HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-01 August 1 , 1968 20 _1 . The regular Monthly Board Meeting was called to widen by Supenv .isot Lee at 7 P . M . Present were Supetv .iror Lee , Councilmen Todd , Ogden , Gi.idtey Benson , Attorney Amdut E Ars err on Welts . The Meeting was opened with the Pledge Alteg .. ance to the Etag . MINUTES Supetv .L4on Lee asked the Town Board £ b there were any conrectLonr on additions to the June 12th Minutes . Councilman Ogden asked that the £ ollow.ing connections be made : Page 193 - Paragraph ( 2 ) stated that the Health Department okayed these two roods and should say the Health Dept . okayed the lots on these two toads . Page 193 - Paragraph ( 4 ) should be deleted as they discussed the tttte being clean , but as yet have not had this vetigied . • Supetv .ison Lee asked that under County Btieging page 196 that the Community College Budget be changed 6tom tow to high . The June Minutes were then approved with these connections . Supenv .isor Lee asked the Town Board .ig there were any connections or additions to the July 10th Minutes . Councilman Ogden asked that the fiottow.i, ng connections be made : Page 198 - under sewers got the Southern portion o ,4 the County that the Ettis Hollow Area be changed to Irish Settlement AAea and Mr . NeLderkorn changed to Mr . Millen . Resolution # 88 Couna tman Gridley andneSunc .ilman Ogden oggered the tesotutLon . Supervisor Lee asked that under County B /LLe. , ing that the word hiked be changed to o1geted the position . The July Minutes were then approved with these corrections . Mr . Charter Downey was present and reported that he had the shelves bu.itt in the vault and had {( .iced the old Justice Books in numericat linden . He is presently wonk .ing on the old tax totes and will be , ding them in n umetical order . He stated that the vault held a considerable number o ic old maps and he was wondering ig they could be sorted and the ones w hich were to be kept could be hung on the map tack in Assessor WElts o ggice . Assessor (Vents reported that there was /Loom on the tack and he Belt this was a good idea . Supetv .. son Lee suggested that Mt . Downey get togethet with Planning, Board Chairman Peter Curtiss and go ovet art the maps and decide which were to be kept and which were to be thrown away . MM Supervisor Lee reported ted that both Voting nP and Ballot boxes would be used in the November Etect.ion . He 6urther stated that Mr . Downey w ould tike , to build one booth got voting instead o , two in the Town Hatt and this would leave two doors to be used {got a booth in another d.istn .ict . MA . Downey would consttuct the booth in such a manner that when not in use it could be gelded up against the watt and not have to be taken down e ach time and stoned . Ctekk Luss asked the Town Board ig they would consider buying another set og new ballot boxes as the old wooden ones were broken and many o4 the keels had been lost . RESOLUTION # 91 BALLOT BOXES Councilman Todd oggeted the bollow.ing terolut.ion and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board authorize Clerk Lass to purchase seven new ballot boxes . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - alt voting VES STANDING COMMITTEES General Committee - Nothing Highway Committee - Nothing Sanitation - Nothing SupeAv .iror Lee reported that the County is ptann.ing to took into the poss .i. b .it.ity of a County Re {cuse Control Center Bu.itd-. ng Ct Grounds - Nothing PtannAng - Nothing Supetv .isot Lee at this time stated he would like to Appoint Gouncilman Gridley and Benson to the ,( otlowing Committees : Genetat Committee - Ctm . Benson to nerve with Clm . Todd Highway Committee - Ctm . Gridley to serve with Clm . Ogden Building S Grounds - Ctm . Gnidtey to serve with Clm . Ogden • Ordinance Committee - Ctm . Gridley 6 Ctm . Benson to serve with Ctm . Todd 6 Ctm . Ogden 202 Sanitation - Clm . Benson to serve with Clm . Todd Planning - Clm . Benson to sekve with Um . Ogden At this time Supekv .i.sot Lee appointed Councilman Thomas Todd Deputy SupekvLsok to replace Councilman Jones who tes .Lgned . Councilman Todd repotted he had a call {y nom Ralph Carpenter os Canpentek Baekhoe Sery ice negatd .ing $ 299 . 