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December 10 , 1968
The regular Monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lee at
7 P . M . at the Varna Community Association Center , Varna , New York . Present
w ere Supervisor Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden and Gridley , Attorney Amdur and
Assessor Wells . Absent Councilman Benson .
Supervisor Lee opened the meeting with the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag .
Supervisor Lee asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
November Board Meeting Minutes . Attorney Amdur reported that on page 216
u nder Sewer District # 2 the name Mr . Frey should be Mr . Trad and he is
w ith the New York State Health Department instead of the F . W . P . C . A . Being lb
n o further additions or corrections the minutes were approved .
At this time Supervisor Lee turned the Meeting over to Mr . Jack Lambert of 41)
the Carey Insurance Company to explain in detail why the Town of Dryden
owed the Carey Company $ 2 , 025 . 00 for compensation insurance for 1967 . Mr .
Lambert stated that first the wrong population figure had been used for
the Town of Dryden . Instead of the population for the Town as a whole the
Village of Dryden population figure had been used . This , of course
certainly made quite a difference in premium and he stated he did not know
how the wrong figure got on the books . He stated that the premium is made
up of two figures , one payrolls and two Town population . Mr . Lambert then
went into the history of the Carey Company taking the Compensation Insurance
for the County . He stated that back in 1965 when the County wanted out of
the Self Insurance Program the Carey Company took the whole County and
placed it with the Glens Falls Insurance Company . This included the County
and all Towns and Villages within the County that were previously under
the County Self Insurance Program . When the first audit was done by the
Glens Falls Insurance Company someone discovered that the population for the
Town of Dryden was over 7 , 000 instead of the 1200 figure used . The Company
sent Carey Company a bill for $ 2 , 000 for this and Carey convinced them
that they could not come back on the Town and got them to absorb the charge .
The following year there was again a deficit of $ 2 , 000 which Carey paid
and now would like to have the Town reimburse them for it . Mr . Lambert
was asked if the Town had been notified at any time of this overdue payment
He stated that they had indirectly . That instead of receiving abill for
$ 759 . 00 they had received a bill for over $ 2 , 000 and felt they should have
immediately know something was wrong somewhere . Mr . Lambert was informed
that the Town thought nothing of it since they were aware compensation was
w ritten on an experience basis and being the whole County was insured under
this . He did state that this was a problem and he was glad the Town had
gone to a private carrier and both the Town and Carey would be much happier .
He then thanked the Board for their time and asked Supervisor Lee to advise
h im formally of their decision .
Dr . Howard Evans stated that he was displeased with the Highway Department
as he has called on numerous occasions about the sign that was taken down
o n Turkey Hill Road and all he gets out of them is that signs are expensive
to replace . Mr . Lee reported that we have doubled our budget this year
for the purchase of new road signs .
K en Tillapaugh stated that people at the top of the hill to the Plantation
Inn on route 366 needed both water and sewer . Right now there was a lack
o f water and what water there was is dirty . This also includes Turkey Hill
Road . Supervisor Lee suggested that he get all the names and addresses
of the people having trouble who are interested in water and sewer and see
Mr . Liguori of the Health Department . Supervisor Lee further stated that
money was budgeted this year in the County budget to establish a County
Sewer and Water Agency .
The question was raised as to where Zoning now stands . Supervisor Lee
stated that it is still in the hands of the Planning Board and they were
d oing their final revisions hopeful for A Public Hearing sometime in
D ecember .
Councilman Todd offered the following resolution and asked . its adoption .
RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES
o4 this Town Boand , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Cterfz 04 this Town shalt prepare and
cent. 4 y in dupt sate , copies o4 said annual budget as adopted by this
Town Boand together ' with the estimated i4 any , adopted pursuant to
section 202 - a , subd . 2 , ob the Town Law and det.Lvet one copy thereof
to the Supenv .i. s on o4 this Town to be presented by him to the Boand o 4
Superv .Lsons o4 this County .
2nd Councilman Benson Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supenv .Lson Lee asked the Boand Members .i4 there wee any additions on
corrections to the October Boand Minutes . There wene none .
Councilman Todd ofi , ered the 4oltow.ing resotutLon and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Octobers Boand Meeting Minutes be approved as sent out . •
2nd Councilman G4Zdtey Carried
Councilman Benson o44ered the joltow.ing nesotutLon and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Genenat BiTTa be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Todd Rolt cart vote - all voting YES
Councilman Ogden o44eted the 4ottowting xesotutLon and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Highway Bats be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Gti. dley Roll call vote . - ate voting YES
SANITATION 8 REFUSE - Councilman Todd read a letter { nom Mk .
