HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-05 • .
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Seconded by Justice Hoaglan8;. ., _, Carried .
Assessor Abrams reported that , in the course of checking new
buildings , the need of a building code becomes increasingly
evident . It was agreed that this problem be discussed further
in May , and that the Assessor be asked to draw up a proposal
for consideration at that meeting .
Moved . by Justice Hoagland , seconded by Clm . Benson , that the
meeting be adjourned . Carried . Meeting adjourned at 11 : 10 p . m .
Lewis Gridley , Supervisor k
Jane Korbas , Town Clerk
May 5 , 1964
A special meeting was called by Supervisor Gridley , upon re -
quest of Justice Hoagland and Clm . Benson , for purpose of con-
sidering a resolution regarding first class town .
Meeting called to order at 7 : 30 p . m . by Supervisor Gridley .
Present were Justice Hpagland , Councilmen Benson and Saltonstall .
Absent : Justice Spaulding .
Resolution No . 58 To Make Town of Dryden a Town of the First -Class
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved its
.`� . adoption : WHEREAS , the taxable real property shown on the latest
completed Assessment Roll of the Town of Dryden exceeds
$ 10 , 000 , 000 . 00 ; and
WHEREAS , pursuant to Sec . 12 of the Town Law , a town
may by resolution , subject to a permissive referendum , adopt a ` {
resolution to make the .Town of Dryden a town of the first - class ; an `1.
WHEREAS , the Town Board feels that it would be of the
best interest not only for better representation on the Town Board
by the residents of the Town of Dryden , but also by reason of the
additional flexibility which a town of the first - class has to be -
come a town of the first - class ;
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , That the Town of Dryden
become a town of the first - class effective January 1 , 1966 , and
be it . further
RESOLVED , That this resolution is adopted suject to a
permissive referendum .
Seconded by Justice Hoagland . Roll call vote , all present voting
YES . Absent : Justice Spaulding . ( Note : In a letter to the
Supervisor , dated March 31 , 1964 , Justice Spaulding stated that
he favors Making Dryden a town of the first - class . )
Lewis Gridley , Supervisor
€ : I
Jane Korbas , Town Clerk
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Ls_ ss- existing State, County or plan approval or condi- ing street and utility jacent property owners, feet wide (total) standards for improvements Town of Dryden Planning
PROCEDURE FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Town roadway, or a tional approval the sub- rights-of-way and the scale, north arrow and Local Street - - - 50 feet which a subdivider is expect- Board in accordance with
street or way shown on divider shall submit to names of adjacent pro- date. wide (total) ed to install when land is this Section.
TOWN of DRYDEN, NEW YORK a plat duly filed and re- the Planning Board two perty owners. 5.32 Boundary lines of the subdivided. Proper installa- 9.3 No Final Plat shall be
corded in the office of copies of a Preliminary 5.12 A sketch drawing of the tract or that portion of 6.25 Grades shall not exceed tion of these improvements in any way altered or
County Clerk. Streets Layout. The layout proposed layout of it being submitted for 12% for Local Streets, will prevent excessive future revised after it has been
' FOR ALL SUBDIVISIONS shall include the land drawing shall be review- streets, lots,easements, final approval. 10% for Secondary -public maintenance and re- given approval and has
Submit to Planning Board between street lines ed for compliance with and any other features, Streets, and 8%,for Pri- placement costs. been properly signed in
g Y 5.33 Location, names and % P P Y 8�
for Classification whether improved or un- any sketch plan condi- indicating lot dimensions right-of-way widths of mary Streets. No street accordance with this
improved and may corn- tions and with the pro- and,the general location all existing streets and shall have a grade of 7.1 Prior to requesting ap- Section. Such altera-
MINOR SUBDIVISIONS I MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS prise pavement, should- visions required by Sec- and width of street and easements; location of less than 1.5%. proval of the Final Plat tions or revisions shall
I ers, gutters, sidewalks, tion 5.2 of these Rules easement rights-of-way. existing building lines, 6.26 All horizontal and ver- the subdivider shall have cause said Final Plat
i- i• parking areas and other and Regulations. For 5.13 A general indication of structures, c r e e k s, tical curves shall be de- made, or furnished a to be null and void,unless
1. 1. areas within the street any non-compliance the existing natural features ditches and other fea- signed with sufficient ra- performance guarantee approved by the Planning
Subdivider submits • Subdivider submits PP Y g
lines. For the purpose Planning Board may re- including topography, tures to be retained. dins to provide a safe to make, the following
SKETCH PLAN SKETCH PLAN Board after public hear-
_ (4 copies) of these Rules and Reg- turn the layout drawings streams, water bodies, 5.34 Location, name and transition from one dir- improvements: in
p' (4 copies) ulations streets shall be to the subdivider along ditches, buildings and ection to another at 25 ing.
