HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-08 January 8 , 1966 73 Supervisor Todd called the meeting to order Saturday January 8 , 1966 at 9 o ' clock . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Benson , Ogden , Jones, and Highway Superintendent Case . - - - RESOLUTION #1 SUPERVISOR ' S COMMITTEES Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board approve the following committees selected by the Supervisor : . General Fund Lee & Jones Highway Fund Benson & Ogden Building & Grounds Lee & Jones Planning Benson & Ogden Review of Assessments Supervisor & all Councilmen Press & Public Relations Lee & Jones • 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #2 SUB =DIVISION CONTROL OFFICERS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVE.) that Richard Case be appointed Sub - Division Controll Inspector at a salary not to exceed $ 200 . 00 per year . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION # 3 TAX COLLECTOR Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLV p that Marlene W . Luss be appointed Tax Collector for the year 1966 .; 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #4 DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Leona Fortner be appointed tepty Tax Collector for the year 1966 . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . _ RESOLUTION #5 SERVICE OFFICER Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Thomas Todd be appointed Service Officer for the Year 1966 . 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . RESOLUTION # 6 HISTORIAN Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Betsey L . Clarke be appointed Town Historian for the year 1966 . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #7 DELEGATE , ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVE) that Thomas Todd be appointed delegate to the Association of Towns Meeting to be held February 7 , 8 , & 9th in New York City . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #8 GASOLINE PURCHASE Councilman Jones offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden accept State price for gasoline to be IIIpurchased for use in the Town equipment . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #9 PIPE & CULVERT PURCHASE Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden accept State price for pipe and culvert purchased for Town Highway purposes . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried RESOLUTION #10 TIRE PURCHASE Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution . and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town of Dryden accept State price for tires to be purchased for Town vehicles . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUUION #11 MILEAGE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that mileage be paid to Town Officials , including Election Inspectors at the rate of $ . o8 per mile when using their own car for official Town Business . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #12 SALARY SCHEDULE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the salaries of Town Officials be set for the year 1966 , as scheduled in the budget . Supervisor $ 2400 . 00 Town Clerk $ 3600 . 00 Tax Collector $ 1000 . 00 Justices ( 2 ) $ 2600 . 00 each Councilmen ( 4 ) $ 800 . 00 each Highway Superintendent $ 6900 . 00 Deputy - Clerk 1 . 50 Hr . and Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #13 SALARY PAYMENT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that all of the Elective and Appointed Officials of the Town of Dryden be paid at the end of each month except the Highway Superintendent who shall be paid from Highway Funds , and the Town Historian who shall be paid annually . 2nd Councilman Jones . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #14 HIGHWAY SALARIES Councilman Benson offered the following resolution. .and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Highway employees be paid in a range not to exceed $ 2 . 40 as recommended by Highway Superintendent Richard Case . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #14 LEGAL COUNCIL • Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be empowered to obtain legal council as necessary . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #16 ENGINEERING SERVICE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be empowered to obtain Engineering Service as necessary . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #17 ARCHITECT SERVICE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be empowered to obtain Architect Service as necessary . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #18 APPROVE BONDS ICouncilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Bonds on the Town Officials be approved pending signing . 