HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-08 Octobeh 8 , 1968 209
Supexvisok Lee opened the Heak-. ng on the Adoption o4 the O44 .La.Lal
Town Map at 7 P . M . in the Town Hall , Supexv .isoh Lee kepohted to the
Town Board and the two people present that this map hepkesented all
changes on toad names and updated roads through May 1 , 1968 . No new
toads have been accepted by the Town Planning Boaxd a1cteA this date .
He £ unthen nepokted that once this map was adopted the Highway Dept .
w ould ondeh signs and get them up on the new roads and the roads with
n ame changes . Being no 6uhthek discussion gram etthek the Town
Board on the people present SupekvLsok Lee asked 4or a Resolution .
Councilman Benson o64eked the 4allow.. ng AesolutLon and asked its adoption .
4 RESOLVED that this Town Boated adopt this map as the O44 .ie.ial Town Map .
2nd Councilman Ogden Catvc.ied
• The Heating closed at 7 : 1 0 P . M .
Supetv .isok Lee called the monthly Town Board Meeting to order at 7 : 10
P . M . PAesent were Superv .isok Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden , Benson ,
Attorney Amdutc and Assessor Wells . Councilman Gridley was excused
£ kom this Board Meeting to attend the Republican D .inneh as the hepke -
sentat.ive £ AOm the Town .
MINUTES - Supehvizok Lee asked 4. 4 there were any additions or cokhect.ions
t o the September Minutes . Councilman Ogden stated that under Standing
Committees - Building 8 Grounds - page 206 that the wording be changed
Lkom " one possibility would be a steel hanger $ ram the County AiApoAt "
and it should head Mr . Case would be pricing a steel building similar
t o one at the County Ainpokt . Being no 4uktheh cartcections 04
additions the Minutes Oak September were apphoved .
Supexv .isoh Lee asked the Gentlemen present i4 they had anything they
w ould like to bring begoke the Town Board . One o ,f the Gentlemen asked
Supekvisoi Lee i4 he could take down the dead tree in 4tont o4 his
house that stands in the Town tight - a - way , as it was a public hazard
and he was a4raid that some o4 the limbs might blow down . Supervisan
Lee in {yokmed him he had taken this up with the Highway Department and
t hey wehe awake o4 the situation , they had kited a conttactoh to take
ttcees in the Town down that were dead and he was sate they would be
getting to this shot-ay .
Councilman Benson o44eked the 4ollowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the GeneAal Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Ogden o4 eked the 4otlowing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES
Sanitation 8 Reuse - Nothing to Aepokt . Attorney Amduh suggested
that we give Mx . Collins ofifi .icial notice that
• we will want to renew outs Conthact ,yok the
coming yeah .
Councilman Todd o , 4eked the , ollow.ing Aesolutian and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Boaxd authok.ize Supetvisah Lee to white a letter to
Mk . Charles Collins giving o44icial notice that the Town o4 Dryden
would like to renew there Contract with him 6oh disposal ag he4use at
his dump .
2nd Councilman Ogden Cante,ied
Bldg . 8 Gnds . - It was Aeported that MA . Howard Keeeh would be
looking at the 6uhnace at the (vest Dryden Church soon .
Supekvisot Lee asked the Town Board how they fiett
about hiring MA . Downey as handyman 60A the Town to
do odd jobs that can ' t be done by Mks . Luss at the
Highway Department . This would be putting in new
light bulbs , mowing the Lawn etc .
Councilman Ogden o4 , ened the 4ollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Boan. d appoint Mt . Downey as maintenance man
{ o4 att Town Buitdings .
zna counckzman Todd Carried
Supe /Lv .isor Lee at this time asked the Town Baand what they ,thought
about having a phone number listed in the book under Emergency which
would ring in at the Town Clerk ' s O ,515 .ice . He , un.ther stated that
since there are times when no one is available at the Town Garage he
felt this might be a good .idea as the calls could be togged and then
taken care o4 at the end o4 each day . This was discussed as to
whether on not it might be a good ,idea but nothing de4in .ite was decided .
Planning - Councilman Ogden reported that in reply to the
tetter sent by Supervisor Lee to Mn . Cunt.i,ss te -
questing the revisions in the Otd .inanee be made
available to the Town Board by October 31st , that 0
Mn . Cut.i. ss felt it could not ready by that date ,
but hopefiully soon a4ter . The Planning Board is
still in the pnoeess o4 newn.. te , that the Special
Pnmit section was , they would be meeting
on October 17th and Wen that date would give us
something permanent in the way o4 a deadline .
Assessan Wells at this time asked t , copies could be made available
at this afy ( tiee beiote the Planning Board held their Heating so people
could pick them up and go oven them . Councilman Ogden tielt they
could be made avau. tabte and he wilt talk with Mt . Curtiss along this
line .