I I classified as follows: with suggestions for g right-of-way widths of 7.12 Markers minimum of
I gg large trees and tree all proposed streets, miles per hour and to 1/2" . Section 10. Variance.
ry bringing P masses. P P 1 1/2 galvanized pipe
Primary Streets:those bran n it into oomph- creeks water courses, provide proper sight dis- 10,1 When unusual conditions
2, Planning Board review,
2. Planning Board review, streets used primar- ance. driven at least 2 ft, into
p 5.14 General information re- drainage facilities, tree tance, and in no case occur and, in the Plan-
. Discussion with sub- Discussion with subdivider ily for fast or heavy 4.22 Following presentment g the ground shall be set at
vy g P garding proposed water masses and other fea- shall this radius be less all block corners, or, if ning B o a r d's opinion,
divider and Action and Action traffic. for review of a Prelim- supply and sewage treat- tures. than 150 feet, no complete blocks are' strict compliance with
Secondary Streets: inary Layout the Plan- ment and any proposed 5.35 Pro ert lines of all lots 6.27 Permanent dead-end these Rules and Re
P Y involved, at each corner g'•
Those streets which ning Board shall review protective convenant on with accurate dimen- streets shall not exceed of the area to be subdiv- ulations would result in
3. . 3. I carry traffic from lo- said layout. The Plan- the lots. sions, bearings or de- 1250 feet in length and
ided, and at intervals of unnecessary hardships,
Approved Subdivision. Subdivider submits Preliminary cal streets to primary ning Board may approve 5.2 The Preliminary Layout. flection angles, and radii shall provide a turn-
approximately 500 feet. the Rules and Regu-
1 copy for Town Clerk Layout and suporting data to street s and which con- the layout as submitted, A Preliminary Layout of and arcs of all curves. around at the end with a
Placement el such mark- lations may be varied or
1 copy for Planning Bd. Planning Board at regular nect primary streets may conditionally ap- the proposed subdivision radius of not less than
2 copies for subdivider Meeting. (2 co ies) but do not car heav prove the la out sub ect, P P 5.36 Number or letter to iden- ers shall be approved by modified by the Planning
P ry Y Y j shall be presented to the tify each lot on the plat. 65 feet, the Planning Board. . Board so that substan-
vI olumes of fast traf- to stated conditions, or Planning Board in dupli- 5.37 Detailed drawings show- 6.29 Subdivisions adjoining or
fic. may disapprove the lay- g and justice icy nt done
Y PP Y- cate at a scale of one ing profiles and cross including existing 7.13 Streets. All streets shall and the public interest
4. Local Streets: Those out stating the reasons inch equals 100 feet or sections of all proposed streets which do not con- be graded in accordance
Planning Board reviews for p posed g secured.
compliance and takes streets which are used therefor, one inch equals 50 feet, streets. Aid in prepar- form to right-of-way with specifications ob- 10.2 In modifying any of these
P primarily for access 4.23 The action of the Plan- whichever most clearly ing drawings may be ob- widths as specified by tained from the Town
appropriate action, g g Y p Y regulations the Planning
to the abutting prop- ning Board including any illustrates the subdivid- tained from the Town these Rules and Regula- Highway Superintendent. Board may impose any
I . condition imposed shall er's proposal. The Lay- Highway Superintendent. tions shall dedicate ad- 7.14 All drainage facilities conditions that are nec-
5. Section 4. Procedure, be noted on both copies out shall show, or be 5.38 County Board of Health ditional width along
The purpose of this section of the Preliminary lay- accompanied by, suffi- required by Planning ning to acc, in its judgment,
Subdivider submits Final Plat and P Y. certification, either or both sides of required by the Planning to accomplish substan-
is to set forth the step-by- out. One copy shall be cient information to es- 5.4 Prior to granting ap- said street. Board shall be installed tially the objectives of
supporting data to Town Clerk at l given to the subdivider Y
i step actions which shall be g tablish the design, ar- proval of the Final Plat 6.210No street shall have a
• least 2 weeks prior to regular and one retained for the P and banks shall be sta- the regulations so modi-
E c followed by subdivider and rangement, location and the subdivider shall have name which will dupli- bilized to prevent ero- fled.
