HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-12 � Ip Fi 1 , . l . . I . llw .j i t, ;v. III ,,.. . .E ..i II .I ... , . , 1 5 6 September 12 , 1967 The regular Monthly Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 7 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Jones , O gden and Newhart , Attorney Amdur and Assessor Wells . DRYDEN WATER DISTRICT #1 - FINAL PAYMENT Supervisor Todd reported to the Board that he had a bill for final pay - ment to Chesterlyn Pipeline Company for Dryden Water District #1 , and presented it for audit . He further reported that the bill was for $ 10 , 966 . 40 , that a bill for $ 2 , 613 . 80 was due the Highway Department f or labor and mileage paid out of that fund for .: Supervision , 5% must be retained in the account - $ 5 , 284 . 48 leaving a balance of $ 3 , 737 . 40 . H e felt that the $ 5 , 284 . 48 should be put into a Certificate of Deposit to come due when the Contract ( one year from start of project ) comes due along with some money from the balance of $ 3 , 737 . 40 . At present he felt he could buy a Certificate for about $ 8 , 000 . 00 . The Board • Members at this time felt that everything was in order to pay the final bill to the Contractor . 4, Supervisor Todd stated that each Board Member would find in front of them an estimate for next years budget which each must fill out and return to the Town Clerk between September 20th - 30th 1967 . He asked when the Board felt they would like to get together and have a budget meeting . Date decided upon - Wednesday September 20 , 1967 . Supervisor Todd reported that this would be a good time as the Recreation Committee was meeting September 18th and he would have their budget by then . Supervisor Todd read a letter from T . G . Miller in which Mr . Miller informed the Town Board that our application for Aid had been reviewed by the Federal People in September , and a verbal okay had been given f or aid on the Pumping Stations and Forced Mains . Supervisor Todd read a letter he had received from Mr . Charles Collins , Sr . asking the Town of Dryden to take over the Dump . His first request had been for six loads of Bank Run Gravel per week , then he asked that the Town take over and perhaps charge the different Town ' s , Village ' s , Cornell etc . for dumping there . The Board felt they could not do this , and since it was not in the Contract with Mr . Collin ' s they would go on paying per month for dumping at his site . Supervisor Todd further reported that the County was making application for funds for a County W aste Study , however , this would take time. . Supervisor Todd reported that he had spoken to Mr . Thorpe , Commissioner of the Recreation Commission as requested at the last Board Meeting and asked for an inventory of Equipment and a Year End Report . Mr . Thorpe stated that he would . give the Town an accounting of equipment . It was being stored along with the Kiwanis Summer Equipment in a separate room at the School , and this would eliminate any lose of equipment . A report would be filed after the September 18th meeting along with the Budget . Supervisor Todd reported that he had met with Mr . Sebring and the appliea - tion had been made to the State and hopefully the Town would be reim- bursed its $ 1 , 000 . 00 . Councilman Newhart reported that the people in his area requested that in the future they have their own program , although the summer program was nice it was to far and transportation was a problem . Councilman Lee informed Councilman Newhart that all he needed to do was send the representative from that area to the Recreation Meeting Sept . 18th and should be taken care of . Councilman Lee informed the Board that the representative from the Varna Area is Mr . Ward Miller . Supervisor Todd informed the Board that he would like to read a copy of 0 a letter sent to Mr . William Kerr , Chairman of the Equalization Committee per their request last Board Meeting regarding the continuing updating of the Cleminshaw reappraisal . He then read the answer from Mr . Kerr which stated that this problem has been discussed on several occasions in Committee and commented on at Supervisor ' s Meetins , and while the original resolution called for a continuing reappriasal program , it did not specify what form this program would take . The alternatives were that an outside firm be retained periodically , various areas of the County be reappraised annually , and that a County Assessment Department be created . He felt that none of the Supervisor ' s would favor an outside firm , various segments of the County was not feasible , and a County Assessing Department could not be created immediately . The Board felt the letter said nothing specific and they were no further ahead then they had been . 157 H ighway Superintendent Case was present and asked the Board to consider the purchase of a 4 - Wheel Drive Snow Plow and Cinder Spreader These two pieces of equipment have been needed for the last two or three years , as the Highway Department was short one rig and they had been d oing a lot of double tripping . This year they would have to take over the Snyder Hill Section , and some new roads and with one more piece of equipment some of the runs would not be so late in the day . Councilman O gden asked what Highway Superintendent Case felt the price would be f or this equipment ? Mr . Case felt that the two pieces of equipment would be approximately $ 35 , 000 . 00 .. Supervisor Todd stated that at the present time he did not feel they would have to Bond for this equipment that with the money in the Machinery Account and the General Fund that it could be paid for at the end of the year . ' RESOLUTION #129 PREPARE BIDS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Highway Superintendent Case to prepare bids for a new 4 - Wheel Drive Snow Plow and Cinder Spreader . 2nd Councilman Newhart Carried RESOLUTION . #130 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills . be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Lee Roll call vote - all voting YES . • RESOLUTION #131 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Newhart Roll callvote - all voting ' YES Supervisor Todd reported that the Clerk did not have any legal size . paper for the Xerox Machine until today , - so they need not bother to read the minutes in front of them , he would ask for the approval at the next Board Meeting . RESOLUTION #132 ADJOURNMENT ' Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption RESOLVED that this Board Meeting be adjounred - 8 : 30 P . M . 2nd Councilman Jones Carried Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk