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Conservation Board Meeting
June 11th, 2006 -'
Members Present: Craig Schutt, Chair; Charles Smith; Steve Bisson; Tim Woods;
Milo Richmond, Nancy Munkenbeck
Others Present: Ron SeTmTrski, Turbine Engineer; Stuart Davis & Judy
Pierpont, Town Residents; Mary Ann Sumner, Town Board
Liaison; Dan Kwasnowski; Kris Strickland, Recording Secretary
Agenda: Renewable Energy Ordinance
Meeting brought to order at 7:30
Dan informed the Board of the new GIS intern. Josh Bogdan is a senior at
SUNY Oneonta, studying geography, specifically GIS and the environment.
He has had some water resource courses in GIS. He is very sharp and has a
good computer science background. He will be starting the riparian buffer
project by finding out the nature of our riparian buffer now to determine the
There was a discussion on the Rebecca Schneider's project. Which is the
cleaning out and filtration of ditches. This is an issue for the Jack "Bush the
Highway Superintendent and Dan commented that Jack does a. good job on
the ditches meaning that he only cleans them out when needed. Dan said
he would like to look at the idea of infiltration and also how many of these
ditches are actually diverted streams and what can we do about this.
Dan also mentioned an issue that a resident is having with NYSEG wanting
to cut down his trees that are in his front yard because of the power lines.
The public service commission in New York due to the power outages in
Ohio from lack of vegetation control they have told and authorized all the
carriers that the lines need to be cleared. Tom has many trees including
fruit trees in his front yard and does not want to loose them. He came to the
Town wanting some help. Dan asked the Board if this was something they
would like to address. After much discussion the Board decided that this
was not an issue they wanted to deal Frith.
The County did have a meeting on their scenic inventory and by the end of
the month they should have their interactive website up at
tompkinscountyplanning.org. Dan said that he has been working with
Henry Slater and Steve Trumbull to get some information together on
E . e,n
possibly doing a Town scenic inventory. This would include only views from
a public way.
Discussion n extending the Jim chu Trail. Dan explained h
o g S gg a to the Board
that the purchase agreement was signed by Bucky VanPelt and this would
allow the Trail to go toward Freeville from the Village of Dryden. We now
have some funding and we are looking into more. There was a discussion on
what was to happen with land that may border the trail. Dan advised the
Board that there will be a public hearing on June 22, 2006 at Neptune Fire
Department at 7:00 pm.
Stuart Davis and Judy Pierpont presented to the Board a comparison of a
Wind Ordinance from Malone, New York and the proposed Draft Renewable
Energy Ordinance from Dryden. Mr. Davis explained that Dan was doing a
"wonderful job" with this ordinance but being controversial they wanted the
Board to look at a. comparison. Mr. Davis event through some of the key
points. Mr. Davis and Ms. Pierpont are against the industrial turbines and
would like to have them "banned" from the Town. There was much
discussion as to why the industrial turbines were not wanted. This not
being regulated with the Town at this point will not be allowed.
At this point Dan explained to the Board the process of passing this
ordinance. The Town Board would like the opinion of this Board and the
current schedule is for the introduction to be in July and open a public
hearing in August. We need an official opinion from this board to give to the
Town Board. Mary explained that the town board wanted the feedback from
tonights meeting and feedback from the public meeting, the research on
what Dan has done also now the feedback from Malone.
Charlie proposed that we go through the draft ordinance section be section
and address their issues that sway.
The first issue address was to differentiate the commercial and industrial
turbines. It was explained to the board that commercial meant if it was a
business (farm) and they wanted a turbine it would be allowed. The
industrial turbines would be to generate power as a business.
S. Bisson motioned to accept the special permit process as written.
All in favor
C. Scutt motioned to vote on the•SEQR form (long or short) with or without
visual assessment form. Vote was 4 in favor of short with visual; 2 in favor
of the long form with visual.