0 o Planning Board meeting. (4 copies) g P
w p Planning Board when land in Planning Board file. dimensions of streets, installed , all improve- cafe, or so nearly dup- sion.
• En m the Town of Dryden is to be 4.24 Approval of a Prelim- lots and other features ments required by Sec- licate as to be confused 7,15 In the event a water dis- Section 11. Amendments.
ss -0 Plannin Board review of Final constitute approval of the eider or required by the Regulations or shall have isting streets. The con-
6' Planning g g of Dryden the subdivid- may be amended after public
C cs Plat for compliance and instal- 4.1 Submission of a Sketch Final Plat but shall be Planning Board after furnished the Planning tinuation of an existing er within such district hearing and approval by the
cs s o lation of improvements. Plan. considered only as ap- Sketch Plan review. Board with satisfactory street shall have the shall. provide water Town Board as set forth by
• : B 4.11 Any subdivider in the proval of the general lay- Specifically, the Prelim- guarantees of perfor- same name. mains with fire hydrants Section 272 of the Town Law.
es I Town of Dryden shall, out of the subdivision and inary Layout shall show: mance. 6.3 Intersections. no more than 1,000 feet
3 •° 7, prior to subdividing or shall be a request to 5.21 Identification: Name of 6.31 All streets shall inter- apart. Section 12. Violation of Rules
1 Public hearing by Planning Board re-subdividing land as proceed with the Final subdivision if an ;name Section 6. Design Standards sect as nearly at right P
E ao defined in these Rules Plat, and address of owner of The purpose of this Section Y g 7.2 All improvements shall and Regulations - Penalties.
sr angles as possible and be installed by the sub- 12.1 The violation of any rule
° and Regulations, submit 4.3 Submission of a Final record; names of all ad- is to provide design princi- Y Y
in no case shall inter- divider at his expense or regulation adopted b
x to 2 8' I Planning Board action. four copies of a sketch Plat for a Major Sub- jacent property owners; pies and minimum standards sect at ,an angle of less with no reimbursement the Town Board herein
3 sl ! g plan of the proposed sub- division scale, north arrow and which shall be applied to the than 60 degrees.
I division to the Planning 4.31 The Final Plat of the date. subdivision of land in the Town g from the Town of Dry- shall be deemed an of-
Board for the purpose subdivision shall be sub- 5.22 Topography: Sufficent of Dryden. Those principles 6.32 Street jogs with center den and shall be install- fense against such rules
line offsets of less than ed to the satisfaction of and regulations.
of-classification--andrlis-. mitted-to the Town-Clerrk -- -approximate_ _ contour and standards are established g
File subdivision with County 9. ! App-raved subdivision lines to promote and assure sound,
125 feet shall not be the Town Highwa Super- 12.2 For any violation of the
Clerk within 90 days. 1 copy for Town,Clerk cussion. at least two weeks prior lines and elevations to p. permitted. intendent and the Town rules and regulations
Y 1 co Y for Planning Board Planning Board may to the Planning Board determine the general efficient and safe long-range 6.4 Lots Board. herein the
copy g 4.12 The Plannin y develo development throughout hout the person vio-
2 copies for subdivider immediately approve a meeting at which it is slope and natural drain- p g 6.41 Each lot must face on an 7.3 The subdivider ma if Latin same shall be sub-
2 Town, All subdividers in the Y. g
sketch plan which is to be considered. age of the land. approved street and have he chooses, file a Bond ject to a fine of not more
p Town of Dryden shall observe pp
classified as a MINOR 4.32 Four copies of the Final 5.23 Existing Features: Lo- satisfactory access to a with the Town Board to than $50.00, or impris-
subdivision and has re- Plat drawing and all sup- cation and approximate the following requirements
PP and rinci les of land sub- public street. guarantee satisfactory onment not exceeding 30
LAND SUBDIVISION icipal facilities and not separate use. ceived Board of Health porting documents re- dimension of all ease- P p 6.42 Insofar as is Tactical construction and install- days, or by both such
REGULATIONS adversely affecting the 3.8 Performance Guarantee: quired by Section 5.3 of ments and all street and division in the design of each p Y Y
DRYDEN, NEW YORK development of the the approval. subdivision or portion thereof: side lot lines shall be ation of all improve- fine and imprisonment.
