HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-09Town of Dryden i
Conservation Board
S October 9, 2007
..Members Present: Stan Marcus, Bob Beck, Milo Richmond, Nancy Munkenbeek, Craig Schutt, I
Charles Smith, Steve Bissen, Bard Prentiss
Members Absent. Tim Woods( told to night that he hits resigned)
Members Excused:
Others Present: Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner and Conservation Board Coordinator;
Mary Ann Sumner, Joy Foster, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm.
Dan & Joy, attendance
Stan - EWC Report -Deer population, Talks about the process to sterilize the female deer, its costly and it
takes about 2 -3 years to be right back where you .slanted from ryo u .slop. Its and effort btit mils! be
Milo- talks about tivhat happen in Chicago, ►where there were lots of wealthy people willing to put out
their money to keep this going and stop killing deer. The option for Ithaca is available by Park
1 %oundation and the Veterinary College so ►vith these 2 groups, ►vith the college doing the surgeries and
this leaches the students more that just domestic animals.
Stan - hreld experiment, ►vith an injection that is given to the deer. This cost a lot as tivell like
$25, 000.00. 1 %or ►what ever the reason the sluff ►vas diluted do►vn before it got here to be used, so all this
money ►vas spent to inject these deer thinking they tivere sterilizing the deer and come to find out it
wasn't strong enough. beer has to be captured and tagged.
Stan- another discussion was "Unique Natural Area " coming tip ►vith a procedural for people to be
able to specify if they had a Unique Area? Will talk more about this in future meetings.
CB- talks ►with each other about i1`atural Areas...
Stan- also talks about ►vied farms on long narrow properties. CB4alks a little on this...
Dan- 'Training on ,Sat. for the Stor•m►valer•, !mv "Illicit Discharge "p pes that stick into the little ditches,
have to be inspected ever year. 6Ve have to pass a local la►v saying that if'you find an odor or staining
you have to note it and investigate it. Will probably be administered by the DPPV to make sure it gets
done every year, But this law ivill also cover the entire lo►vn and the river ►vays. That's what this
training isfor to be able to idenlijy these conditions. Will be taught by Deb Carraco, from TG 1Lfiller.
Dan- Campbell Meadow- Tovvn Board has decided that they lvould lake it front the Campbell and go
through the Land- 7ru.st.
® %4 .
Dan- folks about ALL•. Perkv, and the 10 -acre flag lot and its in the Chvus•so Inlet off of 38. It 's a .state
tivetlancls, a very un- developable lot it very ►yell protected. Dan ►vants to go over what the criteria will
be. We need to come up with a policy... 11
CB 10w2007
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Dan - Guidelines 41 Public Acce,ss.Jbr people to be able to use for certain thinks like bird watching
etc... 42 Tares, loss of taxes
43 Ls the properties protected?
C.B- talks a little about the 3 mentioned guidelines... also add: Is this parcel of more interest to another
Land protection agrency?
Dan- Talks about the attendance policy.
Tells CB that Tim Wood has resigned from the CB. So his seat is now open.
Will get a copy of attendance policy to all.
Talk about advertising for a new member.
Mary Ann- would like to introduce the concept of having Continuing Ed. Police maybe 2 hours a year
for this board, what does everything think of this?
CB talk back and forth the about this policy?
Joe Solomon arrives to sit in, invited by Mary -Ann
Dan - Farmland protection policy, identifying fawns for the protection policy. Its also on the Vveb jor all
to view. Grant.f rr the Town to develop a farmland protection plan.
Has it handout for all to see, talks about
Project narrative - summarize background information pertaining to the proposed planning
Dan is asking the CB to look at the application and send hint ideals.
Dan will be butting together the structure of the application and will be able to add your input.
Nancy needs road map
Next months meeting agenda Tuttle barn & Open Space Plan
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.