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . RESOLUTION #19 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be empowered to purchase Certificates of Deposit . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION # 20 JUSTICE SECRETARIAL • Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that if the Justices need service of a secretary to conduct their legal business it is to be a Town charge when certified . 2nd Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #21 TELEPHONE TOLLS 75 Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . • RESOLVED that credit cards be purchased for the following , so that all official Town calls may be credited to the phone in the Town Hall . Justices Hoagland & Spaulding , Councilmen Benson , Lee , Ogden , Jones , Supervisor Todd , Clerk Luss , Attorney Amdur and Chairman of the Planning Board Curtiss . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #22 REGULAR MEETING DATE Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the regular meeting date for the Town of Dryden will be the second Tuesday of each month at "8 P . M . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . RESOLUTION #23 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER • Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS , it is not necessary to designate an official newspaper for the Town of Dryden , be it . RESOLVED that the Rural News and the Ithaca. Journal will be the newspapers for the Town . 2nd Councilman Jones . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION #24 ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that all Town Officials may go to the Association of Towns meeting in New York City , February 7th , 8th and 9th , and be it further RESOLVED that the expenses of all elected and appointed officials of the Town of Dryden be paid from the General Fund . 2nd Councilman Lee . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION ##25 FIRE INSPECTOR Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd be appointed Fire Inspector for the yearl966 . 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . RESOLUTION •f#26 FIRE CONTRACTS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd be authorized to pay the Fire Contracts amounting to $ 12 , 900 . 00 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . • RESOLUTION #27 SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY FUND Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be , and is hereby directed to pay $ 650 . 00 to the Southworth Library Fund . RESOLUTION #28 PLANNING BOARD Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that two Town Board Members be appointed to the Planning Board . Dr . Thomas Benson to be Chairman , and Mr . Ogden to be alternate . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . . III RESOLUTION #29 TOMPKINS COUNTY SEWER AGENCY Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . I R SOLVED that Supervisor Todd be appointed to the Tompkins County Sewer Agency for the Year 1966 . 12nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . RESOLUTION #30 TOWN BOARD MINUTES Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Board Minutes be distributed to the Planning Board . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . r fib , IT RESOLUTION # 31 HEALTH INSURANCE Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd , Highway Superintendent Case and Councilman Benson form a committee to look into the possibility of Health Insurance . 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . RESOLUTION ##32 AVAILABLE MONEY Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Town Board establish a fund so that certain bills can be paid in advance of Audit . These funds to be for the Supervisor and the Clerk in an amount not to exceed S200 . 00 . 2nd Councilman Benson . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION # 33 PETTY CASH Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that this Board authorize a petty cash fund for the Town Clek not to exceed $ 200 . 00 . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . RESOLUTION ##34 SUPPLIES Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Town Clerk make up a list of supplies needed by the Various Town Officials and arrange for the purchase . 2nd Councilman Benson . Carried . ASSESSOR At this time a new Assessor for the Town of Dryden was discussed . Councilman Lee and Councilman Benson the committee formed to look into the hiring of someone to fill the vacancy now existing in the Town of Dryden gave a report . ( Report attached ) RESOLUTION # 35 ASSESSOR Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . WHEREAS , the Town of Dryden is without an Assessor and WHEREAS , this committee believes such absence jeopardizes the Town , and this Town Board feels its a vital responsibility to our Town citizens for the provision of a Professional Town Assessors Services , be it RESOLVED that Supervisor Todd be empowered by this Town Board to immediately procure competent personnel to act in the capacity of interim Assessor and that the term of such appointment should be left to the discretion of the Supervisor . 