Charles Collins , St . requesting a $ 600 . 00 .Lnetease 4or next
yeah and stating that the hoots the dump would be open would
be 9 A . M . - 3 : 30 P . M . Monday - Fk.iday , 9 A . M . - 11 A . M . Satunday
and closed Sunday . . Mts . Amdun at this time stated that the
Contract with Mt . Collins that we now have on 4LZe states we
can renew each year on the same tetms that wete on.Lg .Lnatly drawn
up . The present Contract states the Kee to be $ 250 . 00 pet month
and the dump wilt be open twenty - bout hoots a day including
hotidays . The Town Board decided that Supervisor Lee and
Councilman Todd should call on Mt . CottLns and talk with him ,
and Mns . Amdun .Ls to draw up a new eontnact {nor next year
teav -. ng out the dollars iigune .
BUILDING E GROUNDS - Councilman Ogden repotted that Mr . Robert
Keech had not as yet contacted Highway Superintendent Case with
a pt.ice 4or a steet building . Mt . Case had on two d .L44enent occasions
called Mt . Keech but was unabte to get him . Supervisor Lee repotted
that Mu . Ha {yenmatz o4 the State had sent two men and a truck with
hot patch to seat the crack between the sidewalk and the driveway
in front o5 the Town Hatt , and he had called him and thanked him .
Supervisor Lee £ uxthen reported he had a call Inom Mn . John Matey
o . the (Vest Dryden Community Association the day be4one Election
requesting 6uel oil £ on the church 4ot etect,ion day as they were
tow on 4unds . Supervisor Lee .instructed Mt . Matey to buy 50
gallons o4 4uet and change it to the Town .
• PLANNING - Councilman Ogden repotted that on Thursday November
7th at 8 P . M . the Planning Board was going to meet at Mt .
Curtiss house hope4utty 4ot the iinat Zoning Ordianee revisions ,
and i4 they could get it typed they might have it to the Town
Board by Novembers 21st , and possibly have a Pubtie Hearing by
the end : 64 the month . Supervisor Lee reported he had received
a tetten 4nom some people in the Ellis Hollow Anea asking whete
zoning now stands and that on November 12th at 8 P . M . at the
Community Centers in Ettis Hollow he would give a tat (z on the
progress , it would be an in4ormationat meeting only as it is
stilt in the hands o4 the Planning Board .
Mt . William Bailey o4 Bailey Insurance Company was present to outline
the Compensation Insurance 40L the Town o4 Dryden bon the coming year
i " they wish to transicer 4tom the County to a private carri, ex . The
policy would be in two pants . For the Town Employees it would be
written with the Aetna Casualty 6 Surety Company based on payroll and
the premium would be $ 3288 . 00 . Fors the Finemen it would consist o4
three companies , Dryden , FAeevitte 8 Varna , would be written with the
State Insurance Fund and be based on the cukkent population o4 9158
ion. a premium oU $ 2861 . 00 . The Board Ott that since the Town± o6 Dryden
has experienced so much trouble through the County with .incontcect bitting
t o the Town we should switch as o {y January 1 , 1969 , and they agnead that
notice should be given the County .
Councilman Benson o44en. ed the cottowing Resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Town Board take the necessary steps to adopt the
Insurance Ptogn. am as outlined by Mt . Bailey 4o ' the 1969 Siscat yeah .
2nd Councilman Todd Rote cart vote - att voting VES
Supervisok Lee at this time introduced MA . Getty Gerard o4 WHCU who was
presnet covering the Town Board Meeting 4oi news bon his station .
Councilman Gridley asked what i , anything was being done at the old
dump on Johnson Road as he had seen some )tats thane white driving by .
Supervisor Lee Repotted that Acme Pest Controt was still treating the
dump and at the tact Meeting Councilman Todd was going to check with
MA . Foote to see .i4 his pnqessionat services wane stilt needed . At
t his time Councilman Todd has not gotten ahoLd o {y MA . Foote .
SupenvisoA Lee neponted that Highway Superintendent Case had Received
and put up new Aoad signs on Sheldon Road and Wood Road .
Attorney Amduk Reported that the Village oU Cayuga Heights and the Town
o 1 Dryden had £ ited 4ot an appeal on the Kapp decision . She 4uAtheA
stated that the Village 04 Cayuga Heights would like to add to the
Amendment certain recommended - changes . However , they wake stilt being
✓ ague about some o { their de4in.Lt.Lons such as de6ining camil _y and she
w ants this to be de “. ned exactly so that at a later date it wilt not
again become an .issue .