S. Bisson motioned to accept setback regulation language as written. C.
Smith seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept allowed zoning district language as
written. C. Smith seconded. All in favor
N. M unk enbe ck motioned t o accept the number of wind e ner gy conversion
systems allowed per parcel as one unless need is demonstrated. S. Bisson
seconded motion passed with a vote 5 to 1.
S. Bisson motioned to accept noise level limit as 55dba at the edge of the
property as written. C. Smith seconded. All in favor
Dan asked Milo Richmond (had to leave the meeting) his opinion on wildlife
effect mitigation methods. His comment being that he could not imagine
impacts being a problem but without knowing enough about the power
generating mills he could not know the true impact of bats and birds. There
is data available and people who have done the research could maybe come
and inform us, one being the fish and wildlife services on Luker Road in
S. Bisson motioned to accept guy wires and anchors as written. T. Woods
seconded. 4 in favor 1 opposed
C. Scutt motioned to accept lighting language as written. C. Smith
seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language on scenic impact in addition of
"cumulative impacts will be assessed by Town. Board using at a minimum
Section 5 of the EAF addendum"T. Woods seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on broadcast
interference. S. Bisson seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on location on lot.
S. Bisson seconded. All in favor
S. Bisson motioned to table the Maximum Height Limit until more
information. Motion voted down. Discussion continued. T. Woods motioned
to accept language as written on height limit N. Munkenbeck seconded. 4 in
favor 1 abstained.
C. Smith motioned to accept language on KW limit as written with the
addition of " unless need is determined" C. Scutt seconded. All in favor
T. Woods motioned to accept language as written on Color adding the use of
Visual Impact. N. Munkenbeck seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on structure type.
S. Bisson seconded. All in favor
® N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on type. S. Bisson
seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on design and
specifications adding as with clarification. S. Bisson seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language on Wildlife Impact changing
• Setback to 1000 feet from 2500 feet
• F'urther evaluation by Conservation Board for potential impacts
• Bird Conservation areas designated by NYSEC, State forest areas
and state wildlife management areas and designated natural areas
C. Scutt seconded. 4 in favor. 1 opposed
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written on ice buildup
sensors. C. Smith seconded and all in favor
C. Scutt motioned to accept language as written on connecting cables N.
Munkenbeck seconded. All in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept
distance T. Woods seconded and all
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept
considerations with changes
• Drop a &bin # 1
Motion seconded by T. Woods and e
language as written on blade to ground
in favor.
language as written in Notice and Safety
11 in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written in Notice and Safety
#2 C. Scutt seconded that motion with all in favor
C. Smith motioned to accept as written #3 of Notice and Safety S. Bisson
seconded that motion and all in favor
C. Scutt motioned to accept as vvTitten "removal if not operational" this
motion seconded by T. Woods 4 in favor and 1 opposed
C. Scutt motioned to accept language as written on landscaping S. Bisson
seconded that motion with a vote of 3 to 2 in favor.
C. Scutt motioned to accept language as written on building and grounds
maintenance S. Bisson seconded with a vote of 3 to 2 in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written eliminating the last
sentence after "Zoning" seconded by C. Scutt and all in favor
C. Smith moved to accept language as written of wind energy conversion
P �'
system modifications C. Scutt seconded that motion with all in favor.
C. Scutt moved to accept language as written in "Routine Inspection Report"
with this motion being seconded by C. Smith and all in favor
N. Munkenbeck motioned to accept language as written in "Insurance ". C.
Scutt seconded this motion with all in favor.
C. Smith motioned to accept " National and State Standards" as written with
C. Scutt seconding that motion and all in favor
C. Scutt motioned to accept " Lightning Strike/ Grounding" as written with
this being seconded by C. Smith and all in favor
C. Smith motioned to accept "Wind /Speed & Load" as written with C. Scutt
seconding that motion and all in favor
T. Woods motioned to accept "Other Renewable Energy Conversion Systems"
as written seconded by S. Bisson and 4 in favor and 1. opposed.