87 {yon top s0U pukehased by Chestettyn Pipeline Company 4ok Water D .i.stk-Lot # 1 which is still. out - standing and they would like to be advised as to what they should do . Supekvisok Lee keponted he had xece.ived a letter ¢ kom Chestenlyn Pipeline Co . asking that we kalease the 5 % rata-Lnek and he had called O ' Brien 8 Gene as the Town has paid some bills 4ot nepa.it o4 breakage oA pipe and some landscaping and he wanted to know .i , the Town had the night to deduct these bites {y nom the keta.inen . He was .in yokmed that they would con4 .ikm by latter whether on not we should release the money , and whether on not we could deduct out expenses and he suggested that Mns . Amdun advise Mk . Cakpenten o4 this . • Supekv .ieox Lee reported he had calls £ kom Mks . Kitty Brown , Mk . R .ightmtite and some other anea kes -. dents on Hanshaw Road kegakd .% ng the proposed housing development 4on that anea . He {yukthek kepokted that he had wn-i. tten the .letter to Mt . Dingman as requested by the Town Board at the July Meeting asking 4ok water setv ,i. ee to that anea 4kom the City o4 Ithaca and the request had been denied verbally but he had not as yet kece.i ved a {yonma. .ls .letter . He , unthen nepokted that the Village o {y Cayuga Heights could not pnov .ide sewage , however , .i {y the Board o {y Health allowed Mt . Abbott to put in a package treatment plant , Supv . Dates o {y Lansing had .in , onmed him that they could ptov .ide water , as they were presently supplying the A .Lkpatt and Tk.Lphammek Shopping Plaza . Attorney Amdun reported that it would cost appkoximatety $ 150 . 00 which might possibly be deducted ,from the fund to . {y .ind out what should be done with the .interest , tom the McAxthun Fund . We would have to petition 4ot a decision . The decision would detenm .i. ne what was .intended and update the Will . At this time the question was ka.ised • as to whethet on not we should puts ue on not.i4 y the van .ious School Boards . Mks . Arndt/it £ elt that since we had started it we should continue . . RESOLUTION # 92 NOTIFY SCHOOL BOARDS Councilman Todd o44eked the 4ollow.ing kesolut.i. an and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that ATtonney Amdut not.iby the van.ious School. Boards what she is going to do and to pursue with all possible speed . 2nd Councilman Ogden Carried Assessor Wells kapokted that the .incteas e in this years tax nol .cs appkox .imately two minion . Supenv .. son Lee stated that we should all be g : v .ing some thought to the 1969 budget and he and Dick Case had Looked at all o4 the Highway Equipment , and with out shake otc the County Tax we could possibly putchase some new equipment . Councilman Todd asked Assessok WElls .i4 all grievances had reached a sat.is4actaky conclusion and he was .insokmed they had . He then asked what we might expect in out equ.il.izat.ian tate 4ok this year . Assessor Welts stated we should know soon and he expected at least a two point na.ise and possibly three . Superv .L4ok Lee reported he had wt-. tten a letter to County Highway Supek.Lntendent Howard Stevenson an July 20th in kegand to the kesuk - 6acing otc the West Dryden Road and they would be staktLng soon . Mk . D .i. G .iacomo was present and said they wake staktLng next week to put in new culvetts and that he had spoken to them about £ill . The County will give them all the 441l , of the 4 .ield behind the West Dryden Community Centex . Supekv .isok Lee nepokted that on July 23rd Mt . Re/ yea ( tom Tagg .in Wagon Path had called the Health Department and .in4okmed them he had no water . His -tanks were then 4 filled {ykom the £ Lke hydrant . Supetv .isox Lee was not awate o4 this situation until the next day and he called Mt . Hannan o t( the City o {y Ithaca , Department o , Public Wanks . Mk . Hannan £ n4otmed Supekv .isok Lee that this is pekm .issable under the emekgency pkoviss ons o , the City Water D .istkict Contract and the cost was $ 24 . 