HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-06 149 April 6 - - 1954 . The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was held. on April 6 , L954 at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Town " ffice Building . Present were Supervisor Downey , Justices Whitford , Shaw , Baker and Spaulding and Supt . of Highway Beach . The minutes of the last meeting were read for information . Mr . Downey reported that George Guest was interested in acting as Building Inspector of Multiple Dwellings . IIMoved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Whitford that the motion made as of January 4 , 1954 , which reads as follows : V The ass - essors to receive half of their salary on the first of July and the remainder when their books are completed ) be rescinded , and made to read : The assessors to receive their salary quarterly . Roll call vote , all voting Yes . Moved by Justice Baker , seconded by Justice Spaulding , that a public hearing be held at the next regular board meeting on May 4 , 1954 , from 8 : 00 P . M . to 9 : 00P . M . for the purpose of considering a contract with the Varna Fire Department ; and that a notice of such hearing be published once in the Tompkins County Rural News at least ten days prior to the hearing . Roll call vote , all voting Yes . Bids were submitted by Patch Brothers a nd L . Wernick& Sons for material for roof on the Varna Town Building . Moved byJustice Whit- ford , seconded by Justice Shaw that Wernick & Sons bid as follows be accepted : 215# - - - # 1 - - Thick butt shingles - - - 46 . 50 per square Drip edge 8 ¢ per foot ti Ridge roll 15 ¢ Valley tin. . . . . . . . . . - - - _ _ 14 " 19 ¢ " 20 " 26 ¢ " " Roll Call vote , all justices voting Yes . Moved by Justice Whitford , seconded by 'justice Baker , that the highway bills , totaling C489 . 50 , be paid as audited . Carried by roll call vote , all voting Yes . Moved by Justice Shaw ; seconded by Justice . Spaulding , that the general bills , totaling 096 . 11 and the Youth sroject bills , totalirg , $ 195 . 20 , be paid as audited . Roll call vote , all voting Yes . 150 • By request of the town assessors , communications from the Town Attorney , addressed to Harold Clough and John Lo Pinto relative to the placing of certain Cornell University Properties on the town assessment roll , were read , and after careful consideration , Justice Whitford made a motion , seconded by JusticeS . paulding , that in as much as this was an assessment matter , it should be left to the assessors best judgement and the advise of the Town Attorney . Roll call Vote . 1 All Justices voting Yes . The insurance committee reported on surveys submitted by Travelers , Grange and Farm Bureau . After discussion , this was referred back to the committee for further study , after which said committee shall cause to be called a special meeting to dispose of same . A letter was read that the town clerk wrote to James Wolverton , manager of the Dryden Speedway , relative to the manner in which the Board would like to have the Speedway operated . The next regular board meeting to be held on May 4th , 1954 . The minutes of this meeting were read and approved . On motion meeting was adjourned . Leona Fortner , Town clerk Charles Downey , Supervisor . • t Nola Notr"'1ee ;of hearing on Fire Pro- tectionrrontractN,otice is hereby . = • teen the public hearing : will be . held "at' the Town .Office Building n theTown of Drud ii, New -York, • on;the 4th dayrof• May, 1954 'from ` 8 : 01 p.m. to 9 :00 p m. for the pur- • ; pose of considering ;_a contract for I Ithe'Uiarna Fire • Department to assist I the Neptune Hose , Company No 1 in fire protect :m l , • . . LEONA FORTNER, • ' Town Clerk II • Dated April 21', . 1954 I . ...... , _ . . Special Meeting 151 April 16 , 1954 . By request of the insurance committee and on consent of the Supervisor and the Justices , a special meeting of trik Tbwn Board was held April 16 , 1954 at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Town Office Building . Supervisor Downey presided with all justices present with the exception of Justice Spaulding . Justice Shaw , as chairman of the insurance committee , reported and answered questions regarding further insurance investigation . Justice Whitford stated that according to their study of the insurance matter , a saving of approximately $ 650 . 00 would be real- ized , if the insurance coverage was changed to the Farm Bureau Co . Mr . Vaughn and Mr . Dennis , insurance representatives , were called in to the meeting to discuss the matter further . A letter , from Attorney Newman written to Supervisor Downey , was read , regarding the taxation of certain properties at Cornell University in the town of Dryden . He stated that his advise was definitely to keep the property off the tax roll . Justice Shaw moved that the meeting be recessed until April 19 , 1954 at 7 : 00 P . M . in order to obtain further information in the insurance matter . Justice Whitford seconded the motion . Carried. Leona Fortner , Town Clerk Charles Downey , Supervisor . . April 19 , 1954 . On April 19 , 1954 at 7 : 00 P . M . the recessed meeting ✓ econvened with Supervisor Downey and all Justices present . Justice Whitford reported on insurance developments since the last meeting . He said that he had contacted Mr . Bailey and was told that his company could not compete with the lower rates o f the Farm Bureau Company . After . a discussion , Justice Whitford moved, seconded by Justice Shaw , that the new policies , supplied by George Bailey , be returned to him for cancellation , and in as much as an approximate saving of 4308 . 