Attorney Arnduu Reported that the Town had Received notice undeA Mechanics
Lien Law 4o / Account o4 Pubtic Improvement 4tom Robert D . Spence , Inc .
£ o / $ 3101 . 25 . The Company had noti5ied the Town at an eaAti et date that
Cheatettyn Pipeline Company owed them $ 3 , 000 . 00 and this was the amount
withheld by the Town be4one the AetaineA was released .
Attorney Amduk repotted that 4ot bidding we would have to Request
centi4ied checks rather than bid bonds . She , urtheA AepoAted she had
t acked with ,MR . of the F . W . P . C . A . and out application was sixth ,
t here is a big back tog and they would be getting to it in a 4ew weeks
and she should call again . She Uunthet stated that we would keep
applying to the end . The F . W . P . C . A . also wants to know ib this £ 4
approved undeA the County Sewers Agency as this is a Aequ ,Ltement o4
Housing 6 Urban Developing bot Federal monies .
Assessor Welts AepoUted that we picked up two points . this year on the
e qualization nate , but this was still low as this is not keeping up
with the trend o4 high setting . He asked the Boatid what they wanted
him to do daring 1969 as this would be the -east year ,< oR Town Assessing .
Councilman Ogden stated that anything he had done in the past had been
advantages to the Town and he 6ett he should continue as he has done
in the pace , as this would be advantages to the County when they take
o ven. County Assessing . Supenv .isoM Lee stated that he {sett Assessor
(Dells should conti-nue as he has as the maximum amount of cooperation
between the Town Asseasok4 and the County would make the transition
much easier . He £ anther stated that once this transition was made . the
County would Receive neither a high equalization tate not a Low but
w ould Receive an average and Receive only one tate .
Supervisor Lee Reported that he had Received a letter {riom the
Association ob Towns noti4ing us that the dues this yeah would be
$ 120 . 00 instead 04 $ 100 . 00 .
Generat Fund Checks $ 4 , 831 . 56 Deposits $ 2 , 180 . 50 $ 15 , 086 . 94
Highway Fund $ 14 , 789 . 35 Deposits $ 9 , 735 . 95 $ 34 , 589 . 93
Supetviso ' Lee asked the Town Board how they iett about having theiA
December Meeting in either Bethel Gtove OA Varna as this had been put in
t he Januany Minutes that three meeting dating 1968 would be held out in
t he Town . He £ anther Reminded the Board that the May meeting had been
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
SANITATION COMMITTEE - Councilman Todd reviewed his personal visit to
Mr . Charles Collins and outlined the reasons why Mr . Collins feels the
necessity to conduct set hours for dumping . Councilman Todd reported that
Mr . Collins requested an increase in monthly renumeration from $ 250 to $ 300 . 00
Councilman Todd indicated that Mr . Collins reported that he cannot control
where people dump their loads - they seem to dump any old place . Mr . Collins
further reported to Mr . Todd that he does not desire to sign a contract
as he does not know when the Health Department may arbitrarily close his
facility . Councilman Todd recommended we continue with Mr . Collins as he
is doing us a big favor and asked that Mr . Clark of the Ithaca Journal
publish the new hours so people will not dump on Mr . Collins road when the
dump is closed .
Councilman Todd offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Town Board agree to the hours of 9 A . M . to 3 P . M .
Monday . - Friday and 9 A . M . to 12 Noon Saturdays , and that the monthly payments
be increase to $ 300 . 00 for the coming year .
2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Todd commented that the $ 3 , 600 annual charge was less than we
could possibly run our own dump operation , particularly with the needs of
fill , equipment and manpower .
Councilman Todd reported his conversation with Mr . Carl Foote , Acme Pest
Control relevant to the service being provided at our old dump site . Mr .
Foote feels that upon the conclusion of Winter our rodent problems should
be eliminated due to the necessary control steps taken for the past eighteen
months . Mr . Foote will contact Councilman Todd at the end of February
with a report .
BUILDING AND GROUNDS - Councilman Gridley and Ogden reported on the price
estimates provided by Mr . Robert Keech for a steel building . They are as
follows :
100 x 40 steel building $ 23 , 092
100 x 60 steel building $ 27 , 168 ( heat & lights included ) $ 35 , 000
These price estimates were submitted on the basis that we would do all
necessary grading and preparation for footings . It was agreed by the Board
that additional estimates should be acquired prior to final decision on
this project .
