 929 . 00 . 2nd Caunc.ieman Ogden Rote call vote - at voting YES Coa cLtman Todd neponted that he 4elt it ways £rnpantant Got the Town Board t o- get the Mobile Home Otd -. nonce in the very neat 6utune . Supetv .i4ot Lee stated that he was undet the impress Lon that they were going to u .s e the New Vo / Fz State Mobile Home Ond,inance . Councilman Ogden ways a4fzed to .in4onm t he Planning Board that the Town Board would tike the Mob .ite Home Ordinance immediately abten their September 18th Meeting . NIM 267 • SEWER DISTRICT # 2 Attorney Amdun neponted that she was pnepaning alt the in6okmation needed Son the Bond Issue . She was pnesentty compittng in {yokmation and 4igune4 to submit 4ai the apexating budget UoA the tast 4ive years . She iunthen neponted that the District is 95 % eamptete . Pipe i4 in the ground , and t hey have tested both sides o4 the nand . Li 4t station has not been tested yet . Asseason CEtts neponted that the Aott is up appAoximatety two mitlion an assessed valuation . Supenvisan Lee nead a tetten 4kom James Munnay of Muntay Peat Estate asking iloA a 4easibitity study 4ox waters and sewer on , his pnopenty an Simms Hitt Road which is proposed 4ot a housing devetoprnent . He pxeviousty t ath. ed with the Village Mayon and wa4 in4onmed that since they axe running tines to the Community College it would not be to 4L ball to nun to • him , and the set - up would be able to take cane o { the additional toad . A4 Mn . Mutnay ' s pnopenty is outside the Village timit4 he i4 asking 4oA t he 5easibitity study a4 a petitioneA o4 one . SupenvisoA Lee at this time asked the Boand how they () ett about taolzing into a target vita since w aters and 4ewen would be at the Community Cottege site . It was suggested by Councilman Todd that beliane we spend the money Lon a {yeasibitity study w e had betters tatfz with the Village Trustees and see they ate set t o take this toad . Also they must cunn .ish Sewers to people who tive in t he Vittage but do not have the service yet 4itst , and he wa4 suite this was their jinst cancenn . Supenvisat Lee wilt discuss thi4 with the Village Ttustee4 . SupetvisoA Lee • Aeponted that he had Aeceived a tetten {yxom Mks . How4e4 o pposing Mn .. Btodgett ' 4 Junk yard . Supenv .Lson Lee nead a letter 4tom MA . Plaisted who supports Zoning and asked the Town Boand to pass it . Supenvisot Lee neponted he had received a tetten £jtom a resident who Lives in • the Industn.Lat Zone who was protesting the zone . FINANCIAL REPORT ,- Genetiat Fund $ 10 , 051 . 78 Highway Fund 115 , 733 . 47 Social Security Fund 1 , 161 . 32 Health Insurance Fund 1 , 323 . 25 (Voter Disttict # 1 4 , 153 . 45 Sewer District # 1 11 , 505 . 41 Sewiez D .i4tt.ict # 2 551 . 94 Attorney Amdun neponted that the petitions went steady to £ ire on the MacArthur Fund . As soon as a Auting is made we Witt disbun4e the money . It will be used in the Dryden Centtat Sehoot System . OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS - Appoint Dog Enumetatok RESOLUTION # 98 DOG ENUMERATOR Councilman Todd o44eted the Uottowing tesatution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that (darter West6att be appointed Dog Enumerator . • 2nd Councilman Gnidtey Cannied Supenv ,isot Lee stated that the Budget estimates had been handed out and he would tike to have them all tetunned by June 20th to the Town Clenfz . Attorney Amdun repotted that the de4initian o4 Dwelling wa4 quite clean o pposed to the desinition ob Mobile Home and she did not think a change w as in okdet . She 4utthet neponted that i4 it i4 not mentioned under Allowed Uses is not allowed in that panticulan zone . DUELLING - Any building , an pant theteo4 , which £ 6 designated and used jot years roand human habitation , et intended to be so used , and in - ctuding any appuntanances thereto . MOBILE HOME - A vehicle standing on wheats on an a rigid 4uppatt and used and suitable fiot occupancy and containing the same waters supply , waste disposal and etectnicat system as " requited sot immobite dwelling u nits . A . tnaiten . No change wilt be made at this time . 268 Asters much discussion on the best way to treat the C ' .i. spe &l property , Councilman Todd suggested that the Board treat Crtiepeee ' s as an amendment , as it was easiest to change the map . RESOLUTION # 99 ZONING ORDINANCE Caunc .LZman Todd ossened the 4ot-towing neso & utLon and asked -its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board approve and adopt the Proposed Zoning Ordinance son the Town o . Dryden , New Yank . 