2nd Councilman Benson . Roll call vote - all voting YES The meeting was adjourned by Supervisor Todd at 11 : 20 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk 1 SI !1 rl I cI {f1 I } k TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN , NEW YORK * IN THE HEART OF FINGER LAKES REGION BENSON & LEE ' S REPORT Mr . Supervisor & Members of the Board As charged by the previous Supervisor and Town Board , this Committee respectfully submits the following in regards to the vacancy of the Town .Assessor . In pursuit of the objective to secure the services of a competent Assessor , the following steps have been or are being taken : 1 . A vacancy notice was published during the months of October & November in the New York State Assessors Journal . 2 . Information on this vacancy has been disseminated by word of mouth , by both old and new Town Board Members . 3 . 100 hand bills giving general information on this position will be distributed at the New York State Assessors Meeting , January 9 , 10 and 11th in Rochester , New York . Since January 1 , 1966 our Town has been without the services of an Assessor . I .n view of this , we must direct ourselves to a most serious question : Can we tolerate this vacancy until a new Assessor has been appointed , knowing very well of the backlog of work being created , knowing very well of the increased burden on other Town officials who are inexperienced in this field , and knowing very well that Assessor services are a vital and essential responsibility to our citizens ? The answer is obviously NO ! In substantiation of this answer this Committee submits the following : 1 . During the past week the number of citizens requesting assistance from the Assessor ' s Office , has made it abundantly clear to the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk that ' immediate help is needed . 2 . There are nearly 100 property transfers here now waiting to be processed by an Assessor . 3 . The County re - appraisal has caused a back log of some 500 new property transfers yet to be received for our Assessor ' s processing . TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN , NEW YORK 4",', . , -� IN THE HEART OF FINGER LAKES REGION Once our new assessment roll is received , all computations 4 must be checked for accuracy and the property cards must be correlated with the new tax maps to insure accuracy . 5 . Because of the anticipated increase in property assessments , there can be no doubt that our Grievance days will be well attended . The importance of being prepared with accurate data cannot be under estimated . This Committee recommends the following to our new Supervisor and Town Board . 1 . We recognize that no difficulty may prevail in just filling this vacancy , but we strongly urge a diligent search to identify a competent Assessor . In this pursuit we fully ✓ ecognize and appreciate the critical importance of professional services in this appointment - that failure i i o n our part to accomplish this objective could be a costly error . III 2 . In view of expected heavy grievance attendance , we ✓ ecommend evening hours and Saturday A . M . prior to o fficial grievance days in an effort to reduce problems . , We recommend that Supervisor Todd immediately correspond 3 � with all applicants who have filed , giving them a ro ress report . . p g p 4 • We recommend that any prospective applicant take an appropriate and reasonalbe exam applying, to the Profession o f Assessing . 5 . We recommend that this Town Board support the position that the number of hours worked is not the ALL important job criterion of the Town Assessor , but the important question whether or not he is providing a fair and equitable tax roll with a minimum number of grievances . 6 . We recommend recognition of the fact that the tasks of an assessor carry him into the Town frequently , and that a 2 way radio should be installed in his vehicle for regular contact by the Town Clerk and Supervisor . r 7 . We recommend strong consideration be given for a position of Depty Assessor , so as to help alleviate the concerns for any future vacancies . 8 . We recommend that a new Assessor whould keep regular office hours , at his discretion , but unanimously approved by the Town Board January 11 , 1966 Irair The regularemo .nthly meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Todd at 8 O ' clock January 11 , 1966 . