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January 4 , 1954 .
The regula meeting of the Town Board of Dryden was held
the Town Office Bukldin on January 4- 10 4 at 7 : 30 P . M .
th o n g y , 5 7 .
Present were Supervisor Downey , Justices Whitford ,
Shaw , Spaulding . Supervisor Downey presided .
The minutes of the last meeting were read for information .
A communication was read from Frank Albanese reFardinR the
town ordinance of d sposition of garbage and refuse . Mr . Downey volun-
` teered to contact h m about this matter . .
Moved by ustice Whitford , seconed by Justice Spaulding
that the Dryden Rur 1 News be designated as the official newspaper
for 1954 . Carried by roll call vote .
The regular monthly meetings for the year are to be held
the third of each m nth or as near to that date as possible .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Shaw
that 8 cents a mil - be allowed town officers for mil. eage , such as
assessors on dog ciaims , clerk for election returns , service officer ,
and building inspector . Carried and so ordered .
Justice Spaulding made the motion , seconded by Justice
Shaw , that Leona Fortner be appointed registrar of vital statistics
for 1954 . Motion carried .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Shaw
that Ruth Burch be appointed deputy registrar for 1954 . Carried ,
and so ordered .
Mr . Downey reported that Mrs . Lyons wished to have the
road past her house r epaired . The board will inspect it at the
time of the spring road tour .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Shaw
that the general ills totaling 377 . 30 be paid as audited .
Roll Call vote t ken all voted yes . .
Moved by Justice Shaw and seconded by Justice Whitford
that the Youth Project bill from Ellis Hollow Community Center
be held" back until money is paid in by them to the Supervisor .
Motion made by Justice Whitford and seconded by Justice
Shaw that the highway bills totaling2389 . 43 be paid as audited .
Roll call vote taken . All voted Yes .
Meeting recessed and the men from the Varna Fire Co .
were introduced and they told the Board of their r ecuests . ?
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Shaw
that the Town Board give their consent to the formation of a
fire department by the Varna Fire Company . Roll call vote , All
Justices voted yes .
Regular. Board meeting again called to order .
Moved by Justice Spaulding , seconded by Justice Shaw
that Justice Whitford be empowered to sell the lumber from the
round house as he sees fit . Carried and so ordered .
Justice Whitford suggested that the Town Clerk send
a letter to Richard I . Fricke , stating that the Town Board thinks
his services of 4150 are to high and offer him $ 50 .
. .
--- — — a
• Year ending December 31, 1953 '-
STATE OF NEW YORK 4 General Fund $26,626:54 •
s Health- Fund' . 143 .91
A. K. FLETCHER, being duly sworn, deposes and says ) Highway .F4 nd ' • 64,966.88
that he is the publisher, printer, and proprietor of the Lighting "Fund 842. 11
Fire Fund • • - , 2, 128. 77
RURAL NEWS, a public newspaper, P rinted and published 1 .
McArthur ,- Fdnd -' 60.94
in the Village and Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, ! Certificate .OT _Deposit • 164.84
N. Y., that he is over 21 years of age, that he resides in the ; ,
Town of Dryden, County and State aforesaid, and that the
) TOTAL ; RECEIPTS $94,933.99
annexed summons and notice subjoined thereto has been BALANCES at beginning of year :
published in said newspaper once a week for ON General Fund - $8 501-1'6 , •
P , Health Fund . . 20.00 . 1 _
Highway _ fund 11 ,415 . 26
successive weeks and on the following days , Lightning fund 88.89
JAN . 20th 9 ' 54 being• 1 publications, I Fire fund , 70. 74 •
P McArthur Fund 3 ,032. 19
Certificate of Deposit 8,201 . 60
the first being the day of , .
TOTAL BALANCES 31 ,329.84 .
and on each Wednesday thereafter to and including ! TOTAL- RECEIPTS sand 1
l .BALANCES . $126,263.83 ;
•v -
, .
a .... . -
General Fund 22,410 .09
Editor and ublisher � � f!
' Health Fund 37 .00 ,
Highway^ Fund 61 , 193 .09 .
t Lighting Fund 906.53
Subscribed and sworn to be a me , / Fire fund . 2, 109 :72 ,
this �a 7 day of ∎ 195 �T ' McArthur Fund .00
day Certificate . of Deposit • •;00:
NOTARY PUBLIC k, /2J - ITOTAL PAYMENTS $8 ,656.43� � •
DORLA J. PARKER : General Fund $ 12,717 .61 . •
Notary Public, State of New York ' Health Furid 126.91 _ •
55 101Z30n Highway Fund .15, 189 .05 "
Lighting Fund 24.1.7
Qaaal. in Tompkins Co: 89.'.79 .
