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June 9 , 1964 The regular monthly meeting of the Dryden Town Board was called to order by Justice Hoagland at 8 p . m . , in the absence of Supervisor Gridley . Present were Justice Spaulding , Clm . Benson , and Assessor ' Abrams . Absent : Clm . Saltonstall . The minutes of the May meeting were approved . Resolution No . 59 - Audit of General Bills Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that general bills totaling $ 1648 . 38 be paid as audited . • Seconded by Clm . Benson . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . Absent ; Gridley and Saltonstall . Resolution No . 60 - Audit of Highway Bills Clm . Benson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that highway bills totaling $ 5169 . 29 be paid as audited . Seconded by Justice Spaulding . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . Absent : Gridley and Saltonstall . Resolution No . 61 - Transfer of Funds Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : On recommendatiin of the Supervisor , BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $4660 . 00 be transferred within Highway Item 3 as follows : From : Machinery Purchase To : Machinery Repairs $4660 . 00 . Seconded by Clm . Benson . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . Absent : Gridley and Saltonstall . Resolution No . 62 - Disposal of Records Clm . Benson offered the following resolution and moved its adoptinn : RESOLVED , by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that Jane Korbas , Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden , be , and hereby is authorized to dispose of record item numbers 8 , 15 , 21 , 26 , 27 , 40 , 43 , 59 , 60 , 81 , 82 , 90 , 96 , 99 , 103 , 106 , 127 , 134 , 137 , 138 , 142 , 152 , 42 , and 202 ', on Records Disposition Request List Number 175 -TC - 10 issued pursuant to section 114 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education , and be it further RESOLVED , that the Clerk of this Board be , and hereby is , directed to furnish a certified copy of this Resolution tokbe forwarded to the Commissioner of Education . Seconded by Justice Spaulding . Carried . Resolution No . 63 — Election Inspectors Clm . Benson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that election inspectors be appointed as recommended by the Chairmen of the Republican and Democratic parties , respectively : 10 \ Democrat Republican 14/1 . D ist 1 Vienna-Curtis Martha Case Pauline Daghita Margaret Eddy Donald Mason Agnes Snow D ist 2 Ella Koinstinen Roselia Harrington Zelda Weibly Mildred Sweet Mona Spaulding ( sub ) Dist 3 Edythe Humphrey Margaret Brownell Laura McKeon Josephine Dinyes D ist 4 Anna Gaul Marion Brannon fiena Ketola John Ockay Katherine Payne ( sub ) D ist 5 Verna Myers Gladys Stewart Walter Westfall Frances Terry Dist 6 Lois Beck ; ; P/ti � l : Velma Blackman Nellie Fulkerson Nettie Williams D ist 7 Barbara Ensign Rena Kirk tis°-icissaman Margaret Wilcox S econded by Justice Spaulding . Carried Resolution No . 64 - Attendance at Training Schools. Clm . Benson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that the following Town Officers be authorized to attend training schools as follows : Town Clerk - at Cornell June 29 , 30 , July 1 Highway Supt . - at Cornell June 29 , 30 , July 1 Assessor - seminar at Cornell . July 19 through 25 Justice - refresher course , Cornell , August 16 thru 21 Seconded by Justice Spaulding . Carried . 4 Resolution No . 