88 under city ✓ ates to an outside consumer . He £ unthek £ n {yokmed Supetv .isok Lee that Mt . RElyea should be advised that only one emekgency can be allowed and ,fig sewek d .i {yfi .icultLes ate beyond his cantkal he should make akkangements 4ot tempokaky sekv .iee - 4ok instance S{ JJI. gat.ion pipe , 203 meter and above ground hookup to a Site hydrant . Supetvisok Lee neponted he had received a letter Stem Charles Foote neganding the problem ob the unauthorized pond on Snyder Hill Road which eventually ends up on Mt . Foote ' s property . He stated that it looked Like a good shake ob the water is coming Stem the Northeast side ob the /Load , and he enclosed letters 4 /tom Mr . Thaler and Mn . Cunnan . Mt . Cunnan had written Eastern Heights , Inc a letter 7 / 10 / 68 inbonrning them t hat the Division ob Water Resoukces was aware 'US the unsabe dam on t heir property and enclosed bokms ban them to bill out . Mt . Thaleti answered the letters Son Eastern Heights the inborming Mr . Cunnan that t he property was not owned by Eastern Heights but by MA . Anthun Ptinee . Supenvisot Lee bukthek neponted that he and Mr . Can had gone up and looked the situation oven and that the Town could do something about t he ditches on the Northeast side ob the Road . All property owners would have to buy the culverts and inplaees where they had blacktop driveways which would be tone up they would be inbormed it would be replaced by gravel . Supekvison Lee neponted that residents on the Snyder Hill Road were interested in Water and Sewers Districts and he would be receiving £ nomthem a petition bon a beasibility study . Supervizok Lee neponted he had written a letter to Mt . Ordway o4 Sage Action , Inc . asking them their intentions as to relocation and inbotm - ing them the Town would need to know bon budgetary purposes and as yet he had not nee.Leved a reply . Supervisor Lee neponted that residents on the yellow Bann Road wanted t o bokm a lighting district , he had contacted Mk . Duane Winters and at this time he has not heard bkam him . Supervisor Lee reported he had received a copy ob a letter written by Mks . Bakek . to Mt . Bruce Osadchey . Mts . Baker who lives in Dryden Waters Distniet # 1 wanted to know LS there were any Federal Funds an State Funds that went into this District , and Lukthek stated in hen letter t hat she did not want on need water and would like to know why she had t o pay bok it {yon the next thirty years . Mk . Osadchey answered hen letter inbonming her that the Fanmeks Home Administration does not have any money in this pnojeet and rebekked hen letters to Dryden Town Attorney Helen Amdun . Supervisor Lee neponted he had talked with Mks . Bakers explaining the Water Disttiet bebone and he would talk with hen again . Supenvisok Lee keponted that to date interested collected by the Town ob Dryden {( nom Centibicates ob Deposit totaled $ 3 , 560 . 00 . SEWER # 1 - Attorney Amdun keponted that at the pkesent time the situation with Mk . Kapp , Village ob Cayuga Heights and the Town ob Dryden were the same . Mk . Kapp is still hooked up and as yet his apartments ate not tented . SEWER # 2 - Supervisor Lee neponted he had talked with Mk . Ricci , ob the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and we would be heating bkom them in the next seven to ten days on this project . He bunthen stated that Mt . Millet Sett we could Let out bids by the last week in August an the bin. t week in September . Attorney Amdun neponted that she had learned that we could only ask once ban the increase in this district and perhaps we had bettet wait until we had the bids bebone we asked the State Camptrollek to raise the biguke . Supenvison Lee keponted to the Town Board that the Ashton Pkopenty had been pukchased by the Town ob Dryden . Supervisor Lee neponted he had a call bkom Mt . Donald Phillips tegakding Mk . Pitchel purchasing another house on Snyder Hilt Road which he intends to lent to a numbek ob students . Mk . Phillips who owns a house on Snyder Hill Road did not think the septic system would be subbicient to take cake ob this type ob use . Supekvisok Lee wrote to the Tompkins County Health Department , but as yet had not heard bkam them . Supenvisok Lee neponted that Justice Hoagland will be attending Magistrates School and ask the Town bon mileage . RESOLUTION # 93 MILEAGE MAGISTRATESSCHOOL Councilman Ogden obbeked the hollowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Justice Hoagland be paid mileage htom the Town ob Dryden General Fund to attend Magistrates School . 