Meetin g adjourned
0 Tow*Dryden
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Wind Energ
The following table presents the elements of potential regulation of wind energy conversion systems (WECS)_ It should be noted that
the following refers to "residential" WECS only. It is assumed that industrial wind farms (those solely for the purpose of generating
electricity for sale to the grid (New York State Independent Operators)) are to be an excluded use in the town.
The table is the result of studying the following materials:
• NYSERDA's "Wald Energy Model Ordinance Options"
• The Tompkins County Environmental Management Council's "Model Wind Tower Ordinance"
• The New York State Department of State's "Sample Wind Energy Laws" including:
o Town of Sidney
o Town of Roxbury
o Town of Portland
o Town of South Bristol
o Town of Amherst
o County of Lewis
0 The Towel of Marcellus' proposed Wind Power Ordinance.
These sources have been reworked considerably to try and tit the regulations to the potential requirements of the Town of Dryden. A
drafted ordinance was compared to all the sources in order to discern what the minimum restrictions are and what restriction are
prohibitive. This type of simple analysis was meant to prevent exaggeration of numbers either way without having to recreate studies
to determine appropriate numbers. The minimums are generally what are included in the following table. The regulatory elements
were then compared to the Town's existing Telecommunications Law that regulates some towers in the Town. Wherever possible, the
regulatory language was made consistent with our existing tower regulations. It should be pointed out that our Telecommunications
Law does not regulate residential use of towers for tclecon niunications purposes in any way.
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Crested by Daniel Kxmnowski
IIAMy DOCUrnentSlCOnSCrv3tion Baxtrd5cornplete table_6_15 CB.vote.doc
Town9v Dryden
Proposed Elements of'a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Included in this table are suggested changes suggested by the Conservation Board, including the vote when not unanimous.
Draft Regulatory Language
Comments and
Conservation Board
Section Title
Permit Process
Dan: Special Permit can cover all
Site Plan Review,
necessary regulated attributes without
Special Permit Process
overburdening the applicant.
QB: Agreed.. 6 -0
Long Environmental Assessment Form. with Visual Assessment Form
E.AF Only require shoe
, CB: Short Form with isual Addendum
Other ordinances
have a setback of
PAE Proposed language is consistent
Setbacks from adjacent roe lines, rights of way, easements, public ways r power
1 property �� g � }� public p �
the total height
least 1.5.
with Dr en's Telecommunications
Dry den's
(not to include individual residential feed line) shall be equivalent to the total
times at
The absolute
law' regulating towers.
su•ueture height phis 10 feet
minimum is the
CB: Agreed.
total height of the
Dan: Dryden's existing zones do not
have any relevance to regulating or
promoting wind power. An overlay
zone could be created either restricting
.Allowed in all zones.
Limit to specific
development in certain vicwsheds, or
channeling development to certain
CB: At,recd
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Created by Danid Kwasnowski
H:1A1y Docurncnts\C;nnsavatiun B4n3rdlcorriplete table_G_t5 1. _vote.doc
® Townfy
Dr den
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Draft Regulatory Language
Comments and
Conservation Board
Section Title
Dan: If someone has the space, why not
Number of
have more than one? Farms could
Wind Energy
benefit from this option. Visual
Assessment would alert to possible
impacts. 1 have written where they must
Could limit to one,
be set apart, however it may make more
Allowed Per
No limit, but have to be setback, from each other_
two ere.
sense to allow them to be closer to
create less impact.
g�,B, 1, unless a need Iur more than one
is demonstrated and ;additional meets all
requirements. 5 a I
Dan: 55 dbA was the highest level I
Not ie Level
could find. Lower thresholds could be
55 dbA
Could be lower.
established. There are no existing limits
in the town.
QR. 55 at edge of properiX.
Guy Wires and
Marled and visible to ten feet above the ground.
standard language.
CB: Agreed
Dan: There is no lighting ordinance in
one, except as required by FAA.
