HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-29• Draft - Meeting Summary December 29, 2009 Conservation Board 93 East Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Present: Nancy Munkenbeck, Charlie Smith, Marcus, Craig Schutt. I., Guest: Martha Fisher. Staff: Dan Kwasnowski. The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. T 607 844 -8888 F 607 8444008 Nancy Munkenbeck, Chair Craig Schutt 13nb Beck Charlie Smith Stcvc Bisscn Milo Richmond Stan Mtucus Bard Prentiss Town Board Liaison - Dave Makar Environmental I'lanner - Dan Kwasnowski Open Space Planner - Mcghan Jacquel Steve Bissen, Mike Richmond, Stan 1. Agenda - Changes, none 2. Minutes - approved for November. 3. Meeting date set for January 4th as replacement meeting for the 26th. Will meet at 7:30pm at the town hall, and will discuss the workplan for 20101 4. EMC Update - Stan Stan did not attend the last EMC meeting. 5. Comment letter for sDGEIS for Marcellus Shale Drilling - The CB reviewed a letter prepared by Craig Schutt and Mile Richmond for the CB to provide comments on the sDGEIS. The Conservation Board approved the letter unanimously, and authorized the sending of the letter on behalf of the board. 6. CEA Designations - Dan and Charlie discussed the meeting that was held on De- cember 8th where Bard P., Nancy M. and Josh Bogdan were also present, to de- velop an approach to creating Critical Environmental Area designations within the Town of Dryden. The subcommittee discussed UNA's, and appreciated their detail and wealth of in- formation and overall approach. But also found that they didn't entirely cover the ar- eas that could or should be, but really focussed upon the very unique areas with a presence of plant species, and were weaker on animal species. But, never the less, provided an excellent selection of areas in the town that had sensitive resources. The approach the subcommittee settled upon was to use the UNA's and other data to define distinct areas in the town that are similar enough to define a CEA. The CEA would then likely include multiple UNA's, adjacent wetland and floodplain ar- eas, with a buffer to that area mapped as well. Also, the town would start by creat- ing in GIS a buffer along state classified streams that would serve as a further CEA with unique characteristics. Other CEA's would include public parks as defined on the Official Map. Dan provided a proposed summary table and map section that illustrates this ap- proach. CB members are encouraged to send comments or insights to Dan. When Dan has a chance to further define and map CEA's, he will convene another subcommittee meeting. This meeting will almost certainly occur before the February meeting. 7. Zoning Ordinance Development - The CB discussed the upcoming Zoning Ordi- nance public meeting to be held on January 26th. Dan will distribute copies of the latest draft of the ZO before next week's meeting. On the 26th, the CB will attend the public meeting rather than the regular CB meet- ing. As attendants, they will be responsible for trying to help people with questions, give background on their role in the town, and direct them to people (Dan, consult- ants etc.) to discuss their concerns during the proposed informal portion of the public meeting. This will be discussed further on the 4th. 8. Trails updates - Dan was asked about the progress on the Dryden to Freeville Trail. Dan discussed the rejection of the significant effort to find a compromise with the William George Agency a year or two ago. Since then, Dan has explored some alternatives, like going along Virgil Creek to George Road, and then through the RPM tree farm, and through the William George Agency land on the south side of Virgil Creek (which they indicated was more acceptable). It is just a matter of putting the time and effort into further exploring this option. The Varna Trail was also dis- cussed and the frustration with the Game Farm's resistance to using the old RR bed for fear of PETA attacking their water line, and how that position was very mis- guided. Dan indicated that the Varna Trail is more of a priority at this time because of the money offered by Cornell, and Dan hopes to have some movement on that project this spring. 9. Appointments Page 2 The CB discussed the upcoming appointments in Janary, and unanimously made the following recommendations: a. That the CB recommends reappointing all CB members that have indicated a willingness to continue serving on the CB. b. That the CB recommends appointing Peter Davies to the CB to fill the long vacant seat. 10. The proposed Cook Gas Well was discussed at some length, and relative to the Marcellus Shale development. 11. New business - Ask Walter Hang to come and give a talk on the Marcellus Shale development in a future meeting. 12. The meeting adjourned. 