P Any security which may 4.13 Upon Planning Board ap- these Rules and Regu- utility rights-of-way;lo- perpendicular to street ments not constructed or 12.3 In addition to the above-
mainder of the property be acceptable to the Town proval of a sketch plan lations shall be submit- , cation of ditches, 6.1 General. The subdivi- center lines. installed at the time of provided penalties and
Section 1. Title or of adjoining parcels. Board in lieu of a re- classified as a MINOR ted. streams, water bodies, sion plat shall conform 6.5 Blocks submitting the Final punishment, the Town
Land Subdivision Rules and 3.3 Major Subdivision: Any quirement that all im- subdivision no further 4.33 The Final Plat shall con- large trees, property to design standards 6.51 Block size shall be de- Plat. The Town Board Board may also main-
Regulations of the Town of subdivision of land not provements to be made approval shall be re- form substantially to the lines and buildings. which will encourage ef- termined on the basis of shall be satisfied as to tain an action or pro-
Dryden, New York. classified by the Plan- by the subdivider, as quired. Two copies of Preliminary Layout as 5.24 Proposed Features: ficient and beneficial convenient circulation, the form, amount, and ceeding in the name of the
ning Board as a Minor specified in these Rules approved by the Planning Name, location, width, development patterns control and safety of
P the approved plan shall � Y manner of execution of Town in a court of corn-
Section 2. Purpose Subdivision. (See Minor and Regulations,be made be returned• to the sub- Board. If the subdivider and approximate grades within the Town. Where vehicular traffic. such Bond. A period of petent jurisdiction to
The purpose herein is to Subdivision) before the Planning divider, one filed with so desires,the Final Plat of all streets; location, either or both an Official 6.52 Insofar as practical a months, within which compel compliance with
provide rules, regulations and 3.4 Approval of Final Plat: Board approves the Final the Town Clerk and one may consist of only that _ width and purpose of all Map or a General Plan cross street shall be time all improvements s or restrain by injunction
standards to guide the orderly Official action of the Plat. kept in the files of the portion of the Prelim- easements; location and have been adopted the provided at least every shall be made, shall be the violation of rules and
subdivision of land in the Town Planning Board taken on 3.9 Plat: A subdivision map. Planning Board. inary Layout which is to dimension of all proper- subdivision shall con- 1250 feet. specified by the Planning regulations herein.
of Dryden in order to promote a previously approved 3.10 Sketch Plan: Drawing(s) 4.14 The Planning Board may, be developed and record- ty lines; location and di- form to the proposals 6.53 No block shall he short- Board and expressed in Section 13. Saving Clause.
the public health, safety con- Preliminary layout after of the proposed subdivi- before approving any ed at that time, provided mention of all drainage and conditions shown er than 500 feet. the performance expressed
p p PP g Y p If any clause, sentence,
venience and general welfare all ' requirements, con- sion made with sufficient sketch lan, require the that such portion con- facilities; location of all thereon. 6.6 Natural Features:
P q proposed 6.2 Streets paragraph, section or part of
of the Town. It shall be ad- ditions, engineering accuracy to be used for subdivider to submit any forms to all require- other features p 6.61 All natural features such Section 8.Acceptance of Roads
Y p
ministered to insure the plans, public hearing, the purpose of discussion additional data deemed ments of these Rules and these Rules and Regulations by the subdivider or re- 6.21 The layout of new streets as trees, streams, hill- as Town Highways. shall be adjudged by any court
orderly growth and develop- etc., have been complet- and classification by the necessary. Regulations. quired by these Rules in any subdivision shall tops, and views shall be No new streets or roads
Y• p
ment, the conservation, pro- ed and the required im- Planning Board as re- 4.15 After a subdivider has 4.34 Planning Board shall and Regulations or the be such as to provide preserved whenever shown on final approved plats of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall
tection and proper parceling provements have been quired by Section 4.1 of submitted four conti- hold a public hearing Planning Board. for the appropriate ex- possible in designing and shall become town highways not affect, impair, or invali-
date land, the adequate provision installed or a perfor- these Rules and Regula- guous minor subdivi- within 30 days from the 5.25 Utilities: Source of water tension of existing laying out any subdivi- until accepted by the Town date the remainder thereof,
of service and the safe move- mance guarantee for tions. sions to the Planning date of submission of supply and method of streets and shall take sion containing such fea- Board. but shall be confined in its
ment of vehicles in the Town their completion has 3.11 Preliminary Layout:The Board, any subsequent the Final Plat. Notice sewage disposal for each into consideration topo- tures. The Planning operation to the clause, sen-
of Dryden. been properly osted, shall be placed in the lot in the subdivision in- graphy, public conven- tence, paragraph, section or
Y P P Y P preliminary map pre- subdivision on the same P _-_ P Y, P Board may require
3.5 Date of Presentment of sented for Planning street or an intersecting official town newspaper eluding results of per- ience and safety and the changes in the layout to Section 9. Filing of Approved g g g Y g pp part thereof, directly invol-
Section 3. Definitions. Preliminary Layout:The Board review showing street submitted by said at least 5 days prior to colation tests and Board proposed uses of the land assure that such features Plat.