The topic o {y the Town Dump on Johnson Road was brought up and the
Board , elt that someone should check with Mt . Cant Foote o5 Acme Pest
Control to see .i4 his s env .i. ees were still needed . Councilman Todd was
appointed to take cane o6 this .
ASSESSING - Councilman Ogden teponted he had asked at the last Town
Board Meeting about the Ha/Lt .. ngton property in Etna and since Mr .
Wells had been absent he would like to know what canelus .ionshad been
✓ eached . Assessor Wells repotted he had gone over the whole thing with
Councilman Todd and given him 4acts and 4-.gores. Twenty - two acres 614
land and the house had been sold , the Hanrit. ngton ' s still own two
houses and the nema.in .ing 120 ants . Ass ess on Wells 4urthen reported
that they had road , nontage le4t on ,three sides which had . :' an agt.. cuttcine
price o {( $ 100 . 00 an acne . Councilman Todd stated the only gkievance they
had was on some back land and the Land on the lower side a4 the /Load
w hich was mostly swamp . Both Assessor wells and Councilman Todd 'Le -
ported that the Harr,. ngton ' s had been under assessed in past years .
Assessor Wells Further reported that he did not think they were presently
oven assessed even though the land on the lowers side o6 the road had an
agt.iculture value as they had 6 , 000 {yeet o4 road grontage and were in
an area where much building was going on . It was d.i4j ,icult to make a cam -
par .. son o4 surnoundLng Land as the activity in that area is so van.ied .
Apartment houses , sub - divisions and wanking fiatms . Assessor Walls was
directed to wn.ite a letter to the HannA. ngton ' s explaining his views and
w hey they ate assessed at the present amount .
\ Attorney Amdur reported that Supenv .ison Lee , Mayon Mareham , Mt . Sovacool
and herset4 had met and reviewed Mr . Kapps property on Sapsucker Woods
Road . After discussing this they decided to Appeal the Case . Cayuga •
Heights wilt pay the cost and Attorney Amdur will argue the case .
Attorney Amdur then passed out to the Town Board an amendment to the
Agreement bon Sewage Disposal between the Village o4 Cayuga Heights
and the Town o4 Dryden . Supervisor Lee head the changes . This
Amendment is to be added to the Agreement . Copy attached to minutes .
Councilman Todd o44eted the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Baand approve the Amendment to theAgteement 4or
Sewage Disposal between the Village o5 Cayuga Heights and the Town o4
Dryden , and authdn .ize Supenv .L4or Lee to execute the Agreement with the
Village o5 Cayuga Heights .
2nd Councilman Benson Cann .ied
The question then was na.ised as to how close to the bound& y tine a
house could be hiWt . Attoxney Amdun xepokted that until we have
' Zoning there were no ' nesti.Lct.ions . However , it might be a good idea ,
to have copies o6 the Agreement made out and sent to each pnapekty
Owner in Dryden Sewers D .i.sttict # 1 .
Attorney Amdun reported that she had many phone calls 6kom Chesteklyn
Pipeline Company asking ban the.i. n 5 % ne -ta,inen . O ' Bk.ien 6 Gene had been
contacted bon their okay . A tette& was kece.ived 6kom O ' Bi,Len 6 Gene
£ nstnuctL. ng the Town to release the & eta .inek a6ter making a deduction
bon a pipe line break on F & eese Road and reptae .i. ng some sh & ubbeky in
this Dist/L.-Lat . Councilman Todd had repotted at one o6 the Boakd Meetings
that Mk . Carpenter 06 Cakpentex Baclzhae had contacted k -Lm stating he had
not been paid by Chestenlyn Pipeline Company . Attorney Amdun then
contacted Mk . Canpentek and bound he still had not been paid , so she
decided she had better make some calls and bound that a bill oven $ 3 , 000
ban pipeline supplies Was stilt outstanding . Mks . Cednone o6 Chesterlyn
Pipeline Company .in6ormed Mks . Amdun that she was not awake ob any
outstanding btilts and the Company would like to have the ketainex as
soon as poss .Lbte . Attorney Amdun .informed Mks . Cednone that the money
would not be keleas ed until all bills she knows of aka paid as the Town
would be liable ban the money . It was decided that Supekv .isor Lee
should write a letter to O ' Bi,ien 6 Gene and ask them to take cake ob
the matter 6nom this point as it was not the responsibility o4 the
Town ' s or Attorney Amdun and further state that the netaLnek would
not be released until all bills axe satLs6 .ied .
