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March 4 , 1958
The regular monthly meeting of the Dryden Town Board was held
at the Town Office , Mar . 4 , 1958 at 2 : 00 P . M .
Present "' were : Sup . Gridley , Justice Spaulding , Councilmen Baker ,
and Saltonstall , Hwy . Supt . Beach , and Assessor Abrams .
The minutes of the Feb . meetings were read for information , and
approved .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Councilman Saltonstall ,
that the General dills totaling $ 349 . 73 , and the Youth Project bills
totaling $ 25 . 00 , be paid as audited . Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Councilman Baker , seconded by Councilman Saltonstall ,
that the Hwy . ,bills totaling $ 1863 . 87 , be paid as audited . Roll call
vote , all viti,ng YES .
Town Attorney Charles Newman came to explain the Law on a Special
Election for buying Snow Removal Equipment which costs in excess of
$ 20 , 000 . A Special Election can be ached & the Town Board acts as
Election Inspectors , which is held in one place in the Town for 6 hours
from 2 : 00 P . M . . to 8 : 00 P . M . to be held not less than 30 dayd , nor later
than 45 days after the Resolution was passed .
Rev . Gibby was present and explained that a new directory is
being printed . 1
Messrs . William Bailey and Jerry True were present in regard to
the Town Insurance on Vehicles and Liability .
Moved byiOouncilman Saltonstall , seconded by Justice Spaulding ,
that we changeuour comprehensive automobile and public liability , on the
e xpiration of the Insurance , April 20 , to the George B . Bailey agency ,
and that said agency write it as submitted to the Board , on Mar . 4 , 1958 •
Roll call vote °Itaken , all voting YES .
The Inter-Varsity Chriatian Fellowship on Cornell wrote a letter
o f appreciation for the Town plowing the road to Mi . Pleasant , when
they called for help , and sent a check of $ 15 . 00 .
The following Resolution was moved by Councilman Saltonstall ,
seconded by Jusvtice Spaulding : WHEREAS , the Town Board of the town of
Dryden has come', to realize that the snow removal equipment of the Town
is grossly inadequate to cope with conditions such as those which have
e xisted during February ,
WHEREAS , the Town Board believes that that this inadequacy has caused
undue inconvenience , expense and hardship for the inhabitants of the
Town who live off from the main highways ,
RESOLVED : that a special town election be held at the Dryden Town Office
o n the 14 day of April , 1958 , with the polls to be opened at two o ' clock
in the afternoon and to be closed at eight o ' clock in the evening , and ,
that the following proposition be voted upon at said special election :
Shall the Town Board be authorizes to expend more than $ 20 , 000 . and not
e xceeding $ 36 , 00 0 . in the year 1958 for the purchase of snow removal
e quipment and finance the same by borrowing monies pursuant to the
provisions of th Local Finah.ce Law , ant loan therefor. to mature
w ithin five rears . Roll call vote , all voting YES .
Moved by Councilman Baker , seconded by Justice Spaulding that we
advertise for bids for a half - ton pick-up truck . Specifications may be
picked up at the ;ioffiue of the Town Clerk . Bids to be opened Mar . 18 ,
at Judge Spauldings Office at 3 ; 00 P . M . Roll call vote , all voting
YES . .
These minutes were read and approved . The next meeting will
beheld April 3 , at 2 : 00 P . M .
Moved by Councilman Saltonstall , seconded by C . Baker that this
meeting adjourn . Carried . .
Lewis Rridley , Supervisor
Nellie Rice , Town Clerk
March 18 , 1958
A special board meeting was held at Judge Spaulding ' s
March . 18 , at 3 : 00 P . 4 . .
Present were : Justice Whitford , J . Spaulding , Councilman
Saltonstall and Hwy . Supt . Beach .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by C . Saltonatall , that
Justice Whiteford serve as Chairman .
Bids were received from Cayuga Motors , and Ray Stafford . fxirage .
Cayuga Motors bid was $ 2126 . 62 minus allowance on 1954
chevrolet , 600 . 00 , delivered in Dryden Net , $ 1526 . 62 . on 1958 Ford .
Ray Stafford ' s bid was $ 2123 . 05 , minus $ 830 . trade - in
allowance $830 . , net $ 1293 . 95 . on 1958 Chevrolet .
Moved by Councilman Saltonatall , seconded by Justice Sapuld ng
that we accept the bid submitted by Ray Stafford ' s Garageof
$ 1293 . 95 net . Roll call vote taken , all voting yes .
These minutes were read and approved .
Moved by Councilman Saltonstall , seconded by Justice
Spaulding that this meeting adjourn . Carried .
Nellie Rice , Town Clerk .
HIGHWAY . OW ' w ' OVAL . sUI ' b3! T
Moved by ! < 4t,j :,;L:!.f :._'
Seconded by tji W
WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Dryden has come to realize
that the snow . removal equipment of the town is grossly inadequate
to cope wi / conditions such as those which have existed during tke
. ft
WHEREAS , the p, own Board believes that this inadequacy has caused
undue Inconvenience , expense and hardship for the inhabitants of
the town who live off from the main highwayg
RESOLVED : that a special town election be held at
on the / /1P � ,
/ � ay of , 1958 , with the polls to
be opened at two o ' clock in t . ,afternoon and to be closed at eight
o ' clock in the evening , and t at the following proposition be voted
upon at said. special election :
Shall the Torn Board be authorized to expend more than $ 20 , 000 .
not exceeding $ 36, 000 . in the year 1958 for the purchase of snoware -
moval equipment and finance the same by borrowing monies pursuant to
the provisions of the Local Finance Law, any loan therefor to mature
within five years .