PLANNING COMMITTEE - Councilman Ogden reported that Chairman Curtiss and
Mrs . Hardesty have our proposed Zoning Ordinance pretty well resolved . He
indicated their last meeting had been held December 5th and regretfully the
Planning Boards Public Hearing on the Ordinance would not be held in December
as had been requested by Supervisor Lee and the Town Board . He further
reported that the document is nearing the stage for Mrs . Sienko to re - type r
changes and he was hopeful the Planning Board could hold there first Public
Hearing on or before January 15 , 1969 .
Councilman Ogden reported the final completion of our 701 Study and stated
that it is now being printed . The final copy should be back from the
printers between January 1st and the 15th and indicated Mr . Neiderkorn would
0 like a Public Hearing .
As a result of a question from the audience on " What is the 701 Study "
Supervisor Lee carefully reviewed its history . He started with the negative
zoning petition of 1958 / 59 ( 1300 No - 59 Yes ) and traced all events to 1968 .
Supervisor Lee carefully reviewed the question of zoning and the legal
procedures necessary for the Town Board to hear and decide on this vitally
important question .
Councilman Ogden reported that Dr . Sheffy ' s term of office expires 12 / 31 / 68
on the Planning Board and that Dr . Sheffy does not desire another seven
year term . He further reported that he had encouraged Dr . Sheffy to consider
staying through the finalization of the proposed Zoning Ordinance . He also
indicated Dr . Sheffy ' s concern regarding geographic distribution of Planning
Board Members .
220 .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board appoint Dr . Sheffy effective 1/ 1 / 69 to the Town
Planning Board for a seven year term .
2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Todd offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that a statement of appreciation for the excellent recreational
leadership rendered to the Town by Mr . Frank Thorpe , Jr . be prepared by Supv .
L ee and sent to Mr . Thorpe on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden .
2nd Councilman Ogden Carried .
Councilman Ogden expressed concern about new construction being conducted
w ithout seeming to have filed a notice of New Construction . Mr . Wells
indicated he is trying to pick up these developments in his Town travels
but commented that our growth rate makes this a challenging exercise . It
was agreed that we should all help Mr . Wells in bringing to his attention
any such development and then the follow - up letter designed by Attorney
Amdur can be forwarded to the violator for appropriate enforcement .
Councilman Gridley directed comment to the concept of expanding Town services
to the western area of our Town . He suggested the possibility of selling
licenses and collecting taxes at a designated location as Varna . He suggested
o ur giving serious thought to this and examining the possibility of a Deputy
Clerk handling such a service . Clerk Luss stated that this would be impossible
for taxes as there were only one set of books and unfortunately Varna was not
separate so if the books were taken to Varna for one day they would not be
available in the Town Hall for people wishes to pay taxes . Mr . Snow stated that
being a hunter and fisherman for many years he felt that most people wanting a
license would see to it that they purchased one at the time they needed it and
h e did not feel it was necessary to set up certain points or places to do this .
Attorney Amdur reported on the progress of Sewer District # 2 . She stated that
this project is still under review by F . W . P . C . A . and we cannot bid the project
u ntil they give us a letter authorizing such steps . She further reported
that the bonding had been increase from 30 years to 40 years to try and keep
the user ' s charge in line with what was originally predicted . Supervisor Lee
✓ eported that if the bid is over $ 200 , 000 we must go back to the District
property owners to acquire their permission to increase the cost ceiling
accordingly . He further reported that we have already invested $ 26 , 000 in
this District from Bond Anticipation Notes , and he was hopeful construction
could begin by Spring 1969 .
Several persons expressed a strong desire for the extension of water and
sewer easterly on route 366 to Turkey Hill Road . This area has had a
feasibility study and the cost was high according to O ' Brien & Gere as the
d ensity was low .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board accept Foothill Road in Mr . Sadd ' s development
w ith the provision that Attorney Amdur check with Highway Superintendent Case
to isnure he has approved this road and it meets specifications .
2nd Councilman Gridley Carried
Attorney Amdur reported she has not received from Attorney Sovocool the final
copy of our agreement with Cayuga Heights incorporating the changes she has
✓ ecommended on our behalf for Dryden Sewer District # 1 . Particularly as relatt
to the definition of occupant .
Supervisor Lee reported the development of two new bars which are being
proposed on @ route 366 and one on Hanshaw Rd . Both developments have stirre
up their respective neighbors with petitions to the State Liquor Authority .
In essence both neighborhoods have indicated that sufficient establishments
in the general area already exist to provide the type services proposed .
Namely alcohol , dancing and food .