Standard language.
B: Agreed.
Create a scenic
Dan: Proposed leaves all discretion to
No system installed in a location determined by the Town to detract from character of the
view inventory and
the Town Board
neighborhood. Nor any location that would subvantially detract from or block view of a
restrict other
as well within the
CB: add cumulative impats will be
portion of a scenic view...
assessed by T13 using at a minimum
Section 5 of the VEAF Add.
Correction window
Dan: Standard language_ All laws had
Standard restrictions on blocking radio signals. 60 day correction window on any
lengthen or
this language.
Paue 3 of 10
Cwated by Daniel Kwasnowski
H:1My Dmumentslt nnsctvation Bo3rdkompictc_t3bre_6_I5 Cd votc.doc
® Townq Dr rden 0
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Draft Regulatory Language
Comments and
Conservation Board
Section Title
Location on
PAM Standard.
determined by Zoning Officer through Zoning Permit Application Process.
CO. agreed.
The tallest
Height Limit
stqndard tower
appears to be 120
Dan; There are other factors that restrict
feet_ 150 feet
height such as the fall zone and lot lines
allows for some
etc. There is NO restriction on the
flexibility in blade
height of residentially used antennas in
15 0 (1.
length. Height
our Telecommunications Law,
could be limited,
but that would also
CB: Agreed, but requires more study for
reduce minimum
impacts of taller touters, 4 -I.
lot size if a
minima n were not
kW limit er
r - standard,
10 k�4
Dan: NTYSERDA seems to limit support
for private or `residential" turbines to
l allows for
20 kW l
20 kW
higher efficiency
with existing
CB: agreed, add: Unless need is
demonstrated for increased generation-
Dan: Regulating color seems
Some towns
unnecessary. It could also create
No limits unless determined by an agency to be an issue.
unwanted impacts to wildlife.
mandate one color.
CLB: Agreed, add for visual im acs
Structure Type
Could restrict to
just the standard
Dan: This is consistent with our
Lattice or Monopole. Other structures to be considered.
types. Could
Telecommunications Law.
regulate other
aspects of the
CB: agreed.
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Created by [briiel Kwasnovvski
H:Wy DocumentslConscrvation Boardkorrtplctc_lable 6_15_CB_vote.doc
Town qDryden
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Draft Regulatory Language
Comments and
Conservation hoard
Section Title
Only allow certain
Dan: There doesn't seem to be an over
models. Another
abundance of models to choose front.
consideration is
This allows for innovation and the TB is
All types of wind energy conversion systems will be considered. Those suggested and
"home made"
able to request certifications as part of
endorsed by NIYSERDA are preferred.
devices. Some
the Special Permit process.
communities allow
them if they meet
CB: agreed, delete second sentence.
all specifications.
Design and
Detailed design and specifications will be required through Special Permit.
Don: NOi1e_
S ecifications
a. No bird or bat impact study shall be required for residential WECS
Dan: This section is based somewhat
unless required by the Town or any state or federal agency. The Town
upon existing ordinances with some
Board tray request review by the Conservation Board. 'I'he CB may
enhancements. Not sure the stringency
require a bird migration and bat impact analysis.
is justified, however without a clear
b. The project sponsor must consult the United State Fish and Wildlife
unbiased assessment of impacts from
Service and the New York State Natural Heritage Program for
residential type wind turbines it is
information regarding Rare Threatened and Endangered Species and
difficult to know whether there are or
provide proof of this consultation.
would be any impacts. Any existing
literature points to no known impacts of
C, The WEQ3 will not create artificial habitat for raptors or raptor prey
residential" type wind turbines.
such as electrical boxes. perching opportunities etc.
d. Wind energy conversion systems shall be. set back at least 2,500 feet
CB: change section d: add NYS DEC:
from any bWortant Bird Areas as identified by New York Audubon
Bird Consetvalion Areas, State Forest
and at least 1,500 feet from State - identified wetlands. Setbacks from
Lands, State Wildlife Management
federally designated wetlands may be required depending upon
Areas, and other Designated Natural
character and type. These distances may be adjusted to be greater or
Areas. " If Project proposed within
lesser at the discretion of the Town Board based upon evident flight
1,000 fl.of such areas project should be
attcrns of resident and nugratory birds.
evaluated by CB for potential impacts."
ice Buildup
Standard language.
