HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-13 14141 June 13 , 1967
Supervisor Todd called the Public Hearing to order at 7 P . M . Present
were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Jones , Newhart & Ogden. , Attorney
Amdur and Assessor Wells .
Two people were present at this Hearing . Supervisor Todd read the
ordinance and being no objection the resolution reads as follows :
Councilman Newhart offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED AND BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , New
York as follows
1 . No person shall own or harbor a dog within the Town of Dryden unless
such dog is licensed as required under Article 7 of the Agriculture and 410
Markets Law . .
2 . Any such violation shall be an offense which may be prosecuted in
a local court of competent jurisdicion , in lieu of a civil action
pursuant to Section 113 of the Agriculture and Markets Law .
3 . The penalty for each violation shall be a fine not to exceed ten
( $ 10 . 00 ) dollars .
4 . All fines collected for such offense pursuant to this local ordinance
shall be owed , remitted and reported in the same manner as provided in
said Section 113 of the Agriculture and Markets Law for the Civil
penalties prescribed therein .
2nd Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Todd called the regular monthly Board Meeting to order at
7 : 15 P . M . He asked Mrs . Luss • to give a report on the pay Election
Inspectors were receiving in other Townships .
Town of Groton - Raised to $ 1 . 50 hr . this year , $ 5 . 00 extra Chairman ° .
Town of Ithaca - $ 20 . 00 aday , $ 5 . 00 extra Chairman
Town of Lansing - $ 30 . 00 aday from 6 A . M . - 9 P . M .
$ 18 . 00 aday from 12 A . M . - 9 P . M .
Chairman - no extra pay
The Board members discussed these rates of pay and decided the Town of
Dryden was paying in line with the other Townships and they would pay
the same as last year .
Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Election Inspectors receive $ 1 . 50 hr . with an additional
$ 5 . 00 to the Chairmen for the year 1967 .
2nd Councilman Lee Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Todd reported that the Election Custodians had asked for $ 200 . 00
each this year as they had addition responsibilities and the duties have
increased . Councilman Lee suggested that we wait until November and see
if the money was available to pay them the additional fee for this year
and make sure that it would be budgeted for next year . f I
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received a resolution from our
Constitutional Convention Delegate whereby the Town Board expresses their tI '
frim opposition to any proposal before the :Constitutional Convention to
abolish the office of Justice of the Peace . '"
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board adopt the ConCon Resolution .
2nd Councilman Lee Carried
Councilman Lee reported that he had written a letter to our representative
to ple Constitutional Convention in regard to being kept abreast of the
hap - ngs , and he had received an answer telling him this would be done .
A delegation from the Ellis Hollow Community Association were present
to object to the Youth program set up in the Town as a whole . As this
Organization has been in existence for the last yen years and completely
successful they felt that they should still receive some of the Youth
monies available to the Town . The statement was made that that particular
area was not interesed in participating in the program set up for the
Town as a whole . It was felt that the monies available from the State
to the Villages of Freeville and Dryden and the Town of Dryden the separate
o rganizations should be able to receive their slice . One of the complaints
was that the Recreation Commission had not as yet meet , and Supervisor
Todd reported that a meeting was going to be called for June 21 , 1967 .
Their main request was rather or not all the available money would have
to be used for one program or could it be revised so that the three separate
Community Associations could also have some of it . Councilman Lee
✓ eported that he felt this was why the Commission was set up to begin
w ith , so that each organization within the Town would appoint and send
a representative so the money could be divided up . Supervisor Todd re -
ported that he would take the application from the Ellis Hollow Community
Association and the letter they presented to him and give them to Mr .
Thorpe and see if it would be possible to change the application as it
0 was not as yet completed .
Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that Resolution #80 of the May 9th meeting be changed to read ,
that payment to be made out ofL Surplus Funds .