65 - County Sewer Agency Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that Supervisor Gridley be appointed to repre - sent the Town of Dryden on the newly formed Tompkins County Serer • Agency , with Clm . Benson serving as alternate . Seconded by Clm . Benson . Carried . N ote was made of receipt of report of audit for the period January 1 , 1961 to December 31 , 1962 . Information was receivedfrom Sup . Gridley that copies of ordinances may be distributed legally by the Town , if it is only to inform and no other material is included . N ote of appreciation was received from Emmons Ogden family . Progress report from Sterns & Wheeler on comprehensive Sewer study was read and placed on file . Assessor Abrams reported that the tentative assessment roll has been completed , and Grievance Day will be June 16 , 1964 at 10 a . m . for four consecutive hours . Meeting adjourned until 11 : 00 a . m . June 13th , at 8 : 40 p . m . Millard Hoagland , Justice of Peace . Jane Korbas , Town Clerk • June ,13 , 1964 The adjourned meeting was called to order at 11 : 40 a . m . by Sup . Gridley . Present were Justices Hoagland and Spaulding , and Clm . B enson . Resolution No . 66 - Capital Note Justice Hoagland offered resolution regarding capital note , as • attached to these minutes , and moved its adoption . Seconded by Clm . Benson . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . Absent : Saltonstall . Resolution No . 67 - Repairs to Town Hall Clm . Benson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLVED , that the Town advertise for bid for alterations on the Town Building according to specifications s incorporated in the architect': s drawings ; bids to be openned at 8 p . m . , July 14 . 0 S econded by Justice Hoagland . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . Absent : Saltonstall . The next meeting will be Tuesday , July 14 , 1964 . Moved by Clm . Benson , seconded by Justice Spaulding that the meeting be adjourned . G-arried . Adjourned at 12 noon . Lewis Gridley , Supervisor Jane Korbas , Town Clerk } . C ' . . - • (• ' . CAPITAL MOTE RESO. .LUTION- . JULY. 'ADOPTED BY THE ' . TOWN BOARD OF THE - TOWN. OF DRYDENN , COUNTY. OF i "` • . • : 4r ' : * . , • . . TOMPKINS , 4 NEW .YORK , ' ON THE /- . DAY or ,fly. ham__.. 6 . . • - 1884 ,, IN THE AMOUNT OF .$20 ,000 FOR THE • `' PURCHASE * OF ONE 1964 CATERPILLAR- LOADER , V' . •. : I4ODE 966f . . , _ . • ti _ ' . • DE. IT • RESOLVED, this /3 . day's of u • h � 19040 by the ' Town . , - Hoard : of the Tow 'of Dryden ,. • County • of Tcsmpkins a New York , ,es follows : - • :• x • SECTION ``-1 . • For . the object or purpose , of, the piarehase of • r 1 one - 1964 .Gaterpi .lar-;Loader ; • Model 9 66B , s� ith specs fi�ebd equipment , • • , • , forTthe Used by , the said above' named tern , and for the purpose of providing ' . fvndt3 to pay fog tt cast thereof , - a Capital. "Note - in the mount of D .• - $$2O ;000 , O0 to be Of , 'the terms , fora, and , Contents hershinafter specified .� . . ' . • . • . . I6ha.11 be issued by the Town o . f Dryden ,• County of Tompkins ; New York0 . . . ■ pursuant • to the previsions of the -Local Finance I aw o f the State of . . 'u • ' SECTION 2 : .'The estimated raximu a cost of the object or purpose for which . such capital note is to be issued is .$ 30.2 324 . 00 , " ••' SECTION ' 30' • The Fsl for financing financing of szach object or purpose. • • consists of the . .ssuancs of one ; • caital. note ' of said :tom .n the principal • • • , sum of " $20 ,000400 and the remaining $1© , 324 . 00 is to be paid from the ;townYs N chi.neiry Fund „ thereby, providing •the • sum .. of *. $ 30 '0324000 necessary , ' H. : , , , for said purchase., t,t, t•: being deterrrjned ' to he the na!imum estimated • .: .. ost 'of� such bject or ' ?tr�rpo&e . 4• SECTION ,, 4a• It • is ' hereby determined ...that ' the object t purpose eor which . said Capital Note is to be issued , falls within sub-paragraph 28 . . , ' e�f ' Section -11. 00 of : said Loca3 Finnnci w and that the period of probable ,. ■ i , _ • usefulness of ,such object or purpose. if Tie (5 ) , years . .• SEctrIOt4 54 Ths . proposed ; mdturity of the said Capital Note ' hereby . . . authorized shall not be of a greater period than one .(1 ) year . , • . , SECTION 66 The ‘ said • $ 20 ,O0O . 