Comm .e Expires March30, 19 Tire Fund . -
McArthur Fund $3 ,093 . 13 `
, Certificate -of Deposit ,
$8,366.44' '
PS •
TOTAL BALA'NCE'S $39, 607 .40 I. .
LS' , BALANCES $126,263.83
. ■ An itemized. statement of all re-
( 1 ceipts and expenditures ' is on file in
the Town Clerk's *office where it
o • z u : may be examined by any interested
taxpayer, the original was filed with 0-
the New York State Comptsoller. f
t CHARLES G. DOWNEY, !being .
duly sworn deposes and says that he .
' resides at Dryden, N. Y., that he is ,
' Supervisor of the Town of Dryden ,
- I in the County of Tompkins, and ,
that the foregoing report is a true • '' I
I and correct statement of the moneys .I
received and paid out by ` him as
C Su ' erdisor • of the said town for the
-4, fiscal year ended Docem 31', '53, r , `�
, and that this report agre ith the Ili ]
official records kept by hirn;> _.
Signed ;y =v, >;. ,
` • CHARL'E'S G. 45 �WNEY 1' i
Supervisor Town of Drydewtt;, ,•
Jan. 20, 1954 • • EL\
, .-_ _ . . _ - - --- -- - - -`
r ._..
'..Q tx, wt.) • Division of Finance "` .
• . Agents. Final -Report----2
City f Report of Leona Fortner,_ Clerk
County of Tompkins ..- _ ._Town or of.-.. ..neraiel Clerk, Game Protector or
Special Game Protector
Village ,
Division of...._..._...._ ._.__._. ' •
Number of
Number Unused Number Number Free Fishing
Type of License Received Returned Voided Sold Licenses Remarks
Res. H. & F. 260 . 32 228
798 . 00
Res. Hunt 170 4 166 332 . 00
Res. Fish 230 36 1 191 382 . 00
Res. Trapping I
20 0 PO 40 . 00
Res . Big Game 400 100 300
— 600g00
Archery 20 5 43.5 7 . 00
Non-Res. Hunt 5 1 .4 2 .
Non-Res. Fish 15 6 9 47 . 255
Non-Res. 3-Day Fish
Non-Res. Trapping .
Non-Res. Big Game
Non-Res. Archery J 5
Alien Hunt
Alien Fish 4
Alien 3-Day Fish 5 .
Alien Trapping
Alien Big Game b . 5
Alien Archery 5 5
Certificates . 10 6 4 1. . 00
C2 . 347 100
4, 0 t t, • '
Supervisor Downey appointed his committes for 1954 as
follows : Highwat # " " Justice Whitford - Justice Baker .
General - - - " Shaw - . . " Spaulding.
Building Committee - - - " Whitford - , " Baker .
• Zoning " Shaw " Whitford .
Moved by Justice Whitford , seconded by Justice Shaw that
The :chairman to make full use of the cased
Harold Clough act as chairman of the assessors for 1954 ACarriedYstem1
Moved by Justice Shay , seconded by Justice Spaulding
that all salaries remain as adopted in the budget , with the ex -
ception of Claude Bascom and Ralph Dellows , who are to receive;
$ 800 a year . Carried and so ordered .
The time of payment of officers salaries are as follows :
Supervisor , Town Clerk and Justices Spaulding and Whitford on
the first of each month . The balance of the justices every three
months , the first payment on the first of April . The assessors
receive half of their salary on the first of July and the
remainder when their books are completed . Carried by roll call
vote .
Moved by Justice Shaw and seconded by Justice Whitford
that a survey be made of insurance on general liability and
automotive equipment . Carried and so ordered .
Moved by Justice Shaw and seconded by Justice Spaulding
- ; : _ = that Justice Whitford be empowered to purchase material to
finish , town garage . Carried and so ordered .
The Youth Project budget has been approved by theState .
All employees are to be covered by social security .
This was approved by • the State to become effective January
First , 1954 .
The Board approved of insulating the overhead in the
office building .
Moved that Supervisor Downey be elected as delegate to
the Association of Towns to be held in New York City on
February 8 - 9 - 10 . Justice Shaw to be the alternate .
Moved and carried that meeting adjourn .
Leona Fortner , Town Clerk .
Charles Downey , Supervisor .