Supervisor Lee reported that he had called T . G . Mitten abtek the last
Board Meeting and was told we would have the bid kits by ton.. ghts
meeting , however , Mrs . Miller had called h -Lm pr -. ot to the meeting and
stated the bALd kits were not ready yet . Hope6ully they might be ready
bon us by the Navemben Board Meeting . Attorney Amdun reported that
the F . W . P . C . 6 .inal approval would have to be obtained before we can
advektLse ban bids , she had talked with Mr . Freeman o6 the State Health
Department this date and asked what the schedule was and was .informed
it would be at least three weeks be6one we would be kece .Lv .i. ng approval
6nom the F . W . P . C . Attorney Amdun then .i. n6onmed the Board that after
nece .ivLng approval f from the Town Board to put in two additional hook - ups
on the Bossack property sa the Town could have a night - a - way to the
pumping station she had talked with Mr . Millen who was to draw this on
the ptan4 . She keee.Lved a map f nom Mn. . Mitten. to 6 .ind that the tine was
on the wrong side o6 the /Load that it is drawn across the property o6
Joy May JOnes .instead o6 the Bossaeks . Supekv .isor Lee reported that the
$ 15 , 000 anticipation note purchased last October 20th would have to be
extended this month and the £ ntekest due totals $ 562 . 50 . He stated that
at this time he does not feet this D ,istk -i ct can be started until Spk .ing
1969 .
Assessor Wells reported that the property tkans4e &s bon the Town o6
Dryden wake still 21 / 2 months behind , and further kapokted that the Town
ob Dryden were the 6 .i.&st ones done , so all of the Towns in the County
have the same problem .
Assessor Wells keponted that Miss Hitchcock had been in to see him in
kegand to setting the Red 6 White Stone in Freev isle and she 6 elt that
the Assessment on the pkopakty should be Lowered due . to 27 bkeak.in by
the Geakge Junior Republic Citizens which was jeopak .id .iz .. ng the sate
a6 the Stone . It was felt by the Town Board that the assessment onth .is
• property should not be lowered at this time .
Supenv .isok Lee read a letter to the Town Board from Mr . Lambent o4 the
H . A . Caney Company nborming the Town why they owed an addition $ 2 , 000
in compensation insurance bon the year 1966 . SupekvZsor Lee upon request
o6 the Town Board at the September Meeting had wk.itten Mk . Lambent
asking ban this in wk.it.ing . The letter stated that in 1966 the
population count had been bon the Village kathe & than bon the whole Town
and this is the reason the $ 2 , 000 £4 due . The Board could not understand
how the Village population count could be mistaken bon the whole Town as
a spectral Census had been take in 1965 and was on 6 .ile in the Clenh. ' s
Mice . Supekv .isok Lee was .instructed to wk .ite a letter to Mk . Lambent
asking him where the population count was obtained , and atZo ask i. why
the Town was not noti6 ,ied in 1966 06 this mistake .
Supenv .ison Lee read a letter 6nom the State o6 New Vokk , Department o6
Law stating that on the tenth day a6 February in each yea& each clerk
shall make a repakt to the Comm ,iss .ionen containing the names Of all owne& s
2i- 20 < dogs who have 4ctteed to obtain licenses . The c.tenk o4 the Town
e t Village shall , immediately , oUow-ing the tenth day o £ Febtuaty
in each yeah , bx.ing an action in a Justice ' s Count in his Town , and
the C .tenk o4 a City shade/ immediately £ oUow.ing said dates bn.ing an
action in a Coutt 04 competent jutisdLcU.ion in his city , in the name
O 4 the peopte o £ the State o £ New York , against each person owning on
hatbon .ing , in his Town Village on. City an un .Uceensed dog 4on the ne -
covety o £ the penatty o4 ten dottans .imposed by subdivision two o4
section one hundred and twenty - £ out 04 this art .i. cte . In such an
action , no flees on costs shaft be nequ .ined in advance Atom the
pt a.i. nt.i £ 4 .
SupenvLsot Lee head a tetter £ nom George A . Btean , City C .2etk o4 the
City o £ Ithaca in tepty to a £ ettet £ nom MA . Lee requesting a water
e xtension to (Oaten D ,istt .Lct # 1 . It stated that a request received
Wm the Town o £ Dryden at the £ ast meeting 4on an extension o £
Dryden (.vatex Dist/iAict # 1 to s enve a pnopos ed devetopmeny by MA .
David Abbott be denied because it £4 conttary to the pot icy on
w ater extensions adopted by the Board on June 26 , 1968 .