00 Capital: Note . .ssha li be made up of . •• •, ` one ( 1 ) Capital Note ' of $ 20 , 000 .•00 dated .' as • nay the .. date of issua•ace and ; - . E • I ' timbered „ l maturing in the amount of $ 20,0000.00 Hen the 1st" day of • ' February;,., 19 , 5 ; s : . I . r"• - • t 9 1 . . . 1 :• • - 1 • . . r e a . i• I - , • • p.rcetat per annum payable on the let dyy of rebruaarv , .1965 . The said . Note shall be - si ned il, the name • of . the: Suapery `sor . cif said ' tom and . . i '- sealed • with the corporate seal • of said .tci'w* and shall tae. •attestedr by the 1 Town : Clerk of , salt town , rand both principal of and 'interest ..oil said . Note ,Shall be payable ' in , lawful money' . of the :United States of America . . _ Y - • :at - the First N tional. Lank of , D ydens .pryden01 New :York , - . . . 4, . . . _ . SECTION ,7. • this. Hoard expz* es:IY i'49s rues, the r r5. ht ore any interest - • . . . payment date . prior to maturity to calr in and redact such Note or any , part thereof . which may be outstanding,. and unpaid•; • t CTI9N 8 . goer* capital, Note &Tian. be • issued •irt substantially the • • - form • attached hereto , and made a part. • of those Minutes , ,• • ■ . ' • .. _ SEC ION 9 . .. .. The' Supervisor 'of said Town of- Dryden is hereby 4 - author.ited and •directed to eltecute suchslioLte 'an behalf : of the town and '• • 1 , ' . . ' •', 'fib sell such Note at public or private sale: .in- _thi• manner provided by law. • SECTION 10p ' 'then said dote shall have been duly sold , the said . Note , ' : • shall he delivsred .by • the ,Supervisory to th • • urchaaerr upon payment to him • of the ,purchase; price including accrued . interest , if any , , ,and the receipt by • - the,, Supervisor . shall be a • fulls' acquittance • to ' saSd• . pt rchaser .:who . •; . • shall not be 'obligated ta '' see '' td the app :icat on of - the purchase money . . SECTION lie • That pua suant ' tc •• Sescti 'on , 142 of the Htghwsy. Law of- ' the . - State of New York , the County Superintendent of. Highways . for ;thy, 'County , . . . of Tompkins. has approved the , purchase of this 19G 4 ' Cater} i3ier-L ieder , Model . • 968 , . • • SECTION la. . The• full faith end credit cif ' the :Town of . Dz*yden are, •. ' hereby • p'iedg'ed• to the . -payment ent of the priricI tat of .arid •ir tereSt on, said . • , • , . - .. , . ' • ' :Note when clue , and an 'amount 'snfficidsnt to pad . the principal and interest . : • as ' the .same becomes due each .year sh ll ; be indtudec ' in the annual budget• Y' ye.' . . of .such_ t�n for the ear .and 2. uch stfrote _ shall not b; . Terieved0 SECTION 13:0 • This Note, shall tr kca effect inmedieitelv'o e •• • • I • _ • • fi . • r 9. • • •v . .. r. 'J • • ■ • I. y . . - . I , . Jane 1147 ?gas 0 the duly 'elected% Town . Clank of the Town of Dryden . • • , County of Ton;pklns s., ' New York , do hereby certify that ttae for rte; is true ,'sand exact cony of a resolution dull. adopted by at least a two-thirds • vote -f. the -v t ng .strength of the . TOWn Board of the Town of :O den on • the t . t./ 3 . day of . ri l96!t and that said re 3,ut ion has rdet .r - .., . • been repealed' 'ar amended .and • is st3:i'l in :'full arc ;.; and efteOt" ; that ep • • said meeting the followi,na rnetters , were present and vcated as 'indicated. on • said resolution ; • - •%7/447 / .7 , , . . .....„ , . l • I. '• . ` '.fir •. •C ... / /,f • — ,y a 4. I • , . .. • . . • •.. ., - . . • I - - • • 5 r 4 ''a. • , • , ' • . �_ r ' . • ' - • Dated : ♦c-I "� / V 1964 . ' • - . Town Clerk 1 /I • I. Swc�rn ,'rto `v clove. me thisi o f' . . , Aetom . 19640 . . • 4 . .6 t'j f. i „ a4_,AJfie..,, . • Elf/Rt./IL ten ..,-,, r rt- - frO 2 yEu513C1 vi..,Ctt o 1`S 91T YGrtto - ( 55-3Jia3CD . , ' • . • • • 44 s 3 • k I 06 • • + . . I. } . ` i_ • • • • • • •! ' - _ ... 4 4 4t ' Q . - • - • . ^ : - _ -