HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-27Dryden Recreation Commission (DRO) Monthty Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 7:00 pm; Dryden Community Center Cafe Members ofjCommissiono Sharon Todd (chairj, exp 10, Dorn Scutt (sacrafaty), exp 10, Dare Schmohe, exp 10, Vicki Wilkins, exp 11. 4 errdy Martinr exp 11, Efic Hicks, exp 12, Elsie Gutchess, exp 12 Community Association Member: Monica Knight exp 10 Town So ard I R epre se n ta live: Steve Stelick, Jr, 4&Ban=&eiW Town Rec_ Director, Mousse Bianconi Dryden CO Liaison; Billie Downs Business Meeting calied to order at 7;10 pm. 1, Beading Hof the Commission's Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of th e last regular meeting of 9122/10 was made by Billie Dawns and seconded by Eric Hicks, The motion passed unanimously. 2. Adoptio i of agenda 3. Recognition of guests and community communications Final draft DRC contact list was passed out. No changes were indicated. Sharon will email to the group, Beth Ellen Peck and Brian Buttner were present to answer questions in regards to requesting a modification of the infrastructure grant that was awarded to the Dryden Community Center C06 (DC3), Discussed adding some wording to the contracts making sure people know they cannot spend the money on anything other than what has been approved without prior approval of the Town Board. Stelick recommends setting up a subcommittee of two people from the DRC to review all change requests prior to them going before the Recre ation Director or the Recreation Commission. Suggests letting community centers know that the Town recormends they apply for their 501 (c)3 as part of the grant process next year_ E Gutchess made a motion to approve the reallocation of funds requested by the DD3, E Hicks seconded the motion. After some discussion, the motion was withdrawn. V Wilkins made a motion to deny the reallocation of funds requested by the DC3_ D Schmahe seconded the motion, The vote was as follows: S Todd, V Wilkins, B Gutchess and Dan Schmohe aye, B Dawns, VV Martin and M Knight abstained, D Scutt and E Flicks nays. Motion passed_ 10, Now Business - End of year item s — S Todd has asked everyone whose term is up to let her know by the next meeting if they are interested in being appointed for another term. S Todd is going to contact the Town Clerk and Town Supervisor to find out what the procedure is when there are more people interested in being on the commission than there are openings. There are four openings and potentially five interested parties, - Steven Meyer, potential Commission member — was present to speak to the group on his interest in joining the DRD in January as a new member. 4. Rocread n Department's quarterly report — M. Biancani Handed out quarterly report including budget update and went over the report.An drew put together some figures detailing participation numbers in ct,rrent programs_ The new Recreation Dept brochure was passed( S. Town Board monthly update , S. Ste lick & J. Leifer - Modification of VC Infrastructure grant purpose — this was approved, - Budget progress — have been meeting every week. After tonight, it is almost finalized, 6, Dryden Central SchoaJ District Liaison monthly update — B. Downs Youth 0evelvpment commission did a survey with middle and high school students, Will sha re results when they are available. Mixed reviews from tha kids. Drvdmi 11ecremion Commis,rion G-27 -2G10 LV inLims t Yagc 2 of 2 DLAC is just about to be in Its first reorganization meeting as a whole, Dryden Liens Activity Club = the new booster club!. Meeting will be held Nov 91h at 7 at the high school library. Dfficers will be elected, by -laws approved, Business club doing STACK again � teaching adults hour to use computers, Are hoping to offer a Facebook tutoring night, Will be hosting the first of activity nights — pool, hasketba11, ping pang, music, movies, food, etc. The first one will be next rnvnth, developmental Assets Training — S Todd Tens was attended by multiple DRC members. Very goad informaton, 71 Comrriunity Centers monthty update — M, Knight Etna — using funding to put in new playground equipment at the park — slide on wooden play structure. Planting a tree this Saturday. A new sign with park rules is being ordered. Halloween party coming up, Beautification project involving ComellIs Into the Streets volunteers- El I i s Hollow Annual fair was a success. Facility being used for Girl Scout and Boy Scout meetings. Construction has caused some issues. CM — chili cook -off Cloy Foster won) was a big hit. Ramp dedication was that day. Recycling and composting is being practiced. Some kids programs are being plarfned for fall. Varna — no report Bethel Grove — no report 0, Old Business: None, 9, Sub- comImlttoe Reports Playground Certification course — Andy Young from the School Board has taken this DUurse. • Areas & Facilities (W, Martin) I Montgomery Park update — landscape architect is doing some preliminary drawings to start showing people, Making the hotel property and the park property a little more ruined is part of our vision and drawings will make it easier far others to visualize- Program I s (E, Hicks, S. Downs, Z, Gutchess) — no report S Todd shared an email from M Sumner with some information from a TC3 meeting in regards to possibly holding a festival at TC3 in conjunction with fireworks in the future. • Policies & Procedures (M. Bianconi, S. Todd) I Pricing - Still working through the formulas to allocate all department expenses to each I program to get a Defter feel for what each program actually "costs" the department. Just a note' next year's Dryden Lake Festival is scheduled for July 39��', Mentioned: Slustsinability Planning meeting email — did everyone receive? Yes, For next meeting — term expirations and officers for next year wilt be on the agenda_ Will need to think about goals — where we're at and what goals should be for next year. There was some discussion regarding meeting places_ No other community centers have invited the DRC to meet there. They are open to meeting at other locations is asked_ hila most committees and boards do meet at the Town Hall, they are comfortable meeting at the DC3 and it allows some members to walk to the meeting, It's very visible with the main street facing windows, Next DRC Meetinrt: Wednesday 1211110, 7 P. m,; Location Dryden Com munity Cafe hlext Town Board Meeting: Wednesday, '11117110, 7100 PM; Dryden Town Halt Motion to Adjourn: D Schmohe Second: S Todo Approveds es Time, 5:55 P;m