2nd Councilman Todd Caknied 21) 4 Clerk L11.44 aoked , ; the Town Board to designate Polling Places £ oli the eom,cng yeah . This will be £ ot both Registration and Election . They are as Follows : District # 1 Vanna Community Hall , Vanna District # 2 Houtz Hall , Etna District # 3 Village Hall , Dryden District # 4 West Dryden Church , West Dryden District # 5 Town Hall , Dryden Distniet # 6 Village Hall , Freeville District # 7 Bethel Grave Community Hall , Bethel Grove RESOLUTION # 94 POLLING PLACES Councilman Gridley a £ £ ered the Following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the above Polling Places be opened £ ot both Registration and Election Days . 2nd Councilman Todd Cakkied Supervisor Lee reported he had a call £ nom Mrs . Seebass asking about t he timetable £ ot zoning . He had re £ etted hen to either Mt . Curtiss at Mr . Ogden . Supervisor Lee reported he had received some requests to move the monthly Meeting date £ nom the second Wednesday to the 2nd Tuesday of each month . RESOLUTION # 95 MONTHLY MEETING DATE Councilman Ogden a £ £ ered the Following resolution and tusked its adoption . RESOLVED that the regular Meeting Date £ ot Town Board Meeting6 be held t he second Tuesday o £ each month . 2nd Councilman Gridley Carried Supenv ooh Lee reported that we still had to hold meetings in Vanna and Bethel Grave as we did in West Dryden in May as planned at out January Organizational Meeting . WEST DRYDEN CHURCH MA . D .LGiacomo and MA . Shenwoad o £ the West Dryden Community Association were present and asked the Town Board what they should do about having t he £ unnaee £ fixed and whose responsibility it was to pay £ ot this . They also requested that the Town Baand tookinto the possibility a £ some in - side plumbing . Mr . Sherwood reported that they had a phamplet on portable toilets which is a chemical system and stated they had talked with the Board o £ Health and been given the okay provided they put in a septic tank . Both items were ne6erred to the Building S Grounds Committee with the okay £ nom the Town Baand £ an this Committee to go ahead and have. t he £ unnace serviced . MA . Shenwoad then asked the Baand i £ it would be passible to have a sign at the corner o £ Route # 38 and the West Dryden Road pointing to West Dryden as many people were not Familiar with that anew and when they held £ unctions at the Community Center people were having a hand time Finding their way . Councilman Gridley will talk with Mt . Ha £ enmalz as this is a state toad . FISCAL REPORT BALANCE General Fund Checks $ 18 , 438 . 44 Deposits $ 12 , 636 . 75 $ 19 , 418 . 56 Highway Fund Checks $ 20 , 456 . 39 Deposits $ 25 , 931 . 93 $ 71 , 858 . 08 Water # 1 Interest Payment to Hanover Trust - 04 Sewer # 1 Deposit $ 1325 . 00 - Intete6t Payment 158 . 95 Sewer # 2 Purchased Ashton Property 4 , 811 . 65 Social Security Quarterly Report - 0 - Health Ins . 1 , 550 . 92 RESOLUTION # 96 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Todd o £ £ eted the £ allowing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Benson Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 97 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden o £ £ exed the £ ollawing resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Gridley Roll call vote - all voting YES () 5 COUNTS/ BRIEFING Supenvasor Lee neponted that the Town o6 Dryden nesLdents have collected a total o6 $ 1 , 982 . 00 due to damage os sheep , cattle etc by dogs so San this year . Supenvasan Lee reported he had attended a meeting negandang the dis - position os dogs . Presently they an. e packed up and harbored at the Shena66 kennel Son seven days then they are taken to Cornell UnLvek.s .i .ty t o be put away . I6 the County decades to sell them to Connell San. $ 4 . 50 e ach they wall be held seven days by the ShexL46 as be , one then taken t o Connell and held an additional 6ounteen days this given owners a total o s twenty - one days to claim dogs . SupenvLsan Lee reported he had attended has SLnst Economics Opportunity Commission Meeting . • RESOLUTION # 98 adjournment Councilman Todd osbened the 4o -flowing nesolutLon and asked its adoption . RESOLVED , .that this Board Meeting be adjourned - 9 : 05 P . M . 2nd Councilman Ogden Carnaed Nett regulars Board Meeting - September 10 , 1968 . GAry A . Lee - Supervason Marlene Luss - Town Clerk •