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Town of Dryden Conservation Board
July 12, 2005
Members Present: Chairperson Craig Schutt, Nance Munkenbeck, Steve
Bissen and Mike Riclunond
Also Present: Debbie Gross and Amber Guernsey
Agenda: (1) Search for Debbie's Replacement
(2) Fall/Virgil Creek citizen's water quality monitoring proposal
(3)Report on PDR Meeting
(1)Search for Debbie's Replacement
The board opens the meeting by talking about Debbie's replace-
ment. There are candidates but the process isn't done yet and
the search is still continuing.
(2)Fall/Virgil Creek citizen's water quality monitoring proposal
® D. Gross Would you like to talk about the Fall Creek monitor? I haven't read
the proposal yet but 1 plan to do it tomorrow. I am going to call
some of the town board members and see if they have any
questions about it, they have already received it.
N. Munkenbeck The argument that the Town Board was perceptive to was that
Marty Christofferson was feeling positive when they talked about
how kids are getting active again. So that was a positive thing to his
mind. The others were sort of positive. Then we have our
Recommendations that they go through and do it as long as the
Statistics came back.
D. Schutt Now here they have over 2000 samples.
N. Munl:enbeck Now do they do it up in the Virgil Creek area?
la. Schutt Yes, and this one is actually in cooperation of the Cortland
County, and one thing they want to do is to move this up
further in the Fall Creek water.
M. Richmond You mean reach to another county?
D. Schutt Well right now it goes into Cayuga and that would be the hope
N. Munkenbeck So how much are they asking from Dryden? Is it 956?
D. Gross That's for the remainder of 2005?
D. Schutt Yes
D. Gross And then we are going to submit another proposal in September.
So hopefully it will be the right timing for the budget process.
D. Schutt One thing they heard on the Six Mile Creek one was that this was
great, but it would be a lot easier if they had the budget plans earlier
to put it in the budget.
N. Munkenbeck So how much do we ultimately want?
D. Schutt Well it depends on how long we keep it going.
N. Munkenbeck Instead having an idea of how much it costs. So are they going to be
asking for like a couple of thousand?
M. Riclunond Well actually it seems to me that it's really clear how much money
They're asking for. My only question is were will they get the funds
in addition.
D. Schutt It's in the budget.
M. Riclunond Where'd they come from?
D. Schutt Yeah.
N. Munkenbeck I did read it and it doesn't tell you how much is going to come in
the fall. They say this is for 2005 so that's this year but its an on -
going thing and there's nothing in here that says, "Well guess what
guys next year it's going to be..."
D. Schutt Well that's why a new proposal will be put together.
S. Bissen Yeah, in like September or so.
N. Munkenbeck So have you already given them something for this year'?
D. Schutt No not this year. This has all have funded through local funds.
N. Munkenbeck Well are those funds drying up or is that an addition to this?
D. Schutt Well this will more or less be an addition.
D. Gross it seems like those funds were enough to get the sampling done
but not enough for all the time and effort involved overall.
D. Schutt Corporate Extension did a lot of out reach for the six mile creek
To get that started and it was very effective. And she's willing to
do it. And she's proved that she can do it properly.
N. Munkenbeck So if you spend the tax dollars is there a payback for the town?
D. Schutt 'There should be. The more watersheds that we are sampling the
more data that we are going to have.
N. Munkenbeck So we might use some other governmental expenses.
D. Schutt It could be from the watersheds. Yeah. And it also helps out
with the towns storm water proposal.
D. Gross I did make a note in the annual report for storm water that laid
out what we were going to do. One of the items was supporting how
to monitor. And 1 actually made a note in the report this year
that the town should think about providing support for the Fall
Creek as swell. 1 didn't say finance support but .whatever support.
because Six Mile Creel: is a smaller part of the town.
1\r. Munkenbeck 1 think i would add to that, that involving the volunteers, the
volunteers taking part in this, is expensive and time consuming
to get volunteers to do things. Yet when we do that they have
What 1 would call ownership then. And its part of creating
a culture of eare for the watershed.
D. Schutt Exactly. It gets them out there.
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D. Gross 1 °his meeting is good for that kind of pre discussion before the
® Town Board meeting. (I think another thing I've been thinking about
but I'm not sure whether it would be helpful or not. I think it might
be helpful. Is there a lot of different water shed expenses ?) They
are all fairly small amounts of money and they comment on
different times. There may be some contribution to the Town
working on storm water. But if you add up all those expenses its
a very small amount of money. So well it may come at the Town
Board like a lot of request for funding its 900 dollars. What might
Help though would be to clarify what those different groups are and
The different roles that they play and how it all fits together.
N. Munkenbeck Okay, but now we need numbers though for that. Because to say you
have it would be very helpful to say that we have spent that much
but we have received 12,000 dollars in grants or something.
D. Gross I think that accounting of general watersheds might not be helpful
at this meeting because there is so much happening.
N. Munkenbeck I think it would be important to develop some sort of program on
The computer where you can pull up a running summary and you
could get those numbers really fast and really easily. Because
Whenever you talk to someone they are going to want numbers.
Is there anyway that you could get an estimate of how much that
county cost them to have that TMBL? If you have a number
for that it.just helps.
D. Gross Does Skaneateles Lake have that?
D. Schutt Onondaga Lake does that. And people down in Delaware
have that. And Georgia has it and they have had some real issues
doN�n there.
N. Munkenbeek Oh, they have spent immense amount of money and continue to
spend immense amounts of money. And you know another thing
that might help is an example of something that happens
When you do that. Like you have your access road to something
And a big flood occurs and washes out and you're not allowed to
Recreate it or you can but only if you spend a million dollars doing
S. Bissen And if they aren't allowed to rebuild it could they could under some
N. Munkenbeck But this was in trying to install protective stuff to be able to do any.
thing in any of the water ways. And they were going to have to
figure a way to put something in without disturbance.
S. Bissen It puts such high cost on any kind of development or anything there
that it pretty much just stops.
D. Gross Well it seems like we have some good talking points. NoNv i saw
In the email what they might ask for in 2006. Would it be helpful
for me to look that up?
N. Munkenbeck This is for the whole year. So probably we will ask for that much
next near. Is this agency going to contribute also next year?
Is it likely that they will get the $17,000 next year?
M. Richmond Yes. I have a question if we support the notion do we want
to offer some ideas and suggestions or do we want to be prepared
to offer these to our board? What kind of action do we want to
N. Munkenbeck In the past we offered suggestions.
M. Richmond Well okay, I think we should give them some.
N. Munkenbeck Well I think that the board should know that we think
positively of this. I think that we should take a vote
to see if we think positively of this.
Everyone Yes, I think it's a good idea.
N. Munkenbeck Okay the majority of present agree.
Meeting close at 9:30 p.m.
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