Supervisor Lee read correspondence and filed the same for our permanent records .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Board authorize Supervisor Lee to enter into a final
contract with Bailey Insurance for Compensation for Employees and Volunteer
Fireman for 1969 . The estimated cost is $ 7 , 500 as projected from estimated
payrolls and Town population .
2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Lee reported a written statement from County Treasurer Stobbs was
coming to outline back amounts due the County from Dryden for 1966 & 1967 .
Supervisor Lee reported on the Eastern Heights Apartment Complex and stated
that the Town of Ithaca did not give us ten days notice of their proposed
zoning change which is within 500 feet of our boundry . Counsequently
Supervisor Lee requested Supervisor Kerr to postpone their hearing so
proper and due notice can be provided to the Snyder Hill area in the Town
of Dryden . Supervisor Lee asked Assessor Wells to provide an opinion
0 reading from the Area and Supervisor Lee indicated he would gladly appear
at the January 13th hearing if our constituents so desire .
Supervisor Lee indicated that if Ithaca refused this change it is possible
this Apartment Complex could be moved into the Town of Dryden , as this
Corporation owns considerable property along Snyder Hill Road in our Town .
Assessor Wells reported the neighbors in the area were cognizant of this
fact .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Annual Audit of Town Books be conducted December 20 ,
1968 at 1 : 00 P . M .
2nd Councilman Todd Carried
Supervisor Lee reviewed County negotiations , the Taylor Law .
Supervisor Lee filed a copy of the State job evaluations for the Town of
Dryden .
Supervisor Lee reviewed the County Budget , Community College accreditation ,
and Chamber of Commerce request for a license ordinance for door to door
selling .
Supervisor Lee reviewed the closing of the Brooklyn Bridge in Freeville
and how Superintendent Stevenson will adjust the traffic flow to Rte 38 .
The bridge replacement is estimated at $ 40 , 000 while land acquisition to
by - pass the bridge is only $ 1 , 000 . 00 .
Supervisor lee reported - on re - apportionment and expressed his appreciation
to Councilman Todd for accepting this task .
Supervisor Lee reported on money in the County Budget to purchase two or
three locations for a County Refuse operation .
Supervisor Lee reported the possible acquisition of Ithaca College property
adjacent to the Court House to solve the County space problem .
Councilman Todd offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden pay the Varna Community Association
$ 15 . 00 annually for use of their building on registration and election
days .
2nd Councilman Ogden Carried
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Highway Superintendent Case to
advertise for bids for a Grader .
2nd Councilman Todd Carried
Meeting adjourned 10 : 10 P . M .
Gary A . Lee - Supervisor
92 2
December 20 , 1968
The Meeting for the Annual Audit was called to order by Supervisor Lee at
1 P . M . Present were Supervisor Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden & Gridley .
Absent Councelman Benson .
Councilman Gridley offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Supervisor Lee to make the following
inter - item transfers within the General Fund :
From Contingency Item $ 2 , 955 . 93
From Safety Item 1 , 301 . 98
From Recreation Item 59 . 28
TOTAL $ 4 , 317 . 19
To Town Justice other Expense $ 178 . 96
To Town Clerk other Expense 12 . 51
To Assessor other Expense 4 . 59
To Elections 19 . 15
To Special Census other Expense 650 . 41 .
To Town Office & Bldgs . , other Expense 1 , 882 . 80
To Sanitation 42 . 00
To Dues Association of Towns 20 . 00
To Insurance 1 , 382 . 61
To Social Security Town Share 124 . 16
TOTAL $ 4 , 317 . 19
2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Lee reviewed the tax levy to the County for 1969 and discussed
the $ 1 , 385 . 80 accumulated back bill for 1966 , 1967 and 1968 . An official
breakdown submitted by the County Treasurer is attached to the official
Town Minutes .
Supervisor Lee again reviewed the outstanding bill to the H . A . Carey
Insurance Company and it was agreed to delay final decision until our
January Meeting after the December balance has been established in the
General Fund .
Councilman Ogden expressed the strong hope that our Town Planning Board
will soon render its final draft of our proposed Zoning Ordinance and
conduct its public hearing . He expressed a desire to have this Ordinance
before the Town Board as soon as possible , so the Town Board may take
final action . All Town Board Members agreed with Councilman Ogden that
this important development is overdue .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board conduct the 1969 Organizational Meeting
on January 4 , 1969 at 9 : oo A . M . at the Town Hall .
2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES
Meeting adjourned 3 : 10 P . M .
Gary A . Lee - Supervisor
Lewis Gridley - Acting Secretary