HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-03 40 January 3 , 1963
The regular monthly meeting of the Dryden Town Board was called
to order by Supervisor Gridley at 8 p . m . Present were Clm .
Baker and Saltonstall , Justices Hoagland and Spaulding ,
Hwy . Supt . Case , and Mr . Emmons _'Ogden , Planning Board Et airman .
The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved .
Mr . Ogden reviewed work being done by the Planning Board ,
and presented_ x> gaattn letter of resignation from Mrs .
Barbara York , Planning Board member .
Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Justice Hoagland , that
this Town Board accept , with regret , the resignation of Mrs .
Barbara York ; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to write to
Mrs . York a letter of appreciation for her efforts as a Board
member . Carried and so ordered .
N Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Justice Hoagland , that
Mrs . A . K . Fletcher , whose term on the Planning Board is ex-
piring , be reappointed for a full seven year term . Carried
. and so ordered .
. Referral to the Planning Board of the matter of subdivision
control , as agreed by resolution on Dec . 29 , 1962 , was dis -
cussed , and it was suggested that Atty . Williamson be con-
sulted by Mr . Ogden and the Planning Board .
Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Justice Spaulding , that
General bills totaling $ 736 . 67 be paid as audited . Roll call
• vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Clm . Baker , seconded by Justice Hoagland , that Highway
bills , totaling $ 1899 . 70 be paid as audited . Roll call vote
all voting YES .
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption : Be it resolved that the monthly meetings of
the Dryden Town Board be held on the third day of each month .
However , the Town Board may set meeting dates inconsistent
with the above , when deemed necessary . Seconded by Justice
Spaulding . Carried and so ordered .
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption : Be it resolved that mileage paid to Town
officials , including election inspectors , shall be at the
rate of 8 ¢ per mile , when using their own cars for Town pur-
poses . Seconded by Justice Spaulding . Carried and so ordered .
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption : Be it resolved that Jane A . Gridley be appointed
Deputy Supervisor . Seconded by Clm . Saltonstall . Carried and
so ordered .
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that Leona Fortner , Jane Gridley ,
and Ray Korbas be appointed Deputy Town Clerks . Seconded by
Justice Spaulding . Oak iedLand . se g ordered: - Ag
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that Betsey L . Clarke be appointed
Town Historian for the year 1963 . Seconded by Clm . Saltonstall .
Carried and so ordered .
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that Lewis Gridley be appointed
Service Officer for the year 1963 . Seconded by Clm . Salton-
stall . Carried and so ordered .
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that the salaries of the elective and
appointive officials of the Town of Dryden be paid at the end
of each month , with the exceplion . of the councilmen , who shall
be paid at the end of each three months , and the Town Historian ,
who shall be paid annually . This resolution is not intended to in-
elude the Highway Superintenxdent , who shall be paid from funds
raised for highway purposes . Seconded by Justice Spaulding .
Carried and so ordered .
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption . Be it resolved that the salaries of Town officials be
set for the year 1963 , as scheduled in the budget :
Supervisor $ 2100 . 00
Clerk 3300 . 00
Deputy Clerk 1 . 50 per hour
Justice Hoagland 1600 . 00
Justice Spaulding 2600 . 00
Councilmen 400 . 00 each
Assessor 5000 . 00
Highway Superintendent 5800 . 00
S econded by Clm . Saltonstall . Roll call vote , all voting YES . .
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that the Town of Dryden accept State" price
f or gasoline to ;fie purchased for use in Town equipment . Seconded
by Clm . Baker . Carried and so ordered . - -
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that the Town of Dryden accept state price
for tires to be purchased for use on Town equipment . Seconded by
Clm . Saltonstall . Carried and so ordered .
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that the Town of Dryden accept State price
f orpurchase of pipe and culvert for Town highway purposes . Seconded
by Clm . Baker . Carried and so ordered . .
Justice Hoagland offered the following resolution and moved its adop -
tion : Be it resolved that the Town of Dryden accept price as received
by bid to the County for stone and paving oils to be purchased for
Town highway purposes . Seconded by Clm . Saltonstall . Carried and
' so ordered .
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :
Be it resolved that the Supervisor be empowered to obtain legal
counsel as necessary . Seconded by Justice Hoagland . Carried and
so ordered .
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :
B e it resolved that Lewis Gridley be appointed as delegate to the
Association of Towns meeting to be held in New York on Feb . 4 , 5 ,
and 6 , and
Be it further resolved that the expenses of elective officials , andof
the following appointive officials - Assessor , Planning Board Chairman ,
and one constable - be paid from the General Fund of the Town of
D ryden . Seconded by Clm . Saltonstall . Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Clm . Saltonstall offered the following resolution and moved its adop -
tion : WHEREAS , there has been appropriated the sum of $ 600 . 00 for the
Southworth Library ,
Be it resolved that the Supervisor be and he hereby is author-
ized and directed to pay said sum to the Southworth Library upon
receipt of a certified claim therefor . Seconded by Justice Spaulding .
Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Justice Hoagland , that the
Town Board , approve committees as selected by the Supervisor , as
follows : .
G eneral - Saltonstall and Spaulding
H ighway - Hoagland and Baker
Buildings and Grounds - Bpaulding and Hoagland
Review of assessments - entire Town Board
Motion carried and so ordered .
Clm . ' Saltonstall offeredthe following resolution and moved its adop -
t ion : Be it resolved . that highway department employees be paid as
recommended by Highway Superintendent , within a range not ' to exceed
408 .
$ 2 . 10 per hour . Seconded by Clm . Baker . Roll call vote ;, all
voting YES .
Clm . Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : Be it resolved that Town Road # Zeman Road ) ,
between West Dryden Road and Niemi Road , a distance of approx-
imately one mile , be designated for permanent improvement , at
a cost not to exceed $ 8000 . 00 , and .
Be it further resolved that this be done with machine
type topping , properly sealed , width of travel surface to be
18 to 20 feet , and thickness approximately three inches .
Seconded by Justice Spaulding . Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Clm . Baker , that tele -
phone tolls incurred by the Justices of the Peace that are
necessary for the conduct of their legal business , be a Town
charge when certified . Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Clm . Saltonstall , seconded by Clm . Baker , that if the
Justices need service of a secretary in the conduct of their
legal business it be a Town charge when certified . Roll call
vote , all voting YES .
P ossible division of voting district #1 was discussed , in light
o f Assessor Abram ' s report on number of dwelling units in
sections of the Bethel Grove area . It was agreed that Sup .
Gridley set up a meeting with Mr . Krause , committeeman , and
o thers concerned , prior to February Board meeting . ( See corres -
pondence file - Election Districts ) .
L etter from Commissioner of Public Welfare regarding auction
o f Elsie Olmstead property was read - indicating payment of
$ 584 . 54 to the Town of Dryden in: satisfaction of a lien held
by the Town of Dryden as recorded October 6 , 1947 in Liber 306
o f Deed at page 44 .
Sup . Gridley reported that he has arranged for Seven Valley
G lass Co . of Cortland to look over entrance of Town Office
Building , to make recommendation for possible repair or change .
Sup . Gridley reported that a review of the tax rate indicated
a decrease in the rate outside of villages of $ 1 . 04 , rather than
$ . 61 , as previously reported ; and of $ . 89 inside of villages ,
the same as previously reported .
The next regular meeting was scheduled for February 7th .
. i
Moved by Justice Hoagland , seconded by Justice Spaulding that
the meeting be adjourned . Carried and . so ordered .
L ewis Gridley , Supervisor
J ane Korbas , Town Clerk