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1. 72 DECEMBER # 3 , 1946:
The Regular Monthly Meeting.. . of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden was held at the Town Clerk' s office on Dec : 3 , 19516
at 5 : 00 P .M . -
Present were . Supervisor Charles • G: Downey , Hwy . Supt-;
Stacey Beach and Justices• C . Harry Spaulding_, Orrie Cornelius ,
Alvord Baker , Millard Hoagland and Ara.
: Johnson:
• Supervisor Downey presiding;
The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special
meeting were - read for . information :
A motion was made- by Justice Johnson and seconded by
Justice Cornelius that the General Bills totaling $ 307 . 03 be
accepted as read. Carried , by a roll call vote. All Justices - -Yes ;
A motion was made by Justice Hoagland and seconded . by . .
Justice Baker that the Highway . bills totaling . $ 2 , 171; 53 be
accepted as read •Carricd• by a roll call vote . . A11 . Justices - -Yes`;
The following Resolution was made by Justice Baker
and seconded by Justice Johnson : ' .
Whereas ; there is a C•ontigent • • Fund which has ' here -to -
fore not been appropriated ,
Resolved : that there 'and hereby is appropiated from .
such Contigent Fund the following :
Beat , Light and Telephone $ I667
. Fire and Liability Insurance , : , • 27%35 '
Rent _`_ `. , 74`°°,0 00
Assessor ' s Expense- - - - -
School Director - - - - - - - 5 ; 64
Collector 13 , 06 .
Justices Expense 14 . 83
Welfare Expense . 21158
Insurance 1 : 69
4061: 95 .
Carried and soorder- ed
A motion was made bygJustice Hoagland and seconded by
Justice Spaulding _ that the Town Historian' s . salary of $ • 50; 00 ' be
paid . Carried -by by 'a roll call .vote. All Justices voting . - -Yes :
A motion was made by : Justice . Cornelius and Seconded by
Justice Hoagland that all Checks for theDecember Salaries and
bills be issued by December . 16t11; Carried and so - orderedo
The members of the Town Board designate &i Dec:: 28` I946
at 9 : 00 A . M . at the Town Clerk ' s1office for the Annual Accounting,:
and Audit': - . .
A motion was made by . 4Justice Hoagland and seconded by
Justice Cornelius that the Welfare Report be accepted as read :
The : :minutes of this meeting were read and approved;
Motion . was made by .Justice Hoagland .and seconded by
Justice Cornelius that this meeting ' be adjourned. .
• Lois H . Beck , Town Clerk
Charles G . Downey ,. Supervisor
C . Harry Span]. di ng
Orrie Cornelius
Alvord: Baker
Millard Hoagland .
Ara Johnson
DECEMBER " 28 , 1946 ;
The Members of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden met at
the Town Clerks Office on Dec . 28 , 1946 for the - Annual Audit ;
All Justices were present . Justice Baker was appointed
Chairman of the meeting ;
The books of the Supervisor and the Highway Supt ; were
checked also ' the Justices Dockets , were inspected and checked;
A motion was made by Justice Hoagland and seconded by
Justice Spaulding that the books be accepted as auditted and the
Supervisor be complimented on: the excellent conditiorr- of his
books and the short time it took to aydit his accounts . Carried
and so ordered . .
A motion was made by . Justice Spaulding, ah:dtseconded by
Justice Johnson that this meeting be adjourned to go into
a executive session with the Supervisor as Chairman to conduct such
business as may be brought before the meeting . Carried and so
ordered , .
Supervisor , Charles G . Downey presiding.
The next regular meeting of the Town Board will be held
on January 4 , 1947 :
A motion was made by Justice Hoagland and seconded by
Justice Spaulding that the First National Bank of Dryden be
designated as a depository for the Funds of the Town of Dryden:
Carried and so - ordered;
A motion was made by. Justice Baker and seconded by Justice
Hoagland that the present Constables namely , Ira W . Reed , Edward
C . Welser and B . ,. 5hadali Smith be appointed for the year 1947:
Carried and so ordered;
A motion was made by Justice Spaulding and seconded by
Justice Cornelius that Edward E . Welser be appointed Dog
Enumerator . Carried and so ordered .
On motion this meeting was adjourned
Lois H . Beck , Town Clerk
. Charles G . .Downey , Supervisor
C . Harry Spaulding
Orrie Cornelius
Alvord Baker
Millard Hoagland
Ara W . Johnson