HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-24DRC 08 -24 -201 l Page l of 1 Dryden c reatton Commission Meeting Minutes August 24, 2011 Bombers Preserfl1 Wer?dyMartin, Vick VVfikins, Sidie Downs, Monica Knight, Melissa Biz nconi (Recreation Director) , Steve Meyer, Jeff Humphrey, Larry Hinkle, Sharon Todd Others Present, Patty Millard (Recording SeCrstary), Jane Nicholson (Town Flanneo, Michael Cohen & Jahn Dean from Must Have Play LLG & John Dean Studios 1- The meeting was called t0 prdef at 7 :00 p -m- 2, Approval of June Minutes, W Martin made a motion to move minutes discussion for June until the next meeting, S Meyer seconded the motion. All were in favor, 3, Otd Business a) Community Center Grant Programs — no requests at this point b) Inclusion U Training — W Martin brought forms far those who needed them- There are three people signing up to go. c) Dryden Trail Assessment — field trip was rained out. The bridge between Kehl, and Chaffee is closed right now — DPW is working on the bridge. As soon as it is open, we will reschedule this - d) Announcemento Cross Country Race for kids on October 10i" it anyone is interested andlar available to help out with this event, e) Potential Revision of Infrastructure Grant— this will be a topic on the next agenda, f) There will ba a Certified Athletic Trainer at all o(the YFL events this year. g) Budget deadline corning up end of September, will add to the next agenda. 4, New Business a} Presentation by Must Have Play, LLC & John Dean Studios —Michael Gohen and John Clean i.) Met with Melissa a few months ago to discuss design concepts, ii) Concept design features an entry way from the end of Neptune Drive by Neptune Hose Fire Department and Will aw Brook Manor. A dodecagon building centered near where the stream loops with the stream wrapping around half of it with pafking nearby, a playground, a pond (as park of dfainage necessary). The car entry would be from the old house properly that was purchased when the Town Hall was built. There could be a Secondary (gated) non- public access from the Highway Parking lot for quick access in case of emergency, The site has possibilities for different play areas: preschool through elder, b) Next steps; DFCC discussion, recommendation on proceedings to Town Board, discussions by M Bianco ni with Planning Department on when Planning Board should be brought in to the process as well, breakdown of phases- M Bianconi and Must Have Play also have a meeting set up with Willow Brook and with the Village of Freeville, 5, Next Meeting —Wednesday, September 28, 7 prn, location TBD- 5- Adjoumrnent — On a motion made by B Downs and seconded by S Meyer, the meeting was adjourned unanimously at 8;70 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Patty Millard Recording Secretary