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Benson , Ogden & Jones , Highway Superintendent Case and Attorney Amdur . RESOLUTION #36 GENERAL BILLS Councilman Lee offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the General Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Jones . Roll call vote - all voting YES . Mr . Ken Tillapaugh of Varna was present and said he had gone to the Board of Health in Ithaca , New York about Sewerage Approval for a five unit apartment he is interested in putting up . He further reported that when the representative came out to Varna to see him , he was told he had only 100 ' frontage and that 150 ' was required . A soil test was not made at that time and Mr . Tillapaugh felt that the Board of Health was doing a little zoning on its own for the Town of Dryden and he felt something should be done about it . It was decided that Supervisor Todd should go to the Board of Health and see Mr . Liguori , and then contact Mr . Tillapaugh in regards to this matter . Mrs . Trencher of Varna brought a Girl Scout Troop to observe a Town Board Meeting so they might earn a badge . RESOLUTION #37 HIGHWAY BILLS Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Highway Bills be paid as audited . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . Councilman Jones stated at this time that he had a report of the problems presently being suffered with the tax roll by the Freeville Village Clerk , B etty Hurst . It was decided that this report should be left with Mrs . L uss to pass on to Mr . Page who is working as Assessor for the Town of Dryden on a part time basis until a new Assessor is found . Councilman Lee p resented to the Board a petition from residents of the Slaterville Road requesting Sewage for that area . ( petition attached ) RESOLUTION # 38 SEWAGE SLATERVILLE ROAD Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Supervisor be empowered to contact O ' Brien & Gere and aske them to develope a figure for a feasibility study for sewer and water for the Slaterville area . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . Councilman Benson gave the term of office for the Planning Board Members , and it is as follows : Term Expires George Hanford , Dryden , New York 1966 ✓ irginia Hardesty , Ellis Hollow , Ithaca , N . Y . 1967 Peter Curtis , Chairman , Etna , N . Y . 1968 B en Sheffy , Varna , N . Y . 1969 . John Patterson , Slaterville Rd . , Ithaca , N . Y . 1970 Mrs . A . K . Fletcher , Dryden , N . Y . 1971 Fred Lengemann , Ithaca , N . Y . 1972 Councilman Benson reported that the Planning Board meetings were not well attended by the members , and he felt they should be encouraged to draw up a set of by - laws and in doing so they could take action on this sort of thing . He further reported that an Agricultural representative may be appointed for a period of five years . The Board has not had an Agricultural representative since the resignation of Alex Saroka . He felt that George Hanford should be appointed Agricultural representative and then appoint some one from this end of Town to replace him . Councilman Lee reported that he felt it might be a good idea if this membership was balanced . Seven members one from each of the seven districts , also balance employers , not all seven say from Cornell , Agway et . Councilman Benson will discuss the Agricultural representative and distribution of membership with Pete Curtis and then report to the Town Board . ITS Supervisor Todd reported that he had communications with Rocco Lucente , and that Mr . Lucente had given Mr . Dunlop of Lozier the okay to prepare the papers for him to go ahead with the Water District . Mr . Lucente w ould like to bring this study to the next regular meeting in February . RESOLUTION # 39 TAGGIN WAGON PARK Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that pursuant to a formal request from Taggin Wagon Park , Inc . , that the sum of $ 900 . 00 be and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the cost of preparing the general plans , maps and estimates in connection w ith a preliminary feasibility study of a sewer district in the Taggin Wagon Park , Inc . , said study to be made by T . G . Miller , Consulting Engineers , of Ithaca , New York , all in accordance with Article 12A of the Town Law of the State of New York , and that the Town Board shall execute the necessary agreement with the aforesaid Engineers . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Roll call vote - all voting YES . WATER DISTRICT - VARNA Dennis Moran of O ' Brien & Gere was present , and at this time reported o n the progress of the Water District for the Hamlet of Varna . A map o f the district , estimate and formation schedule is attached . Mr . Moran reported that the cost is down due to the fact that a meter pit will not have to be installed , as the Town of Ithaca will meter the water . This amounts to $ 5000 under the feasibility study . Mr . Todd reported that the City of Ithaca would do all the physical maintenance , which would cut down on cost , and Mrs . Amdur reported that she is still trying for some money through the F . H . A . Councilman Lee suggested at this time that a rate be set that we can substantiate . Mr . Moran worked every possible combination to see what would be most advantages to the single dwelling , State of New York and Taggin Wagon Park . It was finally decided that the most advantages is as follows : CHARGE DISTRIBUTION SFDU SUNY TWTP 60% Unit 30% AdValorem $ 71 . 00 $ 300 . 00 10% Frontage $ 3 , 900 . 00 Supervisor Todd adjourned this meeting at 12 A . M . to Monday January 17 , 1966 at 7 : 30 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk ® f I { „ 7 PETITION FOR SEWER IN THE — -- TOWN OF DRYDEN- - /_2/28/65 - _-- ---}u1aJy� I -_ SLATERVILLE ROAD ,_ GERMAN X RDS. AREA . _ _ y W )e the undersigned , are interested in obtaining Sewage Ifor our area ( Slaterville Rd . German Cross Rds . located in the Town Of Dryden .We petition the Town Board Of Dryden to look into c_ ost., _CT_c•_ _ _ _ __ . __ _ pi er., unit , and the extension of the proposed sewer being exten - ded to the Pine Tree Rd area. 7/, OAVV Reside ”) TS 0 f /owe! o • c02 /den/ Sic11i A/AME A402as S Dare AI 4 Ami t I opotcgs Dort 7K4 t, %2 4J" / 96o WA 41 ta,t , C ha7► r C-. MI i. 4 Ins / ?Cif 5 %4rte.- vide_ act 144 7 _lea rrQ. n ir 3. . . _i i ' . _ : _ ll _ec /5/; is . _ ,1 /4), @ -- - / 7 2 .5 _4taa /� e_ /&�ti _ . . l i i -- � _ — / C //02 7rE !/ l' d " d Sa/� pd S lkkc5 �-�T - V cur, -L C,, - , / JAS. &t '%/ 0 r , 7 � 4 Rd i - i _I3A IIti/ t o .._ _.S 6 ,L5/c4ro, (t � E? t j f - , rrrrp J- i _�_1--1 1 - ' Jig _ "Ili / 4 / 7 / 0__5741//cr, tie Li IL/3/4,-- .. 101,14 / / a-0 Ca2gAs_ao44___ Ri ___ # - _ - . . � )-� c V- --. ,2/3I- 4., 1I� ' / --- -- ` - - 1 ��? �GJ ,rho-p' � � a - „i 7 s� i z/3/AN X__--- X c. " I rte` €lariti4j _17_2_4. ACIA)A kei, % AS L_ 6 / 7/0 ^- --- c - - .t .M 114 . - r dog . �,, R� i/� E ��� _a"/- - - /7ie_ - - - - -. - - _ SA �� , — . _ /r%b /d /A16 e. CL t-,,,,,.,,l- /P z S (?k ! I/� `7 . Aug a ,4w11 ? -1,t L-h/�- '�"- - 1,6 g - 3/44 - 4 . e, -_ _l c- _� A _fr . — 1/ -6 /%1,,,s 4�. , 1 `l/ ig„ Pri , d4 e , - 2 -a - .i . 6_,- /, , -. , /7J ' Jt e . ✓ ( ' 4)1 r I�6._Ld-e , i 7 5-5,/,U ,,„eg c_-- a; .L ,e(. /J , �? ; ; / • /7 J. J i h 9 _ :: ,G_s� I? , 1 -1. 0. _ _- _ _ _ __ - - \' f � / 701.7_,Arki,vteci?,. / .„2 - ‘, __ _____ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' G ;A-) ? i�L +. wtt f - ./7 zr)- -- I / - /I / 0° -- - - - - - - - - - �_7 ; / 7/ V i I v_ / -- _ -- -- -- -- -- - - I pwc� r c! lvl -C. U1 - -- i17,r 1A , 7 - January 17 , 1966 The adjourned meeting was called to order by Supervisor Todd January 17 , 1966 at 7 : 30 P . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Benson , Ogden and Jones , and Attorney Amdur . WATER DISTRICT - VARNA Mr . Dennis ' Moran and about sixty Varna residents were present at this informal meeting held at the Community Center in Varna . Plans of the proposed water district were explained to those present by Supervisor Todd and Councilman Lee . Further details were related by Mr . Moran . A discription of costs involved , rates , charges etc was distributed to all present . After a question and answer period Attorney Amdur started the petition around . Once they were signed they were returned to the Board who began a count to ascertain whether of the assessed valuation had signed so that the establishment of the water district could proceed to the next step , which is a f ormal meeting about February 1 , 1966 . After the count they found that about $ 112 , 000 assessed valuation was accounted for by signatures to the petition . A total of about $ 168 , 000 is needed as representatives of about z of the total . RESOLUTION #40 701 PROGRAM Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . , RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , N ew York request that the State of New York transfer and assign its contract with the Greater Ithaca Regional Planning Board to Egner and ' N iederkorn Associates , of Ithaca , New York in connection with the 701 project , it being understood that all of the fees and services as specified in the original agreement shall remain unchanged . - 2nd Councilman Jones . Carried . RESOLUTION #41 SPECIAL MEETING Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . We hereby request that a Special Meeting be held by the Town Board to consider the petition for the establishment of the Varna Water District , Town of Dryden Water District #1 , and to sign an order for a formal public hearing , and to conduct other relative business on Saturday January 22 , 1966 at 9 A . M . 