Not required for residential WECS,
B Agreed.
Dan: Consistent with
Telecommunications Law.
All power transmission lines from WECS will be underground.
CB: agreed.
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H:1A7y DocumenOConservation BcxaMdcornplete table_G_IS Ct3_vote.duc
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion. System Ordinance
June, 2006
Draft Regulatory Language
Comments and
Conservation Board
Section Title
Blade to
11M This is a minimum and seems to be
reasonable. In other laws It is applied to
the lowest portion of the blade may not be closer than 15 feet to the ground.
"industrial' turbines.
CB: agreed.
Notice and
1. sighs
a. Caution Signs shall be placed 4 -6 feet high at the setback limits
warning of falling objects_
b. There shall be no other signs affixed to the wind energy conversion
Standard Language
system, accessory buildings or enclosure unless required by the
Town or other agency.
CB: Delete Section 1, Signs.
� Fencing — Access to the WECS shall be limited either by means of a fence six
(6) feet high around the tower base with a locking gate or by limiting WECS
climbing apparatus to no lower than twelve (12) fcxt from the ground.
3. Limit Tip Speed —?pro wind energy conversion systems shall be permitted that
lacks an automatic braking, governing, or feathering system,
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(seated by Daniel Kwasnowski
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0 G 0
Town of .Dryden
Proposed Elements of a. Reneivable .Energy Conversion. System Ordinance
June, 2006
Typical Draft Regulatory Language Alternatives Comments and
Ordinance Conservation Board
Section Title Changes
1. Removal if Not Operational
Any WECS, which has not been in active and continuous service for a period of one (1)
year, shall be disassembled on the premises. Any and all structures, guy cables, guy
anchors and/or crtclosures accessory to such wind energy conversion system shall also be
disassembled. Disassembling shall be completed within six (6) months of the cessation
of active and continuous use of such «end energy conversion system..
2. Landscaping
Upon completion of installation the site shall be returned as close as possible to a natural
state. CB: 1. add Proof: "Disassembling shall
3. Building and Grounds Maintenance be completed Nvithin six (6) months of
the PROOF of cessation of active and
Any damaged or unused parts shall be removed from the premises within thirty (30) days continuous use of such wind energy
or kept in an on -site storage building. Standard conversion system.
Language 4. Ourotership Changes Lang ?, agreed, 3 -2
if the ownership of a wind energy conversion system operating under a special use 3. agreed, 3 -2
permit changes, the special use permit shall remain in force. All conditions of the special 4. agreed
use permit, including bonding, letters of credit or continuing certification requirements of 5. agreed
the original owner will continue to be obligations of succeeding owners. HoNvever, the
change in ownership shall be registered with the Director of Building and Zoning, and
the signs shall he changed to reflect new owners as necessary.
5. Wind Energy Conversion System Modifications
Any and all modifications, additions, deletions or changes to wind energy conversion
systerns that operate under a special use permit, whether structural or not, shall he made
by special use permit, except that such permit shall not be required for repairs which
become necessary in the normal course of use of such wind energy conversion system or
become necessary as a result of natural forces, such as wind or ice.
Created by Daniel Kwasnowski
H:1My Documcnts\Conscrvatiun Boardlconipictc_ table 6_15_Ctt_votc.doc
Section Title
Cent fications
Town o Dryden 40
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Draft Regulatory Language Alternatives Comments and
Conservation Board
L Routine Inspection Report
An inspection report prepared by an independent professional engineer licensed in the
State of Ncw York and preferably registered by NYSERUA will be required at the time
of installation_ The inspection report required at the time of installation will be for the
structure and the electronics and will be given to the Code Enforcement Officer.