2nd Clm . Jones . Carried
Councilman Jones offered the following , resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Board Meeting Minutes for May be approved
2nd Councilman Ogden Carried
Supervisor Todd reported that Attorney Amdur had drawn up the Contract
between the Town of Dryden and Mr . Charles Collins for the use of his
dump . Supervisor Todd had delivered the Contract to Mr . Collins and
found that Mr . Collins had insurance on his trucks , insurance on his men
but did not carry insurance on the dump itself . Supervisor Todd and
Attorney Amdur contacted Bill Bailey of Bailey Insurance and found that
the Town ' s General Liability insurance would cover anyone hurt in the
dump , however , it was felt by the Town Board that Mr . Collins should
add a rider to his own policy and Mr . Todd will contact him and find
out what the cost might be to add this rider and the Town would con -
sider paying it . Clerk Luss was directed to contact Carl Foote and ask
him to continue exterminating for at least six months .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Board authorize Supervisor Todd to make arrange -
ments with Mr . Collins in regard to his adding a rider to his insurance
policy at a cost not to exceed $ 100..0.0 .
2nd Councilman Newhart Carried
It was pointed out at this time that although this was an additional
cost it was still a lot cheaper then maintaining our own dump , and
Mr . Collins dump was open 24 hrs a day , 7 days a week .
Supervisor Todd reported that the Rural News was in the process of
printing 25 cardboard signs in regard to the closing of the dump . Two
would be posted at the dump site and others would be posted in different
Sparts of the Town . He further reported that Highway Superintendent
Case was going to put in two post either side of the driveway to the
dump with a chain and lock . Hopefully this would be sufficient .
Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption:: .
RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited .
2nd Councilman Newhart Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received a letter back from the
CPA who had been into the Town Hall and given a quick look at the books .
It was estimated that if they did an annual audit it would take approx -
imately five days and the cost would be about $ 350 . 00 more or less . As
the Board at this time could not decide whether or not they needed this
service the matter was tabled .
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received a letter from Mrs . Elizabeth
Crissey who was resigning from the George Junior Citizens Committee as
she no longer lived in the Town of Dryden . It was Deported that this
Committee was fairly active and none of the problems that previously
existed were reoccuring . Supervisor Todd will report the resignation
to the Committee and ask them to make a recommendation to the Board
choosing someone outside both Villages .
Councilman Ogden reported that the Ellis Hollow Area people had meet with
Mr . Neiderkorn on the zoning in that area . He further reported that
Mr . Neiderkorn was after sample opinions of the people living in that area
and the Ellis Hollow area was quite well resolved at this time . He point -
ed out that this would be done inother areas of the Town . There will
be seven zones and each will have its own zoning .
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received a letter from Armand L . Adam®
Secretary of Crispell Charter Service , Inc . informing us that they were
interested in a particular parcel of land , and if it was purchased would
this area be zoned commercial and/ or industrial . It was suggested that
a copy of this letter be sent to Mr . Neiderkorn .
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received a letter from J . B . Rogers ,
Village Engineer , Village of Cayuga Heights asking that the Town of Dryden
make an infiltration study of the lines that lie within our district and
that are connected to the Village Sanitary System , as only by such survey
can the leaks and improper connections to the sewer system be located .
It was suggested that a copy of Mr . Rogers letter be sent to Mr . Jim
Dunlop of Lozier Engineers .
Councilman Jones reported that he had talked with Mrs . Hughes in regard
to selling Hunting and Fishing Licnese and at the present time she
is not interested .
Clerk Luss reported that she had received a letter .mom the Board of
Elections requesting that the Town of Dryden buy new ballot baxes ,
which they were purchasing so all the boxes were a uniform size in the
County . The boxes would $ 11. 40 per and the Town would need 14 boxes ,
two for each of its seven districts . Councilman Jones asked if we
had enough boxes and was told yes .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden does not buy the new ballot boxes .
2nd Councilman Jones Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supervisor Todd reported that he had received names of representatives
to serve on the Recreation Commission from all organizations except
Dryden Village , Varna Community Association and the Kiwanis . They are
as follows :
Ithaca School Roger Buell , Star Rte . Slaterville Springs , N . Y .
Dryden School Herbert Booth
Bethel Grove Comm . Roy McCartney , 1755 Slaterville Rd . , Ithaca
Ellis Hollow Comm . Neil Norcross , 1127 Ellis Hollow Rd . , Ithaca
Dryden Jaycees Allen Marion , 7 Lee Rd . , Dryden
Freeville Village Edwin Kirchgraber :, Freeville
Greater West Dryden Comm . Donald Kannus , RD#l , 23 Zeman Rd . , Ithaca
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that this Town Bosrd appoint these representatives to the
Recreation Commission .
