HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-10Town of Dryden Conservation Board October 10, 2006 Members Present: Craig Schutt, Chair; Timothy Woods; Nancy Munkenbeck, Stan Marcus, Charles Smith, Milo Richmond, Dan Karig, Steve Bissen, Others Present: Patty Millard, Recording Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm. RFP for "Zoning Ordinance update Memo from Dan Kwasnowski to all boards was handed out with a draft of the RFP for updating the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion of what an RFP is and the timeline involved. Request for Town Board email addresses A request was made for a list of the current Town Board email addresses to be given to the Conservation Board (C-B). Discussion: Public Hearing Alternative Energy The Town Board passed the ordinance as written that evening (September meeting). ® The Conservation Board would like information fi•om Mahlon Perkins and/or the Town Board on what the process is to create a law from start to finish. Also, what is the procedure for defining and /or revealing conflicts of interest for Board members? The feeling is that the process did not go as it should since not all feedback was reflected in the final document that was presented to the Board, so where did the process go wrong? Was feedback given at the wrong time and using the wrong venue? The Town Board did like some of the wording in the information that was given to them at the public hearing, but did not incorporate any of that information at this time. In order to make any substantive changes, another public hearing would need to be held. The decision was to pass the law as is and review the information brought forth for a possible revision of the law in the future. Stormwater Ordinance In light of the Stonmwater Ordinance work we have coming up, the Conservation Board needs direction from the Town Board on what the process is, what the steps are, what the time needs to be in between steps, who needs to be involved in each step. Board Liaison What is MaryAtnn Summer's role on this Board? She is the town liaison to this board. She is not a voting member on this board. She was on the sub - committee of the Town Board charged with writing this law for submission to the Town Board. Cali 10 -10-2005 Page 2 of 3 Discussion on Duties of Conservation Board What is not Clear is — are we responsible for (irafin our rceorn mend ations In format that resembles legislation, or do we hand our recommendations to the Town Board and then they draft it into [egisIabve format'? The Landfill Ordinance vas handled eompletely di11- crently from the A]tem at] ve Energy Ordinance, and the process eras not made clear. The Conservation Board requested a copy of the law that defined it to makes its role more cli ai to current 1rtembers. That information v,ill be brought neat month. The law has been located, but copies were unable to be made due to technical difficulties. Can the Conservati on Board also get a copy of the cc rrespondenc e packet that Dan .K.wasnowski put together that was given to the Town Board with all of the discussion surrounding the R.enn,nvahle Energy Ordinance, from start to finish? That request will be made_ Discussion and prioritization of future work The Ab District is not reflected vet well in the omprehensive Plan. The roap showing Future Land Use is a big part of this omission, They are very well defined on the Open Space Plan, The Comprehensive Plan needs to be revisited to include AP, Land. This omission, whether intentional or not, is a cause for alarm as far as the Conservation Board is concerned, It would have been helpful if the person or group that prepared the maps for the Compreliensli ve Plan had used the same color on each of the legends for the types of land. Also, the Conservation Board would like to see AS Lund differentiated from Open Space Land and eriservation Land in the Cc mprehensilve Plan. Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Work The Conservation Board is in favor of having a Joint Board .for the revs iting of the Zoning 01-dinarnce, rather than having one Board or the other as lead agency. Dan Kwasnowski's suggestion was that a separate committee is formed with 2-3 people from each Board on it. Schutt asked for those interested in being appointed to this eornrnittee. He will send a memo to the Town Board with this recommendation and names= Nari cy Munkenbeck, Tim Woods, lvfiIo Richmond. If anyone else is interested in being a membor or a]temate, let Craig know. Stormwater Drdirkancc timeline What is the timeline we are looking at regarding the Ston-riwater 0rdinanec? The timeline involv€d may move this to the top cfthc pile. Are we up against a Fed era] deadline;? Yes. It has to be enacted by February 8, 2.008_ How do the Rip arian Buffers ft in with the 5tormwater Ordinance? C Scutt stated that they were separate issues_ D Karig stated that the Water k esources Com rn 1ttee is doing some work in this area right now. Discussion of some discussions that are in progress at the County h3vel, C'li I U -1 0-2006 Page 3 of 3 Open Space Plan Copy Request Smith and S Marcus would like a hard copy of the Open Space Plan if there copies available. Tattle property question arose recyarding the new Town Hall and a grant. P Millard explained about the Repitore NY Grant that .Henry Slitter had app] led for to restore the Tuttle house that the Town inherited when the property for the new Town Hall was purchased, Wetlands at existing Town 11a property What is the plan for the wetlands at the old town ha] I property? No one lead an answer to this question. 1s a b i A versity study being done on the Varna property the Town was given? Yes - T Wccds spoke to a fellow professor at TC 3 and brut her in contact with D Kwasno ski and tile are getting this done. Discussion of Riparian Buffer and Stortnwater Ordinance Background Need for ordinance and what they help to regulate and wily they are helpful, T Woods - What are we trying to ,presence? .Do we want to use the state of land as of 1 900 or as of 000? D 1 aria — It's a direction we want. lt's not a position. �'4�'e don't want to either incre• p ase the writer quality or to decrease the rate ofde(frioration. Something to that effect is what we want to work towards, V4 hen Nvc talk about biod1versity, high quality doesn't always mean high biodiviersity. Terms of office Dan Karig announced his intention to resign. Discussion ensued regarding the desire to have a replaccrnent with his type of knowledge and background_ The Board is already one person short With wesiey moving recently, The Conservation Board requested that some applicants for replacement be found. P Millard will talk to D Kwasnowski when lie returns and submit soniethin g to the Ithaca foumal in order to advertise for some applicants_ Titre Conservation Board also would like a list of tern, expiration dates for members. P Millard will find out that information and send it out to everyone. 147inr1tes There were no corrections to last month's minutes_ Meeting Adjourned at Sm55_ ul itt. ratLl ivliiii Recording