g Y ved in the controversy in
In the interpretation and date when the Planning the proposed design lay- subdivider shall be said hearing. of Health approval, to be served by such will be preserved. 9.1 After Planning Board ap- which such judgment shall
enforcement of these Rules Board receives a Pre- out of the subdivision classified as a MAJOR 4.35 The Planning Board shall 5.26 A copy of any protective streets. 6.7 Easements. proval of a MINOR sub- have been rendered.
and Regulations the following liminary Layout corn- and prepared in compli- subdivision and shall re- act on the Final Plat covenants or deed re- 6.22 Secondary streets shall 6.71 Easements across lots division, or approval of
definitions shall apply: plete and with all sup- ance with the provisions quire Preliminary Lay- within 45 days from the strictions applying to the be designed to discour- or centered on rear or the Final Plat of a Section 14. Court Review.
3.1 Subdivision: The divi- porting data required by of Section 5.2 of these out and Final Plat ap- date of the public hear- land being subdivided • age through traffic. side lot lines shall be MAJOR Subdivision, in Any person or persons,
sion of any lot, tract, Section 5.2 of these rules Rules and Regulations. proval and submission of ing. shall be submitted with 6.23 Any subdivision of four, provided for utilities accordance with Section jointly or severally,aggrieved
or parcel of land into and regulations. all data required for such the Preliminary Layout. or more lots on a prim- where necessary. Where 4 of these Rules and
Section 5. Plan Details P ry' by any decision of the Plan-
two or more lots,tracts, 3.6 Date of Submission: The approval. 5.3 Final Plat shall be sub- ary street shall, when- a subdivision contains a Regulations the Plat
PP The purpose of this Section g ning Board concerning such
or parcels for the pur- date when the Final Plat 3,12 Final Plat: The final map 4.16 The Planning Board shall is to specify y for the subdivi- mitted in permanent ever possible, be de- drainage right-of-way shall be signed by the plat may have said decision
pose of sale or building complete with all sup- of all or a portion of the take action on sketch form at a scale of one signed so that no lot there shall be provided Chairman of the Plan-
pose der the Information required p reviewed re a special term
development. When land porting data required by subdivision presented to plans at a regular or inch equals 100 feet or shall have direct access a storm easement, con- ning Board, or the mem-
ber by the Planning Board before g of the Supreme Court in the
is divided into parcels of Section 5.3 of these rules Town Clerk for final ap- special meeting and shall review of the proposed sub- one inch equals 50 feet, to the primary street. forming substantially to ber acting in his place. manner provided by Article
five or more acres for and regulations and by proval by Planning Board notify the subdivider of P P whichever most clearly 6.24 Street right-of-way the drainage way align- Major subdivision plats 78 of the Civil Practice Law
agricultural Planning and prepared in compli- the action taken within division is undertaken.
g purposes the Plannin Board in its illustrates the subdivi- widths shall be measured ment, and providing such must be filed by the sub- and Rules, providing the pro-
only, and no new street action on the Prelimin- ance with the provisions ten days from such meet- 5.1 The Sketch Plan. When der's proposal. Four from the center of the additional width as will divider in the County ceeding is commenced within
or road is involved, this ary Layout, is submitted of Section 5.3 of these ing. Reasons for grant- a Sketch Plan is submit- copies of all maps and street to each side and be necessary to permit Clerk's office. Any sub- (30) days after the filing of
shall not be considered to the Town Clerk. Rules and Regulations, ing conditional approval ted to the Planning Board supplementary data shall shall not, unless other- access for cleaning and division plat not so filed
g g PP be submitted. The Final wise shown on the Gen- repair. Said width is within 90 days from the the decision in the office of
a subdivision. 3.7 Lot: Any parcel or tract and which, if approved, or for failure to approve for consideration the Plat shall shdw or be eral Plan or Official to be determined by the date of Planning Board the Planning Board, all as
3.2 Minor Subdivision: Any of land separated from shall be filed in the any sketch plan shall be subdivider shall provide
subdivision containing other parcels or tracts Y P Y g set forth in Section 282 of the
g P County Clerk's office. attached to each copy the following informs- accompanied by the fol- Map, if any, be less than Planning Board. approval shall be null
t3' PY of g P Y P Y g P Town Law.