2nd Councilman Benson . Carried . The next regular Board Meeting for the Town of Dryden will be February 10 , 1966 at 8 P . M . Councilman Benson made the motion this meeting be adjourned . , 2nd Councilman Jones . Passed . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk 0 January 22 , 1966 Supervisor Todd called this special meeting to order January 22 , 1966 at 9 A . M . Present were Supervisor Todd , Councilmen Lee , Benson , Ogden & Jones , Attorney Amdur and Highway Superintendent Case . Supervisor Todd reported that Mel Freeborn had called him in regards to appointing two representatives from the Town of Dryden to be on the Tompkins County Economic Opportunity Committee . After some phoning around he found Richard Street of Dryden and Christopher Purtell of the Ringwood Road willing to serve on this committee . RESOLUTION #42 ECOMONIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE Councilman Ogden offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that Richard Street and Christopher Purtell be appointed by this Town Board to serve on the Tompkins County Ecomonic Opportunity Committee . 2nd Councilman Lee . Carried . WATER DISTRICT It was decided at this time to have a Formal Hearing from 7 - 8 P . M . • before the regular Board Meeting February 10 , 1966 . RESOLUTION #43 FORMAL HEARING - WATER Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the members of this Town Board sign the order for a Formal Hearing to be held February 10 , 1966 at 7 P . M . in the Town Hall in Dryden . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . Copy of this order is attached . ) Mrs . Amdur reported on the progress with the F . H . A . She has been in contact with Bruce Osadchey of Ithaca , and Mr . Osadchey is to send some forms to Mr . Moran of O ' Brien & Gere . ROAD CHANGES Councilman Benson reported on the progress the Planning Board has made on the road changes as follows : The road name changes proposed are within the Northwest section of the Town , bounded on the south by Route 366 and on the east by Route 38 . The small section of road known as Howe Road going North into Groton from Peruville Road will be changed to Cobb Street . Sheldon Road will start at the Wood and run all the way to the Peruville Road , superseding the North and South Road ; the Wood Road will run from Lower Creek Road to the Peruville Road , superseding a portion of the present Sheldon Road and _thepresent designation ' of South Wood Road and North Wood Road . The Casswell Road will run from Upper Creek Road to the Peruville Road , dropping the North and South designations . The West Dryden Road will run from the West Town Line to Route 38 , in one section superseding the Chicahominy Road . The Asbury Road will extend from Lansing across the Scofield Road to the West Dryden Road ; that small section of the Sapsucker Woods Road cut off by the airport and new Route 13 will be called Mohawk Road . The • Niemi Road will run from Sheldon Road to Mohawk Road ; the Hanshaw Road will run to the West Dryden Road , superseding the Hanshaw Extension and the Zeman Road . Etna Road will run from Upper Creek Road to Mohawk Road , superseding the Etna - Hanshaw Road and the Ellis Road . In addition to these changes , it is proposed that the newly - built road running north from new Route 13 at the junction of Route 366 by the New York State Electric and Gas facility be called the r Hall Road , RESOLUTION #44 ROAD CHANGES Councilman Benson offered the following resolution and asked its adoption . RESOLVED that the Road names as proposed by the Planning Board be adopted by this Town Board according to letter of January 8 , 1966 . 2nd Councilman Ogden . Carried . 0 , 81 SEWER DISTRICT Mr . Relyea has made an informal request to the Town Board for a Sewer District for Taggin Wagon Park , Inc . At the present time all that is included in this District is the Taggin Wagon Park , however if interest w as shown by persons owning properties surrounding Taggin Wagon Park this possible district could be extended . Councilman Lee felt that the people of Varna should be aware of the possibility of Sewerage and suggested that the Town Board hold an informal meeting in Varna to discuss this with any interested persons . It was pointed out at this time that although the district could be extended , it would still o nly include properties adjoining Taggin Wagon Park , that it could not ✓ un to the top of the hill or all the way through Varna unless each and every property owner wanted it . The Town Board at this time set an Informal Meeting to be held in the Varna Community Hall , Varna. , New York on February 1 , 1966 at 7 : 30 P . M . 0 Supervisor Todd adjourned this Town Board Meeting at 11 : 20 P . M . Thomas Todd - Supervisor Marlene Luss - Town Clerk I, • •