2nd Councilman Ogden Rol . call vote - ale voting YES RESOLUTION # 100 AMENDMENT Coune.itman Cotten.i & t ossexed the soe& ow .Lng reso & ut.ion and asked its adopt.io " RESOLVED that Attorney Amdur be directed to drast an amendment to the Zoning Map to change the 22 . 5 acres : o . Land belonging to the Crispe & e ' . sxom RB to RC . 2nd Councilman Gi .id & ey Roll calf_ vote - aet voting YES Councilman Gi.Ldley asked the Board i4 they washed to consider the moving os the boundaries os the MA Zone a& ong the Ra .i &noacl tracks to route 13 . Councilman Todd stated he had not had enough time to cons -idex this question to vote on it . Attorney Amdur reported that the Ordinance would have to be posted on the bue& etLn board in the Foyers os Town Hatt and pubt.ie. hed in the Runat News and suggested at th .L4 time that we also pubttish in the Ithaca Jounna .e . RESOLUTION # 101 PUBLISH RURAL NEWS S ITHACA JOURNAL Councilman Ogden ossexed the so & & ow,ing resotut.ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Zoning Ordinance be pubt.ished in both the Rurat News and the Ithaca Jounnat . 2nd Councilman Gnid & ey Rote cat& vote - Supenv .i4on Lee Yee Cem . Cotteni & l No Ctrn . Todd No C & m . Ogden Yee Ctm . Gnid & ey Yee Carrie Attorney Amdun instructed Clerk Luse to attach a copy os the Zoning Ordinance to the Minutes . She also insonrned the Board that the e . seetive date o { Zoning would be ten days shorn date os pubtication - 9 / 26 / 69 Supervisor Lee reported that in those ten days the Board would have to appoint a Zoning Board os Appeals , this would consist os 6ive members and he was hope4u& they could come 4rom various sections as the Town and atso could be os dissenent pnosessions . He Burthex stated that they would need a Zoning Ensoneernent O . sicen and Bob Weets would be witting to work in this capacity until January 1970 . COUNTY BRIEFING Sales Tax - nothing new at the present time . . Community College - Site was punehas ed County Resuse - moving along - two major sites being considered . The next regular Town Board Meeting was moved snom Oetoben 8 , 1969 to October 1 , 1969 . • Attorney Amdux reported that the resolution was Heady to site for State Aid . • RESOLUTION # 102 STATE AID - SEWER DISTRICT # 2 Councilman Todd ossened the soe & awing nesotution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board authorize Supervisor Lee to make apptitation sax State construction aid . 2nd Councilman Gnidtey Roll call vote - all voting YES Meeting adjourned 9 : 30 P . M . Gary A . Lee - Supervisor Man & ene Luss - Town Clerk September 3 , 1969 . . PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE Supenvison Lee called the Public Heating to order at 7 : 10 P . M . Present w ere Supervisor Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden , Gnidtey S Cottenill , Attorney Amdur and Assessor (WEits . Supervisor Lee inbotmed those present that this was the second Legislative . Public Heating held by the Town Board . He butthet stated he was sonny bon t he mistake in the Ithaca Journal publishing the Hearing bon Labor Day September 1 , 1969 instead ob September 3 , 1969 . He thanked MA. . . Deming bon the use ab the Auditorium . • He then asked those present to standSPtedge Allegiance to the Flag with ii _ the Town Board . L_ Supervisor • Lee gave a shoat intnaductoty speech inborming all that the Ondinanee had been tevised and modi , ied . This Heating tonight is the 10th Public He 'an.ing on Zoning . There were six preliminary hearings held two years ago in September 1967 . Two hearings were held in January and February ob 1969 . The Town Board held its bitst heaving on June 9th and t onight it the 2nd hearing by the Town Baand . He bunthe & reported that t he revised copy ob the Proposed Zoning Ordinance was a yellow copy and had been made available at the end ob July at the Fint National Bank ob Dryden , Town Hatt , Dryden , Whyte ' s Gas Station , FneevilLe , Dingler ' s Ma & ket , Etna , Cnissey ' s Gas Station , Varna and Kellogg ' s Gas Station , Slatenv .itle Road , Ithaca . He then read the published notice { nom the Ithaca Journal on Zoning - Public Hearing giving the time , date , place and all pertinent inbonmation concerning the Proposed Zoning Ordinance . He then inbonmed the people that this was their Hea &ing , the Board was here to heat their opinions . He asked them to kindly give their name , state the section ob the ordinance they wate . commenting on and to respect t he nights ob others and use the pn.Lv .Ltege . ab the , loo accordingly . Supetvison Lee went an to report that the Town Baand and Attorney Amdun had bunatianed nightly since June 9th revising and modibying the Ordinance , and that it was not an easy task . 