HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-27DRAFT Agenda
Mote: 1tcm, 5 may he added to or removed from this agenda as needs and circumstances dictate.
Town of Dryden Conservation Board
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
7:00 -9:00 p.m.
Dryden Town Hall
93 East Main Stree 1, Dryden, NV 13053
1. Call to order (7:30 p.m.) - C. Smith
Present: Smith, Ryan, Beck, Richmond, Prentiss, lvlunkenbeek, Schutt, Bissen
ex officio: Kwasnows1d, Nicholson, Belcher
liaison: Anderson (Planning Board)
2. Compietion of Record of Attendance by Members
Attendance was recorded.
3. Review and approval of minutes from 31) October 2012 Meeting
Richmond commented on the misspelling of "Shug" on line 32_
'chua made a amion try approve the October PaInules,
Bi,ssen xeconded the motion_
All approved
4. Additions to agenda?
IDSmith added start time on meetings to 7b on the agenda,
5. Reports and Updates (briefly, 3m5 minutes, please)
a. Town Board - L. Lavine
Lavine explained the Town Board Interest in the trail_
b. Town Planning Board - C. Anderson
The Planning Board meeting this month is cancelled,
c. Tompkins County EMC: - Steve .Bissen
No report.
d. Ad Hoc A��iculturc C OM]nittee ='N - Munkenbeck
No report_
e. Other Town goardi 3 and Commissions -.lane NichoIson
Nicholson said that Kwmnowski passed the Certified Planning Exam.
Kwasnowski explained that the Varna Plan is moving in a positive direction.
. Old business
ar review of description for newly defined C.EA -24 ({:ascadilla Creek headwaters)
Bissen gives a detailed description on CE A-2 4. Increasing the area to the west was a suggestion,
Smith suggests to Kwasnowski to capture the Information on Amphibians, Beck questioned
whether the steams were included in the CFA.
Ryan entertains a motion to pass the CEA to the Town Board with the new ,suggested additions.
,Seconded by Prentiss.
All in favor,
Prentiss abstained clue to contrast of interest.
b. Amphibian and turtle buttering for LEAs 24 and 29 (see e-mail from 16 November for details)
Smith wanted to add 6b. to confirm the correction of the earlier mistake of the turtle names of
CEA 29.
c. Peruville Road — Bob Beck
Beck discussed the meeting he had with the nature conservancy in Rochester.
7. New business
a. Nominations of candidates for membership on the Conservation Board
Smith talks about the application required to be on the Conservation Board. Five members on the
board terms expire at the end of this calendar year including; Bard Prentiss, Bob Beck, Milo
Richmond, Rick Ryan and Charles Smith.
Schutt makes a motion to recommend to the town board that all five members be reappointed as a
Bissen seconds the motion.
All in favor.
b. December meeting?
The board discusses dates for a December meeting.
Prentiss moves to skip the December meeting.
Schutt seconds the motion.
All in favor.
Beck makes a motion that meetings in 2013 will start at 7: 00 pm.
Richmond seconds the motion.
All in favor.
ii1funkenbeck abstains.
c. Stream corridor conservation and CEA review status - Dan Kwasnowski
The board discussed the stream corridor conservation and the CEA review status.
H. Adjourn (9:43)
Bissen made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Schutt seconded the motion.
All in, favor.