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Dryden Recreation Commission
(DRC) Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 7:00 pm; Dryden Community Cafe
Members of Commission: Sharon Todd (chair), exp 10, Don Scutt (secretary), exp 10, Dan
Schmohe, exp 101 Vicki Wilkins, exp 11, Wendy Martin, exp 11, Eric Hicks, exp 12 (late), Elsie
Gutchess, exp 12
Community Association Member: Monica Knight, exp 10
Town Board Representative: Steve Stelick, Jr., & Jason Leifer (both excused — at budget meeting)
Town Rec. Director: Melissa Bianconi
Dryden CSD Liaison: Billie Downs (excused)
Business Meeting called to order at 7 pm.
I. Reading of the Commission's Meeting Minutes:
A motion to approve the minutes of the last two regular meetings of 6123110 and 7128110 was made
by M Knight and seconded by Elsie Gutchess. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Adoption of agenda — no changes were made
3. Recognition of guests and community communications
- Final draft DRC contact list — a couple corrections were made. S Todd will send out a final list.
- Arthur Berkey, Varna Community Association, Infrastructure Grant change request
The VCA is asking for a change in where their infrastructure grant money is to be spent. Their roof
repair cost more than anticipated. The playground work will still be done due to an offer of
construction equipment by a volunteer and there is time left to do additional fundraising to ensure the
rest of the materials for this project are purchased. The shortfall for the roof repair will be just over
$13,000. Total repair is over $21,000. They have taken out a $10,000 note and applied for some
grants — one of which they have been notified will be awarded. The VCA asks that the DRC
recommend to the Town Board to allow this change in use of funds.
VCC Report We're working hard on zoning. There have been some meetings by Varna
residents and with the help of Jim Skaley, we have put together a plan to the town on future zoning
proposal for the hamlet of Varna. CU committed $20m over 5 years, half for affordable housing and
half for transportation. J Lalley is chairing the Planning Board and is the VP of facilities at Cornell, so
that is a good connection with this plan. We're working with the Red Cross to get our designation as
an emergency center for them. We were just designated as an RSVP station so that hours donated
at the VCA can be reported as RSVP hours, We also have many programs coming up.
Comments from the DRC: The presentation was very thorough, well thought out,
On a motion made by D Schmohe and seconded by D Scutt, the DRC recommends that the Town
Board approve the change in usage of the grant awarded to the VCA from playground to roof repair.
The motion passed unanimously.
(Eric Hicks arrived at 7:30 pm)
4. Recreation Department's monthly update — M. Bianconi
All programs are going really well. Numbers are up. We had to cut off enrollment because of this.
We may schedule another movie this fall_ Preliminary budget was turned in to the Town Board
recently. They have started budget meetings.
5. Town Board monthly update — M. Bianconi
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- Town Finance Committee: Recreation capital reserve fund
Reviewed minutes from the last Finance Committee meeting and the recommendations being made
by the Finance Committee in relation to Reserve Fund planning. Originally the 57 acres behind the
new gown hall, was to be used for ball fields and park land, If the $10,000 is approved in th e budget,
an RFP will go out for this week_ The example given in the minutes of a small park pavilion was riot
part of the recommendation, it was just an example given at the meeting.
DR C members expressed an opinion that $26,000 i nfrn st ructu re grant requests AI not 9 dawn and
that this amount may need to be increased.
6, Dryden Dents! School District Lialson monthly update — B. Downs {email}
1. Dryden Athletics
a. Roy Simmons is contact For building use on weekends � extra charges will
b. Concessions are not allowed to be used until the school secures SED approval
c. The youth teams need to make sure to turn -off the water trough after using
the Football practice fiold
d. Ralph would like some teams to have mini -games during half -time of varsiky
2. Special Committee for Youth Development
a. Summit will be Sat,, Oct 2 From $:30 am- 3 pm?
b. They have invited reps From the DRC to attend but not sure how many?
3. Wellness Policy Review & Revisions
a. The first Wellness Committee meeting will be Wed. October 27�h From 3 -4:30
pm at DHS in Room G -26. Anyone interested in attending is welcomed.
7. Community Centers monthly update - A Knight
Beth eI Grove — No report
Ellis Hollow great fair, numbers were a little dawn
Etna — No report
atO — handicapped ramp is going very well, many volunteers continue to help, Phase I
came in under budget so Brian Buttner has started on sketching Phase 11. The Town is
requiring another railing on the ramp and this needs to be done pet, We are hoping to have a
ribbon cutting for this on the day of the fourth annual chili and pie contest_ Purchased the
freezer which was also part of the grant. Hosting many local groups, Received a small grant
frorn the DYOF and are using it to da a kids' series.
8. Old Business,
- Dryden Lake Festival re -cap (M, #(Might & D. S chmohe)
The mmittee felt it was a great success. Positive comments have been received, The committee will be
meeting Monday to start planning for next year, After expenses, $623 is deft to start work on the next DLF_
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9, Sub- commi# tee. Reports
Area 9 & Facilities (W. Martin)
■ Montgomery Park update
o Next meeting is Tuesday_ Survey was completed and will be reviewed at that meeting.
The ice skating rink has been approved and this will be our fi rst project.
■ Park &, Trail assessments
o V Wilkins has a kit coming in with sKorne equipment that she needs to do the assessment
of the Jim Schug Trail soon.
- Programs (E. Hicks, B. Downs, E, utOess)
Would like to get started on the horseshoe pit idea, Location ideas: Dryden Lake park, Dryden
H otellMon tgomery Park, Would like to have a meeting to investigate this idea and see if there is
interest, Atso Boole and square dancing are at the top of the list of ideas to work on in the near
- policies & Procedure's (M. Bianconi, _ Todd)
Pricing — M Sianconi is making pretty good headway on the rnatedar she and S Todd went
over_ They will meet again once M Sianooni has finished her review_
10. New Business
- Reschedule November 24 meeting due to Thanksgiving.
Wilkins, to move the November meeting to December
- M 8ianconi — October 2"° is our cross country race, M Bi
an hour worth of volunteer time from a few people to help
Todd made a motion, seconded by
1 "- This motion was passed unanimously.
anconi will be somewhere else. We need
With this. The time is 9030 — 10:45 am that
Next DISC Meeti g: Wednesday 10127f10; 7 p.m.; Dryden Community Cafe
Next Town Meeting; Wedne Way 1 10120110,7;00 P M; Dryden Town Hall
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 2010 Q RC Meeting Schedule (subject to change):
4'' Wednesdayfmonth - 7000 prn - Dryden Town Hall unless otherwise noted; 10127!101 11124110
Motion to Adjourn; 0 Schmube Second, E Gutchess Approved YES Time: 8:20 p_m