HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-18Dryden Recreation Commission Minutes of the November 18, 2009, Meeting Present: Melissa Bianconi, Elsie Gutchess, Larry Hinkle, Monica Knight, Dan Schmohe, Don Scutt, Steve Stelick, Jr., Sharon Todd Excused: Jason Leifer, Vicki Wilkins 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Recognition of Guests. Jessica Carpenter and many other guests accompanying her (coaches, parents, etc.) attended the first 50 minutes of the meeting to voice concerns regarding the youth football program. The Commission.listened to many folks express criticisms, support, andlor suggestions. It was emphasized that policies, procedures, and communication among the Rec. Dept., coaches, parents, and players need to be established or made much clearer. All guests were thanked for sharing their thoughts and ideas. Wendy Martin and Lisa Stelick remained as guests for the rest of the business meeting. 3, Minutes. A motion was made by D. Scutt, seconded by E. Hicks, to accept the minutes from the 10128/2009 meeting as corrected. The motion carried (unanimous), C. Recreation Department's Monthly Update. M. Bianconi presented the following updates: • Pad pation numbers. M. Bianconi distributed participation numbers for the year's programs via email. She noted that the numbers were good overall, with the exception of Water Wizards which she is contemplating opening up to middle schoolers next year. The Flag Cheer program was brought back with success after not being offered in 2008. • Current and new programs: Final banquets for youth were held and seemed more special due to strong parent booster club participation. The Mother /Son Fall Harvest Dance had 22 couples attend. The Dept, is in planning and registration mode for the next three weeks. Basketball is starting up and some issues with coaches and parents are being dealt with. The SUNY Youth Sports Institute philosophy is being used. Wrestling numbers are good —15 as of now — with registration ending Dec. 3. A. Pierce explained the background situation surrounding an email sent out regarding the youth football program; the situation was discussed. 5. Town Board Monthly Update. J. Leifer and S. Stelick presented the following updates: • W. Martin's appointment: Since only three Board members were present at the last meeting, action on DRC's recommendation to appoint W. Martin was tabled. • Master Plan: The combined recreation and open space master plan draft was submitted to the Board. 6. Dryden Central School District Liaison Monthly Update. L. Hinkle presented the following update: • Task Force: The first meeting of the Special Committee for Youth Development and Extracurricular Activities was held; two hours of brainstorming took place. The committee may need to meet more than once a month to meet their deadline of June for a final report. A 3- person sub - committee is drafting a survey to gather data from elementary school parents as well as middle and high school students. 7. Community Centers Monthly Update. M, Knight presented the following updates: • Vama: Barbara Lifton will attend the ceremony for the new generator on Nov. 23, • Dryden Community CaM: The chili cook -off went well. A Shakespeare program with the library is scheduled for Dec. 15. The tree lighting ceremony is coming up on Dec. 5. 8. Old Business. a. Piaster Recreationl0pen Space Plan: M, Bianconi noted that the document will not be a "cookie cutter' plan. The document she will send out will contain both maps and standards, By the end of January 2010, the Conservation Board, Planning Board, and Recreation Commission will help prioritize implementation strategies: public sessions will be a part of this process. 9. New Business. a. Review of 209: S. Todd asked members for their impressions of highlights for 2009. The following were suggested: filling the Community Center Representative position, Dryden Old Home Days, establishment of a recreation capital reserve fund by the Town Board, master plan, and working the SUNY Youth Sports • Institute. b. Goals for 2010.9 S. Todd noted that creation of a subcommittee on Youth Sports and pricing polities have come up as items to work on in 2010. A question was raised whether there were things ORC could do to help other programs not run by the Dept. D. Scutt distributed a "top ten list" of desired discussion issues for 2010. 10. 2010 (Membership. • Expirfna terms: S. Todd asked E, Hicks, E. Gutchess, and M. Knight to consider whether they wished to serve another term on DRC. M. Knight would like to continue as the Community Centers Representative for the 2010 year term; E. Hicks and E. Gutchess will inform S. Todd of their decisions regarding a second 3 -year term by December. S. Todd will forward that information to the Town Board prior to their next meeting. • (Nominations for Chair and Secretary. D. Schmohe nominated S. Todd to serve a second year as Chair; E. Hicks seconded, The motion carried with one abstention (M. Knight). Nominations for Secretary (whose responsibilities could include distributing minutes, writing correspondence, compiling membership contact information and attendance records, plus taking minutes in the absence of the Recording Secretary) were tabled until the January meeting when membership is known (i.e., those with expiring terms have submitted their decisions and been approved by the Town Board). • ORC membership expectations, auidetines/bv -laws, and communications Discussion of appropriate behavior and actions for commission members ensued. Members were reminded to refer to various documents for guidance (DRC Membership Guidelines /By -Laws, excerpt from meeting minutes of May 7, 2009, Local Laws, etc.), to think very carefully about what they do on behalf of the Commission (versus as a 'citizen" or as a "friend "), and to take utmost care in how they do it (i.e., follow guidelines and procedures), 11. The meeting was adjourned at 9;30 p.m. The next meeting will be held in January 2010 (time and place to be announced). Respectfully submitted, Sharon Todd DRC Chair