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Dryden Recreation Commission
March 28, 2012
Members Present: Sharon Todd, Jeff Humphrey, Vicki Wilkins, Monica
Armstrong, Wendy Martin, Billie Downs
Staff Present: Patty Millard, Recording Secretary;
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
B Downs moved the January minutes, W Martin seconded, no changes were
requested, all in favor, minutes approved.
DRC - DYC Merger
Jeff Humphrey, Melissa. Bianconi, Stephanie Mulinos, and Kris Bennett met to
discuss a project timeline. They briefed everyone present on the meeting.
They'd like to have one more person from each commission join them as a task
force to work on the task list that needs to be addressed. The notes from this
meeting were emailed prior to tonight's meeting. B Downs volunteered to be the
Community Grants
The grant committee met on March
14 to review and discuss the grant
applications that were received. There were 17 grant applications received. The
recommendations from the committee were discussed. Andrew Pierce put
together a proposal for the Groton Avenue fields. The Recreation Department
will be doing similar work to what Kiwanis proposed on the Wall Street ball
field. The idea. is to fund $2000 to Kiwanis with the string attached that they
would work with Recreation Department oversight and provide volunteers.
Changes were suggested.
The grant sub committee met on March 14 to review and discuss the grant
applications received. There were 17 grant applications totaling $125,654
received for the budgeted $30,000 available funding for 2012.
Recommendations from the committee were reviewed and discussed. An
application from the Dryden Kiwanis for the Groton Avenue Fields had resulted
in the review committee suggesting Andrew Pierce put together a proposal for
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40 both the Groton Avenue and Wall Street fields. Changes were made to the
recommendations based on these findings.
Todd made a motion to accept the grant committee's recommendations with
the changes discussed and to propose the Town Board make grant allocations
based on the final numbers arrived at daring the meeting, J Humphrey
seconded, all in favor.
Review 2011 Commission Goals and Outcomes
Short Range Goals
1, Certified Athletic Trainer - dome - no changes made
2, Creating Healthy Places � Add - donated 1000 to Ithaca Organics to
sponsor 4 families participating in this program.
. No changes made,
4_ No changes made
5_ No changes made
6. Add Sharon Todd also attended the Inclusion U Training,
Lang Range Goals
1. Add a 11ttle more to grant desorption - restruct'ured community grant
1. Based on the number of valid Community Grant Applications it was
suggested that the DRC make a recommendation to the Dryden Town
Board to consider increasing the funding for 2013.
. Continue to reword the grant application to make it easier for groups
to understand and complete,
Wilkins pointed out that this commission has had a quorum every month
and has made good progress on their goals.
V Wilkins commended the commission for having; had a quorum every month
and achievement of their goals,
The DRC wanted to acknowledge the work Andrew put in to helping the grant
committee with the prnposal for the ball fields.
DRC Goals for 2012 and timetable
J Humphrey asked the commission members to bring a goal or two for this
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1 Bianconi will contact the li ingcrlakes Land Trust about the Emerald
Necklace proposal and the money they had requested from the Town Board.
Tentatively scheduled for April.
Upcoming meetings
April 2.5
May 2
June - skip instead of JWy or August this year - vacations
July 25
Being no further business, on motion made aad seconded, the meeting was
adjourned at x:30 p,rn,
tfully Submitted,
" Patricia C. Millard
OR 3-28-2012
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DYCiDRC Rc- structuring Meeting Notes
Present; Kris Rt:nnOtt, Melissa Bianconi, Stephanie MuIinos, Jeff Htunphrey
We met on Wednesday,
March 2
l to create a task list
For the rncrgerlre- structuring of
the Dryden Youth
Commission and the
Dryden Recreation Commission,
Folio }gyring is a list of items (in
no pailicular order) of the
Lsks that need to be
I _ Re- structuring subcommittee —use tentatively decided Ili at the subcommittee should consist of ]iris,
McIissa, the chairs and 1 member from each existing commission,
2_ M ission and vision — it wars tentatively agreed that thcsc hems should be decided first, as many other
decisions will be guided by these statements.
3. Enacting Legislation — Stephanie will gut the CrraGting Jcgislatiart for the DYC from the villages
4_ Name
5. Size (# of members)
6_ Representation
R, Locality
b_ Age
C, Specific group representation (eg. School district)
7_ operaiinggu idol incsfby -laws
a_ DAFinitions (eg. YouL'h development)
b. Program monitoring
C- resource allocation
d. County gtoideI ines related to funding {youth development) — larwguage- will need to bu included
8_ Mcmburship protocols
a. Standards of conduct
b. Resi&ncy
C . Officerslleadersh i p
9. StrueLurc
a, One large group that addresses ail maucrs, or
b_ One group with two subcommittees — one focused on recreation and ono focused on youth
10. Working calendar
II_ Staffrepresentation/oversight
' *Wu would like far the full subcommittee to m"I as soon as possible — prefcrahly in early April.
DRC 3- 28-2012
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Town of Dryden Recreation Commiss ion
2011 DRC: goals and outcomes;
To investigate ways to secure medical coverage for our recreut.ionaI sports hi the Form of a nationally certifier]
athletic trainer:
• The Recreation Department now contracts with Cayuga Medical Center and had a Certified Athletic
Trainer at every horns FoorbalI ¢$me and at the 2012 Youth Wrestling Tournament.
Insure a strong; partnership with Creating; Healthy Places Progrnrn:
• Fully .9 ubsidizxd cast for the large community park design
• }partially funded the Freeville Parks design
• Fully funded the Jim Schug'I-rail sign now located in the Viflagu_
• Donated $1000 to Ithaca Organics to sponsor 4 Families
tvoutinue to develop existing reereatiunaI facilities:
Allocated over 17 -.000 in Funding for new roof and a pavilion at Varna Conimunity Center
• Allocated $1500 for anew stove at the Dryden Community C:aft
• Allocated S 1500 for cteetronic. lock system and signagc at the ElIis H o I low Comrnunity Center
Explore new Ways to co in atunicate and promote reereationaI prograrms with all residents:
• Thu Recreation Depailmenr uses print, radio, seasonal brochures sent through rho school, email lists, and
webs ite to promote programs,
Explore callaboration and potential rnentoring between Dryden .JV and Varsity Players and Conches:
• Football Camp was staiTud by Varsity coaches and players (coach Dan Fink)
• 1n -house bwiketba11 stations were Icad by Varsity basketball players (coach Kint Drown)
Create and Support view progrnrns at
our ea€istinl; Corn
Cen teric:
+ Recreation Dcpartnient is now
using Community
Cafe as
field trip {activity site for a pottery painting
* Planning on an aftcrsc -howl program for middle school aged children aE Cafe for fall 2012
Continued support ofCcmmunit yGrantprogram
Ti attend inclusion U Train#ng through Ih€ NVS I!nelusive Recreation Resource Cent €r
+ Attended by Wendy Martin, S 'rodd, and Melissa Bianconi
Long range goals:
Support the Recreation Department iit the develtrprnent of a central racility:
• Progress moved forward steadily With the commission and Creation of concept"] design ptans For Four
locations in the Town of Dryden -Town Hall, Grown AM Park, Mill Dam Park, Genung Narure Preserve
Continue developing existing recreational Facilities: Cranks extended to community at large
Identify and attend training each year that will assist [lie DRC in its role: InufuSion U '1'ruining