1`' : Supetvison Lee then asked 4o hear bnom persons tiving outside the Town ob Dryden . Mr . Monnis O ' Connell representing Ithaca Display Company teberred to Anticte 15 , page 24 eoncenning Billboards . He asked that the maximum square beet bot a billboard be 300 instead o , 160 . He stated that this was a standard size , biltbaand paper was a standard size ob 300 square beet , and asked t he Town Board to enlarge the size to the standard . Lois Goss , Ringwood Road - Wanted to know ib there was anything in the Ordinance which would nestnict botestty and the cutting and eliminating o b dead trees . Supervisor Lee inbonmed hen thvie were no nesttietions ton this . Michael Pitehet - Stated he belt the general idea ob a Zoning Ordinance one nestnictive . He bett the RB zone was to n: estnictive , and bet it was wrong that everyone who put in a petition bon an RB, zone got it wh :ethet it was a State Highway on not , and used Statetvitte Road as an e xample . He bunther stated that Vettow Bann Road got changed to RB by . petition and asked where the Low density tots one , its high density with senate tots . He belt the Manubactu&ing Zone was bad bon the small Land awnet . He went page by page ob the Ordinance asking questions and stated that there was tots o4 cntieiam about the Ordinance , and the reason no one was attending the Heating is because they belt that no matter what ass they said they would get Zoning whether they Liked it on not . He Ott t his was the intent ob the Town Boatel and dislikes the Ordinance as a whote . iiir Mt . Batterman - Knott Ttee Road - He asked Mr . Pitchel what his intent was ? He stated yawn intent is to make a buck . you will violate as you have in t he past . you& questioning as a Businessman and thats not bair . Mt . Chabbin - FneeviZLe - He stated that the Zoning Ordinance £ 4 very u nnecessary and an insult to the ordinary home owner and barmen . There may be some need ban it in the butute . It will takeaway the night to do what w e want with our own pnopetty . It is not popular in our Town . When the majority ob the people want it we won ' t have to be told . • a� ', X?' • ( 2 ) Peter Cunt.i.s4 - Etna - He stated that throughout the United States the tack o £ zoning had a devastating e £ £ ect . Tt had changed the character o £ many areas . Then people decided this was tenr.i. bte and it was to tate t o nevetse the situation . It is Sat better to plan ahead to save money . We have a £ .ine Town , nice people and noom . you don ' t keep this anew this way t- £ you don ' t have zoning . This Evas examined cane £ utty , a lot o £ research went into looking oven ateas with and without zoning . Zoning is to protect not stop gtowth . Why do peopte: tLve in Dnyden ? Because t here £ s still noom , you can see stay and tnaes and there is still some individual 6 /Leedom . ,. Mrs . Jean Vandenbilt - How much is this going to cost us as tax payers ? Supenv .ison Lee £ n £ onmed hen that the Zoning Boand o £ Appeals would be appointed by the Town Boand . The Town would need a Zoning En £ otcement O £ £ icen who would work 3 / 4 to £ utl : tLme . I £ this £ s voted in we will budget £ on it next yeah . We ate losing out Assessors so we pick up his salary . Jean Vandenvitt asked how the Town Boand knew wheke business ' s would like t o locate and why they picked these particulars areas OA Commersc.ial etc . Supetv .i.son Lee explained .that the Town had tece.ived £ eelens oven the past Sew years £ on locations £ on Business . He stated that the Town had land available , a Savonable tax Hate . Mns . King - Etna - She asked why Mobile Homes ate not allowed in all areas oS the Town whene there is noom ? Resetting spec .is .icatly to the RB Zone which is the only Zone whene they ate excluded . Attorney Amdun .insonmed hen a mobile home could be placed in the RB Zone with a Special Penm .iit . You would obtain a bu.itd .ing petm,it same as anyone putting up a building . Mks. King - Why ate tta .itens excluded Snom the RB Zone ? Attorney Amdut answered that the Board had the tight to exclude tnailens Snom any zone . They can be designated only to Traitet Parks . However , the Boand was trying to be as £ airs as possible . Mot/Lis Peck - Stated he could not see whene VEAL -ft /Ls ate not