not more than two lots by description, as on a 3.13 Street: Any street,aven- the sketch plan. tion: lowing: the following: and void.
fronting on an existing subdivision or record of ue, boulevard, road, 4.2 Submission of a Prelim- 5.11 A location map identify- 5.31 Name and location of Section 7. Improvements 9.2 No plat shall be accept- Section 15. Effective Date.
street, not involving any survey map, or by metes lane, parkway, alley, or ins Layout for a Ma- in the subdivision by subdivision, name and Primary Street - - -60 feet The purpose of this Section ed for filing b the Count These rules and regulations
Y Y �' Y ing y P rP g y Y shall take effect 10 days after
new street or road or and bounds for the pur- other way which is an jor Subdivision name and owner of re- address of owner of re- wide (total) is to establish the minimum Clerk unless it has been being ublished and
the extension of any mun- pose of sale, lease, or 4.21 Upon receiving sketch cord and showing exist- cord, names of all ad- Secondary Street - - - 50 installation and construction duly approved by the g P posted.
- , _
. .
May 5 , 1964 ,
Re : Rules and Regulations . for Land Subdivision
The public hearing was called to order by Supervisor. Gridley at
8 : 00 p . m . Prebent were1Jus tice . Hoagland , . Councilmen Benson and
Saltonstall4 Planning Board Chairman Ogden and members Hardesty ,
Lengemann , and Curtiss ; and three from _:the public .
Public notice of the . hearing was read' by the clerk .
Supervisor Gridley noted that prior . to the hearing he received the
following expressions of opinion : ( 1 ) hope that such regulation
would not retard growth in the .township ; ( 2 ) that it is an imposi -
tion on builders to ask them to build so much road as called for .
The hearing was turned over to - Clm . Benson , Town Board representative
on the Planning Board , so that Supervisor Gridley could attend village
meeting re : sewer study. - .
S ince those present had attended previous hearing held by the Planning
B oard reading of the total proposal was waived , and the general purposes
and procedures summarized . • .
Questions included : Will town take over roads built according to it
1i this proposal ? Ans . - it is not guaranteed by the regulations , but / is
very likely they would be .
Length of time required to gain approval for a major subdivi -
sion . • .Ans . - this is controlled largely by state law ; but can be done ,
attquickest in 31 days .
Discussion of problem of acquainting people with such regula-
tions - as well as other actionsof Town Board . - •
Comments included : " I don ' t think much of it . If there is need for
something like this it should all be done by the Town Board , not a
P lanning Board . " . ( Prince ) ( Ans . - law does not permit Town Board
to regulate subdivision . )
" . . is essential to protezt the well intentioned subdivider
against the unscrupubus subdividers who may come in to make quick
money and move on . " ( Mrs . Hardesty- as taxpayer , . as well as Planning
B oard member )
It was noted that these regulations will not restrict the sale of
property — which would be the province of zoning .
The hearing was \,adjourned at 8 : 35 p . m .
Jane gorbas , Town Clerk
: , . 1
. 71
Hc• irt r f the Finger Lakes Rcgio i
r (i
WHEREAS , the County Highway Superintendent has recommended
abandonment of that portion of Monkey Run Road from the railroad
tracks in a northerly direction to the intersection of Hanshaw
Road at Lower Creek Road , .
RESOLVED , that this section of Monkey Run Road be abandoned .
I , Rosemary Stelick , Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins
County , New York , DO HEREBY CERTIFY , that I have compared the fore -
going with the original resolution adopted by the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden at a meeting of said Board held on the 12th day of
May , 1964 , and that the foregoing ' is a t•r.ue ---and correct transcript
of said original resolution and of th , >whble thereof , and that
said original resolution is on file in Mgr-office .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and the seal
of the Town of Dryden this 18th day of October , 1971 .
e t6 _
Town Clerk
HI '' �!l , l � � � n h r. �
I I '
I I I „r tl
111 I
May 12 , 1964
The regular monthly meeting of the Dryden Town Board was called to
o rder by Supervisor Gridley at 8 : 00 p . m . Present were Justices
H oagland and Spaulding , Councilman Saltonstall , and Assessor Abrams .