2nd Councilman Newhart Carried
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Summer Office Hours for the Town Hall be from 9 A . M .
to 1 : P . M .
2nd Councilman Newhart Carried
Assessor Wells reported that Grievance Day would be June 20 , 1967 and
the Town Board would act as the Board of Review from 9 : 30 A . M . - 4 : P . M .
He stated that all parties must file a formal complaint before they were
heard by the Board of Review . He suggested that one or two of the Board
w ork in the outer room helping people fill out the complaints and talking
w ith people as many of the people who had been in in the last two weeks
w ere just confused on the 50% to 80% increase .
Supervisor Todd reported that he had a call in regard to a new house
going up on Besemer Hill Rd . A driveway was put in without a sluice
pipe and water was running across the road . A discussion followed in
regard to some of the Sub -Divisions within the Town and rather or not
they had the proper authoriztion from the Planning Board and rather or
not they Were .: comp ing - with'. . the:_ Town: Ordinance in ' regard to filling
out Report of New Construction Forms . It was decided that the Town would
develop a form letter to be sent out to people putting up a number of
new houses and are not filing Notice of New Construction . It was further
✓ eported that Sub -Division contractors could not do anything until they
had the approval of the Planning Board and the Health Department .
Councilman Lee asked the Town Board what could be done about lowering
. the Fire Insurance in the Hamlet of Varna since they now had a water
district and therefore had hydrants . He was told that the Board must
write a letter to the New York State Board of Fire Underwriters and ask
them to come in and see the district and see if they would recommend a
different rate .
Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that the Board write the New York State Board ofFire Underwriters
and ask them to inpsect Dryden Water District #1 and recommend a new
rate .
2nd Councilman Newhart Carried
Supervisor Todd reported that he had a call from Mr . William Sherwood ,
President ofthe Greater West Dryden Rural Community Association saying
they had found a furnace which had been given to them , however the owner
had asked $ 20 . 00 for the fuel tank . Supervisor Todd sent a Town voucher ,
we will pay the Association and they in turn can pay Dr . Benson . Supv .
Todd further reported that they were going to get an estimate on cleaning
and repairing the well behind the Church .
Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption .
RESOLVED that as a Town of Dryden Councilman , as an Officer in the
Eastern Tompkins County Board of Trade and as a Private Citizen , I want
to express my disenchantment with the Board of Supervisors undemocratic and
abitrary imposition of the sales tax on the citizens of Tompkins County .
The planned surreptitiousness of the implantation oftthis parasitic tax
flies in the face of the historic process of employing debate , of hearing
all sides , of giving humane consideration to serious problem areas . The
tax is discrimanatory and regressive . . . . The low wage earner , college
students and children are hardest hit by this pickle and dime tax , and
it goes without saying , no matter how much students and children pay in
sales taxes , the permanent residents of the County still pay 3% of
purchases and use services .
FURTHERMORE modern liberal Government has an enormous appetite for con -
suming ever larger sums of public monies , and I predict the sales tax
promise of relief to Real Estate Property Owners will bot be born out
by the facts . This County -wide tax places an unfair burden of competition
on local Businessmen and Retailers by compelling them to keep additional
0 records at their own expense and to compete with nearby Businesses in
surrounding Counties who are not burdened with an additional 3% tax .
With the previous statement in mind , and with deep concern about the
current onslaught on historic , grass - roots Government , by the liberal
e stablishment . I wan to Recommend that the Town Board adopt a Resolution
to ask the County Board of Supervisors to return to the Town of Dryden
11% of all County Sales tax monies collected within the Town of Dryden
as provided by Law . Contrary to myth , the public gets a better return
for their tax dollars . from Local Government than they can ever expect
from Big Government . The further from home tax money goes the more the
waste and lack of control by the Taxpayer .
2nd Councilman Lee Roll call vote Clm . Ogden Abstain
Clm . Newhart - Yes
Clm . Jones - Yes
Cim . Lee - Yes
Supervisor Todd reported that he had voted No § pie T814 EAQ the motion
w as premature , we should wait and see what success the School District
and other Muncipilaties have in raiding the Counties 3% . He father stated
that was merely transferring monies from taxes from one pocket to the other .
Meeting adjourned - 10 : 50 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor
Marlene T .iisq - ri crt,