allowed in RB Zones . Mrs . Amdun asked him to took under Allowed Uses . Nancy Seebass - Stated that TAaiteka ate not allowed in the Industrial Area . , and would tike to know what makes this d.issetent than an RB Zone . Mts . King did not seer anyone would be interested in putting a tna.itet in an Industr.iat Anea . V . B . t f.a /Lrington - Etna - Stated that the Industtiiat Zone had been moved around a couple o £ times . Mt . Neide /Lkotn says Industn :iat Zone £ nom Pinckney Road to the Ainpont then switched it £ nom Russelt ' s to Schwann ' s Trailer Pavk . He is se/Ltiousty objecting the Industrial area whene it is and Beets it should be taken out comptetety . Michael P.itchet asked Son the definition os a Boatcyouse . Attorney Amdun /Lead the definition to him £ nom the Appendix . 00 Mt . Phillips - Ellis Hollow Rd - Mated the Planning Boand and the Town Boand had done a good job and he urged the Town Boand to go on and pass it . Jean Vandenbitt - We ' ne going to get it /Lathan we like it on not , you have talked about the document you have traced the heatings , .talked about the - ' , tettens and telephone carts Son , we have -tied to be Aesponsibte and respond . We tn.ied to do our best . you exclude the Mobile Home £ tom the RB Zone . When the wheels arse removed £ nom the Tnaitet NIA homes ate just as stationaAy as yours . They arse kept up and ate just as neat looking as any tegutan home . Gordon Payne - Dnyden Road - He asked how the Ond .inance is going to help this Town . There ate Junk yards all oven what can be done about it ? He didn ' t Beet anyone should be abte to step on anyone else feet . Opposed to zoning . Supenvison Lee explained that the Town has a Junk yard OAdinance which we have tried to uphotd . However , it is very difficult due to the £ act that teg .islat.ive we cannot enforce Junk yards on Junk Cats . We have tried on various occasions . One in panticutaA the gentlemen went to his Lawyers and we we /Le inf otmed the Junk Cats around his home were his hobby . ._. . _ ( 3 ) Mt . Cha64in - He asked Mt . Curtiss what Community as Rural as Dryden has Zoning ? Mx . Curtiss gave an example o6 a City without Zoning using Houston . He was in {yotmed by Mn . Cha {ysin and Jean Vanderbilt that they were not interested in a City but in a Community such as out own . Mts . King - Felt the Town Board should change the Ordinance so Mobile Homes would be included in zones . Someone asked the question as to what happened to thePetition against Zoning which was given to the Town Boand at the last Hearing ? Supervisor I Lee in � otmed .them that a group " Rural Citizens lion a Better Dryden " had 1 ; taken the petition and checked it {got eligibility . This caused much decussion as to why a group was given the document , what night they had t o check it etc . Mts . Seebass who had help obtain a document on petition {ion Zoning neponted that they had gotten only eligible peopte to sign and that anyone .interested could take that petition and go oven it . The petition contained only names 06 property owners and registered voters in t he Town o4 Dryden . Mr . McManus - Stated he 5elt that eligibility was very .important . He fiutthen stated that he could go any where and obtain names and asked those o pposing this i4 that would be alright with them . Morris Peck - Stated that the RB Zone does not say Mobile Home so they ate not excluded . Attorney Amdun in , oinmed him that Mobile Homes ate not listed as allowed uses . Mobile Homes ate deAined in the Appendix . John Madeline - WTKO - Stated that he was just observing but he did note W et reading Family Dwelling that it does not exclude Trailers . DWELLING - Any building , of pant theteo6 , which is designed and used for yeat - round human habitation , or intended to be 40 used , and including any appuntanances thereto . 41 DWELLING UNIT - One or mote rooms located within a dwelling and providing complete living accommodations dot the use or accupation ?\ by one , amity , including cooking and bathroom {� acilities and an .independent entrance . This was tossed around and both sides voided opinions equally . Supervisor Lee stated that the Ordinance is not pet6ect . It has some w eakness and necessitates changes . We have tried to secure opinions 04 as many people as possible at out Public Hearings . They wete all well attended except dot tonight . Approximately 40 peopte in attendance . Heating was adjourned 8 : 50 P . M . Gary A . Lee - Supervisor • Marlene Luss - Town Clerk ilk glir / .