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SEPTEMBER 3 , 1948
of DRYDEN was held at the Town Clerks office on September 3 , 1948
J at 8 : 00 P . M .
- Present were Supervisor Charles Downey , Hwy . Supt . Stacy;
Beach' : and Justices Harry Spaulding , Orrie Cornelius , Alvord Baker
An Johnson and Dewey Whitford ;
The minutes of the August 4th ; meeting were read for
A letter from the original Service Board Commiiie includiat ;
a motion made and seconded that the Committee relinquishes all
responsibility , custody and care of the present Service Board tithe .
Town of Dryden for whatever disposal they see fit to make of it : ,
was read to the Board . r
Rev . V . A . Martin was present as a representative of the
Dryden . Grange # 1112 to explain-_ to the Board the proposed permanent:,
Memorial for the Town of Dryden_ to be erected by the Grange on the-
Village green in place of the present board :
A motion -: was made by Justice Whitford and seconded by Jus -
tice Johnson that the Town of Dryden Community Service Board be
accepted by the Town of Dryden, the ' T Golh Star names _ to
be given the Grange to be placed . on a perman t plaque and the
remaining names to be preserved by the Town and the Legion; a list;
of all names to be given the Legion : Carried by a roll call vote .
All Justices voting Yes .
A motion was made -by Justice Whitford and seconded by Jus$nta,
Johnsonithat a Committee be appointed to -obtain and file with the
Town Clerk all names that are on the present service board on the
Village green at Dryden; Carried by a roll call vote ; All voting Yes=
A motion was made by Justice Whitford and seconded by Jutice _
Johnson that Dryden Grange # 1112 be impowered to remove the present
Service Board and that the glass be given to the Grange for whatever
disposal they see fit tzr make of it , the Stars and names to be preee-
served ; . Carried by a roll call vote ; All Justices voting Yes: :
A delegation of twelve persons from.° Washington District and
Attorney John LoPinto was presenttto protest about the condition- of
the roads in that ' District .
A motion was made by Justice Baker and seconded by Justice
Spaulding that the Hwy . Supt : is , to remove the piled dirt andXgravel:
all necessary places in the road from the Otis Mosley corner to A . . B,.
Sager corner and northerly as far as necessary . and to put '- these roads_
in a good travel condition: Carried by a roll call vote ; All voting yes
Moved by Justice Johnson and seconded by Justice - Whitford_
that the Highway bills totaling $ 4826' ; 70 be paid as audited; .
Carried by a roll call vote ; All Justia.es voting Yes : t , ?
Moved by Justice Spaulding and seconded by Justice Cornelius.
that the - General bills including the Dryden Telephone bill be paid=.
as audited ; Carried by a roll call vote ; All Justices voting Yes ;
Moved by Justice Spaulding and seconded by Justice Baker
that $ 3 : 55 be transfered fron the Contingent fund to the Insurance
Fund. Carried by - a` roll call vote ; All Justices voting Yes ;
Movedcf by Just±ee:t Whitford and seconded by Justice Spaulding
that Stacy Beach , Hwy ; Supt : be permitted to • attend - the Town Supt ' s . .
of the State of New York convention at Rochester , N . Y , Carried ;
IL'Ioved by Justice Johnson and seconded by Justice Whitford
that the tabled request from the Hwy ; Supt ; for an Austin-Western
grader 99H2be taken from the table at this time for father discussion;
Carried by a roll call votev All Justices voting Yes:: .
r.. - rro
SEPTEMBER 3 , 1948 cone '.. d .
Moved by Justice - Baker that the request for the Austin- Western
99H grader be tabled indefinitelgr, seconded by Justice Spaulding ;
Carried and so ordered ; . . - . .
The next regular monthly :Me,eting will be held on Oct ; 4 ,, 1948
at 8 :. 05 P . M ; 4
. , Supervisor Downey and' J' zstice Whitford was appointed as a
•' . $ I , Committee to obtain and :t
fil . . he names from the present Service
• <• .
Board: f 4 k
; ' . if ., . . . t..
The minutes of this meeting were read and approved .
! .
• •
Moved by Justice Whitf•ot4. and seconded by Justice Spaulding
that the meeting be ad j ourn'e4,• ; . .
Lois H . Beck , Town Clerk
C iarIes G . Downey ; Supervisor
, l - _ t , ,
. . % . -
Justices ,
Harry Spaulding -
• Orrie Cornelius
• Alvord Baker
Ara . Johnson . .. : :t
Dewey Whitford
, ' I I
w, )- V ■
. i
- tion of $200.00 per year and sub-
r ject to certain limitations spe;cp
lied in the contract, the Brookton- t
dale Fire Department will respond
. to calls for the extinguishment of _1
• fires occurring in the southwest
corner of the Town of Dryden
south and west of the Ellis Hollow
Road, and not including the prop-
. er'ties on that road.
, By order of the Town Board of
`: 'the Town of Dryden.
• Supervisor
First day of - Registration for the
voters of the Town of Dryden will
• be Saturday, October 2, 1948 from
N' 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the followings I •
NOTICE OF REARING . Polling Places :
Notice is hereby given that a ' Registration and -Voting places :
public hearing will be held at Dist. No. 1 Town Hall, Varna.
Bethel Grove Community Hall in Dist. No. 2/ Houtz Hall, Etna.
the Town of Dryden on the 20ith Dist. No. 3 Village , Hall, Dryden
day of October, 1948, at 8 : 00 p.m. Dist. No. 4 W. Dryden Churich
for the purpose • of considering a Dist. No. 5 Dryden School, (Front
proposed contract with the Brook- Lobby) , Dryden.
tondrale . Fire District for additional Dist. No. 6 Village Hall, Freeville
fire .protection in the southwest Inspectors of Elections will give
corner of the Town of Dryden Fire instructions on how to vote on a
Protection District; and of hearing _ Noting, machine to any one wishing ;
all persons interested in the sub- such instruction on both Registry- I
ject concerning the same. tion Days and also at the School ;
The proposed contract provides of Instruction meeting for the In- ' .
in substance that for a period of spectors of Elections later in Oc
two 'years, from January 1, 1949 to tober.
December 31, 1950, in considera- Second Registration ' D1a:yy Octo-
ber 9, 1948 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. •
• Election Day, November 2, 1948, ,
rt. - - a., 14, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. .
- •
., .:, .
. . , . . ,. .