0 page 0 Conservation Board 93 Cast Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 T607 844 -8888 F 607 844 -8008 Draft - Meeting Summary December 29, 2009 Nancy Munkenbeck, Chair Craig Schutt Bab Hcck Charlie Smith Sieve Risscn Milo Richmond Start Marcus Gard Prentiss 'row•n lloard Liaison - Dan Makar Environmental Planner - Dan Kwasnowski Open Space Plainer - Mcghai Jacquet Present: Nancy Munkenbeck, Charlie Smith, Steve Bissen, Mike Richmond, Stan Mar- cus, Craig Schutt, Bob Beck Guest: Martha Fisher. Staff: Dan Kwasnowski. The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. 1. Agenda - Changes, none 2. Minutes — amended and approved for November. Amended note that the minutes of the November meeting were amended to state that, "The Chair of the Conservation Board, Nancy Munkenbeck, did not notify Board members in a timely manner of the change of the date for the November meeting from 24 November, the originally sched- uled date, to 23 November." 3. Meeting date set for January 6th as replacement meeting for the 26th. Will meet at 7:30pm at the town hall, and will discuss the work plan for 2010. 4. EMC Update - Stan Stan did not attend the last EMC meeting. 5. Comment letter for sDGE1S for Marcellus Shale Drilling - The CB reviewed a letter prepared by Craig Schutt and Mile Richmond for the CB to provide comments on the sDGEIS. The Conservation Board approved the letter unanimously, and authorized the sending of the letter on behalf of the board. 6. CE Designations - Dan and Charlie discussed the meeting that was held on Decem- ber 8th where Bard P., Nancy M. and Josh Bogdan were also present, to develop an ap- proach to creating Critical Environmental Area designations within the Town of Dry- den. The subcommittee discussed DNA's, and appreciated their detail and wealth of infor- mation and overall approach. But also found that they didn't entirely cover the areas that could or should be, but really focussed upon the very unique areas with a presence of plant species, and were weaker on animal species. Rut, never the less, provided an excellent selection of areas in the town that had sensitive resources. The approach the subcommittee settled upon was to use the DNA's and other data to define distinct areas in the town that are similar enough to define a CEA. The CEA would then likely include multiple DNA's, adjacent wetland and floodplain areas, with a buffer to that area mapped as well. Also, the town would start by creating in GIS a buffer along state classified streams that would serve as a further CEA with unique characteristics. Other CFA's would include public parks as defined on the Official Map. Dan provided a proposed summary table and map section that illustrates this approach. CB members are encouraged to send comments or insights to Dan. When Dan has a chance to further define and map CFA's, he will convene another sub- committee meeting. This meeting will almost certainly occur before the February meet- ing. 7. Zoning Ordinance Development - The CB discussed the upcoming Zoning Ordi- nance public meeting to be held on January 26th. Dan will distribute topics of the lat- est draft of the ZO before next week's meeting. On the 26th, the CB will attend the public meeting rather than the regular CB meeting. As attendants, they will be responsible for trying to help people with questions, give background on their role in the town, and direct them to people (Dan, consultants etc.) to discuss their concerns during the proposed informal portion of the public meeting. This will be discussed further on the 4th. 8. Trails updates - Dan was asked about the progress on the Dryden to Freeville Trail. Dan discussed the rejection of the significant effort to find a compromise with the Wil- liam George Agency a year or two ago. ,Since then, Dan has explored some alternatives, like going along Virgil Creek to George Road, and then through the RPM tree farm, and through the William George Agency land on the south side of Virgil Creek (which they indicated was more acceptable). It is just a matter of putting the time and effort into further exploring this option. The Varna Trail was also discussed and the frustra- tion with the Game Farm's resistance to using the old RR bed for fear of PETA attack- ing their waterline, and how that position was very misguided. Dan indicated that the Varna Trail is more of a priority at this time because of the money offered by Cornell, and Dan hopes to have some movement on that project this spring. 9. Appointments ® The CB discussed the upcoming appointments in January, and unanimously made the following recommendations: Page 2 C a. That the CB recommends reappointing all CB members that have indicated a wl llingness to continue serving on the CB. b. That the CB recommends appointing Peter Davies to the CB to fill the long vacant seat. 10. The proposed Cook Gas Well was discussed at some length, and relative to the Marcellus Shale development. 11. New business - Ask Walter Hang to come and give a talk on the Marcellus Shale de- velopment in a future meeting. 12. The meeting adjourned. Page 3