HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-08Town of Dryden
Conservation Board
August 81h, 2006
Members Present: C ralg Schutt, Chair; Tiinothy Woods; Nancy Munken beck.
Others Present: lvlary nn Sumner, Town Board Liaison; David Makar &. Ron Szymanski; Town
Residents; Kris Strickland; Path Millard, recording Secretary.
Agenda: Renewable Energy Ordinance, R iparian BLiffer Ordinance, S tormwater Ordinance Update,
Wind Power Ordinance Update, Towel Owned Lands, Update Open Space Plan, 1 eplacement for Robert
Discussion on Renewable Energy Ordinanec
uirincr gave the Board an update on the R.encwable Energy Ordinance. She is working on updating
the document using Atty. Perkins' recommendations. She is being careful to retain the Boards' wishes in
the document. Her goal is to have this done by Thursday to bring to the Town Board that evening in
hopes ofsctting the Pubic Acaring For next month's 'Town Board N.jeetiing. The board discussed the
di Fferent versions they had reviewed and what format Mi Sumner wi I he USing. It will be a shorter
version. Atty Perkins' major objection, other dean Ie�ngth� and complexity of the document is that the
Board is only requiring he]gljt plus ten feet for outfall- Other mill nici pal ities require 1 'lx tinier height,
The reasoning being coa itinUIty with other municipalities.
There was a discussion on indn7111s in the area, potential materials used to build windmills, and their
ishistorical use. The discussion included what to do 1 F one 1wanted to build a windmill and use other than
listed materials. The recommendation was to go to the ZBA and get a variance For the materials. Those
specific materials are not listed as an a]Iowed use, but they are also not listed as an unal low ed use.
Discussion of other windmill sites that members havc vise
Sumner thanked the Board for all the time spent discussing the ordinance. Those discussions made
sure she was versed ire answering any and al] questions that Dave been put to her regarding the ordinance
and its details-
There is no quorum present.
Schutt mentioned are ernail from D Kwasnewski regarding some issues the board needs to rev1S1t.
They ar n
e: Riparian BtLffer Ordinance, Stormwater Ordinance Updatc, Wid Power 0 rdin�uice Update,
Town Owncd Lands, and update The Open Space Plan, Also tip For discussion is a replacement for
Robcrt Wesley,
T Woods suggested we, get the survey from Todd Miller of USG- that did aquifer studies, and possibly
even ask him to come and talk to the board. He asked if we had examples of other municipality's
ordinances, which we do. He has been looking at stream dynamics and the buffers in a whole different
way- They're looking at land use, but also speed that the water is leaving the watcrshed. He saw a
presentation by him recently- It's seientiFoally based and it may make this process a Iot more scientific.
These are all the variables we discussed: substrata, soil type, etc. There can be sections created for areas
with different types of conditions like moving water vs. wetlands. The way the Town of Caroll ne has
handled wetlands is by putting a section in the storm water ordinance to cover wetlands,
Town of Dryden
CailSeriMe Lion Board Minutcs
august 8, 2006
Yagc 2 of
Discussion on sediment transport_ A lot of the sediment seemed to be moving. The theory is the Streams
filled Lip back around the 1.900s, because everything was bare. EveimAhing was being farmed and there
was terrible e m
rosion coing off the hi Its. It filled the m
streas - the valleys up — and just now the streams
are trying to clean themselves out, Unfortunately, it's ,doing to end up in the lake, but that's part of the
dynamic of the streams now, They are trying to get back to the state they were in 100 years ergo. Land
use in the early I 900 had a big impact on vehat our streams are like today.
When these ordinances are written, what do we want to use for our steady stale? 1900 or 200W
Are the Stormwater and Riparian Buffer ordinances on the sane time frame" Yes, Should the
Storm water Ordinance be looked at again; Yes. They should be completed by the end of 2007. S o based
on current experience, FebrLlary i5 a good initial target for introducing these to the Town Board.
There is some research the Conservat IOn .Board wanted to review before proceeding any further_
Schutt has a copy of Caroline's, and they did a lot of work on that one.
'Illicit discharge should be incorporated into the Stornliwater Ordinance. That's a requirement.
There was a question whether windmills affect your property assessment. N4 Sumner stated that tills isn't
4Dcurrent] y addressed, There is a State sponsored program that exempts improvements like this for a
period of 5 or 10 years, ne; Town aI " Mal one opted not to participate in this tax abaternent_ This clause
is not in ec
the current docurnen( bause M Su inner thought the Board would want to participate in this tax
Schutt presented the ii ex t item fioin D Kwasnowski's email regarding town owned lands. The Town
will be receiving a 54 -acre parcel in Varna from the linger Lakes Land Trust. Ln exchange, they would
like some help building a small parking area for their Ellis Hollow area. D Kwasnowsk.i would like the
B to take the lead on inventor)gng the natural features 0f this site to form the basis of a management
plan. There is a conservation easernent on the land. He would also like us to talk about developing a
Dryden Conservation Areas Strategic Management Plan to be adopted by the Town Board,
T Woods will discuss getting some StLident assistance with this inventory process with the instructor or
the Idol 15 class at T39 This would be a perfect project for an upcoming class to do and it would be
free help,
Schutt - Two more things from D Kv4?asnowski's email — the Town needs a Dryden Conservation
Areas Management Plan and ft's time to update the Open Space Plain, There are areas that need to be
looped at and added, like the cemeteries. It would be helpful to know what the Towle Board and
Planning Board would like to see added to these docurnents_ What would be useful to them? Discussion
of program used to make the book 1 maps that are in the Open Space inventory,
A letter should be drafted to the Town and Planning Boards that the Conservation 130ard is attempting to
reopen discussion of the Open Space Plan and what would they like to see added,
i y
Town of Dryden
Conservation Board TAW)tes
,August 8, 2006
P'aSc 3 of 3
Discussion of building aegional wastewater management facility. Thi s facility 1, ou service the Town
of Dryden and the Villages of Dryden and Freeville_ The Viilage of Dryden is having some real
difficulties; the Tillage ofFreevi11e has some upcoming poteniia] issues; the Co untyhas 1eachate from
the former C aswelI Road dump that they need to scud somin where. Unsure of funding possibilities, This
needs to be researched.
Motion to adjourn by Na ncy Mun ken beck, seconded by Tiny Woods,
Respect fully S ubrnitted,
i l l and
Recording Secretary