Absent : Councilman Benson .
The minutes of the April meeting were approved .
Dr . Robert Broad , Tompkins County Commissioner of Health , was present
to discuss the proposal of the Health Department for rules and regu -
lations for the use of individual sewage systems and water supplies
where public facilities are not available . ( See Board of Health file )
I Resolution No . 59 - Board of Health Rules
. all offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : RESOLVED , That this Town Board register its approval of
the County Health Department proposed rules and regulations for indi -,
✓ idual sewage systems and water supplies where public facilities are
n ot available , and the general design of zones suggested .
S econded by Justice Hoagland . Carried . 1
S upervisor Gridley reported that the possibility of a peddler ordi -
n ance still is under study , and that the Dryden village attorney has
advised the village Board there is no practical control .
N otice was received from the Board of Elections that there will be'
n o primary in the Town of Dryden this year .
Resolution No . 60 - Highway Claims
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : RESOLVED , that Highway claims totaling $ 3912 . 90 be paid
as audited .
‘ Seconded by Justice Hoagland . Roll call vote , all present voting YES. .
Absent : Clm . Benson .
Resolution No . 61 - General Claims
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : RESOLVED , that general claims totaling $ 928 . 12 be paid
as audited .
Seconded by Clm . Saltonstall . Roll call vote , all present voting YES .
Absent : Clm . Benson .
Resolution No . 62 - Transfer of Funds
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adopti:or : RESOLVED , that the sum of $ 2600 . 00 be transferred from
h ighway funds Item #4 to highway fund Item # 3 .
S econded by Clm . Saltonstall . Roll call vote , all present voting YES . .
Absent : Clm . Benson .
Resolution No . 63 - Highway Salaries
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its
• adoption : RE
SOLVED , that , upon recommendation of the Highway
Superintendent , wage increase for highway employees on a merit basis
be approved as follows : 2 men increase 501 , 1 man 100 , and 2 men
ill 15 ¢ , per hour .;: effective with the payroll of May 21st .
S econded by Clm . Saltonstall . Roll call vote , all present voting
YES . Absent : Clm . Benson .
Resolution No . 64 - Abandon Portion Monkey Run Road
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : WHEREAS , the County Highway Superintendent has recommended
abandonment of that portion of Monkey Run Road from the railroad
tracks in a northerly direction to the intersection of Hanshaw Road
at Lower Creek Road ,
RESOLVED , that this section of Monkey Rim Road be
/S.. 41 ` I
abandoned .
S econded by Justice Hoagland . Roll call vote , all present
voting YES . Absent : Clm . Benson .
Resolution No . 65 - Subdivision Control
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : WHEREAS , a public hearing has been duly held , on
proposed ruled : . foo subd vision of land in the Town of Dryden ,
RESOLVED , ""t;]±,at said rules be adopted , as attached to
these minutes .
S econded by Justice Hoagland . Roll call vote , all present voting
YES . Absent : Clm . Benson . ( Note - Sup . Gridley stated that Clm .
Benson had expressed to him his approval .
Resolution No . 66 - Information to Public 411
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Resolved that , contingent on legal advice , a plan be
adopted whereby copies of Town ordinances ( building reports ,
junk yards , subdivision , etc . ) can be distributed to all taxpayers .
S econded by Justice Hoagland . Carried .
Copy of Atty . Williamson ' s letter to Lloyd Maeder , State Traffic
Commission , regarding speed zones was read and placed on file .
Justice Hoagland reported that Mr . Levatich , architect , expects
to present a full outline , with estimates of cost , regarding
Town Hall , at the next meeting .
Resolution No . 67 - Outside Lighting
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : RESOLVED , that the yard light in front of Town Hall be
changed to the next size brighter .
S econded by Clm . Saltonstall . Carried .
Assessor Abrams reported , regarding building codes , that he is
to hear from the local building code representative when the
latest material is available .
Moved by Justice Hoagland , seconded by Justice Spaulding , that
the meeting be adjourned . Adjourned at 9 : 45 p . m .
L ewis Gridley , Supervisor
J ane Korbas , Town Clerk