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42 March- 2 1940 .
The town board meet at the office of the town • clerk-, for regular . monthly
meeting all justices present also Supt of highways and welfare officer .
thupv Sweetland presidimg .
The minutes of the last two meetings read , and Mrs=° Nicely explaned that
her previous report , the outtt:atg*ent cases had not been • deducted , Which
had previously been done , after which the minutes were approved . '
• Mr Lampmanf Freeville was present and presented a petitiorrfrom
atheletic association asking for an appropreation - of . I00 . 00 , . f.or that ass .
Mr Sweetland requested the clerk to read a letter from Charles Newmanwlich
was a reply to his inquiry stating that such an appropreation woytld be -. •` n= ^'
eilegle . .
Dewey Whitford present in regard to town and village € ombineing , for.
police protection , thaught prehaps they could take the matter up and come:
to some understanding before spring . Stated he thought the cost would includ
cost of car gas . , oil , and about 100 miles of mileage . A motion was made by ._
. Beckfor the Sup • . to take the matter ng with Newman , seconded by Spaulding
and carried . Mr Sweetland . extended an invitation to Mr Whitford to attend
a board of Supvs . reetin& to discuss same-.
Lee Tripp present asking for a chance -to . b.id on the gasoline this year ,
and ask when bids "would be - in order , making a proposition to install an ,
electric pump with meter , town only to have the key , pay for meter reading
on pump , to be ' instaalled at his bulk plant , choice of location to be decided
upon by Supt . of - highways .
George tailey present regarding insurance on . trucks ,. asking for oppurtun
icy to bid on same . stated present cost om 5 trucks was ii4245 . 45 net and
this price would be 4$ 2o7 . 02 . . . .
Justice Spaulding offered the following resolution and moved its adopti
Resolved that this town elects to have aprovision - of the workmens
compensation . law at amended by Chapter 271 , of the law of 1939 , applicable •
to the Town Supertendent of Highways , of this town , and to bring said. town '
Supt . of highwayswithin the coverage of • said. Workmans comp€n ' `ti.en law ,
as so amended. . Seconded' by Beck , and adopted by Ale following vote . .
Cbrnelius , yes - - Cotterill , yes . a Baker , yes _ _ Beck , yes , = - Spaulding , yes =
Welfare bills and statement read as follows_ - •
Food ,$ 385 . I8
oom _ _ _ _ e� om _ ® _ _ _
Shelter 26 . 50 .
Fuel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C92 . 11
Medical 50 . 00
Clothing _oe ® _0000 _ m_ 1941
Total 4573 . 20
Walter Cinches Bills
• Dr . Ensign_ m . . . _ _ e _ mm _ _ _ #3 . 00 .
victory Store ' 5 . 00
Total _ _ _ - . . . . $8 . . 00
Nicely cost ; $ 573 . 20 •
State aid 40%_ ®= _ - ® _ - • 229 . 28 .
Balance cost to town • j34392
i .
Nicely aakt-7004rd ro table Brecht bill . untill she - could investigate .
Motionmade by Beckrto table all unothurized bill.s. untill. inv.estigat'ed .
seconded by Corneliusvand carried . •
Molon madejby - ornelius seconded by • Cotteriil to ° pay balance of
bills as read andcarfied . .Mrs Nicely ask if the town had ever adopted a fa
mily budget plan , . and if not did they care to do so , Motion : made by = .Cotteri L
seconded by BEck to adopt such a . family welfare budget as introduc6& by ' Mr3
Nicely . . Carried . I
All other bills read and a motion ' made by ' Baker seconded by Cotterill
• to pay bills as read . Carried , Motion-. made by Cotterill. seconded b . . Baker
to purchase : set ap Thompsona . • Law books , for town clerks office. . ifthe
price did nOt exceed 410 . 00 . oll call vote as followes , . Cornelius , yes
Baker yea , - Beck ; no , ® c , Spauldfng yes - - Cotterill yed. - carried .
motion made ! by baker to allow welfare officer to purchase atypewrite J\
for that office , at the cost of $ 12 . 00 or less , seconded by Cornelius ,
roll call vote ad follows , Cornelius yes - Baker yes Back yes4 Spaulding= -
yes , = -Cotterill yso - Carried . Mrs Nicely ask the board consider - Allowing-
her some expence money , or a raise in salar . A motion made by Cornelius ,
seconded by Spaulding to raise the salary. wt25 . 00per Mo . making the salary
485 . 00 per Mo . that amount to inc]sude all duties connected with that office
Roll call vote= Cornelius yeso _ Heck nom - Spaulding yes , _ - Baker y- esoe
Cotterill yes - - Carried . 'f
4 :3
Motion'; made by Baker to allow Mrs Nicely $ 25 . 00 expence money for the M
month of Feb . , . seconded by Cotterill Roll call voteo all Tess) .
Motion made and seconded to adjourn at I . s3O " A .M .-
teafie ... Vand-ermark - Clerk
. E . R . Sweetland Supv .
Orrie Cornelius .
C . H . Spaulding .
Martin Beck Justices • •
A .A . Baker
Ernest Potterill
. .
4 4