General Fund Deposits $ 8 , 108 . 70 Checks $ 4 , 571 . 18 $ 17 , 833 . 75
Highway Fund Deposits $ 5 , 584 . 25 Checks $ 19 , 110 . 73 39 , 643 . 33
Health Fund 199 . 25
Soc . Sec . 1 , 543 . 44
Sewer # 2 4 , 811 . 65
Clerk Lass at this time stated that UeaUUh Insurance 4ot the next
t hree months 4on 16 4am .il.ies and 2 individuals would total $ 1243 . 32 less
t he balance o4 $ 199 . 25 wilt be $ 1044 . 07 and asked 4ot a tnans4er to
cover this 4xom the Contingency Fund .
Coune.itman Todd o44ened the 4ollow.ing resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board au ,thox., ze Clerk Luss to ttans4et $ 1044 . 07
£ nom the Contingency Fund to the Health Insurance Fund .
2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Lee reported that an Lyle Road which goes 4nom Route 366 back
t o the (Uanehouse theta has been a paxlz .ing problem and that the State
Police have been blocked in at times . He 4uuthen stated that he
.talked .iwwh the owners o4 the Boxcar and (Ua 'tehous e and with Walt
t atson 194 LaFayette Electt-Lc , and .i4 they can wank out an agneemen-t
w e can deed back the Lowet portion a4 this 'toad to the Boxcar and the
u ppez path-. on to Watt Watson , and this should take care 04 the pnobtems .
They ate to get Loge.then and teach an agreement and come back to
Supery -isot Lee with tit .
SupexvAsot Lee xepon. ed that he had requests 4ot Sewer £ (UaLen out Route
366 , and that the Etec t.ic S Gas £4 having problems with sewage and
t hat pethaps we ;should .investigate the possibility o4 extending
Sewer D .istL .Lc . 02 to ,include all o4 route 366 out to the Elec tric 8 Gas
and up Turkey Hitt Road whete may requests have been made .
Supervisor Lee repotted he had received a tetten 4tom Supervisor Dates
a4 Lansing and the Town 04 Lansing is witting to supply wa.tet to Mt .
Abbott 4ot his apa).tment houses on Lowe / Creek Road .
Clerk LUss astie. d 4ot a resotut.ion to pay the Election Inspec -tots and
stated at this time that she was asked while out picking up Etect.ion
suppt.ies , why these women were not being paid $ 1 . 60 an hoax the
minimum wage instead o4 $ 1 . 50 . The Board Members wete all in flavor
o 4 ta.ising o4 the hourly wage to $ 1 . 60 .
Councilman Todd o £ 4ened the 4ollow.ing nesolutLon and asfzed.its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board 'ta.i.se the hout .2y wage 4ot Election
Inspectors 4nom $ 1 . 50 to $ 1 . 60 pet hour , and authorize Clerk Luss
t o pay the Inspec-tor bills .
2nd Councilman Ogden Roll call vote - atl voting YES
Supervisor Lee repo tted to the Town Board that Highway Supetin .tnden.
Can had asked 4ot a resolution au .thotiz .ing him to advertise 4ot bids
4ot a new truck .
Councilman Todd oW.ned the bollow.ing nesolut .ian and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Boand autho 'cLze Highway SupetLntendent Case
to adventL4 e bon bids bon one new tnucfz .
2nd Councilman Benson Can) Led
Supenv .ison Lee stated that Compensation In4unance would have to be
.inenea4ed an additional $ 1500 . 00 taking it { nom $ 4500 . 00 to a total o4
$ 6000 . 00 . He stated that this would up the Gene /tat Budget a total
ot5 $ 9 , 500 . 00 which would have to be na.ind by taxes . The .inenea4e in
the Highway Budget lion 1969 is $ 52 , 000 . 00 . The inc /. ease in the Highway
Budget is due to an £ ncnea4e in nepa.L/t4 and pnemanent £ mpnovements ,
and the puncha4 e o6 a gnaden and tnucfz .
He 6unthen stated that we must hold a public heating and we have until
Novemben 7th to do iso . It was suggested that the Public Hean.ing on
410 the PnetLm ,inany Budget be held at 7 P . M . on Novemben 6th at the Town
Hall , allowed by the negulan month . Boand Meeting .
Councilman Ogden o66ened the 4ot -towing ne4alution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Pnel.imLnany Budget bon 1969 be adopted by this Town
Boand and placed on 4 Lie in the Clenfz ' s () Wee .
2nd Councilman Todd Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Todd obiened the £ ollaw.ing ne4olutton and allied its adoption .
RESOLVED that the PubUc Heant.ing bon the 1969 Pneltim.inany Budget be
set bon Novemben 6 , 1968 at 7 P . M . at the Town Hall .
2nd Councilman Benson Cann.ied
Being no 4unthen business this Town Boand Meeting ways adjaunned at
10 : 15 P . M .
Garay A . Lee - Supenv -. son
Manlene W . Lu4 .s - Town Clenfz