00 , with greater coverage , could be ✓ ealized , that the Town take out insurance with the Farm Bureau Company ; which covers automotive liability , automotive fire and automotive hired vehicles and that the Comprehensive Liability , which covers town owned buildings ; homes of Justices ; and all 152 • • • contingen t liability ', not covered by other policies , be carried by the Great American Indemnity Company . This motion was carried by a roll call vote , all justices voting Yes . . Mr . Downey reported that a meeting of towns would be held at Groton on Wednesday evening , April 21st , for the purpose of appointing an inspector 1615*## of Multiple Dwellings . The minutes were read and approved . Moved by Justice Shaw that meeting adjourn . , Leona Fortner , Town Clerk . Charles Downey , Supervisor . • �/ -- . • • • • • NOTICE NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN : ■ , - THAT THE STATE COMP- -i TROLLER HAS CAUSED AN i EXAMINATION TO , BE MADE 1 OF THE ACCOUNTS and FIS CAL AFFAIRS OF the ,TOWN OF . DRYDEN ,TOMPKINS CO. , . for the period beginning on farm- , ' ary 1 , 1951 , and ending on Decem - ber 31 , 1952. ' . The report of such . • I 'examination has been 'filed - in my • office where it Is a - public -record, available for inpection by all inter- ested persons. - . LEONA FORTNER- Pub.May 12, 1.954 �_. _ --my T nv rflTr CT.ATF J o . • • • ' JOINT RaBOLOTION - • i ;d BLA.3 the Sown of Dryden ( exclusive . of - the Village o IF • • • . Dryden ) , and the • Tow4 of Zitoton ( exclusive Of the Villete of tret a ) , and the Village of . Groton , all situate in the Gouty of Tompkins ,. and hereinafter referred to as the Municipalities , des airy to take action far , and to nuke . joint . provisions for, the administration and enforcement of the MUltiple lea: dente Law of • the State of New York, insofar as it may • apply •to said munitipal Most and such motion is authorized by ti .tk provisions of Sectio o - 303 of the ?ultiple Residence Law, a d • 4 WHIALAS the substance. of this . resolution, brie been for- wally approved by said Town of Dryden and, said Town of Groton. end, informally a proved by • members of the Hoard. of Trustees of said . Vi.l.l*Ge of QrotC a.,. mow Tikatstoith , be it resolved as fellows ,That each or the aforesaid municipalities does hereby enter into a joint arrangement with said. other municipalities ft . ' the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Multiple Residence Law Insofar . ae said law applies- to the afar © • said me ieipalities and it is further reeolved as fOilowst 0 Thie Joint a ranz: emert shell continue until December 11 1954 , and for such time thereafter as may be agreed upon by the aforesaid mu nicipsJ ltie:so . 1 24 That a pernan shall be designated and employed jointly /7'� by said municipalities for the administration administration and ene -' fry*cemeiat of the provisions of the Multiple Rsstdcnoe Law in . each of said municipalities . . 3 . That the total salary to be paid to such person for . the period ending Dee . mbar 3. , 1954 , . and , co cnciig June 1 , . 1954 , or AS soon, prior or thereto , as this • reaoiutlor, or the . substance thereof, s been duly L • • approved by all of the afor@asaid municipalities , shall be the gums of 41000. 00 . . Such salary shall be paid in equally proportionate installments menthly . by each :. munie ip*U .t In addition, such persons shall be paid for . his reasonable and necessary expanses , as determined . • . . . by, the appropriate officer or body or duly. designated . • x}i . n'eScntative of the - municipalities , incurred in cone i :ne.cflcan with his. employment . The aforesaid pam nts JAMES V . BUYOUCOS _ . of salary. and . expenses shall be made upon they. presents - ATTORNEY AT LAW ttc►n ' © f verified . bills and upon the audit: oi. the SAVINGS BANK BUILDING ITHACA, N . Y. l' 1 • •+ 2 - - • • appropriate auditing body or officer of the munici - • pality. A bill for one- third of such salary and ex- penses shall.: be submitted by such person to each of the aforesaid municipalities and each such municipali - ty shall pay one-third of such- Salary and expenses . t . ' • 4 . The municipalities shall be insured against liability which may . anise out of the operation or a motor vehicle by such person in the course of such employment ., Such p ors-an • shall , prior to the o omsnenc a gent of his employ- • pent , furnish each municipality to this arrAn event with a certificate of insurance insuring each such mun- lcipality against the aforesaid liability , such in,aurw snce to be in the amount of at least 425/50 , 000 and 050000 property damage . . • 5* . Such otheer ' rules and regulations and such agreements as may rrc m time to time be deemed necesefry for- the ae +ry3 g out of the provisions and purposes of this - joint resolution shall be adopted or executed by the : appropriate officer or body or duly dealgu ted repress sa tative of each municipality . The supervisor of the • Twn of Dryden , and of the Town of Orators , and the Mayor of the Village of Groton are hereby authorized to execute any such Agreement deemed necessary to carry • • out the provisions is ,ions and purpoess of this joint resolution. . 6 George Ouest , of 129 German Road., ithac a , New york , Is hereby designated and employed as the person to be at- playact :as aforesaid and he shall administer and enforce the provisions of the Multiple Residence Law subject to , sad in accordance with , the applteabl-e rules , regula- ti ens , ordinances and statutes . • • • • • • • • - JAMES V . BUYOUCOS . • • ATTORNEY AT LAW SAVINGS BANK BUILDING - • • . ' ITHACA, N. Y. • • • - II,