HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-24D RC 02m24=201 0 Page I QF2 Dryden recreation Commission Minutes of the February 24, 2010, Meeting ,senf_ Shoron Todd, Eric Nrcksr Wendy Martin, V cki Mfkirrs, Jason Leifer, h0h) Downs, Monhcig Knight, Dsn Schmohe, Andrew fierce (Recreation Coordinator), Don +:utl, Patty Miliard (Recording Secretary) Excused, Slave Stebck, Mehssa ffianconf I. The meeting was called to order at 7,02 p,m, 2. Approval of January Minutes,6 Dow ns made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected (her name was wrong) -M Knight 2 "'the motion, All were in Favor, Motion carried. 3, Recreation Department's monthly update � A Pierce a) Just winding dawn youth basketball programs_ There was a lournament this pall weekend— a round rDbin invitational with teams from surrounding areas, There were 28 games in 2 days, The Friends of Youth Wrestling did the concessions for that event as part of their fundraising efforts. There is a new program this year, winter travel wrestling, It was opened to all of the kids in the regular program this year. Our youth basketball program is being extended to include 7'' and JAL' graders this year_ We had our second annual father -daughter dance in Varna this year_ We weren't able to offer the Family Fun nights this year due to the facility at TC3 not being available. The 2 °d annual winter thaw,wrestling toumarnent was held at the high school. We had fewer attendees this year but more teams. It was definitely a suaoess, We're getting ready for spring' track, lacrosse, MUSIC -in- the -Park and Musio-in- the - Hollow nights, possible co -outing with Lansing — a bus trip to Yankee Stadium, baseball, softball. 4_ Town Board monthly update — S Stellck a) 11(fare has been a delay in application deadiine for the grants, Bethel Grove had a meeting on Monday and may be applying as well. b) Th are was a joint Viillage-Tawn meeling Jast night with Montgomery Dark at the top of the agenda. We have a landscape architect lhat has offered to do some work for us. It looks like T-baIt will be moving to Freeville which W111 elp this effort, We are al very preliminary stages but vie are having very good discussions and making progress on plans For the park with both the Town and Viliage on board, The initial vision is to make 0 Montgomery Park more of an open space. c) The : ouing rewrite is in progress, An overall discussion of the town is part of these discussions including the where the Recreation Master Plan fits in to the big picture. d) The award to Larry wasn't able to be given at the Town Board meeting, but 5. Dryden Central School District Liaison Monthly Update T B. Dawns a) Budget season is upon us and things don'l look good, We may need to cut modified pro�rams this next year, If that happens, we will be looking to the Recreation oeparlment to hetp us give those 7 and Sib graders some opportunities, There was no report fro m the Youth Devetoprnpnt Cornmittee. We've been working with Andrew on some ideas as well — possible inlramumIs. 6, Community canter update aj Grant deadline has been extended. b) Ellis Hollow —did request extension to March 12'1`— okayed by J Leifer C) Etna expects to have theirs in by Friday dj Vamn also requested an extension to March 121" — okayed by J Leifer i) They've raised about $800 for a Haiti orphanage, ii) Faitheridaughter went welI iii) Varna II public hearing was herd iv) Had a flea markel and raised about $200 w) Census personnel used space for training eJ Bethel Grove — attempt to resurrect spearheaded by Molly Adams i) Had meeting on Monday ii) Molly will be giving Monica a more formaJ report f) CaM i) Had a concert for Haiti this past weekend, held at church due to space limitations, and raised $700 7. Old Business a) 2009 Annual Report — S Todd i) An updated document with the changes from Iasi month was seal oul to members and given to Supervisor Sumner b) Community Center Grant Program i) The Recreation Deparlment will be handling the Program portion of the grant since that amount per canker is fixed. DRC 02 -24 -2010 Page 2 of 2 ii) The DRC is dealing with the infrastructure portion of this grant. With the deadline extended, our timeline will be changing. The end of March will be the soonest grant review can happen. With the exception of M Knight and W Martin who have recused themselves from the process due to their affiliations with two of the community center applicants, Once the applications have been received, they will be distributed to DRC members to review prior to the March 24 meeting for discussion. S Todd will be in touch with everyone to finalize scheduling once applications are in hand. c) Master Recreation I Open Space Plan i) Tabled until next meeting so that Melissa Bianconi can be present for the discussion, 8. Subcommittee Reports a) Areas & Facilities — W Martin, V Wilkins, D Scutt i) We had our first meeting and went to the joint Town/Village meeting. We discussed what kinds of things we would like to see in the parks. Prior to that, we thought we would look at what is available right now in the various areas — Freeville, Etna, Dryden, etc, ii) There are three students who are meeting with the Rec Dept to interview them. Come up with a list of spaces that need to be looked at, split the list and do an inventory of the spaces and what is available in each of these spaces. Assessing means looking at physical and social inclusion, The physical includes things like measuring the distance from the parking lot to the facility —ease of accessibility. The social includes things like how mission statements are worded (being inclusive), what accommodations are made to program to include people of various ages, etc. iii) The assessment by these students is just the first step. www.nysirrc,org is where the student assessment information will be housed. This information is being collected statewide to help the public prepare for using these locations. iv) The committee will go further and collect details such as what facilities (tables, bathrooms, ball field, etc.) are available at each of the sites. A future goal is to have conversations similar to those about Montgomery Park about other parks as well such as those in Freeville, Etna, Ellis Hollow, etc. On March 4'", Vickie and Wendy are going to start their visits. b) Programs — E Hicks, B Downs, M Knight, E Gutchess I) No meeting yet. ii) Dryden Lake Festival — M Knight (1) Name changed from Old Home Days to Dryden Lake Festival (2) Date to be held August 14'" — it will only be a one -day event this year (3) M Knight and D Schmohe will co -chair the event this year (4) Will be centralizing the theme around the lake this year — still in the brainstorming phase (5) For insurance reasons, discussion has come up on whether this should be a town owned event for now. (6) The Village is putting some funds towards the event this year as well. c) Policies & Prooedures — S Todd i) No meeting yet. Discussed some topics this committee will address including a pricing policy and coach and officials hiring policy. 9. New Business a) DRC contact list— please email your contact information to D Scutt so that we can update this information 10. Next Meeting ,,,,Wednesday, March 24, 2010,7 pm, at the Dryden Community Caf6, committees will meet at 6:30 with the DRC meeting to follow 11. Adjournment — On a motion made by B Downs and seconded by S Todd, the meeting was adjourned unanimously at 8:20 pm. Respectfully Submitted Patty Millard, Recording Secretary