2. Insurance —Liability
Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide the Town proof, in the
form of a duplicate insurance policy or a certificate issue by an insurance company, of
liability insurance, of a level to be determined by the Town Board in consultation with
the Town's Insurance Agency, to cover damage or injury which might result from the
failure of a tower or towers or any other part(s) of the generation and transmission
3. National and State Standards
'The applicant shall show that all applicable New York State and U.S. standards for the
construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed wind energy conversion system
have been met or are being complied with. Wind energy conversion systems shall be
built, operated and maintained to applicable industry standards of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), The applicant for a wind energy conversion system special use pen-nit
shall furnish evidence, over the signature of a professional engineer licensed to practice
in the State of New York, that such wind energy conversion system is in compliance
with such standards.
4. Lightning Strike/Grounding
The applicant shall show that all applicable New York State and U.S. standards for the
construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed wind energy conversion system
have been met or arc being complied with.
5. Wind Speed/Wind Load
Certification is required by a registered professional engir Wgt "040T"'s
certification that the tower design is sufficient to withstand wind -load requirements for
structures as established by the Ruilding Code of New York State.
CB: #1 add: "...will be required at
the time of installation of \VECS for
electric power generation."
Standard 2 -5: agreed
Public: #2 Seems overly
Created by Daniel Kwasnowski
Ay DocuntcnOConsrry tion Boardticutnplctc_tnblc -6_15 CB_vote.doc
TOWneDr 3 yden Is
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Enemy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
Solar Energy Conversion Systems
The New York State Residential Code (Section M2301 Solar Energy Systems) regulates solar installations. A reference to this code is all
that is required.
Other Renewable Enemy Conversion Systems
Other renewable energy systems include:
• Geothermal Heat Pumps
• Woodstoves
• Other Biomass (wood, corn, hay...)
• And other renewable energy sources.
At this time these other systems would be exempt from further regulation under the proposed law. If at some time in the future any of
these systems are found to pose public impacts further regulation may be developed within this law.
The following are proposed definitions for a RECS ordinance:
"Break Point" means the location on a tower, which in the event of a failure of the tower, would result in the tower falling or
"Collapse Zone" means the area in which any portion of a tower could or would fall, collapse or plunge to the ground or into a river,
wetland or other body of water. The collapse zone shall be no less than the lateral equivalent of the distance from the Break point to
the top of the structure plus ten feet, such being not less than one -half (112) the height of the structure.
"Renewable Energy Conversion Systems" means an energy conversion system utilizing renewable sources of energy, excluding
wind energy conversion systems as defined herein, including but not limited to: solar conversion systems (Photovoltaic, water etc.),
geothermal, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Biomass (wood, corn, hay), et cetera.
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14AN(y DacumentslConservaticm Board\complete_table_6_15 CB. vote.doc
0 o Town Dryden
Proposed Elements of a Renewable Energy Conversion System Ordinance
June, 2006
"Wind Energy Conversion System" means a device that converts that kinetic energy of the wind, by the use of a set of rotating
blades and is usually elevated from ground level on a tower, into electrical or mechanical power.
"Wind Energy Conversion System, Private" means a wind energy conversion
to an individual residence, business or other use and can be either the primary or
electricity to the utility grid is pennitted as a tertiary use.
"Wind Energy Conversion System, Industrial" means a wind energy convers
systems in a facility, whose sole purpose is to generate electricity that is fed into
system that provides electrical or mechanical power
a secondary source of energy. Sale or credit of excess
ion system, or series of wind energy conversion
a power grid for sale.
"Wind Energy Conversion System Height" means the total height of the structure including blades.
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Created by Wnicl Kwasnoaski
HANIy Uocumcnts\Conser%mtinn Boardtcorrplctc_table_6_15 CB_vote.doc